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Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e002, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528149


Abstract This study aimed to estimate the prevalence and extent of bleeding on probing and calculus in 12-year-old schoolchildren of Quito, Ecuador, and evaluate the associated factors. We conducted an epidemiological survey with a representative sample of 1,100 12-year-old schoolchildren from public schools in the urban area of Quito, Ecuador. We assessed the periodontal health using the Community Periodontal Index (CPI). The prevalence and extent of the periodontal condition was based on the presence of at least one site with bleeding on probing (BOP), and the presence of dental calculus was also evaluated. We used univariate and multiple multilevel Poisson regression analyses to verify the association between the independent variables and the number of sextants with BOP and calculus. The prevalence of BOP and calculus was 92% and 69.9%, respectively. The adjusted mean of the affected sextants was 4.3 and 2.2 for BOP and calculus, respectively. The mother's schooling and malocclusion were associated with the number of sextants with bleeding. The mother's schooling and dental caries experience were associated with calculus. Gingival bleeding and the presence of dental calculus are highly prevalent in 12-year-old schoolchildren from Quito. Gingival bleeding is associated with maternal education and malocclusion, and dental calculus is associated with maternal education and dental caries.

Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 629-636, 20221229. ilus, tab, fig
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416743


Introdução: os dentifrícios antiplaca e anticálculo contêm, em sua composição, agentes específicos para o controle e a redução do biofilme dentário, como o citrato de zinco, o óxido de zinco e o pirofosfato tetrassódico, dentre outros. Objetivo: avaliar in vitroa ação de dentifrícios antiplaca e anticálculo na variação da massa e da rugosidade superficial do esmalte bovino submetido à escovação simulada por 6 e 12 meses.Metodologia: 40 corpos de prova (CP) foram randomizados e divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos (n=10): grupo controle (GC- água) e 3 grupos teste (GT1 ­ Colgate-Total® 12 Clean Mint, GT2 ­ Colgate-Total® 12 Anti-Tártaro, GT3 ­ Prevent® Antiplaca). Os CP foram submetidos à escovação simulada por 6 e 12 mesese as avaliações da massa e da rugosidade foram realizadas após cada período de escovação. Resultados: a análise da variação da massa demonstrou que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos e os tempos. A avaliação da rugosidade demonstrou que, após 12 meses de escovação, o GT1 apresentou aumento significativo da rugosidade, quando comparado aos grupos controle e testes, enquanto os grupos GT2 e GT3 apresentaram comportamento semelhante após um ano de escovação, promovendo o polimento superficial do esmalte bovino. Conclusão: a escovação com os dentifrícios antiplaca ou anticálculo não promoveu perda significativa da massa no esmalte bovino e promoveu seu polimento.

Introduction: Antiplaque and anticalculus dentifrices contain in their composition specific agents for the control and reduction of dental biofilm, such as zinc citrate, zinc oxide, tetrasodium pyrophosphate, among others. Objective: To evaluate in vitro the action of antiplaque and anticalculus dentifrices on the variation of mass and surface roughness of bovine enamel submitted to simulated brushing for 6 and 12 months. Metodology: 40 specimens (PB) were randomized and randomly divided into 4 groups (n=10): control group (GC ­ water) and 3 test groups (GT1 ­ Colgate-Total® 12 Clean Mint, GT2 ­ Colgate-Total® 12 Anti-Tartar, and GT3 ­ Prevent®Antiplaque). The PB were submitted to simulated brushing for 6 and 12 months and the mass and roughness evaluations were performed after each brushing period. Results: The analysis of mass variation showed that there was no significant difference between groups and times. The roughness evaluation showed that after 12 months of brushing, GT1 showed a significant increase in roughness when compared to the control and test groups, while the GT2 and GT3 groups showed similar behavior after one year of brushing, promoting the surface polishing of bovine enamel. Conclusion: Brushing with antiplaque or anticalculus dentifrices did not promote significant mass loss in bovine enamel and promoted its polishing.

Animals , Periodontal Diseases , Toothbrushing , Biological Products , In Vitro Techniques , Dental Calculus , Dental Enamel , Dentifrices
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(1): 19-23, jan.-abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1148162


O tratamento periodontal consiste na remoção do biofilme patogênico, através da raspagem e alisamento radicular. O desbridamento ultrassônico de boca toda promove uma instrumentação mais conservadora, porém eficiente da superfície radicular, em sessão única. Evitando a translocação bacteriana de uma região tratada para outra que já foi. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar uma comparação entre a eficácia da raspagem manual e a ultrassônica dentro do protocolo da FMD, através de um relato de caso clínico. Houve uma melhora nos parâmetros clínicos periodontais em todos os quadrantes, porém resultados superiores foram observados com o desbridamento com ultrassom e irrigação com clorexidina. A instrumentação com ultrassom associada a clorexidina no tratamento da periodontite estágio III grau C generalizada, reduz com eficácia o tempo de tratamento, otimizando o tempo do paciente e profissional(AU)

