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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 567-576, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564623


SUMMARY: Although almost all studies exclude lip conditions because they would affect furrow patterns, some authors maintain that they should be considered temporary or permanent disabilities, all of which require further research in this context.We present a study in which we associate lip conditions with lip print patterns to associate both morphological elements for fieldwork purposes. Fifty-seven women and 48 men aged between 19 and 38 years who resided in Temuco (Chile) were included. The lip conditions and their prints were recorded, and an analysis, comparison, evaluation, and verification protocol (ACE-V) for lip prints was applied. Of the participants, 27.4 % had healthy lips, while 71.7 % had some type of condition. Although patterns related to temporary and permanent lip conditions were recognized in the lip prints in a non-significant way, the diagnosis of "healthy" or "altered" lip status could be made significantly by a calibrated examiner. Although these conditions do not represent identifying variables without empirical studies to validate them, they can affect the quality of the evaluated lip print; therefore, they should be recognized during the analyses considering the prevalence of these conditions.

Aunque casi todos los estudios excluyen las afecciones labiales pues afectarían los patrones de sus surcos y huellas, algunos autores sostienen que deben ser consideradas alteraciones temporales o permanentes, por lo que se requiere mayor investigación en este aspecto. Se presenta un estudio en el que se asocian afecciones labiales con sus patrones de huellas para evaluar conjuntamente ambos elementos morfológicos con fines de trabajo forense de campo. Se incluyeron 57 mujeres y 48 hombres con edades entre 19 y 38 años residentes en Temuco (Chile). Se registraron las afecciones de los labios y sus huellas, y se aplicó un protocolo de análisis, comparación, evaluación y verificación (ACE-V) para las huellas labiales. De los participantes, el 27,4 % tenía labios sanos, mientras que el 71,7 % presentaba algún tipo de afección. Aunque los patrones relacionados con afecciones labiales temporales y permanentes se reconocieron en las huellas labiales de manera no significativa, un examinador calibrado podría realizar significativamente el diagnóstico de estado labial "sano" o "alterado". Si bien estas condiciones no representan variables de identificación sin estudios empíricos que las validen, pueden afectar la calidad de la impresión labial evaluada; por lo tanto, deben ser reconocidos durante los análisis considerando la prevalencia de estas condiciones.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Forensic Anthropology , Biometric Identification/methods , Lip/anatomy & histology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972151


@#Cheiloscopy may not be as well-known as other techniques of identification, such as fingerprint or DNA analysis, but it has its own impact in the appropriate circumstances. Cheiloscopy has been recognized as an important tool for human identification. A manual approach of studying lip prints was utilised by many researchers (magnifying glasses). Nonetheless, the current study relied solely on a mobile phone camera to visually capture lip prints for sex determination. 377 samples of lip prints were analysed with Adobe Photoshop software and classified into six different types of lip print patterns, according to Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classifications. Lip prints were divided into six sections including upper left, upper middle, upper right, lower left, lower middle and lower right. Pearson's Chi-square test revealed significant differences between male and female lip prints (p < 0.05) among the Malaysian Malay population of the Klang Valley, with Type V (irregular pattern) lip prints being the most prevalent. In comparison to magnifying glasses, our studies proved the ability to record and examine lip prints utilising a digital approach.

J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 23(3): 212-215, 20210920.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292770


Cheiloscopy is the analysis of the lip prints, grooves, thicknesses, angles, and other structures of the lips that differentiate each individual in a similar way to biometrics. This study aimed to observe these lips characteristics and to verify if there is a labial pattern among the students of the UFVJM Dentistry course of that distinguishes them in genders. Fifty students were selected, photographed, and had their samples collected by printing their lips on transparent tape with wine 01 lipstick, evenly distributed with the aid of a flexible rod and attached on white paperboard and later classified for obtaining the data required for statistical analysis. When analyzing lip thickness, it was found that most of the students had thick lips - 78%, whereas regarding the position of the labial commissure, 50% of the students presented horizontal disposition. Through the classification system of Suzuki and Tsuchihashi the types of furrows were classified, type II being the most common in this research. Despite the evidence that, among the volunteering students , female lips are thinner than male lips, there were no statistically significant differences between men and women. However, there is a need for more studies that seek to validate and disseminate this technique in a standardized way so that it is a complementary tool in Forensic Dentistry. (AU)

