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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 92(2): 41-51, ene. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557854


Resumen OBJETIVO: Determinar la frecuencia de aceptación y los factores asociados con la anticoncepción moderna posaborto en pacientes atendidas en un hospital público de Perú. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional y transversal efectuado en pacientes en el posaborto inmediato atendidas de junio a diciembre de 2022 en el servicio de Urgencias del Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Perú, seleccionadas por conveniencia. Se utilizó un cuestionario validado. Se aplicó la prueba χ2 de Pearson con un nivel de significación del 5%. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 166 pacientes en el posaborto inmediato de las que el 94% (n = 156) aceptó algún método anticonceptivo moderno; el más frecuente fue el inyectable mensual (44.0%) y el menos aceptado el dispositivo intrauterino (0.6%). Los factores personales asociados con la aceptación del método anticonceptivo moderno fueron: edad (p < 0.01), no tener pareja (p < 0.001) y ésta estuviera de acuerdo con el anticonceptivo elegido (p < 0.001). Los factores institucionales asociados fueron: tiempo de la consejería en planificación familiar (p = 0.047), privacidad-confidencialidad de la consejería (p < 0.001) y satisfacción con la atención ofrecida durante la orientación (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONES: La edad, carecer de pareja y estar de acuerdo con ésta acerca de la elección del método anticonceptivo posaborto junto con los factores institucionales (tiempo de consejería en planificación familiar, importancia de la privacidad-confidencialidad y percepción de la atención en consejería en planificación familiar) se asociaron, significativamente, con la aceptación de algún método anticonceptivo moderno posaborto.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: To determine the frequency of acceptance and factors associated with modern postabortion contraception in patients attended at a public hospital in Peru. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Observational and cross-sectional study conducted in immediate postabortion patients attended from June to December 2022 at the Emergency Department of the Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru, selected by convenience. A validated questionnaire was used. Pearson's test c2 was used with a significance level of 5%. RESULTS: We studied 166 patients in the immediate postabortion period, of whom 94% (n = 156) accepted some modern contraceptive method; the most common was the monthly injectable (44.0%) and the least accepted was the intrauterine device (0.6%). Personal factors associated with modern contraceptive method acceptance were age (p < 0.01), no partner (p < 0.001), and partner's agreement with the chosen contraceptive method (p < 0.001). Associated institutional factors were agreeing with the time of family planning counseling (p = 0.047), considering the importance of privacy-confidentiality of counseling (p < 0.001), and agreeing with the care offered during counseling (p = 0.026). CONCLUSIONS: Age, lack of a partner, and agreeing with the partner about the choice of postabortion contraceptive method along with institutional factors (time of family planning counseling, importance of privacy-confidentiality, and perception of care in family planning counseling) were significantly associated with acceptance of some modern postabortion contraceptive method.

Multimed (Granma) ; 25(3): e1273,
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287421


RESUMEN El impacto del aborto como problema social y psicológico, es un tema tratado en todas sus dimensiones, así como su situación mundial y sobre todo la cubana actual. Trabajos de investigación, toman en cuenta diferentes latitudes tales como su caracterización, las justificativas para la toma de decisión de abortar además de su repercusión económica y biopsicosocial. La educación sexual y reproductiva puede ayudar a que el aborto no se convierta en un método anticonceptivo como tal, el cual representa un problema que compromete la salud reproductiva de las adolescentes tanto desde el punto de vista biológico, psicológico, como social, sino como otra elección en la toma de decisiones ante un embarazo no deseado que conlleva a la realización de este proceder teniendo como una de las principales razones no sentirse preparadas para ser madres en ese momento.

ABSTRACT The impact of abortion as a social and psychological problem is a subject dealt with in all its dimensions, as well as its world situation and especially the current Cuban one. Research works take into account different latitudes such as their characterization, the justifications for the decision to abort, as well as their economic and biopsychosocial repercussions. Sexual and reproductive education can help prevent abortion from becoming a contraceptive method as such, which represents a problem that compromises the reproductive health of adolescents both from a biological, psychological, and social point of view, but from another point of view, choice in decision-making in the face of an unwanted pregnancy that leads to the performance of this procedure, one of the main reasons being not feeling prepared to be mothers at that time.

