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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716087


OBJECTIVE: We aimed to perform in-vitro evaluation to compare 1) shear bond strength (SBS), adhesive remnant index (ARI), and color change between self-etched and acid-etched primers; 2) the SBS, ARI and color change between direct and indirect bonding; and 3) the enamel roughness (ER) between 12-blade bur and aluminum oxide polisher debonding methods. METHODS: Seventy bovine incisors were distributed in seven groups: control (no bonding), direct (DTBX), and 5 indirect bonding (ITBX, IZ350, ISONDHI, ISEP, and ITBXp). Transbond XT Primer was used in the DTBX, ITBX, and ITBXp groups, flow resin Z350 in the IZ350 group, Sondhi in the ISONDHI group, and SEP primer in the ISEP group. SBS, ARI, and ER were evaluated. The adhesive remnant was removed using a low-speed tungsten bur in all groups except the ITBXp, in which an aluminum oxide polisher was used. After coffee staining, color evaluations were performed using a spectrophotometer immediately after staining and prior to bonding. RESULTS: ISONDHI and ISEP showed significantly lower SBS (p < 0.01). DTBX had a greater number of teeth with all the adhesive on the enamel (70%), compared with the indirect bonding groups (0–30%). The ER in the ITBX and ITBXp groups was found to be greater because of both clean-up techniques used. CONCLUSIONS: Direct and indirect bonding have similar results and all the primers used show satisfactory adhesion strength. Use of burs and polishers increases the ER, but polishers ensure greater integrity of the initial roughness. Resin tags do not change the color of the teeth.

Adhesives , Aluminum Oxide , Coffee , Dental Enamel , Incisor , Shear Strength , Tooth , Tungsten
Braz. dent. sci ; 21(3): 335-340, 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-911640


Objective: The purpose of this study was to comparatively evaluate quantitative effects of three different prophylactic methods of surface polishing treatments for primary teeth compared to a standardized control group. Material and Methods: 48 naturally exfoliated primary teeth were selected and randomly assigned into four groups: Control Group ­ teeth receiving only enamel standardization treatment with polishing disc to reduce natural enamel; Group I ­ teeth receiving superficial enamel standardization treatment followed by polishing with a mixture of water and pumice; Group II ­ teeth receiving enamel standardization treatment followed by prophylaxis with paste (Herjos-F, Vigodent S/A Indústria e Comércio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); and Group III ­ teeth receiving enamel standardization treatment followed by sodium bicarbonate spray (Profi II Ceramic, Dabi Atlante Indústrias Médico-Odontológicas Ltda, Ribeirão Preto, Brazil). All the procedures were performed by the same operator and the samples were rinsed and stored in distilled water. Comparative assessment of the enamel surface roughness between experimental groups and control group was performed by using a surface profilometer (Mitutoyo SJ400). Results: The results of this study were statistically analysed by using Minitab statistical software (version 17.1.0, 2013). The use of pumice and water led to significantly rougher surfaces than in other groups (i.e. Group I: 1.22 Ra; Group II 0.38 Ra; Group III: 1.01 Ra). Conclusion: Based on this study, one can conclude that use of pumice and water resulted in increased enamel surface roughness in comparison to the surface treatment with bicarbonate spray and prophylaxis paste. (AU)

Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi quantificar e comparar a rugosidade do esmalte dentário após de três diferentes tratamentos profiláticos para polimento de superfície de esmalte em dentes decíduos, em relação a um grupo controle. Material e Métodos: 48 dentes decíduos naturalmente esfoliados foram selecionados e alocados aleatoriamente em quatro grupos. Grupo Controle: recebeu apenas padronização do esmalte através do disco de polimento para redução de dentes naturais. O grupo I recebeu padronização superficial do esmalte seguido de polimento por mistura de água e pedra-pomes; o grupo II recebeu padronização do esmalte seguido da pasta de profilaxia Herjos-F (Vigodent S / A Indústria e Comércio, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil); e o grupo III recebeu padronização da superfície do esmalte seguido de spray de bicarbonato de sódio Profi II Ceramic (Dabi Atlante Indústrias Médico Odontológicas Ltda., Ribeirão Preto, Brasil). Todos os tratamentos de superfície foram realizados pelo mesmo operador, por dez segundos e as amostras foram lavadas e armazenadas em água destilada. A avaliação comparativa da rugosidade superficial do esmalte entre os grupos experimentais e controle foi realizada utilizando-se um perfilômetro de superfície Mitutoyo SJ400. Resultados: Os resultados deste estudo foram analisados estatisticamente com o software estatístico Minitab (versão 17.1.0, 2013). A pedra-pomes e a água geraram significativamente maior aspereza na superfície de esmalte, em comparação aos outros grupos, quando empregado o teste estatístico de Tukey (Grupo I: 1,22 Ra; Grupo II: 0,38 Ra; Grupo III: 1,01 Ra). Conclusão: Com base neste estudo, pode-se concluir que a pedra-pomes e a água resultaram em aumento da rugosidade superficial do esmalte em comparação ao tratamento superficial com spray de bicarbonato e pasta profilática.(AU)

Dental Enamel/abnormalities , Dental Prophylaxis , Tooth, Deciduous
Ortho Sci., Orthod. sci. pract ; 7(25): 43-50, 2014. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-729347


