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Rev. ADM ; 80(6): 307-311, nov.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555293


Introducción: durante diciembre de 2019 se identificó en Wuhan, China, un nuevo coronavirus, denominado SARS-CoV-2 por el Comité Internacional de Taxonomía de Virus. Después de haber presentado esta enfermedad se han encontrado secuelas como ansiedad y depresión. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de ansiedad y depresión en los pacientes post-COVID-19 en primer nivel de atención. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, unicéntrico, homodémico, prospectivo, prolectivo. Se realizó en una Unidad de Primer Nivel de Atención del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, en el periodo de enero de 2021 a enero de 2022. Se aplicó la Escala de Hamilton para la Ansiedad y el Inventario de Beck para Depresión. Se realizó un análisis estadístico en el programa SPSS 25, los datos se expresaron como media ± desviación estándar o mediana, según la distribución. Las variables cualitativas se expresaron en frecuencias y porcentajes. Resultados: el promedio de edad fue de 27 años; con predominio del sexo femenino (62.4%), presentaron depresión moderada 6%, depresión grave 1.5%, ansiedad leve 20.9% y ansiedad moderada o grave 9.8%. Conclusión: existe una asociación entre el nivel de depresión y ansiedad en los pacientes post-COVID-19, con una p significativa (AU)

Introduction: during December 2019, a new coronavirus, named SARSCoV-2, by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, was identified in Wuhan, China. After presenting with this disease, sequelae such as anxiety and depression have been found. Objective: determine the level of anxiety and depression in post-COVID-19 patients of the Family Medicine Unit No. 34. Material and methods: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, unicentric, homodemic, prospective, prolective study. It was conducted in a first level unit of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, in the period from January 2021 to January 2022. The Hamilton Anxiety Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory were applied. Statistical analysis was performed in the SPSS 25 program, data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation or median, according to the distribution. Qualitative variables were expressed as frequencies and percentages. Results: the mean age was 27 years; with a predominance of females (62.4%), 6% presented moderate depression, 1.5% severe depression, 20.9% mild anxiety and 9.8% moderate or severe anxiety. Conclusions: there is an association between the level of depression and anxiety in post-COVID-19 patients, with a significant p (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety Disorders/etiology , Primary Health Care/methods , Depression/etiology , Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome/complications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Academies and Institutes , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. Fac. Med. (Guatemala) ; 1(24 Segunda Época): 33-39, Ene - Jun 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049549


Introducción: La hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) es una enfermedad caracterizada por síntomas del tracto urinario inferior (1). Estos síntomas suelen causar un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida del paciente llevándolo a padecer trastornos depresivos (7). Se han encontrado síntomas depresivos hasta en el 22.5% de los pacientes con HPB sin embargo, hay poca evidencia de que estos síntomas disminuyan luego de tratar la HPB (5). Una herramienta útil para medir los síntomas depresivos es la Escala de Medición de Depresión de Hamilton (3). Objetivos: Este estudio pretende evaluar la presencia de síntomas depresivos en pacientes con HPB y comprobar si estos síntomas disminuyen posteriormente al tratamiento quirúrgico para HPB. Métodos. Se utilizó un muestra de 30 pacientes, edad (promedio 67 ± 8 años), sometidos a tratamiento quirúrgico para HPB y quienes presentaran por lo menos un síntoma depresivo según la escala de medición de depresión de Hamilton. Resultados. Todos tuvieron resección transuretral de próstata (RTUP). Previo a la cirugía se encontraron síntomas depresivos en el 76%. Un mes posterior a la cirugía se encontraron síntomas depresivos en 28, sin embargo, se encontró depresión leve en el 23.3% (vs pre op 30%), depresión moderada en el 16.6% (vs pre op 30%) y depresión severa en el 13.3% (vs pre-op 16.6%). La Escala de Medición de Depresión de Hamilton tuvo una puntuación media preoperatoria de 13.93 puntos. Un mes posterior a la cirugía la puntuación media fue de 9.36 puntos. La diferencia fue de 4.56 puntos, lo cual es estadísticamente significativo (P=0.05). Hubo complicaciones quirúrgicas en 3 pacientes quienes tuvieron un aumento en el puntaje postoperatorio y hubo aumento del nivel de depresión. En el estudio 15 refirieron disfunción eréctil previo a la cirugía y únicamente 8 persistieron con disfunción luego de la cirugía. Conclusiones. Los pacientes con HBP constituyen una población en riesgo de padecer síntomas depresivos. Los síntomas depresivos están relacionados con padecer STUI y disfunción eréctil; ambas condiciones afectan la calidad de vida. El tratamiento quirúrgico para tratar la HPB es efectivo en disminuir los síntomas depresivos mejorando la calidad de vida causando mínimos efectos negativos.

