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Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 24(3): e20241635, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568885


Abstract: Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) is a family of medium size (7-17 mm) neotropical flies. The taxonomic status of the group has been debated but at present it is treated as a family with 53 extant species. Currently, 19 species are recorded in Central America and Mexico with, until now, only two species known from Honduras: Mesembrinella bicolor (Fabricius, 1805) and Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich, 1922). For this study, material from the Insect Collection at the Pan-American Agricultural School, Zamorano (EAPZ), was examined. Six species distributed in three genera were found to occur in Honduras. The genus Laneella and the species: Laneella fuscosquamataWhitworth, 2019, Laneella perisi (Mariluis, 1987), Mesembrinella nigrocoeruleaWhitworth, 2019, and Mesembrinella socors (Walker, 1861), are recorded for the country for the first time. All species are illustrated, and a map with the known distribution in Honduras is provided.

Resumen: Mesembrinellidae (Diptera: Oestroidea) es una familia de moscas neotropicales de tamaño mediano (7-17 mm). El estatus taxonómico del grupo ha sido objeto de debate, pero actualmente se considera como una familia con 53 especies. Hasta el momento, se han registrado 19 especies en Centroamérica y México con solo dos especies conocidas en Honduras: Mesembrinella bicolor (Fabricius, 1805) y Souzalopesiella facialis (Aldrich, 1922). En este estudio, se examinó el material de la Colección de Insectos de la Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, Zamorano (EAPZ). Se encontraron seis especies distribuidas en tres géneros en Honduras. Se registra por primera vez para el país el género Laneella y las especies Laneella fuscosquamataWhitworth, 2019, Laneella perisi (Mariluis, 1987), Mesembrinella nigrocoeruleaWhitworth, 2019, y Mesembrinella socors (Walker, 1861). Se ilustran todas las especies y se proporciona un mapa de distribución para las especies en Honduras.

CienciaUAT ; 18(1): 107-124, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513974


RESUMEN Las redes de tráfico humano para la prostitución captan a menores vulnerables, en especial, a quienes consideran no les queda otra opción que emigrar al norte para hacer frente a problemas económicos graves. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue establecer si el orden de nacimiento representó un factor de riesgo, asociado a la vulnerabilidad para la trata sexual de menores centroamericanas, traficadas a Estados Unidos. Las entrevistadas mostraban vulnerabilidades vinculadas con estructuras sociales y conductas individuales. Por una parte, todas crecieron en hogares caracterizados por la pobreza extrema. Por otra parte, también presentaban vulnerabilidades relacionadas con el embarazo adolescente, la falta de educación, la disfuncionalidad familiar y la participación en mercados ilegales. Ocupar el primer lugar en orden de nacimiento eleva la vulnerabilidad de las menores a ser traficadas a Estados Unidos para el comercio sexual. Por el contrario, ocupar el último lugar disminuye este riesgo.

ABSTRACT Human trafficking networks for prostitution recruit vulnerable underage girls, especially those who are considered with no choice but to migrate north to cope with serious economic problems. The aim of this work was to determine if birth order represented a risk factor associated to the vulnerability for sex trafficking of Central American female minors. The interviewees presented vulnerabilities associated to social structures and individual behaviors. On the one hand, all of them grew up in house holds characterized by extreme poverty. On the other hand, they also had vulnerabilities related to teenage pregnancy, lack of education, family dysfunction and participation in illegal markets. Findings suggest that occupying the first place in the order of birth raises the vulnerability of minors to being trafficked to the United States for sex trade. On the contrary, occupying the last place decreases this risk.

Rev. biol. trop ; 71(1)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514958


Introducción: Los estudios de coral negro en Centroamérica son escasos. No se ha publicado nada sobre las especies, hábitats, distribución e importancia del coral negro de El Salvador. A pesar de que Antipathes ha sido reportado como uno de los géneros de coral que ha sucumbido a la presión antrópica. Objetivos: Identificar las especies de corales negros en Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, y caracterizar cualitativamente la abundancia y el tamaño de las colonias; e identificar las especies epibiontes más conspicuas en las colonias. Métodos: Se realizó censo visual con buceo para la caracterización cualitativa y fotografías submarinas para el registro de especies epibiontes en seis puntos de Los Cóbanos, entre diciembre de 2021 y febrero de 2022, asimismo para caracterizar tamaño de las colonias y abundancia. Resultados: Se realizo el primer informe de bosques de coral negro en El Salvador, construidos por dos especies: Myriopathes panamensis y Antipathes galapagensis. También, reportamos por primera vez la presencia de M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus y Amphiodia sp. Encontramos afectaciones de origen antrópico, como desechos marinos y daños a las colonias por anclas. Conclusiones: Es necesario establecer esfuerzos para conocer la fauna de la zona mesofótica, principalmente en ecosistemas marinos vulnerables de bosques de coral negro y jardines de gorgonias. Existe un potencial importante, y los datos ayudarán a superar las brechas de información en la región, permitiendo mejores medidas de conservación.

Introduction: Black coral studies in Central America are scarce. Even though Antipathes has been reported as one of the coral genera that has succumbed to anthropic pressure, publications haven't been made on El Salvador black coral species, habitats, distribution, and importance. Objective: To identify the species of black corals in Los Cóbanos, El Salvador, and qualitatively characterize the abundance and size of the colonies; and to identify the most conspicuous epibiont species in the colonies. Methods: Visual census with SCUBA diving for qualitative characterization and underwater photographs were taken for the registration of epibiont species in six points of Los Cóbanos, between December 2021 to February 2022 and six to characterize size of the colonies and abundance. Results: The first report of black coral forests in El Salvador was made, constructed by two species: Myriopathes panamensis and Antipathes galapagensis. We also reported, for first time, the occurrence of M. panamensis, Pacifigorgia senta, Heterogorgia verrucosa, Eugorgia mutabilis, Nemathus californicus and Amphiodia sp. We found disturbances of anthropic origin, such as marine debris and damage to the colonies by anchors. Conclusions: It is necessary to establish efforts towards the knowledge of the fauna of mesophotic zones, mainly in vulnerable marine ecosystems of black coral forests and gorgonian gardens. There is an important potential, and data will help overcome information gaps in the region, allowing for better conservation measures.

Animals , Ecosystem , Coral Reefs , El Salvador
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 40(4): 413-422, oct.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560387


RESUMEN Objetivo. Identificar las áreas de mayor concentración de accidentes de tránsito y lesionados en el Área Metropolitana de San Salvador (AMSS). Materiales y métodos. Los accidentes de tránsito se analizaron espacialmente mediante la ubicación puntual y por la sumatoria de eventos en áreas de 200 m2. La ubicación puntual se analizó mediante «análisis de vecinos más cercanos¼, mientras que las áreas con la sumatoria de accidentes de tránsito se analizaron mediante Gi* de Getis-Ord para obtener los puntos calientes. Los puntos calientes resultantes con mayor concentración de accidentes de tránsito en el AMSS se evaluaron en campo mediante un formulario de observación de las características de infraestructura y seguridad vial. Resultados. Al analizar 8191 accidentes de tránsito reportados entre 2014‒2018, se identificaron cinco áreas con mayor cantidad de accidentes de tránsito y lesionados, principalmente sobre vías primarias. Conclusión. Los sitios de mayor concentración de accidentes de tránsito y lesionados se caracterizan por una infraestructura vial con daños considerables y falta de sistemas de seguridad para conductores y peatones. El análisis espacial de los accidentes de tránsito y lesionados puede contribuir a mejorar la vigilancia y seguridad vial en el AMSS.

