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Rev. biol. trop ; 68mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507638


Introducción: En los sistemas fluviales colombianos ha sido poco estudiada la fragmentación del material alóctono por parte de los insectos acuáticos. Uno de los organismos trituradores más abundantes en las corrientes tropicales de América es el tricóptero del género Phylloicus (Calamoceratidae). Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de los atributos químicos (nitrógeno, fósforo y lignina) y físicos (dureza) de las hojas de tres especies ribereñas (Ficus tonduzii, Zygia longifolia y Clusia multiflora) dominantes en la parte media del río Gaira, sobre la preferencia de hojas y el crecimiento de larvas de Phylloicus sp. Métodos: Se realizaron experimentos de multiselección de alimento en campo, en los que se ubicaron cámaras experimentales dentro del río por 21 días. Para la valoración de la calidad foliar se recolectaron hojas del río, las cuales se secaron y se pulverizaron para realizar los análisis químicos. Resultados: No se presentaron diferencias significativas en los porcentajes de lignina y fósforo entre las hojas de las tres especies de árboles, pero si en su dureza y en el contenido de nitrógeno. Las hojas de C. multiflora fueron más suaves (180.1± 53.9 g) que las de F. tonduzii (285.3 ± 88.4 g) y Z. longifolia (232.3 ± 60.8 g), pero sin diferencias entre las dos últimas especies. Las hojas de Z. longifolia también tuvieron más nitrógeno (1.9 ± 0.0%) que las de hojas de las otras especies (1 ± 0.0 %). En cuanto a la preferencia de hojas, las larvas de Phylloicus sp. utilizaron en mayor proporción las hojas de C. multiflora. Aunque las hojas de C. multiflora no tuvieron diferencias significativas en el contenido de lignina y fósforo, presentaron valores menores de dureza, lo que podría hacerlas más palatables para Phylloicus sp. Por otra parte, el crecimiento específico diario de las larvas fue mayor cuando usaron hojas de F. tonduzii. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados parecen indicar que las hojas más preferidas no son necesariamente las de mejor calidad nutricional y sugieren que la dureza de las hojas es la variable más importante en la selección de la hojarasca por parte de las larvas de Phylloicus sp.

Introduction: Fragmentation of allochthonous material by aquatic insects is a functional process that has been little studied in Colombian rivers. One of the most abundant shredder genus in American tropical stream ecosystems is the caddisfly genus Phylloicus (Calamoceratidae). Objective: In this study we evaluate the effect of chemical (nitrogen, phosphorus and lignin) and physical (toughness) attributes of leaves of three dominant tree species (Ficus tonduzii, Zygia longifolia and Clusia multiflora) in the riverine area of the middle section of the Gaira river, on leaf preferences and larval growth of a species of Phylloicus. Methods: Multiple food selection field experiments were performed, in which experimental chambers were located in the river for twenty-one days. For the assessment of leaf quality, leaves were collected in the river, dried and pulverized to perform chemical analyzes. Results: There were no significant differences in lignin and phosphorous percentages between the leaves of the three species, but nitrogen content and leaf toughness differed among them. The leaves of C. multiflora were softer (180.1± 53.9 g) than those of F. tonduzii (285.3 ± 88.4 g) and Z. longifolia (232.3 ± 60.8 g), but without differences between the last two species. The Z. longifolia leaves also had more nitrogen (1.9 ± 0.0 %) than those of the other species (1 ± 0.0 %). Regarding leaf selection, Phylloicus sp. larvae used in greater proportion the leaves of C. multiflora. Although lignin and phosphorous differences were not significant, the leaves of C. multiflora had lower toughness, which could make them more palatable for Phylloicus sp. On the other hand, the daily specific growth of the larvae was higher when they used leaves of F. tonduzii. Conclusions: Our findings seem to indicate that the most preferred leaves were not necessarily those of better nutritional quality and suggest that leaf toughness was the most important variable in the selection of leaf litter by the larvae of Phylloicus sp.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-846184


