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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226501


Atrophic vaginitis is a common condition that occurs in post menopause due to the deficiency of estrogen. The condition Atrophic vaginitis is defined as atrophy of the vaginal epithelium due to decreased estrogen levels. This common menopausal condition which is often underreported and under diagnosed is caused by estrogen related changes to the vaginal epithelium and can adversely affect quality of life. Atrophic vaginitis is a common condition in postmenopausal women experience due to estrogen deficiency that causes involution of the vaginal tissue, leading to vaginal dryness, burning sensation in vagina and dyspareunia, the atrophy of the vulvovaginal structures occurs due to estrogen deficiency. Among them Sushka yoniroga can be most suitably correlated with Atrophic vaginitis. The management principle of Atrophic vaginitis includes Vathika yoniroga chikitsa, along with Sthanika chikitsa. Treatment mainly aims at Vatapittasamana, Brimhana, Balya and natural supplementation of estrogen containing drugs. Sthanika chikitsa like Yonipooranam, Pichu dharanam, etc can be done in Atrophic vaginitis. Sthanika chikitsa which is of prime importance in the management of Streeroga facilitates absorption of drugs through the vagina as the walls and adjacent tissues are highly vascular, where the medicines are administered intra vaginally. In the present case, Yonipoorana as Sthanika chikitsa as tried. A 54 year old lady was presented with complaints of burning sensation in vagina and pain during sexual intercourse. The vaginal examination was painful and the walls are found inflamed, she was diagnosed with Atrophic vaginitis. She was sent to cytological screening. The reports revealed high grade parabasal cells and low grade superficial cells. The maturation index was found 60/25/5 vaginal pH was 5.3. Pap smear was done which was negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy. Dasapaka Bala tailam was administered intravaginally for 7 days in 3 consecutive months. During follow up she was relieved from the symptoms like burning sensation in vagina and pain during sexual intercourse. From this case report, it shows that Yonipoorana with Dasapaka Bala tailam is effective for the management of Atrophic vaginitis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226514


Shweta Pradara or excessive vaginal discharge is one of the commonest complaints among women of reproductive age group. An increase in the normal vaginal secretion develops physiologically at puberty, at ovulation, premenstrual phase and during pregnancy. Excessive discharge causes irritation and itching in the genetalia. Ayurveda explained this condition as Shweta Pradara. Shweta Pradara is a symptom which is present in most of the diseases or present as a complication. Shweta Pradara is not a disease it produces as a symptom, hence etiopathogenesis of principal disease and Shweta Pradara would be same. It is a Kaphaja disorder at the place of Apana Vayu. A 47 years old female patient suffering from intermittent Yonigata Shwet Strava since two years with aggravation of symptoms from one week presented to Prasuti Tantra Evam Stree Roga OPD. Yonigat Shwet Strava was associated with Yoni Kandu, Katishool, Yoni Daha. On enquiry, it was found that she was the known case of Type II Diabetes Mellitus since 10 years. She was taking medication for the same but her blood sugar levels were uncontrolled in spite of taking medication as per her recent investigations. In this case Shwet Pradar was the Updrava of Madhumeh, thus line of management was planned to control her sugar level by supplementing Ayurvedic drugs along with allopathic medicine for DM II (Madhumeh) and treated her with Yoniprakshalan with Triphala Kwath followed by Cutis ointment tamponing per vaginum for 14 days. She had followed the schedule of Yoni Prakshalana, oral medicines and Pathya-Apathya properly. It was observed that, symptoms were started to reduce gradually which has been depicted by documentation of investigations and local examination in this case study.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226471


