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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 39(11): 863-869, Nov. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1056919


Crotalaria lanceolata E. Mey. and Crotalaria pallida Aiton. are leguminous plants of family Fabaceae found in most of the Brazilian territory. They were initially used as green manure and due their easy spread they are currently considered weeds in crops. Soybean and corn contamination can occur through the mechanical harvesting of these grains along with seeds of the Crotalaria species, which end up in the formulation of feed for production animals. Crotalaria spp. genus has toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA). Most plant species belonging to this genus can cause acute or chronic liver injury. In a first stage, one-day old broilers were divided into three groups: Group A (C. pallida seeds), Group B (C. lanceolata seeds), and Group C (Control). Groups A and B were divided into five subgroups, each with eight broilers, which received the following doses of the respective seeds in feed as of the 7th day of age: daily doses of 0.4%, 0.8% and 2.5%, and single doses of 15% and 25%. Four broilers in each study group were euthanized at 28 days of age - completing 21 days of seed consumption, and the four remaining broilers were euthanized at 42 days of age - completing 35 days of seed consumption. In a second stage, experiments were conducted using seeds of both the aforementioned plants with 28-day old broilers. These were divided into three groups of four animals each: Group D (C. pallida seeds) and Group E (C. lanceolata seeds), which received the respective seeds at daily doses of 1% and 2% in feed for 20 days, and Group F (Control). These broilers were euthanized when they were 80 days old. C. lanceolata seeds showed higher toxicity to broilers than C. pallida seeds, both supplied as of the 7th day of life. Clinical signs included inappetence, ruffled feathers, and brown diarrhea. The following gross lesions were observed: subcutaneous edema, ascites, hydropericardium, yellowish liver with hypertrophy or atrophy and enhanced lobular pattern, and distended gallbladder. Histologic lesions present in all birds in varying degrees were characterized by tumefaction and vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes. The following clinical conditions and gross lesions were observed in the broilers: hepatocyte megalocytosis and karyomegaly, slight biliary epithelial hyperplasia, eosinophilic spheroids, and nuclear invagination with loss of hepatocyte cord architecture.(AU)

Crotalaria lanceolata E. Mey. e Crotalaria pallida Aiton. são leguminosas da família Fabaceae presentes na maioria do território brasileiro. Inicialmente foram utilizadas como adubação verde e devido sua fácil disseminação são consideradas invasoras de culturas. Através da colheita mecanizada da soja e milho pode ocorrer a contaminação destes grãos com sementes dessas espécies e entrar na formulação de ração para animais de produção. O gênero Crotalaria spp. possui alcaloides pirrolizidínicos de ação tóxica. A maioria das espécies desse gênero causam lesões hepáticas, com evolução aguda, ou, crônica. Frangos de corte de um dia de vida foram divididos em três grupos: Grupo A (sementes de C. pallida - doses diárias de 0,4%, 0,8%, 2,5% e doses únicas de 15% e 25%), Grupo B (sementes de C. lanceolata - doses diárias de 0,4%, 0,8%, 2,5% e doses únicas de 15% e 25%) e Grupo C (Controle). Os Grupos A e B foram divididos em cinco subgrupos, com oito frangos cada, que a partir do sétimo dia de vida, receberam as doses estabelecidas. Quatro frangos de cada grupo foram sacrificados aos 28 dias, e os quatro restantes aos 42 dias de vida. Também foram conduzidos experimentos com as sementes dessas duas plantas com aves de 28 dias, as quais foram divididas em três grupos: Grupo D (C. pallida - doses de 1% e 2% diariamente, durante vinte dias), Grupo E (C. lanceolata - doses de 1% e 2% diariamente, durante vinte dias) e Grupo F (Controle). Cada grupo composto por quatro aves. Estas aves foram sacrificadas ao completarem 80 dias de vida. Sementes de C. lanceolata demonstraram maior toxicidade para frangos de corte do que sementes de C. pallida. Os sinais clínicos foram inapetência, penas arrepiadas e diarreia acastanhada. Na macroscopia observou-se edema subcutâneo, ascite, hidropericárdio, fígado de coloração amarelada com hipertrofia e, ou, atrofia, evidenciação do padrão lobular e vesícula biliar distendida. As lesões histológicas presentes em todas as aves, em diferentes graus caracterizaram-se por tumefação e degeneração vacuolar de hepatócitos. Nas aves que manifestaram alterações clínicas e lesões macroscópicas, havia megalocitose, cariomegalia, hiperplasia do epitélio biliar, leve, esferoides eosinofílicos e invaginação nuclear com perda da arquitetura dos cordões de hepatócitos.(AU)

