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J. res. dent ; 12(1): 23-28, Jun 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556281


Aims: This study aimed to assess the quality of various filling techniques in ovoid root canals prepared using M® instruments. Materials and Methods: Sixty ovoid root canals underwent endodontic treatment with M® instruments and were subsequently divided randomly into four experimental groups, each employing a different obturation technique: TU - single cone; TL - active lateral condensation; TH - Tagger hybrid; TS - Schilder technique. Digital radiographs were taken in both mesiodistal and buccolingual directions to examine the filled teeth. The percentage of filling material and empty spaces was quantified using Photoshop® software. Data were subjected to statistical analysis using the one-way ANOVA test and T test (? = 0.05). Results: In the TL and TS groups, there was a significantly lower average percentage of unfilled spaces compared to the TU and TH groups (P<0.0001). When analyzing the radiographic directions, the mesiodistal view exhibited the highest mean percentage of unfilled spaces, with differences in filling quality observed only in the TU and TL groups. Conclusions: Active lateral condensation and Schilder techniques demonstrated superior performance in achieving effective filling of ovoid root canals.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564653


La aplicación de crioterapia en endodoncia consta de la irrigación con solución salina a temperaturas bajas con la finalidad de reducir el dolor post-operatorio en un tratamiento de conducto radicular. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la reducción térmica de la superficie radicular externa a través de la crioterapia intracanal según temperatura y tiempo. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó su limpieza y desinfección con hipoclorito de sodio (NaOCl) al 4 %, se procedió con apertura cameral, preparación biomecánica e irrigación final con hipoclorito de sodio (NaOCl) al 2,5 % y EDTA 17 % activándolo manualmente con un cono de gutapercha Nº 40 a 100 ciclos en 1 minuto. Se dividieron los treinta premolares monorradiculares en 3 intervenciones de irrigaciones diferentes usando solución salina a temperatura ambiente para el grupo control (GC), solución salina a temperatura 1.5 C° para el grupo 1 (G1), y solución salina a temperatura 4 C° para el grupo 2 (G2) con registro de temperatura a los 0, 1, 2 y 3 minutos post irrigación final. Resultados: Se encontró reducción térmica significativa en la superficie radicular externa de todos los grupos comparados en los diferentes tiempos y temperaturas criogénicas.

The application of cryotherapy in endodontics consists of irrigation with saline solution at low temperatures with the aim of reducing post-operative pain in root canal treatment. The objective of this study was to compare the thermal reduction of the external root surface through intracanal cryotherapy according to temperature and time. Materials and methods: Cleaning and disinfection was carried out with 4 % sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), proceeded with chamber opening, biomechanical preparation and final irrigation with 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and 17 % EDTA, activating it manually with a gutta-percha cone No. 40 to 100 cycles in 1 minute. The thirty single-root premolars were divided into 3 different irrigation interventions using saline solution at room temperature for the control group (CG), saline solution at a temperature of 1.5 C° for group 1 (G1), and saline solution at a temperature of 4 C° for group 2 (G2) with temperature recording at 0, 1, 2 and 3 minutes after final irrigation. Results: Significant thermal reduction was found in the external root surface of all groups compared at different cryogenic times and temperatures.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 2(64): 60-76, mai-ago.2024. ilius, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567312


O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar microrganismos das espécies Enterococcus spp e Enterobacteriaceae em dentes com canais radiculares infectados portadores de infecção primária e/ou secundária/persistente. Métodos: A amostra do presente estudo foi de 23 pacientes que apresentaram necessidade de tratamento ou retratamento endodôntico. Foram coletadas amostras de 28 dentes infectados usando pontas de papel absorventes estéreis, transportadas em solução salina, diluídas, plaqueadas e incubadas em estufa de cultura bacteriológica. Para o crescimento de microrganismos foram utilizados jarros com gerador de atmosfera de anaerobiose. Colônias microbianas foram isoladas, caracterizadas e identificadas. Os dados coletados foram estatisticamente analisados com a utilização do software SPSS for Windows 10.0 (SPSS Inc., USA). Resultados: Foi isolada somente uma cepa do gênero Enterococcus spp, e nenhuma espécie do gênero Enterobacteriaceae. Das coletas microbiológicas realizadas em 28 canais radiculares, todas apresentaram crescimento microbiano em anaerobiose. Dezoito dentes apresentavam necrose pulpar e lesão periapical. Os outros 10 dentes já haviam recebido tratamento endodôntico prévio e em 6 destes houve constatação de lesão periapical, sendo que nos outros 4, não. Conclusão: Nas condições experimentais do presente estudo, pode-se concluir que não houve correlação da presença de espécies microbianas das famílias Enterococcus spp e/ou Enterobacteriaceae com infecção primária ou secundária do canal radicular.

The objective of the present study was to identify microorganisms of the Enterococcus spp and Enterobacteriaceae species in teeth with infected root canals with primary and/or secondary/persistent infection. Methods: The sample of the present study consisted of 23 patients who required endodontic treatment or retreatment. Samples of 28 infected teeth were collected using sterile absorbent paper points, transported in saline solution, diluted, plated and incubated in a bacteriological culture oven. For the growth of microorganisms, jars with an anaerobic atmosphere generator were used. Microbial colonies were isolated, characterized and identified. The collected data were statistically analyzed using the SPSS for Windows 10.0 software (SPSS Inc., USA). Results: Only one strain of the genus Enterococcus spp was isolated, and no species of the genus Enterobacteriaceae. From the microbiological collections carried out in 28 root canals, all showed microbial growth in anaerobic conditions. Eighteen teeth had pulp necrosis and periapical lesion. The other 10 teeth had already received previous endodontic treatment and in 6 of them there was a periapical lesion, and in the other 4, no. Conclusion: Under the experimental conditions of the present study, it can be concluded that there was no correlation between the presence of microbial species of the Enterococcus spp and/or Enterobacteriaceae families with primary or secondary root canal infection.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Enterococcus , Dental Pulp Cavity , Enterobacteriaceae , Infections
Medwave ; 24(3): e2780, 30-04-2024.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553782


