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Rev. crim ; 62(2): 145-163, mayo-ago. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144406


Resumen Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de analizar qué factores están asociados a la comisión del delito de extorsión en el Distrito Fiscal de La Libertad- Perú. La metodología es cuantitativa, diseño descriptivo correlacional de corte transversal. Se revisaron 222 carpetas fiscales de las víctimas del delito de extorsión registradas de enero del 2017 a julio del 2018 en los distritos de Chepén y Trujillo. Asimismo, se encuestaron 523 personas que no fueron víctimas del delito de extorsión en los mismos distritos, dando un total de 745 participantes. Los resultados se determinaron aplicando el modelo de regresión logística, el cual muestra que, de los factores analizados, los factores sociales y económicos sí están asociados a la comisión del delito de extorsión, pero los factores biológicos no. Respecto a los factores sociales, el modelo establece que específicamente el estado civil y grado de instrucción son los que están asociados a la comisión del delito de extorsión. De los factores económicos analizados, el modelo establece que el nivel de ingresos, el lugar o zona de residencia y la tenencia de propiedades (vivienda y automóvil) están asociados a la comisión de este delito.

Abstract This study was performed to analyze the factors associated to committing the crime of extortion in the Prosecution District of La Libertad - Peru. For this purpose, the quantitative methodology was used, with a descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational design. Two hundred and twenty-two case files of victims of extortion were reviewed from January 2017 to July 2018 in the districts of Chepén and Trujillo. Furthermore, 523 people who were not victims of extortion in the same districts were interviewed, amounting to a total of 745 participants. The results were determined applying the logistic regression model, which demonstrated that, of the analyzed factors, the social and economic factors are associated to committing the crime of extortion, while biological factors are not. With respect to social factors, the model establishes that marital status and level of education are more specifically associated with the crime of extortion. Of the analyzed economic factors, the model establishes that level of income, place or area of residence and ownership of properties (housing and vehicles) are associated to this crime.

Resumo Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de analisar quais fatores estão associados à prática do crime de extorsão no Distrito Fiscal de La Libertad - Peru. A metodologia é quantitativa, descritiva e correlacionai de corte transversal. Foram revisados 222 processos fiscais de vítimas do crime de extorsão registrados de janeiro de 2017 a julho de 2018 nos distritos de Chepén e Trujillo. Da mesma forma, entrevistaram-se 523 pessoas que não foram vítimas do crime de extorsão nos mesmos distritos, dando um total de 745 participantes. Os resultados foram apurados aplicandose o modelo de regressão logística, que mostra que, dentro dos fatores analisados, os fatores sociais e económicos estão associados à prática do crime de extorsão, mas os biológicos não. Em relação aos fatores sociais, o modelo estabelece que especificamente o estado civil e o grau de escolaridade estão associados à prática do crime de extorsão. Dos fatores económicos analisados, o modelo estabelece que o nível de renda, o local de residência e a posse de bens (casa e carro) estão associados à prática deste delito.

Humans , Hazards , Prisons , Violence , Crime Victims
Rev. crim ; 60(1): 111-131, ene.-abr. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-960291


Resumen El objetivo es acudir a la teoría económica y a la de redes para comprender las dinámicas de un Grupo Armado Organizado colombiano, a través de la percepción de expertos. Se realizaron 16 entrevistas, en dos rondas, a distintos funcionarios, académicos, fiscales y otros. La metodología incluyó un análisis de contenido de las entrevistas para identificar los incentivos y desincentivos de los individuos y las relaciones entre las categorías. La información dio origen a un diagrama descriptivo, yendo desde el individuo (joven reclutado) hasta la red. En la discusión se encontró que, a partir de la percepción de expertos, los individuos reclutados pueden ser entendidos como entes racionales que maximizan sus beneficios y minimizan sus riesgos, y que la unión entre ellos da origen a una red, que puede ser entendida desde la teoría de redes por la manera en la que se terceriza el delito. Como conclusión, se proponen algunas aproximaciones al problema y se hace un llamado a futuras investigaciones.

Abstract The objective is to go to the economic theory and the networks to understand the dynamics of a Colombian Armed Organized Group, through the perception of experts. Sixteen interviews were conducted, in two rounds, to different officials, academics, prosecutors and others. The methodology included an analysis of the content of the interviews to identify the incentives and disincentives of the individuals and the relationships between the categories. The information gave rise to a descriptive diagram, going from the individual (young recruited) to the network. In the discussion it was found that, from the perception of experts, the recruited individuals can be understood as rational entities that maximize their benefits and minimize their risks, and that the union between them gives rise to a network, which can be understood from the theory of networks by the way in which the crime is outsourced. In conclusion, some approaches to the problem are proposed and a call is made for future research.

