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Acta biol. colomb ; 24(2): 361-371, May-ago. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010864


RESUMEN La ostra del mangle es una especie de gran importancia ecológica y comercial en muchos lugares del Caribe. En Bahía de Cispatá, Colombia, no obstante, representa el sustento económico de un importante grupo de pescadores se carece de planes de manejo que regulen su extracción. El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de establecer la estructura poblacional de Crassostrea rhizophorae en Bahía Cispatá, como insumo básico para la formulación futura de planes de manejo de la especie. Debido a las diferencias fenotípicas observadas entre los individuos de los lugares muestreados, se obtuvieron secuencias del gen COI, concluyendo que todos los individuos corresponden a la especie Crassostrea rhizophorae. Con base en las características morfológicas se diferenciaron dos poblaciones, de las que no se evidenció coexistencia en una misma estación de muestreo. A través del programa FiSAT se evaluaron los principales parámetros poblacionales, encontrando que los individuos de la población con concha delgada crecen a mayor velocidad alcanzando mayores tamaños que los individuos de la población de conchas más robustas y fuertes. No obstante, los individuos de concha delgada también presentaron una tasa de mortalidad más alta. Para las dos poblaciones la oferta alimentaria fue muy baja, lo cual pudo haber influido en la baja densidad poblacional encontrada durante 2015. Es necesario resaltar la importancia del recurso ostra en la zona y la ventaja que representa para los pescadores, los especímenes de concha más robusta, los cuales pueden ser mantenidos por más tiempo sin congelar que los de concha delgada.

ABSTRACT The mangrove oyster is a species of great ecological and commercial importance in many places in the Caribbean. In Bahía de Cispatá, Colombia, the oyster represents the economic support of an important group of fishermen lacks management plans for the extraction regulation. The objective of the present study was to establish the population structure of Crassostrea rhizophorae in Bahía Cispatá, as a basic input for the future formulation of management plans. Due to the morphological differences observed among the individuals of the sampled sites, sequences of the COI gene were obtained, concluding that all individuals correspond to the species Crassostrea rhizophorae. Based on the morphological differences, two populations were differentiated, which did not show coexistence in the same sampling station. Through the FiSAT program, the main population parameters were evaluated, finding that individuals of the population with thin shells grow at a faster rate, reaching greater sizes than individuals from the population of more robust and strong shells. However, individuals with thin shells also had higher mortality rates. For both populations, the food supply was very low, which may have influenced the low population density found during 2015. It is important to highlight the importance of this resource in the area and the advantage presented by the more robust oyster's specimens for fishermen since is that it allows them to have it to be stored for longer than the thin shell oyster.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 24(4): 343-356, dic. 2017. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094285


Se analizó la composición y abundancia del zooplancton de la laguna El Morro en la isla de Margarita, Venezuela, durante el periodo de surgencia (marzo-mayo 2011) y de relajación (junio-agosto 2011). Las muestras fueron recolectadas en 6 estaciones de las diferentes zonas de la laguna. Se realizaron calados con una red de plancton de 333 µm durante 10 minutos. Se midió in situ la temperatura, salinidad y oxígeno disuelto, además de nutrientes. Se registraron valores medios de temperatura de 29.7 ºC, salinidad de 36 ups, oxígeno disuelto de 5.9 mg.L-1. La concentración de nutrientes fue baja (medias de 0.12; 0.04; 0.03 mg.L-1 para nitrato, nitrito y fosfato, respectivamente). Se detectaron diferencias significativas temporales con mayores registros en la temporada de relajación, mientras que espacialmente no mostró diferencias, a pesar que en las estaciones internas (Est. 4,5,6) se obtuvo mayor abundancia. Se identificaron quince grupos zooplanctónicos, determinándose nueve especies del grupo Copepoda, dos de Cladocera, una de Decapoda, Tunicada y Rotifera y diferentes formas larvarias de distintos taxa. Las larvas de crustáceos presentaron la abundancia media y relativa más alta (47738 ind.m-3 y 46.83%, respectivamente), seguido del copépodo Oithona nana (31740 ind.m-3 y 25.94%, respectivamente) y Paracalanus quasimodo (12958 ind.m-3 y 8.47%, respectivamente). Esta laguna involucra la estacionalidad surgencia-relajación como un efecto importante en la distribución y abundancia del zooplancton.