Introducción La siguiente revisión bibliográfica se realizó con el propósito de reconocer las características clínicas y radiográficas que deben ser evaluadas para el diagnóstico de las reabsorciones radiculares externas incluyendo también sus tratamientos. Metodología Se llevó a cabo una búsqueda en las bases de datos MEDLINE/PubMed, Cochrane Library y Google Scholar bajo el término , incluyendo estudios experimentales y revisiones bibliográficas desde 2010 a 2022 en español e inglés, incluyendo finalmente 17 artículos. Resultados Los resultados obtenidos señalaron que cada tipo de reabsorción radicular externa presenta características clínicas específicas que las diferencian. Estas diferencias son: para la reabsorción externa inflamatoria la vitalidad pulpar negativa; para la reabsorción externa de reemplazo la ausencia de movilidad y percusión metálica; para la reabsorción externa cervical una coloración rosada de la corona; la reabsorción externa superficial no presenta ningún tipo de sintomatología clínica y la reabsorción de colapso apical transitorio presenta un cambio de coloración transitorio. Conclusión Las reabsorciones radiculares externas requieren un diagnóstico preciso y temprano. Se debe realizar un examen clínico con énfasis en sondaje, coloración, movilidad y pruebas de vitalidad.

Introduction The following bibliographic review was carried out with the purpose of recognizing the clinical and radiographic characteristics that must be considered in the diagnosis of external root resorption, including treatments. Methods A bibliographic search was carried out in PubMed/Medline, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar databases under the term "external root resorption", from 2010 to 2022 in Spanish and English. Experimental studies and bibliographic reviews were selected, and finally 17 articles were included. Results The results obtained indicated that each type of resorption presents specific clinical characteristics that differentiate them, these are: for external inflammatory resorption a negative pulp vitality; for replacement external resorption the absence of mobility and metallic percussion; for cervical external resorption a pink coloration of the crown; superficial external resorption does not present any type of clinical symptoms and transient apical collapse presents a transient change in color. Conclusion External root resorptions require accurate and early diagnosis. A clinical examination should be performed with emphasis on the following: probing, coloration, mobility, and vitality tests.

Rev. ADM ; 81(1): 39-43, ene.-feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556339


Introducción: la persistencia de microorganismos en los conductos radiculares es uno de los principales factores del fracaso endodóncico. Por ello la importancia de conocer las propiedades antimicrobianas de los distintos tipos de selladores. Objetivo: realizar una comparación con base en la evidencia disponible sobre la actividad antimicrobiana de los diferentes cementos selladores en endodoncia. Material y métodos: la información fue recopilada de las bases de datos PubMed y Google Académico en el idioma inglés y español, publicados en el periodo 2014-2023. Resultados: un gran número de microorganismos se encuentran presentes en los diferentes tipos de infecciones de origen endodóncico, se han identificado más de 500 especies microbianas, entre ellas bacterias, hongos, arqueas y virus. Los cementos selladores se pueden clasificar según su composición química, en cementos a base de óxido de zinc-eugenol, hidróxido de calcio, a base de ionómero de vidrio, silicona, resina y biocerámicos. Conclusión: los cementos selladores que mostraron mayor actividad antimicrobiana contra los microorganismos persistentes fueron los cementos a base de óxido de zinc-eugenol, resina y biocerámicos. Sin embargo, se identificó que cada autor utilizó diferentes métodos y tiempos, por lo tanto, no es posible lograr definir con exactitud qué cemento sellador posee la mejor capacidad antimicrobiana (AU)

Introduction: the persistence of microorganisms in root canals is one of the main factors of endodontic failure. Therefore, the importance of knowing the antimicrobial properties of the different types of sealants. Objective: to make a comparison based on the available evidence on the antimicrobial activity of the different endodontics sealers. Material and methods: the information was collected from PubMed and Google Academic databases in English and Spanish, published in the period 2014-2023. Results: a large number of microorganisms are present in the different types of infections of endodontic origin, more than 500 microbiological species have been identified, including bacteria, fungi, archaea and viruses. Sealer cements can be classified according to their chemical composition, into cements based on zinc oxide-eugenol, calcium hydroxide, based on glass ionomer, silicone, resin and bioceramics. Conclusion: sealer cements that showed the highest antimicrobial activity against persistent microorganisms were zinc oxide-eugenol, resin, and bioceramic-based cements. However, it was identified that each author used different methods and times, therefore, it is not possible to accurately define which sealer cement has the best antimicrobial capacity (AU)

Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Dental Pulp Cavity/microbiology , Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Cement/chemistry , Calcium Hydroxide/chemistry , Databases, Bibliographic , Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections/microbiology , Resin Cements/chemistry , Organically Modified Ceramics/chemistry , Glass Ionomer Cements/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 37(1): 3-12, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563654


ABSTRACT Identifying the presence, size, type and location of voids in an endodontic obturation is of great clinical importance because it enables evaluation of the three-dimensionality of the sealing techniques, which can be related to the success of the endodontic treatment. Aim To analyze by micro-CT the presence of voids in lower single-rooted premolar root canal obturations prepared using the single cone and ultrasound vibration technique. Materials and methods Twenty extracted single-rooted lower premolars were selected, and the root canal prepared surgically and chemically. In GROUP 1 - Without Vibration, the canal was obturated with a single cone and bioceramic, without applying vibration. In GROUP 2 - With Vibration, the gutta-percha cone inside the root canal was held with a cotton plier to which ultrasound vibration was applied for 3 periods of 3 seconds each. A micro-CT scanner was used to acquire and reconstruct images for analysis. Results No significant difference was found between obturation techniques, though there were differences between thirds, with the cervical third having a higher percentage of voids than the middle and apical thirds. Conclusions The results suggest that the volume of closed, open and total voids does not differ between treatments with and without ultrasound vibration. In the cervical third, the highest volume of voids was related to oval geometry in the teeth evaluated.

