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Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 10(2): 138-158, ago.2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026011


O objetivo deste ensaio teórico é sugerir diretrizes para a atuação de psicólogos no Conselho Tutelar (CT). Sua escrita encontra-se motivada pelo entendimento de que a inserção da psicologia no CT ocorre recorrentemente por meio de práticas que desconfiguram o CT como órgão autônomo de função político-administrativa. Os psicólogos inseridos no CT não devem, assim, se ocupar de serviços periciais e socio assistenciais ausentes ou precários no município, mas exercer funções que vão subsidiar as ações executadas pelos conselheiros tutelares. São apresentadas três possíveis atribuições nesses contextos: 1) capacitação e formação continuada a conselheiros tutelares; 2) supervisão técnica à delegação de medidas protetivas e encaminhamentos jurídicos; e 3) apoio técnico às atividades de caráter preventivo, de fiscalização e de cobrança. Sugere-se que a implementação de equipes multidisciplinares destinadas a assessorar o CT em suas funções deva ser regulamentada em nível federal (AU).

This theoretical study aims to suggest guidelines for the role of psychologists at child protection agencies (CPAs). It was motivated by the comprehension that the inclusion of psychology at CPAs currently occurs through practices that unset CPAs as autonomous bodies with its political and administrative role. Psychologists inserted at CPAs should not engage at forensic and social assistance services that are absent and precarious in the community, but instead they should perform tasks that will support the actions taken by CPAs. It is presented three possible assignments concerning these contexts: 1) training and continuing education to CPAs' workers; 2) technical supervision to the delegation of protective measures and legal referrals; and 3) technical support to preventive, monitoring, and demanding activities. It is suggested that the implementation of multidisciplinary teams designed to assist the CPAs' functions should be regulated at federal level (AU).

Este estudio teórico sugiere directrices para la práctica de psicólogos en el Consejo Tutelar (CT). El escrito está motivado por el entendimiento de que la inclusión de la psicología en el CT se produce recurrentemente por medio de prácticas que desconfiguran el CT como órgano autónomo de función político-administrativa. Los psicólogos no deben ocuparse con servicios periciales y de asistencia social ausentes o precarios en el municipio, sino realizar las tareas que apoyarán las acciones tomadas por los consejeros tutelares. Se presenta tres posibles orientaciones: 1) formación y educación continua a los consejeros tutelares; 2) supervisiones técnicas para la delegación de las medidas de protección y derivaciones legales; y 3) apoyo técnico a las actividades de prevención, monitoreo y recolección. Se sugiere que la implementación de equipos multidisciplinarios destinados a ayudar al CT debe ser regulada a nivel federal (AU).

Acting Out , Child Advocacy , Psychosocial Support Systems , Public Policy
Psicol. estud ; 15(4): 861-866, out.-dez. 2010.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-584039


Este artigo busca refletir sobre o papel do conselho tutelar na sociedade a partir de uma experiência de estágio curricular em Psicologia Jurídica nos cursos de graduação em Psicologia no Brasil. As atividades do estágio foram observações do cotidiano de um Conselho Tutelat (CT), plantão de Psicologia Jurídica junto à população e discussão dos casos atendidos com conselheiros e a coordenação de um grupo de adolescentes encaminhados por uma escola da região do Estudo. Este artigo pretende mostrar que o conselho tutelar é uma instituição que denuncia os conflitos subjacentes em uma sociedade excludente; além disso, o trabalho aponta caminhos para que esse órgão possa funcionar como um aparato de promoção de saúde.

This article tries to reflect about the role of the Child Protection Agency in society, starting from a curricular internship experience in Legal Psychology on the graduation course of Psychology in . The activities of the internship were: observation on the daily activities of the institution, legal psychological care of the population, discussion with advisors of the attended cases and coordination of a group with adolescents who were sent to a nearby school. This article intends to depict that the Child Protection Agency is an institution that denounces the conflicts underlying an excluding society; moreover, this work points out ways so that this organization could work as an apparatus for the promotion of health.

