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Interdisciplinaria ; 34(1): 193-210, June 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-893326


La satisfacción que los pacientes tienen con respecto a sus tratamientos es un indicador de la calidad de los mismos y un importante predictor de sus posibles resultados. Se analizaron los niveles de tal satisfacción en una muestra de pacientes con problemáticas de abuso de sustancias, tratados en instituciones del Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires (AMBA). Los grados de satisfacción fueron a su vez analizados en relación con las características diferenciales de las instituciones (tipo de institución, ubicación geográfica, género de los pacientes aceptados, presencia de cualidades atípicas en las instituciones) y la evolución de los tratamientos (duración y cantidad de interrupciones del proceso). A partir de un muestreo aleatorio por conglomerados y estratificado, se convocó una muestra de 216 participantes pertenecientes a 22 centros, que completaron un cuestionario de satisfacción, diseñado para este estudio. Los resultados mostraron niveles elevados de satisfacción en las distintas áreas exploradas, observando características distintivas de las instituciones asociadas a diferentes niveles de satisfacción, como es el caso del tipo de institución y el género de los participantes aceptados. No obstante, no se encontraron diferencias en los grados de satisfacción en función del tiempo de desarrollo del tratamiento y la cantidad de interrupciones del mismo. Los resultados obtenidos son discutidos en relación a los alcances del estudio, a la vez que se presentan sus limitaciones y se proponen futuras investigaciones para avanzar sobre esta temática.

The client satisfaction about his treatments it is an important indicator of its quality, but also a fundamental predictor of treatment outcome. Specifically, in patients with drug abuse disorders, the degrees of satisfaction with their treatments have presented lineal correlations with the amount of therapeutic change and the continuity in treatment (prevention of drop-out). Thus, the analysis of clients' satisfaction with their treatments is presented as an indirect and alternative strategy to analyze the effects of therapy for drug abuse disorders, a main health, social, and political problem in the world wide. In this exploratory study we analyzed the levels of satisfaction about their treatment in a sample of client's with substance abuse disorders, treated in institutions of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA). Then we explored the relationship among the levels of satisfaction with the specific features of the institutions where the treatments were conducted (type of institution, geographic location, genre of the clients accepted, and the presence of atypical characteristics) and with characteristics of the evolution of those treatments (treatments length and amount of interruptions during the therapeutic process). Based on a stratified cluster random sampling strategy, using the above-described characteristics of the institutions analyzed in this study to create the clusters, we designed a sample of 216 subjects that were treated in 22 institutions with treatments subsidized by the Argentine National Secretary for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and the Fight against Drug Trafficking (SEDRONAR by its acronym in Spanish). All the participants of this research completed a questionnaire developed ad hoc and based on previous developments, to explore patient's levels of satisfaction in six areas: Admission, General environment (divided into the sub-areas Human and physical context and Mistreatment), Satisfaction with food, Staff evaluation (divided into the sub-areas Overall staff assessment and Specific staff assessment), Satisfaction with treatment (divided into the sub-areas Treatment features, Treatments results, and Complementary therapeutic devices), and General treatment evaluation. Results showed that there were same features of the institutions related to different levels of satisfaction in the participants of the study. Regarding the type of institution, patients of the psychiatric clinics presented the lowest degrees of satisfaction while the patients of the day hospitals had the highest levels of satisfaction. Also different levels of satisfactions were observed based on the genre of the patients accepted in the institutions. Patients of the institutions that only accept male clients have greater degrees of satisfaction than patients in mixed institutions. No significant differences were found in patient's satisfaction due to institution geographical location. Also, we have not found a significant association between patient's satisfaction and treatment length or between treatment satisfaction and amount of interruptions in the therapy. The results are discussed in the context of the scopes of the study, while further research is suggested to move forward in the exploration of this issue. The differences in satisfaction due to the type of institution might be explained by the degree of openness and flexibility of the setting, but also by the severity of the patients that are included in eacht type of institutions. As well, the differences in satisfaction based on the genre of the patients accepted by the institution could be explained by the predominance of male patients in the population (85%) and the possible lack of adaptation of treatment characteristics to female specific necessities. However, the results of this research must be interpreted extremely cautious because of limitations of the study related to the sample method and the unknown psychometric properties (in terms of validity and reliability) of the instrument used.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-378787


<p>In junior high school, educators with many different types of specialty jobs are involved in “education on the proper use of pharmaceutical products” and “drug-abuse resistance education”. Examples of these different jobs are physical education teachers, school nurses, school pharmacists. The aim of this study was to elucidate novel ideas and new directions in the future of medicine instructional education by clarifying the aims and thoughts of educators with different jobs on the education of pharmaceutical medicines and drug use. Based on the technique of Personal Attitude Construct (PAC) analysis, junior high school staff members involved in “education on the proper use of pharmaceutical products” and “drug-abuse resistance education” were interviewed regarding their aims and thoughts. Their responses were analyzed qualitatively. Five school pharmacists, five school nurses, and four physical education teachers were interviewed. The responses revealed that school pharmacists engaged in student education from the specialized perspective of pharmacology, school nurses engaged in student education from the perspective of imminent situations, and physical education teachers engaged in student education more from the perspective of student environment. This study suggested that “education on the proper use of pharmaceutical products” and “drug-abuse resistance education” should be a collaborative effort, so there were the different perspectives and aims of educators with different specialty jobs in the instruction of junior high school students on these subjects.</p>