Queiloscopia é a análise das impressões labiais, sulcos, espessuras, ângulos e demais estruturas dos lábios, que diferenciam cada indivíduo de forma similar à biometria. Este estudo teve como objetivo observar as características labiais e verificar se existe um padrão labial entre os estudantes matriculados no curso de Odontologia da UFVJM que os distingue em gênero. Para isto, cinquenta alunos foram selecionados, fotografados e tiveram deus dados coletados por meio da impressão labial em fita adesiva transparente com batom vinho 01, distribuído uniformemente com o auxílio de uma haste flexível e anexada em cartolina branca e, posteriormente, classificadas para obtenção dos dados necessários à análise estatística. Ao analisar a espessura labial, constatou-se que a maioria dos estudantes possuíam lábios grossos - 78%, já em relação a posição da comissura labial 50% dos alunos apresentaram disposição horizontal. Através do sistema de classificação de Suzuki e Tsuchihashi foram classificados os tipos de sulcos, sendo o tipo II o mais comum entre os sujeitos da pesquisa. Apesar da comprovação de que, entre os estudantes voluntários, os lábios femininos possuem menor espessura que os masculinos, não existindo diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre homens e mulheres. Contudo, existe a necessidade de mais estudos que busquem validar e difundir esta técnica de forma padronizada para que seja uma ferramenta complementar na Odontologia Forense. (AU)

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220374


Lip prints permanency, finger print as well as the number of easily observable and measurable characteristics have been one of the most suitable parameters for studying personal identification. The study, aimed at determining the relationship between lip and finger prints with relation to sex among Ebira Ethnic Group of Nigeria Four hundred and. ten subjects (205 males and 205 females) aged between 18-65 years, participated in the study. Fischer's formula or infinite population was used to calculate the optimal sample size. Lip prints of the participants were collected using lip gloss and microscopic slides pressed gently on the lips, ink powder is slightly blown on the slides to show the prints.A HP G3110 Scanjet Scanner (9000 x 4800 dpi resolution) which is a classical type of scanner was used to determine digital patterns of the fingers. SPSS version 20.0 was used in analysing the data. Statistical significance was put into consideration using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) when (P = 0.05 or P ? 0.05). The predominant lip print pattern of the upper and lower lip of both sexes distributed as Type II and Type IV which are sexually dimorphic, on both hands the most prominent finger print pattern was the loop for both female and males which shows no significant sex difference. The association between lip and finger prints was significant. This is very important in personal identification in forensics.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-216734


Objective: The objective of the study is to determine the association between nonsyndromic oral clefts (OC) in children and ABO, Rh blood groups, lip, and dermatoglyphic patterns of their unaffected parents. Methods: This case–control study was conducted at a tertiary cleft center in Chennai, India, among 240 individuals comprising 80 units (40 cases and controls, respectively). Each unit (triad) was constituted by a child (0–12 years of age) either born with nonsyndromic OC (cases) or with no diagnosed congenital anomaly (control) and their unaffected parents (mother and father). ABO and Rh blood groups, specific lip print, fingerprint pattern, and palmar asymmetry were recorded for each individual. Strength of association of related factors was assessed by multivariable logistic regression reported as adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence interval. Results: A1-positive blood group was found to be considerably higher among case mothers (14.39 [1.57–32.27]). A higher odds of OCs were observed among case mothers with whorl lip pattern (1.51 [1.16–3.17]) and radial loop pattern in fingers (1.44 [1.09–2.31]) relative to controls. In addition, palmar asymmetry was distinctively higher among case parents compared to controls (P < 0.01). Conclusion: Findings indicate that A1-positive blood group, higher frequency of whorl lip, and radial loop finger patterns in mothers and higher ulnar loop pattern in fathers and palmar asymmetry in both parents increases odds of occurrence of OC among their offspring. These identifiable traits offer potential scope for better service planning among resource-constrained disadvantaged communities in India.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198583