ABSTRACT Objective. This study aimed to identify the areas with the highest concentration of traffic accidents and injuries in the San Salvador Metropolitan Area (SSMA). Materials and methods. Traffic accidents were analyzed spatially by point location and by the sum of events in areas of 200 m2. The point location was analyzed by "nearest neighbor analysis", while the areas with the sum of traffic accidents were analyzed by Getis-Ord Gi* to obtain the hot spots. The resulting hot spots with the highest concentration of traffic accidents in the SSMA were evaluated in the field using an observation form to collect data on infrastructure and road safety characteristics. Results. Five areas with the highest number of traffic accidents and injuries, mainly containing primary roads, were identified by analyzing 8191 traffic accidents reported between 2014-2018. Conclusion. The sites with the highest concentration of traffic accidents and injuries were characterized by considerably damaged road infrastructure and the lack of safety systems for drivers and pedestrians. The spatial analysis of traffic accidents and injuries can contribute to improve surveillance and road safety in the SSMA.

Humans , Male , Female , Geographic Information Systems , Accident Prevention
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 73(3): 233-250, sept 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1518901


La región latinoamericana ha sido pionera en la implementación del etiquetado frontal de advertencia nutricional (EFAN), mismo que ha demostrado su eficacia y efectividad para identificar correctamente cuando un producto contiene cantidades excesivas de nutrientes asociados a Enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT). Sin embargo, ningún país del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA); que incluye a Belice, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panamá y República Dominicana, lo ha adoptado. Por esta razón, el Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá, convocó a un grupo de expertos de la academia y la sociedad civil con el objetivo de establecer una postura técnica, basada en la mejor evidencia científica, en relación al etiquetado frontal para los nutrientes críticos de alimentos y bebidas pre- envasados en la región centroamericana. Se presenta evidencia específica de la región del SICA que demuestran la superioridad del EFAN frente a otros etiquetados como las Guías Diarias de Alimentación (GDA), el semáforo y el Nutriscore para seleccionar opciones más saludables. Dentro del marco de los derechos de la niñez y de los consumidores, se brindan argumentos y se hace un llamado a los gobiernos para la pronta adopción del EFAN como una política costo-efectiva para la prevención de ENT. Además, se proveen recomendaciones para su monitoreo y evaluación, así como recomendaciones de otras políticas costo-efectivas como la regulación de la publicidad de alimentos no saludables dirigido a la niñez y adolescencia, entre otros, para la prevención de las ENT y la creación de ambientes y sistemas alimentarios más saludables y sostenibles(AU)

The Latin American region has been a pioneer in the implementation of a front- of-pack warning labeling system (FOPWL), which has demonstrated its efficacy and effectiveness in correctly identifying when a product contains excessive amounts of nutrients associated with Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). However, countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA); which includes Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic, have no adopted it. For this reason, the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama convened a group of experts from academia and civil society with the aim of establishing an evidence-based technical position, in relation to front-of-pack labelling for critical nutrients of pre-packaged foods and beverages in the Central American region. Specific evidence from the SICA region demonstrating the superiority of FOPWL over other labels such as the Guideline Daily Amount (GDA), the traffic light and Nutriscore to select healthier choices is presented. Within the framework of children's and consumer rights, arguments are provided, and a call is made to governments for the prompt adoption of FOPWL as a cost-effective policy for the prevention of NCDs. In addition, recommendations for its monitoring and evaluation are provided, as well as recommendations for other cost-effective policies such as the regulation of unhealthy food advertising aimed at children and adolescents, among others, for the prevention of NCDs and the creation ofhealthier and more sustainable environments and food systems(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Eating , Food Labeling , Noncommunicable Diseases , Food, Processed , Cardiovascular Diseases , Overnutrition , Diabetes Mellitus , Hypertension , Obesity
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e145, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522108


ABSTRACT In Central America, childhood cancer is one of the leading causes of death. It is also a significant disease burden to health systems, with social and economic implications for families. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Executive Secretary of the Council of Ministers of Health of Central America and the Dominican Republic (SE-COMISCA), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and St Jude Children's Research Hospital are working collaboratively to strengthen the health system's response to childhood cancer in Central America and the Dominican Republic. This collaboration's primary objective is to support the development of national pediatric cancer plans for each country in the subregion and improve overall survival rates and quality of care for children with cancer through a more comprehensive universal health coverage package. This collaborative effort has led to: (i) the development of childhood cancer national action plans; (ii) the launch of awareness and promotion campaigns; (iii) the design of childhood cancer educational material for children and their families; and (iv) a platform for professionals working in childhood cancer to share good practices and successful experiences. The countries of the subregion together with PAHO and St Jude Children's Research Hospital are working to develop standardized evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on childhood cancer for the region. This brief communication reports on this collaborative work.

RESUMEN En Centroamérica, el cáncer infantil es una de las principales causas de muerte. La enfermedad también supone una carga considerable para los sistemas de salud y tiene implicaciones sociales y económicas para las familias. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), la Secretaría Ejecutiva del Consejo de Ministros de Salud de Centroamérica y República Dominicana (SE-COMISCA), la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) y el St Jude Children's Research Hospital están trabajando conjuntamente para fortalecer la respuesta de los sistemas de salud frente al cáncer infantil en Centroamérica y República Dominicana. El objetivo principal de esta colaboración es respaldar la elaboración de un plan nacional sobre el cáncer pediátrico para cada país de la subregión y mejorar las tasas de supervivencia global y la calidad de la atención que se presta a la población infantil con cáncer mediante un programa más completo de cobertura universal de salud. Este esfuerzo de colaboración ha dado lugar a: a) la elaboración de planes de acción nacionales sobre el cáncer infantil; b) la puesta en marcha de campañas de concientización y promoción; c) el diseño de materiales educativos sobre el cáncer en la infancia para la población infantil y sus familias; y d) una plataforma para que los profesionales que trabajan en cáncer infantil intercambien buenas prácticas y experiencias exitosas. Los países de la subregión, junto con la OPS y el St Jude Children's Research Hospital, están trabajando en la elaboración para Centroamérica de unas directrices de práctica clínica sobre cáncer infantil que estén estandarizadas y basadas en la evidencia.

RESUMO Na América Central, o câncer infantil é uma das principais causas de morte. O câncer também representa uma carga importante de doença para os sistemas de saúde, com implicações sociais e econômicas para as famílias. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), a Secretaria Executiva do Conselho de Ministros da Saúde da América Central e da República Dominicana (SE-COMISCA), a Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde (OPAS) e o St Jude Children's Research Hospital estão trabalhando em colaboração para fortalecer a resposta do sistema de saúde ao câncer infantil na América Central e na República Dominicana. O principal objetivo dessa colaboração é apoiar o desenvolvimento de planos nacionais para o câncer pediátrico em cada país da sub-região e melhorar as taxas gerais de sobrevida e a qualidade do atendimento a crianças com câncer por meio de um pacote mais abrangente de cobertura universal de saúde. Os resultados desse esforço colaborativo foram: a) desenvolvimento de planos de ação nacionais para o câncer infantil; b) lançamento de campanhas de conscientização e promoção; c) criação de material educativo sobre o câncer infantil para as crianças e suas famílias; e d) uma plataforma para que os profissionais que trabalham com câncer infantil compartilhem boas práticas e experiências bem-sucedidas. Os países da sub-região, juntamente com a OPAS e o St Jude Children's Research Hospital, estão trabalhando para desenvolver diretrizes regionais de prática clínica para o câncer infantil padronizadas e baseadas em evidências.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0245, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449684


Abstract Given the lack of studies focused on Honduran domestic workers abroad, this article aims to characterize Honduran women living in the U.S. employed in domestic occupations. For this purpose, I employed survey data on women living in five American states, and calculated descriptive and inferential statistics. Furthermore, I employed binary logistic regression modeling to analyze the determinants of domestic work participation. When compared with all other occupations, domestic female workers of Honduran origin present significant differences in age, number of dependents, asset ownership, savings, income, and bank account ownership. Similarly, age (95% CI 0.92-2.63, p = 0.94), savings (95% CI 0.01-0.97, p = 0.047), account ownership in Honduras (95% CI 0.88-71.05, p = 0.064), monthly income (95% CI 0.99-1.00, p = 0.096), and social security (95% CI 0.02-1.29, p = 0.086) seem to be the key determinants explaining domestic work participation. Engaging and promoting compliance with international legal instruments might provide a means to consolidate the rights of these populations. The article concludes by highlighting future lines of research regarding the migration and rights of Honduras and Central American women living in the U.S.