Animals , Plant Poisoning/veterinary , Chickens , Crotalaria/toxicity , Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury/veterinary
Rev. cuba. plantas med ; 19(3): 144-153, jul.-set. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-735376


Introducción: la búsqueda de metabolitos de origen natural, con actividad biológica promisoria, particularmente la actividad insecticida, es un blanco interesante en las investigaciones sobre productos naturales. Objetivos: evaluar la bioactividad de extractos de diferente polaridad de semillas de Crotalaria pallida Aiton sobre el modelo biológico Drosophila melanogaster. Métodos: la bioactividad de los extractos de diferente polaridad de semillas secas de C. pallida se evalúo por ingestión en el modelo biológico; permitiendo purificar y determinar la estructura química del principio activo usando RMN. Resultados: la bioactividad expresada resultó de dos tipos; uno causó la inhibición de los estados larvarios, evidenciada con la disminución del número de pupas de los tratamientos con respecto a los controles no tratados, la relación dosis-respuesta permitió calcular una CI 50 de 156,47 ppm; el otro efecto inhibió el paso pupa-adulto, disminuyendo el número de adultos de los tratamientos frente a los controles, estableciéndose una CI50 de 7,95 ppm. Con el uso de diferentes ensayos de RMN se determinó el alcaloide usaramina como responsable de esta actividad biológica. Conclusiones : la bioactividad de los extractos de polaridad media/baja permitió el aislamiento de un metabolito con actividad insecticida promisoria, manifestada con la inhibición del normal desarrollo del ciclo de vida de D. melanogaster, el extracto no exhibe actividad sobre la oviposición, en el intervalo de concentraciones evaluado; a bajas concentraciones inhibe la eclosión de pupas y a altas concentraciones afecta el desarrollo de las larvas; actividades que se mantienen al probar el metabolito purificado.

Introduction: the search for metabolites of natural origin with promising biological -particularly insecticidal- activity, is an interesting target for research about natural products. Objectives: evaluate the bioactivity of extracts of varying polarity from Crotalaria pallida Aiton seeds using the Drosophila melanogaster biological model. Methods: an evaluation was conducted of the bioactivity of extracts of varying polarity from dry C. pallida seeds by ingestion into the biological model, with the purpose of purifying and determining the chemical structure of the active principle through NMR spectroscopy. Results: two types of bioactivity were expressed. One caused inhibition of larval stages, evidenced in a smaller number of pupae in treatment controls with respect to non-treatment controls. The dose-response relationship allowed estimation of a CI50 of 156.47 ppm. The other effect inhibited progress from pupa to adult, reducing the number of adults in the treatment vs. control groups, with an CI50 of 7.95 ppm. With the use of various NMR assays, it was determined that the alkaloid usaramine was responsible for this biological activity. Conclusions: the bioactivity of extracts of medium / low polarity permitted the isolation of a metabolite with promising insecticidal activity, manifested in the inhibition of the normal development of the life cycle of D. melanogaster. The extract does not show any activity on oviposition in the concentration range studied. At low concentrations it inhibits the eclosion of pupae, whereas at high concentrations it affects larval development. Both activities remained when the purified metabolite was tested.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-157283


Crotalaria pallida Aiton. Fabaceae has been used for the treatment of various diseases like. The aim of the present study is to assess antibacterial activity of methanolic leaves extract of Crotalaria pallida Aiton. Escherichia coli and Klebsilla pneumonieae showed maximum susceptibility 19±1 and 18.66±0.57 at 25 mg/ml concentration respectively while Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus sp. and Staphylococcus aureus showed less susceptibility 11±1, 11.33±1.5 and 15±1 at 25 mg/ml concentration respectively. Overall results have proved that C. pallida leaves posses significant antibacterial activity.