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Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 9-14, maio-ago. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553271


Restaurações diretas em resina composta são amplamente utilizadas em odontologia para restaurar dentes posteriores. Todavia, quando há grande destruição coronária, onde a distância do istmo excede dois terços da distância intercuspídea, as restaurações indiretas em resina composta são indicadas. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar a análise de um prontuário de um paciente que recebeu uma restauração indireta em resina composta em dente posterior amplamente destruído. Através da análise de prontuários de pacientes atendidos nas disciplinas de Estágios Supervisionados do Curso de Odontologia da FSG Centro Universitário no ano de 2023, foi selecionado um prontuário de um paciente que compareceu a clínica odontológica da FSG com uma restauração em amálgama fraturada com reparo em resina composta que apresentou sintomatologia dolorosa. O procedimento diagnóstico ocorreu através de exame clínico e radiográfico, que constatou a indicação de substituição da restauração insatisfatória e realização de uma restauração indireta em resina composta. Os resultados estéticos e funcionais apresentados demostraram a viabilidade da técnica restauradora indireta em resina composta para reabilitar dentes posteriores com ampla destruição coronária(AU)

Direct composite resin restoration are widely used in dentistry to restore posterior teeth. However, when there is large coronary destruction, that the distance from the isthmus exceeds two- thirds of the intercuspal distance, indirect composite resin restorations are indicated. This study aimed to report the analysis of a dental record of a patient who received an indirect restoration in composite resin in a badly destroyed posterior tooth. Through the analysis of dental records of patients seen in the disciplines of Supervised Internship of the Dentistry Course at FSG Centro Universitário in the year 2023, the dental record of a patient who attended the FSG dental clinic with fractured amalgam restoration with composite resin repair was selected who had painful symptoms. The diagnostic procedure took place through clinical and radiographic examination, which revealed the indication of replacing the unsatisfactory restoration and carrying out an indirect restoration in composite resin.The aesthetic and functional results presented demonstrated the viability of the indirect composite resin restoration technique for rehabilitating posterior teeth with extensive coronal destruction(AU)

Composite Resins , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Dental Restoration Repair , Dental Care
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 24-33, maio-ago. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553292


Os dentistas são um grupo de alto risco para o desenvolvimento de doenças de desordens musculoesqueléticas e tendo em vista que o sistema de produção industrial desenvolve produtos que atendem a maioria da população destra, os estudantes canhotos precisam se adequar a uma formação acadêmica, usando instrumentais, cadeiras odontológicas eoutros objetos projetados para destros. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a coletade informações sobre os canhotos nos cursos de Odontologia da cidade de Uberlândia ­Minas Gerais. Foram incluídos todos os alunos canhotos matriculados no ano de 2022 e que estavam cursando ou já cursaram disciplinas com atividades laboratoriais ou clínicas. Questionários foram aplicados para identificação do perfil, das dificuldades, da ergonomia e das dores osteomusculares dos alunos canhotos em suas atividades. Os dados foram em seguida tabulados e passaram por análise estatística. Da quantidade total de alunos das três instituições (n=1.578), foram entrevistados 45 (2,8%) alunos canhotos, sendo a maioria feminina (80%), na qual identificou-se um posicionamento inadequado do operador canhoto quando comparado ao preconizado pela ISO-FDI, além da limitação de movimento na presença de auxiliar (82,2%). Os locais com maior frequência de dor/desconforto foram: pescoço (79%), costas superior esquerda (63%) e inferior esquerda (61%) e punhos/ mãos esquerda (56%). A intensidade da dor variou entre alguma, moderada e bastante. O impedimento de realizar atividades diárias foi relatado por 17% dos alunos (n=7) e destes somente 1 buscou atendimento médico. Não houve diferença estatística na comparação entre instituição pública e privada. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que os canhotos representam minoria dos alunos de Odontologia e apresentam várias regiões de dor/ desconforto devido às adaptações e posturas erradas durante os atendimentos. Apesar de grande parte apresentar dor, poucos tiveram impedimento de atividades rotineiras ou procuraram ajuda médica(AU)

Dentists are a high risk group for the development of musculoskeletal disorders and considering that the industrial production system develops products that serve the majority of the right-handed population, lefthanded students need to adapt to an academic training, using instruments, dental chairs and other objects designed for right-handers. This study aimed to collect information about left-handers in Dentistry courses in the city of Uberlândia - Minas Gerais. All left- handed students enrolled in the year 2022 and who were taking or had taken courses with laboratory or clinical activities were included. Questionnaires were applied to identify the profile, difficulties, ergonomics and musculoskeletal pain of left-handed students in their activities. The data were tabulated and then undergo statistical analysis. Of the total number of students from the three institutions (n=1,578), 45 (2.8%) left-handed students were interviewed, the majority being female (80%), in which an inadequate positioning of the left-handed operator was identified when compared to the recommended one by ISO-FDI, in addition to limitation of movement in the presence of an assistant (82.2%). The places with the highest frequency of pain/discomfort were: neck (79%), upper left back (63%) and lower left back (61%) and left wrists/hands (56%). The intensity of pain varied between some, moderate and a lot. The impediment to carrying out daily activities was reported by 17% of the students (n=7) and of these, only 1 sought medical attention. There was no statistical difference when comparing public and private institutions. In view of the results, it was concluded that left-handers represent a minority of dentistry students and have several regions of pain/discomfort due to adaptations and wrong postures during consultations. Although most of them had pain, few were prevented from performing routine activities or sought medical help(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Functional Laterality , Back
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(2): 58-64, maio-ago. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553299


