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Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39090, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567414


Research on food finding by pest termites can be used to inform the development of techniques to control their population; however, there is a paucity of information available on the foraging behavior of Nasutitermes corniger, an urban pest in South America. In the present study, we analyzed the effect of the distance between the nest and food on the exploration and recruitment of N. corniger during foraging behavior under laboratory conditions. Nests containing mature colonies were collected in the field and placed in a glass cube connected to a test arena (50.0 × 40.0 cm) in which Eucalyptus grandis blocks were supplied at three different distances: 10, 20 and 30 cm. In each test, the occurrence of the following events were recorded: initial exploitation, initial recruitment, and mass worker recruitment. Individuals in the blocks were counted at the end of each test and divided into the total number of recruited termites, recruited workers, consuming workers and recruited soldiers. Each test lasted 60 minutes and was repeated with 20 colonies. Nasutitermes corniger foragers showed the three behavioral events of interest at all three distances. The occurrences of initial exploitation and initial recruitment, the latency of the three events and the number of foragers were not affected by the distance between the nest and food. The occurrence of mass worker recruitment was the only event affected by this distance, with higher recruitment at shorter distances.

Ciênc. rural ; 47(4): e20150900, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839780


ABSTRACT: It has become possible to evaluate the conversion of soil organic matter (SOM) in pastures and arboreal crops due to the difference between the photosynthetic cycles of Eucalyptus (C3) and most grasses (C4). The auto analyzer method coupled to the IRMS (Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer) in the present study evaluated the 13C content in soil profiles of Eucalyptus plantations of different ages (2, 10 and 21 years), in natural regeneration areas and natural grazing fields, and estimated the SOM conversion of each crop type of. The initial management of all sampled areas was natural pasture. The following profile layers were evaluated: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-70 and 70-90cm, and the contribution of Eucalyptus biomass over the years of farming was estimated in the SOM conversion process. After 2 years of planting Eucalyptus, the beginning of pasture carbon conversion process occurred in the surface layer (0-5cm). Ten years after planting, the process of converting organic matter by arboreal crops reached the layers up to 20cm. After 21 years of planting and in natural regeneration areas, the entire profile has already been changed by planting Eucalyptus and native tree species.

RESUMO: A avaliação da conversão da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) entre pastagens e cultivos arbóreos, tornou-se possível graças a diferença entre os ciclos fotossintéticos do eucalipto (C3) e da maioria das gramíneas (C4). Com o autoanalisador acoplado ao IRMS (isotope ratio mass spectrometer) e a avaliação da abundância isotópica de 13C, o presente estudo estimou a conversão da MOS em perfis do solo sob plantio de eucaliptos de diferentes idades (2, 10 e 21 anos), em área de regeneração natural e em campo de pastagem natural. O manejo inicial de todas as áreas amostradas era de pastagem natural. Foram avaliadas as seguintes camadas do perfil: 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-70 e 70-90cm. Assim como estimada a contribuição proveniente da biomassa de eucaliptos ao longo dos anos de cultivo no processo de conversão da MOS. Após 10 anos de plantio, o processo de conversão da matéria orgânica nos cultivos arbóreos atingiu as camadas até 20cm. Após 21 anos de plantio e na área de regeneração natural, todo o perfil já sofreu alteração pelo plantio de eucaliptos e espécies arbóreas nativas.

Rev. biol. trop ; 60(4): 1543-1552, Dec. 2012. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-662228


