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Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-826217


The excessive consumption test for the safety of black sesame extract (BSE) was conducted. Eleven healthy adults (male 6,female 5) were orally administered 5 tablets/day of BSE for 4 weeks. There were no abnormal changes in blood and urinary analysis. In addition, no serious adverse effects were observed. These results indicate that the excessive dose of BSE is safe for healthy adults.

Cienc. tecnol. aliment ; 36(1): 1-8, Jan.-Mar. 2016.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-831583


In most industrialized countries, the sodium intake exceeds the nutritional recommendations. In this sense the search for healthier foods has led the food industry to review their formulations in relation to food components such as salt, which is associated with increased risk of chronic diseases. As a result, different strategies for reducing salt levels in processed foods have been investigated. Among the technological options available, the high-pressure processing has stood out by presenting intrinsic technological advantages that can contribute to optimization of food formulations with low / reduced sodium contents. This review provides a brief overview of the key strategies and use of high pressure in the development of reduced-salt products.(AU)

Humans , Hypertension , Industrialized Foods , Cardiovascular Diseases , Recommended Dietary Allowances , Sodium Chloride, Dietary/adverse effects
Psicol. Caribe ; (28): 24-38, jul.-dic. 2011. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-649998


El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar las diferencias en el perfil de personalidad en consumidores moderados y excesivos de sustancias psicoactivas. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo comparativo, y participaron 215 estudiantes universitarios con una media de edad de 20,9 años, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y el Big Five Questionnarie (BFQ). Los resultados muestran que las tres sustancias de mayor consumo son el alcohol, el cigarrillo y la marihuana; que el 50,7% de personas consumen dos o más sustancias psicoactivas y que el 47% presenta una ingesta perjudicial de estos productos. Se identificaron diferencias y correlaciones negativas significativas en el factor de personalidad denominado tesón y en los subfactores: cooperación, escrupulosidad, perseverancia y apertura a la cultura, cuyos puntajes son superiores en los consumidores moderados. Estos resultados validan la hipótesis según la cual autocontrol es la habilidad que modula el avance hacia un consumo perjudicial.

The objective of this research was to identify differences in personality profile in moderate and excessive consumers of psychoactive substances. We used a comparative descriptive design; 215 college students participated with an average age of 20.9 years who filled a survey of psychoactive substance use and the Big Five Questionnaire (BFQ). The results show that the three most consumed substances are alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana; that 50.7% of subjects use two or more psychoactive substances and 47% have a harmful use of substances. We identified significant differences and negative correlations in personality factor Strength and sub-factors Cooperation, Conscientiousness, Perseverance and Openness to culture, all scoring higher in moderate drinkers. These results validate the hypothesis that self-control is the ability to modulate the progression to a harmful drinking.

Fractal rev. psicol ; 20(2): 421-436, jul.-dez. 2008.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-509280


Este é um recorte de pesquisa teórica sobre uma temática particular. O presente artigo pretende discutir a partir de um ponto de vista psicanalítico, em debate interdisciplinar, o excesso de consumo na atualidade e sua possível relação com a adicção. Procura-se abordar aspectos socioculturais que, marcados pelo modo de vida consumista, acabam por influenciar a psicopatologia da época atual, descrita por alguns autores como "pós-modernidade". A partir da concepção psicanalítica das adicções, procura-se analisar a relação que o sujeito estabelece com seu objeto de consumo excessivo e com suas representações deste objeto. Sublinha-se a psicopatologia atual como marcada pela cultura do excesso narcísico.

This is a theoretical study about a particular theme. This article intends to relate about the excessive consumption in the contemporaneity and a possible relation with the addiction. We do a psychoanalytical and interdisciplinary approach. Social and cultural aspects of the consumer way of life are introduced and how they influence the psychopathology of the current time, described for some authors as "post-modernity". We intend to analyze, from a psychoanalytical conception of addiction, the constructed relation between the subject and the excessive consumption object and respective representations. The actual psychopathology is described as marked for the culture of excessive narcissism.

Humans , Compulsive Behavior , Narcissism , Psychopathology