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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-209920


Earthworms have a long association with the medicinal property as the biomolecules/compounds produced bythe earthworms are of pharmacological importance with high potential in the eradication of various diseases withvery low cost. Researchers have proved that earthworms are immune to malignant diseases such as differentkinds of cancers. Hence, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the antitumor activities of differentepigeic earthworms, such as Eudrilus eugeniae, Eisenia fetida, and Perionyx excavatus. The cytotoxicity assaywas tested through 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-Yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide (MTT) assay on MichiganCancer Foundation-7 (MCF-7) cells by exposing them at various concentrations (200, 400, 600, 800, and 1,000µg/ml) of different epigeic earthworm powders and standard antitumor chemotherapy drug Cisplatin (15 µg/ml).The percent growth inhibition/percent viability of MCF-7 cells varies with different concentrations of earthwormpowder. The IC50 value was more prominent with E. fetida (113.97 µg/ml), followed by E. eugeniae (825.67 µg/ml) and P. excavatus (1,617.31 µg/ml). Based on the above results, it can be concluded that the tissues of theearthworm, E. fetida, seems to be a very good anticancer agent against MCF-7 cells as compared to other twoearthworm species. Therefore, such studies could be useful in the future for the development of novel therapeuticagents against different types of cancers, further molecular level experimental studies are required to ascertainthe pathways and genes responsible for the anticancer effect, and thereby, we can exploit the beneficial aspectsof various earthworm species in drug delivery research and also in pharmaceutical applications.

J Environ Biol ; 2020 Jul; 41(4): 788-795
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214544


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation in certain biochemical parameters of the earthworms, Drawida willsi (Sp1), Glyphidrilus tuberosus (Sp2), Lampito mauritii (Sp3) and Perionyx excavates (Sp4) in response to seasonal soil moisture and temperature alterations.Methodology: Soil moisture and temperatures were measured by digital moisture meter and thermometers, respectively. The sampling of earthworms was done following quadrat method during dry and wet seasons from three agro-climatic zones (Balasore (Z1), Sambalpur (Z2) and Nayagarh (Z3) of Odisha, India. Tissue protein, LPX level, catalase, acetylcholinesterase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were estimated spectrophotometrically. Results: Significant variation (P< 0.05) in soil moisture and temperature were noticed between dry and wet seasons in all the agro-climatic zones. All the earthworm species indicated lower protein level, acetylcholinesterase activity, higher lipid peroxidation, LDH and catalase activity in dry season relative to wet seasons. Soil moisture indicated significant positive correlation (P< 0.05) with tissue protein of Sp1 (r=0.59), Sp2 (r=0.64), and Sp4 (r=0.55) of Z1, Sp2 (r=0.63) and Sp4 (r=0.67) of Z2 and Sp2 (r=0.58) and Sp3 (r=0.65) of Z3. Soil temperature showed significant negative correlation (P< 0.05) with tissue protein of Sp3 (r= -0.51) of Z1, Sp2 (r= -0.56) and Sp4 (r= -0.69) of Z2 and Sp1(r= -0.54) of Z 3. Interpretation: Enhanced physiological stress level caused due to moisture deprivation could influence synthesis and storage of protein with enzyme activities.

J Environ Biol ; 2019 Sep; 40(5): 995-1002
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214618


Aim: To investigate the earthworm community and its interaction with traditional shifting cultivation to find the effect of traditional shifting cultivation on diversity, density and distribution of earthworms. Methodology: Earthworm was sampled from five random sites located at least 20 m apart at monthly intervals by digging and hand sorting method during January 2013 to October 2015 in an experimental plot of one acre of natural forest, demarcated into natural forest (control, CTRL) and traditional shifting (slash and burn) cultivation site (Experimental, EXPTL) at Khawrihnim, Mizoram, North-east India. Results: A total of 11 species of earthworms belonging to five genera under three families were recorded. Family Megascolecidae dominates with five species (Perionyx excavatus, P. macintoshi, Metaphire houlleti, Amynthas alexandri and A. cortices) followed by Octochaetidae with four species (Eutyphoeus gigas, E. assamensis and two unidentified species) and Moniligastridae with two species (Drawida nepalensis and one unidentified Drawida sp.). Diversity and evenness indices of earthworm at CTRL were higher as compared to EXPTL site. Earthworm density in CTRL (1353.6 ind.m-2) was significantly higher than EXPTL (857.6 ind.m-2) site [t = 2.039, df = 66,P= .045]. Thus, negative impact of shifting cultivation on earthworms density was observed [F2, 33= 5.607, P= .008]. Vertical distribution showed significant (P > .05) decrease in earthworm population with an increase in soil depth in both CTRL and EXPTL sites. The endogeic Drawida sp. was the most versatile earthworm in temporal distribution. Interpretation: The study clearly indicates that the land use system in the form of traditional shifting cultivation adversely affects earthworm density and diversity. The destructive effect of shifting cultivation on earthworm is mainly attributed to habitat disturbances, reduced food availability and changes in soil physico – chemical properties. However, the spatial distribution pattern of an earthworm is not significantly affected by shifting cultivation. The temporal distribution followed a general pattern where there is a rapid population increase of earthworm after the onset of the rainy season

