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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039947


To promote the stockpiling of regular medicines for disasters (SMD), we investigated SMD rates and clarified the relationship between SMD status (Yes or No) and the characteristics of patients with chronic diseases. A survey was provided to patients visiting the pharmacies in Hokkaido. SMD was defined as a patient having a supply of regular medicine for 7 days or more and replacing with new medicine within one year. Of a total of 537 participants (51.0% male; mean age 65.8 years), 61.1% had experienced a major disaster. The SMD rate was extremely low at 15.3%. The median score for a patient’s understanding of the regular medicine names (5-point scale: 1=hardly understood, 5=almost understood) was 2. The median number of monthly pharmacy visits was 0.8. 5.4% were recommended SMD by physicians or pharmacists. Results from multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that positive patient characteristics included age (OR=1.154, 95%CI [1.026-1.298], P=0.017), understanding of the regular medicine names (1.724, [1.039-2.859], P=0.035), and recommendation of SMD by physicians or pharmacists (5.991, [2.616-13.722], P<0.001). A negative patient characteristic was the number of pharmacy visits (0.587, [0.383-0.899], P=0.014). The most influential positive factor was the recommendation of SMD by physicians or pharmacists; however, only 5.4% of the participants had experienced this. The findings of this study indicated important that health care providers and the government to work together to devise easy-to-understand measures to inform local residents about the importance of SMD and how to them, conduct educational activities.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040006


Objective:An efficient disaster relief service necessitates the documentation and dissemination of information acquired from disaster response-related activities. However, recording and summarizing information pertaining to rehabilitation support activities is time-consuming and a pressing concern;therefore, mark-sheet forms have been introduced to reduce the time required for this process. Therefore, this study aimed to examine whether mark-sheet forms can facilitate a more accurate and rapid recording of information than conventional descriptive recording forms.Methods:Fifty physical therapists affiliated with the Osaka Physical Therapists Association with no history of performing disaster rehabilitation support activities were recruited. Participants were randomized into descriptive recording form and mark-sheet form groups. Individuals in both groups were instructed to document the information gathered by watching simulated videos of the rehabilitation support activities on their designated recording forms. A statistical analysis compared the accuracy and time required to record the data obtained from the 10 simulation videos between groups.Results:In all 10 scenarios, the recording time was significantly shorter (p<0.05) for the mark-sheet form than descriptive recording form group. However, no discernible intergroup difference was observed in recorded content accuracy.Conclusion:The use of mark-sheet versus descriptive recording forms facilitated more rapid documentation of disaster rehabilitation support activities.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 141-149, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1040009


Objectives: This study examined the actual conditions of service provision to foreign residents (FRs) addressing prevention of lifestyle-related diseases (LRDs) and disaster preparedness/disaster responses (DPRs) in Japanese municipalities.Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using a self-administered questionnaire with representatives of public health nurses in each municipality in Japan from December 2021 to January 2022.Results: Services considering FRs are more likely to be implemented in cities than in towns, and in municipalities where FRs account for ≥2.2% of the population (proportion of FRs in the Japanese population at the time of the study) than in those with fewer FRs. Cities have larger populations and greater financial resources than towns. Factors associated with the implementation of services and measures necessary for providing services to FRs were the classification of the municipality as a city, a high percentage of FRs, and large variation in corresponding nationalities/countries of origin.Conclusions: Cross-disciplinary efforts and collaborations need to be strengthened to share available resources within local governments and experiences in providing services for FRs in other divisions/sections, rather than considering only how to provide services for FRs in the public health division/section.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230294, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565937


ABSTRACT Objective: to identify courses available online by national civil defense bodies in Brazil and Mexico to assist in the additional training of healthcare professionals for disasters. Method: an exploratory descriptive study, based on a qualitative approach, using technological prospecting methodology, carried out on the official Civil Defense websites in Brazil and Mexico. Results: ten courses offered by the Government of Mexico's National Center for Disaster Prevention were found, nine of which were short-term and one offered as vocational training. All of these courses were synchronous. In Brazil, 36 courses were located, all in asynchronous formats, with durations varying between 20 and 50 hours. Although the courses presented programmatic content that included activities inherent to healthcare professionals, none of them made specific mention of professionals in this area as the target audience. Conclusion: the prospective study reinforces that Information and Communication Technologies for distance education present themselves as an alternative present in both countries in terms of additional training for disasters, although not yet specifically aimed at healthcare professionals. The need to include this area of interdisciplinary and multi-professional content reflects gaps in sector integration.

RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar cursos disponibles en línea por los organismos nacionales de defensa civil en Brasil y México para ayudar en la capacitación adicional de profesionales de la salud para desastres. Método: estudio descriptivo exploratorio, de enfoque cualitativo, utilizando metodología de prospección tecnológica, realizado en los sitios web oficiales de la Defensa Civil de Brasil y México. Resultados: se encontraron 10 cursos ofrecidos por el Centro Nacional para la Prevención de Desastres del Gobierno de México, nueve de los cuales fueron de corta duración y uno se ofreció como formación vocacional. Todos estos cursos fueron sincrónicos. En Brasil se ubicaron 36 cursos, todos en formato asincrónico, con duraciones que variaron entre 20 y 50 horas. Aunque los cursos presentaron contenidos programáticos que incluyeron actividades inherentes a los profesionales de la salud, ninguno de ellos hizo mención específica a los profesionales de esa área como público objetivo. Conclusión: el estudio prospectivo refuerza que las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones para la educación a distancia se presentan como una alternativa presente en ambos países en términos de capacitación adicional para desastres, aunque aún no dirigida específicamente a los profesionales de la salud. La necesidad de incluir esta área de contenidos interdisciplinarios y multiprofesionales refleja brechas en la integración del sector.

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar cursos disponíveis on-line pelos órgãos de defesa civil nacional do Brasil e do México visando auxiliar na formação complementar de profissionais de saúde para desastres. Método: estudo descritivo exploratório, a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, utilizando a metodologia de prospecção tecnológica, realizada nos sites oficiais de Defesa Civil do Brasil e do México. Resultados: foram encontrados 10 cursos oferecidos pelo Centro Nacional de Prevenção de Desastres do Governo do México, sendo nove de curta duração e um oferecido como curso técnico. Todos esses cursos na modalidade síncrona. No Brasil, localizaram-se 36 cursos, todos em formatos assíncronos, com duração variável entre 20 e 50 horas. Embora os cursos apresentassem conteúdo programático que incluía atividades inerentes aos profissionais de saúde, nenhum deles fazia menção específica aos profissionais desta área como público-alvo. Conclusão: o estudo prospectivo reforça que as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação para educação a distância se apresentam como uma alternativa presente em ambos os países quanto à formação complementar para desastres, porém, ainda não direcionados especificamente aos profissionais da saúde. A necessidade de inclusão desta área de conteúdos interdisciplinares e multiprofissionais reflete lacunas de integração de setores.

Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 40(5): e00169123, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557428


Resumo: O artigo, na forma de ensaio, sistematiza uma trajetória profissional de experiências interdisciplinares e socialmente engajadas em torno da análise e prevenção de acidentes e desastres nos últimos 40 anos. O trabalho acadêmico se desenvolveu principalmente no âmbito da pesquisa e pós-graduação na saúde pública brasileira impulsionado pelo movimento sanitarista e a construção do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) em sua busca por democracia, justiça social e sanitária. A base empírica envolveu ações de vigilância em saúde dos trabalhadores e ambiental organizadas em redes protagonizadas pelo SUS em conjunto com universidades, sindicatos, movimentos sociais, organizações não governamentais (ONG) ambientalistas e Ministérios Públicos. Eventos de maior complexidade socioambiental em setores como siderurgia, petroquímico, mineração, agronegócio e energia forjaram a busca por novos referenciais epistêmicos e interdisciplinares que abarcam duas novas justiças: a ambiental e a cognitiva. Este artigo apresenta essa trajetória de contribuições conceituais em três movimentos a partir da década de 1980 até os dias atuais, cada qual correspondendo a um contexto sociopolítico e institucional, para pensar movimentos de transição paradigmática na análise e prevenção de acidentes e desastres numa perspectiva interdisciplinar. Finaliza-se com a sugestão de prevenção abissal e emancipatória para enfrentar diferentes crises da atualidade, como a ambiental, a sanitária, a democrática e a civilizatória.

Resumen: El artículo, en forma de ensayo, sistematiza una trayectoria profesional de experiencias interdisciplinarias y socialmente comprometidas en torno al análisis y la prevención de accidentes y desastres en los últimos 40 años. El trabajo académico se desarrolló principalmente en el ámbito de la investigación y postgrado en Salud Colectiva brasileña, impulsado por el movimiento sanitario y la construcción del Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) en su búsqueda por democracia, justicia social y sanitaria. La base empírica involucró acciones de vigilancia en salud y ambiental de los trabajadores, organizadas en redes protagonizadas por el SUS en conjunto con universidades, sindicatos, movimientos sociales, organizaciones no gubernamentales ambientalistas y Ministerios Públicos. Los acontecimientos de mayor complejidad socioambiental en sectores como la siderurgia, el petroquímico, la minería, el agronegocio y la energía han llevado a la búsqueda de nuevas referencias epistémicas e interdisciplinarias que abarcaron dos nuevas formas de justicia, la ambiental y la cognitiva. El artículo sistematiza esa trayectoria de contribuciones conceptuales en tres movimientos a partir de la década de 1980 hasta los días actuales, cada cual, correspondiendo a un contexto sociopolítico e institucional, para pensar movimientos de transición paradigmática en el análisis y prevención de accidentes y desastres desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria. Se finaliza con la sugerencia de prevención abisal y una prevención emancipadora para enfrentar diferentes crisis de la actualidad, como la ambiental, la sanitaria, la democrática y la de civilización.

