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China Pharmacy ; (12): 10-14, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005206


On-site supervision is a risk-based regulatory system that requires the scientific development of supervision plans for quality risks and hidden dangers in pharmaceutical enterprises, the rational allocation of supervision resources based on their risk levels, and the implementation of classified supervision measures. In this study, the quality risk monitoring business support system is set up for pharmaceutical enterprises by establishing the quality risk expert database and quality risk monitoring index system for pharmaceutical enterprises based on the difficulty analysis of on-site drug supervision. Based on this support system, the quality risk classification method, the differentiated spot check strategy and business auxiliary visualization system are established. This support system is used to learn the risk level of pharmaceutical enterprises, so as to innovate supervision methods and optimize monitoring strategies. Taking Jiangxi Province as an example, it is verified that the support system can guide the risk assessment of sample enterprises, can improve the targeting of on-site drug supervision in the process of technical review, scheme editing, on-site implementation and comprehensive evaluation, and can effectively improve the quality and efficiency of supervision.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529239


Nos proponemos compartir resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo estudiar los procesos de gestión colectiva en dos emprendimientos laborales autogestivos de Uruguay, que trabajan desde la perspectiva de la desmanicomialización. Se trató de una investigación cualitativa, situada y experiencial a partir del despliegue de una etnografía. En este artículo abordaremos los resultados de dos objetivos específicos, uno sobre las estrategias y metodologías universitarias vinculadas a los procesos de conformación y sostén de dichas experiencias y otro sobre las estrategias desplegadas para acompañar el padecimiento de lxs integrantes. Compartiremos algunos resultados en relación a las preguntas: ¿para qué y por qué se acompaña? ¿qué es lo que se acompaña? ¿cómo se acompaña?. Identificamos que ambos proyectos se llevan adelante desde la extensión universitaria, a partir de un proceso de incubación de emprendimientos cooperativos integrado solo por personas usuarias de servicios de salud mental, que denominamos: autogestión-solo-de-ellos. Este proceso implicó acompañar y sostener un doble pasaje, o sea generar ruptura con la lógica manicomial y con la lógica salarial para configurar y consolidar un emprendimiento de gestión colectiva. Esto significó para los equipos universitarios acompañar y desplegar distintas estrategias en relación a la triada: trabajo-acogida-vida. Destacamos tres componentes transversales del acompañamiento que fueron: no sustituir (hacer con), sostener otras temporalidades y abordaje interdisciplinario y en red.Durante el proceso de incubación se produce una metamorfosis a partir de que egresadxs universitarixs deciden integrar las experiencias como socixs/cooperativistas e inician un proceso que definimos como: autogestión-de-un-nosotrxs.

Propomos compartilhar resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como objetivo estudar os processos de gestão coletiva em duas empresas trabalhistas autogeridas no Uruguai, que funcionam na perspectiva da desmanicomalização. Tratou-se de uma investigação qualitativa, situada e experiencial baseada no desdobramento de uma etnografia. Neste artigo abordaremos os resultados de dois objetivos específicos, um sobre as estratégias e metodologias universitárias vinculadas aos processos de formação e sustentação dessas experiências e outro sobre as estratégias utilizadas para acompanhar o sofrimento dos membros. Compartilharemos alguns resultados em relação às questões: para que e por que é acompanhado? O que é acompanhado? E como é acompanhado? Identificamos que ambos os projetos são realizados pela extensão universitária, a partir de um processo de incubação de empreendimentos cooperativos formados apenas por usuários de serviços de saúde mental, o que denominamos: autogestão-só-deles. Este processo envolveu acompanhar e sustentar uma dupla passagem, ou seja, gerar uma ruptura com a lógica asilar e com a lógica salarial para configurar e consolidar um empreendimento de gestão coletiva. Isso significou que as equipes universitárias acompanhassem e implantassem diferentes estratégias em relação à tríade: trabalho-acolhimento-vida. Destacamos três componentes transversais do apoio, que foram: não substituir (fazer com), apoiar outras temporalidades e uma abordagem interdisciplinar e em rede. Durante o processo de incubação, ocorre uma metamorfose quando os graduados universitários decidem integrar as experiências como parceiros/cooperativistas e iniciam um processo que definimos como: autogestão-de-um-nós.

We propose to share results of a research that aimed to study the collective management processes in two self-managed labor enterprises in Uruguay, which work from the perspective of demanicomalization. It was a qualitative, situated and experiential investigation based on the deployment of an ethnography. In this article, we will address the results of two specific objectives, one on the university strategies and methodologies linked to the processes of formation and support of these experiences and another on the strategies deployed to accompany the suffering of the members. We will share some results in relation to the questions: why and what for is it accompanied? What is accompanied? And how is it accompanied? We identified that both projects are carried out by the university extension, based on an incubation process of cooperative ventures made up only of users of mental health services, which we call: self-management-only-of-them. This process involved accompanying and sustaining a double passage; that is, generating a break with the asylum logic and with the salary logic to configure and consolidate a collective management undertaking. This meant for the university teams to accompany and deploy different strategies in relation to the triad: work-welcome-life. We highlighted three transversal components of support, which were not substituting (doing with), supporting other temporalities, and an interdisciplinary and network approach. During the incubation process, a metamorphosis occurs when university graduates decide to integrate the experiences as partners/cooperativists and begin a process that we define as: self-management-of-an-us.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(3)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529240