Acta toxicol. argent ; 26(2): 71-82, set. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-989214


Muitos tipos de drogas são usados na medicina veterinária para controlar e melhorar a saúde animal através de tratamentos terapêuticos e profiláticos. A desvantagem desta prática é que os produtos farmacêuticos e seus metabólitos são liberados no ambiente e podem influenciar a fauna do solo através da excreção do esterco ou pela posterior aplicação ao campo agrícola. As avermectinas são vastamente utilizadas na medicina veterinária e na agricultura. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que a ivermectina (IVM), um parasiticida amplamente utilizado, é muito tóxico para diversas espécies de invertebrados não-alvo. Tendo em vista que a IVM é pouco metabolizada, excretada de forma relativamente inalterada e pela escassez de dados sobre a toxicidade aos invertebrados do solo, foram investigados, neste estudo, os efeitos agudos e crônicos deste parasiticida sobre a glutationa-s -transferase (GST) da oligoqueta Eisenia foetida. As minhocas Eisenia foetida foram expostas à concentrações de IVM a 0, 1, 5, 10, 50 e 100 mg kg-1, e as amostras foram tomadas nos dias 7, 14 e 28 para determinação da atividade da GST. Os resultados mostraram que a duração da exposição alterou significativamente os efeitos do parasiticida investigado sobre a atividade de GST. Especificamente, após uma redução inicial, o prolongamento da exposição causou a indução da atividade da GST. Com o aumento da concentração de IVM, as atividades da GST foram inibidas significativamente após 7 dias de exposição. Em particular, o efeito inibitório foi significativo nas concentrações mais elevadas de tratamento (10, 50 e 100 mg kg-1). Por outro lado, aos 14 e 28 dias foram observadas induções na atividade da enzima. A atividade da GST pode ser considerada como parâmetro sensível para avaliar a toxicidade da ivermectina para minhocas.

Many types of drugs are used in veterinary medicine to control and improve animal health through therapeutic and prophylactic treatments. The disadvantage of this practice is that pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are released into the environment and may influence soil fauna through manure excretion and subsequent application to agricultural field. The avermectins are extensively and increasingly used in veterinary medicine and agriculture. Previous studies have shown that ivermectin (IVM), a widely used parasiticide, is very toxic to many non-target invertebrate species. In view of the little metabolism and most of the ivermectin dose given to the animal is excreted, relatively unaltered, primarily in the feces and the scarcity of data on toxicity to soil invertebrates, acute and chronic effects of the parasiticide on the glutatione-s-transferase (GST) of the oligochaete Eisenia foetida were investigated. Earthworms of Eisenia foetida were exposed to IVM at 0, 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 mg kg-1 concentrations; samples were taken at days 7, 14, and 28 exposure for determination of GST activities. The results showed that duration of the exposure significantly changed the effects of the investigated parasiticide on the GST activity. Namely, after the initial decrease, the prolongation of exposure caused the induction of the GST activity. With increasing IVM concentration, GST activities were inhibited significantly after 7 days of the exposure. In particular, the inhibition effect was significant at the higher treatment levels (10, 50 and 100 mg kg-1). On the other hand, at 14 and 28 days were observed inductions of enzyme activity. GST activity can be regarded as sensitive parameter for evaluating the toxicity of ivermectin to earthworms.

