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Rev. crim ; 66(1): 129-144, 20240412. Ilus, Tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554773


En el desarrollo de la indagación e investigación del proceso penal previsto en la Ley 906 de 2004 se crearon medios de prueba que afectan derechos fundamentales como la libertad, la vida, el buen nombre, la entidad, la propiedad privada, la libre locomoción, entre otros. La aplicación de tales medios puede ser ordenada por la Fiscalía General de la Nación sin control legal previo de un juez de control de garantías. Así, esta investigación parte del interrogante: ¿Debería ser necesario el control previo del juez de garantías en los actos de indagación e investigación previstos en la Ley 906 de 2004? El presente artículo dará una respuesta clara y contundente, utilizando un método jurídico-cualitativo de interpretación mediante el cual se estudiará y reconocerá la necesidad del control previo del juez en actos como los del libro II (técnicas de indagación e investigación de la prueba y sistema probatorio), título I (la indagación y la investigación). Además, se analizará y justificará la necesidad de la intervención del juez para medios como el allanamiento y registro, la retención de correspondencia, la interceptación de comunicaciones, la recuperación de información dejada al navegar por internet u otros medios tecnológicos similares, la vigilancia y seguimiento de personas, la vigilancia de cosas, los agentes encubiertos y la entrega vigilada e incautación de bienes con fines de comiso. Esto porque en la gran mayoría de esas actuaciones, en la práctica judicial de los procesos penales, se evidencian excesos e incluso ilegalidades de la Policía Judicial y la Fiscalía. Para ello se estudiarán el principio de reserva judicial y el nuevo concepto de juez en el proceso penal, tal y como es entendido por la ONU: una garantía procesal para ponderar los derechos confrontados. Se tendrá en cuenta, en ese sentido, que en el modelo de Estado constitucional colombiano la limitación o restricción de garantías fundamentales debe ser proporcional y razonable frente al fin de la investigación. De igual forma se propone, en el ámbito legislativo, la modificación y creación de un capítulo único de actuaciones que requieran autorización judicial para su realización por parte de la Fiscalía General de la Nación.

In the development of the enquiry and investigation of criminal proceedings under Law 906 of 2004, means of evidence were created that affect fundamental rights such as freedom, life, good name, entity, private property, and freedom of movement, among others. The application of such means can be ordered by the Attorney General's Office without prior legal control by a supervisory judge. Thus, this research is based on the question: Should prior control by the judge of guarantees be necessary in the acts of enquiry and investigation provided for in Law 906 of 2004? This article will give a clear and convincing answer, using a legal-qualitative method of interpretation through which the need for prior control by the judge in acts such as those in Book II (investigation techniques and investigation of evidence and the evidential system), Title I (the investigation and the investigation) will be studied and recognised. In addition, the need for the judge's intervention will be analysed and justified for means such as search and seizure, the retention of correspondence, the interception of communications, the recovery of information left behind when surfing the internet or other similar technological means, the surveillance and monitoring of persons, the surveillance of things, undercover agents and the controlled delivery and seizure of goods for confiscation purposes. This is because in the vast majority of these actions, in the judicial practice of criminal proceedings, there is evidence of excesses and even illegalities by the Judicial Police and the Prosecutor's Office. To this end, the principle of judicial reserve and the new concept of the judge in criminal proceedings, as understood by the UN, will be studied: a procedural guarantee for weighing up conflicting rights. In this sense, it will be taken into account that in the Colombian constitutional state model, the limitation or restriction of fundamental guarantees must be proportional and reasonable in relation to the purpose of the investigation. Similarly, it is proposed, in the legislative sphere, the modification and creation of a single chapter on actions that require judicial authorisation to be carried out by the Attorney General's Office.

No desenvolvimento do inquérito e da investigação dos processos penais previstos na Lei 906 de 2004, foram criados meios de prova que afetam direitos fundamentais como a liberdade, a vida, o bom nome, a entidade, a propriedade privada e a liberdade de locomoção, entre outros. A aplicação de tais meios pode ser ordenada pelo Ministério Público sem o prévio controle legal de um juiz supervisor. Assim, esta pesquisa se baseia na pergunta: Deve ser necessário o controle prévio do juiz de garantias nos atos de inquérito e investigação previstos na Lei 906 de 2004? Este artigo dará uma resposta clara e convincente, utilizando-se de um método jurídico-qualitativo de interpretação, por meio do qual será estudada e reconhecida a necessidade de controle prévio pelo juiz em atos como os do Livro II (técnicas de investigação e apuração de provas e sistema probatório), Título I (o inquérito e a investigação). Além disso, será analisada e justificada a necessidade da intervenção do juiz para meios como a busca e apreensão, a retenção de correspondência, a interceptação de comunicações, a recuperação de informações deixadas durante a navegação na Internet ou outros meios tecnológicos similares, a vigilância e o monitoramento de pessoas, a vigilância de coisas, os agentes infiltrados e a entrega controlada e a apreensão de bens para fins de confisco. Isso porque, na grande maioria dessas ações, na prática judicial do processo penal, há indícios de excessos e até ilegalidades por parte da Polícia Judiciária e do Ministério Público. Para tanto, estudaremos o princípio da reserva jurisdicional e o novo conceito de juiz no processo penal, conforme entendimento da ONU: uma garantia processual de ponderação dos direitos em conflito. Nesse sentido, será levado em conta que, no modelo de Estado constitucional colombiano, a limitação ou restrição das garantias fundamentais deve ser proporcional e razoável em relação à finalidade da investigação. Da mesma forma, propõe-se, no âmbito legislativo, a modificação e a criação de um capítulo único de ações que requerem autorização judicial para sua execução pelo Ministério Público.

Humans , Judgment , Colombia
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553001


