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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221464


This research article aims to examine the impact of emerging technologies on cybersecurity and evaluate the effectiveness of legal frameworks in addressing transnational cyber-attacks. With the rapid advancement of technology, cyber threats have become more sophisticated and interconnected, requiring robust legal measures to combat them. With the emergence of new technologies, the threat landscape for cyber security has also evolved. The continuous development of new technologies like (A.I) artificial intelligence, (I.O.T) Internet of Things & cloud computing has led to a rapid increase in cyber-attacks and has made it even more challenging for organizations to protect their assets. This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative aspect involves an analysis of existing literature, case studies, and legal frameworks, while the quantitative component includes surveys and interviews with cybersecurity professionals and legal experts. By integrating these methods, this research aims to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of current legal measures in mitigating transnational cyber-attacks and propose strategies to enhance cybersecurity in the face of emerging technologies.

Global Health Journal ; (4): 183-191, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036147


Sub-Saharan Africa(SSA)has the highest maternal and under-five mortality rates in the world.The advent of the coronavirus disease 2019 exacerbated the region's problems by overwhelming the health systems and affecting access to healthcare through travel restrictions and rechanelling of resources towards the containment of the pandemic.The region failed to achieve the Millenium Development Goals on maternal and child mortalities,and is poised to fail to achieve the same goals in the Sustainable Development Goals.To improve on the maternal and child health outcomes,many SSA countries introduced digital technologies for educating pregnant and nurs-ing women,making doctors'appointments and sending reminders to mothers and expectant mothers,as well as capturing information about patients and their illnesses.However,the collected epidemiological data are not being utilised to inform patient care and improve on the quality,efficiency and access to maternal,neonatal and child health(MNCH)care.To the researchers'best knowledge,no review paper has been published that focuses on digital health for MNCH care in SSA and proposes data-driven approaches to the same.Therefore,this study sought to:(1)identify digital systems for MNCH in SSA;(2)identify the applicability and weaknesses of the dig-ital MNCH systems in SSA;and(3)propose a data-driven model for diverging emerging technologies into MNCH services in SSA to make better use of data to improve MNCH care coverage,efficiency and quality.The PRISMA methodology was used in this study.The study revealed that there are no data-driven models for monitoring pregnant women and under-five children in Sub-Saharan Africa,with the available digital health technologies mainly based on SMS and websites.Thus,the current digital health systems in SSA do not support real-time,ubiquitous,pervasive and data-driven healthcare.Their main applicability is in non-real-time pregnancy moni-toring,education and information dissemination.Unless new and more effective approaches are implemented,SSA might remain with the highest and unacceptable maternal and under-five mortality rates globally.The study proposes feasible emerging technologies that can be used to provide data-driven healthcare for MNCH in SSA,and the recommendations on how to make the transition successful as well as the lessons learn from other regions.

Global Health Journal ; (4): 169-177, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036114


Emerging digital technologies continues to evolve posing unprecedented opportunities in health systems globally to improve healthcare services delivery.There has been significant progress in healthcare.However,the lack of emotive recognition coupled with a dearth of personalized and pervasive health applications and emotive smart devices calls for the integration of intelligent sensors health systems through emerging technologies.Although there has been significant progress in smart and connected health care,more research innovation,dissemination and technologies are needed to unbundle new opportunities and move towards healthcare 5.0.Healthcare is at the dawn of a paradigm change to reach the new era of smart disease control and detection,virtual care,smart health management,smart monitoring,and decision-making.Therefore,this study discusses the roles and capacities of sensors,their capabilities and other emerging technologies such as nanotechnology,5 G technologies,drone technology,blockchain,robotics,big data,internet of things,artificial intelligence,and cloud computing.Healthcare 5.0 provides healthcare services including patient remote monitoring,tracking and virtual clinics,emotive telemedicine,ambient assisted living,smart self-management,wellness monitoring and control,smart treatment reminders,compliance and adherence,and personalized and connected health care.However,building resilience and robust healthcare 5.0 is not immune to challenges.Organizational challenges,technological and infrastructural barriers,lack of legal and regulatory frameworks and e-health policies,individual perceptions,misalignment with hospitals' strategy,lack of funding,religious and cultural barriers are identified as potential barriers to the successful implementation of healthcare 5.0.Therefore,there is a need for building resilient technology-driven healthcare systems.To achieve this,there is a need for expanding technological infrastructure,provision of budgetary support based on sustainable business models,develop appropriate legal and e-health policies,standardization and synchronization of protocols,improving stakeholders' engagement and involvement and establishment of private and public partnerships and investments.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 25(3): 439-449, maio-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133788