Resumo O objetivo é recorrer à teoria econômica e às redes para perceber as dinâmicas de um Grupo Armado Organizado colombiano, através da percepção dos especialistas. 16 entrevistas, em duas rodadas, aos diferentes empregados civis, acadêmicos, fiscais e a outros foram feitas. A metodologia incluiu uma análise do conteúdo das entrevistas para identificar os incentives e os desincentivos dos indivíduos e as relações entre as categorias. A informação deu a origem a um diagrama descritivo, passando do indivíduo (jovem recrutado) à rede. Na discussão achou-se que, a partir da percepção dos especialistas, os indivíduos recrutados podem ser percebidos como seres racionais que maximizam seus benefícios e diminuem seus riscos, e que a união entre eles dá a origem a uma rede, que pudesse ser percebida da teoria das redes pela maneira da terceirização do crime. Como a conclusão, propõem-se algumas abordagens ao problema e uma chamada às investigações futuras é feita.

Socioeconomic Survey , Crime , Criminals , Drug Trafficking
Rev. crim ; 58(1): 47-65, ene.-abr. 2016. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-791356


El desarrollo del delito de minería ilícita tiene amplia incidencia en el incremento de los índices de violencia en municipios mineros de Colombia, como se deduce de la presente investigación, que se realizó con el objetivo de explicar el impacto de la minería ilícita en la convivencia y seguridad ciudadana en los citados municipios. Método. La investigación fue de tipo mixto, de alcance exploratorio descriptivo, constituida por una muestra de 129 funcionarios públicos y particulares, distribuidos en 42 municipios de diez departamentos. Los resultados se analizaron desde la teoría integradora del delito, y revelan altos niveles de deterioro de la convivencia y seguridad ciudadana en municipios con vocación minera, evidenciados por elevadas tasas de homicidio, lesiones personales y extorsión, situación que es aprovechada por los grupos armados organizados al margen de la Ley para perpetuar las espirales de violencia y subdesarrollo en las áreas donde delinquen.

The evolution of illicit mining offenses has wide influence on the increasing violence indices in mining municipalities in Colombia, as deducted from the present research carried out with the objective of explaining the impact of illegal mining on coexistence and citizen security in the cited municipalities. Method. Research was of a mixed type, with a descriptive exploratory scope, composed by a sample of 129 public and private officers distributed into 42 municipalities belonging to 10 departments. Results were analyzed from the integrating theory of crime, and they revealed high deterioration levels for coexistence and citizen security in municipalities with a mining vocation, as evidenced by high homicide rates, personal injuries and extortion, this situation being well exploited by illegal armed groups to perpetuate violence and underdevelopment spirals in the areas where they commit their offenses.

O desenvolvimento do crime da mineração ilícita tem ampla incidência no aumento dos índices da violência em municipalidades mineiras da Colômbia, como se deduz da pesquisa atual, que foi feita com o objetivo de explicar o impacto da mineração ilícita na convivência e na segurança cidadã nas municipalidades mencionadas. Método: A pesquisa foi de tipo misturado, de alcance exploratório descritivo, constituído por uma amostra de 129´funcionários públicos, distribuídos em 42 municipalidades de dez departamentos. Os resultados foram analisados da teoria integradora do crime, e revelam níveis altos da deterioração da convivência e da segurança cidadã nas municipalidades com vocação mineira, demonstrada pelas elevadas taxas do homicídio, os ferimentos pessoais e a extorsão, situação que é alavancada pelos grupos armados organizados à margem da lei para perpetuar as espirais da violência.