The composition and abundance of the zooplankton of El Morro lagoon on the island of Margarita, Venezuela, during the upwelling period (March-May 2011) and relaxation (June-August 2011) were analyzed. Samples were collected at 6 stations in different areas of the lagoon. Sampling was performed with a 333 μm plankton net for 10 minutes. Water Temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen were measured in situ, in addition to nutrients. Average water temperature values of 29.7 °C, a salinity of 36 ups, and dissolved oxygen of 5.9 mg.L-1 were found. The concentration of nutrients was low (averages of 0.12, 0.04, 0.03 mg.L-1 for nitrate, nitrite and phosphate, respectively). Significant seasonal differences were detected with greater records in the relaxation season, whereas spatially did not show differences, although in the internal stations a greater abundance was recorded. Fifteen zooplankton groups were identified, identifying nine species of Copepoda, two of Cladocera, one of Decapoda, Tunicada and Rotifera and different larval forms of different taxa. Crustacean larvae showed the highest average and relative abundance (47738 ind.m-3 y 46.83%, respectively), followed by copepod O. nana (31740 ind.m-3 and 25.94%, respectively) and P. quasimodo (12958 ind.m-3 and 8.47%, respectively). This lagoon involves the emergence-relaxation seasonality as an important effect on the distribution and abundance of zooplankton.

Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;70(3)Aug. 2010.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468039


Temporal coherence (i.e., the degree of synchronicity of a given variable among ecological units within a predefined space) has been shown for several limnological features among temperate lakes, allowing predictions about the structure and function of ecosystems. However, there is little evidence of temporal coherence among tropical aquatic systems, where the climatic variability among seasons is less pronounced. Here, we used data from long-term monitoring of physical, chemical and biological variables to test the degree of temporal coherence among 18 tropical coastal lagoons. The water temperature and chlorophyll-a concentration had the highest and lowest temporal coherence among the lagoons, respectively, whereas the salinity and water colour had intermediate temporal coherence. The regional climactic factors were the main factors responsible for the coherence patterns in the water temperature and water colour, whereas the landscape position and morphometric characteristics explained much of the variation of the salinity and water colour among the lagoons. These results indicate that both local (lagoon morphometry) and regional (precipitation, air temperature) factors regulate the physical and chemical conditions of coastal lagoons by adjusting the terrestrial and marine subsidies at a landscape-scale. On the other hand, the chlorophyll-a concentration appears to be primarily regulated by specific local conditions resulting in a weak temporal coherence among the ecosystems. We concluded that temporal coherence in tropical ecosystems is possible, at least for some environmental features, and should be evaluated for other tropical ecosystems. Our results also reinforce that aquatic ecosystems should be studied more broadly to accomplish a full understanding of their structure and function.

A coerência temporal (i.e., o nível de sincronismo de uma dada variável ecológica entre unidades ecológicas) tem sido demonstrada para uma vasta gama de variáveis limnológicas em lagos de clima temperado, permitindo que predições sobre a estrutura e o funcionamento destes ecossistemas sejam realizadas. Entretanto, há pouca evidência da coerência temporal de variáveis limnológicas entre ecossistemas aquáticos tropicais, onde a variação climática é menos pronunciada entre as estações do ano. Neste estudo, utilizamos dados de longa duração do monitoramento de variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas para testar a ocorrência de coerência temporal entre 18 lagoas costeiras tropicais. A temperatura da água e a concentração de clorofila-a apresentaram, respectivamente, a maior e a menor coerência temporal entre as lagoas, enquanto que a salinidade e a coloração da água apresentaram padrões intermediários. Fatores climáticos regionais foram os principais fatores responsáveis pelos padrões de coerência da temperatura e coloração da água, enquanto que a orientação em relação ao mar e as características morfométricas das lagoas explicaram boa parte da variação da salinidade e da coloração da água entre as lagoas. Estes resultados indicam que tanto fatores locais (morfometria) quanto regionais (precipitação, temperatura do ar) regulam as condições físicas e químicas das lagoas costeiras pela contribuição dos ecossistemas terrestre e marinho em uma escala da paisagem. Por outro lado, a concentração de clorofila-a é aparentemente limitada por condições locais específicas, resultando em um fraco padrão de coerência temporal entre as lagoas. Concluímos que a coerência temporal em ecossistemas tropicais é possível, pelo menos para algumas variáveis ambientais, e deve ser avaliada para outros ecossistemas. Nossos resultados também reforçam a ideia que ecossistemas aquáticos devem ser estudados em uma perspectiva mais ampla (e.g. de bacia de drenagem) para o completo entendimento da sua estrutura e funcionamento.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;56(2): 523-533, jun. 2008. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-637657


The growth, mortality and migration pattern of the population of Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931 in the Carretas-Pereyra coastal lagoon system, Mexico, were studied. The shrimp spatial distribution and abundance were analyzed in relation to salinity, water temperature, and substrate. A total of 2 669 shrimps was collected at 22 sites sampled monthly from March 2004 to August 2005. Juvenile shrimps of L. vannamei were present in the coastal lagoon system throughout the year, reaching densities from 0.001 to 0.302 ind/m². The estimated daily growth rate was 0.06 to 0.27 mm carapace length (CL). No significant seasonal differences were appreciated. Weekly total mortality (Z) was between 0.04 and 0.34. Recruits, juveniles and sub-adults displayed a bimodal distributional pattern regulated by the prevailing conditions during the dry season. The peak abundance of juvenile stages occurred in December-January and March-May. The abundance presented an inverse correlation with salinity (r=-0.42; p<0.05) and a positive correlation (r=0.44; p<0.05) with silt content. No clear correlation was distinguished for emigration size with season of the year or water temperature. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (2): 523-533. Epub 2008 June 30.

Se estudió el crecimiento, la mortalidad y el patrón de migración del camarón Litopenaeus vannamei Boone 1931 en el sistema lagunar costero Carretas Pereyra, México. La distribución espacial y la abundancia fueron analizadas con relación a la salinidad, temperatura y substrato. De marzo de 2004 a agosto de 2005 se recolectó un total de 2669 camarones con un muestreo mensual en 22 sitios. Los jóvenes se hallaron todo el año en el sistema lagunar costero, con densidades entre 0.001 y 0.302 ind/m². La tasa de crecimiento diaria fue de 0.06 a 0.27 mm longitud del cefalotórax (CL) y no se apreciaron diferencias significativas entre estaciones. La mortalidad total (Z) semanal estuvo entre 0.04 y 0.34. Reclutas, jóvenes y subadultos presentan un patrón de distribución bimodal regulado por las condiciones prevalecientes durante la estación de estío. Los valores máximos de abundancia de los estadios juveniles se presentan en diciembre-enero y marzo-mayo. La abundancia presentó una correlación significativa inversa con la salinidad (r=-0.42; p<0.05) y positiva (r=0.44; p<0.05) con el contenido de limo. No se distinguió una clara correlación entre la talla de emigración, la estación del año y la temperatura del agua.

Animals , Penaeidae/physiology , Mexico , Population Density , Population Dynamics , Penaeidae/classification , Penaeidae/growth & development , Seasons
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;66(2)2006.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1467817


The aims of this research were to determine the main limiting nutrient to bacterial growth in Imboassica lagoon, southeastern Brazil, to estimate the percentage of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) available for bacterial growth, and to determine the bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) of natural assemblages. Bacterial growth and DOC consumption were determined in batch culture experiments, in which water samples were supplemented with nitrogen and phosphorus together or separately, or incubated without nutrient additions. When added together, N and P stimulated higher bacterial growth rates and production, as well as higher DOC consumption. The BGEs and DOC consumption rates were strongly dependent on the method used to determine bacterial production. The BGE ranged from 11 to 72%. However, only a minor fraction of bulk DOC was consumed by the planktonic bacteria (from 0.7 to 3.4%). The results suggest that low availability of phosphorus and nitrogen coupled with excess organic carbon was the main factor responsible for the relatively low bacterial utilization of DOC in Imboassica lagoon.

Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: determinar o principal nutriente limitante ao crescimento bacteriano na lagoa Imboassica, estimar a porcentagem de Carbono Orgânico Dissolvido (COD) disponível para o crescimento bacteriano e determinar a Eficiência de Crescimento Bacteriano (ECB) da comunidade bacteriana. O crescimento bacteriano e o consumo de COD foram avaliados em experimentos de culturas de diluição, nos quais nitrogênio e fósforo foram adicionados às amostras de água, juntos ou separadamente, e um controle foi preparado sem adições de nutrientes. Quando adicionados juntos, N e P estimularam um maior crescimento e produção bacterianos, assim como maiores taxas de consumo de COD. ECB e taxas de consumo de COD foram fortemente dependentes do método utilizado para determinar a produção bacteriana. ECB variou de 11% a 72%, porém apenas uma pequena fração do COD total foi consumida pelas bactérias planctônicas (de 0,7% a 3,4%). Sugere-se que as baixas disponibilidades de fósforo e nitrogênio são os principais fatores responsáveis pela baixa utilização de COD pelas bactérias na lagoa Imboassica.