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Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 66(6): 22-28, nov.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535223


Resumen Introducción: La disección carotídea consiste en el desgarro de la pared del vaso. Es una patología infrecuente, pero es la causa más común de enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC) isquémica en personas menores de 45 años. Las manifestaciones clínicas son muy variables. Método: Utilizamos las recomendaciones CARE para el reporte de casos clínicos. Caso clínico: Hombre de 45 años previamente sano, con debilidad aguda de la extremidad torácica derecha sin causa aparente. La tomografía simple de cráneo no evidenció alteraciones. La resonancia magnética mostró una oclusión completa de la arteria carótida interna en todos sus segmentos y disminución del flujo de la arteria cerebral media izquierda. La evolución clínica fue desfavorable. Conclusión: La disección carotídea debe sospecharse en personas con EVC sin factores de riesgo cardiovascular.

Abstract Introduction: Carotid dissection consists of a tear in the vessel wall. It is a rare pathology, but it is the most common cause of ischemic cerebral vascular disease (CVD) in people under 45 years of age. The clinical manifestations are very variable. Method: We used CARE recommendations for reporting clinical cases. Clinical case: Previously, a healthy 45-year-old man with acute weakness of the right thoracic extremity without apparent cause. The simple skull tomography did not show any alterations. MRI showed complete occlusion of the internal carotid artery in all its segments and decreased flow of the left middle cerebral artery. The clinical evolution was unfavorable. Conclusion: Carotid dissection should be suspected in people with CVD without cardiovascular risk factors.

Rev. mex. ing. bioméd ; 44(2): 1345, May.-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536655


RESUMEN Las técnicas de neuroimagenología otorgan información relevante del estado funcional y anatómico del cerebro humano. Esta información es particularmente importante cuando existe una lesión cerebral causada por alguna patología, tal como la enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC). En pacientes afectados por esta enfermedad, se ha determinado que la neuroplasticidad es el mecanismo principal de recuperación de la función motora perdida. Debido a la alta prevalencia de la EVC a nivel mundial y especialmente en países en vías de desarrollo, es necesario continuar investigando los mecanismos de recuperación involucrados en esta patología. La resonancia magnética funcional (RMF) y la imagenología por tensor de difusión (ITD) son dos de las técnicas de neuroimagenología más utilizadas con este fin. La RMF permite analizar la actividad neuronal generada al ejecutar tareas de movimiento, mientras que la ITD proporciona información estructural de la anatomía cerebral. En esta revisión narrativa, se presentan diversos estudios que han utilizado estas técnicas de neuroimagenología en la cuantificación de los cambios de neuroplasticidad en pacientes con EVC tras participar en algún programa de neurorrehabilitación. Comprender mejor estos cambios de neuroplasticidad permitiría diseñar esquemas de rehabilitación que proporcionen un mayor beneficio a los pacientes con EVC.

ABSTRACT Neuroimaging techniques provide relevant information of the functional and anatomical status of the human brain. This information is of particular importance when a pathology, like stroke, produces a brain injury. In stroke patients, it has been determined that neuroplasticity is the primary recovery mechanism of the lost motor function. Due to worldwide high prevalence, especially in developing countries, it is necessary to continue the research of the recovery mechanisms involved in this pathology. To this end, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are two of the most used neuroimaging techniques. In stroke patients, fMRI allows the analysis of the neural activity produced by the execution of motor tasks, whereas DTI provides structural information of the brain anatomy. In this narrative review, multiple studies that employ these neuroimaging techniques for quantification of neuroplasticity changes in stroke patients after undergoing a neurorehabilitation program are presented. Better understanding of these neuroplasticity changes would allow researchers to design and provide more beneficial rehabilitation schemes to stroke patients.

Rev. enferm. neurol ; 21(1): 92-105, ene.-abr. 2022. tab, illus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1397933


La enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC) es una patología caracterizada por un déficit neurológico súbito, secundario a oclusión o ruptura de un vaso sanguíneo cerebral; se divide en isquémica o infarto cerebral (IC) y hemorrágica. La EVC es reconocida como la primera causa de discapacidad y la quinta causa de muerte en México, registrándose cerca de 170 mil casos nuevos al año. Existe amplia evidencia que demuestra una reducción en los desenlaces negativos, como muerte y discapacidad, al realizar intervenciones rápidas, incluyendo la administración de trombolisis intravenosa con rt-PA (activador tisular de plasminógeno recombinante) y trombectomía mecánica. La coordinación multidisciplinaria del equipo de salud y los cuidados efectivos de enfermería, son vitales durante todas las etapas de atención de la EVC. Esta revisión da a conocer un panorama general del manejo del infarto cerebral e identificar las intervenciones indispensables del profesional de enfermería realiza durante las etapas prehospitalarias, pretrombolisis, durante trombolisis y postrombolisis.