A transição demográfica com aumento da expectativa de vida tem colocado em evidência um importante problema de saúde pública: as quedas. As quedas provocam comprometimentos na vida dos idosos, mesmo as ocorrências com lesões de menor gravidade, podem deixar sequelas, produzir impacto significativo na qualidade de vida e colaboram para o aumento da morbidade, em algumas situações, mortalidade. Este estudo tem por objetivo desenvolver um curso de qualificação profissional sobre prevenção de quedas que acometem idosos, para profissionais das estratégias de Saúde da Família. O cenário de construção da proposta formativa foi o município de Balneário Gaivota, Estado de Santa Catarina, em três Unidades Básicas de Saúde, com 52 profissionais das estratégias de Saúde da Família, a saber: quatro médicos, três enfermeiros, seis técnicos de enfermagem, três odontólogos, três auxiliares de consultório odontológico, vinte e um agentes comunitários de saúde, quatro fisioterapeutas, dois psicólogos, um terapeuta ocupacional, dois recepcionistas e três higienizadoras. A construção da proposta formativa foi alicerçada nos preceitos teóricos do Arco de Charles Maguerez: observação da realidade, pontos chaves, hipóteses de solução, teorização e aplicação a realidade. Foram realizadas ainda três oficinas formativas em três Unidades básicas de saúde, norteadas pelo método criativo sensível adaptado. Os preceitos éticos foram respeitados e o estudo teve parecer favorável sob o número 5.821.177. O desenvolvimento do curso de qualificação profissional teve duração total de 6 horas aula e estruturou-se em cinco momentos. Observação da realidade: foi realizado um encontro de sensibilização com a gestão, a respeito do tema do projeto, apresentação de dados relativos a morbimortalidade relacionado as quedas; pontos chave: foram contempladas as quedas em idosos como problema de Saúde Coletiva, abordados na primeira oficina formativa com dados pertinentes ao tema; hipóteses de solução: para estruturação do processo formativo foram realizadas pesquisas em bases de dados com vistas a construção do arcabouço teórico sobre a temática; teorização: foi realizada a segunda oficina formativa, oportunizou-se socialização de conhecimentos relacionados à ocorrência, causas, locais, consequências e/ou complicações decorrentes das quedas, bem como início da construção de um material didático sobre prevenção de quedas; aplicação a realidade: foi o momento de abordarmos a prevenção na prática, discutiu-se sobre o tema durante a terceira oficina formativa, bem como apresentou-se o material elaborado com a colaboração dos profissionais e apresentação do Setor de Prevenção de Quedas. O desenvolvimento da proposta formativa oportunizou ampliar conhecimentos sobre quedas e as formas de atuação multiprofissional, colaborando para integração entre os membros das equipes e consequentemente qualificando assistência e ações à saúde do idoso. Esse processo formativo gerou aplicabilidade de um material didático na prática dos processos de trabalho das equipes de Saúde da Família e criação de um serviço municipal de prevenção de quedas.

The demographic transition with increased life expectancy has highlighted an important public health problem: falls. Falls in the elderly cause impairments in the lives of the elderly, even occurrences with minor injuries, can leave sequelae, produce a significant impact on quality of life and contribute to increased morbidity, in some situations, mortality. This study aimed to develop a professional qualification course on the prevention of falls that affect the elderly, for professionals of the Family Health strategies. The construction scenario of the formative proposal was the municipality of Balneário Gaivota, State of Santa Catarina, in three Basic Health Units, with 52 professionals of the Family Health strategies, namely: four doctors, three nurses, six nursing technicians, three dentists, three dental office assistants, twenty-one community health agents, four physiotherapists, two psychologists, one occupational therapist, two receptionists and three sanitizers. The construction of the formative proposal was based on the theoretical precepts of Charles Maguerez's Arch: observation of reality, key points, hypotheses of solution, theorization and application to reality. Three training workshops were also held in three Basic Health Units, guided by the adapted sensitive creative method. The ethical precepts were respected and the study had a favorable opinion under the number 5,821,17. The development of the Professional Qualification Course had a total duration of 6 hours/class and was structured in five moments; Observation of reality: a sensitization meeting was held with the management, regarding the theme of the project, presentation of data related to morbidity and mortality related to falls; Key points: falls in the elderly were considered as a Collective Health problem, addressed in the first formative workshop with data pertinent to the theme; Hypotheses of solution: to structure the formative process, searches were carried out in databases with a view to the construction of the theoretical framework on the theme; Theorization: the second formative workshop was held, socialization of knowledge related to the occurrence, causes, places, consequences and/or complications resulting from falls was provided, as well as the beginning of the construction of a didactic material on fall prevention; Application to reality: It was the moment to address prevention in practice, it was discussed on the subject during the third formative workshop, as well as the material elaborated with the collaboration of the professionals and presentation of Sector of Prevention of Falls. The development of the formative proposal provided the opportunity to expand knowledge about falls and the forms of multiprofessional action, collaborating for integration among team members and consequently qualifying care and actions for the health of the elderly. This formative process generated the applicability of a didactic material in the practice of the work processes of the Family Health teams and the creation of a municipal service for the prevention of falls.

La transición demográfica con el aumento de la esperanza de vida ha puesto de relieve un importante problema de salud pública: las caídas. Las caídas causan deficiencias en la vida de los ancianos, incluso ocurrencias con lesiones leves, pueden dejar secuelas, producir un impacto significativo en la calidad de vida y contribuir al aumento de la morbilidad, en algunas situaciones, la mortalidad. Desarrollar un curso de cualificación profesional sobre prevención de caídas que afectan a personas mayores, para profesionales de estrategias de Salud de la Familia. Métodos: el escenario de construcción de la propuesta formativa fue la ciudad de Balneário Gaivota, Estado de Santa Catarina, en tres Unidades Básicas de Salud, con 52 profesionales de las estrategias Salud de la Familia, a saber: cuatro médicos, tres enfermeros, seis técnicos de enfermería, tres odontólogos, tres auxiliares de odontólogo, veintiún agentes comunitarios de salud, cuatro fisioterapeutas, dos psicólogos, un terapeuta ocupacional, dos recepcionistas y tres desinfectantes. La construcción de la propuesta formativa se basó en los preceptos teóricos del Arco de Carlos Maguérez: observación de la realidad, puntos clave, hipótesis de solución, teorización y aplicación a la realidad. También se realizaron tres talleres de capacitación en tres unidades básicas de salud, guiados por el método creativo sensible adaptado. Se respetaron los preceptos éticos y el estudio tuvo una opinión favorable bajo el número 5.821.177. Resultados: el desarrollo del curso de cualificación profesional tuvo una duración total de 6 horas/clase y se estructuró en cinco momentos. Observación de la realidad: se realizó una reunión de sensibilización con la dirección, sobre el tema del proyecto, presentación de datos relacionados con la morbilidad y mortalidad relacionadas con las caídas; Puntos clave: las caídas en los ancianos fueron consideradas como un problema de Salud Colectiva, abordado en el primer taller de capacitación con datos pertinentes al tema; Hipótesis de solución: Para estructurar el proceso de formación, se realizó una investigación en bases de datos con el objetivo de construir el marco teórico sobre el tema; Teorización: se realizó el segundo taller formativo, se brindó socialización de conocimientos relacionados con la ocurrencia, causas, lugares, consecuencias y/o complicaciones resultantes de caídas, así como el inicio de la construcción de un material didáctico sobre prevención de caídas; Aplicación a la realidad: fue el momento de abordar la prevención en la práctica, el tema se discutió durante el tercer taller de capacitación, así como el material elaborado con la colaboración de profesionales y se presentó la presentación del Sector de Prevención de Caídas. El desarrollo de la propuesta formativa brindó la oportunidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre las caídas y las formas de acción multiprofesional, colaborando para la integración entre los miembros del equipo y, en consecuencia, calificando los cuidados y acciones para la salud de las personas mayores. Este proceso formativo generó la aplicabilidad de un material didáctico en la práctica de los procesos de trabajo de los equipos de Salud de la Familia y la creación de un servicio municipal para la prevención de caídas.

Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae ; (24): 103-113, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996510


ObjectiveTo investigate the effect and mechanism of Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata-Cinnamomi Cortex in regulating the intestinal function in the rat model of slow transit constipation (STC) due to yang deficiency via the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)/cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA)/aquaporin (AQP) pathway. MethodSD rats were randomized into 6 groups (n=6), including a control group, a model group, high-, medium-, and low-dose Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata-Cinnamomi Cortex groups, and a prucalopride group. Other groups except the control group were treated with loperamide hydrochloride combined with ice water by gavage for the modeling of STC due to yang deficiency. The number of fecal pellets, time to the first black stool defecation, fecal water content, intestinal propulsion rate, and score of fecal properties were recorded in each group. At the end of the treatment, the colon was stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE) to reveal the histopathological changes and Alcian blue/periodic acid-Schiff (AB-PAS) to reveal the secretion of colonic mucus. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was employed to measure the level of VIP in the serum. The mRNA level of AQP in the colon was measured by polymerase chain reaction (Real-time PCR). Immunohistochemical staining was performed to observe the expression of AQPs in the colon and kidney tissues. Western blot was performed to determine the protein levels of cAMP, PKA, and VIP in the colon tissue. ResultCompared with the control group, the model group had longer time to the first black stool defecation, reduced fecal pellets and water content, reduced Bristol Stool Form Scale score and intestinal propulsion rate, and constipation aggravated(P<0.01). Moreover, increased the intestinal lesions, reduced the mucus secretion, reduce the serum VIP level, up-regulated the expression levels of AQP1 in the colon and kidney tissues, inhibited the expression of AQP3 and AQP9(P<0.01)., and down-regulated the protein levels of cAMP, PKA, and VIP in the colon tissue. Compared with the model group, the high-dose Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata-Cinnamomi Cortex group had shortened time to the first black stool defecation, increased fecal pellets and water content, increased Bristol Stool Form Scale score and intestinal propulsion rate, and alleviated constipation symptoms. Moreover, high-dose Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata-Cinnamomi Cortex reduced the intestinal lesions, increased the mucus secretion, elevated the serum VIP level(P<0.01)., down-regulated the expression levels of AQP1 in the colon and kidney tissues, promoted the expression of AQP3 and AQP9(P<0.05,P<0.01), and up-regulated the protein levels of cAMP, PKA, and VIP in the colon tissue. The medium- and low-dose groups had weaker effect than the high-dose group(P<0.01). ConclusionHigh-dose Aconiti Lateralis Radix Praeparata-Cinnamomi Cortex can improve the intestinal motility and balance the intestinal water and fluid metabolism by up-regulating the VIP/cAMP/PKA/AQP pathway, thereby mitigating the constipation symptoms in the rat model of slow transit constipation due to yang deficiency.

Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science ; (6): 217-223, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996148


Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Tuina(Chinese therapeutic massage)combined with Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang(Middle Jiao-supplementing and Qi-boosting Decoction)in the treatment of rectocele of Qi sinking due to spleen deficiency.Methods:A total of 108 patients with rectocele(grades Ⅰ and Ⅱ)were randomly divided into a Chinese medicine group and a Tuina+Chinese medicine group,with 54 cases in each group.Both groups were treated with Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang,and the Tuina+Chinese medicine group was treated with additional Tuina manipulation.The score of clinical symptoms and grade of rectocele were observed and compared between the two groups.Results:After treatment,39 cases were cured,10 cases were effective,and 5 cases failed in the Tuina+Chinese medicine group,making a total effective rate of 90.7%.In the Chinese medicine group,26 cases were cured,16 cases were effective,and 12 cases failed,making a total effective rate of 77.8%.The efficacy difference between the two groups was statistically significant,checked by the rank-sum test(P<0.05).After treatment,the grades of rectocele in the two groups were statistically different from those before treatment(P<0.05),and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05).After treatment,the score of each item and the total score of traditional Chinese medicine symptoms in the two groups were lower than those before treatment,and the differences within the group were statistically significant(P<0.05).The score of each item and the total score of the Tuina+Chinese medicine group were lower than those of the Chinese medicine group,and the differences between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion:Tuina plus Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang has better clinical efficacy than Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang alone in the treatment of rectocele of Qi sinking due to spleen deficiency.

International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 31-36, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-989583


Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of Qinggan Bupi Jiangtang Decoction combined with western medicine in the treatment of adult type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) with with liver hyperactivity and spleen deficiency syndrome.Methods:Prospective cohort study. A total of 103 T2DM patients with liver hyperactivity and spleen deficiency syndrome in the Department of endocrinology of Shanghai Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from February 2020 to February 2021 were randomly divided into the observation group (52 cases) and the control group (51 cases) according to random number table method. Both groups were treated with conventional western medicine, the control group was treated with sitagliptin phosphate on the basis of routine treatment, and the observation group was treated with Qinggan Bupi Jiangtang Decoction on the basis of routine treatment. Both groups were treated for 12 weeks. TCM symptom scores were performed before and after treatment. The FPG, 2hPBG, HbA1c and fasting insulin (FINS) were detected by dry chemistry method and Roche electroluminescence method, and insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) was calculated. The clinical efficacy was evaluated by dynamic blood glucose monitoring indexes TIR (percentage of time when glucose was in the range of 3.9-10.0 mmol/L), TAR (percentage of time when glucose was higher than the target range ≥ 11.1 mmol/L) and TBR (percentage of time when glucose was lower than the target range <3.9 mmol/L).Results:The total effective rate was 92.3% (48/52) in the observation group and 56.9% (29/51) in the control group ( χ2=15.32, P<0.01). The score of TCM syndrome in the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group ( t=6.30, P<0.01). The compliance rate of HbA1c in the observation group was 46.2% (24/52) and that of the control group was 23.5% (12/51). There was significant difference between the two groups ( χ2=5.80, P=0.016). Compared with the groups before treatment, MAGE, TAR, TBR significantly decreased and TIR significantly increased in both groups after treatment ( P<0.01), but there was no significant difference between the two groups after treatment ( t values were 0.78, 1.06, 0.22 and 1.45, respectively, P>0.05). Compared with the groups before treatment, the levels of FPG, 2 hPBG and HbA1c in the two groups significantly decreased after treatment ( P<0.01), but there was no significant difference between the two groups after treatment ( t values were 1.32, 0.18,1.50, respectively, P>0.05). Compared with the groups before treatment, the levels of FINS and HOMA-IR in the two groups significantly decreased after treatment ( P<0.01), but there was no significant difference between the two groups after treatment ( t values were 1.25, 0.51, respectively, P>0.05). There were no adverse reactions in the observation group, 2 cases of mild nausea and 1 case of transient diarrhea in the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups ( χ2=3.15, P=0.118). Conclusion:Qinggan Bupi Jiangtang Decoction combined with routine treatment can improve the blood glucose level, TIR and blood glucose standard rates of adult T2DM with liver hyperactivity and spleen deficiency syndrome, and the curative effect is equivalent to sitagliptin phosphate tablets.