Periodontal treatment consists of removing the pathogenic biofilm, by scaling and root planing. Ultrasonic debridement of the entire mouth promotes more conservative, yet efficient instrumentation of the root surface, in a single session. Avoiding bacterial translocation from one treated region to another that has already been. The objective of the present study was to make a comparison between the effectiveness of manual and ultrasonic scraping within the FMD protocol, through a clinical case report. There was an improvement in periodontal clinical parameters in all quadrants, but superior results were observed with debridement with ultrasound and irrigation with chlorhexidine. Instrumentation with ultrasound associated with chlorhexidine in the treatment of generalized stage III grade C periodontitis, effectively reduces treatment time, optimizing patient and professional time(AU)

Periodontitis , Dental Scaling , Periodontal Debridement , Ultrasonic Therapy , Chlorhexidine , Dental Plaque
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-881376


Objective @# To evaluate the effects of root calculus residue and root cement preservation by ultrasonic subgingival scaling and root planing (SRP) with or without perioscopy.@*Methods @# Twelve teeth extracted due to severe periodontitis were randomly divided into three groups with four teeth in each group: ① Endoscope-assisted SRP group. The root surfaces of the affected teeth were cleaned with an EMS ultrasonic treatment instrument. ② Traditional SRP group. The affected teeth were treated by ultrasonic subgingival scaling and hand root planing with a Gracey curette. ③ Untreat group. The above operations were performed by the same senior physician. Under local anesthesia, each tooth was scraped for 10 minutes and then extracted. The residual amount of calculus on the root surface after plaque staining was observed and recorded. The thickness of the retained cementum at 1/3 of the root neck was measured.@*Results@# The residual rate of calculus on the root surface was the lowest in the endoscope-assisted SRP group, which was significantly different from the traditional SRP group and the untreated group (P < 0.001). Histological observation showed that the mean residual cementum thickness at 1/3 of the root neck increased gradually from the cemento-enamel junction (CEJ), 2.5 mm below the CEJ and 5 mm below the CEJ. Ultrasound SRP assisted by endoscopy caused less damage to the cementum and preserved the cementum better than traditional subgingival scaling (P < 0.001). @*Conclusion@# Compared with traditional SRP therapy, endoscope-assisted SRP treatment can remove subgingival plaque and calculus more effectively and can better preserve the cementum of the root surface.

Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(4): 188-192, out./dez. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491688


Afecções da cavidade oral como o Cálculo Dentário (CD) e a Doença Periodontal (DP) são frequentes na clínica de cães e têm grande impacto na saúde e qualidade de vida dos pacientes acometidos. No entanto, a adoção de medidas preventivas ainda é difícil, uma vez que a epidemiologia das doenças da cavidade oral ainda é pouco compreendida no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar aspectos epidemiológicos dos distúrbios da cavidade oral de 198 cães atendidos no período compreendido entre 2013 e 2019, em um serviço de odontologia veterinária, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. As raças mais prevalentes foram cães sem raça definida, seguidos do Yorkshire, não havendo distinção significativa entre o gênero. Quanto a idade, observou-se uma predominância de animais de meia idade a idosos, com faixa etária acima dos 7 anos. Dentre as afecções mais prevalentes, o destaque se deve ao cálculo dentário e a doença periodontal seguidos de gengivite e halitose. Quanto aos hábitos dos tutores, notou-se baixa realização de escovação rotineira, e um alto percentual no fornecimento de petiscos. Avaliando-se os resultados e os relacionando aos hábitos alimentares dos pacientes, conclui-se que a alimentação com ração canina industrializada teve maior impacto e associação a CD do que a alimentação natural.

Diseases of the oral cavity, such as Dental Calculus (DC) and Periodontal Disease (PD), are frequent in the dog clinic and have a great impact on the health and quality of life of affected patients. However, the adoption of preventive measures is still difficult, since the epidemiology of diseases of the oral cavity is still poorly understood in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate demographic and nosological aspects – such as feeding and brushing habits – of disorders of the oral cavity of 198 dogs treated in the period between 2013 and 2019, in a veterinary dentistry service, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The most prevalent breeds were mixed breed dogs, followed by Yorkshire Terries, with no significant distinction between the gender. As for age, there was a predominance of animals from middle age to the elderly, with ages above seven years old. Among the most prevalent conditions, the highlight is due to dental calculus and periodontal disease followed by gingivitis and halitosis. Regarding the tutors’ habits, there was a low level of routine brushing, and a high percentage in the supply of snacks. Evaluating the results and relating them to the eating habits of the patients, the hypothesis that comercial dog food feeding may somehow contribute to dental calculus evolution, urging studies with bigger samples for a deeper investigation.