Background: The challenges faced by man in early days to provide the identity of an individual. Identity meansdetermination of distinctiveness of a person, which is very important in legal medicine and criminal investigation.Cheiloscopy is a forensic investigation that deals with the identification based on lip traces. The lip prints areindividualistic like the finger prints and do not undergo alteration during the life of an individual. The aim of thepresent study to assess the lip print pattern of different individual in different quadrant of lip and to evaluate thelip prints for their uniqueness.Materials and method:The study was conducted on 100 medical students (50male and 50 females) of 18-23years from A.J.Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalore. Lip stick was applied on the lips and print was takenwith the help of white bond paper. While studying the lip print 4 quadrants were made on the lips as upper rightand upper left and lower right and lower left. Predominant pattern in each quadrant is obtained by using Suzuki’sclassification and result s are analyzed statistically by calculating the percentage for each pattern in eachquadrant of lip.Result: The present study showed type 1(vertical) was the overall most common pattern among both male andfemales.In males, 40% were having type1(vertical), 26.5% of type3(branched), 13.5% of type2(partial length),12% of type 5(intersected) and 8% of type4 (reticular).In females, 37.5% were having type1(vertical), 22.5% of type2(partial length), 22% of type3(branched), 11% oftype 4 (reticular),and 7% of type 5(intersected).Conclusion: Study revealed that the lip prints pattern for each individual in each quadrant is unique. Lip printpatterns are constant do not change with time.Because of its uniqueness and constant nature it can be used inthe personal identification mainly for criminal and legal investigations.

Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 19(1): 22-25, jan.-mar. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1254108


Esse estudo teve como objetivo identificar e classificar os sulcos das impressões labiais obtidas, e estabelecer relação entre os tipos de sulcos presentes nas impressões labiais e o fenótipo cor da pele e o sexo. A amostra foi composta por 60 estudantes de graduação do curso de Odontologia, de ambos os sexos. Para determinação e classificação dos sulcos labiais (Tipos I, I', II, III, IV e V), fez-se uso de amostras individuais de batons para tomada das impressões em suporte de cartolina branca. O sulco labial mais comum encontrado foi o Tipo I, seguido pelo Tipo II e pelo Tipo I'. Nos sexos feminino e masculino, o Tipo I e Tipo II foram os padrões dominantes. Os sulcos do Tipo II e I` foram predominantes em melanodermas; nos faiodermas e leucoderma, no entanto, os padrões predominantes foram os Tipos I e II. Pode-se concluir que a análise da impressão labial tem o potencial para o reconhecimento do gênero de um indivíduo, embora requeira um estudo detalhado para a realização correta do queilograma... (AU)

The aim of this study was to identify and classify the grooves of lip prints obtained, and establish a relationship between the types of labial grooves present on the prints and the phenotype of skin color and gender. The sample consisted of 60 graduate students, of both sexes. For determination and classification of lip grooves (Types I, I', II, III, IV and V), individual lip printing taken from lipsticks on white cardboard were used. The most common labial groove found, according to the classification proposed by Suzuky and Tsuchihaschi (1970), was type I, followed by Type II and Type I'. In females and in males, Type I and II were the dominant patterns. The grooves of the type II and I' were prevalent in melanoderm, in faioderm and in Caucasian the predominants patterns were types I and II. It can be concluded that lip print analysis has the potential for the recognition of the gender of an individual, but requires a detailed study to correctly perform the cheilogram... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Phenotype , Printing , Reference Standards , Skin Pigmentation , Forensic Dentistry , Gender Identity , Lip , Classification , Color
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-751339


@#Personal identification in forensic investigation is not an easy process. Lip print analysis is one of the techniques that can be used to assist in human identification. This study was conducted to investigate the sex based on lip print pattern among Malaysian Malay population in Klang Valley, using photograph on lipstick-cellophane tape technique and the Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification. A total of 360 subjects (180 males and 180 females) aged 15 and above were included in this study. The lip print was taken by pressing a cellophane tape to the lipstick applied on lip, pasted it onto a plain A4 paper and then photographed using a smart phone camera (OPPO F1). The images were then analysed using Adobe Photoshop software. A lip print image were divided into six sections: upper left, upper middle, upper right, lower right, lower middle and lower left. The Pearson chi-square test showed that there are significant differences between sexes in each section except for the upper middle section. Type V (irregular pattern) was the dominant pattern for the upper left, upper right, lower right and lower left sections (ranging from 71.1% to 86.7% for males and 80.6% to 83.9% for females) while type IV (reticular pattern) was mostly found in upper middle and lower middle section. Malaysian female displayed type V as the dominant lip print pattern in every section (ranging from 39.4% to 83.9%) except upper middle section and for Malaysian male, type V dominated the lip print pattern in all section (ranging from 71.1% to 86.7%) except for the upper and lower middle section. The result of this study can be applied in assisting the human identification for forensic science investigation.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 34(78): 19-28, 2019. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116418


