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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310081, jun. 2024. tab, fig
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554613


Introducción. Uno de los principales desafíos para la primera infancia es brindar cuidados adecuados que reduzcan desigualdades y promuevan desarrollo infantil temprano (DIT). El objetivo del trabajo fue describir relaciones entre los cuidados que reciben niños y niñas de 3 y 4 años, según el marco para el cuidado cariñoso y sensible (NC, por sus siglas en inglés), y sus niveles de DIT en Argentina, considerando región y quintiles de riqueza. Población y métodos. Estudio analítico observacional de corte transversal, a partir de las bases de datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Niñas, Niños y Adolescentes (MICS) Argentina 2019-2020. Se seleccionaron 11 indicadores de NC y se estimó el nivel de DIT utilizando el Índice de Desarrollo Infantil Temprano (ECDI) para un análisis estadístico descriptivo. Resultados. En 2638 niños y niñas de 3 y 4 años evaluados, el promedio de acceso a indicadores de cuidados fue del 79,1 %; el acceso fue alto en 7 indicadores (entre el 84,2 % y el 97,9 %) y medio en 4 (entre el 46,9 % y el 65,1 %); la mayor frecuencia fue contar con registro de nacimiento (97,9 %) y la menor, la cobertura de seguro de salud (46,9 %). El 87,9 % alcanzó niveles adecuados de ECDI. Los resultados registran diferencias según quintiles de riqueza y regiones. Conclusiones. Los resultados evidencian desigualdades de acceso a cuidados y en DIT adecuado de niños y niñas de 3 y 4 años de áreas urbanas de Argentina según la región donde viven y el nivel de riqueza de sus hogares.

Introduction. One of the main challenges for early childhood is to provide adequate care to reduce inequalities and promote an early childhood development (ECD). The objective of this study was to describe the relationship between the care provided to children aged 3 and 4 years according to the nurturing care (NC) framework and their ECD levels in Argentina, considering the region and wealth quintiles. Population and methods. This was an observational, cross-sectional analytical study based on data from the National Survey of Children and Adolescents (MICS) of Argentina 2019­2020. A total of 11 NC indicators were selected; the level of ECD was estimated using the Early Childhood Development Index (ECDI) for a descriptive, statistical analysis. Results. In 2638 children aged 3 and 4 years assessed, the average access to care indicators was 79.1%; access was high for 7 indicators (between 84.2% and 97.9%) and middle for 4 indicators (between 46.9% and 65.1%); the highest and lowest frequency corresponded to having a birth certificate (97.9%) and health insurance coverage (46.9%), respectively. Adequate ECDI levels were observed in 87.9%. Results show differences by wealth quintile and region. Conclusions. The results evidence inequalities in terms of access to care and an adequate ECD of children aged 3 and 4 years from urban areas of Argentina, depending on the region where they live and their household wealth level.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Research Design , Healthcare Disparities , Argentina , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 24: e20230055, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BVSAM | ID: biblio-1558980


Abstract Objective: to determine the association between breastfeeding and associated factors with neuropsychomotor development of children living in social vulnerability. Methods: cross-sectional study within a socially vulnerable community. Households with children aged seven to 72 months, and their biological mothers were included. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and breastfeeding variables were collected using questionnaires, and neuropsychomotor development was assessed using the Denver II screening test. Adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated using multivariable models, oriented by directed acyclic graphs. Results: from the 654 households visited, 224 mother-child binomials were included. The mean age of children was 28 (18.7) months, and 143 (63.8%) of them presented suspected delay in neuropsychomotor development. Mothers presented a median of 8 years of formal schooling and 64 (28.6%) had performed exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding was not associated with neuropsychomotor development (PR=0.92; CI95%=0.84-1.00). A significant association was observed only with years of formal maternal education (PR=0.98; CI95%=0.97-0.99). A mediation analysis did not show any clear mediator between maternal education and neuropsychomotor development. Conclusions: children living in social vulnerability presented a high prevalence of suspected delay in neuropsychomotor development. Maternal education was the only variable associated with such condition.