En el presente artículo compartimos los avances de la investigación que estamos impulsando en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, desde el proyecto de Emprendimientos sociales y salud comunitaria. En el objetivo general, nos propusimos estudiar en profundidad las transformaciones subjetivas que ocurren en el marco de las experiencias de cooperación social, con el fin de identificar y comprender los elementos que condicionan su expansión, así como aquellos tendientes al fortalecimiento del campo de la Economía Social y Solidaria (ESS). En ese sentido, abordamos la temática de la cooperación social entendiendo que la misma a través de experiencias socio-económicas favorece el acceso a los derechos - trabajo, educación y salud- de las personas en situación de vulnerabilidad. Del amplio campo de la cooperación social nos focalizamos más puntualmente en el estudio de las empresas sociales, es decir, esas organizaciones asociativas que realizan una actividad económica regular de producción de bienes o prestación de servicios con una definida finalidad social para la comunidad y la integración social de las personas, particularmente de los grupos socialmente vulnerables y vulnerados.Entre las reflexiones finales que venimos construyendo destacamos que entre los testimonios de les emprendedores, lo colectivo surge como estructurante de la organización, en tal sentido es acto participativo, es nosotres, horizontalidad y confianza. Ese nosotres es inclusivo y diverso. Se considera saludable ya que da marco a lo que se construye y a su vez oficia como un espacio simbólico productor de procesos identificatorios de les emprendedores con la organización.

Neste artigo queremos compartilhar o andamento da pesquisa que estamos realizando na Universidade Nacional de Quilmes, a partir do projeto Empreendedorismo Social e Saúde Comunitária. No objetivo geral deste projeto, nos propusemos a estudar em profundidade as transformações subjetivas que ocorrem no âmbito das experiências de cooperação social, a fim de identificar e compreender os elementos que condicionam sua expansão, bem como aqueles que tendem a fortalecer o campo da Economia Social e Solidária (ESS). Nesse sentido, abordamos a questão da cooperação social, entendendo que ela, por meio de experiências socioeconômicas, favorece o acesso a direitos - trabalho, educação e saúde - de pessoas em situação de vulnerabilidade. Do amplo campo da cooperação social, focamos mais especificamente no estudo do que se convencionou chamar de empresas sociais, ou seja, aquelas organizações associativas que desenvolvem uma atividade econômica regular de produção de bens ou prestação de serviços com finalidade social definida comunidade e a integração social das pessoas, em particular dos grupos socialmente vulneráveis e vulneráveis. Dentre as reflexões finais que fomos construindo, nos interessa destacar que dentre os depoimentos dos empreendedores, o coletivo surge como estruturante da organização, nesse sentido é um ato participativo, somos nós, horizontalidade e confiança. Que somos inclusivos e diversos. É considerado salutar por fornecer um arcabouço para o que é construído e, por sua vez, atuar como um espaço simbólico que produz processos de identificação dos empreendedores com a organização.

In this article we want to share the progress of the research that we are carrying out at the National University of Quilmes, from the Social Entrepreneurship and Community Health project. In the general objective of this project, we proposed to study in depth the subjective transformations that occur within the framework of social cooperation experiences, in order to identify and understand the elements that condition its expansion, as well as those tending to strengthen the field of the Social and Solidarity Economy (ESS). In this sense, we address the issue of social cooperation, understanding that it through socio-economic experiences favors access to rights - work, education and health - of people in vulnerable situations. From the broad field of social cooperation, we focus more specifically on the study of social enterprises, that is, those associative organizations that carry out a regular economic activity of producing goods or providing services with a defined social purpose, for the community and the social integration of people, particularly of socially vulnerable and vulnerable groups. Among the final reflections that we have been building, we are interested in highlighting that among the testimonies of the entrepreneurs, the collective emerges as a structuring of the organization, in this sense it is a participatory act, it is us, horizontality and trust. We are inclusive and diverse. It is considered healthy since it provides a framework for what is built and, in turn, acts as a symbolic space that produces identification processes of the entrepreneurs with the organization.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(9): 2595-2600, Sept. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505973


Resumo Este trabalho aborda os desafios contemporâneos do setor de saneamento básico brasileiro. As características de rentabilidade e dinamismo setorial puseram os serviços estatais de A & E no foco da agenda das reformas estruturais sob o argumento de que os governos não dispõem de recursos necessários para universalizar a cobertura. A agenda da reforma dos serviços de A & E advoga a concessão a empresas privadas da comercialização do abastecimento de água e do tratamento do esgotamento sanitário. Em convergência com esta agenda de reforma estrutural, a aprovação em 15 de julho de 2020 da Lei 14.026 alterou em profundidade o marco legal do saneamento, adotando integralmente a pauta da desestatização do setor. O novo marco regulatório veta o contrato de programa, torna obrigatória a licitação para contratação do serviço de saneamento, estabelece diretrizes nacionais para que estados e municípios acessem recursos federais e institui o regime de regulação nacional por meio da Agência Nacional de Águas e Saneamento Básico. O modelo cooperativo praticado no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) pode servir como referência para a construção de um pacto social no setor.