RESUMO O impacto do aborto como problema social e psicológico é um assunto tratado em tod,as as suas dimensões, bem como a sua situação mundial e especialmente a cubana atual. Os trabalhos de pesquisa levam em consideração diferentes latitudes como sua caracterização, as justificativas para a decisão de abortar, bem como suas repercussões econômicas e biopsicossociais. A educação sexual e reprodutiva pode ajudar a evitar que o aborto se torne um método anticoncepcional propriamente dito, o que representa um problema que compromete a saúde reprodutiva dos adolescentes tanto do ponto de vista biológico, psicológico e social, quanto de outro ponto de vista, fazer frente a uma gravidez indesejada que leva à realização desse procedimento, sendo um dos principais motivos o fato de não se sentir preparada para ser mãe naquele momento.

An. Facultad Med. (Univ. Repúb. Urug., En línea) ; 8(1): e201, jun. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1248715


Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos son derechos que todo individuo debe conocer. La planificación familiar se logra mediante la utilización de métodos anticonceptivos. Si bien se ofrece un amplio abanico de estos en el hospital, no todos reciben orientación, siendo el periodo grávido-puerperal una oportunidad única para realizar la consejería en anticoncepción. El objetivo es evaluar el uso de anticonceptivos previo al embarazo, el asesoramiento durante el puerperio y la elección de anticonceptivo posterior en una población de este hospital. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal realizado a partir de encuesta durante el puerperio de las puérperas del Hospital de Clínicas, en el periodo 01/02/2019 a 31/07/2019. Se evaluaron 220 pacientes. 79,5% de los embarazos no fue planificado. Del total de entrevistadas 35,5% no utilizaba método anticonceptivo previo al embarazo y 33% no habían tenido asesoramiento. Previo al embarazo, los anticonceptivos más usados fueron los anticonceptivos orales combinados (64,1%) y 50% refiere un uso no correcto. 81,6% recibió asesoramiento durante le puerperio. Los anticonceptivos que las pacientes refieren haber recibido mayor información durante el puerperio fueron: implante subdérmico (65,8%) y DIU (48%). 44,1% no recibió información de las contraindicaciones y efectos adversos. Los anticonceptivos más elegidos fueron: implante subdérmico (41,4%), ligadura tubaria (21,8%) y DIU (14,5%). La eficacia (60,1%) y facilidad de uso (43,9%) fueron los motivos más frecuentes de elección. La mayoría de los embarazos fueron no planificados y casi una tercera parte no utilizaba método anticonceptivo previo y nunca habían recibido asesoramiento. Durante el puerperio, la mayoría refiere haber sido asesorada en planificación familiar y optado por alguno de los métodos anticonceptivos siendo los más frecuentemente elegidos los métodos reversibles de larga duración por su facilidad de uso y eficacia.

Sexual and reproductive rights are rights that every individual must know. Family planning is achieved through the use of contraceptive methods. Although a wide range of these are offered in the hospital, not all of them receive counseling, and the pregnancy-puerperal period is a unique opportunity to carry out contraception counseling. The objective is to evaluate the use of contraceptives prior to pregnancy, counseling during the puerperium and the choice of later contraception in a population of this hospital. A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out based on a survey during the puerperium of the puerperal women of the Hospital de Clínicas, in the period 01/02/2019 to 31/07/2019. 220 patients were evaluated. 79.5% of the pregnancies were unplanned. Of the total interviewed, 35.5% did not use contraception prior to pregnancy and 33% had not had counseling. Before pregnancy, the most used contraceptives were combined oral contraceptives (64.1%) and 50% reported incorrect use. 81.6% received counseling during the puerperium. The contraceptives that the patients reported having received more information during the puerperium were: subdermal implant (65.8%) and IUD (48%). 44.1% did not receive information on contraindications and adverse effects. The most chosen contraceptives were: subdermal implant (41.4%), tubal ligation (21.8%) and IUD (14.5%). Efficacy (60.1%) and ease of use (43.9%) were the most frequent reasons for choice. Most of the pregnancies were unplanned and almost a third were not using prior contraception and had never received counseling. During the puerperium, the majority reported having been counseled on family planning and opted for one of the contraceptive methods, the long-lasting reversible methods being the most frequently chosen for their ease of use and efficacy.