Resumo Objetivos: determinar a associação entre o aleitamento materno e fatores associados ao desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor de crianças em extrema vulnerabilidade social. Métodos: estudo transversal conduzido em uma comunidade em vulnerabilidade social, envolvendo crianças de sete a 72 meses, e suas mães biológicas. Variáveis sociodemográficas, antropométricas e de amamentação foram coletadas por meio de questionários e o desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor foi avaliado por meio do teste de triagem Denver II. Razões de prevalência ajustadas foram calculadas usando modelos multivariáveis, orientados por grafos acíclicos direcionados. Resultados: dos 654 domicílios visitados, foram incluídos 224 binômios mãe-filho, com média de idade de 28,8 (18,7) meses, em que 143 (63,8%) crianças apresentavam suspeita de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor e 64 (28,6%) haviam realizado aleitamento materno exclusivo até o sexto mês. Aleitamento materno exclusivo por 6 meses não se associou ao desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor (RP= 0,91; IC95%=0,83-1,00). Houve associação significativa observada apenas com anos de escolaridade materna formal (RP=0,97; IC95%=0,96-0,99). Análise de mediação não mostrou nenhum mediador entre escolaridade materna e desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. Conclusões: destaca-se a alta prevalência de crianças com suspeita de atraso no desenvolvimento neuropsicomotor. A escolaridade materna foi a única variável associada à esta condição.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Breast Feeding , Developmental Disabilities , Educational Status , Social Vulnerability , Anthropometry , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Sociodemographic Factors
Dement. neuropsychol ; 17: e20220105, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448111


ABSTRACT The development of the human nervous system makes up a series of fundamental and interdependent events involving birth, growth, and neuronal maturation, in addition to the positive or negative selection of synapses of these neurons that will participate in the composition of neural circuits essential to the activity of the nervous system. In this context, where environment and social relationships seem to be relevant markers for neurodevelopment, advanced neuroimaging techniques and behavioral assessment tools have demonstrated alterations in brain regions and cognitive functions among children developing in low or high socioeconomic status environments. Considering the aspects mentioned, this review aimed to identify the importance of socioeconomic status in children's brain development, seeking to identify what are the impacts of these factors on the morphological and physiological formation of the nervous system, allowing a greater understanding of the importance of environmental factors in neurodevelopmental processes.

RESUMO O desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso humano compõe uma série de eventos fundamentais e interdependentes envolvendo o nascimento, crescimento e maturação neuronal, além da seleção positiva ou negativa de sinapses desses neurônios que participarão da composição de circuitos neurais essenciais à atividade do sistema nervoso. Nesse contexto, em que o ambiente e as relações sociais parecem ser marcadores relevantes para o neurodesenvolvimento, técnicas avançadas de neuroimagem e ferramentas de avaliação comportamental têm demonstrado alterações em regiões cerebrais e funções cognitivas em crianças que se desenvolvem em ambientes de baixo ou alto nível socioeconômico. Considerando os aspectos mencionados, esta revisão teve como objetivo identificar a importância do status socioeconômico no desenvolvimento cerebral infantil, buscando identificar quais são os impactos desses fatores na formação morfológica e fisiológica do sistema nervoso, permitindo maior compreensão da importância dos fatores ambientais nos processos de neurodesenvolvimento.

Humans , Developmental Disabilities , Child Development , Cognitive Dysfunction
Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 293-315, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430582


Resumen El estudio acerca de las causas de la pobreza ha sido influenciado por la teoría de la atribución, lo que permitió identificar los juicios predominantes que las personas establecen sobre tales causas. Los estudios locales sobre las atribuciones causales de la pobreza son escasos y no se ha identificado ninguno referido a las causas de la pobreza infantil, a pesar de las altas tasas de su incidencia en el país. Así, el presente estudio propone evaluar las atribuciones causales de la pobreza general e infantil por parte de adultos de Argentina, empleando dos cuestionarios (uno sobre las causas de la pobreza en general y el otro sobre la pobreza infantil en particular) implementados de manera virtual. La muestra incluyó a 1 659 participantes (17 a 90 años), quienes debieron indicar la importancia de cada ítem como causa de la pobreza en una escala tipo Likert de cinco puntos. En cuanto al cuestionario sobre las causas de la pobreza general, el análisis exploratorio permitió identificar una estructura de tres factores -similar a la identificada en otros estudios: individualista, estructurales y fatalistas-, la cual no fue verificada en el análisis confirmatorio. Con respecto al cuestionario sobre las causas de la pobreza infantil, se identificó y se confirmó un modelo de dos factores (que podrían estar relacionados con atribuciones estructurales y familiares) que representa una nueva evidencia en el campo. Los resultados sugieren diferencias en las atribuciones de las causas de pobreza general e infantil, cuyos posibles mecanismos (e. g., modulación por parte de factores individuales, contextuales y culturales) deberían explorarse en estudios futuros.