Resumo Em função da escassa literatura sobre o tema, o presente artigo visa caracterizar as mulheres hondurenhas empregadas em ocupações domésticas nos Estados Unidos. Com esse objetivo, empregam-se questionários preenchidos por mulheres morando em cinco estados desse país norte-americano. Para realizar tal caracterização, é utilizada estatística descritiva e inferencial. Adicionalmente, emprega-se regressão logística para analisar os determinantes da participação em empregos domésticos. Quando comparadas com todas as outras ocupações, as mulheres hondurenhas fazendo trabalhos domésticos possuem diferenças em termos de idade, número de dependentes, posse de bens, poupanças e existência de conta bancária. Similarmente, a análise dos determinantes estatísticos mostra que variáveis significativas incluem idade (95% IC 0,92-2,63 p = 0.94), poupanças (95% IC 0,01-0,97, p = 0.047), existência de conta bancária (95% IC 0,88-71,05, p = 0.064), renda mensal (95% IC 0,99-1.00, p = 0.096) e contribuição à previdência social (95% IC 0,02-1,29 p = 0.086). Promover a adoção de instrumentos de direito internacional pode representar uma alternativa para fomentar os direitos humanos desse grupo de pessoas. O artigo finaliza ressaltando possíveis linhas de pesquisa relacionadas à migração de mulheres hondurenhas e da América Central morando nos Estados Unidos.

Resumen En vista de la escasa literatura centrada en trabajadoras domésticas hondureñas en el extranjero, el presente artículo busca caracterizar a mujeres hondureñas empleadas en ocupaciones domésticas en Estados Unidos. Para ello, se utilizan encuestas aplicadas a mujeres hondureñas que viven en cinco estados del país norteamericano y se emplea estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Adicionalmente, se usa una regresión logística para analizar los determinantes de la participación en empleos domésticos. Cuando se compara con todas las otras ocupaciones, las mujeres hondureñas que trabajan en este rubro presentan diferencias en edad, número de dependientes, posesión de bienes, ahorros y posesión de cuenta bancaria. Similarmente, el análisis de determinantes muestra las variables significativas que incluyen edad (95 % IC 0,92-2,63 p= 0,94), ahorros (95 % IC 0,01-0,97, p= 0,047), cuenta bancaria (95 % IC 0,88-71,05, p= 0,064), ingreso mensual (95 % IC 0,99-1,00, p= 0,096) y seguro social (95 % IC 0,02-1,29 p= 0,086). Promover la adopción de instrumentos de derecho internacional puede ser una alternativa para fomentar los derechos humanos de esta población. El artículo termina mostrando líneas de investigación sobre migración para mujeres hondureñas y centroamericanas viviendo en Estados Unidos.

Humans , Surveys and Questionnaires , Working Conditions , Household Work , United States , Women , Honduras , Occupational Groups
Rev. biol. trop ; 70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1407245


Resumen Introducción: El Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica es una región diversa y productiva; sin embargo, tenemos un escaso conocimiento sobre el estado de los recursos marinos y la dinámica pesquera, particularmente de la pesca artesanal en el Golfo de Santa Elena, uno de los principales caladeros de la zona. Objetivo: Caracterizar la dinámica de esta pesquería. Métodos: Se analizaron los datos recopilados por el Instituto Costarricense de Pesca y Acuicultura y las facturas pesqueras de los sitios de desembarque para el período 2010-2019. Resultados: Hubo una alta variación en la biomasa desembarcada, sin embargo, la captura total por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE; kg/día) y de las principales especies objetivo no disminuyó significativamente. En general, hubo una CPUE más baja en los meses de surgencia (diciembre-abril). De las 42 especies comerciales reportadas, la mayor biomasa provino del pargo mancha (Lutjanus guttatus; 22 % de la biomasa), el pargo seda (L. peru; 18 %), las cabrillas (Epinephelus spp.; 15 %) y el pulpo (Octopus spp., 13 %). Conclusiones: La CPUE en Santa Elena no ha disminuido significativamente de 2010 a 2019, pero disminuye en la época de surgencia.

Abstract Introduction: The North Pacific of Costa Rica is a diverse and productive region; however, we have a poor understanding of the status of marine resources and fisheries dynamics, particularly for the artisanal fishery in the Gulf of Santa Elena, one of the main fishing grounds of the area. Objective: To characterize the dynamics of this fishery. Methods: We analyzed data collected by the Instituto Costarricense de Pesca y Acuicultura, and sales invoices from landing sites for the period 2010-2019. Results: There was high variation in the landed biomass, however, total catch per unit effort (CPUE; kg/day) and of the main targeted species did not decrease significantly. Overall, there was a lower CPUE in upwelling months (December-April). For the 42 commercial species reported, most biomass was from the spotted rose snapper (Lutjanus guttatus; 22 % of biomass), the Pacific red snapper (L. peru; 18 %), groupers (Epinephelus spp.; 15 %) and octopuses (Octopus spp., 13 %). Conclusions: CPUE at Santa Elena has not declined significantly from 2010 to 2019, but it falls in the upwelling season.

Animals , Fishing Industry , Spatio-Temporal Analysis , Costa Rica
Frontiers in Tropical Diseaes ; 3: 1-14, 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1566611


Despite successes in reducing transmission, Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) remains the greatest economic burden of any parasitic disease in Latin America afflicting mostly the poor and further contributing to poverty. We review a long-term (2001-2022), integrated Ecohealth approach that addresses sustainable development goals to reduce risk of Chagas transmission by the main native vector in Central America, Triatoma dimidiata, s.l. The basis of the Ecohealth intervention was the identification of the risk factors for house infestation, an understanding of and collaboration with local communities, and genetic and proteomic studies that revealed the epidemiology and mechanisms of the rapid reinfestation seen following insecticide application. We review the development of this approach from a pilot project in two Guatemalan villages, to an expanded initiative across three countries with vastly different ecology, cultures, and municipal organization, and finally development of a multi-institutional, large-scale project to develop a strategy to tackle the remaining hot spots in Central America. This integrated Ecohealth approach resulted in reduced risk of transmission as measured by a sustained decrease in house infestation without further use of insecticides, a reduction in vectors with human blood meals and the Chagas parasite, as well as other health and economic benefits. We discuss lessons learned and how this approach could be applied to other vector-borne diseases.