Soil burning has been used in agricultural and forestry systems as a fundamental technique to clean the land and add some nutrients to the soil. In addition, earthworms are known to promote various soil functions since they contribute to aeration and organic matter and nutrients availability to other soil organisms. This study evaluated the effects of tropical forest crops management with presence-absence of Eucalyptus grandis on earthworm population in Huimanquillo, Tabasco, Mexico. Three sites (average area of 1-1.5ha each) with different management conditions were considered for soil and earthworm sampling (two depths and six replicates): without vegetation (SV) and recent slash-burned (38 days), forest crops of five years of production of E. grandis (Euc), and secondary vegetation of 15 years (Acah). Soil physico-chemical properties (apparent density, humidity, texture, pH, Ntot, OM, P, K, cationic capacity) were also evaluated, and earthworms were collected at the end of the rainy season (august-october 2007). We found that the sites soil is an acrisol acid, with pH 3.0-4.5 in the first 30cm depth. Organic matter content (OM) and total nitrogen (Ntot) in the recently burned sites were significantly lower (6-8% y 0.19-0.22%, respectively) than in sites with vegetation (OM=9-11%; el Ntot=0.27-0.33%). Only one species (P. corethrurus) was found in all the sampled areas, where most of the individuals were at juvenile stage (80%). The highest densities and biomass were found in Euc. treatment (166.4ind/m² y 36.8g/m²) followed by Acah (138.7ind/m² y 19.1g/m² respectively), while the SV treatment showed of about an 80% reduced earthworm populations when compared to other treatments. Even though 15 years have passed over the secondary vegetation (Acah) still some perturbations were observed as the low abundance of the oligochaeta group. We concluded that the management used to culture E. grandis produces negative effects over the abundance and diversity of earthworms and soil nutrient availability.

La presencia de oligoquetos en los ecosistemas puede indicar fertilidad del suelo, ya que estos organismos transportan, mezclan y entierran los residuos vegetales de la superficie al interior del suelo. Se caracterizó la comunidad de oligoquetos bajo sitios con diferentes periodos de establecimiento y manejo de plantaciones de Eucalyptus grandis, sin vegetación (SV), con cinco años en producción (Euc) y vegetación secundaria con 15 años (Acah) que han pasado por el proceso de tumba y quema en suelos de Acrisol en Huimanguillo, Tabasco; y se analizaron las propiedades físico-químicas del suelo (D.A., humedad, textura, pH, Ntot, MO, P, K, CIC). La recolecta de lombrices se realizó al finalizar las lluvias (agosto-octubre 2007). Se muestreó en tres parcelas con seis réplicas en cada una. Se encontró que los suelos tenían pH de 3.0-4.5 en los primeros 30cm de profundidad. Los contenidos de materia orgánica (MO) y nitrógeno total (Ntot) fueron significativamente menores en los sitios SV (6-8% y 0.19-0.22% respectivamente) que en Euc y Acah (MO=9-11%; el Ntot=0.27-0.33%). La especie Pontoscolex corethrurus domino en toda el área, presentando mayores densidades y biomasas en Euc (164.4ind/m² y 36.8g/m² respectivamente) y Acah (138.7ind/m² y 19.1g/m² respectivamente), mientras que en SV sus poblaciones fueron reducidas en un 80%. Se encontró que el sistema Acah sigue presentando rasgos de un sistema perturbado, al no recuperar fácilmente la diversidad de oligoquetos y las concentraciones de nutrientes disponibles en el suelo.

Animals , Burns , Eucalyptus , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Oligochaeta , Soil/parasitology , Agriculture , Forestry , Mexico , Seasons , Soil/chemistry
Ciênc. rural ; 42(10): 1818-1825, out. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-651669


Fine root length density (FRLD) was evaluated in mixed and monospecific stands of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla and Acacia mearnsii in Southern Brazil. FRLD (≤2,0mm) at 8 and 18 months after planting in the treatments: 100E (100% of eucalyptus); 100A (100% of Acacia mearnsii); 50E:50A (50% of eucalyptus + 50% of Acacia mearnsii). The findings demonstrated that the FRLD at 8 months of age have the same distribution, in the two different species, in the distribution of the different soil layers, reaching the maximum projection of 125cm from the tree trunk. For the age of 18 months after planting, it was verified that the FRLD in the monospecific stand of Acacia mearnsii was higher than in the monoculture and mixed stand of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla. Therefore, no interaction, neither positive nor negative, between the root systems of Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla and Acacia mearnsii during the 18 months after planting was found. The higher FRLD is found at the soil layers surface, next to the tree trunk and in the planting line, followed by the diagonal and planting rows. The initial growth in length of the root system of Acacia mearnsii is more dynamic with higher density than the eucalyptus, but without interfering directly in the global growth of fine roots in mixed stands.

