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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958313


Objective:To evaluate the clinical value of endoscopic release therapy for fecal impaction in the colorectal diverticulum.Methods:Data of patients with fecal impaction in the colorectal diverticulum who received endoscopy in Shantou Central Hospital from January 2018 to September 2020 were included in this study. Among them, 85 patients treated with endoscopic release therapy were assigned to the observation group (2 patients were excluded from the observation group due to acute appendicitis), and 43 patients receiving no treatment were assigned to the control group. The relief of abdominal symptoms was used as an index to evaluate the clinical value of endoscopic release therapy for fecal impaction in the colorectal diverticulum.Results:In the observation group, 42.2% (35/83) were successfully released at one time. The successful comprehensive measures accounted for 25.0% (12/48) of the first release failure, and the total success rate was 56.6% (47/83). There were no complications related to endoscopy in the observation group. One week after the treatment, patients in the observation group were followed up by telephone. Among the 45 patients who were successfully released, positive symptoms of 30 patients disappeared or significantly improved with the effective rate of 90.9% (30/33). Among the 38 patients who failed to release the fecal impaction, 19 had positive symptoms and 16 improved in varying degrees with the effective rate of 55.2% (16/29). The overall effective rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group [55.4% (46/83) VS 7.0% (3/43)], showing significant difference( χ2=23.354, P<0.01). The effective rate were significant differences in the successful release group [65.2% (30/46)], unsuccessful release group [29.7% (11/37)] and the control group [7.0% (3/43), χ2=33.792, P<0.01]. By pairwise comparison, the effective rate of the successful release group was the highest, followed by the unsuccessful release group, and that of the control group was the lowest with significant difference ( P<0.017). Conclusion:The endoscopic release therapy for fecal impaction in the colorectal diverticulum is relatively simple, which can relieve and reduce related symptoms, avoid complications, missed diagnosis and misdiagnosis, and show definite curative effects. When colorectal diverticulum with fecal impaction is found in the process of endoscopy, it is of great practical significance to release the incarcerated feces by means of different methods.

Chinese Journal of Digestion ; (12): 814-820, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-995417


Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of combination of sufficient argon plasma coagulation(APC) cauterization and clipping in the treatment of colonic diverticular bleeding.Methods:From June 2018 to April 2022, the clinical data of patients were retrospectively analyzed, who visited Department of Gastroenterology of Air Force Medical Center due to overt gastrointestinal bleeding, and were confirmed or suspected to have colonic diverticular bleeding and received combination of sufficient APC cauterization and clipping treatment. The deadline for follow-up was September 30, 2022. During the follow-up after endoscopic treatment, the re-bleeding rate, hemoglobin level difference between the last follow-up and before treatment, wound healing under colonoscopy as well as the intraoperative and postoperative complications of patients were statistically analyzed. Descriptive analysis was used for statistical analysis.Results:A total of 15 patients were enrolled, including 13 males and 2 females, aged (60.8±14.8) years old. The course of the disease was 1 day to 13 years. A total of 145 colonic diverticula of 15 patients were treated under endoscopy. The median follow-up time was 14.5 months (5.3 to 49.5 months) months. Among the 15 patients, 12 patients received endoscopic therapy once and no bleeding occurred till the end of follow-up. Three patients suspected with diverticular bleeding received a second endoscopic treatment because of bleeding at the 12 days, 3 months and 8 months after the first treatment, respectively.No rebleeding occurred after the second endoscopic therapy till the end of follow-up. The re-bleeding rate of the first treatment was 3/15 and the re-bleeding rate of re-treatment was 0. At the end of follow-up, the hemoglobin concentration increased (35.9±26.3) g/L compared with that before the treatment. Two patients had perforation during operation and were closed with multiple titanium clips. There was no abdominal pain or other symptoms after operation. And the patients were discharged 3 and 4 days after treatment, respectively. Two patients suffered short-term postoperative wound bleeding and successful hemostasis was achieved after endoscopic treatment. One patient developed postoperative infection and the symptoms disappeared after anti-infection treatment.Conclusions:Combination of sufficient APC cauterization and titanium clipping is safe and effective in the treatment of colonic diverticular bleeding. For patients with dominant diverticular hemorrhage, or patients with recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding, if other etiology are excluded and colonic diverticular bleeding is highly suspected, the combination of sufficient APC cauterization and titanium clipping under endoscopy is feasible.