Abstract This paper describes the challenges currently facing Brazil's basic sanitation sector. The sector's characteristic profitability and dynamism have brought State-run Water & Sewage (W&S) services into the spotlight of the structural reform agenda on the argument that governments do not have the resources necessary to universalize coverage. There is a pattern of W&S services' operating with a surplus, which helps explain the intense dispute in recent years in favour of legal changes to the market position of CESBs and local providers to favour an expanding role for private agents. Converging with the structural reform agenda, Law 14,026, sanctioned on 15 July 2020, made far-reaching changes to the legal framework for sanitation and provided for the State's complete withdrawal from the sector. The new regulatory framework prohibited programme contracts, required tender processes for sanitation service contracts, encouraged regionalization without CESBs, set out national guidelines for States and municipalities to access federal funding and introduced a national regulation regime under the National Waters and Basic Sanitation Agency. The model of cooperation that operates in the SUS could serve as a reference for constructing a social pact in the sector.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(3)jul. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530328


La alta tasa de fracaso de los proyectos de desarrollo impulsados con comunidades locales de la Amazonía peruana en las últimas décadas no ha sido óbice para que se siga cometiendo los mismos errores año tras año, con grandes impactos sociales, ambientales y económicos, pese al carácter 'sostenible' e 'inclusivo' que muchos se atribuyen. Se analizan los factores de fracaso, con énfasis en el desconocimiento de la realidad amazónica y en la falta de pertinencia ambiental y cultural de los modelos de desarrollo replicados de otras regiones. Se propone como alternativa la promoción de bioemprendimientos liderados por las familias y grupos de interés de las comunidades amazónicas, de preferencia con recursos no maderables del bosque en pie, acordes con el perfil "bosquesino" de las sociedades amazónicas tradicionales, y la aplicación de tecnologías y otras soluciones pertinentes culturalmente.

The persistently high rate of failure in development projects involving local communities in the Peruvian Amazon over recent decades has not prevented the recurrence of these same mistakes year after year, resulting in significant social, environmental, and economic impacts, despite claims of 'sustainability' and 'inclusivity' by many. This paper analyses the factors contributing to this failure, with a particular focus on the lack of understanding of the Amazonian reality and the absence of environmental and cultural relevance in development models imported from other regions. As an alternative approach, we propose the promotion of bio-entrepreneurship initiatives led by families and community interest groups in the Amazonian communities. These initiatives should preferably involve non-timber forest resources, in alignment with the 'forest-oriented' profile of traditional Amazonian societies. Additionally, the application of culturally pertinent technologies and other solutions is recommended.

Revista Pensar a Prática ; 26(2023)27/02/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435779


Este artigo objetivou analisar campanhas e ações em prol do futebol de mulheres desencadeadas durante a pandemia da covid-19. As análises apresentadas são fruto de um recorte de pesquisa que tomou os sites de notícias como local de produção de dados. Utilizando o buscador do Google, produzimos um levantamento de notícias a partir do termo "futebol feminino" no período entre fevereiro a dezembro de 2020 e realizamos a categorização temática para proceder com as análises. A partir dos conceitos de acontecimento (FOUCAULT, 2014) e bio(necro)política (GALLO, 2021), analisamos a emergência de uma rede de solidariedade como estratégia de apoio ao futebol praticado por mulheres através de campanhas e ações que visaram auxiliar a modalidade a mitigar os efeitos da pandemia da covid-19.

This article aimed to analyze social enterprises and actions that were triggered by the covid-19 pandemic, and supported women's football during the health crisis. The analyses discussed here are the outcome of a data analysis that considered relevant news websites as a place of data production. Using the Google search engine, we produced a news survey based on the term "futebol feminino" in the period between February and December 2020 and carried out the thematic categorization to proceed with the analyses. We employed the concepts of event (FOUCAULT, 2014) and bio(necro)politics (GALLO, 2021) to discuss the emergence of these networks, in order to help the sport to mitigate the effects of the covid-19 pandemic.

