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Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 283-287, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981862


OBJECTIVES@#To calculate the likelihood ratios of incest cases using identity by descent (IBD) patterns.@*METHODS@#The unique IBD pattern was formed by denoting the alleles from the members in a pedigree with a same digital. The probability of each IBD pattern was obtained by multiplying the prior probability by the frequency of non-IBD alleles. The pedigree likelihoods of incest cases under different hypotheses were obtained by summing all IBD pattern probabilities, and the likelihood ratio(LR) was calculated by comparing the likelihoods of different pedigrees.@*RESULTS@#The IBD patterns and the formulae of calculating LR for father-daughter incest and brother-sister incest were obtained.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The calculations of LR for incest cases were illustrated based on IBD patterns.

Male , Humans , Incest , Siblings , Probability
Arch. Clin. Psychiatry (Impr.) ; 48(3): 168-177, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349963


ABSTRACT Background: Eating disorders (ED) are characterized by changes in eating behavior, whose aetiology is multifactorial with an emphasis on family relations, especially in the mother-daughter relationship Objective: To analyse the national and international scientific literature about the influence of mothers on the development of their daughter's ED. Methods: Integrative review based on the search of publications from 2012 to 2019 through PubMed, LILACS and SciELO electronic databases. Results: It was found 181 articles, from which 26 were selected (21 in English, four in Portuguese and one in French) to comprise the research corpus. In addition, 155 were removed from the review due to the exclusion criteria, which included narrative review articles, theses, dissertations, monographs, editorial letters and responses to the editor. Discussion: The analyzed articles offer evidence that the type of influence exercised by the mother depends on her personality profile, the mother's eating behaviour and body attitudes, the bond between mother and daughter and the type of communication that is established between the dyad. Conclusion: Health promotion actions in the population are necessary to prevent ED. In addition, interventions for families, and especially for mothers, are recommended, in order to favour more effective therapeutic and prognostic results.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e225937, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1351362


Pensando a decisão como um processo que depende muito menos do pensamento racional, como se costuma acreditar, posto que nele está implicada uma lógica subjetiva de cada sujeito, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar os motivos que subjazem à decisão de uma mulher por um parto natural, em um contexto social que ainda tem como modelo hegemônico o parto medicalizado e predominantemente hospitalar. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa, em que foram realizadas entrevistas semidirigidas com dez mulheres que passaram pela experiência de um parto natural, que foram selecionadas pela técnica de amostragem por bola de neve. A interpretação dos resultados foi realizada segundo a técnica de análise temática de conteúdo por meio do aporte teórico da psicanálise. Foi possível concluir que a decisão de uma mulher por uma ou outra via de parto tem relação com seu processo de constituição enquanto mulher e mãe, que se encontra estreitamente vinculado à relação mãe e filha. Em outras palavras, a decisão por uma ou outra via de parto está para além de um pensamento racional e uma lógica consciente, pois tem relação com os traços de experiências primitivas de cada sujeito. Além disso, pode-se perceber o quanto a decisão por um parto natural aparentou se configurar como uma tentativa de singularização da mulher, isto é, tal decisão traz a marca de uma inventividade. Essas mulheres, ao decidirem por um parto natural, apresentavam como demanda uma nova forma de parir - parir à sua maneira. (AU)

From a conception of decision as a process that depends less on rationality than usually thought, for it implies each person's subjective thinking, this study aimed to identify the reasons underlying a woman's decision for having a natural childbirth, in a social context where the hegemonic model is a medicalized delivery within the hospital setting. This clinical-qualitative research was conducted with data collected using semi-structured interviews with ten women who had a natural childbirth, selected by snowball sampling. Results were interpreted in the light of thematic analysis with the theoretical contribution of psychoanalysis. A woman's decision for a different birth method was found to be related to the construction of her identity as both a woman and a mother, which is directly associated with the mother-daughter relationship. In other words, such a decision is beyond rational sense and conscious logic, being related to each subject's primitive experiences. Moreover, the decision for a natural childbirth represents an attempt for women's singularization, thus reflecting some inventiveness. When opting for a natural birth, these women demanded for a new way of giving birth - giving birth in their own way. (AU)