Objective: To explore the content of seven active compounds in 10 kinds of medicinal herbs of Paridis Rhizoma, and to carry out chemical composition integration evaluation, which provides a scientific basis for its resource utilization. Methods: A total of 55 batches of medicinal herbs were collected from different areas, and their saponins I, saponins II, saponins VI, saponins VII, diosgenin, saponins H, and saponins were determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography. Then, TOPSIS model was used to normalize the content results and integrate the multi-indicator data to obtain a comprehensive index of content of seven active compounds. Results: The 10 kinds of medicinal herbs of Paridis Rhizoma were ranked from long to low was Paris forrestii (Ci = 0.275 5) > Paris polyphylla (Ci = 0.273 2) > Paris daliensis (Ci = 0.269 8) > Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis (Ci = 0.244 5) > Paris vietnamensis (Ci = 0.234 5) > Paris polyphylla var. stenophylla (Ci = 0.159 1) > Paris thibetica (Ci = 0.141 6) > Paris polyphylla var. nana (Ci = 0.117 8) > P. vietnamensis (Ci = 0.115 1) > Paris mairei (Ci = 0.114 9), indicating that comprehensive quality of 10 kinds of medicinal herbs of Paridis Rhizoma had a large gap. The overall quality of P. forrestii, P. polyphylla and P. daliensis are better than that of P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis, and the comprehensive evaluation results of P. vietnamensis and P. polyphylla var. yunnanensis are closer that can be used as an alternative species for resource mining. Conclusion: The comprehensive evaluation of chemical quality has certain reference value for the quality evaluation of Paridis Rhizoma

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-307090


To observe the influence of different cultivation measures on the chemical constituents of Codonopsis Radix and provide reference for its reasonable cultivation, Codonopsis Radix samples cultivated by different cultivation measures were collected from the planting base in Min county,and their quality were evaluated by establishing HPLC fingerprint and determining the content of lobetyolin and Codonopsis Radix polysaccharide. The results show that different cultivation measures have an effect on the quality of Codonopsis Radix and the contents of lobetyolin and Codonopsis Radix polysaccharide are obviously different. According to the content of lobetyolin, not using Zhuanggenling>using Zhuanggenling. While, not pinching, shelving>not pinching, not shelving>pinching, shelving>pinching, not shelving. According to the content of Codonopsis Radix polysaccharide, not using Zhuanggenling>using Zhuanggenling. While, not pinching, shelving>not pinching, not shelving>pinching, not shelving>pinching, shelving. Based on the chemical quality evaluation results, the appropriate cultivation measure of Codonopsis Radix is not using Zhuanggenling, not pinching and shelving.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-250504


"Dida" is one of the most representative commonly used Tibetan medicines in treatment of hepatobilaiary diseases. To analyze and compare the content of 7 effective constituents in 11 species which are used as Dida. Integrated evaluation of them, which supply a basis for the resources exploitation for them. In this paper, most appropriate absorption wavelengths of different natural iridoid compounds, xanthones and oleanolic acid have been performed by using 3D spectrum technique. According to the results, the wavelength 210, 240 and 265 nm were used for detection of 7 effective constituents. By means of calculation, determination of 7 effective constituents indicated good linearity over the linear range with coefficients (r) of 0.999 9 respectively. The recoveries were found in the average range of 99% to 101% with RSD being less than 3%. Normalize and integrate by three-dimension the data. Get their integrated chemical quality index(ICQI). Results suggested that these plants used as Dida in Tibet medicine mostly contain these 7 effective constituents, but the different is notable. The integrated evaluation by the integrated chemical quality index (ICQI) has reference value for quality control.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 59: e16160111, 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-951380


ABSTRACT Twenty-seven bottled mineral waters from local markets in Curitiba, State of Paraná, Brazil were analyzed for a number of constituents, including: pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, hardness, HCO3 - and CO 3 2-, as well as Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4 + , F-, Cl-, NO3 -, NO2 - and SO4 2- by ion chromatography (IC); Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Ni, Sr, V and Zn by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES); Hg by cold vapor generation-ICP OES and As, Pb, Sb and Se by ICP-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The obtained limits of quantitation (LOQ) were adequate for the determination of all analytes using the various analytical techniques. Results for the analysis of AccuStandard certified reference materials QCS-01-5, QCS-02-R1-5 and TCLP-02-1 as well as spike recoveries to samples show acceptable values, within 90-111 % of expected concentrations with relative standard deviations below 10 %, demonstrating the accuracy of the determinations. Both NO2 - and NO 3 - were above the maximum limits set by Brazilian legislation in two samples, indicating a microbiological contamination. One imported sample presented As (6.1 ± 0.2 µg L-1) near the maximum limit (10 µg L-1) while all other elements of interest were below the values specified by Brazilian legislation. Principal component analysis revealed that four imported samples and one from the Minas Gerais State have the highest mineral concentrations.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 19(1): 43-52, Jan-Mar/2014. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-703067


