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Rev. ADM ; 80(6): 351-355, nov.-dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555709


A finales del siglo XIX, París sufrió un evento catastrófico en el cual perecieron numerosas víctimas en un incendio en el interior del Bazar de la Caridad. La mayoría de las víctimas sufrieron una carbonización tal que no era posible reconocerlas por su apariencia física. Ante el reto de la identificación, las autoridades solicitaron a los odontólogos que habían atendido en vida a las personas desaparecidas que inspeccionaran las características dentales de los cadáveres para facilitar su identificación, dicho evento fue clave para el nacimiento de la odontología forense. A partir de entonces, los dientes son considerados como elementos extremadamente fidedignos para la identificación de sujetos desconocidos. El objetivo de este artículo es realizar una breve revisión del evento que dio origen a la odontología forense: el incendio del Bazar de la Caridad (AU)

At the end of the 19th century, Paris suffered a catastrophic event in which numerous victims perished in a fire inside the Charity Bazaar. Most of the victims suffered such carbonization that it was not possible to recognize them by their physical appearance. Faced with the challenge of the identification, the authorities asked the dentists who had treated the disappeared persons while they were alive to inspect the dental characteristics of the corpses to facilitate their identification. This event was key to the birth of forensic odontology. From then on, teeth are considered extremely reliable elements for the identification of unkown subjects. The aim of this article is to carry out a brief review of the event that gave rise to forensic odontology: the Charity Bazaar fire (AU)

Forensic Anthropology , Fires/history , Forensic Dentistry/history , History, 19th Century , France , History of Dentistry
Rev. latinoam. bioét ; 21(2): 11-24, jul.-dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361033


Resumen: Uno de los elementos prioritarios en la ética médica es la relación médico-paciente. La comunicación es fundamental para que los enfermos y sus familiares puedan tomar decisiones al final de la vida. El objetivo del artículo es conocer, a partir de la experiencia de los familiares de los enfermos de cáncer en etapa terminal, la información oportuna que proporciona el médico sobre el pronóstico y las condiciones del enfermo para tomar decisiones que alivien las molestias o el sufrimiento. Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo que parte del paradigma hermenéutico fenomenológico, el cual permite conocer la percepción que tienen las personas del mundo en el cual viven y el significado que le dan. Se entrevistó a once familiares y cuidadores primarios y se utilizó el análisis temático y el método de van Manen. La experiencia de los familiares muestra que algunos enfermos no recibieron información acerca de su condición y pronóstico. Se puede concluir que algunos de los médicos necesitan capacitación mediante reuniones en donde un profesional de la salud mental dirija sesiones sobre las emociones para afrontar situaciones relacionadas con la muerte y manejar la angustia.

Summary: One of the priority elements in medical ethics is the physician-patient relationship. Communication is essential so patients and their families can make decisions at the end of life. The main aim of this article is to be aware, from the experience of patients with terminal cancer relatives, the timely information provided by the physician about the prognosis and conditions of the patient to make decisions that alleviate discomfort or suffering. A qualitative study was carried out starting from the phenomenological hermeneutic paradigm, which allows us to know the perception people have of the world in which they live and the meaning they give it. Eleven family members and primary caregivers were interviewed using the van Manen's thematic analysis and method. The experience of family members shows that some patients did not receive information about their condition and prognosis. It can be concluded that some of the physicians need training through meetings where a mental health professional leads sessions on emotions to cope with situations related to death and manage distress.

Resumo: Um dos elementos prioritários da ética médica é a relação médico-paciente. A comunicação é essencial para que os pacientes e suas famílias tomem decisões no final da vida. O objetivo deste artigo é conhecer, a partir da experiência de familiares de pacientes com câncer em estágio terminal, as informações oportunas fornecidas pelo médico sobre o prognóstico e as condições do paciente para que decisões que aliviem o desconforto ou o sofrimento possam ser tomadas. Foi reali -zado um estudo qualitativo baseado no paradigma hermenêutico fenomenológico, que nos permite conhecer a percepção que as pessoas têm do mundo em que vivem e o significado que elas dão a ele. Onze familiares e cuidadores primários foram entrevistados e a análise temática e o método de van Manen foram utilizados. A experiência dos familiares mostra que alguns pacientes não receberam informações sobre sua condição e prognóstico. Pode-se concluir que alguns médicos precisam de treinamento por meio de reuniões em que um profissional de saúde mental realize sessões sobre emoções para lidar com situações relacionadas à morte e a como lidar com a angústia.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 27(2): 234-240, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011750


