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Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 37(supl.1): 14-28, dic. 2008.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-636432


Introducción: Desde hace muchos años se viene discutiendo la presencia de factores comunes y de una eficacia similar en los distintos modelos de psicoterapia. La semejanza entre estos modelos contrasta con las acérrimas discusiones teóricas sobre su especial singularidad. Objetivo: Presentar varias conceptualizaciones sobre la naturaleza de los factores comunes de las psicoterapias. Desarrollo: Se muestran algunos trabajos empíricos y se aborda la posible integración de las diferentes modalidades, con sus ventajas y desventajas.

Introduction: Since many years the presence of common factors and of a comparable efficacy in the different psychotherapy models has been discussed. The similarity between these models is quite in contrast with the fierce theoretical discussions on their special singularity. Objective: To present several conceptualizations on the nature of the common factors in psychotherapies. Development: Some empirical works are shown and the possible integration of the different modalities, with their advantages and disadvantages, are discussed.

Agora (Rio J.) ; 5(2): 317-328, jul.-dez. 2002.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-459125


O autor procura destacar a presença de Jung na correspondência de Freud com os principais discípulos, no contexto histórico da constituição do movimento psicanalítico e no desdobramento mais importante do mesmo. Vale dizer, a figura de Jung como fantasma no discurso psicanalítico se articula com uma série de problemáticas não apenas teóricas, mas também políticas e institucionais, de maneira que as ressonâncias atuais desta polêmica continuam ainda presentes na psicanálise contemporânea.

Jung's ghost. The author tries to highlight Jung's presence in the mail exchange with his main disciples, in the historic context of the constitution of the psychoanalytic movement and in its most important unfolding. It should be said that the figure of Jung as a ghost in the psychoanalytic discourse is articulated with a number of problems that are not only theoretical, but also political and institutional, so that the current repercussions of that polemic remain.