Cerebralvascular disease (CVD) is a pathology characterized by a sudden neurological deficit secondary to occlusion or rupture of a cerebral blood vessel; it is divided into ischemic or cerebral infarction (CI) and hemorrhagic. CVD is recognized as the first cause of disability and the fifth cause of death in Mexico, with nearly 170,000 new cases registered each year. There is ample evidence that shows a reduction in negative outcomes, such as death and disability, with rapid interventions, including the administration of intravenous thrombolysis with rt-PA (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator) and mechanical thrombectomy. Multidisciplinary coordination of the health care team and effective nursing care are vital during all stages of CVD care. This review provides an overview of the management of cerebral infarction and identifies essential nursing interventions during the prehospital, prethrombolysis, during thrombolysis, and postthrombolysis stages.

Humans , Male , Female , Nursing , Thrombolytic Therapy , Cerebral Infarction , Stroke
Medicina UPB ; 40(2): 22-32, 13 oct. 2021. tab, Ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1342177


Objetivo: mejorar la independencia funcional de los pacientes con enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC) es uno de los objetivos que se plantean los equipos de rehabilitación física y cognitiva. Uno de los modelos que podría dar respuesta a este objetivo es el entrenamiento cognitivo de la memoria de trabajo (MT). Aunque esta estrategia se viene estudiando desde hace 20 años, aún es necesario realizar un estudio de revisión sistemática que permita conocer con claridad los efectos del entrenamiento cognitivo computarizado de la MT en el funcionamiento de la vida diaria en pacientes con EVC isquémica. Metodología: para ello, se creó una ecuación de búsqueda para aplicar en la base de datos Web of Science (WoS), en el rango temporal desde enero de 2010 a enero de 2019. Posteriormente, se realiza un análisis bibliométrico con el objetivo de identificar los autores y revistas más importantes sobre el tema de investigación. Finalmente, el reporte cronológico identifica la evolución y avances del impacto de los entrenamientos de la memoria de trabajo en la EVC. Resultados: se encontraron tres enfoques relacionados con: efectos de un programa de realidad virtual en las actividades de la vida diaria, efectos del entrenamiento de la MT en la plasticidad cerebral y efectos del entrenamiento cognitivo de la MT en las actividades de la vida diaria. Conclusión: se ha propuesto el desempeño cognitivo como uno de los componentes más importantes del funcionamiento en la vida diaria, particularmente la MT como mediador entre los programas de entrenamiento cognitivo y las habilidades funcionales. Los entrenamientos cognitivos reducen el deterioro cognitivo y el riesgo de demencia. Sin embargo, los beneficios de un entrenamiento cognitivo se limitan a dominios muy similares a los entrenados (transferencia cercana, más que lejana).

Objective: improving functional independence of patients with cerebrovascular disease has become one of the main goals for physical and cognitive rehabilitation teams. A well-known framework that addresses this issue is Working Memory Training. Although this model has been studied for more than twenty years, a systematic review on the effects of Working Memory Training after ischemic stroke and its impact on everyday functioning is still needed. Methodology: thus, a search equation has been proposed on Web of Science database from January 2010 to January 2019. Then, a bibliometric analysis presents the most important authors and journals in the research topic. Finally, a chronological report shows advanced research lines and effects of Working Memory Training in patients with cerebrovascular disease. Results:these findings showed 3 approaches related to the following: effects of virtual reality-based programs on everyday functioning, effects of Working Memory Training on brain plasticity, and effects of Working Memory Training on everyday life. Conclusion: cognitive performance has been proposed to be one of the most important components of functioning in daily life. Working Memory has been shown to strongly mediate between cognitive training and functional abilities. Cognitive training is asso-ciated with less cognitive decline and reduced risk of dementia. However, the benefits from cognitive training may be limited to highly similar domains (close transfer rather than far transfer).

Introdução: melhorar a independência funcional do paciente com doença cerebrovas-cular (DCV) é um dos objetivos traçados pelas equipes de reabilitação física e cognitiva. Um dos modelos que poderia responder a esse objetivo é o treinamento cognitivo da memória de trabalho (MT).Objetivo: embora essa estratégia seja estudada há 20 anos, ainda é necessário realizar um estudo de revisão sistemática que nos permita conhecer claramente os efeitos do treinamento cognitivo computadorizado da MT no funcionamento da vida diária em pacientes com DCV isquêmica.Metodologia: para isso, foi criada uma equação de busca a ser aplicada na base de dados Web of Science (WoS), no período de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2019. Pos-teriormente, é realizada uma análise bibliométrica a fim de identificar os autores mais importantes e periódicos sobre o tema de pesquisa. Por fim, o relatório cronológico identifica a evolução e a evolução do impacto do treino da memória de trabalho no CVS.Resultados: foram encontradas três abordagens relacionadas a: efeitos de um programa de realidade virtual nas atividades da vida diária, efeitos do treinamento da MT na plas-ticidade cerebral e efeitos do treinamento cognitivo da MT nas atividades da vida diária.Conclusão: o desempenho cognitivo tem sido proposto como um dos componentes mais importantes do funcionamento na vida diária, particularmente a MT como media-dor entre programas de treinamento cognitivo e habilidades funcionais. O treinamento cognitivo reduz o declínio cognitivo e o risco de demência. No entanto, os benefícios do treinamento cognitivo são limitados a domínios muito semelhantes aos treinados (transferência próxima, em vez de distante).