Considerando la decisión como un proceso que depende menos del pensamiento racional como se cree, lo que implica una lógica subjetiva de cada sujeto, este estudio tuvo por objetivo identificar las razones que subyacen en la decisión de una mujer por el parto natural en un contexto social que todavía sigue el modelo hegemónico del parto médico y hospitalario. Esta es una investigación clínico-cualitativa, en la que se realizaron entrevistas semidirigidas con diez mujeres que se sometieron a la experiencia del parto natural, seleccionadas bajo la técnica de muestreo de bola de nieve. La interpretación de los resultados se realizó con la técnica de análisis de contenido temático mediante la contribución teórica del psicoanálisis. Se concluye que la decisión de una mujer por una u otra forma de parto está relacionada con su proceso de constitución como mujer y madre, que está estrechamente vinculada a la relación madre e hija. Es decir, la decisión por un u otro tipo de parto va más allá de un pensamiento racional y una lógica consciente, pero está relacionada con los rasgos de las experiencias primitivas de cada sujeto. Además, se observó cómo la decisión por un parto natural parece ser un intento de singularización de la mujer, es decir, esta decisión lleva la marca de una inventiva. Estas mujeres al decidirse por el parto natural presentaron como demanda una nueva forma de parir: parir a su manera. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Psychoanalysis , Nuclear Family , Mothers , Natural Childbirth , Psychology , Women , Sampling Studies , Parturition
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 57(4): 329-346, dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092730


Resumen Se analizó la percepción de conductas y actitudes maternas en las hijas y sus niveles de satisfacción corporal, conducta alimentaria e influencia de modelos estéticos corporales. Se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo, transversal, intencional, no probabilístico y de bola de nieve. Veintidós díadas madre/hija (n=44) completaron el IVP, CFC, CIMEC y E-TONA. Se efectuó un análisis estadístico descriptivo, cálculo de porcentajes y coeficientes de correlación mediante el programa SPSS. Las hijas percibieron principalmente un control materno sin afecto (31,8%); en el 18,2% ambas efectuaban dieta; 40,9% de las hijas versus 22,7% de las madres mostró alteración del esquema corporal, exhibiendo malestar, en el 63,6% (hijas) versus 45,5% (madres). La sobreprotección materna percibida por las hijas fue estadísticamente significativa (r=,513; p=,015). Los niveles de satisfacción corporal en ellas (r =,694; p=,000), la preocupación ponderal (r=,612; p=,002) y la imagen corporal (r=,707; p=,000), se correlacionaron directa y significativamente con los maternos y con agentes y situaciones que difunden el modelo estético de sus madres (r=,544; p=,009 y r=,625; p=,001, respectivamente). Se observó la percepción por las hijas de un control materno sin afecto con sobre-preocupación, además de alteración del esquema corporal de madres e hijas y una significativa influencia de modelos estéticos corporales.

Perception of maternal behaviors and attitudes in daughters and their levels of body satisfaction, eating behavior and influence of body aesthetic models were analysed. A quantitative, cross-sectional, intentional, non-probabilistic and snowball approach was used. Twenty-two mother/daughter dyads (n = 44) completed the PBI, BSQ, CIMEC and E-TONA. A descriptive statistical analysis, calculation of percentages and correlation coefficients were carried out using the SPSS programme. Daughters mainly perceived maternal control without affection (31.8%); in 18.2% both were on a diet; 40.9% of daughters versus 22.7% of mothers showed alteration of body scheme, exhibiting discomfort, in 63.6% and 45.5%, respectively. Maternal overprotection perceived by daughters was statistically significant (r =0.513, p = 0.015). Levels of body satisfaction in daughters (r = 0.694; p =0.000), weight concern (r =0.612; p =0.002) and body image (r =0.707; p =0.000), were correlated directly and significantly with those of mothers and with agents and situations that broadcast the aesthetic model of their mothers (r =0.544, p =0.009 and r =0.625, p =0.001, respectively). Daughters´ perception of a maternal control without affect with over-concern was observed, in addition to alteration of body scheme in mothers and daughters and a significant influence of body aesthetic models.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Perception , Body Image , Attitude , Affect , Feeding Behavior , Body Dissatisfaction , Maternal Behavior , Evaluation Studies as Topic
Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 25(3): 1098-1119, set.-dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340510


Este artigo é o efeito de um atendimento clínico psicanalítico realizado ao longo da disciplina de Estágio, no Curso de Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), apresentado como um relato de atendimento. O estudo será composto pela apresentação do caso e, posteriormente, serão feitos alguns apontamentos teóricos pela perspectiva da psicanálise freudiana e lacaniana. A escolha do nome fictício Aurora, nomeação definida para se referir à analisante atendida, é uma aproximação metafórica do nascer do dia ao nascimento do sujeito. O objetivo principal deste relato clínico é o de promover uma discussão que aponte para como o sujeito se vê às voltas com a ascensão a seu lugar de ser desejante. Mais especificamente, a discussão se atém à problemática mãe/filha relatada pela paciente durante o atendimento. Presa à teia dos significantes maternos, Aurora se demora a acontecer como sujeito desejante. Contudo, apesar de todos os desvios, e mesmo diante da impossibilidade de se apontar para um nascimento definitivo e pontual, ao longo do trabalho de escuta, conseguimos vislumbrar ao menos os primeiros raios de uma aurora.