Animals , Dogs , Dogs/anatomy & histology , Demography , Veterinary Medicine , Dentistry/veterinary , Periodontics
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 27(4): 188-192, out./dez. 2020. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369669


Afecções da cavidade oral como o cálculo dentário (CD) e a doença periodontal (DP) são frequentes na clínica de cães e têm grande impacto na saúde e qualidade de vida dos pacientes acometidos. No entanto, a adoção de medidas preventivas ainda é difícil, uma vez que a frequência das doenças da cavidade oral em cães ainda é pouco compreendida no Brasil. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar características demográficas e nosológicas, como os hábitos alimentares e de manejo de escovação, dos distúrbios da cavidade oral de 198 cães atendidos no período compreendido entre 2013 e 2019, em um serviço de odontologia veterinária, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A maioria dos cães atendidos não tinha raça definida. Entre os de raça pura, Yorkshire Terrie foi a mais prevalente, não havendo distinção significativa entre o gênero, em todos os casos. Quanto à idade, observou-se uma predominância de animais de meia idade a idosos, com faixa etária acima dos sete anos. Dentre as afecções mais prevalentes, o destaque se deve ao cálculo dentário e à doença periodontal, seguidos por gengivite e halitose. Quanto aos hábitos dos tutores, notou-se baixa adesão à realização de escovação rotineira, e um alto percentual no fornecimento de petiscos. Avaliando-se os resultados e relacionando-os aos hábitos alimentares dos pacientes, surge a hipótese de que a alimentação à base de ração comercial, de alguma forma possa contribuir para evolução do cálculo dentário, necessitando estudos com maior amostragem para elucidação.

Diseases of the oral cavity, such as Dental Calculus (DC) and Periodontal Disease (PD), are frequent in the dog clinic and have a great impact on the health and quality of life of affected patients. However, the adoption of preventive measures is still difficult, since the epidemiology of diseases of the oral cavity is still poorly understood in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate demographic and nosological aspects ­ such as feeding and brushing habits ­ of disorders of the oral cavity of 198 dogs treated in the period between 2013 and 2019, in a veterinary dentistry service, in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The most prevalent breeds were mixed breed dogs, followed by Yorkshire Terries, with no significant distinction between the gender. As for age, there was a predominance of animals from middle age to the elderly, with ages above seven years old. Among the most prevalent conditions, the highlight is due to dental calculus and periodontal disease followed by gingivitis and halitosis. Regarding the tutors' habits, there was a low level of routine brushing, and a high percentage in the supply of snacks. Evaluating the results and relating them to the eating habits of the patients, the hypothesis that comercial dog food feeding may somehow contribute to dental calculus evolution, urging studies with bigger samples for a deeper investigation.

Animals , Dogs , Periodontal Diseases/veterinary , Toothbrushing/veterinary , Dental Calculus/veterinary , Dentistry/veterinary , Dogs/physiology , Retrospective Studies , Feeding Behavior
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786021


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate factors related to the periodontal health of 12-year-old children.METHODS: In 2015, the Korean Children's Oral Health Survey from the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare conducted a nationwide representative sample comprised of 23,702 12-year-old children. The calibration-trained dentists examined the gingivitis and dental calculus of the children taking into consideration of the Löe and Silness gingival index to diagnose gingivitis with a modified gingivitis scale. We used questionnaires to collect data from the children on dental treatments, the experience of dental pain and gingival bleeding, self-perceived oral health, and oral health behaviors. Data were analyzed using a complex samples Chi-square test, general linear model, and logistic regression. Significance was determined at P < 0.05.RESULTS: The prevalence of gingivitis was higher among males (OR 1.57), among children with poor perception (OR 1.19), dental calculus (OR 3.68), or gingival bleeding experience (OR 2.00), and among children not using dental floss (OR 1.69) or tongue cleaner (OR 1.90). The prevalence of dental calculus was higher among children with gingivitis (OR 3.82) and among children who had not visited a dental clinic in the preceding year (OR 1.31). However, dental calculus was lower among children with a higher frequency of daily toothbrushing (OR 0.75), intake of cariogenic foods (OR 0.90), or a higher DMFT index (OR 0.91).CONCLUSIONS: Children with dental calculus and gingival bleeding who did not visit a dental clinic in the preceding year also had a higher prevalence of gingivitis and dental calculus. The prevalence of children's dental calculus was lower among children with a high frequency of daily toothbrushing.