Humans , Cerebrovascular Disorders , Activities of Daily Living , Cognitive Dysfunction , Virtual Reality , Ischemic Stroke , Functional Status , Neuronal Plasticity
Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.) ; 33(6): 305-310, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287148


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract: Cerebral venous thrombosis (TVC) is a potentially devastating state that occurs in young adults, especially women. Less frequent subtype of cerebral vascular disease (EVC), represented only 0.5% in EVC patients. Headache is the most common symptom common. It requires an accurate diagnosis since the pathophysiology and treatment differ from the arterial EVC. The understanding of the risk factors is the key to the prognosis of the TVC. Objective: To determine the prevalence, the main clinical, radiological findings and prognosis of TVC in Neurological Intensive Care Unit. Material and methods: Retrospective, longitudinal and analytical study of an observational nature. All patients admitted to the Neurological Intensive Care Unit of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery (INNN) with the diagnosis of TVC from January 2010 to July 2019 confirmed by venous phase computed tomography (vein CT) and/or vein were considered MRI (vein MRI), which will have clinical information and cabinet studies, as well as, the evolution, treatment and prognosis at hospital discharge. Results: Of a total of 14 patients, with an average age of 33 years of age. Of which 85.72% (n = 12) were women and 14.28 (n = 2) were men. Headache occurred 50% of cases. The main predisposing cause for TVC was the use of oral contraceptives in 6 patients (42.85%) and puerperium in three patients (21.42%). The delay in diagnosis was an average of 48 hours. The imaging method used for diagnosis in 64.28% of those with computed tomography in venous phase and in 37.71% with vein magnetic resonance. The upper longitudinal sinus was the most affected in 50% of cases. The average stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) was seven days, where 100% of patients received anticoagulation. Three patients (21.4%) developed intracranial hypertension who underwent decompressive craniectomy between the second and fifth day of stay. The days of mechanical ventilation on average were seven days. With an average hospital stay of 20 days. Mortality at hospital discharge was 21.42%. Conclusions: TVC is less frequent than ischemic stroke or intracerebral hemorrhage. The spectrum of the clinic is broad, with pivotal headache. The confirmation of the diagnosis must be performed with CT vein and/or RM vein. The therapeutic intervention within the acute phase is aimed at the recanalization of the thrombosed sinus or sinuses and the prevention of complications; anticoagulation with low molecular weight heparin is the first-line treatment, which has shown an impact on the prognosis of patients. We must keep in mind that thrombolysis and thrombectomy are an option in treatment. In the case of decompressive craniectomy, it is indicated only in cases of malignant venous infarctions. The results after TVC are generally favorable, they also depend on the patient's factors, such as sex and the specific risk factors of women.

Resumo: Trombose venosa cerebral (TVC) é um estado potencialmente devastador que ocorre em adultos jovens, especialmente mulheres. Subtipo menos frequente do acidente vascular cerebral (AVC), representou apenas 0.5% nos pacientes com AVC. Cefaléia é o sintoma mais comum. Exige um diagnóstico preciso, pois a fisiopatologia e o tratamento diferem da AVC arterial, e a compreensão dos fatores de risco é a chave para o prognóstico da TVC. Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência, os principais achados clínicos, radiológicos e prognósticos da TVC na unidade de terapia intensiva neurológica. Material e métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, longitudinal e analítico de natureza observacional. Todos os pacientes admitidos na unidade de terapia intensiva neurológica do Instituto Nacional de Neurologia e Neurocirurgia (INNN) com diagnóstico de TVC de janeiro de 2010 a julho de 2019 confirmados por tomografia computadorizada de fase venosa (Veno-TC) e/ou veno ressonância magnética (veno-RM), que contaram com informações clínicas e estudos de gabinete, bem como a evolução, tratamento e prognóstico na alta hospitalar. Resultados: Do total de 14 pacientes, com idade média de 33 anos. Dos quais 85.72% (n = 12) eram mulheres e 14.28 (n = 2) eram homens. A cefaléia ocorreu em 50% dos casos. A principal causa predisponente para TVC foi o uso de contraceptivos orais em 6 pacientes (42.85%) e puerpério em 3 pacientes (21.42%). O atraso no diagnóstico foi em média de 48 horas. O método de imagem utilizado para o diagnóstico em 64.28% daqueles com tomografia computadorizada na fase venosa e em 37.71% com veno ressonância magnética. O seio sagital superior foi o mais acometido em 50% dos casos. A permanência média na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) foi de 7 dias, onde 100% dos pacientes receberam anticoagulação. Três pacientes (21.4%) desenvolveram hipertensão intracraniana submetidos a craniectomia descompressiva entre o segundo e o quinto dia de internação. Os dias de ventilação mecânica foram em média 7 dias. Com internação média de 20 dias. A mortalidade na alta hospitalar foi de 21.42%. Conclusões: A TVC é menos frequente que o AVC isquêmico ou hemorragia intracerebral. O espectro da clínica é amplo, tendo como sintoma principal cefaléia. A confirmação do diagnóstico deve ser realizada com veno TC e/ou veno RM. A intervenção terapêutica na fase aguda visa à recanalização do seio ou seios trombosados e à prevenção de complicações; a anticoagulação com heparina de baixo peso molecular é o tratamento de primeira linha que demonstrou um impacto no prognóstico dos pacientes. Devemos ter em mente que trombólise e trombectomia são uma opção no tratamento. No caso da craniectomia descompressiva, é indicado apenas em casos de infartos venosos malignos. Os resultados após o TVC são geralmente favoráveis, também dependem de fatores do paciente, como sexo e fatores de risco específicos da mulher.