Resumo Introdução Os hospitais filantrópicos compreenderem cerca de um terço do parque hospitalar brasileiro, apresentando grande participação nas internações para o SUS. Muitos deles são estratégicos devido a se tratar das únicas unidades hospitalares em seus municípios. Objetivo Este estudo objetivou analisar a distribuição geográfica, a complexidade e a capacidade assistencial dos hospitais filantrópicos da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte (RMBH), inclusive, comparando com tendências encontradas no âmbito nacional. Adicionalmente, quando o município apresentou apenas um hospital, sendo ele filantrópico, buscou-se verificar se a capacidade assistencial atingia o mínimo recomendado pela OMS. Método Todos os dados empregados foram coletados no DATASUS. Utilizou-se de dados de estabelecimentos para descrever a distribuição geográfica e a complexidade assistencial. A análise da capacidade assistencial exigiu o cálculo de Leitos de Hospitais Filantrópicos por Mil Habitantes (LHF/MH), utilizando-se de dados de recursos físicos e população. Resultados Na RMBH, os hospitais filantrópicos gerais, em sua maioria, estão distribuídos individualmente pelos municípios menores, enquanto os especializados concentram-se na capital. O LHF/MH cresceu na RMBH, na capital e no conjunto dos municípios menores. O único município, dentre aqueles que possuem apenas um hospital, sendo ele filantrópico, que apresentou LHF/MH maior que o mínimo recomendado pela OMS foi Itaguara. Conclusão Percebeu-se que há grande semelhança entre os recortes nacional e aquele da RMBH. Muitos municípios dessa região apresentam apenas uma unidade hospitalar, sendo ela filantrópica, fato que corrobora a importância dessas organizações para a saúde local.

Abstract Background The philanthropic hospitals comprise about one-third of the Brazilian hospital sector, with large participation in hospitalizations for the SUS. Many of them are strategic because they are the only hospital units in their municipalities. Objective This study aimed to analyze the geographic distribution, the healthcare complexity and the hospital bed capacity of the philanthropic hospitals of the Metropolitan Area of Belo Horizonte (RMBH), comparing with tendencies found in the national scope. Additionally, when the municipality presented only one hospital, being philanthropic, it was sought to verify if the hospital bed capacity reaches the minimum recommended by the WHO. Method All data used were collected in DATASUS. Data from establishments were used to describe the geographic distribution and healthcare complexity. The analysis of hospital bed capacity required the calculation of Philanthropic Hospital Beds per Thousand Inhabitants (LHF/MH), using data from physical resources and population. Results In the RMBH, the general philanthropic hospitals, in the majority, are distributed individually by the smaller municipalities, whereas the specialized ones are concentrated in the capital. LHF/MH grew in RMBH, in the capital and in the set of smaller municipalities. Itaguara was the only municipality, among those who only have one hospital, being philanthropic, which presented LHF/MH higher than the minimum recommended by WHO. Conclusion There is great similarity between the national cuts and the RMBH. Many municipalities in this region have only one hospital unit, being philanthropic, a fact that corroborates the importance of these organizations for local health.

Rev. abordagem gestál. (Impr.) ; 24(spe): 449-466, set.-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-977125


Priorizando como fio condutor a relação entre amor e finitude, a discussão estabelece um constante diálogo entre o pensamento filosófico-teológico de Agostinho e a fenomenologia de Scheler. Primeiramente, esclarece-se o horizonte a partir do qual a fenomenologia de Scheler visualiza o pensamento agostiniano ao considerá-lo sob a ótica da estrutura vivencial e fundamental do viver cristão. Evidenciando a ideia de ordo amoris, mostra-se a correspondência desta estrutura à reviravolta do amor cristão, assinalada por Scheler como a emergência da compreensão de um Deus amante. Para tanto, em seguida, discutem-se traços da hermenêutica agostiniana da vida cristã, até revelar a caritas como sendo o amor que responde pela intencionalidade ordenadora da estrutura da existência humana no seu todo segundo o seu dinamismo essencial. Sob o ponto de vista desta função central da caridade, conclui-se indicando a necessidade de considerar a interdependência entre viver e morrer, para melhor compreender o sentido da estruturação da existência humana a partir da ideia de amor ordenado.