This paper is the effect of a psychoanalytic clinical care performed during the supervised training program in the Psychology course at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), presented as an assistance report. The study will hold the presentation of the case and later on some theoretical notes will be made from the perspective of Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalysis. The choice of the fictitious name Aurora (which means dawn in Portuguese), refers to a metaphorical approach of the rising of the day, to the subject’s birth. The main objective of this clinical report is to forward a discussion that points to how the subject deals with the ascent to his/her place of a desiring being. More specifically, the discussion addresses the mother/ daughter problematics reported by the patient during treatment processes. Caught up in the web of maternal signifiers, Aurora lingers to rise as a desiring subject. However, despite all the deviations, and even in the face of the impossibility of pointing to a definitive and punctual birth, throughout the listening task, we, at least, managed to catch sight of the first rays of an aurora.

Este artículo es el efecto de sesiones clínicas psicoanalíticas realizadas a lo largo de una disciplina Práctica, del curso de Psicología de la Universidad Federal de Goiás (UFG), presentado como un relato de caso. El estudio consiste en la presentación del caso y, posteriormente, algunos apuntes teóricos son hechos en la perspectiva del psicoanálisis freudiano y lacaniano. La elección del nombre ficticio Aurora, nombramiento definido para referirse a la analizante, es una aproximación metafórica del nacer del día al nacimiento del sujeto. El objetivo principal de este relato clínico es de promover una discusión que señale cómo el sujeto se ve a sí mismo con la ascensión a su lugar de ser deseante. Más específicamente, la discusión se atiene a la problemática madre/hija relatada por la paciente durante las sesiones. Presa a la red de los significantes maternos, Aurora se demora a suceder como sujeto deseante. Sin embargo, a pesar de todas las desviaciones, e incluso frente a la imposibilidad de apuntar a un nacimiento definitivo y puntual, a lo largo del trabajo de escucha conseguimos vislumbrar al menos los primeros rayos de una aurora.

Psychology, Clinical , Mother-Child Relations , Psychoanalysis
Estilos clín ; 24(3): 471-481, set.-dez. 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1279038


O presente trabalho visa investigar as dinâmicas psicológicas das relações entre mães e filhas, utilizando como base a perspectiva psicanalítica. Mais especificamente, buscou-se compreender as problemáticas existentes quando há um grau elevado de indiferenciação entre a menina e sua mãe. Para isso, realizou-se uma articulação entre um estudo de caso e conceitos da psicanálise que fundamentam as cenas clínicas apresentadas. O estudo de caso concretizou-se a partir de um atendimento psicológico de uma criança que apresentava importantes sofrimentos oriundos de uma dificuldade de separação da figura materna. Assim, pretende-se fornecer uma melhor compreensão a respeito das vicissitudes de uma relação simbiótica com a mãe e as consequências de tal para a constituição da vida psíquica da mulher.

Este trabajo pretende investigar cómo la dinámica psicológica de las relaciones entre madres e hijas, como base de la perspectiva psicoanalítica. Más específicamente, pretendemos comprender los problemas que pueden surgir en una relación altamente indiferenciada entre madre e hija. Por lo tanto, se pretende proporcionar una mejor comprensión de la relación simbiótica con una madre y sus consecuencias para la constitución psíquica de las niñas. A partir de este estudio de caso, se lleva a cabo una discusión en línea con nuestros conceptos teóricos constructivos que diferentes autores del psicoanálisis han realizado sobre el tema de la transmisión de la feminidad entre madres e hijas.

This work aims to investigate how the psychological dynamics of relations between mothers and daughters, as a basis the psychoanalytic perspective. More specifically, we intend to comprehend the problems that may emerge in a highly undifferentiated relationship between mother and daughter. Thus, it is intended to provide a better understanding of the symbiotic relationship with a mother and its consequences for the the girls psychic constitution. Departing from this case study, a discussion is carried out in line with our constructive theoretical concepts that different authors of psychoanalysis have made on the subject of the transmission of femininity between mothers and daughters.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Psychotherapy , Women , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Object Attachment , Femininity , Hostility , Narcissism
Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 35(spe): e35nspe3, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040804


Resumo Investigou-se a produção científica dedicada ao estudo da relação entre pai e filha com transtornos alimentares. Foi realizada uma revisão integrativa nas bases PsycINFO, CINAHL, PubMed e LILACS, no período de janeiro de 2000 a junho de 2014. Foram selecionados 27 artigos, a maioria proveniente de países europeus e constituída de estudos quantitativos. A vinculação pouco segura com a figura paterna e o relacionamento emocionalmente distante entre pai e filha foram aspectos recorrentes nas publicações selecionadas. Os estudos apontaram a importância de se investigar e assegurar a participação do pai no tratamento. Porém, nenhum dos artigos revisados investigou o envolvimento paterno no contexto da assistência. Destaca-se a necessidade de investir em estudos qualitativos e no contexto brasileiro.