Avaliou-se a densidade do comprimento de raízes finas (DCRF) de plantios monoespecíficos e misto de Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla e de Acacia mearnsii na região sul do Brasil. A DCRF (≤2,0mm) foi determinada aos 8 e 18 meses após o plantio nos tratamentos: 100E (100% de eucalipto); 100A (100% de Acacia mearnsii); 50E:50A (50% de eucalipto + 50% de Acacia mearnsii). A DCRF aos oito meses de idade possui o mesmo comportamento para a ocupação das diferentes camadas do solo, atingindo uma projeção máxima de 125cm de distância em relação ao tronco da árvore. Já, aos 18 meses após o plantio, verificou-se que, no cultivo monoespecífico de Acacia mearnsii, a DCRF foi superior em relação ao monocultivo e plantio misto de Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla. Não ocorreram interações positivas ou negativas entre os sistemas radiculares do eucalipto e da acácia-negra durante os primeiros 18 meses após o plantio. A maior DCRF encontra-se nas camadas superficiais do solo, nas proximidades do tronco da árvore e na linha de plantio, seguida pela diagonal e entrelinha de plantio. O crescimento inicial em comprimento do sistema radicular da Acacia mearnsii é mais dinâmico e maior do que a do eucalipto, mas sem interferir diretamente no crescimento global das raízes finas no cultivo misto.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 27(2): 283-288, mar./abr. 2011. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-911790


O eucalipto é uma das espécies de maior importância dentro do sistema brasileiro de produção da madeira. A área plantada tem aumentado anualmente, com isso as pragas passam a exigir maiores investimentos. O trabalho foi conduzido no Município de Belo Oriente-Minas Gerais, no campo de reflorestamento de Eucalyptus grandis da Celulose Nipo-Brasileira (CENIBRA). Foram conduzidos dois experimentos variando a vazão de ar do ventilador que foram 11300 m3 h-1 e 13250 m3 h -1, alterando a rotação na Tomada de Potência de 540 para 650 rpm. As aplicações foram realizadas utilizando três índices de volumétricos, três alturas no dossel e três posições na planta em relação ao pulverizador. O objetivo foi determinar a deposição da calda nas folhas do eucalipto. As folhas com corante alimentício Azul Brilhante foram acondicionadas em sacos plásticos e lavadas em 100 mL de água destilada para leitura da absorção no espectrofotômetro. As aplicações foram realizadas com um pulverizador de jato projetado adaptado para direcionar o jato de ar verticalmente a alturas superiores a 20 metros. O pulverizador utilizado mostrou-se eficiente para aplicação de fitossanitários em árvores adultas de eucalipto. Porém, o aumento no volume de ar não aumentou a deposição da calda.

Eucalyptus is a species of great importance in the Brazilian system of production of wood. The area planted has increased annually, with the plagues that will demand larger investments. The work was conducted in Belo Oriente, Minas Gerais, in the field of reforestation of Eucalyptus grandis Celulose Nipo-Brasileira (CENIBRA). Two experiments were conducted by varying the flow of air from the fan who was 11300 m3 h-1 and 13250 m3 h-1, changing the rotation of the power socket 540 to 650 rpm. The applications were performed using three indices of volumetric three heights in the canopy and three positions at the plant in relation to the spray. The objective was to determine the spray deposition on leaves of the eucalyptus. Leaves with Brilliant Blue food dye were placed in plastic bags and washed in 100 mL of distilled water to reading the absorption spectrophotometer. The applications were performed with a spray jet adapted designed to direct the jet of air vertically to heights exceeding 20 meters. The sprayer was efficient for the application of pesticides in adult trees of eucalyptus. However, the increase in air volume did not increase the deposition of solution.

Crop Production , Agrochemicals , Eucalyptus , Pest Control
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 82(3): 791-797, Sept. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-556813


The Eucalyptus grandis logs temperatures were determined and correlated with the board's cracks during steaming. Thermocouples were inserted in the logs center, registering their temperatures during steaming at 90"C. The logs were sawed and the board's cracks measured. It was concluded that: (1) the logistic S-shaped curve explains the logs temperature variation; (2) the logs with diameter of 20 to <25, 25 to <30 and 30 to <35 cm presented, respectively, 84.2"C, 73.1"C and 45.8"C in the steaming; and (3) the cracks lengths significantly decreased in logs that reached the glass transition temperature.