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar las campañas y acciones de apoyo al fútbol femenino desencadenadas durante la pandemia del covid-19. Los análisis presentados son el resultado de un recorte de investigación que tuvo como lugar de producción de datos los sitios web de noticias. Utilizando el buscador de Google, elaboramos una encuesta de noticias en base al término "futebol feminino" en el período comprendido entre febrero y diciembre de 2020 y realizamos la categorización temática para proceder con los análisis. A partir de los conceptos de evento (FOUCAULT, 2014) y bio(necro)política (GALLO, 2021) analizamos el surgimiento de una red solidaria como estrategia de apoyo al fútbol practicado por mujeres a través de campañas y acciones que pretendían ayudar a la modalidad a mitigar los efectos de la pandemia del covid-19. La movilización y el compromiso alrededor a estas campañas contribuyeron a mantener el deporte visible y vivo en la escena brasileña en medio de la crisis.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1434186


Este artigo objetivou analisar campanhas e ações em prol do futebol de mulheres desencadeadas durante a pandemia da covid-19. As análises apresentadas são fruto de um recorte de pesquisa que tomou os sites de notícias como local de produção de dados. Utilizando o buscador do Google, produzimos um levantamento de notícias a partir do termo "futebol feminino" no período entre fevereiro a dezembro de 2020 e realizamos a categorização temática para proceder com as análises. A partir dos conceitos de acontecimento (FOUCAULT, 2014) e bio(necro)política (GALLO, 2021), analisamos a emergência de uma rede de solidariedade como estratégia de apoio ao futebol praticado por mulheres através de campanhas e ações que visaram auxiliar a modalidade a mitigar os efeitos da pandemia da covid-19 (AU).

This article aimed to analyze social enterprises and ac-tions that were triggered by the covid-19 pandemic, and supported women's football during the health crisis. The analyses discussed here are the outcome of a data analysis that considered relevant news websites as a place of data production. Using the Google sear-ch engine, we produced a news survey based on the term "futebol feminino" in the period between February and December 2020 and carried out the thematic categorization to proceed with the analyses. We employed the concepts of event (FOUCAULT, 2014) and bio(necro)politics (GALLO, 2021) to discuss the emergence of these networks, in order to help the sport to mitigate the effects of the covid-19 pandemic (AU).

Este artículo tuvo como objetivo analizar las campañas y acciones de apoyo al fútbol femenino desencadenadas durante la pandemia del covid-19. Los análisis presentados son el resul-tado de un recorte de investigación que tuvo como lugar de pro-ducción de datos los sitios web de noticias. Utilizando el busca-dor de Google, elaboramos una encuesta de noticias en base al término "futebol feminino" en el período comprendido entre fe-brero y diciembre de 2020 y realizamos la categorización temática para proceder con los análisis. A partir de los conceptos de evento (FOUCAULT, 2014) y bio(necro)política (GALLO, 2021) analizamos el surgimiento de una red solidaria como estrategia de apoyo al fútbol practicado por mujeres a través de campañas y acciones que pretendían ayudar a la modalidad a mitigar los efectos de la pandemia del covid-19. La movilización y el compromiso alrededor a estas campañas contribuyeron a mantener el deporte visible y vivo en la escena brasileña en medio de la crisis (AU).

Humans , Female , Soccer , Social Support , Athletes , Solidarity , COVID-19 , Women , Health Strategies
Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine ; (12): 55-61, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964649


Background Long working hours is harmful to the physical and mental health of occupational groups, and should receive active attention. Objective To evaluate the current status of long working hours among operation and maintenance workers of power supply enterprises, and explore its effects on work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of the population. Methods From March to June 2021, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among 1433 operation and maintenance workers from 10 power supply enterprises in Jilin Province, Shandong Province, and Tianjin Municipality using cluster sampling. A total of 1433 copies of revised Mus-culoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire were distributed, 1343 questionnaires were recovered, and the recovery rate was 93.72%. The questionnaire included general information, personal health behaviors, weekly working hours, work-related factors, and musculoskeletal pain or discomfort in nine body parts in the past 12 months. χ2 test and multiple logistic regression models were used to investigate the relationships between long working hours (>40 h per week) and WMSDs. Results The average age of the workers was (39.42±9.89) years, and the average work experience was 11.00 (5.00, 21.00) years. There were 1158 males (86.22%) and 185 females (13.78%). The average weekly working hours of the workers were (47.98±11.35) h, and the proportion of long working hours (>40 h per week) was 61.06% (820/1343). The proportions of long working hours were higher among the workers with characteristics of male, power distribution, shift work, often/very often long-time standing, often/very often holding awkward postures, often handling heavy objects, limited space to operate, long-time neck tilting backward, keeping arms above shoulders, frequent elbow bending, repeating knee movement every minute, and repeating lower limb or foot movement every minute (all P<0.05). The prevalence rate of WMSDs was 81.53% (1095/1343) among the workers. The results of multiple logistic regression showed that after adjusting education, smoking, exercise, awkward postures, often handling heavy objects, limited space to operate, long-time heavy trunk bending, long-time neck tilting backward, and keeping arms above shoulders, compared with working ≤40 h per week, the risk of WMSDs among workers working >49 h per week was higher (OR=1.406, 95%CI: 1.011-1.955). Conclusion Long working hours is prominent among operation and maintenance workers of power supply enterprises, and increases the risk of reporting WMSDs.

Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases ; (12): 123-125, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970723


Objective: In order to understand the dust concentration in the workplace of dust exposure enterprises in Shenxian. To evaluate the degree of occupational hazard factors of dust exposure enterprises. And provide basis for the formulation of occupational protection standards and management system of dust exposure enterprises. Methods: In February 2022, the dust concentration monitoring data of 89 dust exposure enterprises from 2017 to 2020 by the Shenxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention were collected, and the qualified rates of dust concentration detection of dust exposure enterprises in different years, dust types and enterprise sizes were analyzed. Results: A total of 89 dust enterprises were monitored from 2017 to 2020, 2132 dust samples were collected, and 1818 qualified samples were taken, with a total qualified rate of 85.3%. From 2017 to 2020, the dust detection qualified rates showed a year-by-year increase trend, 78.7% (447/568), 84.1% (471/560), 88.6% (418/472) and 90.6% (482/532), respectively, with statistically significant differences (χ(2)=36.27, P=0.003). The differences in the qualified rates of dust detection samples of silicon dust (66.1%, 41/62), grain dust (86.7%, 1549/1786), cotton dust (84.1%, 106/126) and wood dust (77.2%, 122/158) were statistically significant (χ(2)=29.66, P=0.002). The qualified rate of dust samples in large and medium-sized enterprises (95.1%, 1194/1256) was higher than that of small-sized enterprises (71.2%, 624/876), and the difference was statistically significant (χ(2)=1584.40, P=0.001) . Conclusion: The qualified rate of dust concentration monitoring results of dust exposure enterprises in Shenxian showed an increase trend year by year, while the pualified rate of dust concentration monitoring in small-sized enterprises was low, and the occupational hazard of silica dust was still severe.

Dust , Silicon , Wood , Workplace
Shanghai Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 1100-1105, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003817


ObjectiveTo study the relationship between occupational stress/sleep quality and job satisfaction of internet enterprise programmers, to explore the mediating effect of sleep quality between occupational stress and job satisfaction, and to provide a theoretical basis for taking effective measures to improve job satisfaction. MethodsA total of 271 programmers from an Internet company in Shanghai were investigated by job content questionnaire, Pittsburgh Sleep Index Scale and the third part of the McLean occupational stress questionnaire. The results were statistically analyzed ResultsThe positive rate of occupational stress of programmers in this enterprise was 66.7%, 34.3% of them had average sleep quality, 28.0% had poor sleep quality, and the score of job satisfaction was 47.70±6.78. Correlation analysis showed that the higher the occupational stress, the worse the sleep quality and the lower the job satisfaction. Effects of occupational stress and sleep quality on job satisfaction were both statistically significant. The total effect of occupational stress on job satisfaction was -0.35, and the mediating effect of sleep quality between occupational stress and job satisfaction was -0.04, accounting for 12.0% of the total effect. ConclusionSleep quality of internet enterprise programmers plays a partial mediating role between occupational stress and job satisfaction, and a series of measures such as improving sleep can be taken to improve programmer’s job satisfaction.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 235-241, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996555


Currently, power generation in China is dominated by thermal power, wind power, nuclear power, and hydropower enterprises. The power source mainly comes from thermal power generation. The occupational hazards in thermal power station are noise, high temperature, power frequency electric fields, dust, and chemical toxins and so on, with noise and dust (silica and coal dust) being the primary factors. The occupational hazards in wind power station are noise, power frequency electric fields, high temperature, low temperature, and chemical toxins (sulfur hexafluoride, toluene, styrene, etc.), with noise and power frequency electric fields being the major concerns. The occupational radiation hazards in nuclear power station are gamma rays, beta rays, X-rays, neutrons, alpha rays, and radioactive aerosols. There is special attention in radiation protection but not enough protection in non-radioactive hazards such as noise, high temperature, and ammonia. The occupational hazards in hydropower station are noise, power frequency electric fields, vibration, radon and its de-composites, and chemical toxins, with noise and power frequency electric fields being the primary hazards. Different categories of power generation enterprises should identify key hazards and work site for occupational disease prevention and control based on the features of occupational hazards. Improving occupational health management and protection levels are essential measures.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1031-1037, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972942


OBJECTIVE To analyze the risks of prescription drugs sold online by drug retail enterprises, and to provide countermeasures and suggestions for risk prevention and control of prescription drugs sold online. METHODS The risk hierarchy structure model of prescription drugs sold online by drug retail enterprises was constructed by using analytic hierarchy process. Multiple rounds of risk research and judgment were carried out on 123 pairs of evaluation indicators by using Delphi expert survey method. The normalized weight calculation and consistency test of risk judgment matrix were carried out to perform fuzzy quantitative research. RESULTS The risk of prescription dispensing and review (6.48%), the risk of drug first and prescription later (5.48%), the risk of rational drug use guidance (4.99%), the risk of buying drugs by abnormal channel (4.97%), the risk of “first diagnosis, non-chronic disease and non-common disease” (4.43%), and the quality and safety risk of returned drugs (4.34%) and the application risk of regulatory technology (4.06%) were high risks; the overall risk of drug retail enterprises (chain) selling prescription drugs online was 38.67%, and the overall risk of drug retail enterprises (individual) selling prescription drugs online was 61.33%, with a difference of 22.66% between them. CONCLUSIONS There were 7 high-risk indicators for prescription drugs sold online by drug retail enterprises. Among them, the risk of prescription dispensing and review, the risk of drug first and prescription later, and the risk of rational drug use guidance are the top three high-risk points. The risk of prescription drugs sold online by drug retail enterprises (individual) is higher than that of drug retail enterprises (chain). It is recommended that regulatory authorities focus on and regulate the prescription drugs sold online by drug retail enterprises (individual), and encourage drug retail enterprises (chain) to establish a systematic online sales process for prescription drugs; for high-risk points of prescription drugs sold online, it is recommended that regulatory authorities and drug retail enterprises focus on it and take effective risk prevention and control measures to ensure the safe use of prescription drugs by the general public.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 640-644, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013300