Prioritizing the guiding thread of the relationship between love and finitude, the discussion establishes a constant dialogue between Augustine's philosophical-theological thinking and Scheler's phenomenology. Firstly, it clears the horizon in which Scheler's phenomenology visualizes the Augustinian thought considered from the perspective of the experiential and fundamental structure of Christian living. Demonstrating the idea of ordo amoris, the harmony of this structure is shown in the change of the concept of Christian love, signaled by Scheler as the emergence of the understanding of a loving God. In order to do so, the traits of the Augustinian hermeneutics of the Christian life are discussed, until it reveals caritas as being the love that answers the intentionality of the structure of human existence as a whole according to its essential dynamism. From the point of view of this central function of charity, it concludes by indicating the need to consider the interdependence between living and dying, in order to better understand the sense of the structuring of human existence from the idea of ordered love.

Priorizando como hilo conductor la relación entre amor y finitud, la discusión establece un constante diálogo entre el pensamiento filosófico-teológico de Agustín y la fenomenología de Scheler. Primero, se aclara el horizonte a partir del cual la fenomenología de Scheler visualiza el pensamiento agustiniano al considerarlo bajo la óptica de la estructura vivencial y fundamental del vivir cristiano. Evidenciando la idea de ordo amoris, se muestra la correspondencia de esta estructura a la revolución del amor cristiano, señalada por Scheler como la emergencia de la comprensión de un Dios amante. Para ello, a continuación, se discuten rasgos de la hermenéutica agustiniana de la vida cristiana, hasta revelar la caritas como el amor que responde por la intencionalidad ordenadora de la estructura de la existencia humana en su totalidad según su dinamismo esencial. Desde el punto de vista de esta función central de la caridad, se concluye indicando la necesidad de considerar la interdependencia entre vivir y morir, para comprender mejor el sentido de la estructuración de la existencia humana a partir de la idea de amor ordenado

Affect , Love
Dados rev. ciênc. sociais ; 61(1): 137-169, jan.-mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890989


RESUMO O artigo apresenta inicialmente como uma confluência havida nos anos 1990 entre diversos atores sociais no Brasil conduziu a uma unidade política em torno do conceito de empreendimento econômico solidário. Discute a seguir as conveniências e inadequações desse enfoque, essencialmente normativo, para fins acadêmicos, atividade que implica identificar os traços estruturantes de tais organizações e formular critérios de qualificação e diferenciação desse campo de práticas. Propõe, desta maneira, uma modelagem weberiana ideal-típica do conceito, apropriada a análises empíricas desde um prisma teórico predeterminado. Lastreado em estudos precedentes dos autores, o exame do grau de correspondência entre as organizações econômicas concretas e os critérios prescritos pelo modelo permite qualificá-las, relacioná-las a organizações congêneres e comparar a economia solidária com campos de práticas afins, dentre eles o terceiro setor, examinado em suas peculiaridades na última seção do artigo.

ABSTRACT The following article begins by demonstrating how a convergence between various social actors in 1990s Brazil led to a political consensus on the concept of an empreendimento econômico solidário [solidarity economy venture]. It then discusses the advantages and disadvantages of what is essentially a normative focus, for academic purposes, leading us to identify the structural elements of such organizations and to formulate qualification and differentiation criteria in this field of practice. It thus proposes a Weberian ideal-type model for the concept, appropriated for empirical analyses from a pre-determined theoretical prism. Backed by several of the authors' previous studies, an examination of the degree of correspondence between the specific economic organizations and the criteria prescribed by the model allows us to qualify and relate them to peer organizations and to compare the solidarity economy with similar fields of practice, such as the third sector, examining particular features in the final section of the article.