Na descolagem de bráquetes ortodônticos pode ocorrer a perda de esmalte na interface adesivo-esmalte. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os possíveis danos à superfície do esmalte com recolagens de bráquetes metálicos e cerâmicos novos por meio da resistência adesiva ao cisalhamento (RAC), da análise do índice de adesivo remanescente (IAR), da avaliação da rugosidade de superfície (RA) e pela análise de microscopia eletrônica (MEV). Foram usados 120 pré-molares, divididos aleatoriamente em 4 grupos de 30 dentes: CS (Controle Saliva); CA (Condicionamento Ácido); M (Metálico) e C (Cerâmico). Foram colados 120 bráquetes metálicos e 120 cerâmicos, para os grupos M e C, em quatro tempos. Os ensaios mecânicos foram realizados em máquina SHIMADZU, na velocidade 0,5 mm/min. Na avaliação da RAC, o ANOVA a dois critérios demonstrou não haver diferenças (p= 0,052) entre os grupos. Na avaliação do IAR, o teste U de Mann-Whitney demonstrou diferença entre os grupos (p< 0,001), onde o grupo cerâmico exibiu escores mais altos que o metálico. Para a rugosidade, o ANOVA a um critério demonstrou que o grupo M apresentou maior RA (p< 0,001). O teste de Tukey demonstrou que os grupos M e C, após o polimento com discos Sof-Lex, exibiram valores de rugosidade inferiores aos demais grupos. Conclui-se que na remoção de bráquetes metálicos ou cerâmicos e da resina remanescente existe maior risco de danos ao esmalte nas recolagens sucessivas. O polimento com discos Sof-Lex promoveu superfície com maior lisura do esmalte.

Debonding of orthodontic brackets may cause enamel surface loss primarily at the adhesive-enamel interface. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate by means of shear bond strength (SBS), adhesive remnant index (ARI), assessment of surface roughness and electron microscope analysis, the possible damages at enamel surface with repeated rebonding of new metallic and ceramic brackets. One hundred and twenty human premolars were randomly divided into 4 groups of 30 premolars each: CS (Saliva Control); CA (Acid Etching); M (Metal); C (Ceramic). For CA group, 4 repeated acid conditionings were performed. One hundred and twenty metallic and ceramic brackets, for groups M and C, were bonded and rebonded respectively at 4 stages. Mechanical trials were obtained with a SHIMADZU testing machine at 0.5 mm/min cross-speed. The SBS results were statistically tested with ANOVA, and no statistically significant differences (p=0.052) were observed. The ARI was evaluated by Mann-Whitney test, which demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference between metallic and ceramic brackets (p<0.001). The ceramic group exhibited higher statistically significant scores for ARI than the metallic group. The roughness assessment was made with one-way ANOVA, that showed statistically significant differences between groups (p<0.001). Tukey´s test has demonstrated that the M and C groups that were polished with SofLex discs had statistically significant lower roughness values as compared to other groups. Polishing with Sof-lex discs, lead to increased smoothness of enamel surfaces.

Humans , Adolescent , Dental Enamel , Orthodontic Brackets
Rev. Estomat ; 16(1): 18-24, jul. 2008. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-565504


Objetivos: Evaluar los efectos en esmalte dental después del tratamiento con PH 25% y PC 16% como sistemas de aclaramiento y posterior aplicación de flúor. Materiales y Métodos: Premolares extraídos distribuidos aleatoriamente en grupos, fueron preservados en suero fisiológico. Se realizaron dos fases con y sin aplicación de flúor post-tratamiento, utilizando Nitewhite ® y Zoom2®, se registró el color al inicio y al final del procedimiento. Las alteraciones en la superficie vestibular de las muestras fueron analizadas en MEB. Resultados: Dentro del total de muestras analizadas, se encontró que el 36.6% mostraron efectos moderados y el 32.9% efectos severos. El análisis de los grupos sin aplicación de flúor, arrojó que los resultados entre las categorías fueron variables. Mientras que en los grupos con aplicación de flúor, predominaron resultados leves. Se encontraron diferencias entre los grupos sin aplicación de Flúor después del aclaramiento (P<0.005). En contraste, entre los grupos con tratamiento posterior de Flúor no hubo diferencias (P= 0.571). Hay diferencias entre los grupos con respecto al efecto en el esmalte, según la prueba de Kruskall Wallis (P<0.005). Con la prueba de la mediana también se concluyó diferencia entre los grupos (P<0.005). Conclusiones: El uso de altas concentraciones de PH en consulta requiere un tiempo limitado en el número de sesiones comparadas con las que el fabricante recomienda, reforzando con un tratamiento casero para obtener mejores resultados y más seguros para el paciente quien reportará menor sensibilidad, siendo indispensable la aplicación de fluor post tratamiento.

Objective: to evaluate dental enamel surface alterations after bleaching treatments with Hydrogen peroxide and Fluoride. Methods: Extracted pre-molars were analys under SEM after bleaching treatment; the samples were storaged in saline solution. Two phases were made, without and with fluoride application after bleaching treatment using Nitewhite® and Zoom2® as bleaching agents, the shade was taken at baseline and after the bleaching procedure. Results: 36.6% of samples showed moderate alterations and 32.9% showed severe enamel alterations. Post/treatment with fluoride showed variable outcomes, but mild alterations in the fluoride/treated samples were found to be more frequent, A statistically significant result was found among fluoride/treated and non/treated groups after bleaching (P<0.005) chisquare test. In contrast, within fluoride/treated groups it was not found significant differences. Conclusions: The use of high concentrated in/office carbamide peroxide may require limited application sessions as recommended by the manufacturer. The use of post/treatment fluoride may bring great benefit to patient’s dental hypersensitivity.

Dental Enamel , Fluorine , Hydrogen Peroxide , Tooth Remineralization