Ayurveda the ancient traditional system of Indian medicine has two basic principles Tridosha And Panchbhuatic Chikitsa Siddhant. The elements of nature Earth, Water, Space, Fire and Air. All these elements are linked to the possibility of human life on Earth, and also contain compounds, minerals and nutrients that can improve our health. Krishna Mrittika is one of the most important elements of these and contains a lot of vital nutrients essential for the human body. The Acharyas told that Krishna Mrittika has Shothahar and Shoolhar Gunas. Krishna Mrittika can expel toxins from human body therefore is very useful in therapeutic and preventing many diseases. Ayurveda recommends Krishna Mrittika Chikitsa as a specialized therapy for good management of diseases. It is very Economic and effective also. It can be make easy methods. Its black colour absorbs all the colours of sun and According to the disease, affects the body organ. Solid and heavy human organs in the body are related to the Prithavi Mahaboot. As mentioned in Atharvaveda (12/1/6) that Prithavi detains lots of essential minerals, nutrients in it And by these minerals Prithavi nourishes the human Beings. This article, explaining how to use Krishna Mrittika as a therapeutic properties.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226435


Kerala is exceptional for the practice of Visha chikitsa from time out of mind. Keraleeya visha chikitsa grandhas such as Prayoga sammucchayam and Kriya koumudi point out distinctive treatment procedure for snake envenomation such as Karu prayogam, Vella prayogam, Oothu chikitsa etc. Among this most handy and easy treatment procedure, Oothu chikitsa or blowing therapy which is mentioned for immediate stabilization of the patient from severe cobra envenomation is discussed here. The present study evaluates the role of Ayurveda in emergency management. This procedure, in which three persons are made to blow over vertex and both ears for 150 times by chewing certain drugs such as Viswa, Dusparsa, Maricha and Visha vega in equal quantities are indicated in the initial manifestation of snake bite including altered consciousness. On evaluation, the volatile components of these drugs are found to act on CNS. In this era of emergency medicine, exploration of Ayurvedic emergency treatment procedure is very much important. This emergency treatment procedure can be conceptually applied in the altered consciousness other than snake bite such as altered consciousness arising due to neurological and metabolic causes, diffuse physiological brain dysfunction as seen in certain drug poisoning, alchohol etc. This study aims at application of blowing therapy, indicated in initial manifestation of cobra envenomation and helps the patient to stabilize from a level of altered consciousness in the context of altered consciousness in conditions other than snake bite.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226434


The health is described in Charak Samhita under different titles along with its process to attain the health i.e., Arogyata, Sukha & Sukhayu, immune person etc. Rasayana & Vajikarana are the branches among the eight branches of Ayurveda and its result is shown as Swasthasyorjaskarah which are directly related to health promotion. A specific concept is also mentioned in Charak Samhita about absolute health is known as Naishthiki Chikitsa. The term Swasthasyorjskar Chikitsa is the Urjaskar therapy for Swastha Person. A medically fit (Arogya) person who achieve well being (Sukhayu) by following its tools and educative measures, should seek for promoted status of excellence of health or health plus. For this Swasthasyorjskar chikitsa is prescribed. When a person achieve maintenance of excellent status of health then only he can aspire for the absolute health status i.e. Nihshesh dukhnivritti through Yoga and Naishthiki chikitsa. Hence in Charak Samhita there is prescribed the provision of Swathasyorjaskar Chikitsa for healthy one also.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226392


Hridroga (heart diseases) is one of the major causes of death in India. Hridroga means Cardiac Disorders in Ayurveda. Heart is described as Marma (vital organ) in Ayurveda. Number of people suffering from the heart diseases are quite increased in last few years. According to the global burden of disease, the 24.8 % of all deaths are occurred due to CADs [1] and it affects elders as well as young population, so it is needed to review the concept of Hridroga and its management according to Ayurvedic perspectives with its present updates so, one can prevent these conditions or manage them with more precise approach. Previously number of works has been done on Hridroga in relation to its pathology, treatment aspect, dietary regimen useful for pathological conditions affecting heart. Detail description of causes, symptoms, treatment part of Hridroga is available in the Ayurvedic texts. Ayurveda explains in detail regarding how Ayurveda is afflicted with vitiated Vata, Pitta and Kapha with its symptoms and clinical management. To prevent these conditions and also treat them with more precise approach the review of these concepts is helpful. This article includes the etiological factors, Dosha specific symptoms, types and clinical management of Hridroga (heart disorders) as explained in Ayurvedic texts.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226369