Child , Humans , Male , Dental Calculus , Dental Clinics , Dental Devices, Home Care , Dentists , Gingivitis , Hemorrhage , Linear Models , Logistic Models , Oral Health , Periodontal Index , Prevalence , Social Welfare , Tongue , Toothbrushing
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 33: e036, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001607


Abstract: The aim of this study was to determine the occurrence of gingivitis and calculus and their predictors in a population of adults in Brazil. A representative sample of 758 adults from 35 to 59 years of age from Porto Alegre city was examined. A structured questionnaire was applied. The Gingival Bleeding Index and the presence of calculus were measured at 4 sites/tooth. Multivariable logistic models were fitted to determine the predictors for gingival bleeding at >20% of sites. Overall, 96.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]=95.1-98.0) of individuals had ≥ 1 bleeding site. The mean percentages of sites with gingivitis and calculus were 26.1% and 44.6%, respectively. The odds of gingivitis decreased by ∼45% for individuals ≥40 years old compared to younger adults. Individuals that never performed interproximal cleaning and non-whites had an approximately two times higher chance of gingivitis. Smokers had lower chances of gingivitis than never-smokers (odds ratio=0.40; 95% CI=0.24-0.68). Higher numbers of missing teeth were associated with higher chances of gingivitis. The percentage of calculus was significantly associated with skin color, education, proximal cleaning, smoking exposure, dental visits, and tooth loss. It can be concluded that the occurrence of gingivitis and calculus was high in this Brazilian population, and it was associated with age, skin color, education, self-reported proximal cleaning, smoking, dental care, and tooth loss.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Dental Calculus/etiology , Dental Calculus/epidemiology , Gingivitis/etiology , Gingivitis/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Toothbrushing/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Smoking/adverse effects , Smoking/epidemiology , Linear Models , Periodontal Index , Gingival Hemorrhage/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Middle Aged
Innovation ; : 48-2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-686928


@#Oral health is an essential component of health throughout life. However, millions of individuals suffer from dental caries and periodontal disease, resulting in unnecessary pain, difficulty in chewing, swallowing and speaking, and increased medical costs. WDF and WHO were noticed that more than 200 diseases caused by the dental caries. Oral and dental health can be influenced by oral hygiene as well as dietary, biological and demographic factors, dental caries continue to affect a considerable proportion of young children in developing countries like Mongolia. Moreover, the distribution of disease levels shows an increasing polarization in urban areas of Mongolia, and a increase in dental caries scores has been noticed. In Mongolia, Oral health study results show that dramatic increase of caries among children as well as complications in adults in urban and rural areas of the country. Therefore we need the standard oral health survey, according to the recommendation by WHO, 2015. The aim of this study is to assess the oral health status in Mongolia. The objectives of this study were to determine the dental caries status, the periodontal status (gingivititis and dental calculus), the dental intervention urgency and the removable denture status of all study populations. The studied population comprised of 1754 subjects who were selected from 4 age groups and from 11 regions of Mongolia. We collected data about dentition status, gingival health, dental calculus, dental intervention urgency and denture status and compared to urban and rural regions. The prevalence of dental caries was 93.2% among all subjects in urban and 86.4% in rural. The mean dmft among 5 year olds were 6.4±4.5(Mean±SD) in urban and 4.3±4.2 in rural; among 12 year olds 2.6±2.1 and 2.3±2.1; 35-44 year olds 9.7±5.0 and 9.4±5.5; and among 65-74 year olds 21.7±7.2 and 18.9±8.9, by respectively (p<.000). The prevalence of gingivitis among all subjects was 22.8% in urban and 13.4% in rural (p<.000); and of dental calculus 19.1% and 24.6% (p<.000), respectively above groups. The status of intervention urgency among all subjects was30.6% of urban and 29.0% ofrural in the prompt treatment and 2.4% and7.0% in immediate treatment recommended (p<.000). The percent of people with removable denture among 65-74 year olds was higher than among 35-44 year olds (p<.000). The prevalence of dental caries and its complications were in the high level in Mongolia, so that most of elderly people had not own natural teeth. We are considered that we have to carry out preventive projects all over the Mongolia by the government supporting.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-780371