A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar os impactos causados na qualidade química e bacteriológica das águas subterrâneas, do aquífero freático da região do bairro Pedra Noventa, em Cuiabá (MT). Para isso, foram selecionados 31 poços do tipo cacimba, distribuídos uniformemente ao longo desse bairro. Os resultados das análises permitiram as seguintes conclusões: 1 - Os parâmetros químicos estudados não apresentaram concentrações muito elevadas, embora o pH, a amônia, o nitrato e o fosfato tenham apresentado concentrações fora dos Valores Máximos Permissíveis para o consumo humano, exigidos pela Portaria 2.914/2011; provavelmente, originam-se das fossas sépticas, que estão disseminadas na região, e de matérias orgânicas em decomposição que caem nos poços abertos. 2 - A concentração dos elementos químicos entre os períodos de estiagem e chuva sofreu alterações em todos os parâmetros avaliados. Isto indica que ocorreram flutuações sazonais na sua qualidade, sendo as concentrações maiores na época da chuva e menores na época de estiagem, provavelmente pelo fato de os processos de lixiviação serem mais intensos que os processos de diluição. 3 - As análises bacteriológicas (coliformes totais e Escherichia coli) apresentaram concentrações acima dos Valores Máximos Permissíveis para o consumo humano, provavelmente graças às fossas sépticas intensamente distribuídas na região. 4 - As alterações provocadas nas águas subterrâneas do aquífero freático provavelmente se devem à falta de saneamento básico da região.

This study aimed to assess the impacts on the bacteriological and chemical quality of groundwater, the water table aquifer in the area Neighborhood Ninety Stone in Cuiaba (MT). For this, we selected 31 wells venly distributed throughout this neighborhood. The analysis results led to the following conclusions: 1 - Chemical parameters studied did not show very high concentrations, although the pH, ammonia, nitrate and phosphate have showed concentrations outside the Permissible Maximum Values for human consumption, required by Ordinance 2.914/2011; probably originate from septic tanks, which are widespread in the region and decomposing organic matter falling in open wells. 2 - Concentration of chemical elements between periods of drought and rain changed in all parameters evaluated. This indicates that there were seasonal fluctuations in quality, with the largest concentrations in the rainy season and lower in the dry season, probably due to leaching processes are more intense than the processes of dilution. 3 - The bacteriological analyzes (total coliforms and Escherichia coli) had concentrations above the Maximum Allowable Values for human consumption, probably due to septic tanks intensely distributed in the region. 4 - Changes in groundwater probably are due to lack of sanitation in the region.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461700


This study was aimed to find out the correlation between chemical component contents and physical prop-erties of tanshinone extract powders. The contents of cryptotanshinone and tanshinone IIA from 50 batches of tanshi-none extract powders were determined by HPLC. And the physical properties were determined by classical methods. The correlation analysis between component contents and physical properties were also investigated. The results showed that two sets of variables had good intraclass correlation, especially for the contents of cryptotanshinone and tanshinone IIA, among D10, D50, D90, there were relatively strong correlation between the bulk density and tapped density, between the Hausner ratio and compressibility index. The angle of repose had a certain correlation with the uniformity, Hausner ratio and compressibility index, but with no strong correlation. The correlation coefficient be-tween two sets was below 0.400, suggesting there was a not so good inter-group correlation. After the canonical cor-relation analysis, three pairs of canonical variables had significant correlations with correlation coefficients being 0.851, 0.674 and 0.565, respectively. It was concluded that there was a good intraclass correlation for each of physi-cal and/or chemical quality set, but the correlation between the two sets was bad. Canonical variables performed bet-ter inter-group correlation compared with original variables, indicating there was a certain correlation between chem-ical and physical quality attributes of tanshinone extract powders.

Ciênc. rural ; 42(5): 918-925, maio 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-626310


This study verified the effect of the spontaneous fermentation/natural ferment (NF) on the chemo-sensory quality of cachaça, comparing to the commercial ferment (CF). The effect of ageing (maturation) was also analysed in the beverage. Microbiological analysis (plating on selective media for total/wild yeast and bacteria counting) and physico-chemical analysis (pH, acidity and soluble solids) were performed in the samples of the must and the ferment collected during three cycles of fermentation in a semi-industrial scale. Samples of cachaça were stored in 5-L oak containers for 45 days, subsequently analyzing the physico-chemical characteristics (pH, acidity, alcohol content, copper and secondary compounds) and sensory acceptability (aroma, flavour, colour, body and global impression). The fermentation with NF showed higher number of wild yeasts; however there was no difference in the number of bacteria comparing to CF. An intense acidification occurred during the preparation of NF, which was also observed in the initial cycles of fermentation, but decreased afterwards. Greater alterations in cachaça composition were found to be more exclusively related to the maturation than to the type of ferment, except for the acidity. However, there was a significant loss of aroma, flavour and global impression after maturation but only in cachaça produced with the CF. The results revealed a strong interaction between ferment and maturation of the beverage, suggesting that substances produced by the microorganisms from different inocula during fermentation reacted differently with the wood components of the barrels influencing the sensory attributes.

Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito da fermentação espontânea/fermento natural (NF) sobre a qualidade fisico-química e aceitabilidade da cachaça, comparando-se com o fermento comercial (CF). O efeito do envelhecimento (maturação) da bebida foi também avaliado. Análises microbiológicas (plaqueamento em meios seletivos para contagem de leveduras totais/selvagens e bactérias) e físico-químicas (pH, acidez e sólidos solúveis) foram conduzidas nas amostras do mosto e do fermento coletadas durante três ciclos fermentativos (escala semi-industrial). Amostras de cachaça foram armazenadas em barris de carvalho de 5 litros por 45 dias, seguindo-se a análise físico-química (pH, acidez, teor alcoolico, cobre e compostos secundários) e de aceitabilidade sensorial (aroma, sabor, cor, corpo e impressão global). A fermentação com NF mostrou maior número de leveduras selvagens; no entanto, não houve diferença significativa no número de bactérias quando comparada com CF. Uma intensa acidificação foi observada durante o preparo de NF, a qual foi verificada nos ciclos iniciais da fermentação, decrescendo a seguir. As alterações na composição da cachaça foram mais significativas em relação à maturação do que ao tipo de fermento, com exceção da acidez. No entanto, houve uma perda significativa de aroma, sabor e impressão global após a maturação na cachaça produzida com CF. Os resultados revelaram uma forte interação entre fermento e envelhecimento (maturação) da bebida, sugerindo que substâncias produzidas pelos microrganismos a partir de inóculos diferentes reagiram diferentemente com componentes da madeira dos barris, influenciando nos atributos sensoriais de aceitabilidade.

Acta amaz ; 40(3): 425-434, set. 2010. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: lil-560514


O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade pós-colheita de frutos de cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum) durante o amadurecimento após o tratamento com Etefon. Frutos das variedades Santa Luzia e Thais no estádio verde-maduro foram coletados, lavados e pulverizados até o completo molhamento com 1000 mg L-1 de Etefon e o controle com água. A cada três dias, durante 12 dias foram realizadas análises da firmeza do pericarpo, pH, teor de sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável (ATT), umidade e cinzas. Foi avaliada a liberação de C0(2) e etileno diariamente durante 12 dias, conjuntamente com a perda de matéria fresca e evolução da cor, a cada três dias, sempre no mesmo grupo de frutos. Foi empregado o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e análise de regressão. Ocorreu perda de firmeza do pericarpo dos frutos com o tempo de armazenamento pós-colheita, com diminuição do pH, aumento da ATT e perda da matéria fresca. A aplicação de Etefon promoveu poucas mudanças na qualidade interna dos frutos, porém foi eficiente no desverdecimento da casca, o que pode ser verificado pelos menores valores do ângulo de cor e maiores da cromaticidade e luminosidade. O comportamento da respiração e produção de etileno aponta para um modelo de amadurecimento não climatérico.

The objective of the present work was to evaluate postharvest quality of cubiu (Solanum sessiliflorum) fruits during ripening after Ethephon treatment. Fruits from the varieties Santa Luzia and Thais were harvested at green-mature stage, washed and sprayed until run off with Ethephon (0 e 1000 mg L-1). At every three days, during 12 days, the following analyses were performed: pericarp firmness, pH, total soluble solid content, total titratable acidity (ATT), water content and ashes. CO2 and ethylene production were evaluated daily for 12 days, together with the loss of fresh matter and color evolution, at every three days, always the same fruit group. The experiment was arranged in a complete randomized design. Data were examined by analysis of variance and regression analysis. There was loss of pericarp firmness with time of postharvest storage, with decrease in pH, increase in ATT and loss of fresh matter. Ethephon promoted small changes in the internal quality of fruits, whereas it was efficient to induce degreening of fruit peel, which can be verified by the lower color angles and higher chromaticity and brightness. Respiration rates and ethylene production of the fruit suggest that cubiu has non-climateric behavior.