Ayurveda holds a prominent and exceptional place in Indian scientific heritage. Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on prevention and aids in promoting and extending a happy, healthy life. Chikitsa in Ayurveda is the result of diligent effort and judicious use of Chatushpada (Four pillars of treatment). Bhaishajya kalpana is an important branch of Ayurveda which mainly deals with the development of diverse Ayurvedic formulations. Panchavidha Kashaya Kalpana is the basic five therapeutic preparations. Varti Kalpana is a unique Ayurvedic dosage form and it is an Upakalpana of Kalka Kalpana mentioned in Panchavidha kashaya kalpana. Its mode of action and administration is different from Vati Kalpana even though it has similar physical structure and method of preparation. Bruhatrayees were extensively explains about different types of Varti like Netra Varti, Guda Varti, Yoni Varti etc. Siras, Basthi and Hrudayam are collectively called as Trimarma and Guda is one among the Maha marma. Diseases of these vital parts can be safely managed with Varti prayoga without causing any complications. Varti prayoga is included in Stanika chikitsa (local treatment) but it can impart local as well as systemic effect. Manasiladi Dhumavarti indicated in Kasa, Kayastyadi Varti and Yashtyadi Varti in Apasmara, Sallakadi dhumavarti in Unmada are the examples of Varti prayoga which exert systemic effect. The convenience of Varti is enhanced by its simple administration, quick response, and user-friendliness.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226349


Uterine prolapse is a type of pelvic organ prolapse where the supporting pelvic structures of uterus weakens and result in descent of uterus from its normal position. Among them, Prasramsini can be most suitably correlated with 1st and 2nd degree uterine prolapse. The management principle of pelvic organ prolapse includes Vathika yoniroga chikitsa along with Sthanika chikitsa. Treatment mainly aims at Vathasamana, Brimhana, Sandhana, Balya and strengthening of pelvic floor musculature. Sthanika chikitsa like Yonilepana, Yonipurana, Pichu dharana, etc can be done in pelvic organ prolapse. In Sthanika chikitsa, medicines are applied intravaginally. Vaginal wall and adjacent tissues are extremely vascular and this facilitates absorption of drugs through vagina. Anatomically backward position of vagina helps in self retaining of drugs for a longer duration. In the present case, Yonilepa as Sthanika chikitsa was tried. A 56 year old lady was presented with complaints of urinary incontinence, low back ache, dyspareunia and feeling of mass per vaginum. On examination, she was diagnosed with 1st degree uterine descend. USG was done to exclude other pelvic pathologies. Pap smear was done which was – ve for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy. Lodhradi lepa was applied for 7 days in 3 consecutive months. During follow up, she was relieved from symptoms like feeling of mass per vaginum, urinary incontinence, low back ache and dyspareunia. From this case report, it is evident that Yoni lepa is effective for the management of uterine prolapse.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226319


Stroke is one among such diseases which needs immediate care and attention as it causes death and disabilities in the person, hence considered as a major burden in developing countries like India. The estimated adjusted prevalence rate of stroke in India ranges from 84-262/1,00,000 in rural and 334-424/1,00,000 in urban areas. The incidence rate is 119-145/1,00,000 based on the recent population-based study. The nearest clinical entity for stroke is Pakshaghata. Methodology: A 51yrs old male patient who is a known case of DM since 6years under regular medication approached to OPD of SKAMCH & RC Bangalore, with a Lakshana of loss of function, sensation, speech etc where mainly right half of the body was affected. Based on the clinical presentation and Ayurvedic parameters, the condition was diagnosed as Pakshaghata with special reference to ischemic stroke with possible multiple lacunar infarcts and Chikitsa was adopted keeping Dhatukshayajanya pathology as base. The treatment such as Sarvanga Abhyanga, Sarvanga Nadi swda, Sarvanga shashtika shali pinda sweda and Basti with oral medications like Suvarna sameerapannaga rasa, Vidaryadi Kashaya, ashtavarga Kashaya, balarishta and Cap. Palsineuron were prescribed. Result: There were drastic improvements seen in the Lakshanas. Overall fruitful result was achieved even follow up were maintained. Discussion: This article is a discussion about a case of ischemic stroke of brain which was successfully treated with Ayurvedic approach. The disease Pakshaghata with its Lakshanas, Nidana, Samprapti, Sampraptivighatana of Chikitsa given, along with the approach to conclude its possible modern co-relation as Ischemic stroke of brain were the main points Sampraptivighatana, chikitsa given, consideration. Conclusion: The above-described sets of Panchakarma treatment along with Shamanoushadhi has shown significant result clinically with speedy recovery within a month in the patient in the present study.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-226282