Objective @# To investigate the current status of gingival bleeding and dental calculus in the 12- to 74-year old population in Guangdong Province with the aim of providing information to support oral health care.@*Methods @# A stratified, multistage, random sampling design was used to obtain 7 provincially representative sample groups consisting of 8, 544 Guangdong residents aged 12, 13, 14, 15, 35-44, 55-64 and 65-74 years old with a 50/50 gender ratio. The status of gingival bleeding and dental calculus in the whole mouth was assessed according to the Guidelines of the Fourth National Oral Health Survey using a CPI probe. The resulting data were analyzed using the SAS9.2 package. @*Results @#The prevalence of gingival bleeding in residents aged 12, 13, 14, 15, 35-44, 55-64 and 65-74 years old was 43.75%, 42.76%, 49.06%, 39.38%, 81.94%, 90.97%, and 84.03%, respectively, while the average number of teeth with gingival bleeding per person was 1.95, 2.07, 2.59, 2.39, 9.62, 10.36, and 9.98, respectively. In the 12-, 13-, 14-, and 15-year-old groups, peak prevalence was observed at age 14 (P < 0.05). In the 35-74-year-old group, the prevalence and mean number of teeth with gingival bleeding per person increased with age, and both parameters reached a peak in the 55-64-year-old group. The prevalence of dental calculus in the 12-, 13-, 14-, 15-, 35-44-, 55-64- and 65-74-year-old group was 40.57%, 41.09%, 45.05%, 54.84%, 98.96%, 97.22%, and 92.01%, respectively, and on average, each person had 1.61, 1.71, 2.14, 3.52, 20.30, 20.55, and 17.26 teeth, respectively, with dental calculus. The prevalence and mean number of teeth with dental calculus increased with age. In the 35- to 74- year-old group, the prevalence of dental calculus was higher in urban areas than in rural areas and the mean number of teeth with dental calculus was higher in males than in females. Otherwise, there were no significant differences in the prevalence or the mean number of teeth with dental calculus or gingival bleeding between urban and rural areas or between males and females. @*Conclusion @#There is a high prevalence of both gingival bleeding and dental calculus in all 7 age groups in Guangdong, indicating that poor oral hygiene and gingival inflammation are common in Guangdong Province.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(8): 859-865, Aug. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895510


An aqueous leaf extract of the medicinal species Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri (here denominated KGB) has been found to be effective as an antimicrobial agent against canine oral cavity bacteria in in vitro assays. In this study, we investigated the effect of topic oral administration of KGB on the development of dental biofilm in Beagle dogs. The experiments were performed with an experimental group (0.2% of KGB extract), a negative control group (0.9% of saline solution) and a positive control group (0.12% chlorhexidine). Each treatment was sprayed into the oral cavity daily for 28 days. Thirty Beagle dogs with similar characteristics and kept under the same management and diet were used. The measurement of dental plaque and calculus was performed using a computerized analytical method. The phenolic profile of KGB extract was analyzed by HPLC-DAD. KGB extract at 0.2% showed efficacy in controlling the formation of plaque compared to the negative control group, and dental calculus in relation to the negative and positive control groups. A significant difference was observed among these three groups. Peaks attributed to flavonoids and phenolic acids were identified in the HPLC-DAD chromatogram of the KGB extract. The presence of these substances could be related to the activity observed. Our findings demonstrate that treatment with KGB is effective in controlling periodontal disease in dogs, providing new insights into the medicinal properties of this plant. KGB extract has a potential use as a supplemental agent in pharmaceutical products for the prevention of periodontal disease.(AU)

Um extrato aquoso de folhas da espécie medicinal Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri (aqui denominado como KGB) foi efetivo como um agente antimicrobiano contra as bactérias da cavidade oral de cães em testes in vitro. Neste estudo, investigou-se o efeito da administração oral tópica de KGB sobre o desenvolvimento do biofilme dental em cães da raça Beagle. Os experimentos foram realizados com um grupo experimental (0,2% de extrato de KGB), um grupo controle negativo (0,9% de solução salina) e um grupo controle positivo (0,12% de gluconato de clorexidina). Cada tratamento foi aplicado no interior da cavidade oral diariamente durante 28 dias. Foram utilizados trinta cães da raça Beagle com características semelhantes e mantidos sob o mesmo manejo e dieta. A medição da placa bacteriana e cálculo dentários foi realizada utilizando-se um método de análise computadorizada. O perfil fenólico do extrato de KGB foi analisado por HPLC-DAD. O extrato de KGB a 0,2% mostrou eficácia no controle da formação de placa bacteriana em comparação com o grupo controle negativo, e de cálculo dentário em relação aos grupos controle negativo e positivo. Uma diferença significativa foi observada entre esses três grupos. Picos atribuídos a flavonoides e ácidos fenólicos foram identificados no cromatograma de HPLC-DAD do extrato de KGB. A presença de tais substâncias pode estar relacionada com a atividade observada. Os resultados demonstram que o tratamento com KGB é eficaz no controle da doença periodontal em cães, fornecendo novas perspectivas sobre as propriedades medicinais desta planta. O extrato de KGB tem uma utilização potencial como um agente suplementar em produtos farmacêuticos para a prevenção da doença periodontal.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Flavonoids , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Dental Calculus/prevention & control , Kalanchoe , Dental Plaque/prevention & control , Periodontal Diseases/therapy
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 30(1): e129, 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-952043