Triatoma , Trypanosoma cruzi , Central America , Chagas Disease , Vector Control of Diseases , Sustainable Development
Acta trop. ; 225(106157): 1-10, 2022.
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1562171


The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has defined Chagas Disease hotspots in Central America associated with the vector Triatoma spp. Triatoma dimidiata is a native vector adapted to multiple environments, including intra-domestic and peri-domestic habitats. A multi-institutional project named "Alliances for the elimination of Chagas in Central America" was created to help reduce the incidence of the disease in the region. Activities performed in the field as part of the project included aspects of vector surveillance and control, improvement of houses, diagnosis and treatment of individuals, health promotion, training of human resources and identification of access barriers to diagnosis and treatment. As a base line study, eleven villages, comprised of 1,572 households, were entomologically evaluated (83.4% overall participation); five were found to have very high infestation rates (>20%), three had high infestation rates (8-20%) and three had low-infestation rates (<8%), coinciding with the category of infestation-risk of the houses within each village. Serological tests were carried out in 812 people (>80% participation) in two of the 11 villages and none of the 128 children tested, less than 5 years of age, were positive for Trypanosoma cruzi infection. Community participation in all the activities was high (>70%). The collaboration between several subnational, national, and international institutions, each with specific roles, promoted community participation in the activities of vector control and patient care, thus, establishing a baseline to continue implementing and monitoring project progress.

Central America , Chagas Disease , Community Participation , Vector Control of Diseases , Disease Vectors
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 117: e220162, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422144


BACKGROUND Costa Rica has a history of neglecting prevention, control and research of leishmaniasis, including limited understanding on Leishmania species causing human disease across the country and a complete lack of knowledge on the Leishmania RNA virus, described as a factor linked to the worsening and metastasis of leishmanial lesions. OBJECTIVES The aim of this work was to describe a case of cutaneous leishmaniasis by Leishmania (Viannia) guyanensis, bearing infection with Leishmaniavirus 1 (LRV1) in Costa Rica, raising the suspicion of imported parasites in the region. METHODS The Leishmania strain was previously identified by routine hsp70 polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) in Costa Rica and subsequently characterised by isoenzyme electrophoresis and Sanger sequencing in Brazil. Screening for LRV1 was conducted with a dual RT-PCR approach and sequencing of the fragment obtained. FINDINGS Since 2016 Costa Rica performs Leishmania isolation and typing as part of its epidemiological surveillance activities. Amongst 113 strains typed until 2019, only one was characterised as a L. (V.) guyanensis, corresponding to the first confirmed report of this species in the country. Interestingly, the same strain tested positive for LRV1. Sequencing of the viral orf1 and 2, clustered this sample with other LRV1 genotypes of South American origin, from the Northeast of Brazil and French Guiana. MAIN CONCLUSION The unique characteristics of this finding raised the suspicion that it was not an autochthonous strain. Notwithstanding its presumed origin, this report points to the occurrence of said endosymbiont in Central American Leishmania strains. The possibility of its local dispersion represents one more challenge faced by regional health authorities in preventing and controlling leishmaniasis.

Rev. panam. salud pública ; 46: e209, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450202


ABSTRACT Objective. This study sought to quantify the prevalence of food insecurity among Salvadorian households, to identify the determinants of food insecurity and to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food insecurity. Methods. A nationwide, representative random sample of 2358 households was used for this cross-sectional study. The Household Hunger Scale (HHS) was used to assess the prevalence of food insecurity during a 30-day period. For comparison, three items were used from the Household Food Insecurity Experience Scale (HFIES), which measures hunger occurring during a 12-month time frame. For determinant analysis, binary logistic regression was used for the HHS and ordered logistic regression for the HFIES. Results. The prevalence of food insecurity was 6.45% (152/2356) among Salvadorian households when the HHS was used, affecting 5.48% (129/2356) to a moderate degree and 0.98% (23/2356) to a severe degree. The prevalence significantly increased when the HFIES scale items were used, with 35.41% (835/2358) of households being affected, a figure closer to the national poverty level. Determinants of food insecurity according to the HHS included agricultural problems (P = 0.00, odds ratio [OR] =1.69), the household's prepandemic income (P = 0.00, OR = 0.48) and higher educational levels (i.e. having a secondary education [P = 0.00, OR = 0.31], technical [P = 0.03, OR = 0.24] or university education [P = 0.00, OR = 0.05]). When using the HFIES, the determinants were similar (i.e. income, agricultural problems, educational level). In more than 94% (744/785) of households, participants reported that food insecurity was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions. When compared with other relevant international studies, the prevalence of food insecurity identified using the HHS - only 6.45% - was low for El Salvador. However, when using the HFIES scale, the prevalence rose to 35.41% of households. Some determinants align with previous studies, namely income, educational level and agricultural problems. The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to have direct effects on food insecurity

RESUMEN Objetivo. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo cuantificar la prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria en los hogares salvadoreños, determinar cuáles son los determinantes de la inseguridad alimentaria y explorar los efectos de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la inseguridad alimentaria. Métodos. En este estudio transversal se utilizó una muestra aleatoria representativa a nivel nacional de 2 358 hogares. Se empleó la escala del hambre en el hogar (HHS, por su sigla en inglés) para evaluar la prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria en un período de 30 días. Para la comparación, se utilizaron tres indicadores de la escala de experiencia de inseguridad alimentaria en el hogar (HFIES, por su sigla en inglés), que mide el hambre durante un período de 12 meses. Para el análisis de los determinantes, se empleó la regresión logística binaria para HHS y la regresión logística ordenada para HFIES. Resultados. La prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria fue de 6,45% (152/2356) en los hogares salvadoreños al emplearse HHS, y afectó moderadamente a 5,48% (129/2356) y gravemente a 0,98% (23/2356). La prevalencia aumentó de forma considerable al utilizarse los indicadores de HFIES, con 35,41% (835/2358) de los hogares afectados, una cifra más cercana al nivel nacional de pobreza. Los determinantes de la inseguridad alimentaria según HHS incluyeron problemas agrícolas (P = 0,00, razón de posibilidades [OR] = 1,69), los ingresos familiares previos a la pandemia (P = 0,00, OR = 0,48) y niveles educativos superiores (educación secundaria [P = 0,00, OR = 0,31], formación técnica [P = 0,03, OR = 0,24] o universitaria [P = 0,00, OR = 0,05]). Con HFIES, los determinantes fueron similares (ingresos, problemas agrícolas, nivel educativo). En más de 94% (744/785) de los hogares, los participantes notificaron que la inseguridad alimentaria se agravó por la pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusiones. En comparación con otros estudios internacionales pertinentes, la prevalencia de la inseguridad alimentaria mediante HHS -de solo 6,45%- fue baja en El Salvador. Sin embargo, al utilizar HFIES, la prevalencia aumentó a 35,41% de los hogares. Algunos determinantes coinciden con estudios anteriores, como los ingresos, el nivel educativo y los problemas agrícolas. La pandemia de COVID-19 parece tener un impacto directo en la inseguridad alimentaria.