Social Sciences , Colombia , Crime , Criminal Law
Rev. crim ; 58(1): 131-157, ene.-abr. 2016. ilus, graf, mapas, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-791361


Este artículo hace parte de la serie de publicaciones de la línea de investigación titulada Factores psicosociales y demográficos influyentes en la microextorsión, cuyo objetivo fue identificar componentes psicosociales y demográficos en las víctimas y victimarios en las ciudades de Medellín, Cartagena y Bogotá, que pueden precipitar el ilícito. Se planteó una investigación exploratoria descriptiva con enfoque mixto, aplicando entrevistas semiestructuradas a víctimas, victimarios e investigadores judiciales, para generar un modelo de ciclos causales a través de la lógica del pensamiento sistémico. Los resultados indicaron que, en promedio, los victimarios suelen ser jóvenes entre 18 y 25 años, son vulnerables a la influencia de terceros, tienen niveles mínimos de escolaridad, están ubicados en sectores con condiciones sociales desfavorables, escasa ocupación laboral y remuneración exigua, en entornos familiares disfuncionales, para quienes la microextorsión es el primer delito que cometen. Las víctimas, en promedio, tienen un rango de edad entre los 42 y los 49 años, son laboralmente productivas, tienen familias funcionales y estables, a quienes los victimarios utilizan para direccionar la amenaza, están ubicadas en estrato socioeconómico medio-bajo, cuentan con niveles de educación intermedia y estilos de vida rutinarios, con valores y relaciones sociales apropiados. Finalmente, el componente económico es la variable que media en la iteración sistémica, y el mantenimiento de la microextorsión por largo tiempo conforme un juego entre el victimario y la víctima, en donde el primero identifica la amenaza como un mecanismo efectivo para constreñir a la víctima, lo cual constituye un ciclo que se refuerza por el pago periódico, que impulsa una nueva amenaza. Este juego se sostiene debido al bajo riesgo percibido por el victimario para su captura y la facilidad del ilícito en cuanto al esfuerzo requerido.

This article makes part of the series of publications belonging in the research line titled Influential psychosocial and demographic factors in micro-extortion, the objective of which was to identify in both victims and victimizers, in the cities of Medellin, Cartagena and Bogota, those psychosocial and demographic components likely to precipitate crime. A descriptive exploratory research with a mixed approach was outlined by applying semi-structured interviews to victims, offenders and judicial investigators in order to create a causal cycle model through the logic of systemic thinking. The results showed that, on average, perpetrators usually are young individuals between 18 and 25 years of age, with minimum schooling levels, vulnerable to the influence of third parties, located in sectors of unfavorable social conditions, poor labor opportunities and exiguous remunerations, and living within dysfunctional family environments for whom the so-called "micro-extortion" method is the first crime they dare to commit. On average, victims are within the age range between 42 and 49 years. In labor terms, they usually are productive individuals with functional and stable families that perpetrators generally choose as targets to address their threats; they belong to low-middle income socioeconomic strata, with intermediate levels of education, a routinary life style with upright values and proper social relationships. Finally, the economic component is the variable intervening in systemic iteration, and maintaining the micro-extortion process for a long period of time shapes some sort of game between the offender and the victim, where the former identifies threat as an efficient and effective mechanism designed to constrain the latter, in this manner giving rise to a cycle that can be reinforced by periodical payments serving to encourage new threats. Sustaining this game relies upon the low degree of danger or risk perceived by the perpetrator with respect to the likelihood of being caught, this added to the easiness of this kind of crime as far as efforts required are concerned.

Este artigo faz parte da série das publicações da linha da investigação intitulada Os fatores psicossociais e demográficos que influenciam a micro-extorsão, cujo objetivo era identificar componentes psicossociais e demográficos nas vítimas e vitimários nas cidades de Medellín, Cartagena e Bogotá, que pode precipitar a atividade ilícita. Uma investigação exploratória descritiva com um enfoque misturado é apresentada, aplicando entrevistas semiestruturadas às vítimas, vitimários e investigadores judiciais, para gerar um modelo de ciclos causais através da lógica do pensamento sistêmico. Os resultados indicaram que, na média, os vitimários são geralmente jovens entre 18 e 25 anos, são vulneráveis à influência de terceiros, têm níveis mínimos de escolaridade, ficam em setores com condições sociais desfavoráveis, escassa atividade laboral e remuneração exígua, em ambientes familiares disfuncionais, para quem a micro-extorsão é o primeiro crime que cometem. As vítimas, na média, têm uma faixa de idade entre os 42 e os 49 anos, são produtivas, têm famílias funcionais e estáveis, e os vitimários utilizam elas para a direcionar a ameaça. Ficam em um estrato socioeconômico média baixa, têm níveis de ensino médio e estilos rotineiros de vida, com valores e relações sociais apropriadas. Finalmente, o componente econômico é a variável que medeia na iteração sistêmica, e a manutenção da micro-extorsão por longo tempo conforma um jogo entre o vitimário e a vítima, onde o primeiro identifica a ameaça como um mecanismo eficaz para constranger a vítima, que constitui um ciclo que é reforçado pelo pagamento periódico, que impulsa uma ameaça nova. Este jogo sustém-se devido ao baixo risco percebido pelo vitimário para sua captação e a facilidade da atividade ilícita a respeito do esforço requerido.