Animals , Oligochaeta/metabolism , Ivermectin/toxicity , Glutathione S-Transferase pi , Biomarkers , Environmental Exposure/adverse effects
Eng. sanit. ambient ; 20(4): 709-716, out.-dez. 2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-769726


RESUMO O lodo gerado pela indústria curtumeira é um exemplo de resíduo que provoca graves problemas ambientais. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a vermicompostagem de lodo de curtume, como método de reaproveitamento desse resíduo. Devido às características tóxicas do lodo de curtume, o mesmo foi misturado com esterco em várias proporções, em base seca. Durante 105 dias, a biomassa e a população das minhocas (Eisenia fetida ) foram avaliadas, além do pH, humidade e temperatura das unidades experimentais estabelecidas. Os substratos foram quimicamente caracterizados no início e no final do processo de vermicompostagem. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi observada em pH nos grupos com menores concentrações de lodo, no entanto, houve uma diminuição significativa no pH nos grupos com maiores concentrações do resíduo durante a vermicompostagem. As concentrações de Mg, Fe, Mn e Zn foram elevadas no vermicompostagem em todos os tratamentos. A relação C/N foi reduzida em todos os tratamentos, indicando o amadurecimento do substrato final. Os resultados indicam que vermicompostagem promove a conversão do lodo em composto em um curto intervalo de tempo, o que constitui um processo biotecnológico de tratamento capaz de adicionar o valor agronômico para este resíduo.

ABSTRACT Tannery industry-generated sludge is an example of residue that causes important environmental problems. In this sense, the objective of the present study was to evaluate vermicomposting of tannery sludge, as a method of treatment this waste. Due to the toxic characteristics of the tannery sludge, it was mixed with cattle dung in various proportions, on dry weight basis. During 105 days, biomass, number of individuals (Eisenia fetida ), pH, moisture and temperature of the experimental units were assessed. The substrates were chemically characterized at the beginning and at the end of the vermicomposting process. No significant differences were observed in pH in groups with lower concentrations of sludge, there was a significant decrease in pH of the groups with higher concentrations of the residue during vermicomposting. Mg, Fe, Mn and Zn contents were high in the vermicompost in all treatments. The C/N ratio was low in the substrate of all treatments, indicating the maturation of the final substrate. The results indicate that vermicomposting promotes the conversion of sludge to manure in a short time interval, thus constituting a biotechnological process of treatment able to add agronomic value to this residue.

Rev. biol. trop ; 63(4)Oct.-Dec. 2015.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507441


Over the years, sawmilling industries have shown a high growth in the rain forest areas of Nigeria, releasing several wastes into the environment. This study aims at using earthworms (Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceous and Hyperiodrilus africanus) of sawmill origin as bio-indicators of metal pollution in sawmills. Four major sawmills located in Abeokuta (7°9'11"44" N - 3°19'35" E), namely Lafenwa, Sapon, Isale-Ake and Kotopo sawmills were used for this study. The arboretum of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta was used as control site. Earthworms, plant and soil samples were collected each month for three months (March to May, 2013), randomly from different points at each of the locations. Protein analysis was conducted on the earthworms using gel electrophoresis while the activities of Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Catalase (CAT) and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were done spectrophotometrically. Heavy metal analysis was also conducted on soil, plant and earthworm samples using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Gel electro-phoresis results revealed the presence of nine protein bands in E. eugeniae from Sapon and Kotopo sawmills, as compared to six protein bands of E. eugeniae from the control site. Seven protein bands were observed in L. violaceous from Lafenwa and H. africanus from Isale-Ake sawmills. Levels of SOD, GPx and CAT activities were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in E. eugeniae from Sapon sawmill than those of Kotopo sawmill and the control site. This study also revealed that Pb and Cd concentrations were higher in the earthworms, plants and soil from the sawmills than those of the control site. Sapon sawmill recorded significantly higher (P < 0.05) levels of Cd and Cu in plants as well as Pb and Cd in soil samples than those of the other locations. The concentrations of Cu, Co and Ni were higher in the soil of the control site than in the sawmill soils. Stronger relationship exists in the metal concentrations between the earthworms and soils (R= 0.602) than between the plants and soil (R= 0.405). Sawmilling therefore posses potential risks on sawmill soil and soil fauna, especially earthworm species.