RESUMEN La presencia de vacíos en la obturación endodóntica, su tamaño y el tipo y localización tiene gran importancia clínica ya que permite evaluar la tridimensionalidad de las técnicas de sellado y relacionarlas con el éxito del tratamiento endodóntico. Objetivo analizar mediante microtomografía la presencia de vacíos en la obturación del conducto radicular de premolares inferiores unirradiculares, utilizando la técnica de cono único y vibración con ultrasonido. Materiales y Método se seleccionaron 20 premolares inferiores unirradiculares a los que se les realizó la preparación quirúrgica y química del conducto radicular. Se realizó la obturación con cono único y biocerámico GRUPO 1- sin vibración. En el GRUPO 2 - con vibración se aplicó vibración por ultrasonido, se tomó del cono de gutapercha colocado en el interior del conducto con pinza de algodón que fue vibrada durante 3 períodos de 3 segundos cada uno. Las mismas fueron adquiridas y reconstruidas en un microtomógrafo para posterior análisis de las imágenes obtenidas. Resultados No se evidenciaron diferencias significativas entre ambas técnicas de obturación comparadas, pero si entre los tercios analizados, siendo el cervical el que mayor porcentaje de vacíos presenta en comparación a los cortes correspondientes al tercio medio y apical. Conclusiones Los resultados sugieren que el volumen de vacíos cerrados, abiertos y total no varía en los tratamientos donde se aplica vibración por ultrasonido. En el tercio cervical, el mayor volumen de vacíos se relaciona con la geometría oval que presentaron las piezas dentarias evaluadas en este estudio.

Acta odontol. latinoam ; 37(1): 25-33, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563656


ABSTRACT Knowledge of root canal internal anatomy and its variations is important forproper endodontic treatment. It is therefore necessary to investigate morphological aspects among different dental groups in the same patient to define the best protocol for the case. Aim To evaluate the morphology and symmetry of homologous incisors, premolars and mandibular molars using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and Method Descriptive statistical analysis was performed for the frequency of categorical variables, and a chi-square test or Fisher 's exact test was used to test whether gender and side were associated with number of roots, number of canals, and Vertucci's classification. Forty-five CBCT scans were evaluated, and 444 mandibular teeth were analyzed. The number of roots, number of canals, classification of the canals in each root according to Vertucci and presence of a symmetrical relationship between pairs of posterior teeth were analyzed. Results The resuls showed that 74% of mandibular central incisors had type I root canal, 26% of mandibular lateral incisors had type I and, with a significant difference in the number of canals between males and females (p < 0.05). In mandibular first premolars, 70.5% had type I; and in mandibular second premolars, 98.5% had type I. Mandibular first molars had two roots in 98% of the cases. Second mandibular molars had two roots in 92.5% of the cases, one root in 6%, and three roots in 1.5%. Symmetry between central incisors was higher in females than in males. Conclusión Teeth of the same group can have different morphologies in the same patient.

RESUMO 0 conhecimento da anatomia interna e suas variagoes anatómicas é fator importante para o adequado tratamento endodóntico. Portanto, é necessário investigar esses aspectos morfológicos entre diferentes grupos dentários de um mesmo paciente para definir o melhor protocolo para o caso. Objetivo Avaliar a morfologia e simetria de incisivos, pré-molares e molares inferiores homólogos por meio de tomografia computadorizada de feixe cónico (TCFC). Materiais e Método Foi realizada análise estatística descri-tiva para a frequéncia das variáveis categóricas e foi utilizado o teste do qui-quadrado ou teste exato de Fisher para testar a relagao entre sexo e lado em comparagao com número de raízes, número de canais e classificagao de Vertucci. Quarenta e cinco TCFC foram avaliadas e 444 dentes inferiores foram analisados. Foram considerados: o número de raízes, o número de canais, o tipo dos canais acordo com a classificagao de Vertucci e a presenga de relagao simétrica entre pares de dentes posteriores. Resultados Os resultados mostraram que 74% dos incisivos centrais inferiores tinham um canal radicular tipo 1 e 26% tinham dois canais; 73% dos incisivos laterais inferiores, 26%oeram do tipo I, tinham um canal e 27% tinham dois canais, com diferenga significativa no número de canais entre os grupos masculino e feminino (p < 0,05). Nos primeiros pré-molares inferiores, tipo I, um canal foi detectado em 70,5% e dois canais em 29,5%; nos segundos pré-molares inferiores, tipo I, um único canal foi detectado em 98,5%. O primeiro molar inferior foi observado com duas raízes em 98% e tres raízes em 2%o. O segundo molar inferior tinha duas raízes em 92,5% dos casos, uma raiz em 6% e tres raízes em 1,5%. A simetria foi maior nas mulheres em comparagao aos homens nos incisivos centrais. Conclusao Pode-se concluir que dentes de um mesmo grupo podem apresentar morfologias diferentes no mesmo paciente.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(63): 135-145, jan-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1567013


Objetivo: avaliar a precisão do controle do limite apical de instrumentação do motor endodôntico SENSORY, acionado em três velocidades de rotação (300, 600 e 900 RPM) e função de parada automática apical (Auto Apical Stop - AAS). Material e métodos: sessenta pré-molares inferiores humanos unirradiculados tiveram seus acessos realizados e diâmetro foraminal padronizado em 300 µm. Os dentes foram aleatoriamente divididos em três grupos (n=20) e tiveram seus canais preparados instrumento Logic 30/05, acionado na velocidade predefinida e função AAS ajustada para a marca 0,0. Os instrumentos foram medidos em paquímetro digital e o comprimento real do canal foi aferido pelo método visual direto sob magnificação. Resultados: os valores absolutos dos erros médios e de precisão (±0,5 mm), obtidos foram respectivamente: 0,21 mm e 95% (300 RPM), 0,26 mm e 95% (600 RPM), 0,20 mm e 95% (900 RPM). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos (P>0,05). Conclusão: nas condições deste estudo, o uso da função de parada automática forneceu um controle adequado e preciso do limite apical durante a modelagem endodôntica em todas as velocidades testadas.

Objective: to evaluate the accuracy of the control of the apical limit of instrumentation of the SENSORY endodontic motor, activated at three rotation speeds (300, 600 and 900 RPM) and apical automatic stop function (Auto Apical Stop - AAS). Material and methods: Sixty single-rooted human mandibular premolars had their access performed and the foraminal diameter was standardized at 300 µm. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups (n=20) and had their canals prepared with a Logic 30/05 instrument, activated at the predefined speed and the AAS function set to the 0.0 mark. The instruments were measured using a digital caliper and the actual canal length was measured using the direct visual method under magnification. Results: the absolute values of mean and precision errors (±0.5 mm) obtained were respectively: 0.21 mm and 95% (300 RPM), 0.26 mm and 95% (600 RPM), 0.20 mm and 95% (900 RPM). There was no significant difference between groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Under the conditions of this study, the use of the automatic stop function provided adequate and accurate control of the apical limit during endodontic shaping at all speeds tested.