A assistência odontológica é imprescindível para a prevenção de doenças infecciosas e para a manutenção da integridade da cavidade oral de pacientes internatos em unidades de terapia intensiva. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento e as práticas de higiene oral dos acadêmicos do curso de Enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior, que realizam estágio em hospital, no controle de higiene bucal de pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. Participaram do estudo 40 alunos, que responderam 14 perguntas com o intuito de avaliar o conhecimento e as práticas no controle de higiene bucal, realizadas por eles, em pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. Os resultados demonstraram que os acadêmicos entrevistados tinham idade média de 25,8 anos, sendo 95% do sexo feminino e apenas 5% do sexo masculino. Destes, 42,5% afirmaram não haver presença de um Cirurgião-Dentista em ambiente hospitalar e 82,5% responderam que o responsável pela saúde bucal dos pacientes é do técnico de enfermagem. Quanto aos cuidados em pacientes internados em UTI, 52,5% dos entrevistados relataram que estes pacientes recebem higienização bucal, porém 30% alegaram que esta pratica não era realizada e 17,5% não sabiam responder. Além disso, 47,5% dos entrevistados afirmam ter insegurança ao realizar os procedimentos de higiene bucal dos pacientes. Pode-se concluir que os acadêmicos entrevistados possuem bom conhecimento acerca da importância dos cuidados com a saúde bucal dos pacientes internados em ambiente hospitalar. No entanto, ainda existem muitas dúvidas relacionadas ao manejo clínico de procedimentos de promoção de saúde bucal, que poderiam ser solucionados com a presença de um profissional de Odontologia inserido em uma equipe multidisciplinar(AU)

Oral care is essential for the prevention of infectious diseases and for maintaining the integrity of the oral cavity of patients hospitalized in intensive care units. The objective of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and oral hygiene practices of Nursing students at a higher education institution, who carry out internships in a hospital, in controlling the oral hygiene of patients admitted to a hospital environment. 40 students participated in the study, who answered 14 questions with the aim of evaluating the knowledge and practices in controlling oral hygiene, carried out by them, on patients hospitalized in a hospital environment. The results demonstrated that the academics interviewed had an average age of 25.8 years, with 95% being female and only 5% being male. Of these, 42.5% stated that there was no presence of a Dental Surgeon in a hospital environment and 82.5% responded that the nursing technician is responsible for the patients' oral health. Regarding care for patients admitted to the ICU, 52.5% of those interviewed reported that these patients receive oral hygiene, however 30% claimed that this practice was not performed and 17.5% did not know how to answer. Furthermore, 47.5% of those interviewed say they are insecure when carrying out oral hygiene procedures for patients. It can be concluded that the academics interviewed have good knowledge about the importance of oral health care for patients hospitalized in a hospital environment. However, there are still many doubts related to the clinical management of oral health promotion procedures, which could be resolved with the presence of a dentistry professional within a multidisciplinary team(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Surveys and Questionnaires , Inpatients
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 32867, 2024 abr. 30. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553542


Introdução: A utilização de cocaína é bastante associada ao surgimento de algumas manifestações sistêmicas e também de algumas alterações orais. Objetivo: Identificaras alterações sistêmicas e bucais mais comuns a pacientes usuários de cocaína. Metodologia: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, considerando artigos com texto completo, com restrição de idioma em Português ou Inglês e que tenham sido publicados entre os anos de 2017 a 2022. Usou-se as bases de dados LiLaCS, MedLine e BBO, por via portal Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, e SciELO. Os artigos excluídosf oram aqueles que não apresentaram relação explícita do uso de cocaína com alguma manifestação sistêmica e/ou bucal. Resultados: Após o processo de triagem,10 artigos foram salvos para serem analisados e 111 foram descartados por não atenderem aos critérios de inclusão. Dos 10 artigosselecionados,40% deles (n=4) trouxeram informações identificando possíveis riscos de desenvolvimento de doenças cardiovasculares sofridas pelos usuários de cocaína, 10%(n=1) identificou problemas cognitivos associados ao uso da cocaína,30% dos artigos (n=3) mostrou as alterações bucais associadas à utilização abusiva de cocaína. Conclusões: Houve a predominância de algumas manifestações sistêmicas e bucais nos indivíduos usuários de cocaína, como doenças cardiovasculares, xerostomia, perfurações no palato, etc. A partir disso, há algumas alterações sistêmicas e bucais provocadas por esse uso. Mediante o risco considerável, faz-se necessário que o Cirurgião-Dentista se atualize sobre essas alterações em pacientes usuários de cocaína visando promover um trabalho transdisciplinare multiprofissional para atender adequadamente às suas necessidades (AU).

Introduction: The use of cocaine is closely associated with the appearance of some systemic manifestations and also some oral alterations.Objective: To identify the most common systemic and oral alterations in cocaine-using patients.Methodology:This is a systematic review of the literature, considering full-text articles, with a language restriction of "Portuguese" or "English" and published between 2017 and 2022. We used the LiLaCS, MedLine and BBO databases, via the Virtual Health Library (VHL) portal, and SciELO.The articles excluded were those that did not explicitly relate cocaine use to some systemic and/or oral manifestation.Results: After the screening process, 10 articles were saved for analysis and 111 were discarded because they did not meet the inclusion criteria. Of the 10 articles selected, 40% (n=4) provided information identifying possible risks of developing cardiovascular diseases suffered by cocaine users, 10% (n=1)identified cognitive problems associated with cocaine use, 30% of the articles (n=3) showed oral alterations associated with cocaine abuse.Conclusions: There has been a predominance of some systemic and oral manifestations in cocaine users, such as cardiovascular diseases, xerostomia, perforations in the palate, etc. Based on this, there are some systemic and oral alterations caused by this use. Given the considerable risk, it is necessary for dentists to be up-to-date on these alterations in cocaine-using patients in order to promote transdisciplinary and multi-professional work to adequately meet their needs (AU).

