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Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 20(3): 69-88, sep.-dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424001


Resumen (analítico) El estudio estuvo orientado a indagar la transmisión de las prácticas y narrativas de madres en Bogotá referidas a la cultura de paz. La muestra de 24 madres con hijos entre 11 y 14 años fue intencionada y se utilizaron las narrativas testimoniales para responder la pregunta: ¿cuál es el modo como las madres transmiten a sus hijos adolescentes creencias, valores y prácticas sociales asociadas a la cultura de paz? Del análisis de contenido resultaron cuatro temas: la convivencia pacífica; la transmisión de valores desde la experiencia de vida; formación en la tolerancia, solidaridad y respeto; el acompañamiento a los hijos para transformar formas de pensar y actuar; y el compartir los sentidos de la paz. Se recomienda para nuevas investigaciones indagar las prácticas y narrativas de los adolescentes.

Abstract (analytical) This paper presents the results of a study on the transmission of practices and narratives by mothers in Bogotá regarding a culture of peace. The sample of 24 mothers with children between 11 and 14 years of age was intentional. The women's testimonial narratives were used to answer the question: how do mothers transmit beliefs, values and social practices associated with the culture of peace to their adolescent children? Four themes emerged following the content analysis: peaceful coexistence: the transmission of values from life experiences; training on tolerance, solidarity and respect; accompanying children to transform ways of thinking and acting; and sharing the meanings of peace. It is recommended that further research can be carried out to investigate the practices and narratives of adolescents in relation to a culture of peace.

Resumo (analítico) Apresentam-se os resultados do estudo cujo objetivo foi investigar a transmissão das práticas e narrativas das mães em Bogotá referidas à cultura de paz. A amostra de 24 mães com filhos entre 11 e 14 anos foi intencional e foram utilizadas narrativas testemunhais para responder à questão: qual é a maneira pela qual as mães transmitem a seus filhos adolescentes crenças, valores e práticas sociais associadas à cultura da paz? A análise de conteúdo resultou em quatro temas relacionados à convivência pacífica: transmissão de valores da experiência de vida; formação em tolerância, solidariedade e respeito; acompanhar as crianças para transformar as formas de pensar e agir; e compartilhar os significados da paz. Recomenda-se que novas pesquisas investiguem as práticas e narrativas dos adolescentes.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 32(4): e32422, 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-842267


RESUMO Este trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos da progressão da magnitude da consequência individual concorrente com a consequência cultural sobre a recorrência de um entrelaçamento previamente selecionado por consequências culturais em um arranjo de metacontingências de autocontrole ético. Estudantes universitários compuseram duas microculturas de laboratório, as quais foram expostas a um delineamento ABACDC, em que, nas condições A e B, havia concorrência entre metacontingências e contingências operantes e, nas condições C e D, tal concorrência foi suspensa. Adicionalmente, houve progressão da magnitude da consequência individual para as respostas impulsivas (que beneficiam apenas o indivíduo) nas condições B e D. Os resultados indicaram seleção de práticas culturais de autocontrole ético tanto nas condições sem concorrência, quanto nas condições com concorrência.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the effects of progression of the magnitude of individual consequence concurrent with cultural consequence on the recurrence of an interlocking previously selected by cultural consequences in a metacontingency arrangement of ethical self-control. Undergraduate students were assigned to two laboratory microcultures, which were exposed to an ABACDC design. The conditions A and B have concurrence between metacontingencies and operant contingencies and in C and D conditions such concurrence was suspended. Additionally, there was progression of the magnitude of the individual consequence result of impulse responses (receiving individual) in B and D conditions. The data indicated selection of ethical self-control cultural practices in both conditions, no concurrence and concurrence.

Ide (São Paulo) ; 34(53): 43-55, dez. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-647476


Esta reflexão parte do trabalho prático com a leitura literária, da palavra portadora de narrativas, de poéticas transmitidas através da literatura e da leitura. A literatura nos constitui, é criação nossa - humana e universal. Transformamos em linguagem a experiência para registrar, narrar, transmitir… As leituras compartilhadas entre gerações e grupos, a possibilidade de conhecer belos livros, músicas e narrativas faz falar, faz pensar, organiza o pensamento e a capacidade de expressar e traz a vontade de conhecer mais. Precisamos de poéticas, de histórias. É certo que esse tempo de sonho é fundamental para nossa saúde psíquica. Precisamos de articulação com as culturas; precisamos da construção de um mundo mental e isso nos permitirá humanizar-nos, nos relacionar, aprender, ler, aproveitar as leituras, trabalhar, criar. Enfim, é isso o que permite nossa sobrevivência.

This reflection comes from the practical work with literary reading, the word bearing narratives, the poetics transmitted through literature and reading. The literature constitutes ourselves, it is our creation - human and universal. We turn experience into language in order to record, tell, convey… The readings shared between generations and groups, the possibility of knowing wonderful books, songs, and narratives makes us speak and think, organizes thought and the ability of expressing, and awakes the will to know more. We are in need of poetics, stories. It is certain that this time of dreams is crucial to our psychic health. We need to articulate with other cultures; we need the construction of a mental world and this will allow us to humanize ourselves, to relate to each other, to learn, read, enjoy our readings, work, create. Ultimately, this is what grants our survival.

Reading , Thinking , Intergenerational Relations , Culture , Language , Literature
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-115717


Miki Sakae was a Medical historian, who is well known for his studies of Korean medicine. He authored the renowned trilogy which dealt with subjects of Korean medicine and diseases, namely the (History of Korean Medicine and of Diseases in Korea), (Bibliography of Korean Medical Books), and (The Chronological Table of Medical Events in Korea), during the Japanese Occupation period. He was born in 1903 in Osaka, Japan, and graduated from the Kyushu College of Medicine. In 1928 he was assigned to the Gyeongseong Imperial University's College of Medicine as a professor, and also served as Chief of the Suweon Provincial Hospital while he was staying in Korea. During the 18-year period of his stay, he widely collected medical books of Korea and also thoroughly studied them. He returned to Japan in 1944 due to the illness of his father, but continued his studies of Korean medicine, and in 1955 published the (History of Korean Medicine and of Diseases in Korea) for the first time. Following such accomplishment, (Bibliography of Korean Medical Books) was published in 1956, the next year, and finally (The Chronological Table of Medical Events in Korea) was published a few decades later, in 1985. Since the 1950s, aside of continuing to study and author the history of Korean medicine, he had also engaged himself in a joint effort associated with the members of the Medical History Association of Japan (which also included the alumni of the Kyushu College of Medicine) in a group study of Huseya Soteki the first Japanese Experimental Physiologist. He also attempted at establishing an academic branch which could be referred to as Experimental Historical Studies of Medicine, by recreating the experiments of Huseya Sotek with his own son.Later he also expanded his interest and studies to the medical history of the world and also the area of Medical Ethics. But his ultimate interest and passion were always targeted at the Medicine of Korea, and the one consistent position he maintained during his entire life regarding the Korean medicine, was that 'One can only talk about the medicine of China and Japan when he or she is well versed in the medicine of Korea'. And his lifetime achievement, (History of Korean Medicine and of Diseases in Korea) was authored upon the basis established by such conviction and philosophy. First, in this book the perspective of Cultural Transmission, which considers the flow of cultural qualities and assets to be ordinarily flowing from highly developed regions to less developed ones, was firmly maintained.

Medicine, East Asian Traditional/history , Korea , History, 20th Century , History of Medicine , Historiography