RÉSUMÉ Cet article présente initialement de quelle manière une confluence survenue dans les années 1990 entre divers acteurs sociaux du Brésil a pu conduire à une unité politique autour du concept d'entreprenariat économique solidaire. On discutera ensuite des avantages et des inconvénients de cette approche, essentiellement normative, à des fins académiques, ce qui impliquera l'identification des traits structurants de telles organisations et la formulation des critères de qualification et de différenciation de ce champ de pratiques. On proposera ainsi une modélisation wébérienne idéale-typique du concept, qui s'avère appropriée pour les analyses empiriques sous un prisme théorique prédéterminé. Sur la base de des précédentes études des auteurs, l'examen du degré de correspondance entre les organisations économiques concrètes et les critères prescrits par le modèle permettra de les qualifier, de les mettre en relation avec des organisations similaires et de comparer l'économie solidaire avec des champs de pratique du même ordre, à l'instar du tiers-secteur, dont on examinera les particularités dans la dernière partie de cet article.

RESUMEN El artículo presenta inicialmente la manera en que la confluencia que se produjo en la década de 1990 entre diversos actores sociales en Brasil condujo a una unidad política en torno al concepto de iniciativas económicas solidarias (conocidas en Brasil como empreendimentos econômicos solidários ). A continuación, se debaten las ventajas e inconvenientes de este enfoque, esencialmente normativo, para fines académicos, una actividad que implica identificar los rasgos estructurales de tales organizaciones y formular criterios de calificación y diferenciación de este campo de prácticas. Se propone, de esta manera, una configuración weberiana ideal típica del concepto, apropiada para análisis empíricos realizados desde un prisma teórico predeterminado. Fundamentado en estudios precedentes de los autores, el examen del grado de correspondencia entre las organizaciones económicas concretas y los criterios prescritos por el modelo permite calificarlas, relacionarlas con organizaciones congéneres y comparar la economía solidaria con campos de prácticas afines, entre ellos, el tercer sector, cuyas peculiaridades se examinan en la última sección del artículo.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 23(4): 1153-1167, oct.-dic. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-828874


Resumo Este artigo é parte do esforço de compilação das análises elaboradas em dissertação de mestrado, defendida em 2012. Apresentamos novas perspectivas sobre o Hospício de Pedro II entre 1883 e 1889, a partir de pesquisa empreendida com as fichas de entrada e os anexos de pacientes internados na instituição, fundada em 1852, no Rio de Janeiro. Buscamos destacar a participação de atores diversos e as imbricações de diferentes interesses e demandas em relação ao hospício. Assim, além do olhar médico-científico, apontamos a importância de ampliar o debate sobre a instituição, considerando sua importância, tanto pelo viés caritativo quanto pelo papel central nas relações políticas e sociais do Império.

Abstract This article is part of an effort to compile the analyses made for my master’s dissertation from 2012. It contains new perspectives on Hospício de Pedro II (Pedro II Hospice) between 1883 and 1889, drawing on research of admissions records and files of patients staying at the institution, founded in 1852 in Rio de Janeiro. The involvement of different players and the interplay of different interests and demands with regard to the hospice are highlighted. It is important to expand the debate concerning the institution beyond medical and scientific aspects, considering its importance both as a charity and for its key role in the political and social relations of the empire.

Humans , History, 19th Century , Charities/history , Hospices/history , Hospitals, Psychiatric/history , Brazil
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 340-343, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-491023


Objective:To meet the multitier needs of medical students′ health and health career development through the establishment of relevant mechanisms for medical charity and strengthening the social responsibility theme education among medical students. Methods:The present study was conducted in a stratified sample using the method of investigation mainly. The questionnaire was self -conducted; in the end 967 valid questionnaires were collected and combined with 48 relevant interviews. The data was analyzed using SPSS l6. 0. Results: The current positive trends of social responsibility among medical students are gratifying. The students had correct atti-tude to study but the initiative needed to be improved. The professional cognition was optimistic but the morality emphasis needed to be strengthened. The capacity cognitive was clearly but the awareness of accountability needs to be improved. The social consciousness was intense but responsibility needed to be strengthened. The life value was positive but the physical and mental health needed concerns. And it was needed to further strengthen social respon-sibility education. Conclusion: We should make full use of the excellent resources of the Affiliated Hospital of Medical College. With the medical charity starting point, the social responsibility should be strengthened through the Five in One promotion mechanism that including the culture education leading, clinical practice inspiring, social practice annealing, campus culture edifying, and powers of role model effecting.

Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 241-283, 2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-180838


This study is about the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph in New Orleans' Charity Hospital during the years between 1834 and 1860. The Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph was founded in 1809 by Saint Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton (first native-born North American canonized in 1975) in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Seton's Sisters of Charity was the first community for religious women to be established in the United States and was later incorporated with the French Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in 1850. A call to work in New Orleans' Charity Hospital in the 1830s meant a significant achievement for the Sisters of Charity, since it was the second oldest continuously operating public hospitals in the United States until 2005, bearing the same name over the decades. In 1834, Sister Regina Smith and other sisters were officially called to Charity Hospital, in order to supersede the existing "nurses, attendants, and servants," and take a complete charge of the internal management of the Charity Hospital. The existing scholarship on the history of hospitals and Catholic nursing has not integrated the concrete stories of the Sisters of Charity into the broader histories of institutionalized medicine, gender, and religion. Along with a variety of primary sources, this study primarily relies on the Charity Hospital History Folder stored at the Daughters of Charity West Center Province Archives. Located in the "Queen city of the South," Charity Hospital was the center of the southern medical profession and the world's fair of people and diseases. Charity Hospital provided the sisters with a unique situation that religion and medicine became intertwined. The Sisters, as nurses, constructed a new atmosphere of caring for patients and even their families inside and outside the hospital, and built their own separate space within the hospital walls. As hospital managers, the Sisters of Charity were put in complete charge of the hospital, which was never seen in other hospitals. By wearing a distinctive religious garment, they eschewed female dependence and sexuality. As medical and religious attendants at the sick wards, the sisters played a vital role in preparing the patients for a "good death" as well as spiritual wellness. By waging their own war on the Protestant influences, the sisters did their best to build their own sacred place in caring for sick bodies and saving souls. Through the research on the Sisters of Charity at Charity Hospital, this study ultimately sheds light on the ways in which a nineteenth-century southern hospital functioned as a unique environment for the recovery of wellness of the body and soul, shaped and envisioned by the Catholic sister-nurses' gender and religious identities.

Catholicism , Charities/history , History, 19th Century , Hospitals, Religious/history , Hospitals, Urban/history , New Orleans
Chinese Journal of Health Policy ; (12): 74-79, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-479315


For attracting more social charity funding into the health field, in-depth interviews are conducted into four health foundations in Beijing, presenting three aspects of existing problems and obstacles in the foundations devel-opment in this article. Firstly, the foundations have low effect in fundraising, poor information publication, little com-munication between other facilities and vague mechanism in donation. Secondly, the social public has erroneous views leading to deviant behavior. Finally, some annual inspection standards of the foundation are not suitable for the health field. Based on the above analysis, suggestions about how to improve transparency and fundraising ability in foundations and change the public erroneous views in donation are proposed. The governments might be suggested to get more relax-ed on the annual inspection standards of the foundations, and build an information platform in healthcare field as well.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 244-246, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-446317


This paper took the charity culture cultivation system of the medical university as the research ob-ject, used the method of empirical research , illustrate how to build the charity culture educational system based on the practice of charitable culture education in Wenzhou medical university .The following:imparting charity culture knowledge , setting up the concept of charity;carrying out thematic education activity , cultivating gratitude;carry-ing out community volunteer service , creating the atmosphere of charity;creating charitable culture brand , building a charity culture education platform were discussed .Furthermore , the practice effect of the charity culture cultiva-tion system was also discussed from educating students , campus culture and promoting social morality .

Horiz. enferm ; 25(1): 75-96, 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-831089


Acorde al llamado que hiciera el Sto. Padre Benedicto XVI a colaborar en la educación de los jóvenes en la justicia y la paz, los educadores de todos los niveles educacionales están directamente interpelados a colaborar a través de la configuración de modos didácticos de acercamiento a la concepción cristiana de justicia. El rescate y análisis pedagógico de testimonios de intelectuales que han contribuido con su vida y con sus obras a la manifestación concreta de las principales dimensiones de la justicia, puede constituir una alternativa de acercamiento a la multidimensionalidad de la concepción de justicia. Para tal efecto, se ha desarrollado un análisis hermenéutico de documentos escritos por el papa Benedicto XVI, con la finalidad de explicitar los factores y valores implicados en la concepción cristiana de justicia y a la luz de estos se han contrastado los testimonios de cuatro pensadores cristianos: León Bloy, Irena Sendler, Enrique Salas y Alexis Carrell. Ha sido factible destacar que si bien trabajaron en distintos campos de especialización, ellos y ella encarnaron algunas dimensiones y valores asociados a la justicia, como la justicia social, la fraternidad, la caridad y la relación entre justicia y democracia.