{L-End}Objective To analyze the current status of occupational stress and its influencing factors among workers in pharmaceutical enterprises in Beijing City. {L-End}Methods A total of 860 employees from six pharmaceutical enterprises in Beijing City were selected as the research subjects using convenience sampling method. The Chinese version of the New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire was used to evaluate the occupational stress, and multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors of occupational stress. {L-End}Results The detection rate of high occupational stress was 1.40% (12/860). The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the workers with higher education level and longer length of service had a higher risk of high occupational stress (all P<0.01). Workers who were satisfied with their jobs had a lower risk of high occupational stress than those who were unsatisfied with their jobs (P<0.01). Workers who were satisfied with life had a significantly lower risk of high occupational stress than those who were unsatisfied with life (P<0.01). {L-End}Conclusion The detection rate of high occupational stress in workers of pharmaceutical enterprises is relatively low. Occupational stress is mainly affected by individual factors such as education level and length of service, and work and life satisfaction. Improving job and life satisfaction is helpful to reduce occupational stress level.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 613-619, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013296


{L-End}Objective To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) of live-electric line workers in the power supply enterprises. {L-End}Methods A total of 1 479 live-electric frontline workers in the power supply bureaus under China Southern Power Grid Co., LTD in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Guangdong Province and Yunnan Province were selected as the research subjects using the cluster sampling method. The revised Chinese version of the Musculoskeletal Disorders Questionnaire was used to investigate the prevalence of WMSDs and their influencing factors in the past year. {L-End}Results The prevalence of WMSDs was 61.4%. The prevalence of WMSDs in nine body sites ranged from 11.3% to 45.1%, with the highest prevalence being on three sites of neck, shoulder and lower back with a prevalence of 45.1%, 36.0% and 30.8%, respectively. The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the influencing factors of WMSDs in the neck, shoulder, and lower back were different, but all related to individual factors, poor ergonomics factors, and unreasonable work organization factors. The influencing factors simultaneously affecting these three sites included length of service, educational level, working in a sitting posture for a long time, working in uncomfortable postures, adequate rest time, starting to work after rest, deciding when to start and finish by oneself, and shortage of staff in the department or group. The factors affecting both neck and shoulder WMSDs were gender and back bending slightly for a long time. The factors affecting both neck and lower back were age and back bending significantly for a long time. {L-End}Conclusion The prevalence of WMSDs in the live-electric line workers in power supply enterprises is high, mainly occurring in the neck, shoulders, and lower back. The influencing factors are individual factors, poor ergonomics factors, and unreasonable work organization.

Rev. lasallista investig ; 19(1): 195-215, ene.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423982


Abstract Introduction. Information and communication technologies (ICT) have changed the way firms conduct their international business transactions, as small, medium and large companies are increasingly adopting these tools in order to improve productivity in operational processes, including the internationalization of goods and services. Objective. This paper aims to identify the ICT most commonly used in the international trade negotiation process for the achievement of import and export contracts in Pacific Alliance firms. Methodology. A survey was conducted among 401 internationalized firms in this regional trade bloc formed by Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. A descriptive analysis was also applied to present the results of the study, highlighting the ICT most used in international trade negotiations and, likewise, an ordered logistic regression was applied to explain both the level of importance given to ICT in the negotiation process and the frequency of use within this trade agreement. Results The research reveals that ICT are essential for each phase of the international negotiation, especially in the preparation phase. Conclusion. The use of specialized ICT, such as e-procurement, ERP, CRM, NSS and scenario building software, increases as the size of companies also increases.

Resumen Introducción. Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) han cambiado la forma en que las empresas llevan a cabo sus transacciones comerciales internacionales, ya que las pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas están adoptando cada vez más estas herramientas con el fin de mejorar la productividad en los procesos operativos, incluida la internacionalización comercial e industrial. Objetivo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar las TIC más utilizadas en el proceso de negociación comercial internacional para la consecución de contratos de importación y exportación en las empresas de la Alianza del Pacífico. Metodología. Se realizó una encuesta en 401 empresas internacionalizadas en este bloque comercial regional conformado por Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. Asimismo, se aplica un análisis descriptivo para presentar los resultados del estudio destacando las TIC más utilizadas dentro de la negociación comercial internacional y, del mismo modo, se aplica una regresión logística ordenada para explicar tanto el nivel de importancia que se le da a las TIC en el proceso de negociación como la frecuencia de uso dentro de este acuerdo comercial. Resultados. La investigación también revela que las TIC son esenciales para cada fase de la negociación internacional, especialmente en la fase de preparación. Conclusión. El uso de las TIC especializadas, como la contratación electrónica, el ERP, el CRM, el NSS y el software de creación de escenarios, aumenta a medida que aumenta también el tamaño de las empresas.