Os direitos sexuais e reprodutivos são direitos que todo indivíduo deve conhecer. O planejamento familiar é realizado por meio do uso de métodos anticoncepcionais. Embora muitos deles sejam oferecidos no hospital, nem todos recebem aconselhamento, e o período gravídico-puerperal é uma oportunidade única para realizar aconselhamento anticoncepcional. O objetivo é avaliar o uso de anticoncepcionais antes da gravidez, o aconselhamento durante o puerpério e a escolha da contracepção posterior em uma população deste hospital. Realizou-se estudo transversal descritivo com base em inquérito no puerpério das puérperas do Hospital de Clínicas, no período de 02/01/2019 a 31/07/2019. 220 pacientes foram avaliados. 79,5% das gestações não foram planejadas. Do total de entrevistadas, 35,5% não usavam anticoncepcionais antes da gravidez e 33% não haviam feito aconselhamento. Antes da gravidez, os anticoncepcionais mais usados eram os anticoncepcionais orais combinados (64,1%) e 50% relataram o uso incorreto. 81,6% receberam aconselhamento durante o puerpério. Os contraceptivos que as pacientes relataram ter recebido mais informações durante o puerpério foram: implante subdérmico (65,8%) e DIU (48%). 44,1% não receberam informações sobre contra-indicações e efeitos adversos. Os anticoncepcionais mais escolhidos foram: implante subdérmico (41,4%), laqueadura (21,8%) e DIU (14,5%). Eficácia (60,1%) e facilidade de uso (43,9%) foram os motivos de escolha mais frequentes. A maioria das gestações não foi planejada e quase um terço não estava usando anticoncepcionais anteriores e nunca havia recebido aconselhamento. No puerpério, a maioria relatou ter sido orientada sobre planejamento familiar e optado por um dos métodos contraceptivos, sendo os métodos reversíveis de longa duração os mais escolhidos pela facilidade de uso e eficácia.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Contraception Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Contraceptive Agents/therapeutic use , Contraceptive Devices/statistics & numerical data , Pregnancy, Unwanted , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Surveys , Postpartum Period , Family Development Planning , Peripartum Period
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219756


Background:Unplanned pregnancy may be the reason of many neonatal and maternal adverse effects. The objective is to study various factors affecting IUCD (temporary contraceptive method) preference. Material And Methods:A record based study of data of 483 couples selecting IUCD, during the one year period was collected with permission from tertiary care hospital. Result:The most common group preferring IUCD was 21-30 years (mean age-females-26 years and males-30 years).Majority having 2 children opted for IUCD while only 1 couple opted for IUCD without any child. Out of the total, 42% opted PPIUCD, 42% interval IUCD and 16% PAIUCD. Among lower age and up to primary educated groups, majority opted for PPIUCD. Among higher age and educated groups, majority opted for interval IUCD. PAIUCD proportion was higher in less educated females. Majority ofMuslims preferred PPIUCD while Hindus, interval IUCD. The association of type of IUCD with age, number of children and religion was found significant while with education, it was in-significant. Conclusion:The use and type of IUCD preferred depends on various factors such as age of male and female, number of children and religion of couples.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219722