Janusandhivata is a Vataj disorder in which Vata resides in Janu sandhi (Vimarga gaman) and produces various signs and symptoms according to its Gunas. In modern sciences Janusandhivata is correlated with osteoarthritis. In the present study integrative measures like allopathy medicines, Ayurvedic medicines and Karmas, yoga, naturopathy and exercises are studied for the effective relief of symptoms of Janu sandhigata vata i.e., OA. Integrative measures are studied to provide effective and fast relief to the patient. Modern treatment provides instant relief while on the other hand Ayurveda heals by curing the disease from root and is considered Apunarbhav chikitsa which means it prevents recurrence of the disease. Other measures aid in achieving the ultimate goal of cure from the disease.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225727


In today抯 era skin disease is very commonly found. As there is no specific and permanent treatment available in modern science therefore people are attracting towards Ayurvedic treatments for skin related issues and diseases. Twak(skin) is the largest organ of human body which protects and covers whole body. It is one of five gyanendriya that is Sparsh gyanendriya(sense organ). Nowadays people use so many chemical products internally as well as externally for looking good which causes the imbalance of dosh, dhatuand mala (fecal product). These are the fundaments of human body and skin is the outer most protective organ. So, whenever anything uncommon happened with body, skin start showing some symptoms like redness, swelling, due to dushti of doshas (imbalance/toxicity of dosha).A male patient of 36years old came in our hospital with the complains of Twak kandu(skin itching), Krushna varnata (hyper pigmentation), Krushna varni pitikotpatti (rashes), Vali(wrinkles) and Rukshta(dryness) which was diagnosed as Twak vikruti(skin disease) and treated with complete ayurvedic treatment Shaman chikitsa(internal medicine) along with Shodhan chikitsa(body purification treatment).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194996


Lepa is considered as an important and initial Chikitsa in reference with Vranashotha chikitsa described by Acharya Sushruta and when the Lepa is applied around the outer surface of eyes it is termed as Vidalaka. Vidalaka a type of Kriyakalpa therapy which is mainly indicated in acute inflammatory conditions of eyes such as Daha (burning sensation), Updeha (discharge), Ashru (watering) Shopha (swelling) and Raga (redness). Different formulations are given in classic texts for eye diseases and one among them is Yashtayadi lepa mentioned by Acharya Sharangadhara in Sharangadhara Samhita. It is described as Sarvanetrarujahara Yoga and consists Yastimadhu, Gairika, Saindhav, Daruharidra and Rasanjana as its main ingredients. Yashtyadi lepa was prepared as per the guidelines given for Lepa in API (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India) and analyzed using various standard physico-chemical parameters given for Lepa such as Loss on drying, Ash value, Water extract value, Alcohol extract value and pH. There is no standard guidelines is given for pharmaceutical analysis for Yastyadi Lepa in API. With this background the present study was undertaken to find pharmacognostical and physicochemical qualities of Lepa as recommended in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India (API) and to use them as reference for future studies on Yashtyadi Lepa for different ocular diseases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194938


Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In sanskrit, Ayurveda means "The Science of life". Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5000 years ago and is often called the "Mother of healing". Ancient surgical science- Shalya Tantra is one of the vital components of Ayurveda science which involves surgical and para-surgical interventions. The Shalya chikitsa deals with different surgical approaches for the management of various diseases such as Bhagandra, Pilonidal sinus, Arshas etc. Shalya Tantra embraces all processes aiming at the removal of factors responsible for producing pain or misery to the body or mind. Acharya sushruta has mentioned "Trividha Karma" and "Ashtavidha Shastra Karma" as versatile approaches for therapeutic purposes. The concept of Ashtavidha karma is a unique contribution of Acharya Sushruta. These eight specific surgical procedures are useful in the management of all the diseases which require surgical intervention. In the present time though modern surgery has developed a lot but the basic procedures used in major conditions remained same. These eight basic surgical procedures mentioned by Sushruta are equally applied even today with required modifications to manage the diseases which require surgery including surgical emergency conditions. This article summarizes role of Ashtvidha Shastra Karma in Shalya karma for the management of various surgical problems.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194937