Introducción: El consumo de cocaína está estrechamente asociado a la aparición de algunas manifestaciones sistémicas y también de algunas alteraciones orales. Objetivo:Identificar las alteraciones sistémicas y bucales más frecuentes en los consumidores de cocaína. Metodología: Se trata de una revisión sistemática de la literatura, considerando artículos a texto completo, con restricción de idioma en "portugués" o "inglés" y publicados entre 2017 y 2022. Se utilizaron las bases de datos LiLaCS, MedLine y BBO, a través del portal Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS) y SciELO. Los artículos excluidos fueron aquellos que no mostraban una relación explícita entre el consumo de cocaína y alguna manifestación sistémica y/o oral. Resultados: Tras el proceso de cribado, se guardaron10 artículos para el análisis y se descartaron 111 por no cumplir los criterios de inclusión. De los 10 artículos seleccionados, el 40% (n=4) proporcionaba información que identificaba posibles riesgos de desarrollar enfermedades cardiovasculares sufridaspor consumidores de cocaína, el 10% (n=1) identificaba problemas cognitivos asociados al consumo de cocaína, el 30% de los artículos (n=3) mostraban alteraciones orales asociadas al abuso de cocaína.Conclusiones:Ha habido un predominio de algunas manifestaciones sistémicas y orales en los consumidores de cocaína, como enfermedades cardiovasculares, xerostomía, perforaciones en el paladar, etc. De acuerdo con esto, existen algunas alteraciones sistémicas y orales causadas por este uso. Dado el considerable riesgo, es necesario que los odontólogos estén al día sobre estas alteraciones en los pacientes consumidores de cocaína, con el fin de promover el trabajo transdisciplinar y multiprofesional para atender adecuadamente sus necesidades (AU).

Humans , Cocaine/pharmacology , Cocaine-Related Disorders , Dentists , Drug Users , Substance-Related Disorders , Health Services Needs and Demand
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 45(1): 65-68, jan.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553267


A Revista Odontológica de Araçatuba é um periódico online, de acesso gratuito cujo as publicações são indexadas em importantes bases de dados, divulgando deste modo trabalhos científicos produzidos por instituições do estado de São Paulo e de outros centros de pesquisa de todo o país. O intuito deste trabalho é analisar de modo quantitativo as publicações realizadas no período de 2018 a 2023, as classificando de acordo com a sua natureza (Pesquisa cientifica, Revisão de literatura ou relato de caso) e de acordo com a sua origem (UNESP ­ FOA, misto ou outro centro de ensino) e comparar os resultados obtidos aos dados presentes nos estudos referentes ao período de 2001 a 2011 e ao estudo referente ao período de 2012 a 2017. Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica que compreendeu as publicações dos anos de 2018 a 2023, abrangendo 18 periódicos e um suplementar, totalizando 167 artigos. Neste intervalo de tempo, houve uma predominância de relatos de casos (55,08%) em comparação as revisões de literatura (22,15%) e as pesquisas cientificas (22,75%). Os artigos oriundos de outros centros de pesquisa foram a maioria (82,03%) e 8 dos artigos presentes foram em língua inglesa. Podemos concluir que a Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba se tornou um periódico de relevância nacional com predominância de compromisso clinico e que está em processo de internacionalização(AU)

The Dental Journal of Araçatuba is an online journal, with free access, whose publications are indexed in important databases, publishing scientific works produced by institutions in the state of São Paulo and other research centers across the country. The purpose of this work is to analyze, in a quantitative way, the publications carried out in the period from 2018 to 2023, classifying them according to their nature (Scientific research, Literature review or case report) and according to their origin (UNESP ­ FOA , mixed or other teaching center) and compare the results obtained with the datas presents in the studies referring to the period from 2001 to 2011 and the study referring to the period from 2012 to 2017. A bibliographical research was carried out that included publications from the years 2018 to 2023, covering 18 periodicals and one supplementary, totaling 167 articles published. In this time period, case report articles predominated (55,08%) compared to literature reviews (22.15%) and scientific research (22,75%). The majority of articles came from other research centers (82.03%) and 8 of the published articles were in English. We can conclude that Journal Dental of Araçatuba became a periodical of national relevance with a predominance of clinical commitment and which is in process of internationalization(AU)

Dentistry , Periodical , Scientific Communication and Diffusion , Scientific and Technical Publications
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 65(1): e133694, jan. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1531094


Objetivo:Revisar a literatura a respeito do papel do cirurgião-dentista frente aos casos de abuso sexual infantil, abordando sua importância na identificação e no encaminhamento adequado das vítimas, além de discutir a necessidade de conscientização eimplementação de políticas públicasque abordem o tema.Revisão deliteratura:O ambiente odontológico é um ambiente propício para a identificação de sinais de abusosexual infantil, uma vez que o profissional tem contato direto com a saúde bucal e facial das crianças. Desempenha um papel fundamental ao observar e reportar esses sinais, contribuindo para a identificação precoce e o encaminhamento adequado das vítimas.Discussão:A literatura préviasugere a necessidade de fornecersubsídios teóricos, aprofundados no tema,para contribuir na ampliação do conhecimento nessa área. Sendo importantea conscientização e capacitação do cirurgião-dentista nesse contexto, bem como a criação de políticas públicas que visam umaabordagem multidisciplinarquecontribuaparaa conscientização, prevenção e a promoção de ações voltadas à proteção das crianças e ao combate do abuso sexual infantil.Conclusão:O cirurgião-dentista desempenha um papel fundamental na identificação e no encaminhamento adequado das vítimas de abuso sexual infantil. É essencial que esses profissionais sejam devidamente capacitados e conscientizados sobre a importância desse tema, além de estabelecerem uma rede de colaboração com outros profissionais da saúde e serviços especializados.

Aim:To review the literature regarding the role of the dental surgeon in cases of child sexual abuse, addressing its importance in identifying and properly referring victims, in addition to discussing the need for awareness and implementation of public policies that address the issue. Literature review:The dental environment is a favorable environment for identifying signs of child sexual abuse, since the professional has direct contact with the oral and facial health of children. It plays a key role in observing and reporting these signs, contributing to the early identification and proper referral of victims. Discussion:Previous literature suggests the need to provide theoretical subsidies, in depth on the subject, to contribute to the expansion of knowledge in this area. It is important to raise awareness and training of dentists in this context, as well as the creation of public policies aimed at a multidisciplinary approach that contributes to awareness, prevention and promotion of actions aimed at protecting children and combating child sexual abuse. Conclusion:The dental surgeon plays a key role in identifying and properly referring victims of child sexual abuse. It is essential that these professionals are properly trained and aware of the importance of this topic, in addition to establishing a collaboration network with other health professionals and specialized services.