Background:Unplanned pregnancy may be the reason of many neonatal and maternal adverse effects. The objective is to study various factors affecting IUCD (temporary contraceptive method) preference. Material And Methods:A record based study of data of 483 couples selecting IUCD, during the one year period was collected with permission from tertiary care hospital. Result:The most common group preferring IUCD was 21-30 years (mean age-females-26 years and males-30 years).Majority having 2 children opted for IUCD while only 1 couple opted for IUCD without any child. Out of the total, 42% opted PPIUCD, 42% interval IUCD and 16% PAIUCD. Among lower age and up to primary educated groups, majority opted for PPIUCD. Among higher age and educated groups, majority opted for interval IUCD. PAIUCD proportion was higher in less educated females. Majority ofMuslims preferred PPIUCD while Hindus, interval IUCD. The association of type of IUCD with age, number of children and religion was found significant while with education, it was in-significant. Conclusion:The use and type of IUCD preferred depends on various factors such as age of male and female, number of children and religion of couples

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960185


@#<p>The use of hormonal contraceptives in a breastfeeding patient has been questioned by breastfeeding advocates. Their fear was that hormonal contraceptives will affect the milk production of the patient. This review of literature showed that progestins do not affect breastmilk supply whether it is the progestin only pill (POP), depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, levonorgestrel-containing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) or the etonogestrel implant (ENG). The timing of administration of the progesterone derivative contraceptive method also does not affect milk production, whether immediately postpartum (within 48 hrs after delivery) or delayed (4 - 6 weeks postpartum). With this in mind, clinicians may safely advise these to breastfeeding patients to prevent unplanned pregnancies.</p>

Humans , Female
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 84(1): 7-17, feb. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003718


RESUMEN Antecedentes: Los adolescentes que se comprometen en actividad sexual en un contexto de sexo casual, pueden desarrollar patrones de actividad sexual que los llevarán a resultados en salud negativos tales como embarazo no planificado, infecciones de transmisión sexual, y mayor exposición a múltiples parejas sexuales. Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre inicio sexual en contexto de sexo casual y comportamientos de riesgo en la salud sexual y reproductiva en adolescentes. Método: Estudio transversal y analítico en una población adolescente de ambos sexos. Se compararon adolescentes que iniciaron actividad sexual en un contexto de relaciones románticas y aquellos que lo hicieron en un contexto de sexo casual. Se analizó la asociación entre edad inicio relaciones sexuales, número de parejas sexuales, uso de método anticonceptivo y variables personales y familiares seleccionadas. Resultados: Se entrevistaron 3.565 adolescentes que habían iniciado relaciones sexuales. Las variables personales y familiares asociadas al inicio sexual en un contexto de sexo casual fueron: tener escolaridad básica, menor mediana de notas, antecedente de repitencia, proyectos académicos futuro solo terminar enseñanza media o secundaria, malas relaciones familiares, y disfunción familiar. Los comportamientos de riesgo en salud sexual en adolescentes de ambos sexos, que iniciaron actividad sexual en un contexto de relación de sexo casual fueron: inicio sexual más temprano, no uso de métodos anticonceptivos y mayor número de parejas sexuales. Conclusión: El inicio de la actividad sexual en un contexto de sexo casual expone a los adolescentes a mayores riesgos en sus comportamientos en su salud sexual y reproductiva cuando se comparan con aquellos que inician actividad sexual en un contexto más romantico.

ABSTRACT Background: Adolescents who engage in sexual activity in a non-romantic relationship may develop patterns of sexual activity that lead to negative health outcomes such as unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and increased exposure to multiple sexual partners. Objective: To analyze the association between sexual initiation in the context of non-romantic relationship and risk behaviors in sexual and reproductive health in adolescents. Method: Cross-sectional and analytical study in a teenage population of both sexes. We compared adolescents who initiated sexual activity in a context of romantic relationships and those who did it in a non-romantic context. The association between age at sexual initiation, number of sexual partners, use of contraceptive method and selected personal and family variables was analyzed. Results: 3,565 adolescents who had initiated sexual intercourse were interviewed. The personal and family variables associated with sexual initiation in a non-romantic context are: having a basic schooling, a lower grade point average and repeating background, and academic projects finishing secondary or high school, bad family relationships, and family dysfunction. The risk behaviors in sexual health in adolescents of both sexes who initiated sexual activity in a context of non-romantic relationship were: sexual debut earlier, no use of contraceptive methods and greater number of sexual partners. Conclusion: The beginning of sexual activity in a non-romantic context exposes adolescents to risk behaviors in their sexual and reproductive health.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Risk-Taking , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Adolescent Behavior/psychology , Sexual Partners , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age Factors , Contraception Behavior
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 87(12): 814-819, ene. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346126