Las huellas labiales representan una alternativa para la identificación humana por ser únicas en cada persona. Se buscó establecer la frecuencia de tipos de huellas labiales en estudiantes de Posgrado de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, tomando como referencia la clasificación de Suzuki y Tsuchihashi. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo en 50 hombres y 50 mujeres. Se fotografiaron los labios de cada participante, aplicando posteriormente lápiz labial a los efectos de que efectúen impresiones sobre un soporte de papel, estableciéndose los diferentes tipos de huellas. Se transcribieron los datos a una ficha diseñada a tal afecto y las fotografías se almacenaron en una computadora, conformando una base de datos. Para el género femenino, el tipo labial II (líneas bifurcadas), se halló en el 100% de la muestra. En el género masculino los tipos labiales predominantes fueron el I (líneas verticales completas) y II (líneas bifurcadas), ambos presentes en 48 participantes (96%). No existe diferencia significativa entre la frecuencia de tipos de huellas labiales en ambos géneros, por lo que sería factible la identificación humana en Argentina, desde el punto de vista poblacional e individual, en personas con similares características que la muestra estudiada (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Biotypology , Sex Distribution , Forensic Anthropology , Lip/anatomy & histology , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Students, Dental , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Photography, Dental , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 35(2): 20-37, sep.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-954928


Resumen El presente estudio, tuvo como objetivo, analizar los distintos patrones morfológicos presentes en las huellas labiales de una determinada población costarricense y su correlación con las variables, sexo, edad y afinidad biológica. Se analizaron 105 huellas labiales pertenecientes a estudiantes de quinto y sexto año de la carrera de odontología de la Universidad de Costa Rica durante el II semestre del 2016. De las 105 huellas labiales analizadas mediante el método de Renaud, el patrón más prevalente fue el tipo C de manera general, mientras que, de manera individual, en labio superior predomina el patrón tipo A y en labio inferior predomina el patrón tipo C. De la totalidad de muestras analizadas, se destaca que todas revelaron patrones distintos y la correlación estadística entre las variables, sexo, edad y afinidad biológica, permitió conocer la existencia de elementos que podrían ser útiles para identificación de individuos en el ámbito forense. Los resultados demuestran que, con la aplicación de las técnicas adecuadas en la toma de muestras y un análisis estandarizado, las huellas labiales pueden ser utilizadas en el ámbito forense como método de identificación de individuos. Este estudio, además, pone en evidencia la necesidad de realizar más investigación sobre huellas labiales en Costa Rica, no sólo por la necesidad de un aumento en el número de muestras y así obtener mayores resultados estadísticos, si no también, para desarrollar las herramientas necesarias en la toma, revelado y análisis de huellas labiales, así como su aplicabilidad al servicio de la justicia costarricense.

Abstract The objective of this study was to analyze the different morphological patterns present in the lip prints of a certain Costa Rican population and its correlation with the variables, sex, age and biological affinity. 105 lip prints were analyzed belonging to fifth and sixth year students of the dental career of the University of Costa Rica during the second semester of 2016. Of the 105 labials analyzed by the Renaud method, the most prevalent pattern was type C in general, while, individually, in the upper lip, predominantly, the type of pattern, A and the lower lip, predominantly the type C pattern. Of the total of the analyzed samples, the different patterns and the statistical correlation between the variables, sex, age and biological affinity, remarks information that can be useful to identify individuals in the forensic field. The results show that, with the application of the appropriate techniques in the taking of samples and a standardized analysis, the lip prints can be used in the field of forensic science as a method of identification of individuals. This study also highlights the need to conduct more research on lip prints in Costa Rica, not only to increase the number of samples, but also to obtain more extended statistical results. Besides, this research can be used to develop the necessary tools in the taking, development and analysis of lip print. Moreover, the results obtained may be taken into consideration in order to improve forensic research in the Costa Rican justice system.