Child Abuse, Sexual/diagnosis , Dentists , Pediatric Dentistry
Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 255-268, 20240131.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537827


Este artigo tem como objetivo avaliar o acesso à prótese dentária na Atenção Primária em Saúde (APS) no Brasil. É um estudo transversal, em que foram utilizados dados do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB), segundo e terceiro ciclos, com enfoque em saúde bucal e atendimento à prótese dentária por estado brasileiro. Ao comparar as Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) que fazem instalações de prótese nos dois ciclos de avaliação, foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa (teste Mann Whitney, p = 0,04), mostrando maior número de instalações no terceiro ciclo. O percentual de UBS que instalavam prótese dentária no segundo ciclo foi de 8,4% e no terceiro ciclo, 14,1%. Ao se avaliar os locais em que os pacientes fizeram a prótese dentária, verifica-se que a maioria fez suas próteses no serviço privado. Conclui-se, então, que a APS não consegue suprir a demanda por prótese dentária.

This cross-sectional study evaluates access to dental prosthesis in Primary Health Care (PHC) in Brazil. Data were obtained from the Access and Quality Improvement Program (PMAQ-AB), second and third cycles, focusing on oral health and dental care provided by the Brazilian State. Comparison of the Basic Health Units (BHU) that perform prosthesis installations in the two evaluation cycles (Mann Whitney test, p = 0.04) revealed a statistically significant difference, showing a greater number of installations in the third cycle. In the second and third cycles 8.4% and 14.1% of UBS, respectively, installed dental prostheses. When evaluating where patients acquired their dental prosthesis, most sought the private service. In conclusion, PHC cannot meet the demand for dental prosthesis.

Este artículo tuvo por objetivo evaluar el acceso a las prótesis dentales en la atención primaria de salud (APS) en Brasil. Se trata de un estudio transversal que utiliza datos del Programa de Mejoramiento del Acceso y Calidad de la Atención Primaria (PMAQ-AB, por sus siglas en portugués), segundo y tercer ciclo, con foco en salud bucal y atención con prótesis dental por estado brasileño. Al comparar las Unidades Básicas de Salud (UBS) que instalan prótesis en los dos ciclos de evaluación, se observó diferencia estadísticamente significativa (prueba de Mann Whitney, p = 0,04), con un mayor número de instalaciones en el tercer ciclo. El 8,4% de las UBS instalaron prótesis dental en el segundo ciclo, y el 14,1% en el tercer ciclo. En cuanto a los locales donde los pacientes hicieron su prótesis dental, la mayoría fue realizada por el servicio privado. Se concluye que la APS no logra satisfacer la demanda de prótesis dentales.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 57-66, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555022


Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de conocimiento del pro-fesional odontólogo sobre la violencia ejercida en niños, niñas y adolescentes, poniendo énfasis en la importancia de su actuación para la detección, aten-ción y derivación de potenciales casos que posibi-liten, dentro de un contexto multidisciplinario, una intervención oportuna y efectiva. Materiales y méto-dos: Se realizó una encuesta a 132 odontólogos, 123 mujeres y 9 hombres, con experiencia profesional de 2 a 43 años, profesores universitarios especialistas en odontopediatría, cursantes de carreras de espe-cialización y posgrados afines o aquellos que desa-rrollan sus actividades laborales en 2 hospitales pú-blicos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires aten-diendo a menores de edad. La encuesta totalizó 15 preguntas distribuidas en 3 categorías cuyos ejes te-máticos ahondaron respecto al conocimiento sobre violencia ejercida contra menores (Categoría 1), sos-pecha de un presunto maltrato infantil en la consulta (Categoría 2) y factores que condicionan la eventual derivación del caso (Categoría 3). Cada pregunta in-cluida en las 3 categorías se direccionó conforme a si el ámbito profesional del sujeto encuestado era es-pecialista/cursante de posgrado (Grupo 1) u hospi-talario (Grupo 2). Resultados: En la primera categoría se observó una significativa carencia de formación específica en la etapa de grado con un 89% para el grupo 1 y 93,75% para el grupo 2, aunque éstos úl-timos han accedido a cursos de perfeccionamiento y actividades tendientes a incrementar destrezas y aptitudes en un 71,87%, contrastando con el 24% del otro grupo. Asimismo, el 29% del grupo 1 y un 50% del grupo 2 conocían los protocolos establecidos en sus entornos profesionales. Ambos consideraron que el odontólogo no está capacitado para detectar conductas orientativas hacia posibles casos (89%, grupo 1; 87,5%, grupo 2). Para la segunda categoría, el grupo 1 respondió positivamente en un 73%, en tanto que el grupo 2 lo hizo en un 84,38%. En la ter-cera categoría se destacó para el grupo 1 un elevado porcentaje en las preguntas relacionadas al temor por parte del odontólogo de agravar las acciones Objetivo: Analizar el nivel de conocimiento del pro-fesional odontólogo sobre la violencia ejercida en niños, niñas y adolescentes, poniendo énfasis en la importancia de su actuación para la detección, aten-ción y derivación de potenciales casos que posibi-liten, dentro de un contexto multidisciplinario, una intervención oportuna y efectiva. Materiales y méto-dos: Se realizó una encuesta a 132 odontólogos, 123 mujeres y 9 hombres, con experiencia profesional de 2 a 43 años, profesores universitarios especialistas en odontopediatría, cursantes de carreras de espe-cialización y posgrados afines o aquellos que desa-rrollan sus actividades laborales en 2 hospitales pú-blicos de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires aten-diendo a menores de edad. La encuesta totalizó 15 preguntas distribuidas en 3 categorías cuyos ejes te-máticos ahondaron respecto al conocimiento sobre violencia ejercida contra menores (Categoría 1), sos-pecha de un presunto maltrato infantil en la consulta (Categoría 2) y factores que condicionan la eventual derivación del caso (Categoría 3). Cada pregunta in-cluida en las 3 categorías se direccionó conforme a si el ámbito profesional del sujeto encuestado era es-pecialista/cursante de posgrado (Grupo 1) u hospi-talario (Grupo 2). Resultados: En la primera categoría se observó una significativa carencia de formación específica en la etapa de grado con un 89% para el grupo 1 y 93,75% para el grupo 2, aunque éstos úl-timos han accedido a cursos de perfeccionamiento y actividades tendientes a incrementar destrezas y aptitudes en un 71,87%, contrastando con el 24% del otro grupo. Asimismo, el 29% del grupo 1 y un 50% del grupo 2 conocían los protocolos establecidos en sus entornos profesionales. Ambos consideraron que el odontólogo no está capacitado para detectar conductas orientativas hacia posibles casos (89%, grupo 1; 87,5%, grupo 2). Para la segunda categoría, el grupo 1 respondió positivamente en un 73%, en tanto que el grupo 2 lo hizo en un 84,38%. En la ter-cera categoría se destacó para el grupo 1 un elevado porcentaje en las preguntas relacionadas al temor por parte del odontólogo de agravar las acciones de violencia familiar (64%) o represalias (55%) contra el niño si efectuaran la derivación. En los mismos ítems, el grupo 2 respondió con porcentajes disímiles (28,13% y 31,25%, respectivamente). Finalmente, se diferenciaron claramente los resultados en cuanto al desconocimiento de los procedimientos a seguir si amerita derivar un caso, con un 71% para el grupo 1 y un 34,38% para el grupo 2. Conclusión: Se hace imperioso instruir y capacitar al profesional odontólogo, concientizándolo sobre la necesidad de conocer la legislación vigente y los mecanismos de detección y ulterior derivación. Si bien aquellos que desempeñan su labor a nivel hospitalario aparecen como mejor preparados para actuar, existe un evidente desconocimiento general que conlleva el riesgo de no advertir o proceder inadecuadamente en casos de violencia que atenta contra la seguridad de niños, niñas y adolescentes (AU)