Med. interna Méx ; 35(1): 39-44, ene.-feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056713


Resumen: OBJETIVO: Evaluar el índice leuco-glucémico (ILG) como marcador pronóstico de mortalidad y complicaciones en pacientes con enfermedad vascular cerebral de tipo isquémico aterotrombótico. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Estudio prospectivo efectuado en pacientes con enfermedad vascular de tipo isquémico aterotrombótico durante la fase aguda del infarto, que ingresaron entre enero y diciembre de 2017 al servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Ticomán. Se recolectaron datos clínicos y de laboratorio, incluyendo glucemia y leucograma al ingreso, a partir de los cuales se calculó el ILG y se evaluó su valor pronóstico, así como su relación con las escalas de NIHSS y Rankin y con la mortalidad a 21 días. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 72 pacientes. Los pacientes con mayor número de complicaciones durante la hospitalización tuvieron valores superiores de ILG (p = 0.02). Se obtuvo un valor ≥ 900 como punto de corte; los pacientes con valores superiores tuvieron tres veces mayor probabilidad de complicaciones durante la hospitalización (razón de momios = 3.02; IC95%: 1.03 a 9.9; p = 0.04), por lo que el índice leuco-glucémico constituyó un predictor significativo. CONCLUSIONES: El índice leuco-glucémico se relacionó con mayor severidad de enfermedad vascular cerebral en las escalas de NIHSS y Rankin, además, se asoció con complicaciones intrahospitalarias.

Abstract: BACKGROUND: The glycemia and the determination of serum leukocytes on admission have demonstrated prognostic importance in patients with ischemic cerebral vascular disease (CVD). The leuko-glycemic index (ILG) is recently studied as a prognostic marker, but knowledge about its value is lacking. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the leuko-glycemic index (ILG) as a prognostic marker of mortality and complications in patients with atherothrombotic ischemic stroke. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A prospective study was conducted on patients with atherothrombotic ischemic vascular disease during the acute phase of the infarction, who were admitted to the Internal Medicine Department of the Ticoman General Hospital from January to December 2017. Clinical and laboratory data were collected, including glycemia and leukogram at admission, from which the ILG was calculated and its prognostic value was evaluated, as well as its relationship with the NIHSS and Rankin scales and/or with the 21-day mortality. RESULTS: There were included 72 patients. Patients with a higher number of complications during hospitalization had higher ILG values (p = 0.02). A value ≥ 900 was obtained as a cut-off point; patients with higher values presented a three times higher probability of complications during hospitalization (odds ratio: 3.02, CI95%: 1.03 to 9.9, p = 0.04), so the ILG was a significant predictor. CONCLUSIONS: Leuko-glycemic index was associated with greater severity of cerebral vascular disease in the NIHSS and Rankin scales, and was associated with intrahospital complications.

Ciudad de México; s.n; 20160502. 81 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1342947


La enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC) es un trastorno de la circulación sanguínea cerebral. Se considera un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial ya que se encuentra dentro de las principales causas de muerte y la primera de discapacidad. El impacto de la EVC en la vida diaria de las personas que la padecen puede evaluarse a través del nivel de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, sin embargo existen factores que la determinan aún más; a éstos se les conoce como Determinantes Sociales de la Salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el nivel de calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y su asociación con algunos determinantes sociales de la salud. Metodología: Estudio observacional, transversal, prolectivo, descriptivo. Muestra no aleatorizada de 121 personas que presentaron evento vascular cerebral, sin afasia o déficit auditivo severo, con puntuación <4 en Test PFEIFFER, que contestaron la encuesta de los Determinantes Sociales de la Salud y el instrumento "perfil de consecuencias de la enfermedad adaptada a la enfermedad vascular cerebral" (SIP-30). Con los resultados obtenidos se conformó una base de datos en el programa de SPSS y se realizaron análisis descriptivos e inferenciales. Resultados: La principal discapacidad que se presentó fue de tipo motriz seguida del lenguaje, el 54% de la muestra estudiada no reingresó a su vida laboral y el 68% tenía más de 12 meses de haber presentado la EVC. Se observó el nivel de calidad de vida de la siguiente manera: alta en 36%, media 33% y baja en el 31% de la muestra. Algunos de los principales determinantes sociales de la salud relacionados con la calidad de vida fueron: Lugar de residencia con p<0.005, situación laboral p<0.05, tiempo transcurrido del evento vascular p<0.05, número de discapacidades p<0.05, nivel educativo p<0.05. RM=0.371, IC95% 0.0134-1.030 en la situación laboral. Conclusiones: Evaluar los determinantes sociales de la salud y el nivel de calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad secundaria a un EVC, permite al profesional de enfermería coadyuvar en su cuidado dentro de su propio contexto y realidad además de contribuir a la creación de políticas públicas de salud.

The cerebrovascular disease is considered a global public health problem because it is one of the principal causes of death, and the first one of disabilities. The impact of the cerebrovascular disease on the person's daily life can be readily assessed by the level of health-related quality of life; however, a broader assessment can be achieved through the Social Determinants of Health. The objective of this study was to analyze the level of health-related quality of life and identify its associations with some of the Social Determinants of Health. Methodology: This is an observational, transversal and descriptive study. The sample was not randomized and included 121 persons who had suffered a cerebrovascular accident which did not result in aphasia or severe auditory deficits, who had a score of less than 4 in the PFEIFFER test, and who answered to the Social Determinants of Health survey and the Sickness Impact Profile (SA-SIP30) instrument. With the obtained results, an SPSS database was generated and descriptive and inferential analyses were performed. Results: The main disabilities found were motor-related ones followed by languagerelated ones. Sixty five persons (54% approx.) in the sample did not return to their working lives. Eighty two persons (68% approx.) in the sample had 12 months or more of having suffered the cerebrovascular accident. The level of health-related quality of life was observed as follows: high in approximately 36% and low in approximately 31% of the sample. Some of the main Social Determinants of Health associated with the health-related quality of life were: place of residency: p<0.005; working situation: p<0.05; elapsed time since the cerebrovascular accident: p<0.05; number of disabilities: p<0.05; education level: p<0.05. MR=0.371, CI 95% 0.0134-1.030 in the working situation determinant. Conclusions: Assessing the Social Determinants of Heath and the health-related level of quality life among persons with secondary disabilities due to cerebrovascular accidents, allows the nursing staff, to better provide adequate care in the context and reality of these persons, and also to contribute to the development of the corresponding public health policies.

Humans , Ischemic Stroke , Quality of Life , Disabled Persons , Social Determinants of Health , Functional Status , Mexico
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20160418. 79 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1342500


