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Chinese Journal of Microsurgery ; (6): 359-360, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912251


The career development of young doctors is related to the future of medicine as a whole. Medicine is a subject that needs to be researched. Diagnosis and treatment work. The importance of scientific research for the development of medicine is self-evident. In addition to clinical work, young doctors need to take scientific research into account. We will provide the key elements in a road map of a successful scientific research for young doctors.

Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration ; (12): 635-637, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-611843


Presented in the paper are the Patient Clinical Complexity Level(PCCL)and Episode Clinical Complexity(ECC)models as used in Australia.Comparison of the differences between ECC model and PCCL model,and a replacement of ECC model of PCCL model in measurement of disease complexity,points the way for localized scheme design in China.

Modern Clinical Nursing ; (6): 63-67, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-619987


Objective To explore the psychological availability of the full-time candidates for master degree of nursing during the clinical work. Methods A phenomenological approach was adopted in this study. About 11 full-time candidates for master's degree of nursing took part in the semi-structured and in-depth interviews and the acquired data were analysed. Results About 4 themes promoting psychological availability were identified: strong research knowledge and skills, career development confidence, perception of attention from leaders and more satisfactory salary. The four themes hindering psychological availability were:clinical work tasks, lower level of expertise, lack of social support and lower perception of self benefit. Conclusions The full-time candidates for master's degree hold active perception and much expectation about their clinical work but meanwhile they feel passive and disappointed. Nursing administrators should develop distinguishing and definite clinical personnel training and continuing education programs for them, offer them an access to learning chances and emotional support in order to improve the psychological availability and stabilize the nursing team.

Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 17(spe): 75-84, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-717507


No estudo que inspirou este artigo, procurou-se enriquecer os trabalhos clássicos sobre qualidade do emprego, que limitam sua aproximação às variáveis institucionais. Dessa maneira, tentou-se incluir dimensões que permitam considerar a qualidade de trabalho percebida subjetivamente pelos trabalhadores. A organização do trabalho e a mediação do coletivo representam a chave na configuração de um trabalho de qualidade. No setor informático, a organização por objetivos exige que os funcionários cumpram tarefas que envolvem aprendizagem contínua e favorecem a autonomia. Em compensação, as exigências cognitivas são muito elevadas, a duração da jornada de trabalho é desregulamentada, sem limite de tempo, estendendo-se além do local de trabalho. Consequentemente, os postos de trabalho inscrevem-se em condições ergonômicas não controladas. Essa organização do trabalho prejudica os trabalhadores e impede a construção de um coletivo de trabalho capaz de defender seus interesses...

En el estudio que inspiró este artículo, se ha buscado enriquecer los trabajos clásicos sobre calidad del empleo, que limitan su aproximación a las variables institucionales, para incluir dimensiones que permiten considerar la calidad de trabajo percibida subjetivamente por los trabajadores. La organización del trabajo y la mediación del colectivo juegan un rol clave en la configuración de un trabajo de calidad. En el sector informático, la organización por objetivos exige a los empleados cumplir tareas que implican aprendizaje continuo y que favorezcan la autonomía. En contrapartida, las exigencias cognitivas son muy elevadas, la duración de la jornada de trabajo se encuentra desregulada, sin límite de tiempo, y se extiende hacia más allá del lugar de trabajo por lo cual los puestos de trabajo se inscriben en condiciones ergonómicas no controladas. Esta organización del trabajo afecta a los trabajadores y bloquea la construcción de un colectivo de trabajo capaz de defender sus intereses...

Dans l'étude qu'inspire cet article, on a cherché à enrichir les travaux classiques sur la qualité des emplois qui limitent leur approche aux variables institutionnelles pour inclure des dimensions qui permettent de considérer la qualité du travail telle que subjectivement perçue par les travailleurs. L'organisation du travail et la médiation du collectif jouent un rôle clé dans la configuration d'un travail de qualité. Dans le secteur informatique, l'organisation par objectifs exige aux employés d'accomplir des tâches qui encouragent l'apprentissage continu et favorisent leur autonomie. Par contre, les exigences cognitives sont très élevées, la durée de la journée de travail est déréglementée, sans limite de temps, et s'étend en dehors du lieu de travail et les postes s'inscrivent dans des conditions ergonomiques non contrôlées. Cette organisation du travail affecte les travailleurs et empêche la consolidation d'un collectif de travail capable d'agir pour la défense de leurs intérêts...