Introduction: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a condition that leads to inferior urinary tract symptoms (1). These symptoms often cause a negative impact on the quality of life leading to depressive symptoms (7). Depressive symptoms are present in up to 22.5% of patients with BPH, however, there is limited evidence that these symptoms decrease with HPB treatment (5). A useful tool to measure depressive symptoms is the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) (3). Objective: Main purpose of the study is to assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms in patients with BPH and determine whether these symptoms decreased after a corrective surgery. Methods: A sample of 30 male patients, average age 67 ± 8 years old, with surgical treatment indication for BPH, with at least one depressive symptom according to the HDRS was obtained. Results: All patients in the study underwent transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). Prior to surgery, depressive symptoms found in 76.6%. A month post-surgery depressive symptoms found in 28, however mild depression was present in 23.3% (vs pre-op 30%) moderate depression in 16.6% (vs pre-op 30.0%) and severe depression in 13.3% (vs pre-op 16.6%). Measurement with HDRS had a mean preoperative score 13.93 points; a post-surgery month the average score was 9.36. The difference was 4.56 points; which is statistically significant (P = 0.05). Three patients had surgical complications and they had an increase in postoperative score and also increased in the level of depression. In the study 15 patients reported erectile dysfunction prior to surgery; out of these patients only 8 persisted with dysfunction after surgery. Conclusions: BPH patients is a population at risk for developing depressive symptoms. Depressive symptoms are related to developing lower urinary tract symptoms and erectile dysfunction; both conditions affecting the quality of life. Surgery to treat BPH is effective in reducing depressive symptoms by improving the quality of life and with minimal adverse effects.

Salus ; 17(2): 32-40, ago. 2013. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-701628


La pesquisa de depresión y ansiedad en las gestantes permite evitar el deterioro de la salud mental materna y las graves consecuencias sobre sus hijos. Se planteó analizar los niveles de depresión y ansiedad en embarazadas que acudieron a la consulta de perinatología y medicina materno-fetal de un Hospital Materno Infantil entre junio-agosto 2012. Se llevó a cabo un estudio correlacional, transversal y no experimental, con una muestra de 236 embarazadas excluyendo aquellas con diagnóstico anterior de depresión o ansiedad, enfermedad psiquiátrica previamente diagnosticada, patologías de base: Diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y 2, diabetes gestacional, hipertensión arterial sistémica, hipertensión arterial inducida por el embarazo, enfermedades inmunológicas, cáncer, síndrome de Down e infecciones de transmisión sexual y pacientes con discapacidad, a quienes se aplicó los Test de Hamilton para la depresión y ansiedad. El 56,4% pertenecen al estrato socioeconómico IV. 81% tenía una relación de pareja estable y 54,2% tenía un embarazo deseado, de las cuales 67,3% tuvo algún nivel de ansiedad y el 66,1% algún nivel de depresión. Las embarazadas con pareja inestable tienen un riesgo 8,5 veces mayor de presentar ansiedad y 6,5 veces mayor de presentar depresión, con respecto a las que tienen pareja estable. En mujeres con embarazo no deseado, el riesgo de presentar ansiedad fue 1,63 veces mayor que las que querían su gravidez y para la depresión el riesgo fue 1,66 veces mayor, sin embargo este hallazgo no fue estadísticamente significativo. Se concluye que hay elevados niveles de depresión y ansiedad en las embarazadas que tienen relación con tener una pareja inestable.

Early detection of depression and anxiety in the pregnant population avoids mental maternal health deterioration and serious consequences for their children. To analyze the levels of depression and anxiety in pregnant women who attended to the perinatology consultation and maternal-fetal medicine at a Maternal and Child Hospital between June-August 2012. A correlational, non experimental and cross-sectional study was done with a sample of 236 pregnant patients with exclusion of those with prior diagnosis of depression or anxiety, suffering previously diagnosed psychiatric illness, underlying diseases: Diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, gestational diabetes, hypertension, hypertensive disorders induced by pregnancy, immune disorders, cancer, Down syndrome and sexually transmitted infections and disabled patients, who completed the Hamilton test for depression and anxiety. 56.4% belonged to socioeconomic level IV, 81% had a stable relationship and 54.2% had an unwanted pregnancy, of which 67.3% had some level of anxiety and 66.1% some level of depression. Pregnant women with unstable couples have a 8.5 times higher risk of presenting anxiety and 6.5 times more likely to develop depression, relative to those with stable partner. In women with unwanted pregnancy, the risk of anxiety was 1.63 times higher than those whom wanted their pregnancy and the risk for depression was 1.66 times higher, however this finding was not statistically significant. It was concluded that there are high levels of depression and anxiety in pregnant women who have an unstable relationship.