Dental Equipment , Endodontics , Odontometry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020574


A young maxillary lateral incisor of Oehlers type Ⅲ Dens invaginatus with peri-invagination periodontitis was reconstructed by CBCT,with the help of guided endodontics,the pathway to invagination was successfully established.The invaginated pseudo-root canal was treated with Vitapex mediation while preserving the pulp.After 6-month follow-up,the tooth was clinically asymptomatic.Radiological ex-amination indicated complete healing of the peri-invagination lesion with narrowed open apex,and the thickened root canal wall.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 38: e008, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1528152


Abstract Dental referrals to the Endodontics Specialty Clinic (ESC) are routine owing to the complexity of endodontic treatments. To obtain a better prognosis for treatment, students/dentists must perceive their technical limits. This study sought to investigate the referrals of patients to the ESC from different clinics of the Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas - SP, Brazil, and check: a) the demographic profile of patients and the most commonly affected tooth; b) the clinic with the largest number of referrals; c) the reasons for referrals; d) the complexity of the cases; e) and the difficulty in assessing the referred cases based on the classification provided by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) and Souza-Filho. The study sample consisted of patients' electronic dental referral records from February 2015 to June 2019. A total of 1,707 patients were referred to the ESC during the study period, and 62.4% were female. Lower molars were the most frequently involved teeth (34.8%), and 60.7% of the cases were referred due to the presence of root curvature. The AAE classification showed prevalence of highly difficult cases (71.3%), whereas Souza-Filho classification demonstrated a high rate of class III cases (85.8%). This study highlights the difficulties encountered by undergraduate students before or during endodontic treatments, reinforcing the need for clear criteria for selecting cases appropriate for each education level, thus improving endodontic treatment prognosis.

Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e241118, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1555181


Aim: This study's objective was to assess the accuracy of the integrated apex locator in identifying artificial root canal perforations in the presence of saline, chlorhexidine, sodium hypochlorite, QMix, and MTAD. Methods: The root canals of 60 single-rooted extracted human teeth were perforated artificially at a point 10 mm away from the root apex. After measuring the actual lengths up to the perforation point, the teeth were then put within an alginate mould for measurements using an integrated apex locator. Using a #20 K-file in the presence of NaCl, CHX, MTAD, NaOCl, and QMix, an electronic apex locator was used to measure the perforations electronically in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Between the measurements, each canal was dried with paper points after being irrigated with distilled water. The accuracy of all the readings was calculated at ± 0.5 mm. Statistical analyses were performed using the Z-test. Results: In comparison to the MTAD, NaOCl, and Qmix, saline and chlorhexidine scored more readings in the ± 0.5 mm range of the perforation site, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The most precise electronic measurements of artificial perforation were obtained in the presence of chlorhexidine or saline

Root Canal Irrigants , Sodium Hypochlorite , Tooth Apex , Endodontics
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 9-18, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554833


Introducción: La identificación por cotejo de regis-tros odontológicos representa una metodología científicamente consolidada. La estrategia más co-mún reside en la comparación de odontogramas impresos o digitalizados, aunque se ha cuestionado cierta subjetividad al asentar dicha información. Los recursos imagenológicos constituyen una evidencia más confiable y objetiva, reduciendo el sesgo iden-tificatorio. La obtención de radiografías post mor-tem (PM) reproduciendo en lo posible las técnicas que han generado las imágenes ante mortem (AM) recuperadas, otorga una eficaz modalidad compa-rativa, aumentando su valor probatorio. Materiales y Métodos: Se efectuó la comparación entre radio-grafías panorámicas y periapicales tomadas a 10 pacientes atendidos en un consultorio particular de la ciudad de Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires, don-de se visualizaban tratamientos de endodoncia. Los registros de ambas técnicas de imágenes se realiza-ron sobre los mismos sujetos entre los años 2010 y 2022. Se cotejaron 11 radiografías periapicales y 10 panorámicas, procediéndose a la digitalización de la totalidad de la muestra. Se clasificaron las imágenes de cada persona conforme a la fecha de obtención de las mismas. A las más antiguas se las catalogó con el color verde, representando el material AM, mien-tras que las más recientes se marcaron en color rojo, constituyendo la información PM. Resultados: Teniendo en cuenta los criterios estipulados por la Junta Americana de Odontología Forense (ABFO) se identificaron positivamente 7 casos estudiados, 2 fueron catalogados como identificación posible, en tanto que 1 se clasificó como insuficiente. No se re-gistraron exclusiones. Conclusión: Los tratamientos endodónticos podrían suministrar información pon-derable en procesos de identificación humana en virtud de la escasa probabilidad de sufrir alteracio-nes morfológicas y estructurales por su estratégica localización intradentaria, otorgando posibilidades concretas de establecer la identidad categórica de sujetos desconocidos (AU)

Introduction: Identification by comparison of dental records represents a scientifically consolidated methodology. The most common strategy lies in the comparison of printed or digitised odontograms, although certain subjectivity has been questioned when recording said information. Imaging resources constitute more reliable and objective evidence, reducing identification bias. Obtaining post-mortem (PM) radiographs reproducing the techniques that have generated the recovered ante-mortem (AM) images, provides an effective comparative modality, increasing its evidentiary value. Materials and Methods: A comparison was made between panoramic and periapical radiographs taken to 10 patients treated in a private office in the city of Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires, where endodontic treatments were visualized. The records of both imaging techniques were carried out on the same subjects between 2010 and 2022. 11 periapical and 10 panoramic radiographs were collected, and the entire sample was digitized. The images of each person were classified according to the date they were obtained. The oldest ones were cataloged with the color green, representing the AM material, while the most recent ones were marked in red, constituting the PM information. Results: Taking into account the criteria stipulated by the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO), 7 cases studied were positively identified, 2 were classified as possible identification, while 1 was classified as insufficient. No exclusions were recorded. Conclusion: Endodontic treatments could provide valuable information in human identification processes due to the low probability of suffering morphological and structural alterations due to their strategic intradental location, providing concrete possibilities of establishing the categorical identity of unknown subjects (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Root Canal Therapy/statistics & numerical data , Radiography, Dental/methods , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Tooth, Nonvital/diagnostic imaging , Societies, Dental/standards , Post and Core Technique/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 19-26, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554906