Autops. Case Rep ; 11: e2021260, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249020


Background Intestinal duplications are rare congenital developmental anomalies with an incidence of 0.005-0.025% of births. They are usually identified before 2 years of age and commonly affect the foregut or mid-/hindgut. However, it is very uncommon for these anomalies, to arise in the colon or present during adulthood. Case presentation Herein, we present a case of a 28-year-old woman with a long-standing history of constipation, tenesmus, and rectal prolapse. Colonoscopy results were normal. An abdominal computed tomography (CT) revealed a diffusely mildly dilated redundant colon, which was prominently stool-filled. The gastrografin enema showed ahaustral mucosal appearance of the sigmoid and descending colon with findings suggestive of tricompartmental pelvic floor prolapse, moderate-size anterior rectocele, and grade 2 sigmoidocele. A laparoscopic exploration was performed, revealing a tubular duplicated colon at the sigmoid level. A sigmoid resection rectopexy was performed. Pathologic examination supported the diagnosis. At 1-month follow-up, the patient was doing well without constipation or rectal prolapse. Conclusions Tubular colonic duplications are very rare in adults but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of chronic constipation refractory to medical therapy. Due to the non-specific manifestations of this entity, it is rather challenging to make an accurate diagnosis pre-operatively. Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment. Some reports suggest that carcinomas are more prone to develop in colonic/rectal duplications than in other GI tract duplications.

Humans , Male , Adult , Congenital Abnormalities , Colon/abnormalities , Constipation/complications , Diagnosis, Differential
MedUNAB ; 20(2): 235-243, 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-995592


Introducción: El divertículo colónico gigante es una presentación rara de la enfermedad diverticular del colon descrita por primera vez en la literatura francesa en 1946; se define cuando su diámetro es mayor a 4cm. Objetivo: Adicionar a la literatura dos casos diagnosticados en la Fundación Oftalmológica de Santander, Colombia debido al bajo número de casos reportados en la actualidad; además, mencionar los principales datos encontrados en la literatura en cuanto a la epidemiología, la presentación clínica, los diagnósticos diferenciales, las herramientas diagnósticas más importantes a tener en cuenta y la diferencia de los esquemas de tratamiento. Presentación de los casos: Se presentan dos casos de pacientes con clínica de dolor abdominal para los cuales se solicitaron estudios imagenológicos que permitieron realizar un adecuado diagnóstico de divertículo colónico gigante; el primero fue manejado de manera conservadora con antibiótico-terapia y el segundo de forma quirúrgica con resección de colon transverso con anastomosis primaria. Conclusiones: El divertículo colónico gigante es una entidad poco frecuente y por tanto escasamente descrita en la literatura asociada en su mayoría con la diverticulosis. Se presenta con una clínica muy diversa, sugestiva de múltiples patologías abdominales que deben ser descartadas para poder realizar un adecuado diagnóstico por medio de técnicas de imagen como la radiografía, el colon por enema y la tomografía axial computarizada que representan las principales herramientas diagnósticas de esta entidad. El tratamiento de elección es la intervención quirúrgica, sin embargo, en contextos determinados como pacientes ancianos, asintomáticos y con alto riesgo quirúrgico puede manejarse de manera conservadora. Su importancia a pesar de la baja prevalencia radica en la necesidad del diagnóstico oportuno para evitar una alta tasa de complicaciones. [Baquero-Serrano MA, López-Martínez LA, Lubinus-Badillo FG, Higuera-Escalante EA, Rey-Grass CA. Divertículo colónico gigante: Dos nuevos casos en la literatura MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 235-243].