Resumen OBJETIVO: Identificar el método anticonceptivo elegido por las pacientes atendidas en un Hospital de Lima, Perú, luego de un aborto. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo y transversal efectuado en el Hospital San Bartolomé de Lima, Perú, en 2017. Criterios de inclusión: pacientes con diagnóstico de aborto con evolución favorable y que recibieron consejería especializada de los distintos métodos anticonceptivos, sin importar si ya utilizaba alguno. Criterio de exclusión: pacientes con alguna complicación grave. La selección de las pacientes se efectuó mediante muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple. Los datos se analizaron mediante estimación de frecuencias absolutas y relativas. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 116 mujeres que abortaron. El 28.4% optó por un método anticonceptivo; y de éstas, 6.9% optó por un método inyectable mensual, 6.9% por el inyectable trimestral, 6% por el oral combinado, 0.9% por el implante subdérmico, 1.7% por el dispositivo intrauterino y 0.9% por la ligadura de trompas. El 59.5% de las pacientes no estaban utilizando algún método anticonceptivo; el 62.9% tuvo, al menos, un aborto previo y 31.4% tuvo un aborto en su último embarazo. CONCLUSIONES: En esta muestra de estudio se apreció que la mayoría de las mujeres que por alguna causa abortaron no eligió un método anticonceptivo; no obstante, los inyectables mensuales y trimestrales fueron los más elegidos entre quienes sí optaron por uno.

Abstract OBJECTIVE: Identify the contraceptive method chosen by the patients treated at a Hospital in Lima, Peru, after an abortion. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An observational, descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study was carried out at the San Bartolomé Hospital, in Lima, Peru, in 2017; women who had a diagnosis of abortion with favorable evolution and who received specialized counseling in the different contraceptive methods were included, regardless of whether they used a previous one; while those that had a serious complication were excluded. The choice of contraceptive methods in post-abortion was studied and the selection of women was made through a simple random probabilistic sampling. For the data analysis, the estimation of absolute and relative frequencies was performed. RESULTS: 116 women were included. 28.4% opted for a contraceptive method, and of these, 6.9% decided on a monthly injection, 6.9% for a quarterly injection, 6% for combined oral, 0.9% for a subdermal implant, 1.7% for an intrauterine device and 0.9% for tubal ligation. On the other hand, 59.5% of the observed women were not using a contraceptive method, in addition, 62.9% had at least one previous abortion and 31.4% had an abortion with their last pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: In this study sample, it was appreciated that the majority of women who aborted for some reason did not choose a contraceptive method; however, monthly and quarterly injectables were the most chosen among those who did choose one.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183758


Objective: The youths' sexual behaviors are counted as the main priorities of the public health due to the high prevalence of unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortions, and sexually transmitted infections. This research was carried out to explain the youths' contraceptive knowledge and practice in premarital sexual relationships. Methods: This qualitative research was carried out on 30 single boys and girls aged 18–24, living in Isfahan, Iran, who had already started sexual activities. Data collection was done with semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed by using conventional content analysis. Results: Two main categories were extracted including inadequate awareness regarding contraception (with subcategories “unreliable information sources” and “gender inequality in familiarity with contraceptive methods”) and inappropriate contraceptive practice (with sub-categories “use of unreliable contraceptive methods” and “gender inequality in applying contraceptive methods”). Conclusion: Sexual health education programs should equip the youths with adequate knowledge on contraception and use of reliable contraceptive methods. Furthermore, attempts should be made along with tackling gender inequality is very significant for youths' sexual and reproductive health security.