Resumo Introdução. As tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) mudaram a maneira como as empresas realizam transações comerciais internacionais, já que as pequenas, médias e grandes empresas estão adotando cada vez mais essas ferramentas a fim de melhorar a produtividade nos processos operacionais, incluindo a internacionalização comercial e industrial. Objetivo. Este artigo visa identificar as TIC mais utilizadas no processo de negociação comercial internacional para a obtenção de contratos de importação e exportação em empresas da Pacific Alliance. Metodologia. Foi realizada uma pesquisa entre 401 empresas internacionalizadas neste bloco comercial regional formado pelo Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru. Uma análise descritiva também foi aplicada para apresentar os resultados do estudo, destacando as TIC mais utilizadas nas negociações comerciais internacionais, e uma regressão logística ordenada foi aplicada para explicar tanto o nível de importância dado às TIC no processo de negociação quanto a frequência de uso dentro deste acordo comercial. Resultados. A pesquisa também revela que as TIC são essenciais para cada fase da negociação internacional, especialmente na fase de preparação. Conclusão. O uso de TIC especializadas, tais como e-procurement, ERP, CRM, NSS e software de construção de cenários, aumenta conforme aumenta o tamanho das empresas.

Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 34: e234435, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1376077


Resumo A pesquisa buscou analisar a história de formação de cooperativas de trabalho, verificar a importância de atores externos nesse processo e compreender a trajetória laboral dos associados e seus ingressos nos empreendimentos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa em três empreendimentos econômicos solidários localizados no Estado do Ceará: associação de catadores de materiais recicláveis, cooperativa de costureiras e cooperativa de produtores de castanha-de-caju, por meio de entrevistas com 24 associados. Os resultados mostraram que os grupos foram auxiliados externamente no início dos empreendimentos. A trajetória laboral dos associados apresentou, de maneira geral, aspectos semelhantes, como a precarização do trabalho, informalidade e escassez de alternativas laborais. Pode-se concluir que os empreendimentos representam uma forma de inserção social por constituírem-se em espaços de oferecimento de trabalho e renda para pessoas que, por questões históricas, geográficas, sociais e/ou culturais, encontravam-se afastadas do mercado formal.

Resumen La investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la historia de la formación de cooperativas de trabajo, verificar la importancia de los actores externos en este proceso y comprender la trayectoria laboral de los asociados y su ingreso en las cooperativas. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa a través de entrevistas con 24 asociados en tres empresas económicas solidarias: una asociación de recolectores de materiales reciclables, una cooperativa de costureras y una cooperativa de productores de anacardos. Los resultados mostraron que los grupos recibieron ayuda externa al comienzo de los proyectos. La trayectoria laboral de los asociados presentó aspectos similares, como la inseguridad laboral, la informalidad y la escasez de alternativas de trabajo. Se puede concluir que los grupos representan una forma de inserción social porque constituyen espacios para ofrecer trabajo a personas que, por razones históricas, geográficas, sociales y / o culturales, estaban lejos del mercado laboral formal.

Abstract The research aimed to analyze the history of work cooperatives, to verify the importance of external actors in this process and to understand the work trajectory of the associates and their access in the cooperatives. A qualitative research was carried out through interviews with 24 associates from three solidarity economy enterprises: an association of recyclable material collectors, a seamstress cooperative and a cashew nut producer cooperative. The results showed that the groups were helped externally at the beginning of the projects. The work trajectory of the associates presented, in general, similar aspects, such as job insecurity, informality and scarcity of work alternatives. It can be concluded that the enterprises represent a form of social insertion because they constitute spaces to offer work to people who, for historical, geographic, social or cultural reasons, were far from the formal labor market.

Humans , Association , Cooperative Behavior , Waste Pickers , Qualitative Research
Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine ; (6): 41-44, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936432


Objective To explore the results, feasibility and existing problems of semi-quantitative and quantitative risk assessment models in the assessment of chemical hazard exposure in optical fiber manufacturing enterprises.  Methods The chemical hazard factors of an optical fiber enterprise in Wuhan were investigated, detected and evaluated, and the semi-quantitative and quantitative risk assessment models of occupational health of chemical hazard factors in the workplace were used for risk assessment. Results In the semi-quantitative risk assessment model, the consistency between the contact index method and the comprehensive index method was good (Kappa=0.820, P2=0.539,P<0.05), and the results were grade 1, 2, 3 and 5.  The non-carcinogenic risk hazard quotient of the quantitative risk assessment model was not consistent with the three semi-quantitative methods (Kappa=0), and the results were grade 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.   Conclusion The semi-quantitative risk assessment model is more suitable for the risk assessment of the optical fiber industry than the quantitative risk assessment model.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 403-407, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-920454


