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Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 15(2): 951-963, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901871


El objetivo del artículo es mostrar la configuración del CE a partir del análisis de los relatos de vida de tres padres cuyos hijos e hijas presentan discapacidad. Los argumentos de las teorías de los campos sociales de Bourdieu y de la antropología de las emociones planteada por Hochschild aportan al piso teórico del concepto. La metodología utilizada fue el enfoque narrativo-biográfico a través de los relatos de vida. Se concluye que el CE surge desde la ruptura ideológica -de la normalidad- que ocurre en el momento del diagnóstico de discapacidad de sus hijos e hijas, pero se acumula desde la confrontación con la estructura social. Sólo uno de los padres logra adquirir CE, pues cuando las personas viven sus vidas en marcos ideológicos establecidos que no se cuestionan, es imposible acumular CE.

The aim of the article is to demonstrate the configuration of Emotional Capital (EC) through the analysis of the life stories of three fathers whose children have disabilities. The main components of Bourdieu's social field theory and the anthropology of emotions proposed by Hochschild provide the theoretical framework for this study. The methodology used was the biographical-narrative approach through the collection and analysis of life stories. It is concluded that EC emerges from the ideological break with normality that occurs at the time of diagnosis of the disability of their children, and accumulates through confrontations with social structures. Only one of the fathers succeeds in acquiring EC because when people live their lives in established ideological frameworks that are not questioned it is impossible to accumulate EC.

O objetivo do artigo é mostrar a configuração do Capital Emocional (CE) a partir da análise das histórias de vida de três pais cujos filhos têm deficiência. Os argumentos da teoria de campo social de Bourdieu e a antropologia das emoçãµes suscitadas por Hochschild fornecem o piso teórica para este conceito. A metodologia utilizada foi a abordagem narrativa-biográfica através de histórias de vida. Conclui-se que a CE surge da ruptura ideológica de normalidade que ocorre no momento do diagnóstico da deficiência de seus filhos, e acumula-se a partir do confronto com a estrutura social. Apenas um dos pais consegue adquirir CE, porque quando as pessoas vivem suas vidas em quadros ideológicos estabelecidos que não são questionadas, é impossível acumular CE.

Parents , Disabled Children , Diagnosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-399829


Objective To study the function of emotional capital theory in activating the nursing human resources. Methods We used emotional capital theory together with the use of incentives and humane management of emotional exchange to meet the individual demands of nurses, in order to accumulate good for the intrinsic emotional capital of the hospital. At the same time, attention was paid to detail services and vigorously carried out the moving services to accumulate external emotional capital for the hospital. Results After the implementation of emotional capital management, the satisfaction rate of the nurse improved 3.6% than before, and the satisfaction rate of the patients increased from 94.2% to 98.4%.In addition,the nursing complaints redueed from six down to two, the written recognition received from patients increased from 3 to 8, the quality of the care integrated service score increased from 93.3 points to 97.8 points on average, and the nursing errors reduced from 16 to 8. Condusions Use of emotional capital management theory was conducive to activate the nursing human resources, improve the quality of the nursing service and the efficiency of management.