Acta Medica Philippina ; : 3-4, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980373


@#Stigma due to an HIV diagnosis is a well-known phenomenon and is a major barrier to accessing care.1 Over the last forty years, HIV has been transformed from a fatal disease to a manageable one, thanks to the remarkable success of antiretroviral (ARV) medication.2 When people living with HIV (PLHIV) start ARV treatment early, their life expectancy is almost completely restored. Moreover, a suppressed viral load means that PLHIV are no longer able to infect other people.3 They can have children naturally without risk to their seronegative partner or their child. PLHIV nowadays are more likely to die with HIV, not of HIV. While a cure remains elusive, the successful global rollout of ARVs means that there is no good reason for a PLHIV to die of AIDS and its complications due to lack of access to proper treatment. The Philippine AIDS Law Republic Act 8504 and its successor, Republic Act 11116 explicitly states that the State should “ensure access to HIV and AIDS-related services by eliminating the climate of stigma and discrimination that surrounds the country’s HIV and AIDS situation, and the people directly and indirectly affected by it.” Unfortunately, despite this admonition, stigma remains a significant cause of delayed HIV testing and of not seeking treatment in our country. In this issue of the journal, Dr. De Los Santos and her colleagues examine the effect of healthcare facility stigma on PLHIV accessing care in the Philippines.4 They report that 81% of their Filipino PLHIV respondents experienced stigma, which is an unacceptably high number. They identify which facilities are more likely to be correlated with stigma and make suggestions on how to address this problem. This study is very timely and comes at a time when the Department of Health is shifting first line antiretrovirals to dolutegravir-based regimens.5 Dolutegravir-based treatment is associated with fewer side effects than efavirenz-based regimens and is much more durable against resistance.6 With an HIV transmitted-drug resistance rate of 11.7%, it is imperative that PLHIV are started on more durable regimens which they are less likely to discontinue.7 Properly addressing stigma means that more people will access care. Better regimens will ensure that people stay in care. This will go a long way towards minimizing the impact of HIV and AIDS on Filipino PLHIV. Stigma among PLHIV is a complicated subject matter. Aside from the stigma associated with diagnosis, there is also stigma associated with the mode of acquisition of the disease. The most-at-risk populations are highly stigmatized. Men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, and female sex workers experience additional stigma on top of the stigma from an HIV diagnosis.8 Aside from societal stigma, PLHIV are also prone to self-stigma.9 This phenomenon occurs when PLHIV believe they no longer deserve to live since they contracted the disease from deviant or sinful behavior. High rates of depression are found among these self-stigma sufferers. This significantly impacts the entire HIV healthcare cascade, starting from early diagnosis, to accessing treatment, and staying in care. The finding that Public Rural Health Units are the most stigmatizing healthcare facilities is very concerning since these are usually the only facilities available to PLHIV in far-flung areas. This needs to be addressed with better sensitivity training as well as concrete guidelines on avoiding stigma. It is very troubling that facilities that are supposed to cater to vulnerable populations inadvertently make it difficult for them to access care.10 Unfortunately, even facilities in urban areas are not immune to discrimination and stigmatizing behavior. I recall the experience of one of my early PLHIV patients who developed and eventually succumbed to a disseminated fungal infection.11 He told me that he had tried getting tested several years earlier but he had a traumatic experience in the government health facility that he accessed. He made a wrong turn and entered a different clinic in that hospital and when he asked for an HIV test, people recoiled from him in horror. Because of that terrible experience, he put off getting his HIV test for years until he started developing the fungal infection that eventually killed him. Had he been started on proper treatment earlier, he could have been saved. For me, it wasn’t just the fungus that killed him but it was the delay in diagnosis and care as a direct result of stigma. Addressing HIV-related stigma in our country entails a whole-of-society and a whole-of-nation approach. Mental health services to address self-stigma and depression should be standard of care not just among confirmed PLHIV but among the most-at-risk populations. Proactive education of all members of society, especially healthcare workers in facilities that diagnose and care for PLHIV is essential for ensuring sustained linkage to care. Ensuring that the majority of the PLHIV population are properly diagnosed, enrolled in treatment hubs, and have suppressed viral loads will ultimately lead to fewer transmissions and less AIDS-related deaths.

HIV , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 426-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979704


@#Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics and pathogenic genetic mutation of a case with encephalopathy due to defective mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission-1 (EMPF1). Methods The clinical data and genetic test results of a patient with EMPF1 admitted to the Department of Pediatrics, the Affiliated Hospital of Xiangya Medical College of Central South University in August 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Results An 8-year-old girl, her main clinical features were developmental regression, microcephaly, hypotonia, refractory epilepsy, cranial MRI suggesting brain atrophy and abnormal signals in the right temporal-occipital-parietal cortex, aEEG showing slow wave discharge in the right hemisphere; Whole-exome sequencing of families suggested that the child had a heterozygous missense variant at the c.1040C>G site in the DNM1L gene and the verification results by Sanger sequencing showed that her parents had no variant in this site, which was a novel mutation in accordance with autosomal dominant inheritance; bioinformatics analysis predicted that the mutation was pathogenic. After 2 years of outpatient follow-up, the patient's condition was stable after mitochondrial cocktail therapy and antiepileptic drugs, no epileptic seizure occurred in the past year, mental state and swallowing function improved, and she could be fed orally with occasional nausea and vomiting. Conclusions The main clinical manifestations of EMPF1 are psychomotor developmental delay or regression, dystonia, limb paralysis, epilepsy and so on. According to the clinical phenotype and genetic test results, the rare disease can be diagnosed early.

Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines (English Ed.) ; (6): 83-98, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971672


Poria is an important medicine for inducing diuresis to drain dampness from the middle energizer. However, the specific effective components and the potential mechanism of Poria remain largely unknown. To identify the effective components and the mechanism of Poria water extract (PWE) to treat dampness stagnancy due to spleen deficiency syndrome (DSSD), a rat model of DSSD was established through weight-loaded forced swimming, intragastric ice-water stimulation, humid living environment, and alternate-day fasting for 21 days. After 14 days of treatment with PWE, the results indicated that PWE increased fecal moisture percentage, urine output, D-xylose level and weight; amylase, albumin, and total protein levels; and the swimming time of rats with DSSD to different extents. Eleven highly related components were screened out using the spectrum-effect relationship and LC-MS. Mechanistic studies revealed that PWE significantly increased the expression of serum motilin (MTL), gastrin (GAS), ADCY5/6, p-PKAα/β/γ cat, and phosphorylated cAMP-response element binding protein in the stomach, and AQP3 expression in the colon. Moreover, it decreased the levels of serum ADH, the expression of AQP3 and AQP4 in the stomach, AQP1 and AQP3 in the duodenum, and AQP4 in the colon. PWE induced diuresis to drain dampness in rats with DSSD. Eleven main effective components were identified in PWE. They exerted therapeutic effect by regulating the AC-cAMP-AQP signaling pathway in the stomach, MTL and GAS levels in the serum, AQP1 and AQP3 expression in the duodenum, and AQP3 and AQP4 expression in the colon.

