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Interdisciplinaria ; 35(2): 409-423, dic. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019915


En los últimos años ha surgido un creciente interés por indagar el rol de las habilidades no cognitivas, como la tenacidad, en el desempeño académico. Si bien la investigación sobre tenacidad no ha generado aún conclusiones definitivas, debe considerarse que ella no ha incluido a poblaciones latinoamericanas. Ante este panorama, este estudio inicial se propuso examinar en estudiantes universitarios chilenos de pedagogía en matemáticas: (1) la estructura interna de la tenacidad y (2) su posición en una red nomológica integrada por desempeño académico, sexo, edad y años en el programa educativo. Un total de 153 estudiantes de la Universidad de La Frontera, una institución estatal chilena, respondió la Escala Corta de Tenacidad y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Análisis factoriales exploratorios revelaron que la tenacidad adquiere una configuración unidimensional que posee una adecuada consistencia interna. Además, adoptando una relación no lineal semejante a una curva hiperbólica, niveles altos de tenacidad se vincularon con desempeño académico alto, en tanto que niveles bajos o moderados se vincularon con desempeño bajo. Finalmente, la tenacidad apareció asociada con sexo (las mujeres mostraron más tenacidad que los hombres) y, en una relación directa, con los años en el programa. Tenacidad no correlacionó significativamente con edad. Este conjunto de hallazgos, que discrepan mayormente de aquellos reportados en la literatura, son discutidos principalmente en términos del dominio disciplinar previo de los participantes y/o de la dificultad del programa educativo. Se proponen explicaciones para estos hallazgos a fin de que sean evaluadas en estudios futuros, empleando un enfoque confirmatorio.

Traditionally, academic performance has been linked to intelligence and some other student´s cognitive abilities. However, in recent 4 years we have witnessed a growing interest in expanding this view by investigating the role that other non-cognitive skills, such as tenacity, may play in academic achievement. Grit can conceptually be conceived as perseverance and passion aimed at achieving long-term goals. A review of the literature shows that grit does not appear to be configured, as some authors claim, as a hierarchical structure with a general second-order construct and two first-order facets (perseverance of effort and consistency of interest). The literature also points out that grit is only a modest predictor of academic performance and that it presents a slightly positive correlation with age and a very weak one with sex and the students' number of years in an academic program. While research on grit has not yet generated any definitive conclusions, it must be considered that it has not included Latin American populations. Given this scenario, this initial study aimed to examine in mathematics teacher Chilean students (1) the internal structure of grit and (2) their position in a nomological network integrated by academic achievement, sex, age and years enrolled in the program. Participants consisted in the total population (n = 153) of students enrolled in a mathematics teacher program at Universidad de La Frontera, a public institution located in the Central-South area from Chile. The program was selected because it presents a high level of difficulty to its students and because it includes highly formalized tasks, as part of its disciplinary courses. Participants responded the Short Grit Scale (Grit-S) and a demographic questionnaire. In this study, Grit-Swas previously translated and adapted into Spanish from the original English version. Grit-Scontains eight items intended to measure the two facets of grit. Exploratory factorial analysis revealed that, after excluding two items due to low factor loadings (items No. 1 and 2), grit presented a one-dimensional configuration, with an adequate internal consistency (ordinal Alpha: .80). A positive linear correlation, although marginally significant, was obtained between grit and academic achievement, r(143)= .12, p =.069, d = .24. However, a planned contrast revealed that a nonlinear relationship, similar to a hyperbolic curve, better explains the link between these two variables. Specifically, this analysis showed that students in the upper grit quintile obtained a significantly higher grade point average than the combined grade point average of the remaining grit quintiles, t(138) =1.87, p = .032, d = .32. This result suggests that academic achievement remains reduced when grit level is low or moderate and only increases when grit level is high. A multiple regression analysis indicated that sex, age and number of years in the program account for 12.6% of grit variance, F(3, 149) = 7.15, p < .001, d = .76. Sex significantly contributed to the prediction (β =.198, p = .011, d = .38) with women, (M = 3.77,dt = .61) reporting higher levels of grit than men (M = 3.53, dt = .69). Whereas age did not significantly contribute to the prediction (β =.102, p = .206), the number of years in the program showed a significant direct association with grit (β = .261, p = .001, d = .60. Due to the originality of these findings, most differing from those reported in the literature, this study offers tentative explanations that future research could use to formulate and empirically test new hypotheses using, hopefully, a confirmatory approach. These possible explanations mainly refer to the participants' previous level of mathematic mastery and/or the level of difficulty demanded by the educational program.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-476816


Users' cognition and information retrieval are faced with great challenges in ubiquitous knowledge environ-ment. The influence of cognitive factors such as personality traits, cognitive style and ability, knowledge structure and ascribed methods on users' information retrieval behaviors was thus analyzed. It was pointed out that different cognitive factors could influence the retrieval, judgment and absorption of its results,users' satisfaction and continuous use in ubiquitous knowledge environment,with suggestions put forward from the aspects of information retrieval education, information service and information users for improving the users ' knowledge system in knowledge assimilating process by working out effective retrieval strategies using the advantages of cognition.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183929


Background: In spite of having average or above average intelligence, emergence of poor academic performance can be catastrophic, both to the children and their families. Aim: To find out the etiological factors behind the scholastic backwardness which are prevailing in different sexes and in different socio-economic background of the children attending normal school. Method: 125 children of both sexes in the age range of 12 to 16 years were taken for this study. They were brought to rule out the suspected causes of mental retardation. Assessment were done on the measures of the class teacher rating on the functioning of the child in the school including general activity in the class, relationship with students and teachers, academic functioning, play and extracurricular activities. Qualitative analysis of the data was done. Results: Result revealed that intelligence is not the single criteria that determine the academic performance of students. Several cognitive and non – cognitive factors which are found within the child and outside of the child i.e. family, school and society are solely responsible to determine the scholastic performance of the students.