Rev. psiquiatr. Rio Gd. Sul ; 30(2): 150-154, maio-ago. 2008. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-512323


Introdução: O climatério, período de transição entre a fase reprodutiva e não-reprodutiva, ocasiona mudanças biopsicossociais nas mulheres que o vivenciam. A associação entre a maior prevalência de depressão nesse período é, no entanto, ainda controversa. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de depressão em mulheres climatéricas atendidas em um hospital universitário numa cidade da Região Nordeste do Brasil e identificar fatores associados. Método: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo e analítico de 70 mulheres climatéricas. O diagnóstico de depressão foi dado segundo critérios diagnósticos da Classificação Internacional de Doenças em um período de seguimento mínimo de 3 meses. Foram investigadas as seguintes variáveis: escolaridade, situação conjugal, renda pessoal, gravidade da depressão segundo escala de Hamilton, presença e intensidade de sintomas climatéricos, menopausa (natural ou cirúrgica), dependência econômica do parceiro, antecedentes familiares de depressão, história prévia de depressão pós-parto, episódios depressivos e transtorno disfórico pré-menstrual, alterações da função sexual e visão positiva ou negativa da menopausa. Resultados: Um percentual de 34,3 por cento das pacientes apresentou depressão, sendo 70,8 por cento destas na categoria leve da escala de Hamilton. Não houve associação estatisticamente significante entre variáveis socioeconômicas, diminuição da libido e antecedentes familiares de depressão com a presença de depressão. Houve associação entre a presença de depressão e pacientes com sintomas vasomotores (p = 0,03), insônia (p < 0,001), menopausa (p = 0,05), com histórico de depressão pós-parto (p = 0,04) e transtorno disfórico pré-menstrual (p = 0,05) e visão negativa da menopausa (p = 0,001). Conclusões: Foi encontrada uma alta prevalência de depressão nas pacientes estudadas. Múltiplos fatores (impacto da menopausa, antecedentes psiquiátricos e visão pessoal sobre a menopausa) foram associados ...

Introduction: The climacteric is a transition period between reproductive and non-reproductive ages that leads to biopsychossocial changes in women who experience it. However, association between a larger prevalence of depression in this period is still controversial. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of depression in climacteric women receiving care at a university hospital in a Northeastern Brazilian municipality and to identify associated factors. Method: A prospective, analytic study of 70 climacteric women was performed. Diagnosis of depression was performed according to the International Classification of Diseases diagnostic criteria through a minimal 3-month follow-up period. The following variables were investigated: educational level, marital status, personal income, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, presence and intensity of climacteric symptoms, menopause (natural or surgical), financial dependence on the partner, family history of depression, previous history of postpartum depression, depressive episodes, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, sexual function disorders, and positive or negative attitudes toward menopause. Results: A percentage of 34.3 percent of the patients had depression, and 70.8 percent were classified as mild intensity according to Hamilton scale. There was no statistically significant association between socioeconomic variables, reduced sex drive and family history of depression and presence of depression. Conversely, presence of vasomotor symptoms (p = 0.03), insomnia (p < 0.001), menopause (p = 0.05), history of postpartum depression (p = 0.04), premenstrual dysphoric disorder (p = 0.05), and negative attitude toward menopause (p = 0.001) were statistically associated with depression. Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of depression in assessed women. Multiple factors (impact of menopause, psychiatric history and personal impressions of menopause) are responsible for its occurrence.

Salud ment ; 30(2): 25-32, mar.-abr. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-986004