Abstract: The article, in the form of an essay, systematizes a 40-year-long professional trajectory of interdisciplinary and socially engaged experiences around the analysis and prevention of accidents and disasters. This study was mainly developed within the scope of research and postgraduate studies in Public Health in Brazil, driven by the sanitarian movement and the construction of Brazilian Unified National Health System (SUS) in its search for democracy and social and health justices. Its empirical basis involved workers' health and environmental surveillance actions organized in networks led by SUS in conjunction with universities, unions, social movements, environmental nongovernmental organizations (NGO), and Public Prosecutors' Offices. Events of greater socio-environmental complexity in sectors such as steel, petrochemicals, mining, agribusiness, and energy forged the search for new epistemic and interdisciplinary references that encompassed two new justices, i.e., environmental and cognitive. This essay systematizes this trajectory of conceptual contributions in three movements from the 1980s to the present day (each corresponding to a socio-political and institutional context) to reflect on paradigmatic transition movements in the analysis and prevention of accidents and disasters from an interdisciplinary perspective. It ends by suggesting abyssal and emancipatory prevention to face different current crises, including environmental, health, democratic, and civilizing ones.

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; 58: e20230233, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1559060


ABSTRACT Objective: To map the ethical-legal dilemmas related to nursing practice in emergency and disaster situations. Method: A scoping review developed in accordance with the JBI method, whose information sources were accessed in databases, in addition to gray literature. The selection was made by reading the titles, abstracts and descriptors, observing eligibility criteria, including two reviewers and a third in case of discrepancies. After reading, data extraction and content analysis of 17 selected studies were carried out. Results: Thirteen ethical-legal dilemmas were mapped related to professional/functional duty towards the family, lack of personal protective equipment and unsafe conditions at work, preparation and availability for action, skills, limits imposed by victims' religion, obligation to provide care. Conclusion: Professionals, researchers and representatives of the category need to resolve demands that involve acting in emergencies and disasters, (re)cognizing the ethical-legal dilemma, and seeking (re)legal frameworks and observance of the fundamental/ethical principles that govern the profession, in the sense to support decision-making and the development of legally safe practices.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Mapear los dilemas ético-legales relacionados con la práctica de enfermería en situaciones de emergencia y desastre. Método: Revisión de alcance, desarrollada de acuerdo con el método JBI, a cuyas fuentes de información se accedió en bases de datos, además de literatura gris. La selección se realizó mediante lectura de títulos, resúmenes y descriptores, observando criterios de elegibilidad, contando con dos revisores y un tercero en caso de discrepancias. Luego de la lectura, se realizó la extracción de datos y análisis de contenido de 17 publicaciones seleccionadas. Resultados: Fueron mapeados 13 dilemas ético-legales relacionados con el deber profesional/funcional hacia la familia, falta de equipos de protección personal y condiciones inseguras en el trabajo, preparación y disponibilidad para la acción, habilidades, límites impuestos por la religión de las víctimas, obligación de brindar cuidados. Conclusión: Profesionales, investigadores y representantes de la categoría necesitan resolver demandas que involucran actuar en emergencias y desastres, (re)conociendo los dilemas ético-legales y buscando el (re)encuadre legal y el cumplimiento de los principios fundamentales/éticos que rigen la profesión, con el fin de apoyar la toma de decisiones y el desarrollo de prácticas jurídicamente seguras.

RESUMO Objetivo: Mapear os dilemas ético-legais relacionados à prática de Enfermagem em situações de emergências e desastres. Método: Revisão de escopo, desenvolvida em conformidade com o método JBI, cujas fontes de informação foram acessadas em bases de dados, além da literatura cinzenta. A seleção se deu pela leitura dos títulos, resumos e descritores, observando critérios de elegibilidade, contando com dois revisores e um terceiro em caso de divergências. Após a leitura, procedeu-se à extração dos dados e análise de conteúdo de 17 publicações selecionadas. Resultados: Mapearam-se 13 dilemas ético-legais relacionados ao dever profissional/funcional diante da família, falta de equipamento de proteção individual e condição insegura no trabalho, preparação e disponibilidade para atuação, competências, limites impostos pela religião das vítimas, obrigatoriedade em prestar cuidado. Conclusão: Profissionais, pesquisadores e representantes da categoria precisam resolver demandas que envolvem a atuação em emergências e desastres, (re)conhecendo os dilemas ético-legais e buscando (re)enquadramentos legais e observância dos princípios fundamentais/éticos que regem a profissão, no sentido de amparar a tomada de decisão e o desenvolvimento de práticas seguras juridicamente.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34049, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569386