Introduction: The giant colonic diverticulum is a rare presentation of the diverticular disease of the colon described for the first time in French literature in 1946 and it is defined when its diameter is greater than 4cm. Objective: To add to the literature two more cases diagnosed in the Ophthalmological Foundation of Santander, Colombia due to the low number of cases reported today; in addition, to mention the main data found in the literature in terms of epidemiology, clinical presentation, differential diagnoses, the most important diagnostic tools to consider and the difference of treatment schemes for it. Presentation of the cases: Two cases of patients with abdominal pain clinic for whom imaging studies were requested that allowed an adequate diagnosis of giant colonic diverticulum are presented. The first one was managed conservatively with antibiotic therapy and the second one was surgically treated with a transverse colon resection with primary anastomosis. Conclusions: The giant colonic diverticulum is a rare entity and therefore poorly described in the literature associated mostly with diverticulosis. It is presented with a very diverse clinic, suggestive of multiple abdominal pathologies that must be discarded in order to perform an adequate diagnosis by means of imaging techniques such as x-rays, colon by enema and computerized axial tomography scan which represent the main diagnostic tools for this entity. The treatment of choice is surgery; however, in determined contexts such as with elderly patients who are asymptomatic and with a high surgical risk can be managed conservatively. Its importance despite its low prevalence lies in the need for timely diagnosis to avoid a high rate of complications. [Baquero-Serrano MA, López-Martínez LA, Lubinus-Badillo FG, Higuera-Escalante EA, Rey-Grass CA. Giant Colonic Diverticulum: Two New Cases in Literature. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 235-243].

Introdução: O divertículo colônico gigante é uma apresentação rara da doença diverticular do cólon descrita pela primeira vez na literatura francesa em 1946; é definido quando seu diâmetro é maior que 4cm. Objetivo: Adicionar à literatura dois casos diagnosticados na Fundação Oftalmológica de Santander, Colômbia devido ao baixo número de casos relatados no presente; Além disso, mencionar os principais dados encontrados na literatura em termos de epidemiologia, apresentação clínica, diagnósticos diferenciais, as ferramentas de diagnóstico mais importantes a serem consideradas e a diferença de esquemas de tratamento. Apresentação dos casos: Foram apresentados dois casos de pacientes com clínica de dor abdominal para os quais foram solicitados estudos de imagem que permitiram um diagnóstico adequado de divertículo colônico gigante; O primeiro foi administrado de forma conservadora com terapia antibiótica e o segundo foi tratado cirurgicamente com ressecção do colo cruzado com anastomose primária. Conclusões: Divertículo colônico gigante é uma entidade rara e, portanto, pouco descrita na literatura associada principalmente à diverticulose. É apresentado um quadro clínico muito diverso, sugestivo de múltiplas patologias abdominais que devem ser descartadas para poder fazer um diagnóstico adequado por meio de técnicas da imagem como a radiografia, o cólon por enema e tomografia axial computorizada que representam as principais ferramentas Diagnóstico desta entidade. O tratamento a escolher é a cirurgia, no entanto, em determinados casos como é a dos pacientes idosos, assintomáticos e com alto risco cirúrgico podem ser tratados de forma tradicional. Sua importância, apesar da baixa prevalência, reside na necessidade de um diagnóstico oportuno para evitar uma alta taxa de complicações. [Baquero-Serrano MA, López-Martínez LA, Lubinus-Badillo FG, Higuera-Escalante EA, Rey-Grass CA. Divertículo gigante de colom: Dois novos casos na literatura. MedUNAB 2017; 20(2): 235-243].

Diverticulum, Colon , Radiography, Abdominal , Tomography , Abdominal Pain , Diverticulum
Med. UIS ; 28(3): 387-391, sep.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-776296


The yellow nail syndrome is scarcely described and is characterized by dystrophic nails, pulmonary disturbances and lymphedema of extremities. A case of this syndrome is reported in an 89-year-old Brazilian woman with well-controlled diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension. Additionally to the typical syndrome, the patient also presented pincer nails and yellow-brownish chromonychia. She was admitted because of acute abdominal symptoms associated with sigmoid diverticulitis and an adjacent abscess. The imaging studies revealed pulmonary and pleural changes, in addition to pericardial effusion. Incidentally, the features of Phrygian cap gallbladder anomaly were found. Neither diverticular disease nor gallbladder disorders have been related to yellow nail syndrome. In the present case study, the synchronism between some of these conditions could be casual; but diverticular disease, cholelithiasis, and diaphragmatic hernia are associated in the Saint's triad. MÉD UIS. 2015;28(3):387-91.