Psicol. Caribe ; 30(1): 36-66, ene.-jun. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-681729


Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo establecer la presencia y grado de relación que existe entre dos factores cognitivos disfuncionales: Creencias Irracionales y Esquemas Maladaptativos Tempranos (EMT), en un grupo de homosexuales masculinos de la ciudad de Santa Marta, Colombia. Se utilizó un tipo de investigación correlacional en una muestra de 196 homosexuales masculinos, de 25 a 40 años de edad, con una media de 28,2 años, quienes fueron seleccionados mediante el procedimiento de "bola de nieve", pues se desconocía la población total. Se aplicaron dos Pruebas: el IBT (Irracional Beliefs Test), de Jones, R. G. (1968); el Young Schema Questionnaire Long Form - 2nd edition (YSQ-L2), de Young (1990), validado para población colombiana (Castrillón, Chaves, Ferrer, Londoño, Maestre, Marín & Schnitter, 2005); y una entrevista diseñada por los autores a cuatro de ellos. Se tomó como significativas aquellas creencias que prevalecieron sobre el 50% de la población. No se halló presencia significativa de creencias irracionales, y la creencia influencia del pasado fue la que más se aproximó al 50%, con un 44% en el límite superior. Se hallaron dos EMT que prevalecen: entrampamiento (43%) e inhibición emocional (35%). Se estableció que la creencia irracional mayoritaria y los dos EMT encontrados no se asocian. Se concluye que personas o hechos del pasado que han sido importantes o determinantes para definir su orientación sexual no lo atan necesariamente a ellas, pueden buscar su felicidad y apoyo en otros grupos, como en la comunidad gay que frecuentan. Estos resultados son similares a los hallados por otros estudios relacionados. Se sugiere seguir investigando con otras variables y pruebas.

This research aimed to establish the presence and degree of relationship between two dysfunctional cognitive factors: Irrational Beliefs and early maladaptive schemas (EMT), in a group of gay men in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia. We used a correlational research type in a sample of 196 gay men, 25 to 40 years old, with a mean of 28.2 years, who were selected by the method of "snowball" because it was unaware of the total population. We applied two tests: the IBT (Irrational Beliefs Test), Jones, R. G. (1968), the Young Schema Questionnaire Long Form -Second Edition (YSQ-L2), Young (1990), validated for the Colombian population (Castrillón, Chaves, Ferrer, Londoño, Master, Marin, and Schnitter, 2005) and, Interview by authors designed four. Was taken as significant those beliefs that prevailed on 50% of the population. We found no significant presence of irrational beliefs, still the influence of the past belief that more approached 50%, with 44% at the upper limit. We found two prevailing EMT: entrapment (43%) and emotional inhibition (35%). It was established that the majority irrational belief and the two EMT found, not associated. We conclude that people or past events that have been important or crucial to define their sexual orientation does not necessarily tied to them, they can pursue happiness and support from other groups, such as frequenting gay community, according to the interview. These results are similar to those found for other related studies. We suggest further research with other variables and tests.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 8(1): 7-34, mar. 2005. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-635121


The purpose of this project was to establish the relationship between parental cognitive factors as attributions, beliefs and expectations; and the co-ocurrence of alcohol consumption and child physical abuse. A descriptive correlational research was conducted. Participants were 263 parents (fathers and mothers as well) selected by intentional sample. Age average was 33. 9 mean, their socioeconomic status was 1 to 3 and their educational level was minimum of primary school, their children ages were from 7 to 12. Groups were divided as following: Group 1: Physical child abusers, group 2: Alcohol consumers, group 3: Physical child abuser and alcohol consumers, group 4: None of the previous conditions instruments were designed and validated by the psychometric methodology: 1) cognitive parents factors scale. 2) co-ocurrence alcohol and child abuse scale. A multiple regression analysis was carried on, and an anova post hoc comparison were made as well significant statistical differences were found bettwen different parents groups in the cognitive factors variable. Results showed that parents cognitive factors are related to co-ocurrence of alcohol consumption and child abuse, but expectations an attributions are a more predictable dimension of this phenomena additionally, it was confirmed co-ocurrence cathegories as: Direct, indirect and circular.

La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar los factores cognoscitivos: atribuciones, creencias y expectativas de los padres asociados con la co-ocurrencia del consumo de alcohol y el maltrato físico a sus hijos. Se realizó una investigación descriptiva correlacional. Mediante un muestreo intencional se seleccionaron 263 padres/madres biológicos con una edad promedio de 33.9 años; de estratos socioeconómicos uno, dos y tres,con un nivel educativo mínimo de primaria y con hijos e hijas de 7-12 años los que se distribuyeron en cuatro grupos así: grupo 1: abusadores físicos; grupo 2: consumidores de alcohol; grupo 3: abusadores físicos y consumidores de alcohol; grupo 4: no abusadores físicos y no consumidores de alcohol. Se diseñaron, validaron y aplicaron dos instrumentos: uno para evaluar los factores cognoscitivos de los padres y otro para evaluar la coocurrencia del consumo de alcohol y el maltrato físico a los hijos. Se hizo un análisis multivariado de regresión múltiple y un ANOVA con comparaciones post-hoc. Se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los puntajes presentados entre los grupos de padres en el instrumento de evaluación de los factores cognoscitivos. Se logró establecer que los factores cognoscitivos de los padres, atribuciones y expectativas son una variable determinante en la co-ocurrencia del maltrato físico a los hijos y el consumo de alcohol. Adicionalmente, se encontró que dicha co-ocurrencia es directa, indirecta y circular.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Child Abuse , Cognition , Underage Drinking