Objetivos: Evaluar mediante microscopia quirúrgica la presencia del segundo conducto mesiovestibular (MV2) en el piso de la cámara pulpar de los primeros molares superiores, determinar su abordabilidad, establecer el calibre de lima que llegó al tercio apical y tipificar radiovisiográficamente su morfología se-gún la clasificación de Weine. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 48 primeros molares superiores huma-nos extraídos. Sé tomaron radiovisografías preope-ratorias (Carestream 5200) en sentido orto radial y mesio-distal. Se realizó apertura y se localizó entra-da del MV2 con microscopio quirúrgico (Newton MEC XXI, Argentina) a 16 x. Se cateterizó MV1 y MV2 con limas tipo K #10 y #15 (Dentsply Maillefer). Se cortó raíz distovestibular para mejorar visualización ra-diovisográfica. Se tomó conductometria en sentido mesio-distal para establecer la tipología. Se compa-raron frecuencias y porcentajes mediante test de Chi-cuadrado con corrección de Yates, prueba exac-ta de Fisher y test z para diferencia de proporcio-nes. Se calcularon intervalos de confianza 95% para porcentajes mediante método score de Wilson. Re-sultados: El 54% (26 casos) presentó MV2. De los 26 MV2, el 77% (20 casos) fueron abordables, porcen-taje significativamente mayor al 23% no abordable (z=3,62; P<0,05). Al hacer cateterismo, hubo asocia-ción significativa entre tipo de conducto (MV1 y MV2) y calibre de lima que llegó al tercio apical (Chi-cua-drado=29,12; gl=1; P<0,05). La tipología I (58%) fue significativamente mayor que las tipologías II (21%) y III (21%) (P<0,05 para ambas comparaciones). Con-clusión: El alto porcentaje de piezas que presentó MV2 evidencia la importancia clínica de detectarlo y tratarlo correctamente. Dado el alto porcentaje de piezas donde fue abordable, se concluye que el clíni-co debe tener conocimiento, destreza y la tecnología necesaria para poder abordarlo. Si bien la tipología I (58%) fue la más encontrada, cuando el MV2 termina en foramen independiente (tipo III), su omisión puede conducir al fracaso del tratamiento (AU))

Objectives: To evaluate by surgical microscopy the presence of second mesiobuccal canal (MB2) in the pulp chamber floor of the maxillary first molars, determine its approachability, establish the caliber of the file that reached the apical third, and radiographically typify its morphology according to Weine ́s classification. Materials and methods: 48 extracted human maxillary first molars were used. Preoperative radiovisographies (Carestream 5200) were taken in ortho-radial and mesio-distal direction. Coronal access was made and the entrance of MB2 was located with a surgical microscope (Newton MEC XXI, Argentina) at 16x. MB1 and MB2 were catheterized with K files #10 and #15 (Dentsply Maillefer). Distobuccal root was cut to improve radiovisographic visualization. Conductometry was taken in mesio-distal direction to establish the typology. Frequencies and percentages were compared using Chi-square test with Yates correction, Fisher's exact test and z test for difference in proportions. 95% confidence intervals were calculated for percentages using Wilson score method. Results: 54% (26 cases) presented MB2. Of the 26 MB2, 77% (20 cases) were approachable, a significantly higher percentage than those not approachable (z=3.62; P<0.05). When performing catheterization, there was a significant association between type of canal (MB1 and MB2) and file caliber that reached the apical third (Chi-square=29.12; df=1; P<0.05). Typology I (58%) was significantly higher than typologies II (21%) and III (21%) (P<0.05 for both comparisons). Conclusion: The high percentage of specimens that showed MB2 evidence the clinical importance of detecting and treating it correctly. Given the percentage of pieces where it was approachable (77%), it is concluded that the clinician must have the knowledge, skill and necessary technology to be able to approach it. Although typology I (58%) was the most found, when MB2 ends an independent foramen (type III), its omission can lead to treatment failure (AU)

Tooth Root/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Radiography, Dental, Digital/methods , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Microscopy/methods , Odontometry/methods
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 27-34, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554918


Objetivo: Evaluar con técnica de diafanización el gra-do de filtración apical al utilizar dos selladores bio-cerámicos y la técnica de cono único con taper ex vivo. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 60 premola-res inferiores humanos uniradiculares extraídos. La instrumentación se realizó con lima Primary 25/.07 (WaveOne Gold, Dentsply Maillefer), según protocolo del fabricante. Se irrigó con NaOCl 2,5% y EDTAC 17%. Para la obturación, la muestra se dividió aleatoria-mente en 4 grupos (n=15). Grupo 1: Cono único y Bio C Sealer. Grupo 2: Cono único y MTA Fillapex. Grupo control negativo: no se obturó. Grupo control positi-vo: Cono único y AH Plus. En todas las muestras se aplicaron dos capas de esmalte para uñas en toda la superficie dentaria con excepción del tercio apical y del grupo control positivo, que se esmaltó en su tota-lidad. Medio de filtración: tinta china negra por difu-sión pasiva. Se diafanizó con técnica de Robertson. Se usó programa AutoCad 2022, para medir filtración en milímetros lineales. Los datos se analizaron me-diante prueba de Kruskal-Wallis seguida por compa-raciones post hoc empleando el método de Conover (p<0,05, significativo). Resultados: La filtración con Bio C Sealer, MTA Fillapex, control negativo y control positivo tuvo una media (mínimo-máximo) de 0 (0-2), 1 (0-3), 6 (2-12) y 0 (0-0); sin diferencias significativas entre Bio C Sealer y MTA Fillapex (p>0,05), ni entre Bio C Sealer y control positivo (p>0,05); pero con di-ferencias significativas entre MTA Fillapex y control positivo (p<0,05), y entre control negativo y cual-quiera de los otros tres grupos (p<0,05). Conclusión: La obturación con Bio C Sealer lograría un nivel de sellado similar al que se obtiene con el control po-sitivo; mientras que la obturación con MTA Fillapex produciría un sellado ligeramente menos efectivo que el control positivo. Sin embargo, la filtración no variaría sustancialmente entre obturaciones con Bio C Sealer y MTA Fillapex (AU)