Resumo Este estudo tem como objetivo apresentar o processo de elaboração e validação do modelo lógico do plano de contingência para enfrentamento da covid-19 do Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB-UnB/Ebserh). É parte de um estudo de avaliabilidade, de metodologia qualitativa, desenvolvido de forma participativa, com os interessados pela avaliação (gestores e profissionais de saúde) no hospital e foi realizado entre julho 2020 e fevereiro de 2021. Todos os produtos foram validados pelos interessados. O modelo lógico validado é composto por sete componentes e 18 atividades e 109 produtos. Os componentes foram 'Gestão', 'Assistência', 'Força de Trabalho', 'Vigilância', 'Apoio e Insumos Estratégicos', 'Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão' e 'Comunicação'. A cultura da avaliação em saúde tem grande importância para demonstrar a efetividade e o impacto das intervenções e apoiar os gestores na tomada de decisão. O uso de modelos lógicos permite a visualização da racionalidade da intervenção, apresentando seu funcionamento e o vínculo entre as relações causais e seus elementos.

Abstract This study aimed to present the process to develop and validate the logical model of the Contingency Plan to face COVID-19 at the University Hospital of Brasília (HUB-UnB/Ebserh). It is part of an evaluability study, with a qualitative methodology, developed in a participatory way, with those interested in the evaluation (managers and health professionals) at the hospital and was carried out between July 2020 and February 2021. All products were validated by interested parties. The validated logical model is composed of seven components and 18 activities and 109 products. The components were 'Management', 'Assistance', 'Workforce', 'Surveillance', 'Support and Strategic Supplies', 'Teaching, Research and Extension' and 'Communication'. The culture of health assessment is of great importance to demonstrate the effectiveness and impact of interventions and support managers in decision-making. The use of logical models allows the visualization of the rationality of the intervention, presenting its operation and the link between the causal relations and its elements.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(10): 2993-3002, out. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520600


Resumen El objetivo fue reconstruir y analizar los discursos de la pandemia en la era post-COVID-19. La metodología se basó en una revisión crítica de la literatura científica sobre la pandemia, seleccionándose entre una muestra de los 500 artículos científicos más citados en Google Scholar sobre la pandemia, a 80 artículos de carácter no biomédico, clínico o farmacológico, publicados en revistas indexadas en Scopus o Web of Science. El abordaje teórico se basó en los debates sobre predictibilidad e impredecibilidad, determinación e indeterminación, en las ciencias de la salud y ciencias sociales. Como resultado se identificaron y analizaron seis tesis sobre la pandemia: a) la tesis de la impredecibilidad de las pandemias; b) la tesis negacionista de la pandemia; c) la tesis de la pandemia como falla en los sistemas de predictibilidad; d) la tesis de la prevención de eventos catastróficos con intervenciones puntuales; e) la tesis de la postergación estructural de la atención de predicciones por los países no desarrollados; y f) la tesis ecologista-sanitaria, de previsión de una fase crítica para el planeta y la humanidad. Se concluyó sobre los límites de la resiliencia como centro en la preparación de los sistemas de salud de Latinoamérica en la post-pandemia.

Abstract This study aimed to reconstruct and analyze the discourses of the pandemic in the post-COVID-19 era. The methodology was based on a critical review of the scientific literature on the pandemic, selecting 80 non-biomedical, clinical, or pharmacological articles published in journals indexed in Scopus or Web of Science from a sample of the 500 most cited scientific articles on the pandemic in Google Scholar. The theoretical approach was based on the debates on predictability, unpredictability, determination, and indeterminacy in the health and social sciences. As a result, six theses on the pandemic were identified and analyzed: a) the thesis of the unpredictability of pandemics; b) the thesis of pandemic denial; c) the thesis of the pandemic as a failure in predictability systems; d) the thesis of the prevention of catastrophic events with timely interventions; e) the thesis of the structural postponement of predictive care by non-developed countries; and f) the environmentalist-health thesis, of foreseeing a critical phase for the planet and humanity. We concluded on the limits of resilience as the center in preparing Latin American health systems in the post-pandemic.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(6): 1777-1788, jun. 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439851