Abstract We investigated the scientific production dedicated to the analysis of the relationship between daughters with eating disorders and their fathers. An integrative review was performed on PsycINFO, CINAHL, PubMed and LILACS databases. We reviewed studies published between January 2000 and June 2014. Twenty-seven studies were included in the review. Most were from European countries and were comprised of quantitative studies. An unstable relationship with the father figure and an emotionally distant relationship between father and daughter were recurring themes in the selected publications. Studies showed the importance of investigating and ensuring the participation of fathers in the treatment of eating disorders, but none of them investigated father involvement in terms of assistance. Further research is needed in order to explore qualitative studies in the Brazilian context.

Psicol. clín ; 29(3): 403-427, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-895744


O principal objetivo deste trabalho é estabelecer como o processo de separação entre mãe e filha pode se relacionar com a possibilidade de que a filha deseje e conceba filhos. Iniciamos nosso percurso por uma breve retomada da obra de Freud, destacando a descoberta da importância da relação pré-edípica da menina com sua mãe, bem como o enigma sobre o fator que levaria à separação entre as duas. A partir de uma perspectiva intersubjetiva, acrescentamos a essas considerações o papel das representações maternas, com seus efeitos sobre os processos de identificação e constituição narcísica entre mãe e filha. Finalmente, discutimos como a gravidez, ao propiciar uma revivescência da relação pré-edípica da mulher com sua mãe, representa uma oportunidade privilegiada de atualização do processo de separação entre mãe e filha. Buscamos, então, relacionar essa condição à emergência do desejo de ter filhos, distinto da vontade de ser mãe, em que a interdição do incesto não produz efeitos. Essa interdição garante a existência do espaço psíquico necessário à concepção: o espaço potencial de criação.

The main goal of this work is to establish how the process of separation between mother and daughter can relate to the possibility that the daughter wants and conceives children. We begin our journey with a brief resume of Freud's work, highlighting the discovery of the importance of pre-oedipal girl's relationship with her mother, as well as the puzzle on the factor that would lead to the separation between the two. From an intersubjective perspective, we add to these considerations the role of maternal representations, with its effects on the processes of identification and narcissistic constitution between mother and daughter. Finally, we discuss how the pregnancy, while propitiating a revival of pre-oedipal relationship of the woman with her mother, is a prime opportunity to update the process of separation between mother and daughter. Then, we seek to relate this condition to the emergence of the desire to have children, distinct from the will to be a mother, in which the prohibition of incest has no effect. This prohibition ensures the existence of a psychic space that is required for the conception: the potential space of creation.

El objetivo principal de este trabajo es establecer cómo el proceso de la separación entre la madre y la hija puede relacionarse con la posibilidad de que la hija quiere y conciba hijos. Comenzamos nuestro viaje con un breve resumen de la obra de Freud, destacando el descubrimiento de la importancia de la relación preedípica de la muchacha con su madre, bien como el enigma sobre el factor que llevaría a la separación entre los dos. Desde una perspectiva intersubjetiva, añadimos a estas consideraciones el papel de las representaciones maternas, con sus efectos sobre los procesos de identificación y constitución narcisista entre madre e hija. Finalmente, se discute cómo el embarazo, mientras propiciando una reactivación de la relación preedípica de la mujer con su madre, es una gran oportunidad para actualizar el proceso de separación entre madre e hija. Por lo tanto, tratamos de relacionar esta condición a la aparición del deseo de tener hijos, distinto de la voluntad de ser madre, en el cual la prohibición del incesto no tiene ningún efecto. Esta prohibición asegura la existencia del espacio psíquico necesario para la concepción: el espacio potencial de creación.

Psicol. argum ; 34(87): 378-394, out.-dez. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-835187


Este artigo objetiva abordar a alienação e a separação enquanto operações da relação entre mãe e filha, bem como os conflitos que a permeiam. À luz da psicanálise, utiliza-se revisão bibliográfica como metodologia para reunir conteúdos relativos à temática proposta. Analisam-se, paralelamente, fragmentos clínicos de duas pacientes para ilustrar o processo de distinção entre mãe e filha. Ademais, o conceito edipiano e o conceito de fantasia são retomados para possibilitar a interpretação dos recortes clínicos. Observa-se que o processo de singularização de mãe e filha não ocorre de maneira simples, tendo em vista que a filha recorre a uma invenção singular para lidar com o conflito de uma fantasia construída e responder à pergunta “O que o Outro materno quer de mim?”.