Rev. cientif. cienc. med ; 20(2): 33-39, 2017. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-900269


INTRODUCCION: La vasectomía es uno de los métodos más seguros, sencillos y económicos para la anticoncepción. En México, constituye solo 2% del total de métodos usados comparado contra 10% en otros países. OBJETIVO: Analizar conocimientos, actitudes y creencias entorno a la elección de la vasectomía. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Estudio observacional, analítico de corte transversal, con 111 varones del Servicio de Planificación Familiar de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar Número 93 de Ecatepec-México, de enero a junio del 2016. Se aplicó una encuesta estructurada sometida a validación de contenido por expertos, que incluye conocimientos, actitudes y creencias que determinan la aceptación o rechazo de la vasectomía. Se realizó un análisis multivariado con regresión logística binaria por Método de Wald. RESULTADOS: El alcanzar el total de hijos planeados es el factor principal para optar por la vasectomía con un riesgo superior a dieciocho. En un análisis multivariado mediante regresión lineal binaria se encontró que la paridad satisfecha se debe acompañar de una información clara del procedimiento, una buena relación de pareja y consultar la decisión con la misma. El candidato debe poseer tres o menos parejas sexuales en su vida para asegurar una elección por el método superior al 90%. CONCLUSIONES: Conocimientos, creencias y actitudes del individuo, y de la pareja intervienen en la elección de la vasectomía, conocer un perfil de riesgo acerca de la elección del método permite acercar a mayor población a esta opción anticonceptiva.

INTRODUCTION: Vasectomy is one of the safest, simplest and most economical methods for contraception. In Mexico, it constitutes only 2% of the total methods used compared to 10% in other countries. OBJETIVE: Analyze knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about the choice of vasectomy. MATERIAL AND METHOD: Analytical cross-sectional study, with 111 males of the Family Planning service of the Family Medicine Unit Number 93 of Ecatepec-Mexico, from January to June 2016. A structured survey was applied subject to validation of content by experts., which includes knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs that determine the acceptance or rejection of vasectomy. A multivariate analysis was performed with binary logistic regression by the Wald method. RESULTS: To reach the total of planned children is the main factor to opt for vasectomy with a risk higher than eighteen. In a multivariate analysis using binary linear regression, it was found that satisfied parity must be accompanied by clear information about the procedure, a good relationship between couples and consultation with the decision. The candidate must have three or fewer sexual partners in his life to ensure a choice by the method of more than 90%. CONCLUSION: Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of the individual and the couple involved in the choice of vasectomy, knowing a risk profile about the choice of method allows to approach a larger population to this contraceptive option.

Humans , Male , Family Planning Services , Vasectomy/methods , Contraception/methods
Rev. chil. nutr ; 41(3): 297-303, set. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-728338


Childbearing age women are part of a vulnerable group to present micronutrient deficiencies. It has been associated the contraceptive method (CM) with iron (Fe) status, and the hormonal CM (HCM) with the alteration of copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) biomarkers. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of CM over the biomarkers of Fe, Cu and Zn status, and the prevalence of micronutrient deficiency on 81 Chilean childbearing age women. We evaluated mean corpuscular volume (MCV), hemoglobin (Hb), zinc protoporphyrin (Zpp), serum Fe (FeS) , transferrin saturation (TS), total Fe binding capacity (TIBC), transferrin receptor (Tfr), serum ferritin (SF), serum copper (CuS), ceruloplasmin (Cp) mass, activity and specific activity and serum zinc (ZnS). From the total women, 40% used HCM and 49% did not use HCM. Women using HCM showed higher values of FeS, ST, CuS, Cp mass and activity (p<0.05) and lower Zpp (p<0.05) compared with those that did not use HCM. Not statistical differences were found on MCV, Hb, TIBC, Tfr, SF, ZnS and Cp specific activity values between groups. HCM utilization did not affect Fe, Cu and Zn status in the studied population.