According St. Pope Benedict XVI called to all educational levels teachers for to assist in the youth education in the justice and peace, are directly concerned to collaborate through the configuration of teaching modes of approach to the christian conception of Justice. The rescue and educational analysis of testimonies of intellectuals - who contributed with his life and his works to the concrete manifestation of the main dimensions of the justice can constitute an alternative approach to the multidimensionality of the concept of Justice. For this purpose, a hermeneutic analysis of documents written by Benedicto XVI, in order to explain the factors has developed and values involved in the christian Justice conception in the light of these, have contrasted the testimonies of four christian thinkers, León Bloy, Irena Sendler, Enrique Salas and Alexis Carrell. It has been possible to highlight that even though they worked in diff erent specialization fi elds, they and she embodied some dimensions and values associated with justice, as social justice, fraternity, charity and the relationship between justice and democracy.

Education , Social Justice , Social Values
Medisan ; 17(1): 148-156, ene. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-665625


Con el propósito de responder algunos de los problemas y las inquietudes formulados, desde el punto de vista profesional, sobre la atención a las personas diferentemente capacitadas, específicamente a pacientes con discapacidad, se decidió efectuar una revisión de la bibliografía acerca de los principales aspectos bioéticos relacionados con la calidad de vida de estos últimos, quienes no son atendidos adecuadamente en la actualidad. Se enfatizó en considerar las condiciones del entorno natural y social, así como las posibilidades de la ciencia y el régimen social en que se desarrollan, de manera que sea más justo para sus necesidades humanas, a partir del reconocimiento de sus derechos y por medio de la vía educativa para fomentarlos. Asimismo, se concluyó que las intervenciones hacia las personas discapacitadas tienen 3 actores: la familia, la persona y la comunidad; y en el caso de aquellos con incapacidad mental, los encargados de hacer una aproximación sobre su calidad de vida deben ser los tutores, iluminados por los principios básicos de la bioética: beneficencia, no maleficencia, justicia y autonomía

With the purpose of answering some of the problems and the formulated concerns, from the professional point of view, on the care to people with different handicaps, specifically to patient with disabilities, it was decided to make a review of the literature on the main bioethical aspects related to the life quality of these patients who are not appropriately assisted at the present time. It was emphasized to consider the conditions of the natural and social environment, as well as the possibilities of science and the social regimen in which they develop, so that it becomes fair for their human needs, from the recognition of their rights and by means of the educational component to foment them. Likewise, it was concluded that the interventions toward disabled people have 3 actors: the family, the person and the community; and in the case of persons with mental discapacity, those in charge of making an approach for their life quality should be the tutors, guided by the basic principles of bioethics: charity, non maleficence, justice and autonomy

Humans , Male , Female , Bioethics , Health of the Disabled , Disabled Persons/psychology , Quality of Health Care , Quality of Life
Textos contextos (Porto Alegre) ; 11(1): 142-155, jan.-jul. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740667


El artículo aquí presentado supone un ejercicio de contextualización histórica en torno a las manifestaciones y especificidades de la “cuestión social” en España, las corrientes de pensamiento que la conceptualizan y los impactos ideológico– políticos y práctico-institucionales que su tratamiento produce. Supone una indagación sobre las bases históricas previas a la emergencia de la profesionalización del hoy llamado “trabajo social” (anteriormente denominado “asistencia social” o “servicio social”). Analiza cómo se planteaban las distintas acepciones en el período histórico denominado Restauración Borbónica (1874-1931), que terminará con la Segunda República, la Guerra Civil y la posterior dictadura franquista. El desarrollo de la Acción Social Pública en este periodo condicionará en buena parte las formas de la (posterior) profesionalización de la intervención social española (asistencia social/trabajo social).

The article here presented entails an exercise of historical contextualization about the manifestations and specifies of the “social issue” in Spain, the schools of thought that conceptualize it and the ideological-political and practical-institutional impacts its treatment causes. It also entails an investigation of the bases previous to the emergence of the professionalization of the today called “social work” (previously known as social assistance or social services). It analyses how the different meanings were posed in the period known as Bourbon Restoration (1874-1931), which finishes with the 2nd Republic and the later francoist dictatorship. The development of social public action in this period will noticeably condition the ways of the (later) professionalization of the social intervention in Spain (social assistance/social work).