Humans , Forensic Anthropology , Costa Rica , Forensic Dentistry , Forensic Medicine , Lip
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198324


Context: Gender identification is one of the most important aspects in the forensic science. It is based onscientific principles involving dental records, fingerprints and DNA comparisons. Sometimes, it becomes necessaryto apply easy techniques like cheiloscopy. The wrinkles and grooves on the labial mucosa form a characteristicpattern called lip prints, the study of which is referred to as cheiloscopy.Aim: The present study was done to evaluate the accuracy of various methods of lip prints in gender determinationand its stability over a period of time.Subjects and Methods: It consists of 80 healthy individuals (40 males and 40 females) in the age group of 18 to25 years. Lip prints were taken by lipstick, latent and digital photography methods. Data was collected by twoobservers at 0 month and 6months to assess their stability in gender determination.Statistical Analysis Used: Chi-square test was used.Results: The results obtained showed an accuracy of 0% and 57.5% by observer I, 30% and 67.5% by observer IIat 0 and 6th month in gender determination. The measurement of agreement in stability of lip prints was found tobe 27.8% by observer II.It was found that digital photography being the accurate method followed by lipstick andlatent methods.Conclusion: This study revealed that lip prints can be used for determining the gender of an individual.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973869


@#Criminal activities involving human life always puts lives at stake. Newer advances in other fields especially medicine and dentistry is essential in solving the mysteries of death. Different disciplines insert a part of the puzzle until it is complete. Fingerprints, DNA profiling, Forensic anthropology are commonly employed in personnel identification, mass disasters and others. Investigators may also rely on lip prints to identify possible suspects or to support evidence gained in specific investigations. A lip print at scene of crime can be the basis for inference as to the number of people involved, gender, habits, occupational traits, and others, based on the pathological changes present. This review deals with lip prints and their possible acquisition and usage.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177740


Background: As said “Identification is an individual’s birth right”. Identification of the individual is based on certain characteristics, which is unique to that individual. Cheiloscopy is the examination of lip prints, the lip prints are permanent and fixed, like fingerprint and palatal rugae, hence it can be used in personal identification. Aim: This study is undertaken to evaluate the uniqueness of lip print for personal identification Methods: The study was carried out on 400 subjects (200 male and 200 female) among the population of India. Lipstick was applied on the lips and print was taken on bond paper, the prints were divided into four quadrants and were analyzed by using magnifying lens and Suzuki and Tsuchihashi classification were used to identify the most common type of pattern among Indians for personal identification. Results: Our study shows that the most common type of pattern in Indian race was TYPE III (39%) and in all the quadrants (I, II, III, IV) most dominant pattern was type III in males and type II in females. Conclusion: The present study reveals that, there was no similarity in the lip print pattern of one individual with that of the other individual. The lip print pattern varies between the same age group people as well as among the population of same region.

Br J Med Med Res ; 2015; 10(3): 1-6
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-181719


Introduction: The uniqueness of human lip prints can be used for gender dimorphism. Cheiloscopy is an investigational technique under forensic science that deals with the study of uniqueness of lip prints. It has already been established that lip prints are unique to each individual; its comparison at the crime site with that of the suspect might be helpful. Aims and Objectives: The specific aim of this study was to study the lip prints as a tool for gender dimorphism while the specific objective was to evaluate the uniqueness of lip prints. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on a group of 60 Dental students within the age group of 18 to 25 years. The pattern of lip prints was recorded by two methods and classified according to Suzuki and Tsushihashi’s classification. Data was analyzed using SPSS package (version 12) and Chi square test was used to analyze and compare the lip print patterns. Results: It was seen that no two lip prints matched with each other. Type I and I’ pattern was seen only in females; type II pattern showed almost equal distribution between males and females whereas type III, IV was predominant in males. None of the subjects presented with Type V. Conclusion: It was concluded that cheiloscopy can act as a tool for gender dimorphism and both methods of recording lip prints were equally accurate.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-174644