Objective: To analyze the level of knowledge of the dental professional about violence committed in children and adolescents, emphasizing the importance of their actions for the detection, care and referral of potential cases that allow, within a multidisciplinary context, an intervention timely and effective. Materials and methods: A survey was carried out with 132 dentists, 123 women and 9 men, with professional experience of 2 to 43 years, university professors in the specialty of pediatric dentistry, students of specialization course and related postgraduate courses or those who carry out their work activities in 2 public hospitals in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires that care for minors. The survey included 15 questions distributed in 3 categories whose thematic axes delved into knowledge about violence committed against minors (Category 1), suspicion of alleged child abuses in the consultation (Category 2) and factors that condition the eventual referral of the case (Category 3). Each question included in the 3 categories is addressed according to whether the professional field of the surveyed subject was a specialist/graduate student (Group 1) or a hospitalist (Group 2). Results: In the first category, a significant lack of specific training is observed in the undergraduate stage with 89% for group 1 and 93.75% for group 2, although the latter have accessed courses and improvement activities aimed at to increase skills and abilities by 71.87%, in contrast to 24% in the other group. Likewise, 29% of group 1 and 50% of group 2 knew the protocols established in their professional environments. Both considered that the dentist is not trained to detect guiding behaviors towards possible cases (89%, group 1; 87.5%, group 2). For the second category, group 1 responded positively by 73%, while group 2 did so by 84.38%. In the third category, a high percentage stood out for group 1 in the questions related to the dentist's fear of aggravating the actions of family violence (64%) or retaliation (55%) against the child if he made the referral. In the same items, group 2 responded with dissimilar percentages (28.13% and 31.25%, respectively). Finally, the results were clearly differentiated in terms of lack of knowledge of the procedures to follow if a case warrants referral, with 71% for group 1 and 34.38% for group 2. Conclusion: It is imperative to instruct and train the professional dentist, raising awareness about the need to know current legislation and the detection and subsequent referral mechanisms. Although those who carry out their work at the hospital level seem to be better prepared to act, there is an evident widespread lack of knowledge that entails the risk of not announcing or acting inappropriately in cases of violence that threaten the safety of children and adolescents (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child Abuse/diagnosis , Child Abuse/prevention & control , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Domestic Violence/prevention & control , Dental Care for Children/methods , Argentina/epidemiology , United Nations/standards , Child Abuse/statistics & numerical data , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Service, Hospital/methods , Dentists/education , Forensic Dentistry/methods
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 14: 241657, 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1551992


El siguiente texto reconoce la importancia de nuestra especialidad, y plantea la preocupación por el riesgo de infantilizar nuestro ejercicio al trabajar con niños: somos una profesión científica que debe ejercerse basada en altos estándares de profesionalismo, evitando actuar como niños sólo porque son nuestro sujeto material de estudio. Esto, sin olvidar que debemos adaptarnos al proceso de crecimiento y desarrollo bio-psico-social de nuestros pacientes

O seguinte texto reconhece a importância da nossa especialidade, e levanta a preocupação com o risco de infantilizar nosso exercício ao trabalhar com crianças: somos uma profissão científica que deve ser exercida baseada em altos padrões de profissionalismo, evitando agir como crianças apenas porque são nosso sujeito material de estudo. Isso, sem esquecer que devemos nos adaptar ao processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento bio-psico-social de nossos pacientes.

The following text recognizes the importance of our specialty, and raises concern about the risk of infantilizing our practice when working with children: we are a scientific profession that must be practiced based on high standards of professionalism, avoiding acting like children just because they are our material subject study. This, without forgetting that we must adapt to the process of growth and bio-psycho-social development of our patients.

Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529145


Abstract Objective: To identify the factors affecting clinical performance among dental students and to help addressing these problems. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study in which students of third and final year of dentistry participated. Data was collected from June 2022 till September 2022. Data was collected from the third and final year dental students of both public and private dental colleges within the Pakistan using a purposive sampling technique. Results: A total of 372 dental students participated in this study. Thirty eight (31.9%) students belonged to third year while 81 (68.1%) were final year students from government college. For the private dental college, 121 (47.8%) were third year students while 132 (52.2%) were final year students. Majority of the participants were males from both the colleges. 42.9% of government dental students and 26.5% of private dental students agreed on well-preparedness of clinical instructors. 5.5% from private and 21.0% from government dental colleges agreed that adequate personal protective equipment were present in clinical departments. Conclusion: From this study, it is concluded that there should be focus more focus on the factors to enhance clinical skills, supervision of students in clinical practice to help addressing the problems faced during learning and performance in a clinical environment, to produce self-confident, motivated, knowledgeable, skillful and a professional dental graduates.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students, Dental , Occupational Health , Employee Performance Appraisal , Pakistan/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Problem-Based Learning
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529147


Abstract Objective: To describe the challenges pediatric dentists face while caring for their patients during the pandemic. Material and Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was conducted with purposefully sampled pediatric dentists. Data were collected through in-depth, semi-structured interviews until the content of the collected data reached theoretical saturation. Data were transcribed verbatim, coded, and analyzed using content analyses. Results: Seven participants (four females and three males) between 29 and 50 years participated in the study. Three themes emerged from the analyses: Anxiety and fear; PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and its impact on care delivery; and 3) Behavior management. Conclusion: Dental care delivery was challenging for pediatric dentists. They experienced high anxiety levels and modified their services according to the recommended guidelines while making accommodations to lessen patients' COVID-19-related anxiety. The additional mandated PPE use affected the communication between the dentists and their patients, affecting their dentist-patient bonding.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dentists , COVID-19/psychology , Dental Care , Qualitative Research , India/epidemiology
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e240735, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537142


Aim: To assess the opinion of the students on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on theoretical knowledge and clinical practice in dentistry at the Piracicaba Dental School ­ FOP/UNICAMP. Methods: A questionnaire was applied using the Google Forms platform, containing 20 questions related to the impacts of the pandemic on knowledge, mental health, and clinical and laboratory practice of dentistry. The satisfaction of the students with teaching was also evaluated. A total of 120 questionnaires were analyzed using R software, through tables and graphs of absolute and relative frequencies distribution. Results: COVID-19 affected the lives of 99% students who participated in the study. Due to distance learning resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, 50% of the students considered locking or dropping out of college. Operative dentistry was the curricular component most affected by distance and lack of clinical practice. Although most students agreed that the workload of practical disciplines was or would be replaced, 95% felt some kind of deficit in clinical and laboratory practice even with the replacement of the workload. In addition, 93.3% of the students were afraid of not becoming a qualified professional due to the deficiencies on theoretical knowledge and clinical practice caused by the pandemic. Conclusions: Students showed dissatisfaction with the deficiency of clinical and laboratory practice resulting from the pandemic in operative dentistry curricular component. They reported fear and insecurity with their future professional lives. The indication of remote classes for dentistry should only be carried out in emergencies because this is an essentially practical course that suffers losses in learning

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students, Dental , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Dentistry, Operative , COVID-19 , Learning
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 29(1): e15942022, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528339


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a evolução da distribuição de dentistas e cursos de graduação em odontologia no Brasil entre 1960 e 2022, a partir de dados institucionais e de sua correlação com dados econômicos e demográficos. Foram calculadas as proporções entre número de dentistas e população para as unidades federativas em diferentes períodos, e para determinar a concentração de dentistas, da população e dos cursos de graduação em odontologia,foi utilizado o índice Herfindahl-Hirschman (HHI). Para testar a correlação entre variáveis foi empregado o teste de Pearson, com um nível de significância de 95%. Entre 1960 e 2022, a proporção de dentistas por 10 mil habitantes aumentou de 3,3 para 16,9. Ainda em 2022, as unidades federativas com maior renda média domiciliar per capita estavam fortemente correlacionadas à maior concentração de dentistas (R2 = 0,90; p < 0,00). Entretanto, de 1975 a 2022, a concentração de dentistas medida pelo HHI caiu de 45,1 para 33,4. A diminuição da concentração geográfica dos cursos de odontologia foi ainda mais pronunciada, tendo o HHI passado de 39,3 em 1991 para 25,6 em 2022.

Abstract The scope of this article is to analyze the evolution of the distribution of dentists and undergraduate courses in Dentistry in Brazil between 1960 and 2022, based on institutional data and its correlation with economic and demographic data. The proportions between number of dentists and population were calculated for the federative units in different periods, and the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) was used. to determine the concentration of dentists, population and undergraduate courses in Dentistry. The Pearson test was used, with a significance level of 95%, to test the correlation between variables. In the period from 1960 to 2022, the ratio of dentists per 10,000 inhabitants increased from 3.3 to 16.9. Moreover in 2022, the federative units with the highest average household income per capita were closely correlated with the highest concentration of dentists (R2= 0.90; p < 0.00). However, from 1975 to 2022, the concentration of dentists measured by the HHI dropped from 45.1 to 33.4. The decrease in the geographic concentration of Dentistry courses was even more pronounced, with the HHI rising from 39.3 in 1991, to 25.6 in 2022.