Humans , Male , Female , Spain , Public Policy/history , Social Work/history
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 18(supl.1): 179-197, dez. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-610853


Analisa as propostas de assistência à pobreza elaboradas na primeira década do século XX na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, por alguns de seus mais destacados intelectuais e filantropos, denominados reformadores, articulados com o debate que se processava na Europa acerca das alternativas de combate à pobreza. Propõe-se a refletir sobre a maneira pela qual tais reformadores recepcionaram as soluções propostas e/ou implementadas na Europa e as adequaram à realidade brasileira, propondo medidas que visavam amenizar os problemas relativos à chamada questão social brasileira.

In the 1910s, some of Rio de Janeiro's most renowned intellectuals and philanthropists, known as the reformers, launched proposals for offering assistance to the poor, drawn in part from the debate then underway in Europe about alternative ways of fighting poverty. This analysis explores how these reformers received ideas proposed or implemented in Europe and how they adapted them to Brazilian reality, advocating measures intended to ameliorate problems related to Brazil's socalled social question.

Humans , Poverty/history , Social Problems/history , Public Assistance , Social Support , Brazil , History, 20th Century
Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice ; (12): 903-912, 2011.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-671657


The most important reference in Italian legislation concerning interventions in favour of people with disabilities came about with Law 104 from February 5th 1992 in which the most important fights for disabled people were established.This law led to a new vision,the person with disabilities is no longer seen only a subject needing help but as a person who has the right to live his life in the best possible way that his condition allows him to and thus,it is society's duty and that of the Government,to do everything possible to remove invalidating causes,to promote a disabled person's autonomy and to realise his best social integration possible.To implement what is foreseen by this law it was necessary to activate different important interventions,two of which are very significant:the realisation of Guidelines from the Ministry of Health on rehabilitation activities in which the aims are defined on how rehabilitation should be implemented and how it should be organised on a national level and at a community level.Law 68 from March 12th 1999 decreed the full rights of people with disability to be integrated into the workplace.In the article we will also report some significant data concerning the results of the applications of the law.

Journal of the Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons ; : 425-428, 2009.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-784916
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 11-21, 1995.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-123057