Resumo O objetivo foi analisar os nexos entre o Marco de Sendai para a Redução do Risco de Desastres, os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) e os princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), no contexto da emergência de saúde pública da pandemia de COVID-19, e suas potenciais implicações para a saúde da população. O estudo é qualitativo, transversal, exploratório, com dados coletados junto a profissionais de saúde com experiência em práticas assistenciais e de gestão de risco de emergências e desastres, e tratados pelo software Iramuteq para análise lexical. O corpus textual foi apresentado através da classificação hierárquica descendente, que originou sete classes aglutinadas em três categorias denominadas: resposta a desastres no contexto do SUS; prevenção de futuros riscos de desastres; e ações de preparação e recuperação a partir do Marco de Sendai e dos ODS. Ressaltou-se aspectos sobre os efeitos diretos e indiretos da pandemia de COVID-19 e os desafios relacionados à redução do risco de desastres preconizados no Marco de Sendai, apontando a necessidade de fortalecer a cultura de segurança e sustentabilidade no âmbito do SUS, o que se coaduna com os ODS, bem como aos determinantes sociais da saúde.

Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the connections between the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the principles of Brazil's Unified Health System (SUS) in the context of the public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential implications for population health. This qualitative, cross-sectional, exploratory study collected data from health professionals with experience in emergency and disaster risk management and treatment practices, which were then processed using the Iramuteq software for lexical analysis. The textual corpus was presented through a descending hierarchical classification that resulted in seven classes grouped into three categories: disaster response in the context of SUS; prevention of future disaster risks; and preparedness and recovery actions based on the Sendai Framework and the SDGs. The study highlighted aspects related to the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the challenges related to disaster risk reduction as advocated by the Sendai Framework, emphasizing the need to strengthen the culture of safety and sustainability within the SUS, which aligns with the ODS and social determinants of health.

Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521989


Los desastres sanitarios han afectado la humanidad desde sus albores. En otras epidemias, las bajas causadas se contabilizan por cientos de miles. La preparación para el enfrentamiento a la epidemia de la COVID-19 en el hospital Militar de Matanzas, "Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy", comenzó tempranamente. Con el objetivo de analizar esa experiencia, se reflexiona sobre los resultados del enfrentamiento en el año 2020, a partir de los principales aspectos, las coordinaciones con otros organismos, las decisiones tomadas, cambios estructurales y modificaciones de procesos institucionales. Consolidar la superación científica ha sido un pilar permanente, junto con la disciplina, la responsabilidad personal y social de los miembros del colectivo.

Health disasters have affected humanity since its dawn. In other epidemics, the casualties caused number in the hundreds of thousands. The preparation for confronting the COVID-19 epidemic at the Military Hospital of Matanzas, "Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy", began early. In order to analyze this experience, we reflect on the results of the confrontation in 2020, based on the main aspects, the coordination with other organizations, the decisions made, structural changes and modifications of institutional processes. Consolidating scientific improvement has been a permanent pillar, along with discipline, personal and social responsibility of the members of the collective.

Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438259


INTRODUÇÃO: Os desastres são considerados eventos vitimadores que provocam danos psíquicos e sofrimento às pessoas atingidas e esses casos exigem que os psicólogos estejam cada vez mais preparados para atuar nessas circunstâncias. OBJETIVO: investigar a atuação do psicólogo frente a situações de desastres. A pesquisa se configurou como qualitativa com delineamento de pesquisa de campo. METODOLOGIA: Foram participantes cinco psicólogas com especializações na área de desastres e emergências. O instrumento utilizado para atingir os objetivos da pesquisa foi um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado composto por sete perguntas semiabertas. As entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio, transcritas na íntegra e analisadas por meio da análise de conteúdo. RESULTADOS: De acordo com os temas abordados pelas participantes, a atuação do psicólogo em desastres é dividida em: pré-desastre, durante o desastre e pós-desastre, o que dependerá do tipo de evento e condições apresentadas; as vítimas devem receber apoio integral, buscando minimizar os danos gerados pela tragédia. Ressalta-se que não é necessária uma atuação apenas depois que o desastre já ocorreu, mas há, além disso, toda uma preparação no prédesastre em locais que possuem maior propensão ao acontecimento destes eventos. CONCLUSÃO: O trabalho do profissional da Psicologia no campo dos desastres é de extrema importância para as vítimas, os parentes das vítimas, a comunidade como um todo e até para os profissionais envolvidos, podendo reduzir o estresse agudo, que é gerado a partir da experiência traumática, priorizando que o sujeito recupere sua capacidade cognitiva de agir e sentir a situação.