ABSTRACT: Fetuin-A is a potent inhibitor of calcium-phosphate precipitation and of the calcification process, therefore it can also be related with dental calculus. Thus, we aimed to investigate a possible relationship between fetuin-A gene polymorphism and the presence of dental calculus. A possible relationship between serum, saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) levels of fetuin-A was also investigated. Fetuin-A c.742C > T and c.766C > G polymorphisms were investigated in 103 patients with or without dental calculus. Additionally, serum, saliva and GCF fetuin-A levels of patients were compared according to dental calculus presence. A significant difference was not observed in the distribution of the fetuin-A c.742C > T and c.766C > G polymorphisms between patients with or without dental calculus. Saliva and GCF fetuin-A concentrations of patients with dental calculus were statistically higher than those without dental calculus (P=0.001, P=0.036 respectively). According to our results, fetuin-A c.742C > T and c.766C > G polymorphisms were not associated with presence of dental calculus. However, higher GCF and saliva fetuin-A levels were detected in patients with dental calculus than in patients without dental calculus, which may result from an adaptive mechanism to inhibit mineral precipitation and eventually calculus formation.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Polymorphism, Genetic , Saliva/chemistry , Dental Calculus/chemistry , Gingival Crevicular Fluid/chemistry , alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein/analysis , alpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein/genetics , Reference Values , Saliva/physiology , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Dental Calculus/physiopathology , Dental Calculus/genetics , Case-Control Studies , Analysis of Variance , Gingival Crevicular Fluid/physiology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Plaque/chemistry , Genetic Association Studies , Genotype , Middle Aged
Braz. j. oral sci ; 14(2): 159-165, Apr.-June 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-755037


Aim: To determine the relationship between the chemical composition of saliva, periodontal disease and dental calculus. Methods: An observational analytical cross-sectional study was conducted with patients over 55 years of age. Ethical principles of autonomy and risk protection were applied according to the international standards. Sociodemographic and diagnosis variables (presence of dental calculus and periodontal status) were considered to measure salivary concentrations of glucose (by the glucose oxidase/peroxidase method, amylase (by the colorimetric test), urea (by the amount of indophenol), total protein (by the Bradford method) and albumin (by the nephelometric method). Patients chewed a sterile rubber band and 3 mL of stimulated saliva were collected. The samples were stored at -5 °C, centrifuged at 2,800 rpm for 10 min, and the supernatant was removed and stored at -20 °C. Data were presented as frequencies and proportions for qualitative variables and measures of central tendency and dispersion for quantitative variables. Data were analyzed by either analysis of variance or Kruskal Wallis test . A p value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Significant relationships were observed between the concentration of salivary urea and periodontal status (p = 0.03) and the presence of dental calculus and urea (p = 0.04) was demonstrated. Conclusions: A relationship between the salivary urea concentration and the presence of periodontal disease and dental calculus is suggested.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Calculus/chemistry , Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , Periodontal Diseases/epidemiology , Gingivitis/diagnosis , Gingivitis/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Saliva/chemistry , Albumins/analysis , Albumins/chemistry , Amylases/analysis , Amylases/chemistry , Glucose/analysis , Glucose/chemistry , Proteins/analysis , Proteins/chemistry , Urea/analysis , Urea/chemistry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-438151


Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of ultrasonic scaling combined with the vinegar-for treatment the patients with dental calculus.Methods 120 patients with dental calculus dental were randomly divided into two groups.Control group used ultrasonic scaling treatment,observation group was given ultrasonic scaling combined with the vinegar treatment.Results The clinical cure rate of the observation group was 96.67% (58/60),the incidence rate of complications was 6.67% (4/60).The clinical cure rate of the control group was 68.33% (41/ 60),the incidence rate of complications was 21.67% (13/60).There were statistically significant differences between the two groups about the cure rate and the incidence of complications (x2 =14.37,3.61,P < 0.05).After treatment,periodontal pocket depth of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05).Sulcular fluid volume of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05).The difference of oral sample results of bacterial culture after treatment was statistically significant between the two groups (P < 0.05).Conclusion The clinical effect of ultrasonic scaling combined with the vinegar in treatment patients with dental calculus is certain,which is worthy of further promotion.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-188638


PURPOSE: The effects of magnetostrictive and piezoelectric devices on tooth surfaces seem to differ with regard to the root surface roughness they produce. This study aimed to compare the results of scaling using magnetostrictive and piezoelectric devices on extracted teeth. METHODS: Forty-four human extracted teeth were assigned to four study groups (n=11). In two groups (C100 and C200), the teeth were scaled using a magnetostrictive device and two different lateral forces: 100 g and 200 g, respectively. In the other two groups (P100 and P200), the teeth were scaled with a piezoelectric device with 100 g and 200 g of lateral force, respectively. he teeth were scaled and the data on the duration of scaling and the amount of surface were collected and analyzed using the t-test. RESULTS: The mean time needed for instrumentation for the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive devices was 50:54 and 41:10, respectively, but their difference was not statistically significant (P=0.171). For root surface roughness, we only found a statistically significantly poorer result for the C200 group in comparison to the P200 group (P=0.033). CONCLUSIONS: This study revealed that applying a piezoelectric scaler with 200 g of lateral force leaves smoother surfaces than a magnetostrictive device with the same lateral force.