During the Japanese imperialism, an attempt for colonial education in the Korean peninsula was to put into operation of a medical education movement. This plan was set up by the Tong-in club in 1907 and the foundations were laid in Pyong-yang and Tae-gu Tong-in hospitals. This report is a review acheiving the approach that was underplotted with the intention of the colonial education policy. Also, this report centralizes on the objectives of the Tong-in club establishment and the details of the medical education movement in the Korean peninslula. On June 16th, 1902, the Tong-a Don-mun club, Tong-a-mun club, Tong-mun medical club were established under the management of Mr. Irizawa Tatchkiji. The objectives of these clubs were to spread and popularize medical science into the Qing-Dynasty, Choson Dynasty and other countries. Tong-in club practiced modern medicine in the Korean peninsula. With the reason that they were responsible for cultural movement in the colonial region, the Tong-in club stayed in action until the Pacific war ended. Thus, they were playing a role similar to that of a lady-in-waiting in the aggressive war among the Imperialists. The Tong-in club was an organization with 6 main functions; 1) To provide modern medicine, prevent epidemics, maintain a sanitation level and to back up the Doctor Education Movement 2) To publish the Tong-in club's medical magazine 3) To translate and publish Chinese medical books 4) To train and provide seminars to Chinese doctors 5) To encourage communications from Chinese students studying medicine in Japan 6) To examine the standard of the hygiene in China etc. to other things To examine, the Doctor Education Movement in An-dong in the Manchurian region spread to the Chinese and Choson people in the Korean peninsula, also the Doctor Education Movement put into operation in Pyong-yang and Tae-gu. The summary of the An-dong Tong-in club's activities as follows; (1) The activities of An-dong Tong-in hospital educated 21 Koreans and 12 Chinese in 1911, but only 2 Koreans and 1 Chinese were able to graduate from the process. An-dong hospital was at the management by the principal Mr Sakazaki, and was under the pains in finance. (2) The activities of Tae-gu Tong-in hospital started on the 1st of February 1907, and continued till April 1911. Then activities they took over to the institute of medical center in Seoul attached to the Goverment-General in Choson. They educated 30 students every 1st semester and 2nd semester with the principal Mr Ikegami Shhiro as leader but all of them couldn't graduate without falling behind except 5. The contents of education mainly consisted of the Japanese language, preparatory subjects, physics, and anatomy, but they were superficial in depth. Besides that, girl students could be instructed about nursery and childbirth and delivery. And they also trained 40 students majoring in vaccination by the second term. (3) The activities of Pyong-yang Tong-in club was put into operation on December 1906. They made the medical institute attached to public Tong-in hospitals and from the days on October 1907, Mr Sato Kotcho gave his full interest in the education of the medical spheres of Korean students. The medical institute attached to Tong-in hospital had taken over the school of a private-village styled education administered by Mr Nakamura Tomitcho at the Taedong gate street on April 1905. He was the creator of medical education in that region and took a spread and hidden role in the development of medical history in Korea. 15 or 16 medical students were taught the apprentices through an interpreter at a Korean-style house in 1907. The excellent students from the public Japanese school took the role of the interpreters. At that time the Choson government gave 600 won every month to the Pyong-yang and Taegu hospitals. It seemed that the Resident-General Ito Hirobumi gazed with deep interest and anxiety on these hospital's behaviors and progress. The Pyongyang Jahye hospital taking over the former Pyongyang-hospital's duties, had 57 students including 8 seniors, 3 juniors, 6 sophomores, and 36 freshmen. There were 13 students in the nursery department including 6 Korean preparatory students and 5 Japanese and 2 Korean regular students. The first 8 students graduated form the Pyong-yang Jahye hospital in September 1910. They held a medical license without examination and entered the service of the patients at Jahye public hospitals in Won-ju, Chun-chon and Kwang-ju. I think that the projects of medical education starting from Tong-in club disappeared completely under the dictatorship of the Governor-General. It is certain that the Japanese medical education might take a great role in the development of the history in the spheres of Korean medicine. But the Japanese imperialistic government began, with deep interest and anxiety, whether it was really necessary to educate the Korean students in medical spheres. Namely, it seemed that there were many quarrelsome arguments about the necessity of medical education on the Choson colony. But it was paradoxically fortunate, the Tong-in club obtained good results to some extent by keeping the principles of the Residenty-General. It was short terms no more than 3 years but Tong-in club tried to practice the medical education projects, under the name of literally the Same Humanity and Charitly, but it managed to appease the minds of the colonized Korean people. It was the medical education projects in Tong-in club that caused a combat in outpost of the education principles of colony under 'the Same Humanity and Charity between Japan and Choson' at the just end of 3. 1 Movement by the inauguration of Saito Makkot the Governor-General. We can arrive at conclusion that the Japanese colonists tried to approach colonial education through the medical education by following the examples of western-imperialistic countries. The medical education projects of Tong-in club were the basic and continual principles since emerging Choson into Japan as colony. Namely it could be highlighted that the medical education practices of Tong-in club were planned and driven as a part of pervasion of the Japanese colonial education principles, namely 'the Same Humanity and Charity between Japan in Choson'.

Colonialism/history , Education, Medical/history , English Abstract , Japan , Korea , Societies/history
Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6)1994.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-532908


The construction of charity culture has always been a weak element in medical institutions,thus it is in great need to promote the construction of ideological and charity culture.Medical staff should cultivate themselves with charity philosophy to promote their sincerity,comfort,and self-cultivation for medical career,and combine charity philosophy and medical ethics so as to add charity to their clinical thinking,ideology and behaviors.Therefore,medical staff's morality of medical service can be enhanced gradually.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6)1994.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-531326


Professor Darryl Macer considers love as the universal principle of bioethics,and tries to turn the paradigm of bioethics shaped from Christian culture into a universal bioethics paradigm.However,he ignores the pluralism of world's culture and moral,suspected to generalize about the whole picture.Among a variety of culture in the world,each is a moral community,with its own system of moral value.The love is understood and interpreted in different ways,so that it can't be the universal and the only paradigm of bioethics.