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RECIIS (Online) ; 17(3): 741-745, jul.-set. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1518935


Les règles que nous appliquons et les normes auxquelles nous obéissons dans les activités communicatives sont tellement intériorisées qu'elles sont pratiquement imperceptibles. Adriano Duarte Rodrigues, au cours des trois dernières décades, a cherché les conditions du déchainement de l'activité communicative en tant que processus interactionnel situé. Dans cette critique, je souligne la question centrale présentée dans A natureza da atividade comunicativa (La nature de l'activité communicative), son dernier livre: l'observation du comportement des personnes dans les interactions auxquelles elles participent comme point de départ pour comprendre la communication. Cette attitude émique, fondée sur l'approche ethnométhodologique, cherche à découvrir les méthodes de sens commun utilisées par les individus dans leurs productions et in-terprétations au cours de leurs interactions. Le grand dilemme des études de communication découle, selon l'auteur, de la naturalisation de dispositifs qui ont été internalisés au cours du processus de socialisation et qui échappent à notre perception lorsque nous nous impliquons dans des interactions reglées sur eux.

As regras que aplicamos e as normas a que obedecemos nas atividades comunicativas estão de tal modo in-teriorizadas que são praticamente imperceptíveis. Adriano Duarte Rodrigues tem dedicado as últimas três décadas a tentar equacionar as condições que desencadeiam a atividade comunicativa enquanto processo interacional situado. Nesta resenha, destaco a questão central apresentada em A natureza da atividade comunicativa, seu mais recente livro: a observação dos comportamentos das pessoas nas interações das quais participam como ponto de partida para a compreensão da comunicação. Esta atitude êmica, funda-mentada na abordagem etnometodológica, procura descobrir os métodos do senso comum, usados pelos indivíduos nas produções e interpretações no decurso das suas interações. O grande dilema dos estudos da comunicação decorre, segundo o autor, da naturalização de dispositivos interiorizados ao longo do processo de socialização e que escapam à nossa percepção quando estamos envolvidos nas interações reguladas por eles

The rules we apply and the norms we obey in communicative activities are so internalized that they are practically imperceptible. Adriano Duarte Rodrigues has dedicated the last three decades to trying to equate the conditions that trigger communicative activity as a situated interactional process. In this review, I highlight the central question presented in A natureza da atividade comunicativa (The nature of commu-nicative activity), his most recent book: the observation of people's behavior in the interactions in which they participate as a starting point for understanding communication. This emic attitude, based on the ethnomethodological approach, seeks to discover the commonsense methods employed by individuals in their productions and interpretations in the course of their interactions. The great dilemma of the commu-nication studies stems, according to the author, from the naturalization of devices internalized throughout the socialization process, devices that escape our perception when we are involved in interactions regulated by them

Humans , Behavior , Communication , Social Interaction , Interpersonal Relations , Socialization
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development ; (4): 62-69, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997640


@#In response to the global crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, the Philippine government declared a countrywide State of Calamity, apart from imposing quarantines of different stringency across regions. As workplaces have been mandated to implement alternative arrangements, these major changes in turn have caused disruptions in, and called for adjustments to, business operations, with museums being among the affected. As museums are venues that store physical collections that call for physical presence and even the tactile involvement of audiences and visitors, their operations will have to be inevitably transformed postpandemic, as are their visitors, whose mental health is likely to have been affected by the pandemic and resulting quarantine. Using the lens of crisis management, this paper analyzed the museum sector's response to the changes brought about by the spread of disease and the resulting imposition of quarantine. Through a review of the responses of several Manila-based museums to the crisis, the paper assessed the readiness of the museums in creating appropriate and effective measures to manage decreased foot traffic and economic impact, among others. The paper asserts that various tactics were used as reactions, instead of proactive steps, to mitigate the effects of the pandemic to museums. The analyses are juxtaposed with degrowth initiatives, which may potentially address the economic issues arising from the pandemic. These initiatives may be of help in resolving the issue of collections management and curatorship, with a focus on the quality, rather than the quantity, of the museum's collection and profits. Through postmodern and new museology theory, shifts from physical to virtual and other alternative modes of art experience are discussed as possible and effective solutions to this crisis. Overall, the paper aims to propose a revised model of operation that may be useful to museology in particular, and mental and planetary health in general.