Las mujeres en edad reproductiva conforman un grupo vulnerable de presentar deficiencia de micronutrientes. Se ha relacionado el método anticonceptivo (MA) con el estatus de hierro (Fe), y al MA hormonal (MAH) con la alteración de bio-marcadores de cobre (Cu) y zinc (Zn). El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el efecto del MA sobre los biomarcadores del estatus de Fe, Cu y Zn y la prevalencia de deficiencia de éstos, en 81 mujeres chilenas en edad reproductiva. Se evaluó el volumen corpuscular medio (VCM), hemoglobina (Hb), Zinc protoporfirina (Zpp), Fe sérico (FeS), saturación de tranferrina (ST), capacidad total de unión de Fe (TIBC), receptor de transferrina (rTf), ferritina sérica (FS), cobre sérico (CuS), ceruloplasmina (Cp) masa, actividad y actividad específica y zinc sérico (ZnS). El 40% utilizó MAH y 49% no utilizaba MAH. Las mujeres que utilizaban MAH presentaron valores más altos de FeS, ST, CuS, Cp masa y actividad (p<0,05) y menor Zpp (p<0,05) que aquellas que no utilizaban MAH. No se encontraron diferencias en el VCM, Hb, TIBC, rTf, FS, ZnS, y Cp actividad específica entre ambos grupos. Se concluye que el uso de MAH no afectó el estatus de Fe, Cu y Zn en la población estudiada.

Women , Zinc , Nutritional Status , Micronutrients , Contraception , Copper , Iron
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 35(4): 162-170, oct.-dic. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-584591


OBJETIVOS: determinar las tasas de inserción inmediata de dispositivos intrauterinos posabortos provocados en 1 672 mujeres que acuden al servicio de legrado, así como las causas de las negativas para aceptar este método anticonceptivo. MÉTODOS: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en el Servicio de Legrados del Hospital Universitario Ginecoobstétrico Mariana Grajales de Santa Clara, en el período comprendido entre enero y junio de 2008. RESULTADOS: se aceptó utilizar un DIU posaborto en un 38,15 por ciento del total de pacientes sometidas a interrupción de embarazo en el período de estudio, mientras un 19,13 por ciento refiere que no va a utilizar ningún método anticonceptivo posaborto; las principales edades están en relación con el grupo de 20 a 35 años, coincidiendo con el grupo de edad reproductiva de la mujer, con una media de 23,4 + 2,3 además que en este período se comenzó a instaurar el tratamiento con misoprostrol en la totalidad de las adolescentes, por eso los datos no son constantes en cada mes; las principales causas de rechazo del DIU están en relación con el desconocimiento sobre la efectividad del método, la falta de información, el temor al dolor y otros síntomas asociados al mismo y la referencia de rechazo de los DIU. CONCLUSIONES: la inserción posaborto debe considerarse como una posibilidad para las mujeres cuyo método anticonceptivo haya fallado y deban someterse a un aborto pero que desean utilizar un método anticonceptivo a largo plazo

OBJECTIVES: to determine the immediate insertion rate of intrauterine devices (IUD) after induced abortions in 1 672 women seen in curettage service, as well as the negative causes to accept this contraceptive method. METHODS: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted in Curettage services of Mariana Grajales Gynecology and Obstetrics University Hospital of Santa Clara province during January and June, 2008. RESULTS: a post-abortion IUD was used in 38,15 percent of the patients underwent pregnancy termination during study period whereas a 19,13 percent denies the use of post-abortion contraceptive method; main ages are related to group aged 20-35 coinciding with the women reproductive age, with a mean of 23,4 ± 2,3, as well as that in this period the t Misoprostol treatment was started in all adolescents, thus, the data are not constant each month; the main causes of IUD rejection are related to a lack of knowledge on effectiveness of this method, the lack of information, for fear to pain, and other symptoms associated with it and the rejection reference of IUDs. CONCLUSIONS: Post-abortion insertion must to be considered as a possibility for women whose contraceptive method be failed and must to underwent a abortion but that it is necessary the use of a long-term contraceptive method

Humans , Female , Abortion, Induced , Intrauterine Devices , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Radiol. bras ; 41(5): 349-351, set.-out. 2008. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-496941


Neste trabalho relata-se o caso de uma paciente de 46 anos de idade com queixa de aumento de volume periumbilical e dor leve antes da menstruação. O quadro evoluiu com aumento gradativo da dor. Foram realizados ultra-som, tomografia computadorizada e ressonância magnética. Após laparotomia exploradora, foi retirado material para biópsia que confirmou o diagnóstico de leiomiomatose peritoneal disseminada.