RESUMO Objetivo. Este estudo procurou quantificar a prevalência de insegurança alimentar entre as famílias salvadorenhas, identificar os determinantes de insegurança alimentar e explorar o impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 sobre a insegurança alimentar. Métodos. Este estudo transversal foi realizado com uma amostra representativa nacional randomizada de 2358 domicílios. Usou-se a Household Hunger Scale (HHS) [escala de fome domiciliar] para avaliar a prevalência de insegurança alimentar durante um período de 30 dias. Para fins de comparação, usaram-se três itens da Household Food Insecurity Experience Scale (HFIES) [escala de experiência de insegurança alimentar domiciliar], que mede a fome durante um período de 12 meses. Para a análise de determinantes, usou-se a regressão logística binária com a HHS e a regressão logística ordenada com a HFIES. Resultados. A prevalência de insegurança alimentar nos domicílios salvadorenhos medida com a HHS foi de 6,45% (152/2356), sendo moderada em 5,48% (129/2356) e grave em 0,98% (23/2356). Quando se usaram os itens da HFIES, a prevalência aumentou consideravelmente, com 35,41% (835/2358) dos domicílios afetados - um número mais próximo do nível nacional de pobreza. Entre os determinantes da insegurança alimentar, de acordo com a HHS, estavam os problemas agrícolas (P = 0,00, razão de chances [RC] = 1,69), a renda familiar pré-pandemia (P = 0,00, RC = 0,48) e a maior escolaridade (ou seja, educação secundária [P = 0,00, RC = 0,31], técnica [P = 0,03, RC = 0,24] ou universitária [P = 0,00, RC = 0,05]). Com a HFIES, os determinantes foram semelhantes (ou seja, renda, problemas agrícolas e escolaridade). Em mais de 94% (744/785) dos domicílios, os participantes relataram exacerbação da insegurança alimentar pela pandemia de COVID-19. Conclusões. Em comparação com outros estudos internacionais pertinentes, a prevalência de insegurança alimentar identificada com uso da HHS - somente 6,45% - foi baixa em El Salvador. Entretanto, quando se usou a HFIES, a prevalência aumentou para 35,41% dos domicílios. Alguns determinantes coincidem com os de estudos anteriores, a saber, renda, escolaridade e problemas agrícolas. Aparentemente, a pandemia de COVID-19 teve efeitos diretos sobre a insegurança alimentar.

Rev. cient. cult ; 30(1)11 de septiembre 2021.
Article in Spanish, English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293340


: El conocimiento de la biodiversidad de una región es fundamental para dirigir su conservación y manejo. La biogeografía y la evolución nos guían conceptualmente para estudiar la vida en un continuo espacial y temporal. El continuo espacial y temporal del que forma parte la biodiversidad de Guatemala, al ser parte del Istmo Centroamericano, determina características únicas. Asimismo, la historia geológica y climática de Guatemala ha generado una topografía compleja con múltiples tipos de ambientes, los cuales han sido dinámicos a lo largo del tiempo. Todo esto resulta en la presencia de un ensamble de linajes con ancestros que provinieron del norte o del sur, además de clados que han diversificado in situ. Aunque la biodiversidad del país aún es extensamente desconocida, el auge de la aplicación de herramientas moleculares abre las puertas para descubrir la rica diversidad genética de la biota de Guatemala. Nos permite también conocer más de su historia biogeográfica y evolutiva y avanzar del estudio de patrones al estudio de los procesos que generan y mantienen la biodiversidad local y regional. La investigación científica en estos temas es indispensable para que nos demos cuenta que la biodiversidad de Guatemala y del norte de Centroamérica es más rica de lo que podemos imaginar.

Knowledge of the biodiversity of a region is essential to guide its conservation and management. Biogeography and evolution guide us conceptually to study life in a spatial and temporal continuum. The spatial and temporal continuum that the biodiversity of Guatemala is embedded in, as part of the Central American Isthmus, determines unique characteristics. Likewise, the geological and climatic history of Guatemala has generated a complex topography with multiple types of environments, which have been dynamic over time. The result is an assemblage of lineages with ancestors that came from the north or the south, as well as clades that diversified in in situ conditions. Although the biodiversity of the country is still largely unknown, the rise of the application of molecular tools opens the doors to discover the rich genetic diversity of the biota of Guatemala. It also allows us to learn more about its biogeographic and evolutionary history and move from the study of patterns to the study of processes that generate and maintain local and regional biodiversity. Scientific research on these topicsis essential for us to realize that the biodiversity of Guatemala and northern Central America is richer than we can imagine.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 81(2): 154-158, June 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287265


Resumen La enfermedad de Chagas es endémica en América Latina y sigue siendo un problema regional a pesar de que su frecuencia ha disminuido gracias a importantes avances en salud ambiental. Para determinar su frecuencia en pacientes con enfermedades miocárdicas de El Salvador, se llevó a cabo una in vestigación observacional retrospectiva en nuestro hospital que es un centro de referencia de nivel nacional. Se revisó el registro del Laboratorio de Chagas en el período 2013-2015 para conocer cuántos individuos internados en la Unidad Cardiológica eran positivos por serología para infección chagásica y cuáles fueron sus diagnósticos. Se realizó un total de 1472 pruebas a pacientes individuales durante los 36 meses del período de estudio. De los 557 pacientes con serología positiva para Chagas, 97 (17.4%) fueron eventualmente hospitalizados en la Unidad Cardiológica. A su vez, estos 97 pacientes representaron el 33.7% de los 288 pacientes con cardiopatías. Entre los 97 con cardiopatía chagásica, 40 (41.2%) cumplieron criterios para colocación de marcapaso permanente, mientras que solo 13 de 191 (6.8%) enfermos con cardiopatías no chagásicas cumplieron esos criterios. La frecuencia de bloqueos auriculoventriculares asociados a infección por Trypanosoma cruzi resultó mucho mayor que las publicadas en estudios previos realizados en Sudamérica.

Abstract Chagas disease is endemic in Latin America and remains a regional problem despite improvements in en vironmental health conditions that have helped to control its transmission. To know more about its prevalence in heart disease patients, we carried out a survey in our national (El Salvador) reference hospital. We reviewed the Chagas Lab´s records 2013-2015 to find out how many of the patients admitted to the Hospital´s Heart Unit were serologically positives for Trypanosoma cruzi infection and which the associated diagnoses were. A total of 1472 patients were tested along the 36-month study period. Out of 557 (37.8%) patients with positive serology for Chagas infection, 97 (17.4%) were eventually admitted to the Heart Unit. Among these 97 Chagas infected patients with heart disease, 40 (41.2%) met the criteria for permanent pacemaker placement, while only 13 of 191 (6.8%) patients with non-chagasic heart disease met these criteria. The frequency of heart atrioventricular block associated with Trypanosoma cruzi infection was higher than frequencies reported in South American studies.

Humans , Trypanosoma cruzi , Chagas Disease/diagnosis , Chagas Disease/epidemiology , Atrioventricular Block/etiology , Atrioventricular Block/epidemiology , El Salvador , Latin America
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507784


Introduction: Bahía Salinas, on the north Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is a seasonal upwelling area. Sea temperature in Bahía Salinas could be modulated by synoptic and other large-scale systems. This region belongs to the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC), a sub-region in the isthmus that is relatively drier than the rest of the territory, which extends along the Pacific littoral from western Guatemala through northern Costa Rica. Objective: To study the warm and cold events that could be inferred by studying the sea subsurface temperature in Bahía Salinas, and also analyzing the large-scale conditions and synoptic systems of the historical sources when they occurred in order to identify the atmospheric mechanisms that favored their appearance. Methods: A Sea Subsurface Temperature Index was calculated using hourly data from seven stations located at three different points in Bahía Salinas. Records range from June 19, 2003 to December 5, 2017. Additionally, six meteorological stations, with hourly wind records, were used to create two wind indices. The Sea Subsurface Temperature Index was used to identify the warmest and coldest events in the bay. Wind indices and monthly meteorological bulletins were used to analyze the large-scale conditions and synoptic systems in which cold and warm events occurred in Bahía Salinas. Results: Mean sea temperature in Bahía Salinas is 25.2°C. Colder temperatures were observed in February-March, below 21°C. There were two maxima in May-June and August-October with temperatures above 27°C. In four of the five cold events studied, Northeasterly wind anomalies were observed in the Costa Rican North Pacific, associated with trade wind reinforcements; meanwhile westerly anomalies were observed in all the warm events, associated with weaker trade wind conditions. Conclusions: The main seasonal climate driver in Bahía Salinas is the North Atlantic Subtropical High because its latitudinal migration is associated with the strength of the trade winds over Central America. Seasonal upwelling is modulated also by two synoptic scale climate features, the boreal winter arrival of cold front outbreaks and the winter maximum of the easterly Caribbean Low-Level Jet. El Niño-Southern Oscillation is also an important modulator of the sea temperature variability, since warm and cool events are related with positive and negative sea temperature anomalies.