El adulto mayor hospitalizado con dependencia total a causa de la Enfermedad Vascular Cerebral (EVC), que se determina como crónica y degenerativa, está incapacitado para la realización de las actividades básicas de la vida diaria, por lo cual requiere la atención continua de un familiar denominado cuidador primario quien le brinda apoyo en diferentes aspectos. De ahí, que el cuidador primario se afecte en los ámbitos físico, mental y social. En este sentido, se visualiza la figura de cuidador primario como el sujeto-objeto de investigación. OBJETIVO. Determinar las repercusiones en los ámbitos personal, familiar y social del cuidador primario que brinda atención a un adulto mayor con EVC. MÉTODO. Se realizó un estudio usando la técnica de investigación cualitativa, fenomenológica, exploratoria, descriptiva. Se eligió a 6 cuidadores primarios cuyo familiar adulto mayor (AM) presentara dependencia total a causa de EVC. Se les aplicó la Entrevista en Profundidad. Los resultados se analizaron de acuerdo con el instrumento: Análisis de contenido de tipo temático. RESULTADOS. Se encontró, a través de la codificación libre en el texto de las entrevistas, 3 categorías y 9 subcategorías. 1. Cambio en la vida del cuidador: a) Disminuyen sus ingresos económicos, debido a que el cuidador primario dedica el mayor tiempo al cuidado del AM, por ello abandona parcial o totalmente su actividad remunerada; b) Deja de cuidar su salud, al priorizar la atención del AM en detrimento de la propia, presenta alteraciones del sueño, fatiga, alimentación inadecuada lo cual impacta negativamente en su salud; c) Deja de socializar con familiares y amigos, la permanencia en el hospital hasta por 36 horas continuas aísla al cuidador primario de su contexto familiar. 2. Enseñanza y aprendizaje: a) Fuentes de adquisición de nuevos conocimientos, el cuidador primario aun cuando cuente con conocimientos previos para el cuidado, no está capacitado de manera formal para el desempeño de las actividades que debe desarrollar en el hospital, aprende observando, preguntando a otros cuidadores o profesionales y por ensayo y error, lo cual le genera angustia. No existe un programa que capacite al cuidador primario para brindar la atención adecuada al AM; b) Cuidando en el hospital, el cuidado en el hogar difiere en gran medida del cuidado en el hospital, sus actividades son de apoyo al personal de salud debido a que el cuidador primario no recibe una enseñanza formal para el cuidado, lo cual le genera estrés, además de que pudiera representar un riesgo para el AM; 3) La vida en el hospital: a) Percepción del cuidado, el cuidador primario reconoce que el personal médico brinda atención de calidad al AM, no así lo refiere del personal de enfermería, ya que en sus discursos evidencia que no le capacitan para el desempeño de sus actividades, además de percibir maltrato o tardanza para la atención, por otro lado, justifica lo anterior debido a que el personal es insuficiente y los pacientes numerosos; b) Vigilancia en el hospital, con base en los discursos se observó que la relación cuidador primario-personal de vigilancia es complicada porque éstos se apegan rigurosamente a la normatividad del hospital descuidando las normas morales y el trato digno a que tienen derecho los cuidadores primarios; c) Actividades del cuidador primario en el hospital, son las acciones físicas de cuidado, acompañamiento y organización de los relevos, sin embargo, la principal es la de acompañar al AM, aunque el cuidador primario puede ser un colaborador del equipo de salud; d) Espacio de socialización, la permanencia constante del cuidador primario en el hospital, convierte este sitio en el espacio de socialización, en el que convive con otros pacientes y sus familiares, personal de salud y otras personas creando nuevos vínculos para compartir experiencias y ayuda mutua. CONCLUSIÓN. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que el cuidador primario es un colaborador fundamental para la atención del AM hospitalizado, de ahí que es necesario implementar en los planes de estudio de la Licenciatura en Enfermería un área de formación en la cual se contemple al cuidador primario como persona vulnerable que debe recibir atención al igual que su paciente y la enseñanza formal que le capacite para atender las necesidades del AM, por otro lado, es preciso establecer programas para incluirle en un plan de atención y salud básica.

The older adult hospitalized with total dependence because of Cerebral Vascular Disease (CVD) , which is determined as chronic and degenerative, is unable to perform basic activities of daily life, which requires continuous care of a family called primary caregiver who provides support in different aspects. Hence, the primary caregiver affect on the physical, mental and social fields. In this sense, the figure of primary caregiver as the subject-object research is displayed. OBJECTIVE. Determine the impact on personal, family and social areas of the primary caregiver who provides care to an older adult with CVD. METHOD. A study was conducted using qualitative research technique, phenomenological, exploratory, descriptive study was conducted. 6 primary caregivers whose family AM present total dependence because of CVD was chosen. It was applied in-depth interview. The results were analyzed according to the instrument: analysis of thematic content. RESULTS. It was found through the free coding in the text of the interviews, 3 and 9 sub-categories. 1. Change in the caregiver's life: a) reduce their income, because the primary caregiver spends more time taking care of AM, thus partially or totally abandon their remunerated activity; b) Stop health care, prioritizing the attention of AM detriment of their own, presents sleep disturbances, fatigue, inadequate food which negatively impacts on their health; c) Stop socializing with family and friends, stay in the hospital for up to 36 continuous hours isolates the primary caregiver of the family context. 2. Teaching and learning: a) Sources of acquiring new knowledge, the primary caregiver even when it has prior knowledge care is not formally trained to carry out the activities to be developed in the hospital, learns by watching, asking other caregivers or professionals and by trial and error, which generates anxiety. There is a program that enables the primary caregiver to provide adequate attention to AM; b) Taking care in hospital, home care differs greatly from hospital care, their activities are supportive health personnel because the primary caregiver does not receive a formal education for care, which generates stress, and that could pose a risk to the AM; 3) Life in the hospital: a) Perception of care, the primary caregiver recognizes that medical personnel providing quality care to AM, not so concerned nursing staff, since in his evidence speeches that do not train you for the performance of its activities, in addition to perceived abuse or delay for attention, on the other hand, justifies the above because the staff is insufficient and many patients; b) Monitoring in the hospital, based on the speeches was observed that the primary-care staff monitoring relationship is complicated because they are strictly adhere to the regulations of the hospital neglecting moral standards and fair treatment they are entitled to primary caregivers ; c) Activities of the primary caregiver in the hospital, are the physical actions of care, support and organization of the relays, however, the principal is to accompany the AM, although the primary caregiver can be a partner of the health team; d) Space socialization, constant permanence of the primary caregiver in the hospital, makes this site in the space of socialization, which coexists with other patients and families, health workers and others creating new links to share experiences and help mutual. CONCLUSION. The results suggest that the primary caregiver is a key partner for the attention of AM hospitalized, hence need to be implemented in the curricula of Nursing a training area in which the primary caregiver as a vulnerable person is contemplated which should receive attention as patient education and formal training enabling them to meet the needs of AM, on the other hand, we must establish programs to include him in a care plan and basic health.

