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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031092


【Objective】 To review the scientific research advances in the field of preschool children′s nutrition from 2012 to 2022, in order to provide reference for relevant policy formulation and further scientific exploration in this area. 【Methods】 High-quality literature published both domestically and internationally between 2012 and 2022 was retrieved through Web of Science (WOS) and China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) database. Excel and CiteSpace software were applied to visualize the research hotspots and frontier trends. 【Results】 A total of 1 816 English articles and 110 Chinese articles were included in the analysis. The cooperation network density of research institutions and authors was found to be low. Excluding the search terms, the top three English keywords were vitamin A (0.74), intervention (0.67), obesity prevention (0.55); the top three Chinese keywords were "anemia" (0.41), "obesity" (0.38), and "nutritional status" (0.18). In Chinese and English clusters, "anemia" and "physical activity" ranked first, respectively. The latest burst words identified were "dietary pattern" and "diet quality". 【Conclusions】 The number of English literature published in the field of preschool children′s nutrition is increasing, but it has shown a downward trend in the past three years in China. There are few studies in this field in China. The research hotspots primarily focus on the nutritional status of preschool children, with less attention paid to intervention research and methodological exploration. Further research in the field of preschool children′s nutrition in China may need to focus on the external determinants of preschool children′s nutrition, such as parental education, diet and food supply.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958961


@#Introduction: A six-minute nutrition cartoon video “The Magical Pinggang Pinoy in Nutrilandia” was developed and pre-tested to encourage hearing and deaf and mute children to eat a variety of foods by following the Pinggang Pinoy® (Healthy Plate). This study described the development process of the nutrition cartoon video and explored the participants’ acceptance towards it. Methods: The video underwent two levels of pre-testing to ensure comprehensibility, attractiveness, acceptability, and self-involvement. The first level was conducted among three DOST-FNRI experts, while the second level was among six deaf-mute school teachers and 30 mothers/ caregivers of 6-9 years old hearing children. Data were collected through an online self-administered questionnaire. Open-ended questions allowed participants to express themselves freely on the given subjects. Data analysis used thematic analysis. Results: The video conveyed clear information on the Pinggang Pinoy®, and the inclusion of animation, subtitles, visuals, and voice-over made the video easier to understand. Participants stated that the message of the video was directed to children, teens, adults, malnourished people, and everyone in general. Pre-testing the nutrition cartoon video before final production identified terminologies and concepts that participants found unfamiliar, confusing and unacceptable; offered suggestions for improvement and made pre-tested video appropriate for hearing and deaf-mute children. Conclusion: Overall, the participants had positive perceptions on the nutrition cartoon video. The video can be used in nutrition education classes among hearing and deaf and mute children, and serves as a tool to measure children’s nutrition knowledge on healthy eating.

Inmanencia (San Martín, Prov. B. Aires) ; 7(1): 100-104, 2018. tab., graf.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1016510


La ausencia de información acerca de la prevalencia de riesgo nutricional en niños hospitalizados motivó el presente trabajo. Objetivo. Determinar el riesgo nutricional en niños de 0 a 14 años internados.Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal efectuado en niños de 0 a 14 años internados en el HIGA "Eva Perón" entre el 8 de noviembre de 2016 y el 31 de enero de 2017. Se utilizó la herramienta de tamizaje "Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Paediatrics". Según el puntaje obtenido, se categorizó en bajo, mediano o alto riesgo nutricional. Resultados. Se evaluaron 205 pacientes. De ellos, 51,2%tenía alguna patología que "posiblemente" tuviera implicancia nutricional. El 10,2% demostraron patologías que "definitivamente sí" impactan nutricionalmente. Al ingreso, presentaron alguna alteración en la ingesta 36% de los pacientes. El 28,3% de la población estudiada mostraron disminución de peso o talla. El 74% delos niños exhibió mediano o alto riesgo nutricional (37% en ambos casos). Sólo una cuarta parte de los niños mereció calificación de bajo riesgo. Conclusiones: la prevalencia elevada de riesgo de desnutrición hallada en pacientes internados en la institución destaca la importancia de evaluar su estado dentro de las primeras horas de admisión. Todos deberían ser evaluados al ingreso