Introducción: Bahía Salinas, en el Pacífico norte de Costa Rica, es un área de afloramiento estacional. La temperatura del mar en Bahía Salinas puede ser modulada por sistemas sinópticos de gran escala. Esta región pertenece al Corredor Seco Centroamericano (CSC), una subregión del istmo relativamente más seca que el resto del territorio, que se extiende a lo largo del litoral Pacífico desde el oeste de Guatemala hasta el norte de Costa Rica. Objetivo: Estudiar los eventos cálidos y fríos que se podrían inferir al estudiar la temperatura subsuperficial del mar en Bahía Salinas, y también analizar las condiciones y sistemas sinópticos a gran escala de las fuentes históricas en las que ocurrieron para identificar los mecanismos atmosféricos que favorecieron su desarrollo. Métodos: Se calculó un índice de temperatura subsuperficial del mar utilizando datos horarios de siete estaciones ubicadas en tres puntos diferentes en Bahía Salinas. Los registros van desde el 19 de junio de 2003 al 5 de diciembre de 2017. Además, se utilizaron seis estaciones meteorológicas, con registros de viento horario, para crear un índice de viento zonal y otro meridional. Se utilizó el índice de temperatura subsuperficial del mar para identificar los eventos más cálidos y más fríos en la bahía. Se utilizaron los índices de viento y boletines meteorológicos mensuales para analizar las condiciones y sistemas sinópticos a gran escala en los que se dieron los eventos fríos y cálidos en Bahía Salinas. Resultados: La temperatura media del mar en Bahía Salinas es de 25.2 °C. Se observaron temperaturas más frías en febrero-marzo, por debajo de los 21 °C. El ciclo anual presentó dos máximos en mayo-junio y agosto-octubre con temperaturas superiores a 27 °C. En cuatro de los cinco eventos fríos estudiados, se observaron anomalías de los vientos del noreste en el Pacífico Norte costarricense, asociadas a refuerzos de los vientos alisios; mientras tanto, se observaron anomalías del oeste en todos los eventos cálidos, asociadas con condiciones de vientos alisios más débiles. Conclusiones: El principal forzante climático en Bahía Salinas es la Alta Subtropical del Atlántico Norte ya que su migración latitudinal está asociada con la fuerza de los vientos alisios sobre América Central. La surgencia estacional está modulada también por dos características climáticas de escala sinóptica en el invierno boreal, la llegada de frentes fríos y el máximo de la Corriente en Chorro de Bajo Nivel del Caribe Oriental. El Niño-Oscilación del Sur también es un modulador importante de la variabilidad de la temperatura del mar, ya que los eventos cálidos y fríos están relacionados con anomalías positivas y negativas de la temperatura del mar.

Temperature , Climate Change/classification , Synoptic Chart , Central America , Costa Rica
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507783


Introduction: The family Carapidae includes about 40 species of marine fishes distributed in coastal habitats worldwide. The family includes some free-living species, however, most of them are found as commensal inquilines or parasites of marine invertebrates, including several echinoderm species. In the Eastern Tropical Pacific, the biology and host use of the representatives of the Carapidae is relatively poorly known. Objective: The present study reports the occurrence of the Star pearlfish Carapus mourlani within three previously unknown hosts in the region: the sea stars Nidorellia armata, Phataria unifascialis, and the sea cucumber Stichopus horrens. Some ecological implications and considerations regarding such symbiotic relationships are raised and discussed. Additional morphometric and meristic data for the fish and the echinoderms are also provided and discussed. Methods: Echinoderms were collected, from 25 localities along the North Pacific coast of Costa Rica, and were carefully examined searching for commensal/parasitic fishes. Echinoderms and fishes were identified and characterized in accordance with the specialized literature. Results: A total of 497 echinoderms, including about 60 species, were collected and examined. Commensal/parasitic fish (a single species represented by 13 specimens) were found in three echinoderm specimens/species. Conclusions: The list of echinoderm hosts for this carapid fish, through its whole distribution range, rises to 12 species (six sea stars and six sea cucumbers) and that could be a consequence of its wide geographic distribution, its generalist feeding habits and opportunistic commensal behavior.

Introducción: La familia Carapidae está compuesta por alrededor de 40 especies de peces marinos, presentes en hábitats costeros alrededor de todo el mundo. Se incluyen dentro de esta familia algunas especies de vida libre, no obstante, la mayoría de carápidos son inquilinos oportunistas o parásitos de algunos grupos de invertebrados marinos, incluyendo varias especies de equinodermos. En el Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO), se sabe relativamente poco sobre la biología de estos peces, así como de las diversas asociaciones existentes y de los hospederos utilizados. Objetivo: En este trabajo reportamos la ocurrencia del Pez perla estrella Carapus mourlani en tres nuevos hospederos: las estrellas de mar Nidorellia armata y Phataria unifascialis, y el pepino de mar Stichopus horrens. También se discuten algunas implicaciones y consideraciones ecológicas relacionadas a estas asociaciones simbióticas. Además, se proveen y discuten datos morfométricos y merísticos de los peces y sus hospederos. Métodos: Se realizaron recolectas de equinodermos, entre 2018 y 2019, en un total de 25 localidades distribuidas al norte de la costa Pacífico de Costa Rica, los cuales fueron cuidadosamente revisados en búsqueda de peces comensales/parásitos. Los equinodermos y los peces fueron identificados y caracterizados de acuerdo con la literatura especializada. Resultados: Se recolectaron y examinaron un total de 497 equinodermos, incluyendo alrededor de 60 especies, de los cuales solo tres individuos-especies estuvieron ocupados por peces comensales/parásitos. Conclusiones: La lista de hospederos equinodermos de C. mourlani a lo largo de su ámbito de distribución geográfico llega a 12 especies (seis estrellas de mar y seis pepinos de mar), lo cual podría ser un reflejo de su amplia distribución geográfica, de sus hábitos de alimentación generalistas y de su comportamiento oportunista en lo relativo al uso de hospederos.