OBJECTIVE To provi de reference for standardizing the distribution behavior of drug wholesale enterprises and improving the supervision level of drug supervision departments. METHODS The defective items found in the on-site inspection of 570 drug wholesale enterprises in Hunan province in 2020 were summarized ,the main risks were analyzed to put forward countermeasures and suggestions. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS The provincial drug regulatory departments conducted daily supervision and inspection among 192 drug wholesale enterprises ,of which 168 enterprises(87.50%)were ordered to make corrections;a total of 1 804 defective items were found ,involving 11 serious defects ,806 major defects and 987 general defects. The provincial drug regulatory departments conducted special inspections among 20 wholesale enterprises of narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs ,of which 18 enterprises(90.00%)were ordered to make corrections ;a total of 48 defective items were found , involving 33 major defects and 15 general defects ,and no serious defective items were found. The drug regulatory departments of all cities (autonomous prefectures )inspected 358 drug wholesale enterprises ,of which 290 enterprises(81.00%)were ordered to make corrections ;a total of 1 499 defective items were found ,including 665 main defects and 834 general defects ,and no serious defective items were found. According to the statistics of occurrence frequency ,defective items of drug wholesale enterprises in Hunan province were mainly concentrated in storage and maintenance (687 items,20.50%),facilities and equipments (608 items, 18.14%),personnel and training (579 items,17.28%),receipt and acceptance (272 items,8.12%)and quality management system documents (260 items,7.76%),which together accounted for 71.80% of the total defects. The main risks of drug wholesale enterprises included weak enterprise risk awareness ,high frequency of quality risks in drug marketing ,imperfect enterprise quality management system documents ,and fraud in enterprise business behavior. It is recommended that drug wholesale enterprises should establish quality risk management institutions ,evaluation standards and management systems ,improve the operation quality management system ,strengthen the management of drug storage ,standardize the operation and management of enterprises,strengthen personnel training and standardize procurement behavior ,so as to j ointly maintain the safety and efficacy of drugs and controllable quality.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 387-392, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-965116


@#Abstract: Objective ( Based on the data from the ″Occupational Diseases Hazardous Items Reporting System″ hereinafter ), referred to as the ″Reporting System″ a method was constructed to estimate the number of occupational dust exposed workers ( ) in coal mining and washing enterprises hereinafter referred to as "coal workers" at the provincial administrative level. Methods , A typical sampling method was used to study 1 808 coal enterprises in Shanxi Province Inner Mongolia Autonomous , , Region Shaanxi Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in 2020 in the Reporting System. Based on the data of 1 217 , , - coal enterprises that were coal mining or integrated coal mining and washing enterprises a multi level model was established to analyze the association between the number of coal workers and raw coal production. Two scenarios were set up based on the , enterprise scale composition ratio to estimate the number of underreported coal workers and the number of coal workers in each Results provincial administrative region was corrected. The data of the Reporting System in 2020 showed that the ranking of , raw coal production and the number of coal workers from most to least were Shanxi Province Inner Mongolia Autonomous , , Region Shaanxi Province and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region with a total of 1 002 842 coal workers. The random intercept , model using raw coal production enterprise scale and their interaction terms was fitted optimally with a −2 log likelihood value of 2 005.96 and Akaike information criterion value of 2 017.95. The factors affecting the number of coal workers included raw , coal production and its interaction with the scale of enterprises. For every 1.00% change in raw coal production the number of , coal workers in small and micro enterprises changed by 0.62% and the number of coal workers in large and medium enterprises changed by 0.13% more than that in small and micro enterprises. The corrected total number of coal workers for the four , Conclusion provincial administrative regions was 1 125 515 and 1 089 321 for the two hypothetical scenarios respectively.The multi level model constructed with the data of raw coal production enterprise scale and their interaction terms of four , provincial administrative regions could estimate the number of coal workers accurately and could better correct the number of coal workers in each provincial administrative region.

Journal of Public Health and Preventive Medicine ; (6): 98-100, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924030


Objective To analyze the detection level and distribution characteristics of occupational contraindications in pre-employment occupational health examination, and to provide a reference for relevant management departments to strengthen the control of personnel exposed to occupational hazards. Methods The data of pre-employment occupational health examination of 2 626 workers in a vehicle manufacturing enterprise from September 2018 to December 2020 were collected. The detection rate of occupational contraindications was calculated according to the judgement standard, and the distribution of occupational contraindications in different gender, length of service and age was analyzed. Results The detection rate of occupational contraindications was 13.71%, and there was no significant difference between the genders. The detection rate in the 40-45 years old group was the highest (31.75%), and the difference among the different age groups was statistically significant (χ2=30.16, P2=30.20, P<0.01). Conclusion Relevant departments should strengthen the occupational health supervision and management of vehicle manufacturing enterprises and urge enterprises to pay attention to the pre-job occupational health examination as well as the health of workers.