Introduction: Cheiloscopy is derived from Greek word “Cheiloswhich” meaning lips.It is the study of characteristic pattern of elevations and depressions on labial mucosa. It is unique for every individual like fingerprints and hence can be used to determine the sex and for personal identity. Aim: This study is undertaken to evaluate the uniqueness of lip prints for sexual and personal identification of an individual. Materials and Methods: lipsticks, brush, cellophane tape, bond paper and magnifying lens. 50 male and 50 female students were selected from Yenepoya University. Lipstick was applied on their lips evenly and the prints were taken on folded bond paper. The cellophane tape was stuck on the paper to preserve it as permanent records. The prints were analysed using magnifying lens and Tsuchihashi’s classification of lip prints was used for to determine the most common pattern of lip prints found in males and females and to study any similarity of lip prints between two individuals. Observations and Results: Our study showed in males the predominant pattern was of type III pattern (40%), followed by type IV (22%), type I (18%), type I’ (12%) type II (6%) and type V(4%) respectively. This hierarchy is different for females, where type I was more predominant(54%),next was type I’ (28%), type III (10%), type IV (4%), type II (1%)and type V(2%) .Hence these results confirm the uniqueness of lip prints for every individual and show its variation according to gender. Conclusion: The data obtained from the above study shows promising results and indicates the uniqueness of lip prints like fingerprints for every individual. They hold a possible potential to determine the sex of an individual and hence can be used as records for personal identification.

Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 8(1): 29-40, Apr. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-711543


Aunque existen métodos de identificación humana más o menos frecuentes en uso, todos ellos se soportan en la comparación inequívoca, científica y fiable, de una información conocida con la obtenida de los restos o de las huellas a procesar. Desde una perspectiva odontológica forense, los surcos labiales, las rugas palatinas y sus negativos o huellas, han sido reconocidos como patrones morfológicos que permitirían identificar a una persona en circunstancias específicas. Estos elementos han sido estudiados tanto comparativa como independientemente buscando detectar las características individuales y poblacionales que permitan reforzarlos como herramientas significativas: se ha informado que tanto la Queiloscopía (el estudio de las huellas labiales) como la Rugoscopía (el estudio de las rugas palatinas) definen rasgos únicos para cada individuo, por lo tanto utilizables razonablemente para una identificación forense. Dado que los reportes de casos forenses permiten identificar cambios en las conductas criminales, en los patrones morfológicos característicos o en la manera de presentar la evidencia pericial, se presenta una revisión de reportes de casos con utilización de evidencia rugoscópica y queiloscópica, junto con discutir sus proyecciones hacia la comunidad científica forense

Even though there exist more or less frequent methods of human identification in use, all of them are supported in the unequivocal, scientific and reliable comparison of known information with the obtained one of the remains or of the prints to processing. Between these methods, and from a dental forensic point of view, the lip prints, the palatal rugae, and their negatives or prints have been admitted as morphologic patterns, which would allow identifying a person in specific circumstances. These elements have been studied comparatively as well as independently trying to detect individual and demographical characteristics that allow to reinforce them as significant tools: it was informed that the Cheiloscopy (the study of the lip prints) as well as the Rugoscopy (the study of palatal rugae) both define unique traits for every individual; therefore, they are useful reasonably for a forensic identification.Since the forensic case reports may help to identify changes in criminal behaviours, in the morphologic typical patterns or in the way of presenting the expert evidence, a review of case reports with utilization of rugoscopical and cheiloscopical evidence is presented, and their projections toward the scientific forensic community are discussed

Humans , Forensic Anthropology/methods , Palate, Hard/anatomy & histology , Forensic Dentistry/instrumentation , Lip/anatomy & histology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-625618