Ayurveda is the Ancient system of Medicine which gives equal importance to preventive and curative aspects of treatment. Rasayana Chikitsa plays a key role in the treatment of all the diseases (both in curative and preventive). There is nothing painful and stressful to women, for not being conceived. In the present modern era, female infertility is raised to the alarming extent due to diet & lifestyle modifications. Couples suffering from the infertility are approaching the infertility centres and going for the artificial reproductive techniques (IUI, IVF, ICSI-ET, Sarogasy). Ayurveda, through its unique line of treatment approaches, paves the way for fertility management through the medicines along with diet & lifestyle modifications. The Commonest cause for fertility being the Hypothyroidism in females (in this present study, I have considered hypothyroidism as Rasa pradosaja vyadi), clinical study was done at OPD, DR. BRKR Govt Ayurvedic College, Hyderabad and treated the patient with Dipana, Pachana, Rasayana Chikitsa and the patient conceived. In this present article an attempt is made to review and understand the concept of Rasayana chikitsa in the management of infertility with special reference to hypothyroidism (Dhatupradosja vyadi).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194927


Samrat Ashoka was the grandson of Chandragupta and he founded the Mauryan dynasty empire about 324 B.C. Ashoka built a large number of inscriptions on rocks and pillars to propagate Buddhist message of loving kindness. He was the follower of Buddhist thought after Kalinga war. He had dug wells and planted trees and medicinal plants along the roads for human beings as well as animals. The fundamental principles of Ayurveda have been based on Indian philosophical sciences such as Aastika and Nastika Darshan. Ancient Indian history has been written mainly based on texts/literatures but there was some role of coins sand inscriptions also. The total number of incretions inscribed on rocks, pillars, caves by Samrat Ashoka has reached 42 but in this article only two (Girnar’s second and Dhauli’s first Shilalekh) which is related to Ayurveda has been reviewed.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194913


The Malayalam month of Karkidaka fall during monsoons rather classically known as the Varsha ritu (July-August). Kerala is a hub of unique healthcare practises. One such practice is the “Karkidaka Chikitsa” which includes both internal and external medications taken during the month. Karkidaka Kanji fondly known as Oushadha Kanji is a medicated gruel, either consumed along with these treatments or alone during this period. In Varsha ritu, there will be decreased Jatharagni and Sharira bala. Hence the seasonal adaptations are carried out for Tridosha shamana and Deepana. This maybe the principle behind adopting Karkidaka Kanji by traditional practitioners of Kerala. In the present study details of the recipe was collected form among the traditional practitioners, Ayurvedic doctors of Kerala and the results were tabulated. An in depth literature survey was done for analysing the properties of the medicines used in the preparation. The analysis showed that this is an example of ritucharya modified according to Desa and Satmya. This study highlights the importance of documenting the ethnic practises for further reference.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194901


Menstruation is normal vaginal bleeding that occurs every month in all women of reproductive age group (15-49yrs). According to Ayurveda, normal menstrual cycle is the pointer of healthy and normal reproductive organ in which intermenstrual period is one month (Candramasa=28days), duration of menstrual blood flow is 5 days(differ acc. to different opinion of Acharyas) is not associated with pain or burning sensation, menstrual blood is not unctuous, not very scanty nor excessive in amount. Dysmenorrhoea is one of the common symptoms found in abnormal menstruation. Dysmenorrhoea means painful menstruation, it is a burning health problem now especially in post pubescent women in the age group of 18-25 years with ovulatory cycles due to today’s life style. That badly affects the daily routine activities and quality of life. Our ancient Ayurveda also describe it as Udavarta Yonivyapada, it is also found in many other disease of female as a symptom like Vatala Yonivyapada ,Tridoshja Yonivyapada, Mahayoni, Vataja, Pittaja and Kaphaja Aartavadushti, Kunapagandhi Aartavadushti, Aartavakshaya, Vataja and Kaphaja Asrigdar. Modern medicine system have analgesics, antispasmodic and surgery for its treatment but all these have their own many more side effects which further gave trouble, but according to Ayurveda Basti Chikitsa has a very miraculous effect on dysmenorrhea in every reproductive age group without any further side effect. So we describe role of Basti Chikitsa in dysmenorrhea rest of the article.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205004