El síndrome de las uñas amarillas está poco descrito y se caracteriza por uñas distróficas, trastornos pulmonares y linfedema de las extremidades. Se presenta un caso de este síndrome en una mujer brasileña de 89 años de edad con diabetes mellitus bien controlada e hipertensión arterial. Adicionalmente al síndrome típico, la paciente presentó uñas en pinza y cromoniquia amarillo-marrón. La paciente fue admitida debido a síntomas abdominales agudos asociados con diverticulitis del sigmoide y un absceso adyacente. Los estudios de imágenes revelaron cambios pulmonares y pleurales, además de un derrame pericárdico. Incidentalmente, se encontraron anomalías características de vesícula biliar en gorro frigio. Ni la enfermedad diverticular ni los trastornos de la vesícula biliar se han relacionado con el síndrome de las uñas amarillas. En el presente estudio de caso, el sincronismo entre algunas de estas condiciones podría ser casual, pero la enfermedad diverticular, colelitiasis, y hernia hiatal se asocian a esta tríada. MÉD UIS. 2015;28(3):387-91.

Humans , Diverticulum, Colon , Gallbladder Diseases , Hernia, Hiatal
J. bras. nefrol ; 35(4): 341-345, out.-dez. 2013. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-697094


INTRODUÇÃO: As fístulas enterovesicais (FEV) são comunicações patológicas entre a bexiga e as alças intestinais pélvicas. Trata-se de uma rara complicação decorrente de doenças inflamatórias e neoplásicas da pelve, além de casos resultantes de iatrogenia, e associa-se a altos índices de morbimortalidade. RELATO DO CASO: Trata-se de um paciente de 61 anos com um quadro de dor e distensão abdominal, vômitos, parada de eliminação de fezes e flatos. APP: Hipertenso, diabético, com antecedentes de disfunção vesical e infecções do trato urinário de repetição (ITUr) nos últimos três anos. Por meio da realização de ressonância magnética de abdômen e pelve, diagnosticou-se FEV associada à doença diverticular (DDC) do sigmoide. A conduta estabelecida consistiu em colectomia parcial com rebaixamento de colo e cistectomia parcial com colocação cirúrgica de cateter duplo jota à esquerda. DISCUSSÃO: Embora consista de afecção primária do trato digestivo, normalmente o paciente com DDC associada a FEV procura atendimento médico em decorrência de queixas do trato urinário. Nesse caso, a demora no diagnóstico fez com que a queixa principal fosse do trato digestivo e com antecedentes de queixas urinárias. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de pouco frequente, a ocorrência de ITUr associada à DDC deve ser sempre considerada no diagnóstico diferencial das ITUr pela alta morbimortalidade.

INTRODUCTION: Enterovesical fistula are pathological connections between the bladder and pelvic intestinal segments. It consists of a rare complication of neoplastic and inflammatory pelvic disorders, in addition to iatrogenic or traumatic injuries, and correlates with both high morbidity and mortality indexes. CASE REPORT: Male patient, 61 years old, admitted at the hospital clinics featuring abdominal pain and distension, vomiting and fecal retention. Patient's pathological precedents include high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, vesical dysfunction and recurrent urinary tract infection on the past three years. Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen and pelvis revealed enterovesical fistula in association with colon diverticular disease of the sigmoid. Management of choice consisted of partial colectomy with bowel lowering and partial cystectomy with surgical double-J stent insertion. DISCUSSION: Although consisting of a gastrointestinal primary affection, patients with enterovesical fistula usually search for medical help charging urinary tract features. In this particular case, our patient was admitted with gastrointestinal symptoms, reasoned by diagnostic delay, as the patient had already attended at multiple centers with urinary symptoms. CONCLUSION: Despite being an unusual affection, recurrent urinary tract infection associated with colon diverticular disease must always be considered at differential diagnosis of recurrent urinary tract infection as it concurs with high morbidity and mortality.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Diverticulosis, Colonic/complications , Intestinal Fistula/complications , Sigmoid Diseases/complications , Urinary Bladder Fistula/complications , Urinary Tract Infections/etiology , Intestinal Fistula/etiology , Recurrence , Urinary Bladder Fistula/etiology
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-117476