Psychosocial Impact , Crime , Demography , Safety
Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 516-520, 2016.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-494186


Objective To study the efficacy and complications of total hip arthroplasty (THA) with rivet system for reconstruction of joint capsule and external rotator muscles.Methods Data of 170 patients managed with THA of femoral neck fracture between January 2009 and January 2012 were reviewed retrospectively.Hip fracture was the result of a fall and all were subcapital fractures.The fracture patterns were classified as Garden Ⅳ in 139 patients and Garden Ⅱ in 31 patients according to the degree of displacement.In all,85 patients (37 males and 48 females;age between 61 and 84 years,mean 73 years) underwent joint capsule as well as external rotator muscle reconstruction by rivet system (study group).The remaining 85 patients (36 males and 49 females;age between 64-87 years,mean 74 years) were served as control group.The MOS 36-item short form health survey (SF-36),dislocation rate and complications were evaluated at postoperative follow-up.Results Duration of follow-up was 36 to 60 months (mean,46 months).SF-36 questionnaire scale was (45.95 ±4.27)points in study group and (45.38 ± 4.67) points in control group before operation (P > 0.05),while (83.67 ± 3.93) points in study group and (82.16 ± 3.21) points in control group at postoperative follow-up (P < 0.05).Six patients in control group suffered from early prosthetic dislocation,but none in study control.Perioperative incidence of complications was comparable between the two groups (P >0.05).Conclusions Application of rivet system for reconstruction of joint capsule and external rotator muscles in THA of patients with femoral neck fracture can reduce incidence of prosthetic dislocation after operation.The operation is simple and will not increase the rate of perioperative complications.

Rev. crim ; 52(2): 33-54, jul.-dic. 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-707509


El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las implicaciones psicológicas generadas por eventos de súbita ocurrencia, como el secuestro o la extorsión, que generan, en la víctima y su círculo familiar más cercano, un desequilibrio y desorganización cognitiva, conductual, emocional, física, económica y social, que puede empeorar por las diferentes creencias y conductas irracionales aprendidas y retenidas. La muestra poblacional estuvo conformada por cinco hombres y cinco mujeres, residentes en la ciudad de Santiago de Cali (Colombia), que fueron víctimas de secuestro y extorsión. Se describen las creencias y las conductas presentes, tanto en las víctimas como en los familiares, y a partir de los postulados de la terapia racional emotiva de Albert Ellis, se analiza cómo estos comportamientos afectan aún más el proceso ambiguo y complejo que deben enfrentar. La recolección de información se logró mediante la entrevista en profundidad. Los resultados revelaron que las víctimas se sienten responsables, porque “no evitaron estos infortunados sucesos por sí mismas”; encuentran dificultades para afrontar responsabilidades y generan sentimientos de inseguridad, inferioridad y desconfianza, así como el desconocimiento de las propias capacidades. En cuanto a los familiares, sufren perturbaciones emocionales, sumadas a los sentimientos de inutilidad, agresividad, culpa o desinterés, estrés y enfermedades psicosomáticas, así como el aislamiento o la vergüenza.

This research is aimed at analyzing the psychological implications generated by the sudden occurrence of unexpected events, such as kidnap or extortion, by which victims and their closest family circle are fall into a situation of turmoil, unbalance, and cognitive, behavioral, emotional, physical, economical and social disorder likely to worsen according to different either learned or retained and often irrational beliefs and conducts. The population sample consisted of five men and five women, all of them residing in the city of Cali (Colombia), who had been victims of kidnapping and extortion. In this article, beliefs and conducts present in both the victims and their relatives are described and, based on the postulates of Albert Ellis’s rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT), an analysis is made of how these behaviors tend to affect in greater manner the ambiguous and complex process they must confront. Information collection was possible through in-depth interviews. The results revealed that victims feel in some way responsible for their fate, because, as they say. “they did not, by themselves, prevent those unfortunate events from happening”; they meet obstacles to confront their responsibilities, giving rise to feelings of insecurity, inferiority and mistrust, as well as ignorance of their own abilities and qualities. As for the family members, they suffer emotional distress and disturbances added to feelings of uselessness, aggressiveness, guilt or lack of interest, as well as stress, psychosomatic illnesses, and isolation or shame.