Individual identification is an important and challenging task in forensic investigation. Lip print on drinking glass or cigarette butt found at crime scenes may link to a suspect. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in lip print between sexes or races, differences in lip measurement between sexes or races and determine a way to estimate sex and race by using lip print or lip measurements for main races in Malaysia. A total of 134 subjects (67 males and 67 females) of Malay, Chinese and India were recruited from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Campus Kuala Lumpur (UKMKKL), Malaysia. Lip prints were taken by using a lipstick and a transparent cellophane tape. Lip measurements were taken by using electronic digital callipers. Lip prints were classified according to Tsuchihashi classification. Statistical analysis indicated that there was a significant difference in lip print between sexes (p 0.05). Width of oral opening and the height of lower lip both indicated significant differences between sexes (p < 0.001) while the height of upper lip and lower lip each indicated significant differences between races (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant interaction between sexes and races for all lip measurements. Formulae for sex and race determination were calculated with Classification Tree when there was significant difference between every comparison. Tables of accuracy percentage and performance evaluation for method in categorizing sex or race by using lip print or lip measurement were made. For validation of method in sex determination based on the formulae formed, accuracy in females is 90% and 65% in males. Therefore, overall percentage of accuracy in sex determination was 77.5%. This study can provide a preliminary idea about the use of lip prints in sex or race determination among Malaysian population.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140106


Context: Lip prints are very useful in forensic investigation and personal identification. Like finger prints, even lip prints can be instrumental in identifying a person positively. Aims: Indians are closer to Mongoloids than to Caucasoids or Negroids as indicated by the phylogenetic tree. Most of the studies on lip prints are done in their own population. We have compared lip prints of Manipuris with other Indians (Aryans and Dravidians) who are both close to Mongoloid race and are genetically similar. Materials and Methods: A total of 100 students 50 males and 50 females were selected of whom 30 males and 30 females were of Aryan and Dravidian features and 20 males and 20 females showed the Mongol features. Study materials used were Red colored lipstick, Lip brush, Cellophane tape, White chart paper and Magnifying lens. The lip prints were analyzed by dividing them into eight compartments. Results: Analysis of lip prints showed that the most common and the least common pattern in both males and females (Aryans-Dravidians and Mongols) were the same, but the compartment wise distribution of the lip patterns was different. Conclusion: In the present study, it is established that there is no similarity of lip prints from one individual to another individual and between males and females. Regarding the comparison with Mongols, more studies with a larger sample size is necessary.

Adolescent , Asian People/ethnology , Cellophane , Cosmetics , Ethnicity , White People/ethnology , Female , Forensic Anthropology , Forensic Dentistry/instrumentation , Forensic Dentistry/methods , Humans , India/ethnology , Lip/anatomy & histology , Male , Sex Factors , Young Adult
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138703


This is a study of cheiloscopy done on the subjects from south Karnataka districts in India. Lip prints from 100 male and 100 female subjects were studied to determine the predominant lip print type and to look for any correlation between lip print types and blood groups. Tsuchihashi‟s classification of type I (complete vertical grooves), type I‟ (incomplete vertical grooves), type II (forking grooves), type III (intersecting grooves), type IV (reticular grooves) and type V (indeterminate grooves) was used. Only the middle 10 mm of the lower lip was studied as this is the area most often found at a crime scene. The prints were obtained using lipstick and cellophane tape. It was observed that type IV (reticular) was predominant in the subjects chosen for the study and that there was no correlation between blood groups and lip print types.

ABO Blood-Group System , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , India , Lip/anatomy & histology , Male , Young Adult
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134544


Cheiloscopy, the study of lip prints is an upcoming tool for the identification of persons. The lip print of every person is unique and can be used to fix personal identity. Previous work done on the subject also reveals that lip prints show differences according to the race and the ethnic origins of a person. This study was taken up to determine the predominant lip print type in Kerala population. 50 male and 50 female subjects of Kerala origin were included in the study and the middle 1 cm of the lower lip was taken as the study area. The lip prints were recorded by applying lipstick on the lips, then cellophane tape was applied on the lips and the prints were taken. These prints were studied and classified according to Tsuchihashi’s classification of Type I (complete vertical grooves), Type I‟ (incomplete vertical grooves), Type II (forking grooves), Type III (intersect-ing grooves), Type IV (reticular grooves) and Type V (undetermined grooves). The predominant type in each qua-drant was noted and the percentage was calculated. It was found that Type IV (reticular grooves) was the predomi-nant pattern.

Cellophane , Ethnicity , Female , Humans , India , Lip/anatomy & histology , Male , Population Groups