Objective: To evaluate the degree of apical filtration with diaphanization technique, using two bioceramic sealers and single cone technique with taper, ex vivo. Materials and methods: 60 extracted single-root human mandibular premolars were used. The instrumentation was carried out with primary file 25/.07 (WaveOne Gold, Dentsply Maillefer), according to the manufacturer's protocol. Irrigation was done with 2.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTAC. For obturation, the sample was randomly divided in 4 groups (n=15). Group 1: Single cone and Bio C Sealer. Group 2: Single cone and MTA Fillapex. Negative control group: it was not obturated. Positive control group: Single cone and AH Plus. In all samples, two layers of nail polish were applied to the entire tooth surface with exception of apical third and the positive control group, which was completely glazed. Filtration medium: black Chinese ink by passive diffusion. It was diaphanized with Robertson technique. AutoCad 2022 program was used to measure filtration in linear millimeters. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test, followed by post hoc comparisons using Conover method (p < 0.05, significant). Results: Filtration with Bio C Sealer, MTA Fillapex, negative control and positive control had a mean (minimum-maximum) of 0 (0-2), 1 (0-3), 6 (2-12) and 0 (0-0); no significant differences between Bio C Sealer and MTA Fillapex (p > 0.05), nor between Bio C Sealer and positive control (p > 0.05); but with significant differences between MTA Fillapex and positive control (p < 0.05), and between negative control and any of the other three groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Obturation with Bio C Sealer would achieve a level of sealing similar to obtained with the positive control; while obturation with MTA Fillapex would produce a slightly less effective seal than the positive control. However, filtration would not vary substantially between fillings with Bio C Sealer and MTA Fillapex (AU)

Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Dental Leakage/diagnosis , Materials Testing , Organically Modified Ceramics
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 41-48, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554951


La microtomografía es un estudio que utiliza la ra-diación X para obtener imágenes de tamaños de mi-lésimas de milímetros y de alta resolución. Las imá-genes 2D son procesadas por diferentes softwares para lograr obtener volúmenes capaces de ser ana-lizados tridimensionalmente. La microtomografía es el estudio de elección a la hora de evaluar caracte-rísticas muy pequeñas con gran precisión. La obtu-ración endodóntica buscar lograr un sellado que no tenga espacios vacíos dentro de la masa de obtura-ción. Esto es importante debido a que los poros pue-den permitir, si están en contacto con la pared den-tinaria, la entrada de microorganismos al conducto radicular. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el procedimiento para el análisis y visualización de los espacios vacíos dentro de la obturación endodónti-ca, utilizando la microtomografía de rayos x, y esta-blecer un protocolo para ser utilizado por cualquier investigador(AU)

Microtomography is a study that uses X-radiation to obtain high-resolution images of sizes of thousandths of millimeters. The 2D images are processed by different software to obtain volumes capable of being analyzed three-dimensionally. Microtomography is the study of choice when evaluating very small features with great precision. Endodontic filling seeks to achieve a seal that does not have voids within the filling obturation. This is important because the voids can allow, if they are in contact with the dentin wall, the entry of microorganisms into the root canal. The objective of this work was to describe the procedure for the analysis and visualization of voids within the endodontic filling using microtomography and to establish the protocol to be used by any researcher (AU)

Root Canal Obturation/adverse effects , Clinical Protocols , X-Ray Microtomography/methods , Porosity , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Dental Leakage/prevention & control
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 49-55, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555011


Los procedimientos endodónticos regenerativos (REPs) representan una evolución significativa en el campo de la endodoncia, buscando no sólo tratar la infección o lesión presente en el diente, sino tam-bién promover la regeneración de los tejidos denta-rios afectados. El presente caso clínico muestra un incisivo lateral superior izquierdo con apexogénesis incompleta y diagnóstico de absceso alveolar crónico reagudizado en una paciente de 22 años, en el que se aplicó un procedimiento de endodoncia regenerativa (REPs). La estrategia terapéutica elegida se basó en los principios de ingeniería tisular, incorporando la novedosa aplicación de la membrana amniótica hu-mana liofilizada esterilizada como andamio bioactivo intraconducto. Las evaluaciones clínicas, radiográ-ficas y tomográficas a corto, mediano y largo plazo revelaron el éxito de la terapia. La resolución exitosa mostró en los controles a la pieza dentaria asintomá-tica, con una notable remisión de la patología apical, aumento de la longitud radicular y disminución del calibre apical. Se ha podido destacar la eficacia de los REPs, con una exitosa aplicabilidad de la membra-na amniótica como andamio innovador (AU)

Regenerative endodontic procedures (REPs) represent a significant evolution in the field of endodontics, aiming not only to address the infection or injury within the tooth, but also to promote the regeneration of the affected dental tissues. In this clinical case, an upper left lateral incisor with incomplete apexogenesis and diagnosis of acute exacerbation of a chronic periapical lesion in a 22-year-old patient is presented. A regenerative endodontic procedure (REPs) was applied. The chosen therapeutic strategy was based on tissue engineering principles, incorporating the innovative use of sterilized lyophilized human amniotic membrane as an intraconduct bioactive scaffold. Clinical, radiographic, and tomographic assessments at short, medium, and long-term follow-up revealed the success of the therapy. Successful resolution demonstrated an asymptomatic tooth in the follow-up, with a notable resolution of apical pathology, increased root length, and decreased apical caliber. The effectiveness of REPs has been highlighted, demonstrating the successful applicability of amniotic membrane as an innovative scaffold (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Stem Cells/physiology , Tissue Scaffolds , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Dental Papilla , Freeze Drying/methods
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550859


