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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422127


Los cambios propios de la edad podrían indirectamente afectar al estado nutricional en los adultos mayores, siendo la dependencia funcional un episodio desalentador. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar el estado nutricional, el nivel de prensión manual y la condición funcional en adultos mayores institucionalizados en el Centro Especializado para adultos mayores dependiente del Instituto de Previsión Social de la ciudad de San Bernardino en el periodo septiembre y octubre del 2018. Para ello se diseñó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con datos primarios, se incluyeron a adultos mayores albergados en el Centro Especializado para adultos mayores de San Bernardino. Se midieron datos demográficos, estado nutricional por MNA, fuerza de prensión manual por dinamometría y condición funcional a través de la EFAM. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. El trabajo fue presentado al Comité de ética de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción. Se analizaron datos de 26 adultos mayores, cuya edad media fue 76±5 años. El 61,5% eran mujeres, prevaleció un estado nutricional normal en el 84,6%, y se encontró una mayor tendencia a presentar muy mala fuerza de prensión manual en mujeres, 22,2%. Mayor frecuencia de adultos mayores sin riesgo de dependencia, 80,8%. Hombres con mayor dependencia que las mujeres, 60%. En la muestra de estudio se observó estado nutricional normal, y fuerza de prensión muy mala en mujeres. Los adultos mayores del Centro Especializado para adultos mayores del Instituto de Previsión Social presentan condición funcional autovalente sin riesgo.

Age-specific changes could indirectly affect nutritional status in older adults, with functional dependence being a discouraging episode. To evaluate the nutritional status, the level of manual grasping and the functional condition in institutionalized older adults in the Specialized Center for the elderly dependent on the Social Pressure Institute from the city of San Bernardino in the period of September to October, 2018. Transversal descriptive study with primary data, in which older adults housed in the Specialized Center for Older Adults of San Bernardino were included. Demographic data, nutritional status by MNA, hand grip strength by dynamometry and functional condition through EFAM were measured. Descriptive statistics was used. The work was presented to the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the National University of Asunción. Data from 26 older adults were analyzed, the average age was 76±5 years, and 61.5% were women. A normal nutritional status prevailed in 84.6%, there was a greater tendency to present very bad hand grip strength in women, 22.2% and greater frequency of older adults without risk of dependence, 80.8%. Men had greater dependence than women, 60%. In the study, a normal nutritional status was observed in the sample as well as a very bad grip strength in women. Older adults of the Specialized Center for the elderly of the Social Security Institute present a self-sustaining functional condition without risk.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 21(3): 505-511, Sep.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506362


Resumen Objetivo: Conocer si el estilo de vida es determinado por el nivel socioeconómico, ocupación y vecindario de adultos mayores. Materiales y métodos: El estudio fue transversal, correlacional, con muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia usando medios digitales de grupos conocidos. Se contactaron 101 adultos mayores por correo electrónico, WhatsApp o a través de conocidos. Los datos fueron recolectados mediante la herramienta digital QuestionPro. Se usaron las subescalas del instrumento FANTASTIC: actividad física, nutrición, toxicidad (tabaco), alcohol, sueño, estrés y control de la salud; Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey; el AMAI para valorar estilos de vida, caminabilidad del vecindario y nivel socioeconómico, respectivamente. así como preguntas abiertas sobre ocupación. Las medidas de tendencia central, dispersión, frecuencias y porcentajes describen las variables continuas y nominales, el Alpha de Cronbach la consistencia interna de los instrumentos y prueba de Kolmogorov Smirnov con corrección de Lilliefors para la distribución de variables. Se usaron coeficientes de correlación de Spearman y modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para responder los objetivos. Resultados: A medida que el nivel socioeconómico mejora las medias de caminabilidad del vecindario aumentan (p < 0.001). El modelo de regresión lineal múltiple fue significativo (p < 0.001), el nivel socioeconómico (p = 0.006) y vecindario (p = 0.005), explican el 28% de la variación de estilos de vida. Conclusiones. El estudio permitió confirmar las teorizaciones en el sentido de que el estatus social y las oportunidades de vida, entendidas como el entorno inmediato juegan un papel importante en la elección del estilo de vida, en este caso representado por nivel socioeconómico y la caminabilidad del vecindario de los adultos mayores. Sin embargo, ello evidencia la desigualdad de oportunidades para mantener un estilo de vida saludable por parte de los adultos mayores, y es a la vez un reto para los profesionales de la salud.

