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Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 40: e37743, 20180000. ilus, map, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460842


The Mamanguape estuary, located in the Paraíba State (Brazil), hosts many traditional fishing communities and Amerindian villages whose use of the regional natural resources is fundamental to their cultural and physical survival. The aim was to register the traditional local knowledge about the different fish techniques, the influence of the dynamics of the natural environment on the activities of the blue land crab, and the relationships between the sizes of their dens and the sizes of the animals themselves. The only technique used to capture blue land crab is a trap called ‘mousetrap’. It was recorded different materials such as PET bottles, to build the traps. The fishermen stated that fruits are used as bait as well as sugar-cane and onions. The phases of the moon and the different tides do not significantly influence their activities as the crabs inhabit higher lands beyond the influence of normal tides. The knowledge documented here concerning the blue land crab demonstrated that these shell fish harvesters have a detailed understanding of their environment based on observations and empiricism that allows them to determine which techniques and strategies will increase their chances of capturing their prey and consequently guaranteeing their income.

O estuário do Rio Mamanguape, localizado no Estado da Paraíba (Brasil), é residência de diversas comunidades de pescadores tradicionais e povos indígenas que dependem dos recursos naturais para a sobrevivência física e cultural. O objetivo foi registrar o conhecimento tradicional local sobre as diferentes técnicas de captura do goiamum, a influência dos diferentes fatores ambientais sobre a atividade de captura, e outros fatores diversos como diferença entre machos e fêmeas e o tamanho das tocas. A técnica utilizada que permite a captura é a ratoeira, construída com diferentes materiais. As iscas são frutas, cana-de-açúcar ou cebola. As fases da lua não influenciam diretamente a atividade, já que o goiamum habita áreas acima da preamar. O conhecimento dos catadores registrado neste trabalho mostra um entendimento detalhado do ambiente e do animal, construído em empiricismo e observações, que permite determinar a melhor estratégia e técnica para aumentar o sucesso de captura do goiamum, consequentemente garantindo a renda familiar.

Animals , Brachyura , Hunting/analysis , Hunting/methods
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(supl.1): 139-149, Mar. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-657860


Quick, reliable and non destructive methods are necessary to estimate size structure on commercial land crabs, in order to acquire relevant information concerning the health of their populations. Cardisoma guanhumi and Ucides cordatus are two land crabs that are exploited at a high scale and also in an artisan way in the Caribbean area and in the coasts of Brazil, which populations are endangered due to uncontrolled exploitation. The purpose of this work is to provide various methods to estimate indirectly crab body size. Sampling was carried out in Carenero (C. guanhumi) and Cumaná (U. cordatus) (Venezuela). For each species, three methods were used to measure burrow diameter (Vernier, internal spring caliper and photograph), and these were correlated with real body size of the crabs. Model II linear regression analyzes, i.e. Ordinary Least Squares and Mayor Axis, were used to build and test the performance of forecasting models. Cardisoma guanhumi showed a high bivariate data dispersion using Vernier and photo measuring methods, increasing these towards larger animals. Less dispersion was achieved with the spring caliper method; this resulted in the most accurate measurements of indirectly estimated body size in C. guanhumi (r²= 0.61), whereas Vernier measurements were the least precise. On the other hand, all three methods gave reliable estimates for U. cordatus, being the Vernier method the most accurate (r²= 0.71). However, in both species, all forecasting equations overestimated the size of smaller crabs (those below the mean) but underestimated the size of larger crabs. Nevertheless, all three methods were statistically significant for each of the species, and looking at the above mentioned underand overestimations, they can serve as reliable and fast non-destructive tools to be used by resource managers and field biologists to acquire size structure information concerning these two species. Vernier and internal spring caliper ...

Para la estimación de la estructura de tamaños en cangrejos terrestres comerciales y la obtención de información relevante para su manejo, es necesario utilizar métodos rápidos, confiables y no destructivos. Cardisoma guanhumi y Ucides cordatus son dos cangrejos terrestres que son explotados comercialmente en el Caribe y en Brasil. El propósito de este trabajo es suministrar métodos indirectos para la estimación del tamaño del caparazón de los cangrejos y por consiguiente, de la estructura de tallas. Los muestreos se llevaron a cabo en Carenero (C. guanhumi) y en Cumaná (U. cordatus) (Venezuela). Se utilizaron tres métodos para estimar el diámetro de sus madrigueras: Vernier, compás y fotografía. Estos se correlacionaron con el tamaño real del cangrejo. Se aplicó el análisis de regresión Ordinary Least Squares Model II y la capacidad de predicción se probó utilizando el modelo II Mayor Axis para las regresiones. Cardisoma guanhumi mostró una fuerte dispersión de sus datos en los métodos de Vernier y fotografía. Menos dispersión se obtuvo con el método del compás y fue el más preciso (r²= 0.61). Para U. cordatus las medidas con Vernier fueron la más adecuadas (r²= 0.71). Sin embargo los tres métodos fueron confiables. Los diferentes métodos mostraron ventajas y desventajas y dependerá del que aplique los métodos, decidir cuál será el más adecuado para sus propósitos.

Astacoidea/anatomy & histology , Venezuela , Statistics as Topic