This article aims to approach alienation and separation as operations of the relationship between mother and daughter as well as its conflicts. In light of psychoanalysis, a bibliographic review will be used to gather content related to the theme. In parallel, clinical fragments of two patients are analyzed to illustrate the process of distinction between mother and daugther. Additionally, the Oedipus complex and the concept of fantasy are used to interpret clinical extracts. It is observed that the process of singularization in the mother-daughter relationship does not occur in a simple manner, as the daughter resorts to a singular invention to cope with a conflict generated by a conflict and to respond to the question: “What does the maternal Other want from me?”.

Humans , Female , Anxiety, Separation , Oedipus Complex , Fantasy , Femininity , Mother-Child Relations , Psychoanalysis
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 19(3): 437-451, jul.-set. 2016.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-845351


O presente artigo aborda o tema da “paixão devastadora” e indaga qual seria sua diferença de uma relação de amor, apoiando--se na teoria psicanalítica de Freud e de Lacan e na contribuição de Lessana. Apresenta dois fragmentos clínicos que desvelam como a relação com a mãe produz obstáculos na vida amorosa das jovens mulheres. Conclui que na paixão predomina o imaginário e, no amor, o simbólico. Por fim, ressalta que a devastação mãe-filha é menos nefasta que o arrebatamento.

The following article adresses the theme of “devastating passion” and discusses what would be its main differences to a love relationship, based on Freud’s and Lacan’s psychoanalytic theories as well as a Lessana’s contribution. It analyzes two clinical fragments that unveils how a mother-daughter relationship produces obstacles in the love life of young women. The conclusion is that in passion the imaginary prevails, whilst, in love, symbolism is fundamental. Finally, it emphasizes that the mother-daughter devastation is less nefarious than rapture.

Ce texte traite le thème da la “Passion ravageante” et il intérroge en quoi elle se différencie d’un rapport amoureux, en s’appuyant sur la théorie psychanalytique de Freud et Lacan et la contribution de Lessana. Il présente deux fragments cliniques qui dévoilent comment le rapport à la mère produit des obstacles à la vie amoureuse des jeunes femmes. Il souligne que, dans la passion, il y a la dominance de l’imaginaire, tandis que, dans l’amour, il s’agit du symbolique. Il conclut qu’il ya des distinctions encore plus importantes: entre l’amour et le désir, entre le désir et la jouissance.

El presente artículo aborda el tema “pasíon devastadora” y cuestiona cual seria la diferencia entre esta última y una relación de amor utilizando la teoría psicoanalítica de Freud y Lacan y la contribuición de Lessana. Presenta dos fragmentos clínicos que desvelan la relación con la madre produciendo obstáculos en la vida amorosa de las mujeres jóvenes. Concluye que predomina lo imaginario en la pasión, y en el amor, lo simbólico. Por último, resalta que la devastación madre-hija es menos nefasta que lo arrebatamiento.

Der folgende Artikel behandelt das Thema der “verheerenden Leidenschaft” und erörtert was der Unterschied zu einer Liebesbeziehung wäre. Er stützt sich dabei auf die psychoanalytischen Theorien von Freud und Lacan sowie einem Beitrag aus den Werken von Lessana. Es werden zwei klinische Fälle analysiert, die zeigen, inwiefern die Mutter-Tochter-Beziehung, Hindernisse im Liebesleben junger Frauen schafft. Schlussfolgernd legt der Text dar, dass in der Leidenschaft die Vortstellung dominiert, während es in der Liebe die Symbolik ist. Zuletzt, betont er, dass die Zerstörung Mutter-Tochter Beziehung weniger ruchlos ist als die Hingerissenheit.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2016 Mar; 64(3): 246-248
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-179204


In this study, we present a case of a 58‑year‑old male patient with oculocutaneous albinism, keratoconus, total cataract, and glaucoma originating from father‑daughter incest. He underwent femtosecond laser‑assisted keratoplasty with “open‑sky” cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation. One week after surgery his uncorrected visual acuity improved from hand motion to 20/200. Six months later corneal K values were 49.1 D in the flat and 50.0 D in the steep meridian. The graft had a central corneal thickness of 488 μm and was well fitted. The patient’s quality of life improved substantially due to the surgery. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the association of albinism with advanced keratoconus, total cataract, and glaucoma. Moreover, no previous report on femtosecond laser‑assisted keratoplasty using VisuMax femtosecond laser system with “open‑sky” cataract extraction is available in the literature. The VisuMax femtosecond laser‑assisted keratoplasty ensures fast patient rehabilitation in such challenging cases.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-186006