Abstract Objective: To learn if elder adults lifestyle is determined by socioeconomic status, occupation, and neighborhood. Materials and methods: The design was cross sectional, correlational and a convenience non probabilistic sampling through digital social networks of known groups was used. One hundred and one older adults were contacted through e-mail, WhatsApp or by known groups (friends, classmates, professors). Data were collected through the QuestionPro digital tool. Lifestyle was measure using the following subscales: physical activity, nutrition, toxicity (tobacco), alcohol, sleep, stress and health control of the FANTASTIC instrument. Neighborhood's walkability was measured by short version of the Neighborhood Environment Walkability Survey, the AMAI index was used to determine the socioeconomic status, and the type of past or present occupation, activities performed and number of people under their command. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha, Kolmogorov Smirnov test with Lilliefors correction, and nonparametric statistics were used. Results: As socioeconomic status went up medians of neighborhood walkability increased (p < 0.001). The linear multiple regression model was significant (p < 0.001); socioeconomic status (p = 0.006), and neighborhood (p = 0.005), explained 28% of the lifestyle variance. Conclusions. The study allowed some theoretical confirmation, in that social status, and life opportunities like environment, play an important role on lifestyle choices, in this study represented by socioeconomic status and neighborhood's walkability of elder adults. But results evidence social inequalities of opportunities to keep a healthy lifestyle by elder adults and at the same time it is a challenge for health professionals.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 1424-1429, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993748


Objective:To construct a geriatric comprehensive health evaluation system, and establish the norm of corresponding score.Methods:The methods of Delphi survey was implemented to develop the geriatric comprehensive health evaluation system.The weight coefficients of the items were calculated and assigned according to the expert-graded importance score and Saaty analytic hierarchy process.Reliability and validity of the system were examined.Goodness of fit was evaluated by confirmatory factor analysis.The demarcation norm of geriatric comprehensive health score was established based on an empirical study of 2, 118 non-hospitalized elderly population.Results:During the process of Delphi expert consultation and item analysis, nine items were deleted and two items were added.In the end, the 29-item comprehensive geriatric health evaluation system was developed, which included three dimensions of physiology, psychology, as well as social support and environment.The Cronbach's α coefficient of the evaluation system was 0.709.The exploratory factor analysis-extracted ten common factors meet ten second-level items.Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the goodness of fit of the system was good.Geriatric health status was divided into five grades of very poor, poor, general, good and excellent by 0.5 to 1 standard deviation.The demarcation norm of geriatric comprehensive health score for different age and gender was established accordingly.Conclusions:The reliability and validity of the geriatric comprehensive health evaluation system are satisfactory.The construction of comprehensive health evaluation system and the establishment of the norm can facilitate the quantitative assessment of geriatric health status, and provide a reference for the screening and grading of individual health status in the elderly.

Humanidad. med ; 19(1): 144-159, ene.-abr. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002129


RESUMEN El artículo constituye una propuesta encaminada a dar respuesta a la necesidad social de la superación del profesor de Educación Física del Centro de Experiencia del Adulto Mayor. Se propone como objetivo fundamentar la estrategia para la superación del profesor de Educación Física dirigida a la rehabilitación acuática de los adultos mayores con limitaciones articulares, desde una visión de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Se reconoce la oportunidad que representa el empleo de las nuevas tecnologías como elemento que contribuye a la mejora de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. La magnitud del reto exige la puesta en acción de todos los resortes con los que la sociedad cuenta, para la atención al envejecimiento, mediante diversos programas, cuya significación contribuye a fortalecer la identidad nacional, y a elevar la cultura general integral de los profesores hacia los adultos mayores lo cual repercutirá en la formación de una conciencia social, política y cultural.