Animals , Rats , Poria , Spleen , Albumins , Chromatography, Liquid , Cyclic AMP Response Element-Binding Protein
Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B ; (12): 650-662, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982405


The syndrome of dampness stagnancy due to spleen deficiency (DSSD) is relatively common globally. Although the pathogenesis of DSSD remains unclear, evidence has suggested that the gut microbiota might play a significant role. Radix Astragali, used as both medicine and food, exerts the effects of tonifying spleen and qi. Astragalus polysaccharide (APS) comprises a macromolecule substance extracted from the dried root of Radix Astragali, which has many pharmacological functions. However, whether APS mitigates the immune disorders underlying the DSSD syndrome via regulating gut microbiota and the relevant mechanism remains unknown. Here, we used DSSD rats induced by high-fat and low-protein (HFLP) diet plus exhaustive swimming, and found that APS of moderate molecular weight increased the body weight gain and immune organ indexes, decreased the levels of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, and endotoxin, and suppressed the Toll-like receptor 4/nuclear factor-‍κB (TLR4/NF-‍κB) pathway. Moreover, a total of 27 critical genera were significantly enriched according to the linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe). APS increased the diversity of the gut microbiota and changed its composition, such as reducing the relative abundance of Pseudoflavonifractor and Paraprevotella, and increasing that of Parasutterella, Parabacteroides, Clostridium XIVb, Oscillibacter, Butyricicoccus, and Dorea. APS also elevated the contents of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). Furthermore, the correlation analysis indicated that 12 critical bacteria were related to the body weight gain and immune organ indexes. In general, our study demonstrated that APS ameliorated the immune disorders in DSSD rats via modulating their gut microbiota, especially for some bacteria involving immune and inflammatory response and SCFA production, as well as the TLR4/NF-κB pathway. This study provides an insight into the function of APS as a unique potential prebiotic through exerting systemic activities in treating DSSD.

Rats , Animals , NF-kappa B/metabolism , Spleen , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Toll-Like Receptor 4 , Polysaccharides/pharmacology , Astragalus Plant/metabolism , Immune System Diseases/drug therapy , Body Weight
Mundo saúde (Impr.) ; 47: e13752022, 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436999


A queda é um problema potencial para todos os pacientes já que o risco aumenta no ambiente hospitalar, independente da instituição. Muitos fatores podem estar associados a queda, dentre eles o equilíbrio, que pode ser influenciado pelo uso de medicamentos. A aplicação de escala de avaliação para risco de quedas é uma das ferramentas mais empregadas no Brasil e no mundo, porém se faz necessário avaliar também os medicamentos em uso do paciente. Com o objetivo de realizar a adaptação transcultural e validação do Medication Falls Risk Score e da Evaluation Tools para a língua portuguesa do Brasil. Método: Estudo metodológico para a adaptação transcultural e validação das ferramentas Medication Falls Risk Score e Evaluation Tools, utilizando-se o protocolo de Beaton et al. e realizando a validação da praticabilidade de ambas as escalas. Os instrumentos obtiveram Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) médio de 0,99, sendo considerados válidos. A validação da praticabilidade de ambos os instrumentos teve resultados favoráveis, 65,2% dos participantes acharam a ferramenta de fácil aplicação, e o tempo médio gasto para a aplicação foi de 13 minutos e 30 segundos. Dentre as dificuldades encontradas, destaca-se a de reconhecer os medicamentos perante sua classe terapêutica, o que justifica a diferença entre o tempo de aplicação e acerto do teste aplicado. As ferramentas foram adaptadas transculturalmente para o português brasileiro, e apontaram uma excelente concordância e viabilidade de uso na prática nos cenários de atenção em saúde. A escala e as ferramentas aprovadas poderão servir como apoio para identificação, classificação e cuidado multiprofissional perante o risco de quedas de pacientes internados, sendo uma avaliação adicional a Morse Fall Scale - versão brasileira.

Falls are a potential problem for all patients, especially as the risk increases in the hospital environment, regardless of the institution. Many factors may be associated with falls, including balance, which may be influenced by the use of medication. The application of an assessment scale for the risk of falls is one of the most used tools in Brazil and in the world, but it is also necessary to evaluate the medications the patient is using. The objective of this study is to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Medication Falls Risk Score and the Evaluation Tools for the Brazilian Portuguese language. Method: Methodological study for the cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Medication Falls Risk Score and Evaluation Tools, using the protocol by Beaton et al. and performing the validation of the feasibility of both scales. The instruments obtained an average Content Validity Index (CVI) of 0.99, being considered valid. The validation of the feasibility of both instruments had favorable results, 65.2% of the participants found the tool easy to apply, and the average time taken to apply it was 13 minutes and 30 seconds. Among the difficulties encountered, the difficulty of recognizing the drugs in terms of their therapeutic class stands out, which justifies the difference between the time of application and the accuracy of the applied test. The tools were cross-culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese and demonstrated excellent agreement and practicality in healthcare settings. The approved scale and tools may serve as support for the identification, classification, and multidisciplinary care regarding the risk of falls in hospitalized patients, with the Morse Fall Scale - Brazilian version being an additional assessment.

Rev. cuba. salud pública ; 48(4)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441846


Introducción: El reciente incremento de la prevalencia de la diabetes mellitus en Cuba sucedió con mayor celeridad, y las políticas encaminadas a su control requieren de su cuantificación sistemática. Objetivo: Identificar las diferencias en Cuba, según provincia y sexo, de los años de vida saludable perdidos por la diabetes mellitus en el 2015. Métodos: En el estudio de extensión nacional se obtuvieron los años de vida saludable perdidos como resultado de la suma de los años perdidos de vida potencial por mortalidad prematura y los años de vida perdidos por morbilidad y otros indicadores para identificar la mortalidad temprana en el año 2015. Resultados: En todas las provincias los índices de años de vida saludable perdidos por morbilidad superaron los de mortalidad prematura con predominio del sexo femenino, mientras en la mayoría de las provincias, las edades de las defunciones fueron más tempranas en el masculino. Las diferencias halladas permitieron agrupar a Artemisa, La Habana, Mayabeque, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Santi Spíritus y Camagüey, con los mayores promedios de años perdidos por morbilidad y fallecimientos más tardíos, y al resto de las provincias cubanas, con los menores años perdidos por morbilidad, pero con defunciones en edades más tempranas. Conclusiones: Las pérdidas de años de vida saludable difieren según el sexo y la provincia. Este conocimiento permite la identificación de diferentes patrones de morbimortalidad útiles para orientar las acciones de prevención y control de la enfermedad para cada territorio(AU)