Este artículo busca reflexionar sobre el papel del Consejo Tutelar en la sociedad, a partir de una experiencia del aprendizaje curricular en Psicología Jurídica en el curso de grado de Psicología en Brasil. Las actividades del aprendizaje fueron: observaciones del cotidiano de la institución, turnos de Psicología Jurídica a la populación, discusiones de los casos atendidos con consejeros y coordinación de un grupo con adolescentes encaminados por una escuela de la región. Este artículo pretende mostrar que el Consejo Tutelar es una institución que denuncia los conflictos subyacentes de una sociedad excluyente; además de eso, el trabajo apunta caminos para que este órgano pueda funcionar como un aparato de promoción de salud.

Health Policy
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 30(3): 662-675, set. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-580074


O trabalho relata uma experiência de Estágio Supervisionado em Psicodinâmica do Trabalho, realizada com cinco integrantes de uma unidade do Conselho Tutelar de uma cidade do sul de Minas Gerais, em 2007. A intervenção objetivou propiciar melhores condições de trabalho às conselheiras e capacitar profissionalmente estudantes do quinto ano de um curso de Psicologia da região. Utilizou-se o método clínico para a compreensão dos eventos em campo: o triângulo da clínica do trabalho orientou o diagnóstico e a condução do processo terapêutico. Realizaram-se 17 encontros semanais, nos quais as conselheiras apresentaram, discutiram e tentaram encontrar soluções para as principais dificuldades individuais e coletivas do trabalho cotidiano. Os principais fatores indicados como fonte de sofrimento foram: as condições da estrutura física do ambiente de trabalho e as interações sociais entre as componentes da própria equipe e com outros agentes sociais. O sofrimento foi relativamente superado por meio de negociações internas e de um pacto coletivo de enfrentamento dos problemas inerentes à condução de casos atendidos e à interação com outros atores sociais. A intervenção contribuiu, sobretudo, com um espaço de relativa confiança, onde as conselheiras puderam se expressar, refletir e buscar soluções individuais e conjuntas para encarar e superar os elementos relacionados à realidade do trabalho....(AU)

This work reports a Supervised Training in Labor Psychodynamics case that took place in a Child Protection Agency, with its five agents, in the southern of Minas Gerais, in 2007. The intervention had as its main goal the set up of better work conditions and the improvement of the Psychology fifth year students professional education. It used the clinical method of labor psychodynamics triangle, that directed the diagnosis and the therapeutic processes. There were 17 weekly sessions, in which the agents showed, discussed and tried do find solutions to overcome the main daily individual and group difficulties. The main factors that aroused suffering were: material structure conditions in the work environment and social interactions among the agents and among the agents and other social actors. The suffering was partially overcome through agreements that took place within the group of workers, so they could better face the difficulties related to case conducts and to other social actors’ interactions. The intervention has mainly contributed to create a confidence space, where the agents could discuss, think and look for group and individual responses to overcome the elements related to the reality of work....(AU)

El trabajo relata una experiencia de Práctica Supervisada en Psicodinámica del Trabajo realizada con cinco integrantes de una unidad del Consejo Tutelar de una ciudad del Sur del Estado de Minas Gerais, en 2007. La intervención tuvo por objetivo propiciar mejores condiciones de trabajo a las consejeras y capacitar profesionalmente a estudiantes del quinto año de un Curso de Psicología de la región. Se utilizó el método clínico para la comprensión de los eventos en campo: el triángulo de la clínica del trabajo orientó el diagnóstico y la conducción del proceso terapéutico. Se realizaron 17 encuentros semanales, en los cuales las consejeras presentaron, discutieron y trataron de encontrar soluciones para las principales dificultades individuales y colectivas del trabajo cotidiano. Los principales factores indicados como fuente de sufrimiento fueron: las condiciones de la estructura física del ambiente de trabajo y las interacciones sociales entre las componentes del propio equipo y con otros agentes sociales. El sufrimiento fue relativamente superado por medio de negociaciones internas y pacto colectivo de enfrentamiento de los problemas inherentes a la conducción de casos atendidos y a la interacción con otros actores sociales. La intervención contribuyó, sobre todo con un espacio de relativa confianza, donde las consejeras pudieron expresarse, reflexionar y buscar soluciones individuales y conjuntas para encarar y superar los elementos relacionados a la realidad del trabajo....(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Interpersonal Relations , Psychoanalysis , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Students , Training Support , Work , Clinical Trial , Psychology
Korean Journal of Pediatrics ; : 1185-1193, 2009.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-143540