ABSTRACT The article constitutes a proposal directed to give answer to the social need for the self-improvement of the teacher of Physical Education of the Center of Experience of the Elder Adult. It proposes as objective: to base the strategy for the self-improvement of the teacher of Physical Education directed to the aquatic rehabilitation of the elderly with articular limitations, from a vision of science, technology and society. It is recognized the opportunity that represents the employment of the new technologies as element that contributes to the progress of the quality of life of the elderly. The magnitude of the challenge demands the putting in action of all the springs with which the society is provided, for the attention to the aging, by means of diverse programs, which significance helps to strengthen the national identity, and to raise the integral general culture of the teachers towards the elderly which will reverberate in the formation of a social, political and cultural conscience.

Rev. medica electron ; 40(2): 289-297, mar.-abr. 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-902290


Introducción: actualmente muchas personas sobrepasan las barreras cronológicas situadas como etapa de vejez, y esto puede transformarse en un problema si no se es capaz de brindar soluciones adecuadas a las consecuencias que del mismo se derivan. Objetivo: evaluar el proceso de atención a los adultos mayores con afecciones respiratorias tratados con fitofármacos. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en los 861 adultos mayores con diagnóstico de infección respiratoria aguda tratados con fitofármacos en los consultorios pertenecientes al Policlínico Dr. "Francisco Figueroa Véliz", del municipio Colón, provincia Matanzas, en el período comprendido entre julio y diciembre del 2015. Se analizaron los indicadores: adultos mayores con infección respiratoria aguda tratados con fitofármacos registrados en el consultorio, seguimiento médico a dichos pacientes, indicaciones correctas de fitofármacos, indicación de complementarios, inter-consultas realizadas y comportamiento de la certificación de calidad emitida a las producciones realizadas. Para la recolección de información se utilizó un instrumento que fue validado en su funcionamiento. Resultados: de los seis indicadores evaluados no alcanzaron los estándares establecidos el seguimiento médico a los adultos mayores con infección respiratoria aguda tratados con fitofármacos pues solo en el 95 % de las historias clínicas había constancia y la certificación de calidad ya que de los 220 lotes elaborados solo fueron analizados por control de la calidad el 81 % de ellos, por lo tanto el componente Proceso no es adecuado. Conclusiones: todas las unidades organizativas del área de salud presentan problemas con el proceso que se desarrolla (AU).

Background: currently many people surpass the chronological barriers limiting the old age stage, and this can become a problem if adequate solutions are not given to the consequences derived from it. Objective: to evaluate the health care processes of elder people treated with herbal medical products. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was carried out in 861 elder people with acute respiratory infection (ARI) treated with herbal medical products in the medical consultations belonging to the Policlinic "Dr. Francisco Figueroa Véliz" of the municipality of Colon, province of Matanzas, in the period July-December 2015. The indicators analyzed were elder people with acute respiratory infection treated with herbal medical products registered in the consultations, their medical follow-up, correct indication of herbal medical products, indication of complementary tests, inter- consultations and behavior of the quality certifications emitted for the elaborated production. For collecting information, it was used an instrument validated in its functioning. Results: of the six indicators evaluated, the follow-up to elder people with ARI treated with herbal medical products did not reach the average standards because in only 95 % of the clinical records it was registered; the quality certification was also deficient, because only the 81 % of the 220 lots elaborated was analyzed by quality control, therefore the component Process is not suitable. Conclusions: all the organizational units of the health area have problems with the developed process (AU).

Humans , Aged , History, 21st Century , Primary Health Care , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Respiratory Tract Infections/drug therapy , Aging , Health Status Indicators , Process Assessment, Health Care , Patient Outcome Assessment , Patient Care , Phytotherapy , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Quality of Life , Respiratory Tract Infections/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interviews as Topic , Community Health Services , Cuba/ethnology , Observational Study , Health Services Research
Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 888-891, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-792653