A través de los años, la industria de aserraderos ha mostrado un alto crecimiento en las áreas de bosque tropical de Nigeria, lanzando varios residuos al ambiente. Este estudio tiene como objetivo utilizar lombrices (Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceous y Hyperiodrilus africanus) de origen aserradero como bioindicadores de contaminación por metales en los aserraderos. Se utilizaron cuatro grandes aserraderos ubicados en Abeokuta (7°9'11"44" N - 3°19'35" E), a saber: Lafenwa, Sapon, Isale-Ake y Kotopo, para este estudio. El arboreto de la Universidad Federal de Agricultura, Abeo-kuta fue utilizado como sitio de control. Las lombrices de tierra, plantas y muestras de suelo se recogieron cada mes durante tres meses (marzo a mayo 2013), al azar en diferentes puntos en cada una de las localidades. El análisis de proteínas se llevó a cabo en las lombrices de tierra utilizando electroforesis en gel, mientras que las actividades de la superóxido dismutasa (SOD), catalasa (CAT) y glutatión peroxidasa (GPx) se realizaron espectrofotométricamente. Análisis de metales pesados también se llevaron a cabo en muestras de suelo, plantas y lombrices de tierra utilizando espectrofotómetro de absorción atómica. Resultados de la electroforesis del gel reveló la presencia de nueve bandas de proteínas de E. eugeniae en los aserraderos de Sapon y Kotopo, en comparación con seis bandas de proteínas de E. eugeniae de el sitio control. Se observaron siete bandas de proteínas de L. violaceous de Lafenwa y H. africanus en los aserraderos Isale-Ake. Los niveles de SOD, GPx y actividades CAT fueron significativamente mayores (P <0.05) en E. eugeniae del aserradero Sapon que las del aserradero Kotopo y el sitio control. El estudio también reveló que las concentraciones de Pb y Cd fueron mayores en las lombrices de tierra, plantas y el suelo de los aserraderos que los del sitio control. El aserradero Sapon mostró niveles significativamente mayores (P <0.05) de Cd y Cu en las plantas, así como Pb y Cd en muestras de suelo que las de los otros lugares. Las concentraciones de Cu, Co y Ni fueron mayores en el suelo del sitio de control que en los suelos de los aserraderos. Existe relación más fuerte en las concentraciones de metales entre las lombrices de tierra y los suelos (R = 0.602) que entre las plantas y el suelo (R = 0.405). Por lo tanto, la actividad en los aserraderos posee riesgos potenciales en el suelo y su fauna, especialmente las especies de lombrices.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 20(1): 65-78, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-750709


Neste trabalho, o enfoque foi a integração dos processos de compostagem e vermicompostagem para otimizar a reciclagem de resíduos sólidos. Cada tratamento recebeu um volume total de 40 cm3 de resíduos. Os experimentos foram realizados em duas etapas: a primeira constituiu-se na pré-compostagem de resíduos sólidos vegetais (RV), com adição de esterco ou serragem de madeira. A irrigação e o revestimento das leiras nessa etapa foram realizados depois de 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias do início, e a temperatura foi monitorada. Na segunda etapa foram testados os tratamentos obtidos da primeira etapa com e sem minhocas. Os experimentos foram colocados em caixas de compensado de 60 cm3 de dimensão, e os tratamentos sem minhocas foram dispostos em leiras e revolvidos a cada 7 dias. Nos tratamentos com minhocas foram adicionadas de 200 a 400 minhocas adultas da espécie Eisenia foetida. O processo foi acompanhado por meio de análises de C/N, variação de temperatura, grau de umidade, pH, matéria orgânica (MO) total, carbono total, teor de ácidos húmicos, nitrogênio total, fósforo e potássio. Na primeira etapa do processo, que constitui a termoestabilização dos resíduos nos diferentes tratamentos, a temperatura máxima atingida foi de 35, 53 e 51°C no 14° dia, respectivamente nos tratamentos RV, resíduos vegetais+serragem de madeira (RVM) e resíduos vegetais+esterco (RVE). Na segunda etapa, após 56 dias, a massa em degradação atingiu a temperatura ambiente, sendo, então, deixada para maturar por 98 dias. O pH final ficou na faixa de 6,74 a 8,90. A relação C/N inicial dos tratamentos RVE e RVM foi 34/1 e 184/1, e chegou a 17/1 e 34/1 após 98 dias utilizando a vermicompostagem.

In this work, the focus was for the integration of composting and vermicomposting processes to optimize the recycling of solid wastes. Each treatment received a total volume of 40 cm3 of waste. The experiments were conducted in two stages: the first consisted in pre-composting solid waste vegetables with addition of manure or sawdust. The irrigation and coating of windrows at this stage were conducted after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days from the beginning, and the temperature was monitored. In the second stage, the treatments obtained from the first stage were tested with and without earthworms. The experiments were placed in wooden boxes of 60 cm³ in size, and the treatments without earthworms were placed in windrows and scrambled every 7 days. In the treatments with earthworms were added 200-400 adult worms, Eisenia foetida. During the process the C/N ratio, temperature variation, moisture content, pH, total organic matter, total carbon, humic acid content, total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium were evaluated. In the first stage of the process, which is the thermal stabilization of residues in the different treatments, the maximum temperature reached 35, 53 and 51°C on the 14th day, respectively in RV, RVM e RVE treatments. In the second stage, after 56 days, the ambient temperature was reached; the organic wastes were then laid to reach full maturity for 98 more days. The final pH was in the range from 6.74 to 8.90. The C/N ratio of the RVE treatment and the RVM treatment was initially around 34/1 and 184/1 and after 98 days they was around 17/1 and 34/1 using the vermicomposting.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-343255


