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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(11): 1184-1190, Nov. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-658091


O objetivo do trabalho foi descrever os parâmetros hematológicos e as alterações histopatológicas em bijupirás infectados por Amyloodinium ocellatum. Um grupo de 27 peixes foi anestesiado para coleta de amostras de sangue e eutanasiados para coleta de muco e fragmentos de tecido cutâneo e branquial. Foram avaliadas a prevalência e a intensidade parasitária da infecção, assim como os valores de parâmetros hematológicos e alterações histopatológicas. A prevalência parasitária nas brânquias foi de 100% e no muco foi de 80,8% e as intensidades parasitárias médias foram de 683,5 nas brânquias, e 67,1 no muco cutâneo. Os valores médios dos parâmetros hematológicos foram: eritrócitos 4,3x10(6)µL; VG 26%; VGM 64,2fL; proteína plasmática 5,8mg/dL; trombócitos 5,2 x10³/µL e leucócitos 3,6 x10³/µL. Além disso, foram verificadas hiperplasia do epitélio respiratório acompanhada de fusão lamelar, descolamento do epitélio, dilatação do seio venoso, formação de aneurisma, ruptura do epitélio lamelar, hemorragia, necrose, reação inflamatória linfocítica. O parasito foi observado nas lamelas branquiais, o VMA variou do grau discreto ao severo e o IAH foi de 76,8. A pesquisa assume importância por se tratar dos primeiros estudos em Rachycentron canadum, um peixe que se destaca com potencial ao cultivo.

The aim of this study was to describe the hematological parameters and histopathologic alterations in cobia infected by Amyloodinium ocellatum. A group of 27 fish were anesthetized to collect blood samples and euthanatized to collect mucus and tissue fragments of skin and gills. The prevalence and parasitic intensity of the infection, besides hematologic parameters and histopathologic alterations, was measured. Parasite prevalence in the gills was 100% and in the mucus 80.8%, and the average intensity of infection in gills and skin was 683.5 e 67.1 respectively. The mean values of hematological parameters were: erythrocytes 4.3x10(6)μL; PCV 26%, MCV 64.2 fL, plasma protein 5.8mg/dL, thrombocytes 5.2x10³/μL and leukocytes 3.6x10³/μL . Furthermore was found hyperplasia of the respiratory epithelium accompanied by lamellar fusion, detachment of the epithelium, venous sinus dilatation, aneurysm formation and rupture of the lamellar epithelium, hemorrhage, necrosis and lymphocytic inflammatory reaction. The parasite was observed between the gills lamellae, the AMV ranged from mild to severe and AHI values were 76.8. The study assumes importance because it is the first study in Rachycentron canadum, a fish that stands out with potential for growing.

Animals , Blood Chemical Analysis , Ectoparasitic Infestations/diagnosis , Ectoparasitic Infestations/veterinary , Fishes/parasitology , Gills/parasitology , Mucus/parasitology
Rev. biol. trop ; 54(supl.3): 1-7, Dec. 2006. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: lil-637566


Intensive aquaculture sometimes provides conditions favorable for parasites that are not ordinarily found on culture fishes in the wild, and the use of introduced stocks sometimes introduces non-indigenous species to the habitat. When officially asked about the culture of Cobia Rachycentron canadum (Linnaeus) in Puerto Rico, the authors responded that it was unlikely to cause harm. It was assumed that a well-known culture facility in Florida would assure parasite-free stocks. Subsequent examinations of stocked juveniles surprisingly found parasites new to this fish. An outbreak of Slime-blotch disease, Brooklynella hostilis Lom & Nigrilli, 1970 (Dysteriida: Hartmannulidae) occurred in juvenile Cobia after they were shipped from Florida and stocked. This apparently represents a local parasite that took advantage of the weakened and/or crowded fish. The universal aquarium and culture superparasite, Marine Ich, Cryptocaryon irritans Brown, 1951 (Colpodia: Ichthyophthiriidae) was introduced with a shipment of juvenile Cobia from Florida. This may not be serious, since the parasite occurs worldwide, unless it represents a new strain to Puerto Rico. Marine Costia, Ichthyobodo sp. (Kinetoplastida: Bodonidae) was introduced into Puerto Rico with juvenile Cobia shipped from Florida. This parasite has caused some severe problems in aquaculture hatcheries in Hawaii and Texas after it was introduced with cultured organisms. Thus far, it has not caused any problems locally, but Puerto Rico lacks the marine hatchery facilities where such outbreaks would occur. The question of whether it is established locally will have to wait the development of similar facilities in Puerto Rico. These three species of parasites represent new host records for Cobia. The non-indigenous Ichthyobodo sp. represents new locality records for the tropical Atlantic, Caribbean, and Florida and Puerto Rico. Cobia mature more quickly in culture than in the wild and thus female Cobia apparently mature sufficiently before harvest to attract wild male Cobia to the net pen culture facilities. This represents a potential source of parasite and disease infection for the cultured and wild fish. Rev. Biol. Trop. 54 (Suppl. 3): 1-7. Epub 2007 Jan. 15.

En un criadero del pez Rachycentron canadum establecido en Puerto Rico a partir de especímenes de Florida hallamos parásitos nuevos. La enfermedad causada por Brooklynella hostilis Lom and Nigrilli, 1970 (Dysteriida: Hartmannulidae) podría indicar que un parásito local tomó ventaja de los peces debilitados y/o hacinados. También hallamos Cryptocaryon irritans Brown, 1951 (Colpodia: Ichthyophthiriidae), parásito cosmopolita. También llegó de Florida Ichthyobodo sp. (Kinetoplastida: Bodonidae), el cual hasta ahora no ha causado ningún problema localmente, pero es un nuevo registro para el Atlántico tropical, el Caribe, Florida y Puerto Rico. Los tres parásitos son huéspedes nuevos de R. canadum. Aparentemente, antes de la cosecha las hembras maduran lo suficiente para atraer machos salvajes hacia los cultivos. Esto representa una potencial fuente de infección.

Perciformes/parasitology , Parasites , Puerto Rico