Humans , Dental Calculus , Dental Scaling , Tooth , Tooth Extraction , Ultrasonics
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150905


Effect of teaching in dental knowledge in 5th standard of MCD primary school children. Design cross sectional study. This study was carried out in children of 9-15 years age group of two MCD primary schools of New Delhi, India. The Data was collected in 180 children in two stages i.e. in pre-teaching assessment, by WHO structured questionnaire in local language and after 30 days in post teaching assessment with same questionnaire was done after providing dental health education. The knowledge about tooth eruption, no. of milk teeth and permanent teeth were 72.78%, 3.89% and 60.56% in pre teaching assessment respectively while 100%, 91.11% and 97.78% were in post teaching assessment respectively. The function of teeth, essential of food chewing and importance of oral heath were 70.56%, 43.89% and 47.22% in pre teaching assessment respectively while 97.22%, 94.44% and 91.11% were in post teaching assessment respectively. The healthy gum colour, calcium and vit- C are essential elements of teeth were 33.89%, 45.0% and 17.22% in pre teaching assessment respectively while 90.56%, 92.22% and 91.11% were in post teaching assessment respectively. There is significant improvement in the knowledge by teaching about oral health to the children.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140005


Background: Signs such as +, ++ and +++ for mild, moderate and severe stains/calculus are being used in India effectively for more than four decades. However, there are no standardized criteria for grading, and no data regarding how and when this system was introduced, but it became very popular throughout India and is being used since then. Aims and Objectives: An attempt was made here to standardize the criteria on which the grades would be given and designate it as "Sign Grading System". Along with this, the objective of this paper was to evaluate whether this index/system satisfies all the requirements of an ideal index, particularly reliability and reproducibility. Settings and Design: Inter-examiner and intra-examiner reliability and reproducibility of this index was assessed through a randomized clinical study. Patients were recruited from an institutional setting by random selection from the outpatient department. Materials and Methods: One month of training was conducted before the actual start of study. The clinical aspect of the study involved 3 investigators and 50 patients of whom 45 patients were reassessed. All the data were kept blind by a research assistant to reduce bias. Necessary measures were taken to reduce/eliminate the confounding variables, which could have affected the outcome of this study. Cohen's kappa and Fleiss' kappa statistics were employed for statistical analysis. Results and Conclusion: The index fulfills most of the ideal requirements of an index along with a high degree of reliability and reproducibility.

Dental Calculus/classification , Humans , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results , Single-Blind Method , Tooth Discoloration/classification
Acta odontol. venez ; 49(3)2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-678833


El cálculo es todo depósito calcificado que se forma sobre los dientes naturales y las prótesis dentales. Se clasifica en supragingival y subgingival, según su relación con el margen gingival; está compuesto por elementos inorgánicos (70 a 90%) y orgánicos. El cálculo es la placa dental mineralizada y se considera un factor de riesgo de las enfermedades periodontales ya que va a favorecer el acumulo bacteriano por su superficie porosa y dificultar su control con las medidas de higiene habituales. El cálculo se elimina mecánicamente mediante ultrasonidos y pulido dental en la clínica dental. Sin embargo, en grandes formadores de cálculo se debe controlar químicamente su formación para así alargar el tiempo entre visitas, facilitar su eliminación y minimizar los efectos negativos de las profilaxis frecuentes. Se presenta un caso inusual de cálculo dental en un paciente de género femenino de 30 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar inflamación y dolor de la región maxilar, se procede a su tratamiento eliminando formaciones de cálculo hasta de 4cm

Dental calculus is defined as mineralized dental plaque that is form over natural tooth and dental prosthesis, is classified into supragingival and subgingival depends in its relation with the gum. Dental calculus is composed of inorganic components (70 to 90%) and organic matrix. Dental calculus is the mineralized plaque and its consider a risk factor for periodontal disease due to help bacteria accumulate for its porous superficies and difficult control with regular dental care. Dental calculus is removed with scaling and polishing in dental office. In patients heavy calculus formers we should use chemical control to prevent its formation and prolong the time between visits, easy elimination of calculus and minimize the negative effects of frequently prophylaxis. A case report is presented in a 30 year old female patient that goes to dental office with the chief complain of swelling and pain in the maxillary region, examination showed calculus formation of more than 4 cm

Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Calculus , Dental Scaling , Gingival Diseases , Dental Prophylaxis , Periodontics
J. appl. oral sci ; 18(5): 515-521, Sept.-Oct. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-564188