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To examine whether earthworms of Eisenia fetida, Lumbricus rubellus and Eudrilus eugeniae extracts have elastase, tyrosinase and matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1) inhibitory activity.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>The earthworms extract was screened for elastase, tyrosinase and MMP-1 inhibitory activity and compared with the positive controls. It was also evaluated for whitening and anti-wrinkle capacity.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The extract showed significantly (P<0.05) good elastase and tyrosinase inhibition and excellent MMP-1 inhibition compared to N-Isobutyl-N-(4-methoxyphenylsulfonyl)-glycylhydroxamic acid.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Earthworms extract showed effective inhibition of tyrosinase, elastase and MMP-1 activities. Therefore, this experiment further rationalizes the traditional use of this worm extracts which may be useful as an anti-wrinkle agent.</p>

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1431-1443, Dec. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662219


In Costa Rica, the region of Río Macho is a highly fragmented landscape with imminent risk of landslides. This area, which provides important environmental services, has been partially recovered to its original forest through intentional reforestation with exotic species or natural regeneration after abandonment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioindicator potential of oligochaete presence as well as some litter and soil characteristics. The ecosystem recovery of the two common restoration modes was measured within three different forest covers. For this, some substrate characteristics were analyzed and compared in a 50 years old secondary forest, a 13 years tacotal, and a 35 years cypress (Cupressus lusitanica) plantation. The three sites studied differed in density, biomass and average mass of oligochaetes, and in some litter (depth, nitrogen, phosphorus and C/N ratio of litter), and soil variables (soil water content (CA), pH, phosphorus, cation exchange capacity, and magnesium). The forest registered the lowest density of earthworms and soil pH, and the highest soil CA and phosphorus. CA was inversely related to the oligochaete density across sites. Besides, there were positive correlations between C/N and C/P ratios from the litter and soil pH, and inverse correlations of litter depth, litter N and P concentrations with soil P. Discriminant Analysis (AD) performed with all soil and litter variables, produced a sharp classification of the three forest cover types. AD suggests that site differences were mostly determined by soil CA and litter nitrogen concentration. Considering all the evaluated parameters, our results suggest in the first place, that oligochaetes are sensitive to changes in some soil and litter characteristics. Secondly, aside from the striking oligochaete differences between the old secondary forest and the other two sites, some soil and litter traits resulted good indicators of the present recovery of the three forest covers. In addition, comparing soil nutrients content (organic carbon, nitrogen, calcium, potassium and sulfur) among the three sites, our findings indicate that the cypress plantation had reached soil nutrient conditions similar to the old secondary forest, presumably by the accumulation of nutrients, as a result of low nutrient recirculation. In conclusion, ecosystem level studies throughout simple evaluation criteria (soils, oligochaetes and ground litter) can be used as rapid indicators of the state of some of the many and complex forest ecosystem compartments.

La región Río Macho, un paisaje altamente fragmentado con riesgos inminentes de derrumbes e importantes servicios ambientales, ha sufrido una recuperación parcial de su vocación forestal por reforestación con especies exóticas y regeneración natural. Hemos comparado algunos rasgos del sustrato mediante la combinación del potencial bioindicador de los oligoquetos, rasgos del mantillo y características fisicoquímicos del suelo en tres sitios (bosque secundario viejo, tacotal y plantación Cupressus lusitanica). El bosque presentó la menor densidad de oligoquetos, el menor pH y el mayor contenido de humedad (CA) y fósforo del suelo. Hubo una correlación positiva entre los cocientes de C/N y C/P del mantillo y el pH del suelo, y negativa entre la profundidad, nitrógeno, fósforo del mantillo y fósforo del suelo. Los resultados sugieren que los oligoquetos son sensibles a cambios de los rasgos antes mencionados, que algunos de estos rasgos pueden ser buenos indicadores de la condición actual de regeneración de las coberturas estudiadas, y las coberturas han alcanzado concentraciones de varios nutrientes similares al bosque secundario viejo. Estos estudios a nivel ecosistémico a través de la evaluación de criterios sencillos pueden ayudarnos a inferir rápidamente el estado de algunos de los muchos y complejos compartimentos de los ecosistemas.