INTRODUCTION: Disasters are considered victimizing events that cause psychic damage and suffering to the people affected and these cases require psychologists to be increasingly prepared to act in these circumstances. OBJECTIVE: to investigate the role of the psychologist in the face of disaster situations. The research was configured as qualitative with a field research design. METHODOLOGY: Five psychologists with specializations in the area of disasters and emergencies participated. The instrument used to achieve the research objectives was a semi-structured interview guide composed of seven semi-open questions. The interviews were audio recorded, fully transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. RESULTS: According to the topics addressed by the participants, the psychologist's role in disasters is divided into: pre-disaster, during the disaster and post-disaster, which will depend on the type of event and conditions presented; victims must receive full support, seeking to minimize the damage generated by the tragedy. It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to act only after the disaster has already occurred, but there is, in addition, a whole pre-disaster preparation in places that are more prone to the occurrence of these events. CONCLUSION: The work of the Psychology professional in the field of disasters is extremely important for the victims, the victims' relatives, the community as a whole and even for the professionals involved, and can reduce the acute stress, which is generated from the experience trauma, prioritizing the subject to recover his cognitive ability to act and feel the situation.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Los desastres son considerados hechos victimizantes que provocan daño psíquico y sufrimiento a las personas afectadas, y estos casos exigen que los psicólogos estén cada vez más preparados para actuar en estas circunstancias. OBJETIVO: investigar el papel del psicólogo frente a situaciones de desastre. La investigación se configuró como cualitativa con diseño de investigación de campo. METODOLOGÍA: Participaron cinco psicólogos con especializaciones en el área de desastres y emergencias. El instrumento utilizado para lograr los objetivos de la investigación fue un guión de entrevista semiestructurado compuesto por siete preguntas semiabiertas. Las entrevistas fueron grabadas en audio, transcritas en su totalidad y analizadas mediante análisis de contenido. RESULTADOS: De acuerdo a los temas abordados por los participantes, el rol del psicólogo en desastres se divide en: predesastre, durante el desastre y postdesastre, lo que dependerá del tipo de evento y condiciones que se presenten; las víctimas deben recibir todo el apoyo, buscando minimizar los daños causados por la tragedia. Cabe señalar que no es necesario actuar solo después de que ya haya ocurrido el desastre, sino que existe, además, toda una preparación previa al desastre en los lugares más propensos a la ocurrencia de estos eventos. CONCLUSIÓN: La labor del profesional de la Psicología en el campo de los desastres es sumamente importante para las víctimas, los familiares de las víctimas, la comunidad en su conjunto e incluso para los profesionales involucrados, pudiendo disminuir el estrés agudo, que se genera a partir de la experiencia traumática, priorizando que el sujeto recupere su capacidad cognitiva para actuar y sentir la situación.

Disasters , Psychology , Natural Disasters
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990134


Objective:To investigate the status quo of disaster preparedness of nursing organization among newly recruited nurses in tertiary grade A hospitals of Zhengzhou city and analyze the influencing factors in order to provide theoretical basis for further improving the standardized training program for newly recruited nurses.Methods:This study was a cross-sectional survey. From December 2021 to March 2022, 964 newly recruited nurses from 4 tertiary grade A hospitals of Zhengzhou city were selected as the survey objects by convenient sampling method. The general information questionnaire and Hospital Nursing Department Disaster Preparedness Scale were used to conduct the questionnaire survey. Disordered multiple classification Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of disaster preparedness of hospital nursing organization.Results:The disaster preparedness score of nursing organization of newly recruited nurses was (37.62 ± 7.57) points. The results of disordered multiple classification Logistic regression showed that the factors influencing the disaster preparedness level of nursing organization of newly recruited nurses were whether they had participated in disaster rescue work and the degree of attention paid by nursing organizations to disaster rescue training (both P<0.05). Conclusions:The disaster preparedness of the nursing organization of newly recruited nurses in tertiary grade A hospitals of Zhengzhou city was at a medium level. Nursing managers should pay attention to the disaster preparedness of newly recruited nurses, develop their core abilities for disaster rescue according to their influencing factors, and incorporate disaster preparedness related contents on the basis of standardized training programs.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990148


Objective:To investigate the status of clinical nurses′ professional identity and disaster cognition during the post-disaster reconstruction, and to analyze the correlation between the two.Methods:With the convenient sampling method, the 346 nursing staff of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University participated in the disaster reconstruction for the survey, using the general questionnaire, the nurse professional identity scale, the disaster cognition questionnaire for investigation. Pearson correlation was used to analyze the correlation between disaster cognition and professional identity.Results:The disaster cognition during the post-disaster needed to be improved, the choice rate of knowing disaster nursing well was 6.36%-70.23%. Gender had significant statistical significance on the scores of thinking the importance of disaster care training and willingness to join in disaster care continuing education ( t=-2.54 and -2.32, both P<0.05). Position had significant statistical significance on the score of willing to join in the enthusiasm of emergency rescue( F=6.62, P<0.05). Whether have ever participated in disaster training had significant statistical significance on the scores of focusing on the frequency of disasters and understanding the degree of disaster care ( t=5.57, 7.88, both P<0.05). Nurse professional identity level was high during the post-disaster reconstruction, the total score was (121.73 ± 19.75). Whether have ever participated in disaster training had significant statistical significance on the score of professional identity ( t=4.57, P<0.05). And the total score and each dimension score of disaster recognition were positively correlated with the total score and each dimension score of professional identity in nurses ( r values were 0.44-0.53, all P<0.05). Conclusions:The disaster cognition level is still lacking, the professional identity level is high. The disaster cognition affects professional identity levels to a certain extent, so nursing managers should improve the disaster recognition of nursing staff by making targeted strategy, which can not only improve the professional identity levels, but also reserve power for emergency disaster and post-disaster reconstruction reserves.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 201-205, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992002