RESUMO Considerado por muitos profissionais como um dos maiores avanços do século 21 na área de tratamento de esgotos, os reatores de lodo granular aeróbio (LGA) vêm recebendo bastante atenção em termos de pesquisa e instalação em escala plena em diferentes continentes e condições climáticas. São frequentes os relatos na literatura de eficiências de remoção acima de 90% em termos de demanda química de oxigênio, nitrogênio total e fósforo total, além da manutenção no reator de elevadas concentrações de sólidos (> 8 g SSV/L) sem a necessidade de decantador secundário e recirculação de lodo. Contudo, há também diversos relatos de problemas de instabilidade da biomassa, longo período de formação dos grânulos (principalmente quando se utiliza esgoto real), formação de grânulos pequenos, acúmulo de nitrito e outras questões. Esta revisão explora os mecanismos necessários para granulação em estações de tratamento de esgoto em escala plena no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, incluindo os principais grupos microbianos presentes no LGA, parâmetros-chave para a formação dos grânulos, configurações de reator etc. Além disso, discutem-se algumas questões sobre a operação e a manutenção desses sistemas em escala plena.

ABSTRACT Considered by many professionals as one of the greatest advances in wastewater treatment in the 21st century, the aerobic granular sludge (AGS) reactors have received great attention in terms of research and full-scale installation in different continents and weather conditions. There are frequent reports in the literature on removal efficiencies above 90% in terms of COD, total nitrogen and total phosphorus, as well as the maintenance of high solids concentrations (> 8 g VSS/L) in the reactor without the need for secondary clarifier and sludge recirculation. However, there are also several reports on problems of biomass instability, long periods of granule formation (mainly when using real sewage), formation of small granules, nitrite accumulation (incomplete denitrification), and other issues. This review explores the mechanisms required for granulation in full-scale WWTP treating sanitary wastewater, including the main microbial groups present in the AGS, key granule formation parameters, reactor configurations, etc. In addition, some issues on the operation and maintenance of these full-scale systems are discussed.

CienciaUAT ; 12(2): 137-147, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001732


Resumen El salvado de trigo se destina principalmente al consumo animal, por lo que algunos de sus componentes son subutilizados, representando oportunidades de valor agregado. Constituye las capas externas del grano y contiene hasta 18 % en peso de proteínas con mejor calidad que las de la harina. Estas proteínas no son aprovechadas debido a que la mayoría están protegidas por una matriz de polisacáridos, indigerible para el sistema gastrointestinal humano, por lo que es necesaria su extracción. Tradicionalmente, las proteínas de salvado han sido recuperadas mediante extracción alcalina y se han propuesto como ingredientes para la elaboración de productos alimenticios. Sin embargo, su uso es casi inexistente, debido a que los procesos de extracción son agresivos y no redituables. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue describir las propiedades de las proteínas del salvado de trigo, así como sus usos potenciales. Entre sus propiedades destacan la digestibilidad, el perfil de aminoácidos y la capacidad de absorción de grasa. La fracción soluble en agua de estas proteínas, por su fácil extracción, podría tener valor agregado al utilizarse en tecnologías emergentes: como fuente de péptidos bioactivos, en la producción de nanopartículas con aplicaciones industriales o como matrices para procesos de biomineralización artificial.

Abstract Wheat bran is mainly intended for animal consumption and some of its components are underutilized, representing value-added opportunities. It forms the outer layers of the grain and contains up to 18 % by weight of proteins of better quality than those of flour. These proteins are not exploited because most are protected by a matrix of polysaccharides, which is indigestible by the human gastrointestinal system" so their extraction is necessary. Traditionally, wheat bran proteins have been recovered by alkaline extraction and have been proposed as ingredients for the manufacture of foodstuffs. However, their use is almost non-existent because the extraction processes are aggressive and not profitable. The aim of the present review is to present the proper ties of wheat bran proteins, as well as, their potential uses. Among their properties, the digestibility, lipid absorption capacity and aminoàcid pattern are highlighted. The water soluble fraction of these proteins, because of their easy extraction, could have an added value from the perspetive of emerging technologies, for example, as a source of bioactive peptides, in the production of nanoparticles with industrial applications or as matrices for artificial biomineralization processes.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-136608