Animals , Ecosystem , Environmental Monitoring , Environmental Restoration and Remediation , Oligochaeta , Soil/chemistry , Trees/physiology , Costa Rica , Oligochaeta/physiology , Tropical Climate
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1543-1552, Dec. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662228


Soil burning has been used in agricultural and forestry systems as a fundamental technique to clean the land and add some nutrients to the soil. In addition, earthworms are known to promote various soil functions since they contribute to aeration and organic matter and nutrients availability to other soil organisms. This study evaluated the effects of tropical forest crops management with presence-absence of Eucalyptus grandis on earthworm population in Huimanquillo, Tabasco, Mexico. Three sites (average area of 1-1.5ha each) with different management conditions were considered for soil and earthworm sampling (two depths and six replicates): without vegetation (SV) and recent slash-burned (38 days), forest crops of five years of production of E. grandis (Euc), and secondary vegetation of 15 years (Acah). Soil physico-chemical properties (apparent density, humidity, texture, pH, Ntot, OM, P, K, cationic capacity) were also evaluated, and earthworms were collected at the end of the rainy season (august-october 2007). We found that the sites soil is an acrisol acid, with pH 3.0-4.5 in the first 30cm depth. Organic matter content (OM) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in the recently burned sites were significantly lower (6-8% y 0.19-0.22%, respectively) than in sites with vegetation (OM=9-11%; el Ntot=0.27-0.33%). Only one species (P. corethrurus) was found in all the sampled areas, where most of the individuals were at juvenile stage (80%). The highest densities and biomass were found in Euc. treatment (166.4ind/m² y 36.8g/m²) followed by Acah (138.7ind/m² y 19.1g/m² respectively), while the SV treatment showed of about an 80% reduced earthworm populations when compared to other treatments. Even though 15 years have passed over the secondary vegetation (Acah) still some perturbations were observed as the low abundance of the oligochaeta group. We concluded that the management used to culture E. grandis produces negative effects over the abundance and diversity of earthworms and soil nutrient availability.

La presencia de oligoquetos en los ecosistemas puede indicar fertilidad del suelo, ya que estos organismos transportan, mezclan y entierran los residuos vegetales de la superficie al interior del suelo. Se caracterizó la comunidad de oligoquetos bajo sitios con diferentes periodos de establecimiento y manejo de plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis, sin vegetación (SV), con cinco años en producción (Euc) y vegetación secundaria con 15 años (Acah) que han pasado por el proceso de tumba y quema en suelos de Acrisol en Huimanguillo, Tabasco; y se analizaron las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo (D.A., humedad, textura, pH, Ntot, MO, P, K, CIC). La recolecta de lombrices se realizó al finalizar las lluvias (agosto-octubre 2007). Se muestreó en tres parcelas con seis réplicas en cada una. Se encontró que los suelos tenían pH de 3.0-4.5 en los primeros 30cm de profundidad. Los contenidos de materia orgánica (MO) y nitrógeno total (Ntot) fueron significativamente menores en los sitios SV (6-8% y 0.19-0.22% respectivamente) que en Euc y Acah (MO=9-11%; el Ntot=0.27-0.33%). La especie Pontoscolex corethrurus domino en toda el área, presentando mayores densidades y biomasas en Euc (164.4ind/m² y 36.8g/m² respectivamente) y Acah (138.7ind/m² y 19.1g/m² respectivamente), mientras que en SV sus poblaciones fueron reducidas en un 80%. Se encontró que el sistema Acah sigue presentando rasgos de un sistema perturbado, al no recuperar fácilmente la diversidad de oligoquetos y las concentraciones de nutrientes disponibles en el suelo.

Animals , Burns , Eucalyptus , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Oligochaeta , Soil/parasitology , Agriculture , Forestry , Mexico , Seasons , Soil/chemistry
Rev. biol. trop ; 60(3): 1217-1229, Sept. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-659582