Animals , Host Specificity , Fishes , Host Adaptation , Costa Rica , Echinodermata/classification
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507797


Introduction: In January 2011 and as a Citizen Science initiative, the owners of the Deep Blue Diving Shop in Playa del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, began to collect daily temperature data in the seawater column during their diving activities, to inform tourists before traveling to Costa Rica and help them properly select their diving equipment and thus maximize the enjoyment of the experience in the Gulf of Papagayo. This data collection remained constant until January 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective: Identify cold and warm events of the sub-surface temperature of the sea in the Gulf of Papagayo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica and their relationship with known sources of climate variability as El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and synoptic systems such as incursions of cold fronts in the Caribbean Sea. Methods: Sea Subsurface Temperature data corresponding to the lowest temperature of the seawater column were used, at an approximate depth of 25-35m. Observations were made daily, from 01/01/2011 to 01/31/2020. Results: The mean temperature was 25.7 °C. Cooler temperatures were observed in February-March, below 22.5 °C with a secondary minimum in July. There were two peaks in May and August with temperatures above 27.4 °C. The drops during cold events reached 16-17 °C. All cold events were associated with the passage of cold fronts through the Caribbean Sea, due to reinforcement in the intensity of the trade winds, with a zonal component from the East, which causes seasonal upwelling. The warm events presented temperatures at their maximum of 30-31 °C. The latter events were associated with the development and maturity of warm El Niño-type ENSO events. ENSO is an important modulator of sea temperature variability in the Gulf of Papagayo, since El Niño events are related to positive anomalies in sea temperature in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Conclusions: The Citizen Science initiative presented in this study proved to be very useful for monitoring sea temperature in the Gulf of Papagayo. The results of this study indicate that Dive Masters can provide data on sea temperature of sufficient quality and with high temporal resolution. Divers can profitably support monitoring and Citizen Science can contribute positively to social well-being by influencing the questions that are being addressed and by giving people a voice in local environmental decision-making. The information generated in this study returns to the tour operators and enhance the understanding of the variability observed in the data collected by them, a knowledge that is later transmitted to their clients to improve their experience.

Introducción: En el año 2011 y como una iniciativa de Ciencia Ciudadana, los propietarios de la tienda Deep Blue Diving Shop en Playa del Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica, iniciaron a recolectar diariamente los datos de temperatura en la columna de agua de mar durante sus actividades de buceo, como respuesta a la necesidad de informar a los turistas antes de viajar a Costa Rica para la selección del equipo correcto de SCUBA y así maximizar su experiencia en el Golfo de Papagayo. Esta recolección de datos se mantuvo constante hasta enero de 2020 por la pandemia del COVID-19. Objetivo: Identificar eventos fríos y cálidos de la temperatura sub-superficial del mar en el Golfo de Papagayo, Guanacaste, Costa Rica y su relación con fuentes de variabilidad climática conocidas como El Niño-Oscilación del Sur (ENOS) y sistemas sinópticos como las incursiones de frentes fríos en el Mar Caribe. Métodos: Se utilizaron datos de Temperatura Subsuperficial del Mar correspondientes a la temperatura más baja de la columna del agua de mar, a una profundidad aproximada de 25-35 m. Las observaciones se realizaron con una frecuencia diaria del 01/01/2011 al 31/01/2020. Resultados: La iniciativa de Ciencia Ciudadana presentada en este estudio mostró ser muy útil para el monitoreo y caracterización de la temperatura del mar en el Golfo de Papagayo. La temperatura media fue de 25.7 °C. Se observaron temperaturas más frías en febrero-marzo, por debajo de 22.5 °C con un mínimo secundario en julio. Hubo dos máximos en mayo y agosto con temperaturas superiores a 27.4 °C. Los descensos durante los eventos fríos alcanzaros los 16-17 °C. Todos los eventos fríos estuvieron asociados al paso de frentes fríos por el Mar Caribe, debido a reforzamientos en intensidad del viento alisio, con componente zonal del este, que provoca surgencia estacional. Los eventos cálidos presentaron temperaturas en sus máximos de 30-31 °C. Los eventos cálidos estuvieron asociados al desarrollo y madurez de los eventos cálidos del ENOS tipo El Niño. El ENOS es un modulador importante de la variabilidad de la temperatura del mar en el Golfo de Papagayo, ya que los eventos El Niño están relacionados con anomalías positivas de la temperatura del mar en el Pacífico Tropical del Este. Conclusiones: La iniciativa de Ciencia Ciudadana presentada en este estudio resultó ser muy útil para monitorear la temperatura del mar en el Golfo de Papagayo. Los resultados de este estudio indican que los guías de buceo pueden aportar datos sobre la temperatura del mar de suficiente calidad y con alta resolución temporal. Los buzos pueden apoyar de manera rentable el monitoreo y la Ciencia Ciudadana puede contribuir positivamente al bienestar social al influir en las preguntas que se están abordando y al dar voz a las personas en la toma de decisiones ambientales locales. La información generada en este estudio regresa a los operadores de turismo y mejora la comprensión de la variabilidad observada en los datos recolectados por ellos, conocimiento que luego es transmitido a sus clientes para mejorar su experiencia.

Climate Change , Diving , Extreme Weather , Costa Rica , Climatic Classification
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(supl. 2)mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507795


Introducción: El intermareal rocoso constituye un paisaje marino costero dominante en el Pacífico Tropical Oriental, albergando comunidades biológicas altamente diversas y funcionalmente complejas. El conocimiento sobre la diversidad y los diversos procesos biológicos que ocurren en tales ambientes es, no obstante, bastante limitado a escala regional. Objetivo: Cuantificar, describir y comparar (a escala regional) la diversidad ictiológica asociada al intermareal rocoso del Área de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG), Costa Rica, así como evaluar y discutir algunos patrones biogeográficos y ecológicos. Métodos: Entre 2014 y 2019 se muestrearon un total de 49 pozas de marea en siete ubicaciones dentro del ACG. Se obtuvieron datos sobre diversidad absoluta (presencia/ausencia de especies), además de algunos datos ecológicos (estatus de residencia, estadio(s) de desarrollo, gremio trófico, hábitos de agrupación y crípticos y distribución generalizada) los cuales se compararon con datos publicados de otros estudios/inventarios llevados a cabo en diversas localidades (20) a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico Oriental. Por medio de un análisis de similitud se evaluaron posibles patrones de agrupamiento entre localidades (según su composición de especies) y, bajo una perspectiva biogeográfica, hipótesis previas de regionalización. Resultados: Se registraron un total de 67 especies de peces óseos asociadas al intermareal rocoso del ACG, siendo la localidad con datos publicados, más diversa a nivel del Pacífico Oriental. En el ACG los componentes/categorías transitorio con 30 especies (44.8 %), juveniles con 38 especies (55.9 %), carnívoros con 47 especies (70.1 %), solitarios con 32 especies (47.8 %) y endémico del PTO con 66 especies (98 %), fueron dominantes. A nivel regional se recopilaron datos para un total de 246 especies. Los resultados del análisis de similitud soportaron el esquema de división biogeográfico, definido a priori, a nivel regional, con las localidades ubicadas dentro de las provincias Californiana, Cortez, Mexicana, Panámica y Peruana-Chilena recuperadas como grupos altamente consistentes. Esta estructura es consecuente con el efecto de barreras como las brechas arenosas de Sinaloa y Centroamericana, entre otras, limitando el flujo de especies entre unidades biogeográficas. Conclusiones: El ACG presenta una elevada diversidad ictiológica asociada a su intermareal rocoso producto de una combinación de factores única a nivel regional. Los resultados de este estudio refuerzan además la necesidad de realizar más estudios básicos y aplicados a diferentes escalas local y regional con el objetivo de ayudar a comprender y conocer mejor diversos aspectos clave de la dinámica y procesos físico-químico-biológicos ocurriendo en las zonas intermareales, de su riqueza biológica asociada, de su importancia dentro del paisaje marino-costero como un continuo y de las posibles afectaciones que estos podrían sufrir debido al impacto de las actividades humanas.