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The prevalence of colonic diverticulosis in Korea is increasing in conjunction with the adoption of western dietary pattern, extension of lifespan, and advances in diagnostic modalities. The clinical characteristics of colonic diverticulosis seem to be gradually becoming similar to those of Western societies. Therefore, factors associated with the clinical characteristics of colonic diverticulosis in Korea were investigated. METHODS: The data of 200 patients diagnosed with colonic diverticulosis using colonoscopy between May 2010 and April 2012 at Inje University Seoul Paik Hospital (Seoul, Korea) were prospectively collected. Clinical parameters acquired through a questionnaire include age, body mass index, waist circumference, exercise, diet, smoking, drinking habits, etc. Correlation between these factors and the clinical features of diverticulosis were analyzed. RESULTS: Mean age of the patients was 54.9+/-11.9 (range 17-79) years and male to female ratio was 2.2:1. Most diverticula were located on the right side of the colon (83%) and the mean number of diverticulum was 4.07+/-3.9. Factor associated with the location of diverticulum on the left side was age (p=0.001). There was a positive correlation between the waist circumference and the number of diverticulum (partial correlation coefficient r'=0.143, p=0.047). Diverticulitis occurred more frequently in younger patients than in older patients (p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Colonic diverticulosis in older patients is found more frequently on the left colon, and the number of diverticulosis is associated with central obesity.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Age Factors , Alcohol Drinking , Body Mass Index , Colonoscopy , Diverticulosis, Colonic/complications , Exercise , Hemorrhage/etiology , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Smoking , Waist Circumference
Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 16(1): 71-76, ene.-feb. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-628111


El divertículo colónico invertido es un hallazgo endoscópico inusual, algunos autores lo señalan dentro de las manifestaciones clínicas como sangramiento digestivo bajo, no se reportan otras complicaciones, a no ser que existan errores en el diagnóstico que conlleven a la toma de biopsia del mismo, así como la resección endoscópica.Caso clínico: paciente masculino, de 70 años de edad, que acudió a consulta por presentar cuadro doloroso abdominal en el lado izquierdo desde hace varios meses, con períodos de mejoría y recaídas. Como síntomas acompañantes presentó, fiebre de causa desconocida que mejoraba con antipiréticos, así como constipación de más de cinco años para lo cual tomaba laxantes con cierta frecuencia, presentó deposiciones con estrías de sangre en más de una ocasión. Al examen físico se constató dolor a la palpación profunda en el lado izquierdo y mucosas ligeramente hipocoloreadas

Reverse colonic diverticulum is an unusual endoscopic finding, some authors point it out within the clinical manifestations, lower gastrointestinal bleeding, other complications are not reported unless there are errors in diagnosis leading to a biopsy, as well as endoscopic resection.Case report: a 70 years old, male patient came to the consultation by presenting a picture of abdominal pain on the left side from several months ago, with periods of improvement and relapses. As accompanying symptoms developed fever of unknown cause which improved with antipyretics, as well as constipation for over five years, taking laxatives regularly. In addition, he presented stools with blood striae more than once. In the physical examination was found pain in left side to the deep palpation and slightly hypocolored mucus

Humans , Male , Aged , Diverticulum, Colon/diagnosis , Endoscopy, Digestive System/methods
Rev. chil. cir ; 63(6): 604-608, dic. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-608754


Introduction: Diverticular disease of the appendix is an infrequent finding in the study of surgical specimens from patients operated on for clinically suspected acute appendicitis. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of diverticular disease of the appendix in patients who underwent appendectomies based on the clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Material and Method: Design: Cross-sectional study. Inclusion criteria: Patients who underwent appendectomies based on a clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Studyperiod: january 2000 to december 2008. Sampling: Non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases. Methodology: A review was conducted of the clinical records and surgical specimens from patients who underwent appendectomies based on a clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Results: Within the study period, 11.472 appendectomies were performed based on a clinical diagnosis of acute appendicitis. Ninety-four patients presented diverticular disease of the appendix (0.8 percent). The median age was 40 years and 62.8 percent were male. The disease appeared as: appendicular diverticulitis (45.7 percent), appendicular diverticulosis with acute appendicitis (28.7 percent), appendicular diverticulitis with acute appendicitis (17.0 percent), appendicular diverticulosis (5.3 percent), and appendicular pseudodiverticulosis with acute appendicitis (3.2 percent). Operative morbidity was 12.7 percent. One patient presented an adenocarcinoma of the appendix associated with diverticular disease. Conclusion: The prevalence of diverticular disease of the appendix is low in our population and the characteristics are different to reported by other authors.