Introducción: El conocimiento adecuado de la configuración de conductos radiculares es fundamental en endodoncia; la evaluación tomográfica permite una correcta evaluación de su disposición radicular. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de conductos en C de segundos molares mandibulares, evaluados en tomografía de haz cónico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y de corte transversal; la muestra estuvo conformada por 200 segundos molares mandibulares permanentes de una población peruana, observadas en tomografías cone beam, donde se registró la presencia del conducto en C, su configuración según la clasificación de Fan y el sexo del paciente. Resultados: La prevalencia de la configuración radicular en forma de C en segundos molares inferiores fue del 65,5 por ciento; según la Clasificación de Fan se observó mayor prevalencia en el tercio cervical del conducto radicular el tipo C1 con 85,7 por ciento; en el tercio medio el tipo C2 con 42,9 por ciento; a nivel apical fue el tipo C3C con 72,1 por ciento; según el sexo, el 65,2 por ciento de los conductos en C correspondió al femenino. Conclusión: La prevalencia de los conductos en C de los segundos molares mandibulares evaluados en tomografías de haz cónico fue de 65,5 por ciento con mayor predominio en el sexo femenino. La evaluación tomográfica permite una mejor identificación y configuración interna de los conductos radiculares(AU)

Introduction: Adequate knowledge of the configuration of root canals is fundamental in endodontics; tomographic evaluation allows a correct assessment of their radicular arrangement. Objective: To determine the prevalence of C-shaped canals in mandibular second molars, evaluated by cone beam tomography. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out; the sample consisted of 200 permanent mandibular second molars from a Peruvian population, observed in cone beam tomography, where the presence of the C-shaped canal, its configuration according to Fan's classification and the patient's gender were recorded. Results: The prevalence of the C-shaped root canal configuration in lower second molars was 65.5 percent; according to the Fan classification, the highest prevalence was observed in the cervical third of the root canal, type C1 with 85.7 percent; in the middle third, type C2 with 42.9 percent; at the apical level it was type C3C with 72.1 percent; according to gender, 65.2 percent of the C-shaped canals corresponded to females. Conclusion: The prevalence of C-shaped canals in mandibular second molars evaluated in cone beam tomography was 65.5% with a higher predominance in the female gender. The tomographic evaluation allows a better identification and internal configuration of the root canals(AU)

Humans , Dental Pulp Cavity/abnormalities , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Braz. dent. j ; 35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564080


Abstract Cleaning and shaping the root canal system are essential steps for performing successful endodontic therapy, and are challenging procedures in the apical region. This study aimed to conduct an ex vivo assessment of the debridement ability of the WaveOne Gold (Medium 35/.06) and TruNatomy (Medium 36/.03) systems in the apical third of round root canals of mandibular premolars. Forty-eight teeth, extracted for orthodontic or periodontal reasons, were divided into three groups (n=16), as follows: Group C, control (without instrumentation or irrigation); Group WOG, instrumentation with WaveOne Gold; Group TN, instrumentation with TruNatomy. A total of 40 mL of 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and 5 mL of 17% ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid were used per root canal in all the groups. Ten 0.5-μm serial cross-sections per specimen were obtained every 0.2 mm from a 2-mm segment of the apical region, extending from 1 to 3 mm short of the root apex. The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and analyzed under a digital microscope (100x). The percentages of unprepared walls and remaining debris were quantified using ImageJ software. Generalized linear models were used to analyze the results (α=5%). Groups WOG and TN had significantly lower percentages of unprepared walls and remaining debris than Group C (p<0.05). There was no significant difference between groups WOG and TN for either of the variables studied (p>0.05). Instrumentation with the WaveOne Gold Medium and TruNatomy Medium instruments was associated with equivalent percentages of unprepared walls and remaining debris in the apical third of round canals of mandibular premolars.

Resumo A limpeza e modelagem do sistema de canais radiculares são etapas fundamentais para o sucesso da terapia endodôntica e são procedimentos desafiadores na região apical. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma avaliação ex vivo da capacidade de debridamento dos sistemas WaveOne Gold (Medium 35/.06) e TruNatomy (Medium 36/.03) no terço apical de canais radiculares circulares de pré-molares inferiores. Quarenta e oito dentes que haviam sido extraídos por razões ortodônticas ou periodontais foram divididos em três grupos (n=16),da seguinte forma: Grupo C, Controle (sem instrumentação nem irrigação); Grupo WOG, instrumentação com WaveOne Gold; Grupo TN, instrumentação com TruNatomy. Um total de 40 mL de hipoclorito de sódio a 2,5% e 5 mL de ácido etilenodiamino tetraacético a 17% foi utilizado por canal radicular em todos os grupos. Dez secções transversais em série de 0,5 μm por espécime foram obtidas a cada 0,2 mm de um segmento de 2 mm da região apical, estendendo-se desde 1 até 3 mm aquém do ápice radicular. As seções foram coradas com hematoxilina-eosina e analisadas sob um microscópio digital (100x). As porcentagens de paredes não tocadas e detritos remanescentes foram quantificadas utilizando-se o software ImageJ. Modelos lineares generalizados foram utilizados para analisar os resultados (α=5%). Os grupos WOG e TN apresentaram porcentagens significativamente menores de paredes intocadas e detritos remanescentes do que o grupo C (p<0,05). Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos WOG e TN quanto a nenhuma das variáveis estudadas (p>0,05). A instrumentação com os instrumentos WaveOne Gold Medium e TruNatomy Medium foi associada a porcentagens equivalentes de paredes intocadas e detritos remanescentes no terço apical de canais circulares de pré-molares inferiores.

Braz. dent. j ; 35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564081


Abstract This study evaluated the effect of ultrasonic agitation on the filling capacity of ready-to-use calcium silicate-based sealer Bio-C Sealer (BCS, Angelus, Paraná, Brazil) or powder-liquid BioRoot RCS (BR, Septodont, Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France) using curved artificial canals by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Additionally, flow (mm) and flow area (mm2) were evaluated for both materials. Acrylic resin main canal (60° curvature and 5 mm radius, with 3 lateral canals in the cervical, middle, and apical thirds) were prepared up to size 40/.05 (Prodesign Logic, Brazil). The agitation method was used with ultrasonic tip (US, Irrisonic, Helse, Brazil): BCS, BCS/US, BR, and BR/US. All specimens were filled using the single-cone technique. The samples were scanned by micro-CT (8,74 µm) after obturation. The percentage of filling material and voids were calculated. Flow was evaluated based on ISO 6876/2012 standards (mm) and area (mm2). The data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests (α = 0.05). BR/US showed lower percentage of filling material in the lateral canals than and, BCS/US (p<0.05). BR/US resulted in a higher percentage of voids than BR in the lateral apical third (p<0.05). BCS showed higher flow than BR (p<0.05). BCS and BR presented proper filling capacity in the simulated curved canals regardless of the use of ultrasonic agitation. However, BR/US showed more voids in the apical third. BCS demonstrates higher filling ability.