Introduction: The recent increase in the prevalence of diabetes mellitus in Cuba occurred more rapidly, and policies aimed at its control require systematic quantification. Objective: To identify the differences in Cuba, according to province and sex, of the years of healthy life lost due to diabetes mellitus in 2015. Methods: The national extension study collected data on the healthy years of life lost as a result of the sum of years lost from potential life due to premature mortality and years of life lost due to morbidity and other indicators to identify early mortality in 2015. Results: In all provinces, the rates of years of healthy life lost due to morbidity exceeded those of premature mortality with a predominance of women, while in most provinces, the ages of death were earlier in the male sex. The differences found allowed to group Artemisa, Havana, Mayabeque, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Santi Spíritus and Camagüey provincesn with the highest averages of years lost due to morbidity and later deaths, and the rest of the Cuban provinces, with the lowest years lost due to morbidity, but with deaths at younger ages. Conclusions: Losses of years of healthy life differ by sex and province. This knowledge allows the identification of different patterns of morbidity and mortality useful to guide the prevention and control actions of the disease for each territory(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Life Expectancy , Cuba , Diabetes Mellitus/mortality , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Mortality, Premature , Disability-Adjusted Life Years , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Medisan ; 26(6)dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440554


Introducción: En Cuba se desarrollan sus propias vacunas, a pesar de que el país atraviesa una gran crisis económica y los recursos materiales son limitados. Objetivo: Describir la campaña de vacunación anti-COVID-19 con Abdala en una población adulta. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de series de casos en 616 pacientes mayores de 19 años de edad correspondientes al Consultorio Médico de la Familia No. 5 del Policlínico Docente Ramón López Peña en Santiago de Cuba, quienes recibieron el inmunógeno Abdala de junio a agosto del 2021. Resultados: En los 616 adultos que fueron inmunizados en el vacunatorio de su consultorio médico, predominó el sexo masculino (53,4 %), sobre todo en las edades de 40 a 59 años (20,2 %). Entre los efectos secundarios más usuales figuraron el dolor en el sitio de la inyección (23,1 %), seguido de la cefalea (12,2 %); no obstante, todos completaron el esquema de vacunación de 3 dosis. En general, fue vacunado 93,6 % de la población adulta de dicho consultorio y 6,4 % no recibió la inmunización, debido principalmente al antecedente de infección por el SARS-CoV-2 (1,6 %), entre otras causas. Conclusiones: La campaña resultó exitosa, pues se alcanzó un elevado porcentaje de personas inmunizadas, lo cual se atribuye a la activa participación de la población y del equipo básico de salud.

Introduction: In Cuba our own vaccines are developed, although the country has a great economic crisis and the material resources are limited. Objective: To describe the vaccination anti-COVID-19 campaign with Abdala in an adult population. Methods: A descriptive serial cases study was carried out in 616 patients over 19 years corresponding to the Family Doctor Office No. 5 of Ramón López Peña Teaching Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, who received the immunogen Abdala from June to August, 2021. Results: In the 616 adults that were immunized in the vaccine office of their family doctor office, there was a prevalence of the male sex (53.4 %), mainly 40 to 59 years (20.2 %). Among the most usual secondary effects we can mention pain in the place of the injection (23.1 %), followed by headache (12.2 %); nevertheless, all completed the vaccination scheme of 3 doses. In general, the 93.6 % of the adult population was vaccinated and 6.4 % didn't receive the immunization, mainly due to the history of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 (1.6 %), among other causes. Conclusions: The campaign was successful, because a high percentage of immunized people was reached, which is attributed to the active participation of the population and the health basic team.

Immunization Programs , Coronavirus Infections , Mass Vaccination
Indian J Public Health ; 2022 Sept; 66(3): 239-244
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223825


Background: COVID?19 is a pandemic that is devastating the world right now quelling over 2.5 million people worldwide. Similarly, in India and its largest southern state Karnataka, the coronavirus is responsible for around 161,000 and 12,449 deaths, respectively. These numbers capture the havoc caused by this novel coronavirus, but fail to discern the complete picture. Objectives: Broadly, this study aimed to study the mortality, morbidity, and the economic issues inflicted by the COVID?19 in the state of Karnataka. Specifically, the study used publically available epidemiological data to study both mortality and morbidity by means of disability?adjusted life years(DALYs). Furthermore, the study aimed at estimating the permanent losses to the state gross domestic product (SGDP) due to the pandemic. Materials and Methods: Publicly available epidemiological data are used from selected sources and DALYs are computed. The permanent loss to the SGDP is estimated using the human capital approach. Results: The total DALYs for Karnataka are computed to be 22,506 of which 22,041 correspond to mortality and remaining correspond to morbidity. Financially, Karnataka lost around 208 years of productive years of lives costing around ?590 million rupees to the SGDP. Conclusions: It is found that major burden of COVID?19 during study period is due to mortality. Morbidity accounts for around 2% of the total DALYs. Males are the most affected by the mortality and also the morbidity. With respect to loss in productivity, the losses due to premature mortality of COVID-19 amounted to ?590 million.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220057


Background: People with cardiovascular issues have been shown to be at an elevated risk of acquiring the 2019 new corona virus infection, according to studies (COVID-19). This study’s objective was to determine if cardiovascular disease has any effect on the severity of COVID-19.Material & Methods:Between January 2020 and December 2020, 210 comorbid patients aged over 40 years old diagnosed with COVID-19 admitted in BIRDEM hospital in Bangladesh were recruited purposively for a cross sectional study as per inclusion criteria. A baseline study was created for each patient based on their medical history, physical examination, biochemical tests, and the amount of care they needed (intensive care vs. ward-based care). SPSS 26 was used to analyze the data.Results:Among the 210 comorbid individuals, 74 had cardiovascular comorbidities and the remaining 136 had other comorbidities. Among the respondents, 48% were serious cases and required ICU support within 30 days. Cases with up to 2 comorbidities did not require ICU support. The severity of COVID-19 was predicted by factors such as age above 80 years (OR 35.5, 95 percent CIs 18.7,98.5), male gender (OR 3.14, CI 1.16, 3.50), and a high troponin level in the patient’s blood (OR 1.34, CI 0.84,3.54). It was shown that cardiovascular comorbidities (CI=1.8,3.0) were 2.9 times more likely to be linked to severity. The risk factors also included a history of diabetes, hypertension, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Conclusions:Cardiovascular patients, who were previously grouped together as high risk due to the nature of their ailment, need more tailored counseling and treatment from public health authorities and clinicians.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220989


HIV/TB coinfection, COVID 19 with HIV/TB, immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), TB lymphadenopathy

Medisan ; 26(3)jun. 2022. tab,graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405808


Introducción: La preservación de los profesionales sanitarios es siempre prioritaria, especialmente en situaciones de epidemia. Objetivo: Caracterizar a trabajadores de la salud que enfermaron de COVID-19 durante el ejercicio de su profesión. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de serie de casos, con recogida de la información en forma retrospectiva, en 12 trabajadores del Hospital Docente Infantil Sur Dr. Antonio María Béguez César de Santiago de Cuba, quienes se contagiaron del SARS-CoV-2 mientras realizaban sus funciones asistenciales en el primer semestre del año 2021. Resultados: En la serie predominaron el sexo femenino (91,7 %) y el grupo etario de 30 a 39 años (33,3 %); la mayoría de los trabajadores laboraban en los servicios de Miscelánea (41,7 %) y Microbiología (16,7 %) y fundamentalmente eran médicos. También sobresalieron los que no tenían antecedentes patológicos personales (66,7 %) y los que no mostraron complicación alguna asociada al proceso infeccioso. En cuanto a los factores de riesgo laboral, todos habían estado expuestos al virus y algunos habían tenido contacto con presuntos infectados o con pacientes que padecían la enfermedad. Entre los síntomas de la COVID-19 que les aquejaban resultaron más frecuentes la fiebre, la tos, la cefalea y el malestar general. Conclusiones: El bajo número de trabajadores que contrajo el coronavirus durante su desempeño asistencial en esa etapa se debió, en gran medida, a la eliminación de brechas en el cumplimiento de las normas de bioseguridad establecidas para la atención a los presuntos infectados por el SARS-CoV-2 y a los enfermos de la COVID-19, así como a las prácticas seguras del personal sanitario.