Odontogenic keratocyst has been renamed as KCOT (Keratocysticodontogenic tumour) by the World Health Organization in 2005. It is a benign intraosseous neoplasm of the jaw. They develop from the dental lamina remenants in the mandible and maxilla. KCOT is of particular interest because of its recurrence rate and aggressive behaviour. We are here presenting a case of KCOT in middle aged male patient.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185981


Echinococcosis has always been an endemic disease. It remains today a common surgical condition in many parts of the Kurnool district, carrying a significant morbidity and mortality. The development of real-time ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) with greater imaging versatility and diagnostic accuracy has resulted in a change. To know the precise location of the cysts, number, multiple organ involvement, complications like infection, cyst rupture, mass effect, etc., by ultrasound and CT. To measure the size and depth of the cysts in an organ thereby indicating their operability or otherwise monitor the response to medical treatment. A study of 30 patients with palpable abdominal masses, pulmonary cysts, renal cysts, etc. was undertaken. Data was collected based on clinical features, plain radiographic, ultrasonographic and computed tomographic findings. Thirty cases were studied and analyzed according to their anatomical distribution, age, sex distribution, multiplicity of lesions, multi organ involvement and sonographic appearance. With the aim of ultrasonographic and CT evaluation of hydatid disease, 30 cases studied and analysed. Eighteen cases were in males and twelve were in females. Hepatic hydatids comprised the largest group with 26 cases out of 30 cases with next largest pulmonary hydatid cysts. Multiplicity of cysts was noted in eight cases and multiple organ involvement was seen in seven cases. The preponderance of hepatic hydatid cysts is more in 3rd to 5th decades and in 2nd to 6th decades in cases of lung cysts. Right lobe of liver is more involved than the left one.

Tempo psicanál ; 45(2): 367-381, dez. 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-717804


Segundo Freud, a relação mãe-filha é caracterizada por um eterno conflito de ambivalência. A inveja do pênis, nessa relação, desempenha um papel central, e a busca fálica é o refúgio secreto da relação com a mãe. Entretanto, no cerne da lógica fálica existe a angústia de perda do amor do objeto, que é revivida com a emergência da sexualidade genital adulta. O autor estuda os aspectos melancólicos, que são tanto defletidos quanto perpetuados, por esta configuração psíquica, em prol da fidelidade ao objeto materno.

According to Freud, the mother-daughter relationship is marked by a never-ending conflict of ambivalence. "Penis envy" plays a central role in this relationship and the phallic claim can be seen as its secret refuge. However, at the very core of the phallic logic, there is the anxiety of loss of the object's love, which is revived with the emergence of adult genital sexuality. The author studies the melancholic aspects which are both deflected and perpetuated by this psychic configuration, in order to remain faithful to the maternal object.

Child , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Femininity , Psychoanalysis , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Sexuality/psychology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173934


Although son preference in patrilineal society is an established fact, daughter preference in matrilineal society is not thoroughly examined. Very few studies have been carried out on the issue. This paper attempts to explore the daughter preference and contraceptive-use in matrilineal tribal societies in Meghalaya, India. Data from the National Family Health Survey 1998-1999 have been used in this study because, among the large-scale surveys, only this dataset allows identification of matrilineal sample. Mean, percentage, and standard deviation are computed in the present study. Further, the data have been cross-tabulated, and logistic regression has been run through SPSS (version 15). Among the ever-married matrilineal women, 17% desired more sons than daughters but 18.2% desired more daughters than sons. About 11% of ever-married women could achieve their desired sex composition of children. However, a very striking finding suggests that, even after achieving desired sex composition of children, as high as 61.8% of women were still not using contraception mainly because of programme factors while one-fourth were still depending on temporary methods. The rest 13.2% adopted terminal method of contraception, which calls for immediate attention of planners. With the increase in the number of sons but without daughter, contraceptive-use drastically decreased. The most desired sex composition of children seems to be two daughters and a son. Absence of daughter with increase in the total number of sons increased the desire for additional children. Every woman with two or more sons but without daughter wanted the next child to be a daughter. Thus, there are ample evidences to draw the conclusion that there is, in fact, a daughter preference in the matrilineal tribal societies in Meghalaya, India. Policy-makers may, thus, target the women who have achieved fertility and should ensure that daughter preference does not lead to the negligence to sons.