An act of children's welfare was made in 1961 for the first time in Korea but it had been nothing but the name in view of practical impact to prevention of child abuse. Real undertakings of Child Abuse Prevention were commenced overtly since 2000 in Korea, when the law for children's welfare was revised to put protective settings for the victims and to establish criterion for children's safety. The history of Child Abuse Prevention is very short in Korea but the reporting cases increased very fast from 4,133 cases in 2001 up to 9,570 cases in 2008 with the enthusiastic activities from people of the associated organizations along with the national supports. But the portion reported by the mandated reporters such as teachers or doctors is still low compared to those of the developed countries. The National Child Protection Agency (NCPA) was founded in 2001 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to prevent child abuse and to aid recovery of abused and neglected children including their families, through the cooperation of related organizations. NCPA refers reported cases of child abuse to appropriate local centers, operates a computer database system for case management, publicizes national reports of child abuse on a yearly basis and technically supports the Local Child Protection Agency (LCPA) by developing scales for assessment of child abuse and neglect and distributing programs for the education of mandatory reporters. LCPAs operate 24-hour telephone hotline, investigate and visit homes and provide in home services networking with local resources, and operate multidisciplinary teams for screening child abuse victims and supervising case management through multimodal systems. We summarized the present state of child abuse in Korea and reviewed the operating systems for child protection in this country. Through this article, we hope that medical peoples are to be informed on the seriousness of child abuse and to be able to devote themselves for the prevention of child abuse.

Child , Humans , Case Management , Child Abuse , Developed Countries , Hotlines , Jurisprudence , Korea , Mass Screening , Mortuary Practice , Weights and Measures
Korean Journal of Pediatrics ; : 1185-1193, 2009.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-143549


An act of children's welfare was made in 1961 for the first time in Korea but it had been nothing but the name in view of practical impact to prevention of child abuse. Real undertakings of Child Abuse Prevention were commenced overtly since 2000 in Korea, when the law for children's welfare was revised to put protective settings for the victims and to establish criterion for children's safety. The history of Child Abuse Prevention is very short in Korea but the reporting cases increased very fast from 4,133 cases in 2001 up to 9,570 cases in 2008 with the enthusiastic activities from people of the associated organizations along with the national supports. But the portion reported by the mandated reporters such as teachers or doctors is still low compared to those of the developed countries. The National Child Protection Agency (NCPA) was founded in 2001 by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to prevent child abuse and to aid recovery of abused and neglected children including their families, through the cooperation of related organizations. NCPA refers reported cases of child abuse to appropriate local centers, operates a computer database system for case management, publicizes national reports of child abuse on a yearly basis and technically supports the Local Child Protection Agency (LCPA) by developing scales for assessment of child abuse and neglect and distributing programs for the education of mandatory reporters. LCPAs operate 24-hour telephone hotline, investigate and visit homes and provide in home services networking with local resources, and operate multidisciplinary teams for screening child abuse victims and supervising case management through multimodal systems. We summarized the present state of child abuse in Korea and reviewed the operating systems for child protection in this country. Through this article, we hope that medical peoples are to be informed on the seriousness of child abuse and to be able to devote themselves for the prevention of child abuse.

Child , Humans , Case Management , Child Abuse , Developed Countries , Hotlines , Jurisprudence , Korea , Mass Screening , Mortuary Practice , Weights and Measures