Humans , Aged , Caregivers , Stroke , Functional Status , Hospitalization
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;81(3): 169-175, oct.-sept. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-685320


Objetivo: Analizar la asociación de la presión arterial sistólica (PAS) al ingreso hospitalario y la evolución clínica a 30 días en pacientes con enfermedad vascular cerebral (EVC) aguda. Métodos: El REgistro NAcional Mexicano de Enfermedad VAScular Cerebral (RENAMEVASC) es un registro hospitalario multicéntrico realizado de noviembre de 2002 a octubre de 2004. Se registraron 2000 pacientes con distintos síndromes clínicos de EVC aguda confirmados por neuroimagen. La estratificación de la evolución clínica se realizó mediante la escala de Rankin modificada. Resultados: Se analizaron 1721 pacientes con registro de la PAS: 78 (4.5%) con isquemia cerebral transitoria, 894 (51.9%) con infarto cerebral, 534 (30.9%) con hemorragia intracerebral, 165 (9.6%) con hemorragia subaracnoidea y 50 (2.9%) con trombosis venosa cerebral. De los 1036 (60.2%) pacientes con el antecedente de hipertensión, sólo 32.4% tenía un tratamiento regular. La tasa de mortalidad a 30 días presentó un patrón en J con respecto a la PAS, de tal manera que el riesgo de muerte fue máximo en <100 mmHg (37.5%), descendió entre 100 mmHg y 139 mmHg, para alcanzar gradualmente un nuevo cenit en >220 mmHg (35.3%). El mejor desenlace funcional correspondió a los pacientes que tuvieron una PAS entre 100 mmHg y 159 mmHg. Mediante un modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox se encontró que una PAS <100 mmHg o >220 mmHg fue un factor independiente de riesgo de muerte a 30 días (RR: 1.52, IC 95%: 1.07 - 2.15), al igual que el antecedente de hipertensión (RR: 1.33, IC 95%: 1.06 - 1.65) y edad >65 años (RR: 2.16, IC 95%: 1.74 - 2.67). Conclusión: Tanto la hipotensión como la hipertensión arterial significativa al ingreso hospitalario se asocian a un pronóstico adverso en la EVC aguda. No obstante, un buen pronóstico funcional se puede lograr en un amplio rango de cifras de PAS.

Objective: To analyze the association between the admission systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 30-day outcome in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease. Methods: The REgistro NAcional Mexicano de Enfermedad VAScular Cerebral (RENAMEVASC) is a hospital-based multicenter registry performed between November 2002 and October 2004. A total of 2000 patients with clinical syndromes of acute cerebrovascular disease confirmed by neuroimaging were registered. The modified Rankin scale was used for outcome stratification. Results: We analyzed 1721 patients who had registered their SBP: 78 (4.5%) had transient ischemic attack, 894 (51.9%) brain infarction, 534 (30.9%) intracerebral hemorrhage, 165 (9.6%) subarachnoid hemorrhage and 50 (2.9%) cerebral venous thrombosis. Among 1036 (60.2%) patients with the antecedent of hypertension, only 32.4% had regular treatment. The 30-day case fatality rate presented a J pattern with respect to SBP, so that the risk of death was highest in <100 mmHg (37.5%), decreased between 100 and 139, and reached gradually a new zenith in >220 mmHg (35.3%). The best functional outcome corresponded to patients who had SBP between 100 mmHg and 159 mmHg. In a Cox proportional hazards model, SBP <100 mmHg or >220 mmHg was an independent risk factor for 30-day mortality (RR: 1.52, IC 95%: 1.07 - 2.15), as well as the antecedent of hypertension (RR: 1.33, IC 95%: 1.06 - 1.65) and age >65 years (RR: 2.16, IC 95%: 1.74 - 2.67). Conclusion: Both hypotension and significant arterial hypertension at hospital admission are associated with an adverse outcome after acute cerebrovascular disease. Nevertheless, a good functional outcome can be attained in a wide range of SBP.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Blood Pressure , Stroke/physiopathology , Hospitalization , Mexico , Prognosis , Registries , Time Factors
Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 70(4): 136-138, oct.-dic. 2007. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-589299


El estudio en los últimos años de las enfermedades vasculares cerebrales en la infancia ha permitido el reconocimiento de los factores de riesgo para este grupo etario. La hiperosmolaridad (policitemia, trombocitosis, hiperglicemia, hipernatremia), que a nivel del sistema nervioso central provoca trombosis de vasos arteriales y venosos con ruptura de los mismos y sangramientos intracerebrales, subdurales, subaracnoides, puede ser causa de fenómenos isquémicos y/o hemorrágicos cerebrales, conllevando a largo plazo a lesiones estructurales. El presente trabajo se basa en la descripción clínica y procedimientos diagnósticos de un niño con encefalopatía crónica no progresiva, secundaria a enfermedad vascular cerebral hemorrágica por deshidratación hipernatrémica, tomando los datos de la historia clínica y la evaluación directa del mismo. El paciente se evaluó en Barquisimeto, estado Lara en el año 2007.