The absence of nutritional risk information in hospitalized children suggested this study. Objective: To determine nutritional risk in children aged 0 to 14 years hospitalized in HIGA Eva Perón in the quarter ranging between november 8 2016 and January 31 2017. All were surveyed by means of the "Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Paediatrics" and were categorized as low, medium and high nutritional risk. Results: 205 patients were evaluated: 51,2% showed some pathology "probably" able to have nutritional implicance;10,2% proved pathology that "absolutely" impacts nutritionally. In admission, 36% of the studied population showed some intake disorder, 28,3% decreased weight or height. 74% of children exposed medium or high nutritional risk (37% both of them). Only a quarter of the studied children showed low nutritional risk. Conclusions: high prevalence of nutritional risk found in hospitalized children emphasizes the importance of offering early nutritional evaluation. All deserve evaluation in admission

A ausência de informação relativa à prevalência de risco nutricional em crianças hospitalizadas motivou o presente trabalho. Objetivo. Determinar o risco nutricional em crianças de 0 a 14 anos internadas. Materiais e métodos. Estudo descritivo transverso efetivado em crianças de 0 a 14 anos internadas no HIGA "Eva Perón" entre 8 de novembro de 2016 e 31 de janeiro de 2017. Utilizou-se a ferramenta de triage "Screening Tool for the Assessment of Malnutrition in Paediatrics". Segundo a pontuação obtida, classificou-se em baixo, mediano ou alto risco nutricional. Resultados. Avaliaram-se 205 doentes. Deles, 51,2% tinha alguma patologia que "possivelmente" tivesse causa nutricional. 10,2% apresentaram patologias que sem sombra de dúvida impactam nutricionalmente. De início, apresentaram alguma alteração na ingesta 36% dos pacientes. 28,3% da população estudada apresentou diminuição de peso ou tamanho. 74% das crianças exibiu médio ou alto risco nutricional (37% em ambos casos). Além disso, uma quarta parte das crianças mereceu qualificação de baixo risco. Conclusões: a elevada incidência de risco de desnutrição em pacientes internados na instituição salienta a importância de avaliar seu estado dentro das primeiras horas de admissão. Todos deveriam ser avaliados no ingresso

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Nutrition for Vulnerable Groups , Child Nutrition Disorders , Mass Screening
Physis (Rio J.) ; 27(2): 233-254, Abr.-Jun. 2017. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-895588


Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as representações sociais elaboradas por mães sobre o apetite dos filhos e os medicamentos utilizados para modificá-lo. A abordagem qualitativa desta pesquisa empregou como suporte a teoria das representações sociais. Por meio de entrevistas realizadas com 15 mães que administraram em seus filhos medicamentos para estimular o apetite, foi possível identificar uma insatisfação materna com o volume habitual e seletividade de alimentos ingeridos por seus filhos. Essas foram as principais razões para o uso de medicamentos. Outras razões que encontram espaço são o desenvolvimento da criança, com ganho de massa corpórea, além da vontade de regular as horas em que a criança deveria comer. Esses resultados apontam para a importância das representações sociais maternas sobre a percepção corporal, papel dos alimentos e medicamentos nas práticas do cuidado alimentar infantil.

Abstract: Social representation of mothers about feeding and use of appetite stimulants in children: satisfaction, normality and power This study aimed to identify the social representations elaborated by mothers about the appetite of children and the drugs used to modify this appetite. The qualitative approach used in this study employed as theoretical support the theory of social representations. Through interviews with 15 mothers who administered their children drugs to stimulate appetite, it was possible to identify a maternal dissatisfaction with the usual volume and selectivity of food eaten by their children. These were the main reasons for using drugs. Other related reasons were the growth of the children, with a body mass gain, beyond the desire to regulate the times which the child should eat. These results point to the importance of maternal social representations of body perception , and the role of food and medicine in child care practices.

Humans , Diet , Appetite Stimulants , Child Nutrition , Symbolic Interactionism , Maternal Behavior , Qualitative Research
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1035291



Objetivo: las poblaciones indígenas sufren un proceso de cambio en su estilo de vida que influye en el estado nutricional de los niños. Método: se realizó una revisión sistemática en la Biblioteca Virtual de la Salud (BVS) y PubMed, para describir el estado nutricional y la alimentación infantil amerindias en publicaciones en los años 2008-2012. Resultados: de los diez artículos incluidos, cinco estudiaban el estado nutricional, dos la alimentación y tres ambos aspectos asociados. Los grupos estudiados fueron Kaingang, Aruak, Karibe, Surui, Xavante, Wari' (Brasil), Makushi (Guyana) y Tarahumara (México), tribus de Wisconsin (EUA) y Awajún (Peru). Los niños menores de cinco años tienen de moderada a elevada prevalencia de retraso en el crecimiento. De 5 a 12 años, se encontró con sobrepeso asociado con retraso en el crecimiento. Conclusiones: el consumo de alimentos industrializados depende del acceso a los centros urbanos, la ingesta de fibras, la cantidad y la variabilidad de las comidas se reducen. El estado nutricional y alimentación infantil amerindia siguen siendo científicamente desconocidos porque los estudios se limitan a ciertos grupos étnicos.


Purpose: a lifestyle change is currently occurring in native populations, with an impact on children nutritional status. Methods: a systematic review was performed based on a 2008-2012 literature search in Biblioteca Virtual de la Salud (BVS) and PubMed databases, in order to describe nutritional status and children diet in American Indians. Results: ten articles were selected. Among them, five papers reported nutritional status, two reported diet, and three discussed both related issues. Kaingang, Aruak, Karibe, Surui, Xavante, Wari' (Brazil), Makushi (Guyana) and Tarahumara (Mexico), Wisconsin tribes (USA), and Awajún (Peru) population groups were studied. Children younger than five show a moderate-to-high growth delay. Overweight was found in 5-12 year-old children, associated to growth delay. Conclusions: refined food use depends on access to towns, fiber intake, and reduced number and variation in food intake. Nutritional status and diet in American Indian children are still unknown from a scientific point of view because existing studies are limited to a few ethnic groups.

Objetivo: as populações indígenas sofrem um processo de mudanças no seu estilo de vida, influenciando no estado nutricional infantil. Método: realizou-se uma revisão sistemática na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS) e Pubmed, para descrever o estado nutricional e a alimentação infantil ameríndia em publicações de 2008 a 2012.

Resultados: dos 10 artigos incluídos, cinco estudaram o estado nutricional, dois a alimentação e três associaram ambos. As etnias estudadas foram Kaingang, Aruak, Karibe, Suruí, Xavante, Wari’ (Brasil), Makushi (Guyana) e Tarahumara (México), Tribos de Wisconsin (EUA) e Awajún (Peru). As crianças menores do que cinco anos apresentam de moderadas a elevadas prevalências de baixa estatura. Nas de cinco a 12 anos, encontrou-se sobrepeso associado à baixa estatura. Conclusões: consomem alimentos industrializados conforme o acesso aos centros urbanos, a ingestão de fibras, a quantidade e a variabilidade dos alimentos são reduzidas. Os estudos sobre o estado nutricional e a alimentação infantil ameríndia são restritos a determinadas etnias.

Humans , Child , Rural Nursing , Nutritional Status , Life Style , Nursing Research , Indigenous Peoples , Brazil
João Pessoa; s.n; 2014. 74 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1037531


Introdução.Alimentação saudável na infância é importante não só para o desenvolvimento intelectual e crescimento, como também, na prevenção de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis do adulto e faixa etária pediátrica. O estudo tem osobjetivosde analisar as representações sociais sobre a alimentação infantil, construídas por mães e avós,ciganas e não ciganas;verificar a existência ou não de diferenciação de representações sociais entre mães e avós ciganas e não ciganas sobre alimentação infantile identificar a influencias das representações sociais das avós sobre a prática alimentar infantil. Metodologia. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória em uma abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada no aporte teórico das representações sociais. A coleta de dados foi realizada utilizando-se a técnica do grupo focal, correspondendo dez grupos focais, compostos por 56 sujeitos, como mães e avós ciganas e não ciganas. Os dados coletados foram processados pelo software Iramuteq e subsidiado pela teoria das representações sociais. Resultados e Comentários.Desta pesquisa foram originados três artigos apresentados nos resultados e comentários. Entre estes, o primeiro foi publicado; o segundo encaminhado para publicação e o terceiro foi objeto de defesa. Através destapesquisa foi possível detectar pontos favoráveis e desfavoráveis em à relação alimentação infantil nos dois grupos de mães e avós ciganas e não ciganas. Em relação à amamentação as ciganas têma prática do aleitamento materno exclusivo até o sexto mês de vida e mantem por tempo prolongado geralmente até os cinco aos sete anos. A dieta complementar é iniciada de forma tardia com restrições de alimentos importantes na alimentação infantil, de acordo com suas crenças e mitos.

Healthy eating in childhood is important not only for intellectual development and for growth, but in the prevention of chronic diseases in adults and pediatric patients. The study has the objective to analyze the social representations of infant feeding, built by mothers and grandmothers, Roma and non-Roma; ascertain whether or not the differentiation of social representations between mothers and Roma and non-Roma grandmothers on infant feeding and identify the influences of social representations of grandmothers on infant feeding practices. Methodology. This is an exploratory research on a qualitative approach, based on the theoretical framework of social representations. Data collection was performed using the focus group technique, corresponding of ten focus, composed of 56 subjects, groups such as mothers and grandmothers Roma and non-Roma. The data collected were processed by software Iramuteq and subsidized by the theory of social representations. Results and Comments. These research three articles presented in the results and comments were originated. Among these, the first was published; submitted for publication the second and the third was the object of defense. Through this research, it was possible to detect favorable and unfavorable points in relation to infant feeding in both groups of mothers and grandmothers Roma and non-Roma. Regarding breastfeeding Roma has the practice of exclusive breastfeeding until six months of life and keeps for a long time usually up to five to seven years. The complementary diet starts lazily with significant restrictions on infant feeding in food, according to their beliefs and myths.

Humans , Child , Grandparents , Mothers , Child Nutrition
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;16(1): 146-156, mar. 2013. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-674793


Prevalências de desnutrição e excesso de peso em menores de cinco anos e sua associação com fatores socioeconômicos, sanitários e demográficos foram estimadas nos seis maiores municípios do Maranhão, em 2006/2007. Por meio de inquérito domiciliar por amostragem 1.214 crianças menores de cinco anos foram aleatoriamente selecionadas. Foi utilizada amostragem por conglomerados em dois estágios, representativa dos seis municípios maranhenses com mais de cem mil habitantes. Foram aplicados questionários padronizados para as mães ou responsáveis pelas crianças e aferidos peso e estatura. Para classificação da desnutrição foram utilizados os pontos de corte < - 2 escores z pelos indicadores peso para idade, peso para estatura e estatura para idade. Para a classificação do excesso de peso foram considerados > +2 escores z, de acordo com o indicador peso para estatura, seguindo recomendações da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Pelo índice peso para idade a prevalência de desnutrição foi de 4,5%, pelo índice estatura para idade 8,5% estavam com desnutrição pregressa e pelo índice peso para estatura 3,9% encontravam-se com desnutrição atual, enquanto 6,7% apresentavam excesso de peso. Crianças de famílias chefiadas por mulheres apresentaram menores prevalências de desnutrição (Razão de Prevalências = 0,4). Variáveis socioeconômicas não estiveram associadas à desnutrição ou ao excesso de peso. Recebimento de benefício do programa bolsa família não foi associado à desnutrição ou excesso de peso. A prevalência de desnutrição infantil foi baixa, mas o excesso de peso foi mais prevalente do que a desnutrição. Não foi detectada desigualdade social em relação à desnutrição em crianças menores de cinco anos, sugerindo evolução favorável no sentido de maior equidade.

Prevalences of malnutrition and overweight among children under five years and its association with socioeconomic, demographic and health indicators were estimated for the six largest municipalities of Maranhão, in 2006/2007. By means of a household survey, a sample of 1214 children under five years of age was randomly selected. Two-stage cluster sampling was used, representing the six municipalities of Maranhão with over one hundred thousand inhabitants. Standardized questionnaire was administered to mothers or guardians and trained personnel measured weight and height or length. For classification of malnutrition cutoff points of <-2z scores for weight-for-age, weight-for-length/height and length/height-for-age were used. Overweight was considered when weight for heithg was > +2 z score, following World Health Organization guidelines. By weight-for-age malnutrition prevalence was 4.5, by length/height-for-age 8.5% were stunted and by the weight-for-length/height 3.9% were malnourished (wasting), while 6.7% were overweight. Children of families headed by women had lower prevalence of malnutrition (prevalence ratio=0.4). Socioeconomic variables were not associated with malnutrition or overweight. Participation in money transfer programs from the government was not associated with malnutrition or overweight. The prevalence of malnutrition was low, but being overweight was more prevalent than malnutrition. Social inequality was not detected in relation to malnutrition in children under five years of age, suggesting a favorable trend towards greater equity.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Overweight/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cities , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Urban Health
Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 12(24): 130-142, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-683063


La malnutrición es uno de los principales problemas de salud pública en la República de Gambia,con un 18 % de la población menor de cinco años afectada. El objetivo de este trabajo esofrecer una descripción y un análisis del conjunto de actores e instituciones y de sus políticase intervenciones involucradas en el abordaje de la malnutrición crónica infantil en la región deUpper River, Gambia. El mapa de atención a la malnutrición infantil se ha realizado a partirde una evaluación del modelo de atención vigente, siguiendo la herramienta Innovative Carefor Chronic Conditions Framework Situation Assessment de la Organización Mundial de laSalud, guiando el análisis por la experiencia profesional en este contexto del autor, y con elapoyo de la bibliografía consultada. Basado en los resultados, a modo de discusión se ofreceuna serie de intervenciones y estrategias de mejora del modelo en sus tres niveles de atencióna la malnutrición infantil...

Malnutrition is a major public health problem in the Republic of Gambia, with 18% of the populationunder five affected. The purpose of this paper is to provide a description and analysis of theset of actors and institutions, their policies and interventions involved in tackling child chronicmalnutrition in the region of Upper River, Gambia. The map of attention to child malnutritionhas been made from an assessment of the current care model, following the tool InnovativeCare for Chronic Conditions Framework Situation Assessment of the World Health Organization,guiding the analysis by professional experience in this context of the author, and with thesupport of the consulted bibliography. Based on the results, a series of interventions and strategiesfor improvement of the model in its three levels of care to child malnutrition is discussed...

A malnutrição é um dos principais problemas de saúde pública na República de Gâmbia, com um18 % da população menor de cinco anos afetada. O objetivo deste trabalho é oferecer descriçãoe análise do conjunto de atores e instituições e das suas políticas e intervenções envolvidasna abordagem da malnutrição crônica infantil na região de Upper River, Gâmbia. O mapa deatenção à malnutrição infantil realizou-se a partir de uma avaliação do modelo de atençãovigente, seguindo a ferramenta Innovative Care for Chronic Conditions Framework SituationAssessment da Organização Mundial da Saúde, guiando a análise pela experiência profissionalneste contexto do autor, e com apoio da bibliografia consultada. Baseado nos resultados, a modode discussão oferece-se uma série de intervenções e estratégias de melhoramento do modeloem seus três níveis de atenção à malnutrição infantil...

Child , Child Nutrition Disorders , Infant Nutrition , Nutrition Policy , Nutrition Programs , Protein-Energy Malnutrition , Public Health , Gambia
Rev. chil. nutr ; 39(3): 27-33, set. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657704


The caloric and macronutrient contribution of the children's menu in fast food restaurants and conventional restaurants was analyzed, according to mealtimes and recommended intakes for children between 4 and 8 years old in a city in the Northeastern of Mexico with the highest childhood obesity rate in the world. This is an observational, descriptive and transversal study. The sampling was by convenience and directed when typical cases of children's menus were selected from 152 restaurants. The range of carbohydrates contribution of the children's menu varied from 53.8% to 97.9% of the recommendation; in any case the protein contribution was less than 82.2%. With regard to fats, contribution ranges were from 63% to 165.3%. These contributions increase considerably when they are analyzed by mealtimes: from 97.8% to 373.4%. In conclusion, fast food and conventional restaurants offer unhealthy meals in big portions to child population.

Se analizó el aporte calórico y de macronutrientes de me-nús infantiles en restaurantes de comida rápida y restaurantes convencionales según tiempos de comidas e ingesta recomendada para niños de 4 a 8 años en una ciudad del noreste mexicano que presenta una prevalencia de obesidad infantil de las más altas del mundo. Es un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. El muestreo fue por conveniencia y dirigido al ser seleccionados casos típicos de menús infantiles de cadenas de restaurantes de mayor presencia (152 establecimientos). Los resultados muestran que el rango de aporte de hidratos de carbono varió del 53,8% a 97,9% de la recomendación; el aporte de proteína no fue menor al 82,2%; el aporte de lípidos fue de 63.0% a 165,3%. Estos aportes aumentan considerablemente al analizarlos por tiempos de comida: de 97,8% a 373,4%. Se concluye que tanto los restaurantes de comida rápida como los restaurantes convencionales ofrecen a la población infantil alimentos y porciones poco saludables.