J. appl. oral sci ; 32: e20230229, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528887


Abstract Aim: Polymorphisms in the COMT gene can alter enzymatic functions, raising levels of endogenous catecholamines, which stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors related to pain. This study aimed to evaluate whether a polymorphism in the COMT gene (rs4818) is associated with dental pain in children. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a representative sample of 731 pairs of children and parents randomly selected from a population-based sample of eight-year-old children. Reports of dental pain was evaluated using a question directed at the parents and self-reported pain using the Faces Pain Scale - Revised. Dental caries experience was determined using the Decayed, Missing, and Filled Teeth (DMFT) index. For genetic analysis, DNA was obtained from oral mucosa epithelial cells of 352 children randomly selected from the initial sample. Results: Children with the CC genotype had higher odds of reporting moderate to intense pain than those with the GG genotype (OR=3.60; 95% CI=0.80-16.20; p=0.03). These same children had greater odds of parental reports of pain (OR=1.93; 95% CI=0.91-4.08; p=0.02). Moreover, lower schooling of parents/guardians and caries experience in the primary dentition were significantly associated with greater odds of a parental report of dental pain (OR=2.06; 95% CI=1.47-2.91; p<0.001; OR=6.26; 95% CI=4.46-8.78; p<0.001). Conclusions: The rs4818 polymorphism of the COMT gene is associated with dental pain. Children with the C allele are more likely to report higher levels of pain. Clinical Relevance: Even though the experience of pain is subjective and multifactorial, this study raises the hypothesis that there is a genetic predisposition to dental pain that should be considered in clinical practice.

Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1535009


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the prevalence of burnout among dental students of public and private institutions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, Pakistan. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted at five public and private dental institutions from June 2021 to May 2022. A validated twelve-item closed-ended Burnout Clinical Subtype Questionnaire was distributed among the dental students of two private and two public institutes in Pakistan. The research questions focused on demographic information and students' academic experiences. Data analysis is presented through tables and descriptive methods. Results: A total of 274 dental undergraduate students - second (42.3%), third (35.4%), and final (22.3%) academic year participated in this study. The mean age of the respondents was 21.9, with the range of 20-26 years. Most participants were females (74.1%) compared to the males (25.9%). The findings for burnout syndrome among dentistry students and students in the private and public sectors were not significant. Conclusion: In the current study, burnout levels among dental undergraduates, both private and public, were low.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Schools, Dental , Stress, Psychological/prevention & control , Students, Dental , Burnout, Professional/prevention & control , Pakistan/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric
J. appl. oral sci ; 32: e20230172, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550474


Abstract Objective the aim of this study was to analyze the influence of ozone therapy (OZN) on peri-implant bone repair in critical bones by installing osseointegrated implants in the tibia of ovariectomized rats. Methodology ovariectomy was performed on 30 Wistar rats, aged six months (Rattus novergicus), and, after 90 days, osseointegrated implants were installed in each tibial metaphysis. The study groups were divided into the animals that received intraperitoneal ozone at a concentration of 700 mcg/kg — OZ Group (n=15) — and a control group that received an intraperitoneal saline solution and, for this reason, was named the SAL group (n=15). The applications for both groups occurred during the immediate post-operative period on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th day post-surgery. At various stages (14, 42, and 60 days), the animals were euthanized, and tests were performed on their tibiae. These tests include histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses, computerized microtomography, sampling in light-cured resin for calcified sections, and confocal microscopy. The obtained data were then analyzed using One-way ANOVA and the Shapiro-Wilk, Kruskal-Wallis, and student t-tests (P<0.05). Results our findings indicate that the OZ group (3.26±0.20 mm) showed better cellular organization and bone neoformation at 14 days (SAL group, 0.90±1.42 mm) (P=0.001). Immunohistochemistry revealed that osteocalcin labeling was moderate in the OZ group and mild in the SAL group at 14 and 42 days post-surgery. The data from the analysis of calcified tissues (microtomography, histometric, and bone dynamism analysis) at 60 days showed no statistically significant differences between the groups (P=0.32). Conclusion it was concluded that ozone therapy anticipated the initial phases of the peri-implant bone repair process.

Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-12, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551332


Objective: In response to the demand for dental implants, extensive research has been conducted on methods for transferring load to the surrounding bone. This study aimed to evaluate the stresses on the peripheral bone, implants, and prostheses under scenarios involving of the following variables: prosthesis designs, vertical bone heights, load angles, and restorative materials. Material and Methods: Three implants were inserted in the premolar and molar regions (5-6-7) of the two mandibular models. Model 1 represented 0 mm marginal bone loss and Model 2 simulated 3 mm bone loss. CAD/CAM-supported materials, hybrid ceramic (HC), resin-nano ceramic (RNC), lithium disilicate (LiSi), zirconia (Zr), and two prosthesis designs (splinted and non-splinted) were used for the implant-supported crowns. Forces were applied vertically (90°) to the central fossa and buccal cusps and obliquely (30°) to the buccal cusps only. The stresses were evaluated using a three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Results: Oblique loading resulted in the highest stress values. Of the four materials, RNC showed the low stress in the restoration, particularly in the marginal area. The use of different restorative materials did not affect stress distribution in the surrounding bone. The splinted prostheses generated lower stress magnitude on the bone, and while more stress on the implants were observed. Conclusion: In terms of the stress distribution on the peri-implant bone and implants, the use of different restorative materials is not important. Oblique loading resulted in higher stress values, and the splinted prosthesis design resulted in lower stress (AU)