Studies in the last years on cerebral vascular illnesses in childhood has allowed the recognition of risk factors for this age group. Increase in osmolarity (increase in the viscosity of the blood, polycitemia thrombocitocys, hyperglycemia, hypernatrenia) can cause ischemic phenomena and/or cerebral hemorrhage, causing long term structural lesions. The present work is based on the clinical description and aboy's diagnostic procedures with chronic non progressive encephalopaty secondary to cerebral vascular hemorrhagic illness due to hypernatrenic dehydration. The patient was evaluated in the city of Barquisimeto, Lara state in the year 2007.

Humans , Infant , Brain Damage, Chronic/physiopathology , Dehydration/chemically induced , Diarrhea/diagnosis , Diarrhea/therapy , Hypernatremia/blood , Central Nervous System/physiopathology , Brain Edema , Seizures/diagnosis , Pediatrics
Educ. med. super ; 21(2)abr.-jun. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627931


El presente trabajo tiene el objetivo de construir, validar y aplicar un instrumento para evaluar las aptitudes clínicas de los médicos residentes de urgencias en el manejo de pacientes con enfermedad vascular cerebral. Se realizó un estudio observacional, autorizado por el comité de investigación en el que se evaluaron los 31 residentes de los tres grados de la especialidad de Urgencias de una de las sedes del Distrito Federal. Para la construcción del instrumento se emplearon tres casos clínicos reales de pacientes con enfermedad vascular cerebral. La validez del contenido se obtuvo por consenso 4 de 4 por expertos en urgencias e investigación educativa. Se realizó una prueba piloto en médicos internos de pregrado. La consistencia se determinó con la prueba de Kuder-Richardson. El instrumento validado se aplicó en una única sesión a ex profeso, y se determinaron las respuestas esperadas por azar a través de la prueba de Pérez-Padilla. Se utilizó un análisis estadístico no paramétrico. La versión final del instrumento se constituyó por 153 ítems distribuidos en 10 indicadores. La consistencia resultó de 0,92. La puntuación máxima fue de 124 y la mínima de 44. Se obtuvieron 25 respuestas esperadas por azar. El análisis estadístico no encontró diferencias entre los grados académicos. La mayoría de los residentes se ubicaron dentro del rango intermedio (41,93 %) y alto (25,80 %). En la mayoría de los indicadores los residentes de tercer año obtuvieron mejores calificaciones. Se concluyó que el instrumento construido tiene una adecuada confiabilidad. El proceso educativo en esta sede parece promover un proceso de reflexión y crítica por parte de los residentes.

The present paper was aimed at constructing, validating and applying an evaluation instrument for measuring clinical capacities of emergency residents in the management of patients suffering from a cerebrovascular disease. An observational study was made, under the authorization of the Research Committee, in which 31 residents of the three grades of Emergency specialty from one of the Federal District health institutions were tested. For the construction of the evaluating instrument, three real clinical cases of patients with cerebrovascular disease were taken. The contents was validated by consensus of 4 emergency and educational research experts. A pilot test was carried out with intern physicians. Consistency was determined by Kuder-Richardson test. The validated instrument was applied in a single session on purpose, and expected answers were determined by chance through Pérez-Padilla test. A non-parametric statistical analysis was also used. The final version of the instrument was made up of 153 items distributed into 10 indicators. Consistency was 0,92. The maximum score was 124 and the minimal was 44. Twenty five expected answers by chance were reached. The statistical analysis did not find any difference between academic grades. Most of the residents were within the intermediate (41,93 %) and high (25,80 %) ranges. In the majority of indicators, 3 rd year residents had better qualifications. It was concluded that the constructed instrument has suitable reliability. The educational process in this hospital seems to promote a process of reflection and criticism on the part of the residents.

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr;44(4): 242-248, dic. 2006. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627261


To introduce innovation in clinical practice is a difficult task. Although there is no universal recipe, education of involved actors has been identified as a key factor, including managers, health care workers, patients, and community. Managers in charge of developing and implementing new clinical guidelines bear great responsibility, and need formal education on the appraisal of evidence and the analysis of available resources, to ensure the quality of the product that will be delivered. Although continuous education and training is widely perceived as valuable activities, people need to be encouraged to participate in them. Incentives for fostering participation are needed, and they should be carefully planned. The contents of the training programs should be tailored to the different audiences and they should be delivered in attractive manner, in small groups, using modern interactive educational technology.

Humans , Practice Guideline , Stroke , Delivery of Health Care , Education, Medical , Mentoring