Crime , Therapeutics/psychology
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society ; : 1394-1398, 2007.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-189102


PURPOSE: To evaluate the correlation among hypertropia, inferior oblique overaction (IOOA), and extorsion. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with congenital unilateral superior oblique palsy were evaluated. Visual acuity tests, refraction tests, ocular movement tests, prism cover tests, and fundus photography were performed. The correlations of vertical deviation, IOOA, and extorsion were analyzed. The operation method involved weakening the inferior oblique muscle, and then a comparison was made between measurements 1 month preoperative and 1 month postoperative for vertical deviation, inferior oblique overaction, and extorsion. RESULTS: On average, preoperative hypertropia was 8.84+/-6.88 prism diopters (PD), IOOA was 2.20+/-0.69, and extorsion was 18.06+/-5.83 degrees. The Pearson's correlation of IOOA and extorsion, hypertropia and IOOA, and extorsion and hypertropia were r=0.620, r=0.327, and r=0.126, respectively. Postoperative hypertropia, IOOA, and extorsion were reduced to 1.42+/-3.11PD, 0.42+/-1.11, and 8.63+/-5.09, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Both extorsion and hypertropia showed significant positive correlations with IOOA, whereas hypertropia and extorsion revealed somewhat weaker positive correlations in congenital monocular superior oblique palsy. In addition, the amount of hypertropia was reduced, and extorsion and IOOA improved after recession of the inferior oblique muscle.

Humans , Paralysis , Photography , Strabismus , Visual Acuity
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society ; : 2285-2291, 2003.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-215441


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to provide useful clinical information for proper diagnosis of the superior oblique muscle palsy (SOP) associated with horizontal deviation. METHODS: The records of 186 patients with SOP treated surgically were reviewed. The patients who underwent surgery for horizontal deviation more than 10 PD were classified into SOP associated with horizontal deviation. RESULTS: Of 186 patients with SOP, 96 (51.6%) patients also showed horizontal deviation. In 59 patients (61.5%) of these 96 patients, chief complaint was horizontal deviation only and 24 patients (25.0%) knew their hyperdeviation. Compensatory head-tilt was shown in 52 patients (54.2%), however only 11 (11.5%) patients complained their head-tilt posture. Of 96 patients, 72 (82.3%) had horizontal deviation in the eye contralateral to the paretic eye and amblyopia occurred in the horizontally deviated eye. The frequency of exodeviation was 82.3 % and was more than that of esodeviation. The mean amount of hyperdeviation was 12.6 +/- 6.77 PD, and that of horizontal deviation was 22.9 +/- 8.13 PD in exodeviation and 22.5 +/- 9.17 PD in esodeviation, respectively ninety three patients (96.9%) showed positive Bielschowsky head-tilt test. All 83 patients who had fundus examination showed foveal extorsion. CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals that Bielschowsky head-tilt test and fundus examination for foveal extorsion are needed to diagnose SOP which is masked by prominent horizontal deviation.

Humans , Amblyopia , Diagnosis , Esotropia , Exotropia , Masks , Paralysis , Posture
Journal of the Korean Ophthalmological Society ; : 1044-1047, 2003.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-39742


PURPOSE: Because the ipsilateral superior rectus (SR) and superior oblique (SO) muscles are innervated by two different nerves, it is very rare for these two muscles to be paralyzed while all other extraocular muscles function normally. The authors experienced a case where the patient had a loss of intorsion (action of both SR and SO muscles) and also loss of SO muscle's infraduction and adduction, and SR muscle's supraduction and abduction. The authors studied how such loss of function affects extraocular movement. METHODS: A 63-year-old male patient who had his SR and SO muscles severed by a saw was admitted to the hospital after getting rid of the two exposed muscle which were attached to the eyeball due to failure of reconstruction of two muscle. The patient was followed up for 8 months, and at the end of the follow-up period, the angle of deviation was measured while double Maddox test and fundus examination were also performed. RESULTS: At primary position there was extorsion of 7 degrees as well as esodeviation of 6 PD and hypodeviation of 6 PD on the left eye, and we hereby report the case.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Esotropia , Follow-Up Studies , Muscles