Internet of things (IoT) is an emerging technology that helps in reducing the human efforts. IoT refers to the physical objects connected to each other over the internet. In reference to the healthcare sector various equipment and gadgets like a thermometer, ECG, blood pressure measuring machine, heart rate monitor etc. are interconnected via various sensors. People are becoming more inclined towards the use of the Internet of things. The growing elderly population and the increase in chronic diseases generate a need for the healthcare sector to find ways to provide services at the convenience of the patient. Many people in India do not have access to proper medical services due to which the health of these people suffers. Nowadays the government is taking so many initiatives to support and provide help to the people living in the rural area. This paper proposes a model e-governance healthcare framework of IoT equipped hospital that helps in treating critical healthcare requirements.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194858


Musculoskeletal conditions affect people of all age groups in all regions of the world. According to the Global burden disease report, musculoskeletal disorders are an increasing healthcare issue and have become the second most common cause of disability. Musculoskeletal conditions are characterized by pain, limitations in mobility, dexterity and functional ability which restrict a person’s ability to work and participate in society which in turn affects mental well being as well. According to the data by WHO 20-30% of people across the globe live with a painful musculoskeletal conditions. Pain and restricted mobility are the main features in MSD and the drugs used in contemporary medicine are analgesics, NSAIDS, DMARDS, corticosteroids etc. which are associated with long term adverse-effects. In Ayurveda Classics MSD’s can be related with the various diseases described under Vatavyadhi. Basti is the best line of treatment for treating all types of Vataja disorders. By reviewing the classical texts, it is understood that the Basti reaches in Pakawashaya and from there works on all the organs by virtue of the Virya (~potency) present in Basti dravyas. In this article an attempt has been made to explain effect of Basti chikitsa in the management of musculoskeletal disorders through analysis of various researches performed. Also various research papers available through Pub med, Google scholar, Wikipedia and websites has been compiled in this articles which can be practiced in daily basis that will lead to betterment of the patient’s conditions.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194815


Most of the people have become used to spicy fast food day by day. This has taken human being far away from the nature. Nowadays alcohol consumption is also increasing day by day. Ayurvedic texts has mentioned hepatocellular jaundice as Kamala. Ancient Acharyas has also mentioned 搆amali tu virechanama� as Chikitsa Sutra for Kamala. Patient was treated with an integrated approach of Ayurvedic treatment including Virechana Karma (purgation) and Shaman Chikitsa. Due to frequently intake of Pittakara Aahara (spicy and hot food), it leads to vitiation of Pitta Dosha and Virechana (purgation) is the first line of treatment for Pittadushti. Due to Ushna, Laghu, Rruksha Guna, and having Tikta -Katu Rasa of Patola, Amrita, Kutaki (ingredients of internal medication) enhances digestive capacity by hepato-protective action and Pittasaraka guna. Ayurvedic line of management i.e. Virechana therapy and Shamana Chikitsa are successful in Kamala by removing toxic waste from the body, and by correction of Agni (digestive fire). In our ancient classics, single drug along with compound drug have been mentioned in Kamala. These drugs have Kamalahara properties. These Ayurvedic formulations relieve the symptom of Daurbalya (weakness), Kshudha mandya (Appetite loss), Pitamutrata (yellow discolouration of urine), Hrullasa (nausea) and Udarshoola. Also these drugs reduce bile in blood circulation and normalize the other blood parameter. Here a case report of a 50 Years male was having Kamala (hepatocellular jaundice) who was treated with some Ayurvedic herbs and Virechana like Panchakarma and get effectively result with Ayurvedic management.