In the study that inspired this article, we try to enrich the classic work on the quality of jobs that limits its focus to institutional variables to include dimensions that allow to take into account the quality of work subjectively perceived by workers. Work organization and collective mediation play a key role in creating quality work. In the IT sector, the organizing objectives required of employees performing tasks that encourage learning and promote self-sufficiency. The cognitive demands are very high, the configuration of the workday deregulated, no time limit, takes place outside of work and, consequently, the ergonomics are not controlled. This organization of work affects workers and prevents the consolidation of a group capable of operating in defense of their interests...

Humans , Computer Literacy , Information Technology , Occupational Health , Work , Working Conditions , Argentina
Cad. psicol. soc. trab ; 17(spe): 129-140, jun. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-717512


A irrupção do tráfico de drogas em bairros populares desestabiliza cotidianamente ações de numerosos profissionais (professores, educadores, animadores etc.). Alguns dentre eles recusam acomodar-se a tal situação. Em Marselha, Paris e em Seine-Saint-Denis, algumas instituições decidiram criar espaços de troca em torno do tema da prevenção do envolvimento dos jovens no tráfico, a fim de sustentar seus engajamentos. Chamado a animar esses grupos, o autor se apoiou em um dispositivo próprio da clinica sociológica, baseado na construção de saberes. A partir de então, os participantes desses grupos dispõem de uma leitura mais fina sobre as redes de tráfico de drogas e sobre a participação dos jovens nessas redes. Eles construíram um posicionamento profissional mais solidário no cotidiano e desenvolvem cooperações horizontais mais fecundas. Eles também criaram pistas originais de trabalho. Finalmente, o autor se interroga sobre a maneira pela qual tal iniciativa pode ser útil - não apenas aos participantes, mas também a todos que são (ou serão) confrontados com esses problemas em seus espaços de intervenção...

L'irruption de trafics de drogues dans les quartiers populaires déstabilise au quotidien les pratiques de nombreux professionnels (enseignants, éducateurs, animateur etc.). Certains d'entre eux refusent de s'accommoder d'une telle situation. A Marseille, à Paris et en Seine Saint Denis, des institutions ont décidé de mettre en place des espaces d'échange autour du thème de la prévention de l'implication des jeunes dans les trafics afin d'étayer leur engagement. Sollicité pour les animer, l'auteur a pris appui sur un dispositif propre à la clinique sociologique qui repose sur la co-construction des savoirs. Les participants à la démarche disposent désormais d'une lecture plus fine des réseaux de trafics de drogues et de la participation des jeunes à ces derniers. Ils construisent un positionnement professionnel plus aidant au quotidien et développent des coopérations horizontales plus fécondes. Ils ont aussi dégagé des pistes de travail originales. L'auteur s'interroge, in fine, sur la façon dont une telle démarche pourrait être utile non seulement à ces participants mais aussi à tous ceux qui sont aujourd'hui (ou seront demain) confrontés à ces problèmes sur leur territoire d'intervention...

The irruption of drug trafficking in popular districts destabilises the daily practices of many specialists (teachers, educators, leaders, etc.) Some of them refuse to accept this situation. In Marseille, Paris and Seine Saint Denis, institutions have decided to implement spaces for exchange aimed at preventing young people from becoming involved in drug trafficking and to support their commitment. Asked to lead them, the author used a system from clinical sociology based on co-constructing knowledge. The participants in this process now have a finer understanding of drug trafficking networks and how young people are involved in them. They built a professional positioning which is more able to help on a daily basis and which gives rise to more productive horizontal cooperation. They were also able to identify more original possibilities. The author ultimately questions the way in which such a process may be useful, not only for these participants, but also for all those who today are (or tomorrow will be) confronted with these problems in their own areas...

Humans , Adolescent , Primary Prevention , Illicit Drugs , Drug Trafficking/prevention & control
Chinese Journal of Digestive Surgery ; (12): 10-12, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-444474


How to make a surgeon? It's not an easy question to answer for some of the graduates with doctor degree (Ph.D.).Because the lack of systemic training and stringent qualification exams in the filed of surgery in our country,Ph.D.need to improve their clinical ability and also shift their roles when they are entering the world of surgery.In this article,the author would like to discuss the way to help accelerating their changing process from a a capable confident surgeon based on the author's personal experience.Ph.D.are suggested to improve themselves in the following ways:study like a humble student,learn how to improve oneself through observation,practice diligently on basic technique skills,be brave in surgical practicing,read and write as much as you can,and last but not least cultivate your professionalism.

Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management ; (4): 287-288,封3, 2010.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-597045


Clinical work is the core of a hospital. The level of the clinical work and scientific research are the major indexes for the evaluation of a hospital or a clinician. However, there seems contradiction between the clinical work and scientific research. For hospital administration and clinicians, it is important to adopt clinical work as the center, and conduct research around the clinical practice, which will facilitate the transition from the scientific research to clinical application. Eventually the clinical work will improve and medical science will develop.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 11(4): 653-660, dez. 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-507380


O artigo relata novos desdobramentos no debate médico a propósito do placebo e seus efeitos, relacionados à sua utilização na clínica médica e em ensaios clínicos de drogas e tratamentos.