In tropical savannas, the earthworm communities have a predominant role since they regulate the soil structure and dynamics of the organic matter. To study the effect on earthworm populations in two differently managed savannas, we compared the general aspects of the biology and ecology of earthworm populations from a 40 years protected savanna (SP) with no fire or cattle raising at the Estación Biológica de los Llanos, Venezuela (EBLL), and a natural savanna (SNI), under normal burning and cattle raising management conditions. Sampling was carried out at the end of the dry season (April), and at the peak of the wet season (July-August). The main physical properties of soils per system were estimated. In each system, in plots of 90x90m, five fixed sampling units were selected at random; and at each sampling point one soil monolith of 25x25x30cm was collected per unit. Earthworms were extracted using the hand sorting extraction method; and the flotation method was used to estimate the density of cocoons. The earthworms were classified in different ecological categories considering their pigmentation, size and depth profile distribution. As a result of the savanna protection, physical parameters were modified in relation to SNI. The SP soils had higher soil moisture when compared to SNI. Soil moisture varied with depth during the dry season since, after the start of the rainy season, the soil was saturated. Field capacity in the SP was greater than that in the SNI. The surface apparent bulk density of soil was lower in the SP respect SNI, reflecting a lower soil compaction. Total average for the density and biomass of earthworms differed greatly, showing higher values in the SP. The earthworm density average in SP ranged between 25.6-85 individuals/m2 and the average biomass between 6.92-23.23g/m2. While in SNI, earthworms were only found in August, with a mean density of 22.40individuals/m2 and a mean biomass of 5.17g/m2. The vertical distribution pattern was only analyzed for the SP, and as in the SNI, no earthworms were found during the dry season; in the SP, a migration of earthworms to deeper layers during the dry season was observed; while in the rainy season they moved to upper soil layers to feed. The systems were characterized by abundance in juvenile Glossoscolecidae family earthworms which might be included in the endo-anecic ecological category. Results suggest that savanna agricultural management can modify an important fraction of pedofauna, particularly their earthworm communities, by modification of soil properties.

Las lombrices de tierra tienen un papel importante en el ciclado de nutrientes y el mantenimiento de la fertilidad de los suelos. En este estudio se empleo el método de extracción manual para determinar la densidad y la biomasa de las lombrices de tierra en diferentes profundidades y en diferentes estaciones, seleccionando al azar cinco monolitos de 25cm2x30cm, ubicados en un área de 90x90m en una Sabana Protegida (SP) y una Sabana Natural Intervenida (SNI). Adicionalmente, se estimó la densidad de los capullos, se analizaron las clases de etapas de desarrollo y se clasificaron los individuos en categorías ecológicas. Se estimó la humedad del suelo, la capacidad de campo, la temperatura, la densidad aparente y la textura del suelo. La SP presentó mejores condiciones físicas en el suelo que la SNI, mientras que la actividad de las lombrices de tierra estuvo limitada a los meses de lluvia y se observó un patrón de migración estacional en el perfil del suelo. En la SNI sólo se observó presencia de individuos en agosto y no se encontró diferencia significativa en sus biomasas con la SP. Los sistemas estuvieron dominados por individuos jóvenes con una categoría ecológica de tipo endo-anécica pertenecientes a la familia.

Animals , Cattle , Ecosystem , Oligochaeta , Soil/analysis , Biodiversity , Biomass , Oligochaeta/anatomy & histology , Oligochaeta/classification , Oligochaeta/physiology , Population Density , Population Dynamics , Seasons , Venezuela
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-150966


The plant Atrocarpus hetrophyllus belonging to the family Moracae is a tropical evergreen plant of its own kind. The plant shows various medicinal properties and its phytochemical analysis shows that it has various phytoconstituents like alkaloids, tannins, fixed oils, proteins, phytosterols,etc. The anthelmenthic study was performed using earthworms due to anatomical and physiological similarity with the intestinal roundworms of human beings. The reaction time was noted as paralysis time and death time for all the concentrations and compared with standard albendazole.

Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 54(4): 769-776, July-Aug. 2011. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-595631


The effects of varying temperatures (12 - 44° C) on the specific activity of cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase ((cMDH), mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) of some earthworms (Metaphire posthuma, Perionyx sansibaricus and Lampito mauritii) were studied. The effects of different temperatures on supernatant and mitochondrial protein contents were also investigated. The specific activities of cMDH, mMDH and LDH of the earthworms decreased gradually as a function of increasing temperature from 12 to 44°C. Higher metabolic energy was needed to maintain the activity at low temperatures. Hence, the earthworms showed increased enzyme specific activity at low temperatures. However, the protein content increased upto 28°C. Afterwards, with the increase in the temperature from 28 to 42°C, the proteins in the earthworms showed a significant decrease. The temperature-associated changes in the protein content could be explained by the fact that protein synthesizing capacity was hampered above and below the optimum temperature range. The most pronounced effects of varying temperatures were on P. sansibaricus. It might be due to the epigeic nature of the earthworm species. Then minimum effect was on the endogeic earthworm M. posthuma. Virtually, the differences in the enzymes physiology were associated with the differences in the ecological categories of the earthworms. This clearly demonstrate a possible link between the physiology and ecology at aerobic (cMDH, mMDH) and anaerobic (LDH) levels in the tropical earthworms.