Introducción: La enfermedad diverticular del apéndice cecal es un hallazgo infrecuente en apendicectomizados por sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda. Nuestro objetivo es evaluar la prevalencia de enfermedad diverticular del apéndice cecal en pacientes apendicectomizados por sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda. Material y Método: Diseño de estudio: Estudio de corte transversal. Criterios de inclusión: Pacientes apendicectomizados por sospecha clínica de apendicitis aguda. Período de estudio: enero de 2000 a diciembre de 2008. Muestreo: No probabilístico de casos consecutivos. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión de los registros clínicos y de las piezas quirúrgicas de los pacientes sometidos a apendicectomía por diagnóstico clínico de apendicitis aguda. Resultados: Se estudiaron 11.472 apendicectomías. Noventa y cuatro pacientes presentaron enfermedad diverticular del apéndice (0,8 por ciento). La mediana de edad fue 40 años y el 62,8 por ciento fue género masculino. La enfermedad se presentó como: diverticulitis apendicular (45,7 por ciento), diverticulosis apendicular con apendicitis aguda (28,7 por ciento), diverticulitis apendicular con apendicitis aguda (17,0 por ciento), diverticulosis apendicular (5,3 por ciento) y pseudodiverticulosis apendicular con apendicitis aguda (3,2 por ciento). La morbilidad operatoria fue 12,7 por ciento. Un paciente presentó un adenocarcinoma del apéndice cecal asociado a la enfermedad diverticular del apéndice. Conclusión: La prevalencia de enfermedad diverticular del apéndice cecal es baja en nuestra población y con características que difieren a lo reportado por otros autores.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Child , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Appendectomy , Appendicitis/surgery , Appendicitis/complications , Diverticulum, Colon/epidemiology , Appendix/pathology , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diverticulosis, Colonic/epidemiology , Cecal Diseases/epidemiology , Prevalence
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-58463


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The prevalence of colonic diverticulosis has been reported to be lower in Korea than in Western countries. This disease also shows markedly different characteristics in the Korean population. We describe herein a prospective investigation, based on colonoscopic examination, of the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and factors associated with colonic diverticulosis in Korea. METHODS: The prevalence of colonic diverticulosis has been reported to be lower in Korea than in Western countries. This disease also shows markedly different characteristics in the Korean population. We describe herein a prospective investigation, based on colonoscopic examination, of the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and factors associated with colonic diverticulosis in Korea. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of colonic diverticulosis was 12.1% (103 / 848). The right side of the colon was involved in 84.5% of patients (87 / 103); patients with right side diverticula were, on average, younger than those with left side diverticulosis (p = 0.014). Multiple diverticula were observed in 60.2% (62 / 103) of patients. Age greater than 60 years, a high-fat diet, and alcohol consumption were significantly associated with the presence of colonic diverticulosis (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of colonic diverticulosis in Korea is increasing and is most commonly located in the right side of the colon. Further, old age and diet may affect the risk of development of this disease.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Age Distribution , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Colonoscopy , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Dietary Fats/administration & dosage , Diverticulosis, Colonic/epidemiology , Hypertension/epidemiology , Life Style , Multivariate Analysis , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Republic of Korea/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Smoking/epidemiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-98058