Cet article porte sur les nouveaux résultats du débat médical sur les placebos et leurs effets par rapport à leur utilisation en clinique médicale et dans des essais cliniques de médicaments et traitements.

This article discusses new perspectives in the medical debate on the effects of placebos. Aspects related to their use in medical clinical work and in writings on drugs and treatment are also taken up.

Placebo Effect , Placebos , Internal Medicine
Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research ; (12)2006.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624566


From the current state of the medical environment and health issues,we dis-cuss the necessity of physician-patient communication skills and find the way to enhance the skills of interns.

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 6(3): 30-42, jul.-set. 2003.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-792844


Este artigo pretende investigar a clínica com bebês desde o ponto de vista da depressão materna. Primeiro, avaliando os efeitos da depressão materna e de crises agudas de angústia da mãe sobre o bebê recémnascido. Segundo, investigando as reações do bebê à depressão, partindo da observação de que, ao contrário do que se pensa normalmente, os bebês são capazes de reagir, defender-se e oferecer saídas em condições de intensa carga afetiva, tal como o são a depressão ou crises de angústia excessiva, como o pânico. Elabora-se, então, a hipótese de o bebê funcionando como um “anteparo à angústia materna” e minimizando os efeitos da angústia para a mãe e para si. Tal hipótese traz novas e importantes aberturas para a clínica, uma vez que permite que novas formas de intervenção sejam realizadas diretamente com os bebês, ampliando assim o horizonte clínico e criando indagações ainda incipientes no tocante à psicopatologia e metapsicologia psicanalíticas.

Este artículo pretende investigar la clínica con bebés desde el punto de vista de la depresión materna. Primero, evaluando los efectos de la depresión materna y de crisis agudas de angustia de la madre sobre el bebé recién nacido. Segundo, investigando las reacciones del bebe a la depresión, partiendo de la observación de que, al contrario de lo que se piensa normalmente, los bebés son capaces de reaccionar, defenderse y ofrecer salidas, en condiciones de intensa carga afectiva, como lo son la depresión o las crisis de angustia excesivas como el pánico. Se elabora así la hipótesis del bebé funcionando como una “pantalla a la angustia materna”, minimizando los efectos de la angustia para la madre y para sí. Tal hipótesis trae nuevas e importantes aperturas para la clínica, una vez que permite que las nuevas formas de intervención sean realizadas directamente con los bebés, ampliando así el horizonte clínico y criando indagaciones aún incipientes en lo que se refiere a la psicopatología y la metapsicología psicoanalítica.

Cet article vise à investiguer la clinique des bébés du point de vue de la dépression maternelle. Premièrement, en évaluant les effets de la dépression maternelle et des crises d’angoisse aigues de la mère sur le nouveau né. Deuxièmement, en investiguant les réactions du bébé à la dépression, en partant de l’observation que, au contraire de ce que l’on pense habituellement, les bébés sont capables de réagir, de se défendre et de trouver des issues en cas de surcharge affective, telle que la dépression ou les crise d’angoisse excessive, comme la panique. On élabore alors l’hypothèse d’un bébé fonctionnant comme une “paroi contre l’angoisse maternelle” et minimisant les effets de l’angoisse pour lui-même et pour sa mère. Une telle hypothèse apporte de nouvelles et importantes ouvertures pour la clinique, dès lors qu’elle permet que de nouvelles formes d’interventions soient directement réalisées avec les bébés, élargissant de la sorte l’horizon clinique et créant des interrogations sur la psychopathologie et la métapsychologie psychanalytiques.

This article describes research in the area of clinical work with babies from the perspective of the mother’s depression. First the article evaluates the effects of maternal depression and of acute anxiety crises suffered by mothers regarding their newborn babies. Second, the baby’s reactions to its mother’s depression is analyzed, based on the observation that, in contrast to what is usually thought, babies are able to react, defend themselves, and come up with solutions under conditions of intense affective atmospheres, such as depression, anxiety crises or panic. The author posits the hypothesis that the baby functioning as a “shield against its mother’s anxiety,” minimizing the effects of the anxiety for the mother and for itself. This hypothesis brings up new and important inroads for the clinical work, since it enables new forms of intervention to be carried out directly with babies, thus expanding the horizon of clinical work and bringing up still incipient questions regarding psychopathology and psychoanalytic metapsychology.