Objetivo: Em resposta à demanda por implantes dentários, extensa pesquisa foi realizada sobre métodos para transferir carga ao osso circundante. Este estudo buscou avaliar os estresses no osso periférico, implantes e próteses em cenários que envolvem as seguintes variáveis: designs de próteses, alturas ósseas verticais, ângulos de carga e materiais restauradores. Material e Métodos: Três implantes foram inseridos nas regiões dos pré-molares e molares (5-6-7) de dois modelos de mandíbula. O Modelo 1 representou perda óssea marginal de 0 mm e o Modelo 2 simulou perda óssea de 3 mm. Materiais suportados por CAD/CAM, cerâmica híbrida (HC), cerâmica nano-resina (RNC), dissilicato de lítio (LiSi), zircônia (Zr) e dois designs de próteses (sintetizadas e não-sintetizadas) foram utilizados para as coroas suportadas por implantes. Forças foram aplicadas verticalmente (90°) à fossa central e cúspides bucais e obliquamente (30°) apenas às cúspides bucais. Os estresses foram avaliados usando Análise de Elementos Finitos tridimensional. Resultados: Cargas oblíquas resultaram nos valores mais altos de estresse. Entre os quatro materiais, RNC mostrou baixo estresse na restauração, especialmente na área marginal. O uso de diferentes materiais restauradores não afetou a distribuição de estresse no osso circundante. Próteses sintetizadas geraram menor magnitude de estresse no osso, enquanto mais estresse nos implantes foi observado. Conclusão: Em termos de distribuição de estresse no osso peri-implantar e implantes, o uso de diferentes materiais restauradores não é crucial. Cargas oblíquas resultaram em valores mais altos de estresse, e o design de prótese sintetizada resultou em menor estresse. (AU)

Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis , Finite Element Analysis , Biomechanical Phenomena
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-7, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551404


Objetivo: A escala Children's Experiences of Dental Anxiety Measure (CEDAM) foi originalmente desenvolvida em Inglês para avaliar importantes aspectos da ansiedade odontológica em crianças. Os objetivos do estudo foram traduzir e realizar a adaptação cultural da CEDAM para o Português Brasileiro. Material e Métodos: A CEDAM consiste de 14 itens, medidos por escala Likert de 3 pontos, que indica a intensidade da ansiedade odontológica. O questionário foi traduzido para o Português Brasileiro, retraduzido para o Inglês, revisado por um Comitê de Especialistas e pré-testado em 10 escolares de oito a doze anos. Resultados: O Comitê Revisor de Especialistas comparou as versões original, traduzida (T1, T2) e retraduzida (BT1, BT2) e recomendou algumas mudanças a fim de obter uma boa compreensão dos itens. No pré-teste, somente a questão 8 não foi compreendida por uma criança, isto é, a versão traduzida foi bem compreendida por mais de 85% dos participantes. Conclusão: A versão brasileira da CEDAM foi culturalmente adaptada para a população avaliada de crianças.(AU)

Objective: The Children's Experiences of Dental Anxiety Measure (CEDAM) was originally developed in English to assess important aspects of dental anxiety for children. The aims of the study were to translate and perform the cultural adaptation of the CEDAM to Brazilian Portuguese. Material and Methods: The CEDAM consists of 14 items, measured by a Likert scale of 3 points, that indicates the intensity of dental anxiety. The questionnaire was translated to Brazilian Portuguese, back-translated to English, reviewed by an Expert Committee and pretested in 10 eight- to twelve-year-old schoolchildren. Results: The Expert Committee Review compared the original, translated (T1, T2) and back-translated (BT1, BT2) versions and recommended some changes in order to achieve good understanding of the items. In the pretest, only question 8 was misunderstood by one child, i.e., the translated version was well-understood by more than 85% of the participants. Conclusion: The Brazilian CEDAM was culturally adapted for the evaluated population of children(AU)

Child , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Anxiety , Pediatric Dentistry
Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases ; (12): 29-35, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003441


Objective@#To investigate the clinical effect of lithium disilicate glass ceramic cantilever resin-bonded fixed partial dentures (CRBFPDs) on single anterior tooth loss to provide a reference for the selection of restoration methods for single anterior tooth loss.@*Methods@#This study was reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee, and informed consent was obtained from the patients. Forty-two patients with less than two anterior teeth with monomaxillary loss were included in this study. After 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years, the aesthetic and functional effects of the restorations and the periodontal health status were evaluated, and the visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess patient satisfaction.@*Results@#During the observation period, the connector fractured in one case within 3 months. One case had debonded within 2 years. The aesthetic restoration effect of all lithium disilicate glass ceramic CRBFPDs was categorized as Class A. The periodontal health was good, there was no clinical absorption in the soft and hard tissues of the abutment or subbridge, periodontal status according to the evaluation indices was classified as class A, and the total satisfaction rate of the patient was 100%.@*Conclusion@#For single anterior tooth loss patients, lithium disilicate glass ceramic cantilever resin-bonded fixed partial denture can achieve the restoration effect of less invasion, better adhesion, aesthetics, comfort and good biocompatibility. With high patient satisfaction, it can be considered an ideal restoration method for replacing a single anterior tooth.

Journal of Prevention and Treatment for Stomatological Diseases ; (12): 321-329, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016554


@#The standardized workflow of computer-aided static guided implant surgery includes preoperative examination, data acquisition, guide design, guide fabrication and surgery. Errors may occur at each step, leading to irreversible cumulative effects and thus impacting the accuracy of implant placement. However, clinicians tend to focus on factors causing errors in surgical operations, ignoring the possibility of irreversible errors in nonstandard guided surgery. Based on the clinical practice of domestic experts and research progress at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the sources of errors in guided implant surgery from the perspectives of preoperative inspection, data collection, guide designing and manufacturing and describes strategies to resolve errors so as to gain expert consensus. Consensus recommendation: 1. Preoperative considerations: the appropriate implant guide type should be selected according to the patient's oral condition before surgery, and a retaining screw-assisted support guide should be selected if necessary. 2. Data acquisition should be standardized as much as possible, including beam CT and extraoral scanning. CBCT performed with the patient’s head fixed and with a small field of view is recommended. For patients with metal prostheses inside the mouth, a registration marker guide should be used, and the ambient temperature and light of the external oral scanner should be reasonably controlled. 3. Optimization of computer-aided design: it is recommended to select a handle-guided planting system and a closed metal sleeve and to register images by overlapping markers. Properly designing the retaining screws, extending the support structure of the guide plate and increasing the length of the guide section are methods to feasibly reduce the incidence of surgical errors. 4. Improving computer-aided production: it is also crucial to set the best printing parameters according to different printing technologies and to choose the most appropriate postprocessing procedures.