BACKGROUNDS/AIMS: High intraluminal pressure has been reported to cause left colonic diverticula. However, the pathophysiology of right colonic diverticula is still unclear. Methane gas has been reported to delay small intestinal transit and to increase intraluminal pressure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between right colonic diverticula and intestinal gas produced by enteric bacteria. METHODS: Lactulose breath tests were performed in 30 patients who were diagnosed with right colonic diverticula via colonoscopy. The control group consisted of 30 healthy adults with no specific symptoms or medical histories. A hydrogen or methane producer was defined in 2 ways: either one that exhibited a breath hydrogen level > or = 20 ppm (methane > or = 10 ppm) baseline or one that exhibited an increase in breath hydrogen > or = 20 ppm (methane > or = 10 ppm) above baseline within the first 90 minutes of the test. RESULTS: The lactulose breath test (LBT) positivity in the diverticular group and the control group were 40.0% and 33.3%, respectively, without a statistically significant difference. The concentrations of methane and hydrogen gas measured by LBT increased over time, but there was no significant difference between the control and the diverticular groups. CONCLUSIONS: There was no significant relationship between right colonic diverticula and intestinal gases produced by enteric bacteria. However, time-dependent formation of diverticula should be taken into consideration, therefore long-term, large-scale follow-up studies may reveal further pathogenesis of right colonic diverticulosis.

Adult , Humans , Breath Tests , Colon , Colonoscopy , Diverticulosis, Colonic , Diverticulum , Diverticulum, Colon , Enterobacteriaceae , Gases , Hydrogen , Lactulose , Methane
Intestinal Research ; : 116-120, 2008.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-52006


BACKGROUND/AIMS: The prevalence of colonic diverticulosis in Korea is lower than in Western contries and the involved site is different. But, the recently increasing prevalence in Korea may be due to changing life style and advances in diagnostic approachs. We analyzed the annual incidence and clinical manifestations of colonic diverticulosis of the patients who underwent colonofibroscopy. METHODS: Medical records of 25,808 patients who underwent colonofibroscopy at Yeungnam University Medical Center from January 2000 to December 2007 were retrospectively reviewed. RESULTS: Overall prevalence was 5.5%. The mean age of the patients was 57.02+/-12.41 years (range 19-97 years) and the most frequent occurrence (28.8%) occurred in the 7th decade of life. Male to female ratio was 977:159. The annual incidence rate increased from 4.6% to 7.2% since 2000. Diverticulum occurred more frequently in the right side colon (997 cases) than the left side colon (159 cases), with involvement of both sides in 62 cases. The rate of left sided colon increased with age. In 516 patients, only one diverticulum was detected and the other 682 patients had multiple diverticuli. Complications were evident in 51 cases, consisting of diverticulititis in 35 cases and bleeding in 16 cases. CONCLUSIONS: According to this single center analysis, the annual incidence rate of colonic diverticulosis is increasing with right sided colon as the predominant site. But, the frequency in left-sided colon is increasing with age.

Female , Humans , Male , Academic Medical Centers , Colon , Diverticulosis, Colonic , Diverticulum , Diverticulum, Colon , Hemorrhage , Incidence , Korea , Life Style , Medical Records , Population Characteristics , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies
Intestinal Research ; : 110-115, 2008.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-52007


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Although colonic diverticular disease is less common in Koreans than in Western people, its incidence has been on the increase in Korea. We investigated the clinical characteristics and related complications of colonic diverticular disease in Koreans. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 9,006 patients who underwent colonoscopy at the Seoul Paik hospital between July 2002 and January 2008. RESULTS: Of the 9,006 patients, there were 654 cases (7.3%) of colonic diverticulosis (472 men, 182 women). The mean age of the patients was 54.6+/-12.0 years. The right colon was involved in 535 cases, the left colon was involved in 86 cases and both the left and right colon was involved in 33 cases. Among the patients, a single diverticulum was seen in 253 cases and two or more diverticuli were seen in 401 cases. Related complications were diverticulitis (11 cases, 1.7%) and diverticular bleeding (3 cases, 0.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of colonic diverticular disease in Korea shows an increasing trend. Colonic diverticular lesions are frequently found in the right colon.

Humans , Male , Colon , Colonoscopy , Diverticulitis , Diverticulitis, Colonic , Diverticulosis, Colonic , Diverticulum , Diverticulum, Colon , Hemorrhage , Incidence , Korea , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies