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São Paulo; s.n; 2011. 105 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-639138


O ovo é importante como alimento e como matéria-prima industrial. Tem alto conteúdo de colesterol, o qual, por sua vez, está sujeito à oxidação. Os óxidos formados interferem na morfologia e função da membrana celular, inibem a biossíntese do colesterol, e são aterogênicos, citotóxicos, mutagênicos e cancerígenos. O processamento e o armazenamento levam à oxidação do colesterol. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos (a) a caracterização e avaliação do ovo líquido integral (OLI) em relação ao armazenamento da matéria-prima; (b) a avaliação do ovo líquido integral (OLI), do ovo líquido integral pasteurizado (OLIP), do ovo integral em pó atomizado (OIPA) e do ovo integral em pó atomizado armazenado, em relação à estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol; e (c) a avaliação do efeito da adição de antioxidantes naturais durante o processamento do ovo integral em pó atomizado, em relação à estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol. O OLI produzido a partir de matéria-prima armazenada por 30 dias, a 4ºC, não foi afetado quanto à estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol. A pasteurização e a atomização, realizadas em condições de laboratório, não levaram ao comprometimento oxidativo do colesterol. Foi constatada oxidação significativa do colesterol no OIPA, obtido em condições de laboratório, quando armazenado por 90 dias, a 25ºC, na ausência de luz. Os antioxidantes naturais comerciais GUARDIAN® Rosemary Extract (RE) e o GUARDIANTM TOCO 70 (TOCO 70) não foram efetivos na prevenção da oxidação induzida do colesterol, quando adicionados (antes ou depois da atomização) ao ovo integral em pó atomizado obtido em condições de laboratório, armazenado por 21 dias, a 25°C, na ausência de luz.

Egg is important as food and as industrial raw material. It has high cholesterol, which, in turn, is subject to oxidation. Cholesterol oxides interfere with morphology and function of cell membrane, inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis, and are atherogenic, cytotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic. Processing and storage lead to oxidation of cholesterol. Present study aimed (a) characterization and evaluation of liquid whole egg (OLI) in relation to storage of raw material; (b) evaluation of liquid whole egg (OLI), liquid pasteurized whole egg (OLIP), atomized powder whole egg (OIPA) and stored atomized powder whole egg, relative to cholesterol oxidative stability, and (c) evaluation of natural antioxidants addition's effect in processing of atomized powder whole egg, relative to cholesterol oxidative stability. OLI produced from raw materials stored for 30 days, at 4°C, was not affected on cholesterol oxidative stability. Pasteurization and atomization, performed under laboratory conditions, did not lead to significant cholesterol oxidation. It has been found significant cholesterol oxidation in OIPA, obtained under laboratory conditions, when stored for 90 days at 25°C in absence of light. Commercial natural antioxidants GUARDIAN® Rosemary Extract (RE) and GUARDIANTMTOCO 70 (TOCO 70) were not effective in prevention of cholesterol induced oxidation when added (before or after spraying) to atomized powder whole egg obtained under laboratory conditions, stored for 21 days at 25°C in absence of light.

Cholesterol/analysis , Food Preservation/methods , Oxidative Stress , Eggs/analysis , Antioxidants/chemistry , Food Storage
São Paulo; s.n; 2009. 117 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-594948


O ovo em pó é amplamente utilizado na indústria de alimentos, sendo reconhecidamente rico em óxidos de colesterol (OsC) devido às altas temperaturas utilizadas durante o processo. O armazenamento em embalagens inadequadas, presença de ar e a alta concentração lipídica do produto são fatores adicionais para sua formação. Os óxidos de colesterol formados, por sua vez, apresentam propriedades biológicas prejudiciais à saúde, relacionadas com a aterogenicidade, citotoxicidade, carcinogenicidade e mutagenicidade, além de outras manifestações que prejudicam a biossíntese do colesterol no organismo e a permeabilidade da membrana celular. Os objetivos do estudo foram caracterizar amostras comerciais de ovo integral em pó e a ocorrência de óxidos de colesterol, avaliar o efeito do processamento por atomização comercial na estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol e de ácidos graxos, e avaliar o efeito da adição de tocoferóis (aditivo comercial) ao ovo em pó armazenado (90 dias) à temperatura ambiente sobre a estabilidade oxidativa do colesterol. Foram encontrados 7-cetocolesterol (7-Ceto) e 25-hidroxicolesterol (25-OH) em todas as marcas analisadas, mas somente o 7-Ceto teve um aumento expressivo durante o armazenamento de até 180 dias, independente da marca. A atomização gerou redução das TBARS e dos carotenóides totais somente em alguns lotes analisados e redução expressiva nos ácidos graxos livres e fenólicos totais em todos os lotes. Com relação aos óxidos de colesterol, não houve o efeito esperado. Houve aumento do 7-Ceto, 7α-hidroxicolesterol e 7β-hidroxicolesterol somente em poucos lotes. A adição do antioxidante (AO) não evitou o aumento das TBARS e dos ácidos graxos livres, ou redução dos carotenóides totais ao longo do tempo (90 dias). Apesar da atomização não causar o efeito esperado nos OsC, o armazenamento aumentou significativamente os valores de 7-Ceto a partir dos 60 dias na maioria dos lotes. Não foi encontrada diferença estatística entre os valores de...

Egg powder is widely used in food industry, being recognized as rich in cholesterol oxides (Cops) due to the high temperatures used during the process. The storage in inadequate packaging, the presence of air and high lipid concentration of the product are additional factors for their formation. The cholesterol oxides formed have biological properties harmful to health, like atherogenicity, cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, and other events that affect the cholesterol biosynthesis in the body and the membrane permeability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of cholesterol oxides in commercial product, the effect of atomization in the liquid egg, and oxidative stability of cholesterol in egg powder storage with the addition of an commercial antioxidant (GUARDIANTM TOCO 70). It was found 7- ketocholesterol (7-k) and 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OH) in all brands tested, but only the 7-k increased significantly during the storage of up to 180 days, regardless of brand. The spray-dryer generated reduction of TBARS and total carotenoids only in some samples analyzed and significant reduction in free fatty acids and total phenolics in all lots. There wasnt the expected effect for the cops. There was an increase of 7-k, 7α-hydroxycholesterol and 7β-hydroxycholesterol only in a few lots. The addition of antioxidant (AO) did not prevent the increase in TBARS and free fatty acids, or reduction of total carotenoids over time (90 days). Despite the spray-dryer does not cause the expected effect on the Cops, storage significantly increased the values of 7-k from 60 days in most lots. There was no statistical difference between the values of 25-OH due to their high variation. However the addition of AO reduced the formation of some Cops and TBARS in relation to its control over the same period, showing a significant improvement in the final product...

Cholesterol/analysis , Eggs , Food Handling , Food Preservation , Food Storage , Oxides/analysis , Tocopherols/analysis , Food Analysis , Nutritional Sciences
RBCF, Rev. bras. ciênc. farm. (Impr.) ; 44(4): 655-667, out.-dez. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-507929


Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito do beneficiamento sobre o valor nutricional do peixe mandim (Arius spixii) comercializado em Maceió-AL, determinaram-se nas suas formas in natura e beneficiada (salgado-seco) a composição centesimal, valor calórico,cloretos, perfil de ácidos graxos e colesterol, sendo também analisada a ocorrência de óxidos de colesterol. Os resultados obtidos para o mandim in natura e beneficiado, respectivamente, de umidade (70,13% e 40,31%), proteínas (51,73% e 38,07%, base seca), carboidratos (4,67% e 2,24%, base seca), calorias (486 kcal/100ge 367 kcal/100g, base seca), ácidos graxos (poliinsaturados 14,54% e 15,49%, ômega-3 8,51% e 6,51%), colesterol (82,66 mg/100g e 61,30 mg/100g) e óxidos (7-cetocolesterol 8,31 μg/g e 17,90 μg/g), permitiram concluir que o beneficiamento favoreceu alterações significativas no valor nutricional do mandim.

In an attempt to analyze how processing enhances the nutritional value of the mandim fish (Arius spixii) marketedin Maceió-AL, Brazil, the following nutritional components were determined in fresh and processed (salted-dried) fish: centesimal composition, calorie count, chloride, fatty acid and cholesterol profile. The presence of cholesterol oxides was also investigated. Respective results for fresh and processed mandim fish were: moisture (70.13% and 40.31%), proteins (51.73% and 38.07%, dried),carbohyrdrates (4.67% and 2.24%, dried), calories (486 kcal/100g and 367 kcal/100g, dried), fatty acids(polyunsaturared 14,54% and 15,49%, ômega-3 8,51% and 6,51%), cholesterol (82.66 mg/100g and 61.30 mg/100g) and oxides (7-ketocholesterol 8.31 μg/g and 17.90 μg/g). These figures clearly showed that processing led to significant change in the nutritional value of the mandim fish.

Fishes , Food Analysis , Food Preservation , Nutritive Value , Food-Processing Industry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-549848


Wistar rats, fed laborotory stock diets, were randomly divided into three groups, given cholesterol oxides (Och) and purified cholesterol (Pch) (at a dosage of 250mg/kg/day), and gelatin (control group) through stomach tube for 2 successive days. In the first part of the experiment, Evans blue, dissolved in normal saline, was injected into the tail veins 18 hrs after last tube feeding and the rats were killed 2 hrs following the injection, The aorta were excised for determination of the endothelial permeability by fluorophotometry. In the second part of the experiment, the rats were sacrificed 24 hrs after last tube feeding. The aorta were prepared for the observation of the aortic endothelium under scanning electronic microscope. The results showed that the endothelial permeability of rats fed Och was much higher than those fed Pch and gelatin (P0.05). Scanning electron microscopic observation showed that severe endothelial damage occ-ured in the Och rats, while the aortic endothelium from the rats fed Pch revealed relatively mild degeneration. Results were briefly disscussed.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-552690


Objective: Effects of cholesterol oxides (Ch-Ox) on plasma prostacyclin (PGI 2) and endothelin (ET) levels of rats in different selenium (Se) status were investigated. Methods: Weaning male Wistar rats were fed Se deficient diet (containing Se 0.038 mg/kg) and stock diet (Se 0.326 mg/kg, control group) respectively, for 13 weeks. One of Ch-Ox, cholestane-3 beta, 5 alpha, 6 beta-triol (3-triol) was injected into the rats through tail vein.24 h after treatment, the plasma PGI 2, thromboxane A 2 (TXA 2) and ET of animals were determined by radioimmunoassay. Results: Blood Se content, glutathione peroxidase activity and plasma PGI 2 levels of Se deficient rats were significantly lower than that of the control group (P