Ciênc. agrotec., (Impr.) ; 33(3): 824-830, maio-jun. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-519521


A utilização de minhocas, principalmente para a alimentação animal, vem sendo adotada e estudada, pois esses organismos apresentam em sua constituição vitaminas e aminoácidos. Entre os materiais possíveis de serem utilizados na minhocultura, atualmenteincentiva-se o aproveitamento de resíduos agroindustriais de alta disponibilidade, como a casca de arroz no Rio Grande do Sul. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, avaliar a eficiência de substratos à base de casca de arroz e esterco bovino na multiplicação e produção de biomassa de minhocas (Eisenia fetida). A população de minhocas foi avaliada quanto ao número de cocons, ao índice de multiplicação(população final/população inicial) e à biomassa de minhocas frescas e secas. A avaliação foi realizada aos 60 dias após a instalação do experimento, com quatro repetições. A análise estatística dos resultados mostrou que a inclusão de casca de arroz favoreceu o desenvolvimento e a taxa de reprodução das minhocas. A maior biomassa de minhocas foi obtida nos tratamentos: 50% casca de arroz inteira e 50% esterco bovino, esterco bovino mais casca de arroz inteira tratada com hidróxido de amônio a 20 e 40%, e esterco bovino mais casca de arroz moída tratada com hidróxido de sódio a 10 e 40%. Conclui-se que a adição de casca de arroz ao esterco bovino favorece a multiplicação e o desenvolvimento de E. fetida.

The use of earthworms for animal feeding has been adopted and studied, because these organisms are rich in vitamins and essential amino acids. Among the organic materials that could be used in the earthworm breeding, highly available agroindustrial residues such as rice husk are being currently used in Rio Grande do Sul. The aim of this work was to evaluate substrate based on rice husk and cattle manure on the multiplication and biomass of earthworms (Eisenia fetida). In this work, the population of earthworms, the cocoon numbers, the multiplication index, as well as fresh and dry biomass of earthworms were evaluated. The evaluation was performed 60 days after the installation of the experiment and each treatment had four replications. Thestatistical analysis of the results showed that the inclusion of rice husk favored the development and rate of earthwormreproduction. The highest earthworm biomass was obtained in the treatments 50% rice husk and 50% cattle manure, cattle manure plus rice husk with ammonium hydroxide at 20 and 40%, and cattle bovine plus ground rice husk with sodium hydroxide at 10 and 40%. It was concluded that the addition of rice husk to the cattle manure was efficient in the multiplication and development of E. fetida.

Acta amaz ; 24(3)1994.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1454549


From May to December, 1992 we studied the earthworm activity, as part of the ECOFIT Program at Surrão ( 30km from Boa Vista), verifying the duration of the activity and quantifying it through the casts deposited on the soil surface. Three transects were stablished: a 100m long in the savanna, a 40m in the transitional area and 100m long in the forest. Specimens were collected monthly along the transects according to the method proposed by TSBF and the casts were collected from the squares previously placed on the transects. Two earthworm species were found in the three areas: Pontoscolex roraìmensis and Pontoscolex corethrurus. The first species depositing its casts on the soil surface. Rainy season wich usually occurs from April to August, determined the duration of activity for the two species (however, 1992 was atypical in that rainy season, only started in May). P. roraìmensis produced casts in the three areas from May to August followed by aestivation. In the savanna, P. corethrurus started aestivation in the same period as P. roraìmensis but remained active until November in the two other areas. P. roraìmensiswas found up 50m from the forest border, being associated to the presence of Curatella americana and Byrsonima sp, two typical savanna bushes.

De maio a dezembro de 1992 a atividade das minhocas foi estudada como parte do Programa ECOFIT na região de Surrão a 30km de Boa Vista. Verificou-se a duração e quantificou-se essa atividade através da produção de excrementos na superfície do solo. Estabelecemos três transectos: um com 100m de comprimento na savana, outro com 40m na área de transição e um outro com 100m na floresta. Os animais foram coletados mensalmente ao longo dos transectos de acordo com o método proposto pelo TSBF e os excrementos foram coletados nos quadrados previamente colocados nos transectos. Duas espécies de minhocas foram encontradas nas três áreas: Pontoscolex roraìmensis e Pontoscolex corethrurus. A primeira espécie depositava seus excrementos na superfície do solo. A estação chuvosa que normalmente ocorre de abril a agosto determinou a duração da atividade das duas espécies. Entretanto, 1992 foi atípico e a estação chuvosa só começou em maio. P. roraìmensis produziu excrementos nas três áreas de maio a agosto entrando então em estivação. Na savana P. corethrurus entrou em estivação na mesma época mas permaneceu em atividade até novembro nas duas outras áreas. P. roraìmensis foi encontrada a até 50m da borda da floresta sempre associada à presença de Curatella americana e Byrsonima sp, dois arbustos típicos da savana.