Solanum/physiology , Ethylenes/analysis , Fruit/growth & development , Fruit/chemistry
RBCF, Rev. bras. ciênc. farm. (Impr.) ; 43(4): 607-613, out.-dez. 2007. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-479330


O presente trabalho tem como objetivo comparar os métodos oficiais de determinação físico-química de produtos lácteos (extrato seco desengordurado, proteína, gordura e densidade) com metodologia de ultra-som. Foram analisados diferentes leites (integral e desnatado, convencional e orgânico), leites fermentados comerciais, bases lácteas para leites fermentados e soro de queijo, totalizando vinte produtos lácteos de características diferentes. O método por ultra-som é rápido e os resultados obtidos correlacionam-se àqueles das análises oficiais. Entretanto, é necessário o emprego de um perfil específico através da calibração do equipamento com base nas informações das análises oficiais. Os resultados deste trabalho exploratório sugerem a necessidade de se realizar um estudo com grande número de amostras a fim de validar as conclusões obtidas. As evidências descritas neste artigo são importantes para a indústria brasileira de produtos lácteos.

The present paper aims to compare the official methods of physical-chemical determination of dairy products (defatted dry matter, protein, fat and density) with methodology using ultra-sound. Different products were analyzed: milks (integral and skimmed conventional and organic), commercial fermented milks and dairy milk bases prepared in laboratory and whey totalizing twenty dairy products of different characteristics. The method using ultra-sound is fast and the results are correlated with those of the official analyses. However, the operator of the equipment should be attentive to employ a specific profile of the equipment according to the analysis to be carried out and, to calibrate the equipment based in the information obtained by the official analyses. The results of this exploratory article suggest the need to perform a study with a great number of samples in order to validate the obtained conclusions. The evidences described in this article are important for the Brazilian industry of dairy products.

Food Composition , Food Quality , Yogurt/analysis , Dairy Products/analysis , Milk , Ultrasonics
São Paulo; s.n; 2005. 228 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-430381


O desenvolvimento de métodos analíticos e o estudo de estabilidade de formulações cosméticas e farmacêuticas fazem parte do processo de garantia de qualidade, o qual tem por objetivo assegurar a eficácia e segurança no uso de tais produtos pelo consumidor. O ácido kójico é um agente despigmentante que pode estar associado ao ácido glicólico, um agente esfoliante, a fim de ter sua ação potencializada. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimnto de um método analítico para a determinação do ácido kójico a 1 porcento associado ou não ao ácido glicólico a 5 por cento em formulações tópicas na forma creme e gel, a base de excipientes comumente utilizados em farmácias de manipulação, e a realização de um estudo acelereado para avaliar a estabilidade das mesmas...

The development of analytical methods and the stability study of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals are part of the quality assurance, which has for objective to guarantee the effectiveness and security in the use of such products for the consumer. Kojic acid is a depigmentant agent that can be used in association with glycolic acid, an exfoliant agent, in order to have its action maximized. The aim of this work was the development of an analytical method to assay kojic acid 1% associated or not with 5% glycolic acid in cream and gel form, based on excipients normally used in compounding formulations, and carried out an accelerated study to evaluate its stability. To determine kojic acid in such formulations it was employed an UV first-derivative spectrophotometric method (UVD), with "zero crossing" set in 256,8 nm, where the excipients interference could be annulled. To assay both acids in association it was validated a reversed phase HPLC method with ion pairing, employed a Synergi Hidro® C18 column, mobile phase NH4H2PO4/H3PO4 buffer 30 mmol -1 pH 3,0 plus TBA (tetrabutylammonium bromide) 2 mM : acetonitrila (95:5), flow rate of 0,7 mL/min and detector PDA set in 220 nm. The samples were easily extracted and the run time was 12 min. The same experimental conditions were used to the development of a HPLC method in order to determine the kojic acid isolated in cream and gel formulations. The UVD e HPLC methods were not statistically different in terms of accuracy and precision (p = 95%). The samples submitted to the accelerated stability study, for 90 days, were stored at 40±2ºC and light 25±2ºC. All samples were also stored at room temperature protected from light. Appearance, pH, rheology and amount of kojic and glycolic acids (by HPLC) were evaluated. At the end of the study, all the samples showed physical stability, but presented decline in kojic acid above 5% at 40±2ºC. Samples stored at not accelerated conditions preserved 90% of kojic acid concentration. Therefore, a 90 days expiration date may be considered for formulations with similar composition and packing, when stored at room temperature and protected from light.

Acids/analysis , Cosmetics/administration & dosage , Cosmetics/analysis , Cosmetics/chemistry , In Vitro Techniques , Melanosis , Skin Pigmentation , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical , Drug Stability , Quality Control , Spectrophotometry, Ultraviolet , Thermogravimetry