Arq. bras. psicol. (Rio J. 2003) ; 65(3): 376-391, 2013.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-698859


Historicamente, o dispositivo da sexualidade autoriza as famílias a serem as guardiãs das normas sobre a sexualidade de seus membros, garantindo a heteronormatividade a partir da exclusão de toda dissidência a essa norma, ou seja, por meio da homofobia. A partir de uma pesquisa que teve como participantes mulheres dissidentes da heteronormatividade, acessadas pela técnica snow-ball, com as quais foram realizadas entrevistas que produziram Narrativas de Histórias de Vida, analisadas à luz das teorias pós-estruturalistas, privilegiamos o estudo da manifestação da homofobia na família, desenvolvendo uma genealogia de seus efeitos detratores, mas também apontando os modos de resistência a esse processo. Esse locus de manifestação da homofobia, obscurecido pela intimidade do mundo privado, é ainda uma seara pouco discutida nos estudos nacionais e potencializa os danos causados pela discriminação nos espaços macrossociais. Apontamos, então, a família como um importante alvo de ação das políticas públicas que visam à defesa dos direitos humanos e civis, bem como a combater todo tipo de violência e discriminação...

Sexuality device authorizes families to become the guardians of its members' sexuality, ensuring the exclusion of any kind of dissidence from heteronormativity by means of reinforcement of homophobia. This paper presents the analyses of female participants who are dissident of heteronormativity. They were accessed through snow-ball technique and were interviewed. After transcribing their interviews, the researcher produced narratives of their lives with were corroborated with the participants. Data were analyzed from a poststructuralist perspective. By then, we privileged the study of the manifestation of homophobia in the family, developing a genealogy of their detractors effects, but also highlighting modes of resistance to it. This locus of manifestation of homophobia, obscured by the intimacy of the private world, is still a fairly discussed topic in national studies and maximizes the damage caused by discrimination in macro social spaces. We pointed out, then, family as an important target of action for public policies which aim the protection of human and civil rights, as well as all kinds of violence and discrimination...

Históricamente, el dispositivo de la sexualidad le permite a las familias a ser los guardianes de las normas sobre la sexualidad de sus miembros, asegurando la heteronormatividad de suprimir todos los disidentes de esa norma, es decir, por medio de la homofobia. A partir de una encuesta que contó con mujeres disidentes de la heteronormatividad, las cuales fueron contratadas por la técnica de snow-ball y con las que se realizaron entrevistas que produjeron Narrativas de Historias de vida analizadas a la luz de las teorías posestructuralistas, privilegiamos el estudio de la manifestación de la homofobia en la familia, desarrollando una genealogía de sus efectos detractores, pero también señalando los modos de resistencia a este proceso. Este locus de manifestación de la homofobia, oscurecido por la intimidad del mundo privado, potencializa el daño causado por la discriminación en los espacios sociales macro. Señalamos entonces, la familia como un destino importante de la acción de políticas públicas destinadas a la protección de los derechos humanos y civiles, así como la lucha contra todo tipo de violencia y discriminación...

Family , Gender Identity , Homophobia , Homosexuality
Kampo Medicine ; : 93-98, 2013.
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-374575


We describe three cases in which the same Kampo formulas were applied to a mother and daughter with different complaints. In cases 1 a, b, a mother with general fatigue after an operation for gastric and colon cancer, and her daughter with migraine and menopausal symptoms were effectively treated with kamishoyosan. In cases 2 a, b, a mother with menstrual disorder, and her daughter with palmar eruption were effectively treated with hangekobokuto. In cases 3 a, b, a mother with lumbago and her daughter with back pain were effectively treated with keishikaryukotsuboreito. These Kampo formulas are thought to improve <i>qi </i>circulation.<br>It is considered that improving <i>qi </i>disturbance is important for the Kampo treatment of female patients. Taking into account parent-child genetic similarities, it is possible that application of the same Kampo formula to familiarly related patients with different complaints could be effective. It is important to consider not only the patient's complaints, but also the patient's condition, from the Kampo viewpoint so-called “Sho”. Therefore,since our cases all involved a mother-daughter relationships, it may be reasonable to assume that Kampo formulas improving <i>qi </i>circulation were effective for their different complaints.