Introduction: The rocky intertidal constitutes a dominant coastal seascape in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, harboring highly diverse and functionally complex biological communities. The knowledge about the diversity and the diverse biological processes that occur in such environments is, however, quite limited on a regional scale. Objective: Quantify, describe and compare (on a regional scale) the ichthyological diversity associated with the rocky intertidal zone of the Guanacaste Conservation Area (ACG), Costa Rica, as well as to evaluate and discuss some biogeographic and ecological patterns. Methods: A total of 49 tide pools were sampled between 2014 and 2019, at seven locations within the ACG. Data on absolute diversity (presence/absence of species) were obtained, in addition to some ecological data (residence status, development stage (s), trophic guild, aggregation and cryptic habits and generalized geographic distribution), these data were compared with published records from other surveys/inventories carried out at various locations (20) along the Eastern Pacific coast. Through a similarity analysis, both possible clustering patterns between localities (according to their species composition) and previous hypotheses of regionalization, under a biogeographic perspective, were evaluated. Results: A total of 67 species of bony fish were recorded in the rocky intertidal area of the ACG, being this the most diverse locality (with published data) in the Eastern Pacific. The components/categories "transitory" with 30 species (44.8 %), "juveniles" with 38 species (55.9 %), "carnivores" with 47 species (70.1 %), "solitary" with 32 species (47.8 %) and "endemic to the ETP" with 66 species (98 %), were dominant (in terms of the total number of species) within the ACG. The results of the similarity analysis supported the biogeographic division scheme, defined a priori; with the localities within the Californian, Cortez, Mexican, Panamic and Peruvian-Chilean provinces recovered as highly consistent groups. This structure is consistent with the effect of barriers such as the sandy gaps of Sinaloa and Central America, among others, limiting the flow of species between biogeographic units. Conclusions: The ACG has a high ichthyological diversity associated with its rocky intertidal zone, which is product of a unique combination of factors at the regional level. The results of this study reinforce the need to carry out more basic and applied studies with the aim of helping to better understand and know different key aspects of the dynamics and physical-chemical-biological processes occurring in intertidal zones, of its associated biological diversity, of its importance within the marine-coastal landscape as a continuum and of the possible effects that these environments could suffer due to the impact of human activities.

Animals , Aquatic Fauna , Intertidal Zone , Fishes/classification , Costa Rica , Phylogeography
Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 55(1): 140-150, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155660


Abstract Given the lack of governmental guidelines, this paper identifies and analyzes the statistical determinants associated with receiving the onetime monetary transfer in El Salvador ($300 dollars) as an economic measure to face the COVID-19 pandemic. A logistic regression was implemented (whether received the transfer or not) based on a probabilistic sample (n=1222) of surveyed people throughout the country. Independent variables were selected drawing upon key characteristics employed internationally in monetary transfers: age, gender, rural area, employment, family income, and education. The text identifies a statistically significant and negative relation between receiving the monetary transfer and two variables: family income and educational level. The need to increase coverage of the program is addressed as well as the importance of considering age, gender, rural areas, and employment as criteria for selecting the beneficiaries in such economic measures.

Resumo Dada a ausência de diretrizes governamentais, o texto apresenta uma análise exploratória e identifica quais são os fatores estatísticos determinantes que explicam a transferência única de renda ($300 dólares) como medida econômica para enfrentar a pandemia gerada pela COVID-19 em El Salvador. Para tal fim, utiliza-se uma análise estatística de regressão logística (receber ou não a ajuda) com base em uma amostra probabilística de respondentes em todo o país (n=1222). Como variáveis independentes emprega-se caraterísticas importantes utilizadas em programas de transferência de renda em todo o mundo: Idade, gênero, zona de procedência, emprego e renda familiar e nível educacional. O presente texto identifica que existe uma relação inversa e estatisticamente significativa entre essa ajuda pública com a renda familiar e o nível educacional. Finalmente, discute-se a necessidade de ampliação do programa econômico e a importância de considerar características como idade, gênero, zona de procedência e emprego nesse tipo de políticas econômicas.

Resumen Ante la falta de lineamientos gubernamentales, el presente texto muestra un análisis exploratorio e identifica cuáles han sido los determinantes estadísticos asociados a la recepción de la transferencia monetaria única ($300 dólares) como medida económica para enfrentar la pandemia de COVID-19 en El Salvador. Para tal efecto, se utiliza un análisis estadístico de regresión logística (recibir la ayuda o no) con base en una muestra probabilística de encuestados en todo el país (n=1222). Como variables independientes se emplean características cruciales utilizadas en programas de transferencias monetarias a nivel internacional: Edad, género, lugar de origen, empleo, ingresos familiares y nivel educacional. El presente texto identifica que existe una relación inversa y estadísticamente significativa entre la asignación de esa ayuda pública, los ingresos familiares y el nivel educacional. Finalmente, se discute la necesidad de ampliación del programa y la importancia de considerar aspectos como edad, género, lugar de origen y empleo en ese tipo de políticas económicas.

Humans , Male , Female , Public Policy , Budgets , Coronavirus Infections , Economics
Boca Raton; CRC Press; 1; 2021. [19] p. tab, ilus.
Monography in English | LILACS, BVSDIP | ID: biblio-1566172


The adoption of novel integrated vector management (IVM) strategies requires proof-of-concept demonstrations. To implement a community-based intervention, for the control of vectors of Chagas disease in Guatemala, we engaged all relevant stakeholder groups. Based on this and previous experiences of the authors on engaged research and community-based interventions, several key factors can help facilitate effective integration of stakeholders in support of area-wide integrated vector management (AW - IVM) programmes. First and foremost, the diversity of stakeholders needs to be engaged early-on in the participatory action research and implementation processes, to provide ownership and contribute ideas on how to design and implement an intervention. Another important component, situational analysis regarding current pest control policies, practices and relevant stakeholders, is generated through interviews with key informants, at both national and local levels (governmental and non-governmental organizations); it can facilitate the joint identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats regarding current pest control strategies and proposing solutions through an AW-IVM approach. In addition, successful AW - IVM can result from identifying locally relevant strategies to implement the proof-of-concept demonstrative project. Further, it is critical to maintain constant communication with the local and national leaders, involving them throughout the implementation and evaluation processes. Flexibility should also be built into the project to allow for community-driven changes in the strategy, through a cyclical joint reflective process. Periodic feedback of project development needs to be scheduled with key stakeholders to maintain rapport. Finally, the results of the evaluation should be shared and discussed with stakeholders to ensure long-term sustainability of the programme, intervention, or project. Here we present the citizen engagement procedures used to integrate community members, health officials, and non-governmental organization staff for Chagas disease control in a region of Guatemala. We demonstrate how these methods can be applied to support AW-IVM programmes, so that communities and authorities are actively involved in the development and implementation of a jointly agreed intervention. In 2012, we developed the IVM intervention in an area of Guatemala with persistentTriatoma dimidiata (Latreille) infestation that is associated with the presence of infected rodents (rats and mice), that act as reservoirs of the Trypanosoma cruzi Chagas parasites inside the households. Nine control communities received only the Ministry of Health insecticide application against the vector and nine intervention communities participated in the AW-IVM intervention. The intervention included a programme for rodent control by the community members, together with education about the risk factors for vector infestation, and insecticide application by the Ministry of Health. Entomological evaluations in 2014 and 2015 showed that vector infestation remained significantly lower in both intervention and control communities. In 2015, we found that there was a higher acceptance of vector surveillance activities in the intervention communities compared to control communities, suggesting that participatory activities increase programme sustainability. Finally, we found that there was a significant increase over time in the number of households with infected vectors in the control group, whereas there was no significant increase in the communities that participated in the programme. Thus, an AW-IVM programme including simultaneous rodent and vector control could reduce the risk of Chagas infection in communities with persistent vector infestation.

Rhodnius , Triatoma , Trypanosoma , Central America , Chagas Disease , Social Participation , Insecticides