As temperaturas em toras de Eucalyptus grandis, durante a vaporização, foram determinadas e correlacionadas com as rachaduras das tábuas. Nos centros das toras foram inseridos termopares e registradas suas temperaturas durante a vaporização à 90"C. As toras foram desdobradas e as rachaduras das tábuas mensuradas. Concluiu-se que: (1) o modelo estatístico sigmoidal logístico explica a variação da temperatura nas toras; (2) as toras com 20 a <25, 25 a <30 e 30 a <35 cm de diâmetro apresentaram, respectivamente, 84,2"C, 73,1"C e 45,8"C ao final da vaporização; e (3) as rachaduras foramsignificativamente menores nas toras que atingiram a temperatura de transição vítrea.

Eucalyptus , Transition Temperature , Wood , Glass , Models, Theoretical , Volatilization
Ciênc. rural ; 38(8): 2181-2185, Nov. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-511996


Com o objetivo de avaliar o controle genético da regeneração direta in vitro a partir de plântulas de Eucalyptus grandis, foram utilizadas sementes de 10 progênies de polinização aberta da população base, origem Atherton, localizada em Anhembi, Estado de São Paulo. Vinte dias de cultivo após a germinação, 196 segmentos distais dos hipocótilos por progênie foram inoculados in vitro num Delineamento em Blocos Completos Aleatorizado Generalizado, com duas unidades experimentais por bloco e sete repetições por bloco, usando a interação blocos por progênie como estimadora do erro experimental. Após 14 semanas de cultivo, foram feitas avaliações da regeneração. Houve diferenças significativas de regeneração entre as progênies (P<0,0001) com extremos de regeneração de 11 por cento a 60 por cento. A herdabilidade no sentido restrito entre as médias das unidades experimentais do caráter foi alta (h2m=0,94), indicando que houve um forte controle genético na regeneração in vitro dentro da população. Houve também alta variabilidade dentro da amostra estudada, assim como um forte efeito do progenitor materno sobre a regeneração.

The genetic control of in vitro direct regeneration was tested on seedlings of ten open-pollinated progenies from the base population of Atherton origin of Eucalyptus grandis at University of São Paulo (Brazil). Seeds were germinated in vitro, after twenty days, distal hypocotyls segments from 196 seedlings per progeny were inoculated in culture media at Generalized Complete Randomized Block Design, with two experimental units per block and seven repetitions, using the interaction blocks by progenies as an estimate of the experimental error. At week 14 from the inoculation bud induction was evaluated. Regeneration among progenies were significantly different (P<0.0001). Regeneration varied from 11 to 60 percent. The narrow-sense heritability between means of experimental units for in vitro regeneration was height. (h2m=0.94), indicating a strong genetic control of the trait within the population and also a high maternal effect. High variability within the study sample was found.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 13(2): 207-216, abr.-jun. 2008. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-486657


O objetivo geral do trabalho desenvolvido foi avaliar como o lodo de esgoto (biossólido) altera os estoques de C e N em plantação de eucalipto. O estudo foi conduzido com aplicação de doses até 40 t ha-1 de biossólido, em base seca, para cultivo de Eucalyptus grandis. Os eucaliptos que receberam 10 t ha-1 de biossólido apresentaram igual desenvolvimento aos que receberam adubação mineral completa, produzindo, em média, 107,5 t ha-1 de biomassa acima do solo, 63 por cento a mais do que a testemunha. Esses tratamentos apresentaram também maiores valores de conteúdo de C e N na biomassa. O biossólido tratado com cal, aplicado em superfície, apresentou baixas taxas de decomposição e não contribuiu para aumentar os estoques totais de C e N no solo. O efeito do resíduo sobre o desenvolvimento das árvores é mais importante para fornecer entradas de material orgânico no sistema do que sua própria aplicação.

The general aim of this research was to evaluate as the sewage sludge (biosolids) modify C and N stocks in eucalypt plantation. The study was installed with application rates up to 40 t h-1 of dry matter biosolids in Eucalyptus grandis plantation. The eucalypts that received 10 t h-1 of biosolids presented even development that it received full mineral fertilizer, producing, on average, 107,5 t ha-1 of aboveground biomass, 63 percent the more than control. Those treatments also presented larger values of C and N contents in the biomass. The biosolids treated with lime, applied in surface, showed low decomposition rates and it didn’t contribute to increase C and N soil total stocks. The effect of residue on the development of trees is more important to supply input of organic material in system than own application.