Nutrition Research and Practice ; : 400-408, 2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-215474


Obesity may be the consequence of various environmental or genetic factors, which may be highly correlated with each other. We aimed to examine whether grandmaternal and maternal obesity and environmental risk factors are related to obesity in daughters. Daughters (n = 182) recruited from female students, their mothers (n = 147) and their grandmothers (n = 67) were included in this study. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze the association between the daughter's obesity and maternal, grandmaternal, and environmental factors. Maternal heights of 161-175cm (OD: 8.48, 95% CI: 3.61-19.93) and 156-160 cm (2.37, 1.14-4.91) showed positive associations with a higher height of daughter, compared to those of 149-155 cm. Mothers receiving a university or a higher education had a significant OR (3.82, 1.27-11.50) for a higher height of daughter compared to those having a low education (elementary school). Mother having the heaviest weight at current time (59-80 kg, 3.78, 1.73-8.28) and the heaviest weight at 20 years of age (51-65 kg, 3.17, 1.53-6.55) had significant associations with a higher height of daughters, compared to those having the lightest weight at the same times. There was no association between the height, weight, and BMI of daughters and the characteristics and education of her grandmothers. In conclusion, although genetic factors appear to influence the daughter's height more than environmental factors, the daughter's weight appears to be more strongly associated with individual factors than the genetic factors.

Female , Humans , Body Mass Index , Logistic Models , Mothers , Nuclear Family , Obesity , Risk Factors
Tempo psicanál ; 44(2): 469-475, dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-693486


Lacan empregou o termo devastação em dois momentos de seu ensino para se referir: seja à relação da filha com sua mãe - "a filha espera mais substância de sua mãe do que de seu pai" (1972/2001); seja na relação de uma mulher com um homem - "este que é para ela uma aflição pior que um sintoma, a saber, uma devastação" (1975-1976/2007). A devastação é o retorno da demanda de amor para uma mulher.

Lacan has used the word ravage in two moments of his teaching. Once to allude to the relation of the daughter to her mother - "a daughter expects more substance from her mother than from her father" (Lacan, 1972/2001) -, and again to refer to the relation of a woman to a man - "who is for her a worst affliction then a sinthome, that is, a ravage" (1975-1976/2007). The ravage is the return of a woman's request for love.

Humans , Love , Interpersonal Relations , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Psychoanalysis
Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 15(3,supl.1): 657-667, Sept. 2012.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-661009


Psychotherapeutic interventions that bring about differentiation, separation, individuation and autonomy in the mother-daughter relationship are recommended as treatment for eating disorders. With this goal in mind, a psychotherapy group for mothers was organized in an outpatient program for adolescents with eating disorders at a public institution, as one of the psychotherapeutic approaches in the multidisciplinary treatment of adolescent patients. Evidence suggests that this approach can be relevant and effective in the treatment of eating disorders.

Intervenções psicoterapêuticas que promovam a diferenciação, a separação, a individuação e a autonomia na relação mãe-filha são preconizadas e enfatizadas no tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. Com esse objetivo foi instituído o Grupo Psicoterapêutico de Mães no programa de transtornos alimentares de uma instituição pública , como uma das abordagens psicoterapêuticas no tratamento multidisciplinar dos pacientes adolescentes e que vem se mostrando uma intervenção pertinente e eficiente no tratamento desses transtornos.

Les interventions psychothérapeutiques qui favorisent la différenciation, la séparation, l'individuation et l'autonomie dans la relation mère-fille sont recommandées et mises en relief dans le traitement des troubles de l'alimentation. C'est avec ce but que le Groupe Psychothérapeutique de Mères a été inclus dans le programme des troubles de l'alimentation d'une institution publique comme une des approches psychothérapeutiques d'un traitement pluridisciplinaire de patients adolescents. Les résultats suggèrent qu'il s'agit d'une intervention pertinente et efficace pour le traitement des troubles alimentaires.

Las intervenciones psicoterapéuticas que promueven la diferenciación, la separación, la individuación y la autonomía en la relación madre-hija, son recomendadas y enfatizadas en el tratamiento de los trastornos alimentarios. Con este objetivo el Grupo Psicoterapéutico de Madres, se ha establecido en el programa de trastornos alimentarios de adolescentes de una institución pública, como uno de los enfoques psicoterapéuticos en el tratamiento multidisciplinario de los pacientes adolescentes. Las evidencias sugieren que es una intervención relevante y eficaz para ser utilizada en el tratamiento de trastornos de la alimentación.

In der Behandlung von Essstörungen werden psychotherapeutische Interventionen, die die Absonderung, Trennung, Individualisierung und Autonomie in der Mutter-Tochter Beziehung fördern, empfohlen und hervorgehoben. Die Grupo Psicoterapêutico de Mães (Psychotherapeutische Gruppe von Mütter) wurde mit diesem Ziel im Programm für Essstörungen einer öffentlichen Einrichtung gebildet. Sie stellt eine der psychotherapeutischen Ansätze in der multidisziplinären Behandlung von Teenager-Patienten dar und erweist sich als eine angemessene und erfolgreiche Intervention in der Behandlung dieser Störungen.