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

SUMMARY Background: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a disease associated to emotional, vegetative and physical symptoms, including for the latter those pain-related symptoms. MDD has a high prevalence rate with a substantial burden of illness, and it expected that by 2020 it will become the second cause of world disability. The diagnosis of MDD is difficult due to the high prevalence of painful physical symptoms, and also due to the fact these symptoms are more evident that the embedded emotional ones. Over 76% of patients with MDD, report painful physical symptoms observed, like headache, abdominal pain, back pain and unspecific-located pain; observing these symptoms can even predict depression severity. In addition, the likelihood of psychiatric disease increases, importantly, with the number of physical symptoms observed; moreover, the remission of physical symptoms predicts the complete remission in MDD. We present an observational, prospective study to examine the clinical profile of Mexican outpatients suffering MDD and determine the relationship between depression severity, painful physical symptoms in quality of life and depression. Methods: Adult patients with current episodes of MDD, treated with antidepressants were included. MDD was defined according to the criteria of the Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - 4th Edition (DSM-IV) or in the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10). Patients should have been free of depression symptoms prior to the current episode for at least 2 months. Duration of current episode should not exceed two years. Treatment-resistant patients and those with other psychiatric diagnosis were excluded. Treatment-resistance was defined as: a) a failure to respond to treatment when two different antidepressants were employed at therapeutic doses for at least four weeks each, b) when the subject was previously treated with IMAO inhibitors, c) when electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) was previously employed. Other exclusion criteria comprise previous or current diagnosis of schizophrenia, schizophreniform or schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, dementia or mental impairment. Patients were selected in 34 centers in Mexico. Patients were classified according to the presence (SFD+) or absence (SFD-) of painful physical symptoms using the Somatic Symptom Inventory (SSI); SFD+ was defined as scores ≥ 2 for the pain-related items in the SSI (items 2, 3, 9, 14, 19, 27 and 28). Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) quantified pain severity (cervical pain, headache, back pain, shoulder pain, interference of pain in daily activities and vigil-time with pain). HAMD17 and CGI-S determined depression severity, while the Quality of Life in Depression Scale (QLDS) quantified subjective well-being. Linear regression models were employed to compare groups for VAS, HAMD17, CGI-S, and QLDS, to fit the confusions or clinical predictors when needed. Proportions between groups were established with Fisher exact test or logistic regression. Significance levels were established at 0.005 due to the observational nature of the study. In the result tables, standard deviation (SD) is reported as a variation around the mean value as Mean ± SD, and 95% confidence intervals are denoted 95% IC. Results: A total of 313 patients were enrolled in the study. All of the enrolled patients were Mexican, almost them were women and had at least a previous MDD episode. Painful physical symptoms were reported by 73.7% of patients, these patients were classified into the SFD+ group. Neither statistical nor clinical significant differences between the SFD+ and SFD- groups were found when analyzing socio-demographic variables (age, gender, ethnical origin) and disease history variables (number of previous episodes of MDD, in the last 24 months, duration of current episode). At baseline, patients had a CGI-S mean score of 4.6 and HAMD17 of 26.3. HAMD17 mean score (27.1) in SFD+ patients was significantly higher (p<0.0001) than the SFD- patients (23.8), but nonsignificant differences between groups were found for the subscales central, Maier & retard. CGI-S scores were similar between SFD+ and SFD-; 4.6 and 4.5 respectively (p>0.05). Prevalent painful physical symptoms were also the most painful, when a five-point scale was employed to measure severity, and comprised muscular pain (84.9%), cervical pain (84.2%) and headache (83.5%). SFD+ patients had higher pain severity in all VAS scales (p<0.0001), with perceived severity scores twice as large when compared to SFDgroup. In particular, the global pain VAS reported average values of 49.0 and 19.7 for the SFD+ and SFD- groups respectively. Patients came to the first psychiatric consultation treated with psychotherapy (27.9%), antidepressants (37.3%), anxiolytics (28.6%) and analgesics (9.7%); more than 50% of all patients were not taking any drugs or receiving psychotherapy for treatment of MDD at baseline. Analgesics were used only by 9.7% of patients for the treatment of painful physical symptoms in their current MDD episode. No significant differences between groups were found when comparing the use of psychotherapy, antidepressants, anxiolytics, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers or analgesics. Quality of life was poor for all patients, but significantly worse in the SFD+ group than in the SFD- group (QLDS scores of 23.2 and 20.0 respectively, p<0.001). Discussion: The diagnosis and symptoms manifestation can be influenced by local socio-cultural factors, in particular cultural differences are associated with the prevalence of painful physical symptoms, but this finding is not consistent. The results of this study can be extrapolated to the MDD Mexican population, as selection criteria comprised only operative diagnosis criteria, and not enrollment into the study took place due to the presence of painful physical symptoms. Patients included into the study presented a moderate to severe disease as measured with the HAMD17 scores. The high prevalence of painful physical symptoms in patients with depression was confirmed in this study; it has been reported the patients report pain-related symptoms as the main (even the only) symptom when consulting general practitioners. Painful physical symptoms in MDD include headache, cervical pain, back pain or neck pain; the presence of painful physical symptoms in depression is associated to higher intakes medication, but in this study more than 50% of subjects were not receiving any treatment, including psychotherapy. The treatment of MDD is by no means optimal, as only 30%- 40% of these patients reach complete remission of symptoms with their first antidepressant. Psychological symptoms respond to antidepressant treatment, but in general, this is not the case for the physical symptoms. The lack of efficacy can be explained as a failure in the treatment of these painful physical symptoms. Resolving these symptoms is even a predictor for the complete remission of MDD; the evidence might suggest that treatment of emotional and physical manifestations of depression could improve successful-treatment rates. Conclusion: As found in other reports, a high prevalence of painful physical symptoms was found in MDD patients. Increase in pain severity is associated with higher HAMD17 scores but not CGI-S scores; this discrepancy in the final rates obtained with both scales suggests that both emotional and physical dimensions of MDD should be considered when the clinical assessment is performed. We concluded that clinical judgment of Mexican psychiatrists differs between their global impression and a semi-structured interview in the same patient and therefore is fundamental that the clinical evaluation consists of both emotional and physical manifestations as important components of MDD.