Abstract In the last decades, different studies have addressed the perspectives of people regarding the causes of poverty, as they could play a fundamental role in the development of individual and social attitudes, beliefs and expectations towards people living in such a condition, and in the strategies implemented to solve related problems and issues. In addition, many of those studies have investigated the causes of poverty using the theoretical model proposed by Feagin (1972), which suggests three broad explanations: (1) individualistic (i. e., causal attribution is placed on the poor themselves); (2) structural (i. e., poverty is due to external social and economic factors); and (3) fatalistic (i. e., poverty is attributed to factors such as bad luck). Most of those studies have been carried out considering the causes of poverty in general, which means that there is very little research aimed at studying specifically the causes of child poverty. Given the high incidence of poverty in Argentina the knowledge about such perspectives is of interest for multiple basic and applied purposes. In this sense, the present study proposed to evaluate the attributions of the causes of poverty in general and child poverty in particular, by adults from Argentina, through two virtual questionnaires (one asking for the causes of poverty in general, and the other for the causes of child poverty). The sample included responses from 1 659 citizens of Argentina from 17 to 90 years old (M = 45.72, SD = 16.94). The questionnaires included 32 items aimed at evaluating the attribution of causes of general poverty, and 30 items related to child poverty. Participants were asked to indicate the importance of each item as a cause of poverty on a five-point Likert-type scale (1 = does not matter; 5 = extremely important). Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were implemented (separately from the general and child questionnaires) and retained items with factor loadings at .40 or above. In addition, for the general questionnaire, a second approach was implemented to analyze if the factorial structure supported by different studies in the literature was confirmed in this sample. For such a purpose, confirmatory factor analyses were implemented. Regarding the questionnaire for the causes of general poverty, the exploratory analysis allowed identifying a three-factor structure (as in the case of other studies) (RMSEA = .071; CFI = .94; TLI = .93), which was not verified in the confirmatory analysis (RMSEA = .103; CFI = .88; TLI = .86). On the other hand, the results of the second approach suggest the confirmation of the two-factor model proposed in the literature (RMSEA = .083; CFI = .96; TLI = .95). This pattern of results suggests sensitivity to the inclusion of new items. In this sense, in future studies it would be important to invest efforts in determining new items from consultations with experts and other social actors. Regarding the questionnaire for the causes of poverty in children, two-factor model was identified and confirmed (RMSEA = .074; CFI = .94; TLI = .93), which is a new piece of evidence in the field, suggesting variability in the attribution of causes of poverty according to the considered age group, and whose potential mechanisms in comparison with the studies on adult poverty should be explored in future research (e. g., individual, contextual and cultural factors). Finally, this study confirms that having valid and reliable instruments to explore the causal attributions of general and child poverty would be important to advance in the understanding of poverty as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 32: 12, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1012852


Abstract Episodic foresight (EF) refers to the ability to anticipate future states of the self. Despite almost two decades of research, no studies explored how family context variables relate to the development of this ability. The objectives of this study were to explore the association of socioeconomic status (SES), parental consideration of future consequences (CFC), and family environment quality on the development of episodic foresight and to compare the magnitude of the effects of these same variables on delay of gratification and planning. Sixty-four dyads composed by 4-year-old Uruguayan children and their main caregiver participated in the study. Children were administered experiments on episodic foresight, delay of gratification, planning, and receptive language. Parents reported socioeconomic status, family environment, and their consideration of future consequences. Even though parents' limit setting was associated to higher EF in children and parental CFC-I was a predictor in multiple regression analysis, these effects ceased to be significant when controlled by child's receptive language and caregiver education, being these the main predictors of EF. Results also indicate that SES significantly distinguishes the performance in future-oriented skills and language, being the magnitude of the effect higher for EF in comparison with planning and delay of gratification. This study supports that EF is related to SES to a greater extent than other variables traditionally assessed in studies of poverty and child development. We discuss implications of low SES and language skills in the light of EF development and immediate-oriented behavior in contexts of deprivation. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Social Class , Time , Child Development , Cognition , Family Relations , Uruguay