Objective:To summarize the management experience of helicopter medical transport in patients with critical heart disease, so as to provide reference for transport of patients with critical heart disease under the background of major natural disasters.Methods:The clinical and transport data of 36 critically ill cardiac patients in Fuwai Central China Cardiovascular Hospital from 16:30 on July 21 to 19:30 on July 22, 2021 due to historically rare heavy rainstorms were collected. All 36 critically ill cardiac patients were transported by helicopter. The safe transportation was implemented under the measures of quickly forming a transport leadership and coordination group, clarifying responsibilities and division of labor, doing a good job in the pretreatment of the patient's condition, pipeline assessment and mechanical circulation support (MCS) equipment, simulating and practicing the transfer process, improving the safety of the transfer implementation process, and effectively handing over with the target hospital. The gender, age, disease type, MCS, transport and outcome of patients were collected.Results:Thirty-six patients with cardiac critical illness were from adult extracardiac intensive care unit (ICU), adult cardiac care unit (CCU), children's CCU, comprehensive ICU and department of neurology. There were 24 males and 12 females; age (50.93±20.86) years old. There were 12 patients using respirator, 7 patients needing MCS, 2 of whom needed both extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) and intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), and 7 patients with post-cardiac surgery. The total distance of transportation of 36 patients was 1 638.4 km, the transit time was 10.5 hours, one way flight time of helicopter was about 8 minutes, and the average transport time per patient was about 17.5 minutes. The vital signs of 36 patients during transport were basically stable, without complications, and all of them reached the target hospital safely.Conclusion:Under the seamless connection of the rapid establishment of the transfer leadership coordination group, assessment of the patient's condition and pretreatment, the simulation of the transfer process, and the effective handover with the receiving hospital, the use of helicopter for medical transport for critically ill heart patients is feasible and safe, which can buy valuable time for saving patients' lives and further treatment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022900


The present situation of UAV in the world was introduced,and its application was described in disaster relief,medical rescue and aerial search and rescue.The problems and challenges of UAV were analyzed in terms of safety and tech-nology.The future research directions of UAV were proposed for aviation emergency rescue.[Chinese Medical Equipment Journal,2023,44(10):108-113]

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023232


In order to improve the disaster response ability of resident physicians under standardized training, this study designed a disaster medicine curriculum of traditional Chinese and Western medicine with reference to domestic and foreign experience. The curriculum consisted of 8 modules with a total of 26 class hours. The definition and classification of disasters and the status of traditional Chinese medicine in disaster medicine were introduced. This study evaluated the teaching effect of disaster medicine curriculum of traditional Chinese and Western medicine carried out by the Emergency Trauma Center of the Seventh People's Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 84 resident physicians under standardized training. The results showed that the objective test scores of resident physicians under standardized training before and after the course were (45.00±2.51) and (76.25±2.76), respectively ( P<0.001). A questionnaire survey on the subjective understanding of knowledge related to disaster medicine of traditional Chinese and Western medicine was conducted among resident physicians under standardized training before and after the course. The results showed that the test scores before and after the course were (50.88±1.41) and (64.64±1.80), respectively ( P<0.001). This study showed that the theoretical knowledge, skills, and comprehensive ability of resident physicians under standardized training in disaster relief have been greatly improved through the disaster medicine-related curriculum, providing a reference for the establishment of disaster medical education-related curriculum of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 2901-2910, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027784


Objective To analyze the influencing factors of disaster resilience in medical rescue workers,to construct a prediction model for the low-level risk of disaster resilience in medical rescue workers,and to verify the predictive effect of the model.Methods Using the convenience sampling method and the snowball method,1 037 medical rescue workers who participated in disaster rescue in 18 provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities)were selected as the participants from May to July 2022.Online questionnaire surveys were conducted using general information questionnaires,disaster resilience measuring tools for healthcare rescuers,the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale,the Simple Coping Style Questionnaire and the Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale.Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to determine the independent influencing factors for the low level of disaster resilience of medical rescue workers.A risk prediction model was constructed,and a nomogram chart was drawn.The model's effectiveness was evaluated using the receiver operating characteristic curve(ROC)and calibration curve.The Bootstrap method was applied for internal validation.Results The logistic regression analysis showed that per capita monthly income of households,whether to participate in on-site disaster rescue,positive coping,mindfulness level,and adequacy of rescue supplies were independent influencing factors for the disaster resilience of medical rescue workers(P<0.05).The predictive formula for the low-level risk of disaster resilience in medical rescue workers was established as follows:Logit(P)=8.741-0.381 x per capita monthly income of households-0.891 x whether to participate in on-site disaster rescue-2.544 x positive coping-0.020 x mindfulness level-0.222 x adequacy of rescue supplies.The area under the ROC curve was 0.823,and the optimal critical value was 0.353.The sensitivity and specificity were 79.12%and 71.43%,respectively.The Hosmer-Lemeshow test showed that x2=12.250(P=0.140),and the predicted curve fitted well with the ideal curve.The external validation showed that the sensitivity and specificity of the model were 75.00%and 66.39%,respectively,and the overall accuracy was 69.95%.Conclusion The prediction model in this study has sound predictive effects and can provide references and guidance for managers to select,recruit,and train medical rescue workers.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997078


@#Introduction: Natural disasters are catastrophic events with geological, and hydrological origins such as earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides that can cause fatalities, property damage and social environmental disruption. The threat of geological disasters like tsunami and earthquakes as well as the threat of hydrometeorology, such as floods, landslides, hurricanes, and fires normally occur in Indonesia. Nurses have a role to play in educating the public and engaging in the crisis. This research aims to determine the relationship between nurses’ self-efficacy and disaster preparedness management competency. Method: This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach. The population consisted of nurses who served in the Emergency Room at three disaster referral hospitals in Padang. According to the inclusion criteria, nurses who participated in this study were selected by the purposive sampling method as 1st level disaster nurses, as many as 60 nurses. The data collection was carried out from August to October 2020. Results: This research shows that there was a significant relationship between nurses’ self-efficacy and disaster preparedness management with a p-value of 0.0001 and a strong relationship with a value of r = 0.673. There was a relationship between disaster management competencies and disaster preparedness management with a p-value of 0.0001, the strength of the relationship was moderate with a value of r = 0.473. Conclusion: The nurse is one of the resources responsible for disaster preparedness management in the community. Educating the nurses about disaster preparedness management increases the nurses’ readiness. Nurses can take action in managing the disaster response.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998036


@#Disaster risk reduction (DRR) plays essential roles in ensuring food security to avoid adverse social, economic and financial implications to the disaster victims. This article aims to review existing DRR strategies in food security during flood disasters and recommend strategies that can be adapted into policies in Malaysia according to the Sendai Framework. Sendai Framework provides comprehensive, globally recognized priority themes in DRR while highlighting governmental and stakeholders’ responsibility. A literature review was carried out by searching available published literatures from online databases and selected information used in this review is taken from articles, journals, reports, national reports, news, and thesis regarding the topic from November 2021 to January 2022. This review revealed that DRR strategies of food security during flood disasters in Malaysia lack one out of 14 work areas in four priorities in the Sendai Framework, which is the national-level risk and vulnerability assessment system and tools. This article proposed 19 recommendations to improve eight work areas across all four priority areas to enhance national food security during flood disasters.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998642


@#Introduction: Future floods are expected to increase in frequency and intensity. Communities must arm themselves with information and skills to overcome these disasters and limit their impact. Moreover, the Coronavirus-19 infection doubled as the transmission was thought to occur when evacuation facilities were overrun and crowded. Despite government and agency assistance, the aftermath of a flood disaster leaves victims susceptible to the impacts. Resilience is essential when battling flooding or a pandemic. Thus, this study aims to determine the community disaster resilience score and its associated factors in Selangor flood-prone communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional quantitative survey will be conducted with a sample size of 574 residents living in flood-prone areas. A validated self-administered questionnaire will be distributed in liaison with community leaders using paper and online. The questionnaire includes respondents’ demographic, flood disaster preparedness, general disaster preparedness belief, and community disaster resilience. The associations and predictors between the independent and dependent variables will be examined using bivariate analysis and multiple linear regression with a < 0.05 significance level. Discussion: Insights from this research will help communities better prepare for and recover from disasters. A more robust resilience approach requires focusing on predictors and recruiting those factors to assist health authorities in promoting flood disaster preparedness and resilience practices in the community. Researchers may comprehend the health behaviour of a community to build disaster preparedness and resilience as well as a health intervention.