OBJECTIVES: Studies concerning side effects of chlorhexidine as related to the presence of plaque are scarce. The purpose of this study was to compare the side effects of 0.12 percent chlorhexidine gluconate (CHX) on previously plaque-free (control group) and plaque-covered surfaces (test group). METHODS: This study had a single-blind, randomized, split-mouth, 21 days-experimental gingivitis design, including 20 individuals who abandoned all mechanical plaque control methods during 25 days. After 4 days of plaque accumulation, the individuals had 2 randomized quadrants cleaned, remaining 2 quadrants with plaque-covered dental surfaces. On the fourth day, the individuals started with 0.12 percent CHX rinsing lasting for 21 days. Stain index intensity and extent as well as calculus formation were evaluated during the experimental period. RESULTS: Intergroup comparisons showed statistically higher (p<0.05) stain intensity and extent index as well as calculus formation over the study in test surfaces as compared to control surfaces. Thus, 26.19 percent of test surfaces presented calculus, whereas calculus was observed in 4.52 percent in control surfaces. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of plaque increased 0.12 percent CHX side effects. These results strengthen the necessity of biofilm disruption prior to the start of CHX mouthrinses in order to reduce side effects.

Adult , Humans , Male , Chlorhexidine/analogs & derivatives , Dental Calculus/etiology , Dental Plaque/drug therapy , Mouthwashes/adverse effects , Tooth Discoloration/etiology , Chlorhexidine/adverse effects , Dental Calculus/chemistry , Dental Plaque/chemistry , Dental Prophylaxis/adverse effects , Gingivitis/physiopathology , Periodontal Index , Single-Blind Method , Surface Properties , Time Factors
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2010. 72 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-865981


A raspagem subgengival e o alisamento radicular constituem o "padrão ouro" e o tratamento de eleição para a periodontite; porém, é um procedimento difícil de ser executado, que requer um intenso treinamento e que pode expor a dentina, causando hipersensibilidade dentinária pela remoção excessiva de cemento, ou produzir defeitos, como sulcos e ranhuras, além de deixar cálculo residual e não conseguir atingir toda as superfície radicular. Recentemente, um gel a base de papaína e cloramina foi introduzido no mercado (Papacárie®), utilizado no tratamento da remoção de dentina cariada. Este gel poderia auxiliar na remoção do cálculo subgengival com menor desgaste do cemento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a eficácia e analisar a superfície radicular na utilização de um gel à base de papaína e cloramina, associado ao alisamento radicular, na região subgengival. Após receberem instruções de higiene oral, raspagem supragengival e polimento coronário, 18 pacientes com periodontite crônica, 6 mulheres e 12 homens, com idade média de 51 anos (±8) foram tratados num modelo de boca dividida. O tratamento-teste foi constituído pela aplicação do gel na área subgengival por 1 min., seguida pelo alisamento radicular; o tratamento-controle foi constituído pela raspagem subgengival e alisamento radiculares. A terapia foi executada por 3 operadoras e os exames inicial, de 28 dias e 3 meses, foram realizados por um único examinador. Quatro dentes nunca tratados de dois outros pacientes (2 incisivos centrais inferiores e 2 premolares), com indicação para extração, foram submetidos ao tratamento teste e controle e, após a exodontia, analisados em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Ao longo dos 3 meses, os resultados demonstraram significativa melhora nos parâmetros clínicos: sangramento à sondagem, profundidade de bolsa e ganho de inserção, tanto no lado-teste, como no lado-controle, principalmente aos 28 dias; mas não foi observada significância estatística ...

Although subgingival scaling and root planing are the “gold standard” for elective treatment of periodontitis, they are difficult procedures to perform. As well as requiring intensive training, they can expose the dentin, causing dentin hypersensitivity by excessive removal of cement, or produce defects such as ridges and grooves, leaving residual calculus, whilst the whole root surface cannot be reached. A papain- and chloramine-based gel (Papacárie®) has recently been introduced to remove carious dentin. This gel may help in the removal of subgingival calculus with reduced consumption of cement. The objective of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a papain- and chloramine-based gel and analyze the root surface in the region associated with subgingival root planing. After receiving oral hygiene instructions, supragingival scaling and coronary polishing, 18 chronic periodontitis patients (6 women and 12 men with a mean age of 51 years ± 8) were treated using a split-mouth model. The test treatment was established by applying the gel to the subgingival area for 1 minute, followed by root planing; whilst the control treatment was established by subgingival scaling and root planing. The therapy was performed by 3 operators, examinations initially and after 28 days and 3 months being performed by a single examiner. Four previously untreated teeth (2 lower central incisors and 2 premolars) with indication for extraction in two other patients were treated as test and control and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) following extraction. Although over the 3 months the results showed marked improvement in clinical parameters: bleeding on probing, pocket depth and attachment gain on both test and control sides, especially after 28 days; the difference between the two forms of therapy was not found to be statistically significant. The mean plaque index remained high throughout the study. The SEM analysis showed that the test treatment left ...

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dental Calculus , Papain/therapeutic use , Chronic Periodontitis/therapy , Analysis of Variance , Chloramines , Dental Cementum , Dental Plaque Index , Dental Scaling , Dentin Sensitivity , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Root Planing