Child , Restaurants , Food , Child Nutrition , Fast Foods , Food , Diet, Healthy , Mexico
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-217155


This pilot study was performed to produce data of the Children's Dietary Life Safety (CDLS) Index which is required by the Special Act on Safety Management of Children's Dietary Life and to evaluate the CDLS Index for 7 metropolitan cities and 9 provinces in Korea. To calculate the CDLS Index score, data regarding the evaluation indicators in the children's food safety domain and children's nutrition safety domain were collected from the local governments in 2009. For data regarding the indicators in the children's perception & practice domain, a survey was conducted on 2,400 5th grade children selected by stratified sampling in 16 local areas. Relative scores of indicators in each domain were calculated using the data provided by local governments and the survey, the weights are applied on relative scores, and then the CDLS Index scores of local governments were produced by adding scores of the 3 domains. The national average scores of the food safety domain, the nutrition safety domain and the perception and practice domain were 23.74 (14.67-26.50 on a 40-point scale), 16.65 (12.25-19.60 on a 40-point scale), and 14.88 (14.16-15.30 on a 20-point scale), respectively. The national average score of the CDLS Index which was produced by adding the scores of the three domains was 55.27 ranging 46.44-58.94 among local governments. The CDLS Index scores produced in this study may provide the motivation for comparing relative accomplishment and for actively achieving the goals through establishment of the target value by local governments. Also, it can be used as useful data for the establishment and improvement of children's dietary life safety policy at the national level.

Child , Humans , Food Safety , Korea , Motivation , Pilot Projects , Safety Management , Weights and Measures
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 14(1supl.3): 73-77, out.2004.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-774811


Este artigo aborda o tema da nutrição infantil no fim do século XVIII, segundo o que se encontra no primeiro livro escrito em língua portuguesa sobre puericultura: Tratado da Educação Física dos Meninos para uso da Nação Portuguesa, de 1790, escrito por Francisco de Mello Franco. Esse livro apresenta de maneira interessante alguns dos costumes da sociedade portuguesa da época quanto ao modo de criar suas crianças, principalmente quanto ao modo de nutrí-las. Após a leitura dessa obra percebe- se que o autor possuía conhecimentos ainda hoje bastante atuais sobre o assunto.

This is an article about children nutrition in the end of the XVIII century according to what is written in the first book published in Portuguese conceming infant care: Tratado da Educação Física dos Meninos para uso da Nação Portuguesa, in 1790. This book presents in an interesting way some habits the Portuguese people had at that time about growing their children and feeding them. After reading Francisco de Mello Franco's book, we realize the author had then a knowledge about such subject which is nowa- days stil! current.

Humans , History of Medicine , Infant Nutrition/history , Pediatrics/history , Biographies as Topic , Culture
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-93331


OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to develop and apply a web-based tailored nutrition management program for elementary school students. METHODS: One group pretest, posttest design was used with a random sample of 5th and 6th grade students in two elementary schools out of the 20 elementary schools in W city. The web-based nutrition program was developed based on previous studies and existing web sites related to nutrition education and management. It consisted of a combination of web-based step-by-step self-checkups and web-based instructions on knowledge of nutrition, eating habits, and perception and satisfaction with body shape etc. Students completed web-based questionnaires on knowledge of nutrition and eating habits at baseline and three weeks later. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and paired t-test. RESULTS: Knowledge of nutrition and practice of correct eating habits increased significantly after the students completed the web-based program. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that a web-based nutrition management program is effective for nutrition education for children in terms of accessibility, compliance, and client-initiative.

Child , Humans , Compliance , Eating , Education , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-74167


This study was conducted to investigate nutrient intakes and obesity-related factors of obese children by interviewing the subjects aged from 11 to 13 in Daegu. The collected data were consisted of items on general characteristics, dietary behavior, nutrition knowledge and daily nutrient intakes of subjects. The subjects were classified into obese and non-obese control groups according to their relative weights. Frequency of skipping breakfast and eating rate of obese group were significantly higher than those of control group. There was no significant difference between obese and control group in the nutrition knowledge score. Except vitamins B1, B2 and iron, the average daily intakes of other nutrients in obese were greater than control group. The most contributing factor to BMI turned out to be cholesterol intake. After the nutrition education targeting obese children, their nutrition knowledge scores improved, but the dietary behavior score was not significantly changed. Therefore, childhood obesity may be prevented by continuous education programs including the behavior modification of obese children.

Child , Humans , Behavior Therapy , Breakfast , Cholesterol , Eating , Education , Iron , Pediatric Obesity , Vitamins , Weights and Measures