Introduction: The preservation of health professionals is always high-priority, especially in epidemic situations. Objective: To characterize health workers that got sick with COVID-19 during the exercise of their profession. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional serial cases study with retrospective collection of the information was carried out in 12 workers of Dr. Antonio María Béguez Cesar Southern Teaching Children Hospital in Santiago de Cuba who caught the SARS-CoV-2 while they carried out their assistance functions in the first semester of the year 2021. Results: In the series there was a prevalence of the female sex (91.7 %) and the 30 to 39 age group (33.3 %); most of the workers worked in the miscellany (41.7 %) and microbiology services (16.7 %) and they were mainly doctors. Those that didn't have personal pathological history were also notable (66.7 %) and those that didn't show any complication associated with the infectious process. As for the labor risk factors, all had been exposed to the virus and some had had contact with presumed infected or with patients that suffered from the disease. Among the symptoms of the COVID-19 that they suffered, fever, cough, migraine and diffuse discomfort were more frequent. Conclusions: The few number of workers that caught the coronavirus during their assistance performance in that phase was to a large extent due to the elimination of breaches in the execution of biosecurity norms established for the care to the presumed infected by the SARS-CoV-2 and to the sick persons of the COVID-19, as well as to the secure practices of the health staff.

Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional , Coronavirus Infections , Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus , Secondary Care , Health Personnel
Rev. Inst. Med. Trop ; 17(1)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406897


RESUMEN Introducción: La infección por SARS-CoV-2 produce alteraciones laboratoriales, que, si bien son inespecíficas, sus valores pueden resultar de utilidad como marcadores pronósticos. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles, con un muestreo no probabilístico de casos consecutivos de enero a julio de 2021 en pacientes con infección a SARS-CoV-2 del Hospital Nacional. Resultados: Se incluyeron un total de 237 pacientes (79 casos y 158 controles), la franja etaria estuvo comprendida de 21 a 90 años (53,67±15,11). El 66,7% era del sexo masculino. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas, con tendencia de los pacientes fallecidos a presentar valores más elevados de leucocitos (12600 vs 9672; p=0,001), PCR (15,40 vs 10,97; p=0,002), Dímero D (15725 vs 3714; p=0,004), Ferritina (1312 vs 1049; p=0,020), Troponina I (1,71 vs 1,87; p=0,003). Conclusión: Los valores de leucocitos, PCR, Dímero D, Ferritina, Troponina I, se asocian significativamente a la mortalidad en esta serie de casos.

ABSTRACT Introduction : SARS-CoV-2 infection produces laboratory abnormalities, which, although they are nonspecific, their values can be useful as prognostic markers. Materials and methods : Observational, analytical study of cases and controls, with a non-probabilistic sampling of consecutive cases from January to July 2021 in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection at Hospital National. Results : A total of 237 patients (79 cases and 158 controls) were included, the age range was between 21 and 90 years (53.67±15.11). 66.7% were male. Statistically significant differences were found, with a tendency for deceased patients to present higher values of leukocytes (12,600 vs 9,672; p=0.001), CRP (15.40 vs 10.97; p=0.002), D-dimer (15,725 vs 3,714 ; p=0.004), Ferritin (1312 vs 1049; p=0.020), Troponin I (1.71 vs 1.87; p=0.003). Conclusion : The values of leukocytes, PCR, Dimer D, Ferritin, Troponin I, are significantly associated with mortality in this series of cases.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385875


RESUMEN: La osteonecrosis también conocida como una necrosis avascular del hueso, es una condición degenerativa producida por la pérdida en la irrigación sanguínea, debido a la toxicidad directa en los tejidos óseos provocadas por quimioterapia, radioterapia, daño térmico, fumar y en la última década con la aparición de medicamentos como los bifosfonatos (BF), denosumab y medicamentos antigiogénicos, con los cuales hemos ido conociendo más sobre esta patología. La principal hipótesis de la fisiopatología de esta enfermedad es la inhibición de la angiogénesis, pero también se considera como hipótesis la toxicidad de los tejidos blandos o la disfunción adquirida de la inmunidad. En el año 2003 fue relatada por primera vez la relación entre BF y osteonecrosis maxilar (ONM). Ese mismo año fue descrito que pacientes con mieloma múltiple que recibían pamidronato podrían desarrollar necrosis avascular de los maxilares. Otras publicaciones informaban sobre pacientes que requerían tratamiento para necrosis ósea intra-oral de ocurrencia espontánea después de extracciones dentales o trauma oral. La primera denominación a esta patología fue (BRONJ) por sus siglas en inglés, se refería a ONM relacionada a BF. En 2014 la Asociación Americana de Cirujanos Orales y Maxilofaciales (AAOMS) publicó una nueva definición (position paper) renombrándolo como MRONJ (osteonecrosis de los maxilares relacionada a medicamentos) ONMRM. El rol en la identificación de pacientes con riesgo de ONMRM es fundamental. Los estudios han demostrado que el riesgo de desarrollar la afección se puede reducir sustancialmente si los pacientes son evaluados por un profesional dental y se toman medidas preventivas. La presente revisión narrativa realiza un recorrido desde la historia, los medicamentos involucrados, y diferentes estrategias de tratamientos propuestos, haciendo hincapié en la conducta que debemos seguir los cirujanos dentistas para enfrentar estos casos de forma temprana y prevenir su evolución.