Museums , Mental Health
Philippine Journal of Health Research and Development ; (4): 62-69, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886551


@#In response to the global crisis brought about by the coronavirus pandemic, the Philippine government declared a countrywide State of Calamity, apart from imposing quarantines of different stringency across regions. As workplaces have been mandated to implement alternative arrangements, these major changes in turn have caused disruptions in, and called for adjustments to, business operations, with museums being among the affected. As museums are venues that store physical collections that call for physical presence and even the tactile involvement of audiences and visitors, their operations will have to be inevitably transformed post-pandemic, as are their visitors, whose mental health are likely to have been affected by the pandemic and resulting quarantine. Using the lens of crisis management, this paper analyzed the museums’ response to the changes brought about by the spread of disease and the resulting imposition of quarantine. Through a review of the responses of several Manila-based museums to the crisis, the paper assessed the readiness of the museums in creating appropriate and effective measures to manage decreased foot traffic and economic impact, among others. The paper asserts that various tactics were used as reactions, instead of proactive steps, to mitigate the effects of the pandemic to museums. The analyses are juxtaposed with degrowth initiatives, which may potentially address the economic issues arising from the pandemic. These initiatives may be of help in resolving the issue of collections management and curatorship, with a focus on the quality, rather than the quantity, of the museum’s collection and profits. Through postmodern and new museology theory, shifts from physical to virtual and other alternative modes of art experience are discussed as possible and effective solutions to this crisis. Overall, the paper aims to propose a revised model of operation that may be useful to museology in particular, and mental and planetary health in general.

Mental Health , Museums , Postmodernism , Information Theory , Health Communication
Estud. Interdiscip. Psicol ; 10(2): 210-225, ago.2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1026264


O artigo visa explorar a mudança na comunicação de um jovem adulto e suas repercussões no contexto individual e familiar no decorrer da terapia de abordagem sistêmica. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo de caso clínico de um processo psicoterapêutico com duração de nove meses. O estudo de caso está composto pela história da família, as queixas e demandas, bem como as estratégias terapêuticas utilizadas para trabalhar os aspectos comunicacionais do paciente e a relação com sua família. Os resultados são discutidos com base no Modelo da Pragmática da Comunicação Humana e das dimensões da comunicação entre pais e filhos. Conclui-se que os recursos da psicoterapia de abordagem sistêmica contribuíram para a consolidação de mudanças nas formas de comunicação, e que eles repercutiram tanto no pleno desenvolvimento social, psíquico e relacional da pessoa atendida, quanto na dinâmica familiar (AU).

This article aims to explore changes in the communication of a young adult and their impacts on individual and family context, by using the systemic therapy approach. A clinical case study was conducted for nine months to this end. This paper is composed of the family history, the complaints and demands, and the therapeutic strategies used to develop the patient's communicative aspects and his relationship with the family. The results are discussed based on the Human Communication Pragmatics Model and the dimensions of communication between parents and children. We concluded that the resources of the systemic approach psychotherapy contributed to the consolidation of changes in communication forms, and had repercussions on both the social, psychological and relational development of the young adult, as well as on the family dynamics (AU).

El artículo objetiva presentar os cambios en las formas de comunicación de un joven adulto y sus repercusiones en el contexto individual y familiar en el curso de la terapia de abordaje sistémico. Para ello, se realizó un estudio de caso clínico referente a un proceso psicoterapéutico en un período de nueve meses. El estudio de caso está compuesto por la historia de la familia, las quejas y demandas, así como las estrategias terapéuticas utilizadas para trabajar los aspectos comunicacionales del paciente con su familia. Los resultados se discuten sobre la base del Modelo de la Pragmática de la Comunicación Humana y de las dimensiones de la comunicación entre padres e hijos. Se concluye que los recursos de la terapia sistémica contribuyeron a la consolidación de cambios en las formas de comunicación, y que ellas repercutieron en el pleno desarrollo social, psíquico y relacional de la persona atendida, como en la dinámica familiar (AU).

Humans , Male , Adult , Psychotherapy , Family Therapy , Young Adult
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 12(supl): 349-364, 2005.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-570820


Em sua primeira visita ao Brasil, em 2001, os professores Michel Van Praet, Jean Davallon e Daniel Jacobi, pesquisadores e profissionais do campo museal francês, discutiram a natureza complexa da experiência museal. Michel Van Praet salienta a particularidade dos museus de história natural e avalia o trabalho que realisou à frente do projeto de renovação da Grande Galeria da Evolução do Museu Nacional de História Natural, inaugurada, em 1994, em Paris. Jean Davallon discute a contribuição da semiótica e da teoria da recepção para analisar como a exposição comunica e como se dá a construção de sentido em seu interior. Daniel Jacobi define algumas características da divulgação das ciências nos museus e aponta dificuldades para a sua realização.

During their first visit to Brazil, in 2001, Michel Van Praet, Jean Davallon, and Daniel Jacobi – French researchers in the field of museology – discussed the complex nature of the museum experience. Professor Van Praet underscores the unique character of natural history museums and offers an evaluation of his work as head of the restoration project at Paris's Grande Gallery of Evolution, inaugurated in 1994. Professor Davallon discusses the contribution of semiotics and reception theory in analyzing how an exhibit communicates and how meaning is constructed within it. Dr. Jacobi defines some characteristics of the dissemination of science at museums and points to problems encountered in achieving this end.

History, 20th Century , History, 21st Century , Museums , Natural History , Science , Technology , Brazil , Education/history , Education/trends , France , Museums/history , Natural History/education , Natural History/history , Natural History/trends , Science/education , Science/history , Science/trends , Technology/education , Technology/history , Technology/trends