Objective To study the status and environment-related risk factors for falls among older adults in the urban community,and to provide evidences for the development of specific interventions.Methods A total of 993 older adults aged ≥60 years old from 2 communities in Cixi City were selected by stratified cluster sampling. Face-to-face interview and field investigation were carried out to collect participants' basic information,the situation and environment-related risk factors for falls occurred to them from November 2012 to October 2013.Results The overall incidence of falls was 14.90%,and it was significantly higher in wowen (17.19%) than in men(12.47%)(P<0.05). There were 109 participants reported to have fall-related injury with an incidence of 10.98%(109/993). Moreover,the incidence of fall-related injury for women(13.87%) was significantly higher than that for men(7.69%)(P<0.05). Among them, 35.14% falls occurred in home,the washroom(93.62%)and drawing room(85.02%) had higher proportion of having falling-related environmental risk factors. The multivariate logistic analysis showed that uneven carpet in aisle (OR=3. 542,95% CI:1.235-10.161)and having clutters beside the bed (OR=8.611,95% CI:2.051-36.574) were two main environmental risk factors for elder falls in home.Conclusion The incidence of falls of older adult in Cixi was 14.90%. Uneven carpet in aisle and having clutters beside the bed were two main environmental risk factors for falls among the elderly at home.

Univ. psychol ; 12(2): 391-402, may.-agos. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-689602


Mediante análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios, se validó la Escala de Apoyo Social para Cuidadores Familiares de Adultos Mayores. 23 ítems con cargas factoriales > 0.51, agrupados en cuatro factores explican 63% de la varianza del constructo, con valores de Alfa de Cronbach ≥ 0.85; se demostró que el apoyo social tiene una relación causal positiva y significativa con apoyo material (β = 0.66), apoyo práctico (β = 0.69), apoyo emocional (β = 0.6) y apoyo de orientación (β = 0.81); los valores de ajuste del modelo son ≥ 0.97. La escala validada puede ser aplicada junto con otras medidas que permitan valorar las necesidades que enfrentan las familias para generar acciones de apoyo dirigidas al adulto-mayor y a quien lo cuida.

Using exploratory and confirmatory analysis factor, was validated the Social Support Scale for Family Caregivers of Older Adults. 23 items with factor loadings ≥ 0.51, grouped into four factors it explain 63% of the variance of the construct, with Cronbach's alpha values ≥ 0.85; was shown that social support has a positive and significant causal relationship with material support (β = 0.66), practical support (β = 0.69), emotional support (β = 0.6), and counseling support (β = 0.81), the model fit values was ≥ 0.97. The validated scale can be applied together with other measures to assess needs faced by families to generate support actions aimed at adult-senior and caregiver.

Psychometrics , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Mediciego ; 18(1)mar. 2012. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-710806


Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo en el municipio Morón con el objetivo de caracterizar los adultos mayores centenarios desde el punto de vista clínico; se trabajó con el universo que fue de 10 pacientes donde predominó la edad de 100 a 104 años, sexo femenino, color de la piel blanca; entre los hábitos tóxicos sobresalió el consumo del café; la enfermedad crónica que prevaleció fue la hipertensión arterial; la mayoría de los longevos realizaron actividad física durante toda su vida y su alimentación fue buena; un mayor por ciento no tuvo riesgo de reacciones a drogas; en la evaluación funcional se analizaron las alteraciones en actividades básicas de la vida diaria, así como en las actividades instrumentadas. Todos los centenarios tenían antecedentes familiares de longevidad. Se realizó el árbol genealógico más representativo, que coincidió con el centenario más longevo del municipio Morón.

A descriptive observational study was carried out in Morón with the aim to characterize the centenarian greater adults from the clinical point of view; the universe was constituted by 10 patients predominating from 100 to 104 years, feminine sex, white skin, within the toxic habits of the coffee consumption; the chronic disease that prevailed was the arterial hypertension; most of the longevous made physical activity during their life and their feeding was good, a greater percent did not have risk of reactions to drugs. In the functional assessment prevailed instrumented alterations on daily life; in the affective sphere a great number of centenarians didn´t have alterations; all of them had longevity familiar antecedents. The genealogical tree more representative was carried out that agreed with the most longevous centenary from Morón municipality.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Longevity/genetics , Pedigree , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Observational Studies as Topic