ABSTRACT: Osteonecrosis is also known as avascular necrosis of the bone, it is a degenerative condition produced by the loss of blood flow, due to direct toxicity in the bone tissues caused by chemotherapy, radiotherapy, thermal damage, smoking and in the last decade with the arrival of drugs such as bisphosphonates (BP), denosumab and antigiogenic drugs we have been learning more about this pathology. The main hypothesis of the pathophysiology of this disease is the inhibition of angiogenesis, but soft tissue toxicity or acquired immunity dysfunction are also considered as hypotheses. In 2003, the relationship between BP and osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ) was reported for the first time. In the same year it was described that multiple myeloma patients receiving pamidronate could develop avascular necrosis of the jaws. Other publications reported about patients requiring treatment for spontaneously intra-oral bone necrosis after dental extractions or oral trauma. The first name for this pathology was (BRONJ) for its English acronym, it referred to ONJ related to BF. In 2014 the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) published a new definition (position paper) renaming it MRONJ (drug-related osteonecrosis of the jaws) ONMRM. The role of identifying patients at risk of ONMRM is fundamental. Studies have shown that the risk of developing the condition can be substantially reduced if patients are evaluated by a dental professional and preventive measures are taken Exposure of bone or fistula that can be probed down to the bone in the maxillofacial region that persists for more than 8 weeks, with these conditions it is considered that there is a diagnosis of ONMRM This narrative review takes a journey from history, the drugs involved, and different proposed treatment strategies, emphasizing the behavior that dental surgeons must follow to face these cases early and prevent their evolution.

Rev. Investig. Salud. Univ. Boyacá ; 9(2): 136-152, 20220000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1445038


Introducción: El coronavirus es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2 y catalogada como una emergencia en salud pública de importancia internacional que ha generado consecuencias en diferentes as-pectos de la vida social y, principalmente, en la salud mental. En este aspecto, los trabajadores del sector de la salud fueron una de las poblaciones más afectadas, al estar en la primera línea de cuidado de los pacientes contagiados.Objetivo: Describir el efecto de lapandemia por COVID-19 sobre la salud mental del personal sanitario.Metodología: Búsqueda de literatura con investigaciones originales publicadas entre 2020 y 2021 en las bases de datos Pubmed, SciELO, Proquest y Science Direct, escritas en español, inglés y portugués. La estrategia de bús-queda incluyó las palabras clave: personal de salud, COVID-19, pandemias por el nuevo coronavirus, salud mental e impacto psicosocial. Se excluyeron artículos de revisión, revisiones sistemáticas y literatura gris. Se encontraron 152 publicaciones, de las cuales se seleccionaron 50 artículos originales.Resultados: Los trabajadores del sector de la salud fueron una de las poblaciones más afectadas por la pandemia, debido a las altas cargas laborales, escasez de personal, condiciones de trabajo, inestabilidad económica y defi-ciente material de protección, que los volvió vulnerables y propensos a desencadenar síntomas de estrés, ansiedad, depresión e insomnio. Conclusión: La evidencia científica recomienda implementar estrategias adecuadas de intervención psicosocial, por medio de diferentes componentes interdisciplinarios que regulen y resuelvan el riesgo inmediato y futuro en esta población.

Introduction: Coronavirus is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and classified as a public health emergency of international importance, which has generated consequences in different aspects of social life and mainly mental health, with health sector workers being a of the most affec-ted populations by being in the first line of care for infected patients. Objective: To describe the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of health personnel. Methodology: A literature search was carried out with original research published between 2020 and 2021, in the Pubmed, Scielo, Proquest and Science Direct databases written in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The search strategy included keywords: health personnel, COVID-19, pandemics due to the new coronavirus, mental health, and psychosocial impact. Review articles, systematic reviews and gray literature were excluded. 152 publications were found, of which 50 original articles were selected. Results: Health sector workers are one of the populations most affected by the current pandemic due to high workloads, staff shortages, working conditions, economic instability, and poor protection ma-terial, which makes them vulnerable and prone to triggering symptoms of stress., anxiety, depression and insomnia, among others. Conclusion: Scientific evidence recommends implementing appropriate psychosocial intervention strategies through different interdisciplinary components that regulate and resolve immediate and future risk in this population.

Introdução: O coronavírus é uma doença infecciosa causada pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2 é classificada como uma emergência de saúde pública de importância internacional que tem gerado consequências em diferentes aspetos da vida social e, principalmente, na saúde mental. Neste sentido, os profissio-nais de saúde eram uma das populações mais afetadas, pois estavam na linha de frente do atendi-mento a pacientes infectados. Objetivo: Descrever o efeito da pandemia COVID-19 na saúde mental dos profissionais da saúde. Métodos: Pesquisa bibliográfica de pesquisas originais publicadas entre 2020 e 2021 nas bases de dados Pubmed, SciELO, Proquest e Science Direct, escritas em espanhol, inglês e português. A estraté-gia de busca incluiu as palavras-chave: pessoal de saúde, COVID-19, nova pandemia de coronavírus, saúde mental e impacto psicossocial. Foram excluídos artigos de revisão, revisões sistemáticas e litera-tura cinzenta. 152 publicações foram encontradas, das quais foram selecionados 50 artigos originais. Resultados: Os profissionais da saúde foram uma das populações mais afetadas pela pandemia, devido à alta carga de trabalho, escassez de pessoal, condições de trabalho, instabilidade econômica e equipamentos de proteção deficientes, o que os tornou vulneráveis e propensos a desenvolver sin-tomas de estresse, ansiedade, depressão e insônia. Conclusão: A evidencia científica recomenda a implementação de estratégias adequadas de inter-venção psicossocial, através de diferentes componentes interdisciplinares que regulem e resolvam o risco imediato e futuro desta população

COVID-19 , Mental Health , Health Personnel , Psychosocial Impact
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine ; (6): 641-644, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954362


Objective:To evaluate the efficacy of Baixiao moxibustion combined with acupuncture in the treatment of patients with dysmenorrhea of cold coagulation and blood stasis.Methods:A total of 90 patients with dysmenorrhea of cold coagulation and blood stasis who were treated in Huangpu Branch of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine and met the inclusion criteria were enrolled between January 2019 and January 2020, and they were divided into observation group (47 patients) and control group (43 patients) according to the random number table method. The control group was treated by acupuncture, while the observation group combined Baixiao moxibustion with acpuncture treatment. Both groups were treated for 3 menstrual cycles. Before and after treatment, TCM syndromes were scored, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate pain intensity, and uterine hemodynamics were detected by ultrasonic diagnostic apparatus. The pulsatility index (PI), resistance index (RI) and ratio of peak systole/peak diastole (S/D) were recorded and the clinical efficacy was assessed.Results:The total effective rate was 97.87% (46/47) in observation group and that in control group was 81.40% (35/43), and the difference between two groups were significant ( χ2=6.77, P=0.009). After treatment, the scores of lower abdominal pain, dark blood clots, intolerance of cold and cold limbs and nausea and vomiting as well as VAS scores in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group ( t=3.61, 5.60, 6.22, 8.02, 10.36, all Ps<0.01). After treatment, the RI (1.45±0.55 vs. 1.86±0.53, t=3.59), PI (0.61±0.14 vs. 0.77±0.13, t=5.60) and S/D (5.28±1.18 vs. 7.23±1.22, t=7.71) in observation group were significantly lower than those in control group ( P<0.01). Conclusion:Baixiao moxibustion combined with acupuncture can relieve the pain symptoms, improve the TCM syndromes and promote the uterine blood circulation.