Resumo Este estudo avaliou o efeito da agitação ultrassônica na capacidade de preenchimento de cimento pronto para uso à base de silicato de cálcio Bio-C Sealer (BCS, Angelus, Paraná, Brasil) ou pó-líquido BioRoot RCS (BR, Septodont, Saint-Maur -des-Fossés, França) utilizando canais artificiais curvos por microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT). Adicionalmente, escoamento (mm) e área de escoamento (mm2) foram avaliados para ambos materiais. Please, replace the sentence highlighted in yellow to: O canal principal de resina acrílica (curvatura de 60° e raio de 5 mm, com 3 canais laterais nos terços cervical, médio e apical) foi preparado até o tamanho 40/.05 (Prodesign Logic, Brasil). O método de agitação foi utilizado com ponta ultrassônica (US, Irrisonic, Helse, Brasil): BCS, BCS/US, BR e BR/US. Todos os espécimes foram obturados usando a técnica de cone único. As amostras foram escaneadas por micro-CT (8,74 µm) após obturação. A porcentagem de material obturador e vazios foram calculados. O escoamento foi avaliado com base nas normas ISO 6876/2012 (mm) e área (mm2). Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes ANOVA e Tukey (α = 0,05BR/US apresentou menor percentual de material obturador nos canais laterais que BCS e BCS/US (p<0,05). BR/US resultou em maior porcentagem de vazios que o BR no canal lateral do terço apical (p<0,05). BCS apresentou maior escoamento que BR (p<0,05)." BCS e BR apresentaram capacidade de preenchimento adequada nos canais curvos simulados independente do uso de agitação ultrassônica. No entanto, BR/US apresentou mais vazios no terço apical. BCS demonstra maior capacidade de preenchimento.

Braz. dent. j ; 35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564087


Abstract This study evaluated the setting time, pH, calcium ion release, solubility, and chemical structure of four calcium silicate sealers after ultrasonic activation (UA). Five sealers were evaluated: Sealer Plus (SP - control); Sealer Plus BC (SPBC), Bio C Sealers (BCS), Endosequence BC Sealer (EBC), and BioRoot RCS (BR). Ten groups were created based on the use or not of ultrasonic activation: SP; SP/UA; SPBC; SPBC/UA; BCS; BCS/UA; EBC; EBC/UA; BR; and BR/UA. Setting time was performed based on ISO 6876:2012 and ASTM C266-07 specifications. Solubility at 24hs, based on ISO 6876:2012. pH and calcium release were evaluated at 1, 24, 72, and 168hs. Raman spectroscopy was used to evaluate structural changes. Quantitative data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test (α=5%). Raman spectroscopy results were qualitatively analyzed. Setting times and solubility of all sealers were not affected by UA (p>0.05). The highest solubility was found for BCS, BCS/UA; and BR, BR/UA (p<0.05). After 24hs, calcium silicate sealers had higher pH than SP and SP/UA (p<0.05). BR and BR/UA had the highest pH at all time points. SP and SP/UA had stable pH at all time points. SP and SP/UA had the lowest calcium release values at all time points (p<0.05). EBC and EBC/UA calcium release significantly differ at 24,72 and 168hs (p<0.05). No chemical changes were observed during Raman spectroscopy. In conclusion, ultrasonic activation affected calcium ion release only for EndoSequence BC Sealer. Ultrasonic activation did not influence the initial and final setting time, solubility, pH, and chemical structure of any investigated sealers.

Resumo Esse estudo avaliou o tempo de presa, pH, liberação de íons cálcio, solubilidade e estrutura química de quatro cimentos à base de silicate de cálcio após a ativação ultrassônica . Cinco cimentos foram avaliados: Sealer Plus (SP - control); Sealer Plus BC (SPBC), Bio C Sealers (BCS), Endosequence BC Sealer (EBC) e BioRoot RCS (BR). Dez grupos foram criados com base no uso ou não de ativação ultrassônica: SP; SP/UA; SPBC; SPBC/UA; BCS; BCS/UA; EBC; EBC/UA; BR; e BR/UA. Tempo de presa foi realizado baseado nas especificações ISO 6876:2012 e ASTM C266-07. Solubilidade em 24hs, baseado na ISO 6876:2012. pH e liberação de cálcio foram avaliados em 1, 24, 72 e 168hs. Espectroscopia Raman foi usada para avaliar alterações estruturais. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados utilizando ANOVA de uma via e teste post-hoc de Tukey (α=5%). Os resultados da espectroscopia Raman foram analisados qualitativamente. Os tempos de presa e a solubilidade de todos os cimentos não foram afetados pelo AU (p>0.05). Maior solubilidade foi encontrada para BCS, BCS/AU; e BR, BR/AU (p<0.05). Após 24hs, os cimentos de silicato de cálcio apresentaram pH mais elevado que SP e SP/AU (p<0.05). BR e BR/AU tiveram o pH mais alto em todos os momentos. SP e SP/AU apresentaram pH estável em todos os momentos. SP e SP/AU tiveram os menores valores de liberação de cálcio em todos os momentos (p<0.05). A liberação de cálcio EBC e EBC/AU diferiram significativamente em 24,72 e 168hs (p<0.05). Nenhuma alteração química foi observada durante a espectroscopia Raman. Em conclusão, a ativação ultrassônica afetou a liberação de íons cálcio apenas para o EndoSequence BC Sealer. A ativação ultrassônica não influenciou o tempo de presa inicial e final, a solubilidade, o pH e a estrutura química de nenhum dos cimentos investigados.