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Rev. dent. press ortodon. ortopedi. facial ; 13(4): 77-85, jul.-ago. 2008. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-487767


INTRODUÇÃO: avaliar as proporções verticais faciais é um dos parâmetros mais importantes a ser utilizado pelo ortodontista no planejamento da terapia apropriada. Porém, não é raro que, quando se avaliam medidas isoladamente, tenha-se uma idéia errônea do que a face do paciente apresenta em termos de padrão vertical. OBJETIVOS: o presente trabalho realizou diferentes correlações entre a ângulo do plano mandibular (GoGn-SN), o índice de altura facial (IAF) e a sobremordida, avaliando a resposta dessas correlações quanto ao padrão citado na literatura, além de identificar possíveis fatores que, eventualmente, levassem essas medidas a um comportamento fora desse padrão. METODOLOGIA: o estudo foi realizado em radiografias cefalométricas de perfil entre dois grupos de indivíduos brasileiros - um portador de oclusão excelente e outro de má oclusão - atendidos no Curso de Especialização em Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal da Bahia. RESULTADOS: as medidas esqueléticas GoGn-SN e IAF apresentaram forte correlação entre si. A sobremordida, entretanto, não apresentou correlação com essas medidas no grupo com oclusão excelente e demonstrou fraca correlação naquele com má oclusão. Uma correlação coerente com o padrão citado na literatura foi encontrada em 35 por cento e 31 por cento dos indivíduos dos grupos com oclusão excelente e má oclusão, respectivamente. Os indivíduos restantes apresentaram variações na altura dentoalveolar dos incisivos, compensando as displasias verticais. No grupo com oclusão excelente, esse fator se somou às compensações na região de molares. CONCLUSÕES: os resultados encontrados indicam que a maior parte dos grupos apresentou um comportamento diferente do padrão citado na literatura, quando as três medidas foram correlacionadas simultaneamente.

INTRODUCTION: The evaluation of facial vertical proportions is one of the most important features considered by the orthodontist when choosing the appropriate therapy. Meanwhile, when vertical measurements are analyzed separately, one could have an unreliable idea of what the patient's face presents considering vertical development. AIM: The purpose of this research was to perform a correlative analysis between the vertical cephalometric measurements: mandibular plane angle (GoGn-SN), facial height index (FHI) and overbite; to evaluate if the simultaneous correlation of these measurements is in agreement with the results cited in the literature; and to identify the possible factors which could, eventually, lead to different results from those expected. METHODS: This study was performed through cephalometric x-rays obtained from randomly chosen individuals with excellent occlusion and malocclusion, selected from the Orthodontics Program of the Federal University of Bahia. RESULTS: The skeletal measurements GoGn-SN and FHI showed strong correlation. The overbite level did not showed correlation with these measurements in the excellent occlusion group, and showed weak correlation in the malocclusion group. Only 35 percent of the individuals with excellent occlusion showed an expected correlation between the three measurements, while this percentage was of 31 percent in the malocclusion group. The remaining individuals showed variations in the incisor dentoalveolar heights as a major factor in compensating the vertical dysplasia, and in the excellent occlusion group it was also found compensations in the molars area. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicates that the most part of the groups presented a correlation between the three vertical measurements different from the pattern related in the literature.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Dental Occlusion , Malocclusion , Facial Bones/anatomy & histology , Facial Bones/growth & development , Cephalometry , Maxillofacial Development , Orthodontics, Corrective
Korean Journal of Orthodontics ; : 401-413, 1996.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-655632


Facial vertical dyscrepancies is decided on the relationship between the anterior vertical facial height and posterior vertical facial height. Thus this study was conducted to determine the factors that affect the FHI, and classify the Class II div.1, malocclusion, which success is dependent on the vertical control according to the FHI, which is the ratio of antero-inferior facial height, posterio-inferior facial height ratio, and to use this as a guideline for treatment. Angle between palatal plane and Mandibular plane were in the order of RH, ID. Thus showing that interrelated angle was more inportant than the independent angle of both, palatal plane and Mandibular plane. The tendency of Cl II div.1. Malocclusion according to FHI, showed the Low group to have Mx. protrusion, prominent development of Mn. ramus, and the Mn. body length and ant. post. position was normal. The Normo group showed slight protrusion of the Maxilla,. The development of the ramus was less than normal and the Mn. was in a slight retruded position. The High group showed the Mx. in a normal position, the development of the Mn. ramus and body was the lowest, and the Mn. was in a posterior position. In observation of the factors affecting the FHI between each groups of Cl II div.l, malocclusion; In the Low group the MP- PP angle was very small, the ID was smililar to the normal group, but the RH was very large thus the FHI was increased. In the Normo group, the PP-MP angle was normal, ID was slightly smaller than the normal group and the RH was slightly smaller than the normal group, thus maintaining a normal FHI ratio. In the High group the PP-MP angle was very large, the ID was similar to the normal group, but the RH was smaller than the normal group thus the FHI was small.

Humans , Ants , Malocclusion , Maxilla