The present study reports the case of a 46-year-old female patient complaining of mild premenstrual pain and increase in the volume of the periumbilical region. The condition progressed with a gradual increase of the pain intensity. Ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were performed. Biopsy of tissue collected during exploratory laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis of leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Contraceptives, Oral , Leiomyomatosis/diagnosis , Peritoneal Neoplasms , Biopsy , Diagnostic Imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article in Vietnamese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-939


Background: Adolescent is a special period in life with the transition from childhood to adulthood. At this age period, adolescent experience physical and psychological changes with typical characteristics of puberty is the first ejaculation in male and first menstrual cycle in female. Objective: To explore the onset of puberty and knowledge on pubertal changes, sexuality and contraception in adolescent and various related factors. Subject and methods: A longitudinal study of adolescent health is conducted on 12.447 subjects (including 6.108 males, 6.339 females), living in Chi Linh district, Hai Duong province. Data used in this article is from the baseline survey of the adolescent health research project \u2013 a field site of the Hanoi School of Public Health. Results and Conclusion: The pubertal age is 15.6 years for male and 14.6 years for female. The onset of puberty in girls is earlier than that in their boy counterpart and is earlier in younger age groups, that suggest the trend of earlier onset of puberty in adolescent. The pubertal age is earlier in urban adolescent compared to the rural ones and is earlier among those having better economical conditions compared to poorer ones. The difference is statistically significant (p<0.05). Adolescent lack of knowledge on puberty, sexuality and contraception. 57.8% of adolescent knows at least one of the pubertal characteristics and only 6.5% of males and 17.6% of females knows the time most fertile in the female menstrual cycle. 49.6% of adolescents have heard about contraception, in which 56% of them (53% males and 58% females) heard about condoms. In general, the knowledge on puberty, sexuality and contraception is higher in female, urban adolescent, higher education and older adolescent. The difference is statistically significant (p<0.05 or <0.001).

Adolescent , Puberty , Contraception , Knowledge
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 20(4): 98-111, oct.-dic. 2006. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-632295


Alrededor del mundo existen más de 120 millones de mujeres que emplean algún tipo de anticonceptivo hormonal oral. Si bien la disminución en la dosis de los anticonceptivos orales combinados, particularmente en el contenido total de estrógenos, ha hecho que esta opción anticonceptiva, una de las más atractivas en la regulación de la fertilidad. Las usuarias, en su mayoría mujeres sanas con una baja incidencia general de enfermedades importantes, requieren de información veraz y actualizada acerca de los riesgos cardiovasculares que conllevan el empleo de estos métodos anticonceptivos. En este trabajo de revisión, se examinan estudios epidemiológicos sobre la relación entre las enfermedades cardiovasculares y el empleo de anticonceptivos hormonales orales. Específicamente, se analiza los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de infarto agudo del miocardio, accidentes cerebrovasculares, isquémicos y hemorrágicos, así como tromboembolismo venoso. Se recomienda que antes de prescribir anticonceptivos hormonales orales a mujeres en edad reproductiva, se haga un análisis individual y profundo de los factores de riesgo asociados con su empleo.

Currently, more than 120 millions of women around the world use some method of oral hormonal contraceptive. Although the decrease in the oral contraceptive dosage, especially in total estrogen content, allowed oral contraceptives as a popular method for fertility regulation in women. Users, most of them healthy with a low incidence of chronic diseases, request information on safety of oral contraceptives regarding cardiovascular risks associated with their long-time use. In this review, we analyzed current available scientific epidemiological data on cardiovascular diseases, associated with the use of oral hormonal contraceptives, especially on its association with risk of; acute myocardial infarction, ischemic and hemorrhagic cerebrovascular diseases and venous thromboembolism. It' is advisable that before prescribing oral hormonal contraceptives to women of reproductive age, a deep individual analysis of the risk factors associated with its use should be considered.