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CienciaUAT ; 18(2): 136-144, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569026


Resumen: El maíz contiene un gran número de compuestos antioxidantes, muchos de ellos unidos a componentes de la pared celular, por lo que requieren tratamientos para liberarlos, como el uso de enzimas o procesos de fermentación. La fermentación en medio sólido (FMS) con Rhizopus oryzae se ha aplicado para aumentar la capacidad antioxidante (CA) y el contenido fenólico en cereales y leguminosas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la FMS con R. oryzae sobre la CA y el contenido de fenoles totales (CFT) del maíz. La FMS se realizó en bolsas zip-lock (25 cm2) a 30 °C/72 h, con un inóculo de 1 x 106 esporas/g. Se tomaron muestras cada 12 h, el extracto se recuperó con etanol al 80 % y se utilizó para determinar el CFT y la CA (ensayo ABTS+, DPPH y FRAP). Los valores más altos se obtuvieron a las 60 h de cultivo, con un CFT de 1.92 mg/ gramos de materia seca (gms) y una CA de 1.47 mg de equivalentes Trolox por gramo de materia seca (mg ET/gms), 1.27 mg ET/gms y 5.8 mg Fe+2/gms para los ensayos de ABTS+, DPPH y FRAP, respectivamente. El uso de FMS permitió aumentar hasta 0.83 y 1.25 veces el CFT y la CA del maíz, con respecto al tiempo 0 h. El maíz fermentado con R. oryzae mostró potencial para ser empleado como materia prima para el desarrollo de alimentos funciona les, al incrementar su CA a través de un bioproceso.

Abstract: Maize contains a large number of antioxidant compounds. However, many of them are not in free form, as they are bound to components of the cell wall of maize kernels. For this reason, the use of treatments is required to release them, such as the use of enzymes or fermentation processes. Fermentation in solid medium (FMS) with Rhizopus oryzae has been applied to increase the antioxidant capacity (AC) and phenolic content in cereals and legumes. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of FMS with R. oryzae on AC and total phenolic content (TPC) of maize. Fermentation on solid medium was carried out in zip-lock bags (25 cm2) at 30 °C for 72 h, with an inoculum of 1 x 106 spores/g. Samples were taken every 12 h, the extract was recovered with 80% ethanol, and used to determine TPC and AC (ABTS+, DPPH and FRAP essay). The highest values were obtained at 60 h of culture, with a TPC of 1.92 mg/gram dry metter (gdm) and an AC of 1.47 mg TE/gmd, 1.27 mg TE/gdm and 5.8 mg Fe+2/gdm for the ABTS+, DPPH and FRAP assays, respectively. The use of FMS allowed to increase up to 0.83 and 1.25 times the CFT and CA of corn, with respect to time zero. Corn fermented with R. oryzae showed potential to be used as a raw material for the development of functional foods, by increase its AC through a bioprocess.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 31(1): 1-11, 2024-05-03. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1553606


Background: Mild Colombian coffees are recognized worldwide for their high-quality coffee cup. However, there have been some failures in post-harvest practices, such as coffee grain fermentation. These failures could occasionally lead to defects and inconsistencies in quality products and economic losses for coffee farmers. In Colombia, one of the fermentation methods most used by coffee growers is wet fermentation, conducted by submerging the de-pulped coffee beans for enough time in water tanks to remove the mucilage. Objectives: We evaluated the effect of the water (g)/de-pulped coffee (g) ratio (I: 0/25, II: 10/25, III: 20/25) and final fermentation time (24, 48, and 72 hours) on the total number of microbial groups. We also identified microorganisms of interest as starter cultures. Methods: We used a completely randomized experimental design with two factors; the effect of the water (g)/de-pulped coffee (g) ratio (I: 0/25, II: 10/25, III: 20/25) and final fermentation time (24, 48, and 72 hours), for 9 treatments with two replicates. During the coffee fermentation (1,950 g), the pH and °Brix were monitored. Total counts of different microbial groups (mesophiles, coliforms, lactic-acid bacteria, acetic-acid bacteria, and yeasts) were performed. Various isolates of microorganisms of interest as starter cultures (lactic-acid bacteria and yeasts) were identified using molecular sequencing techniques. Results: 21 lactic-acid bacteria (LAB) isolates and 22 yeasts were obtained from the different mini-batch fermentation systems. The most abundant lactic-acid bacteria species found were Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (46%) and Levilactobacillus brevis (31%). Pichia kluivery (39%) and Torulaspora delbrueckii (22%) were the most abundant yeast species. Conclusion The studied factors did not have effect over the microorganism's development. The identified bacterial and yeasts species have potential as starter cultures for better-quality coffees and in fermentation-related applications.

Antecedentes: Los cafés suaves lavados colombianos son reconocidos a nivel mundial por su buena puntuación sensorial; sin embargo, se han detectado fallas en las prácticas de postcosecha, como lo es la fermentación de los granos de café. Dichas fallas pueden causar defectos y carecer de consistencia en la calidad del producto, ocasionando pérdidas económicas para los caficultores. En Colombia, uno de los métodos más usados por los caficultores es la fermentación húmeda, la cual consiste en sumergir los granos de café despulpado en tanques con agua por un período de tiempo que permita la remoción del mucílago. Objetivos: La presente investigación evaluó la incidencia que tienen la proporción agua/granos despulpados de café (I: 0/25, II: 10/25, III: 20/25) y el tiempo final de fermentación (24, 48 y 72 horas) en el recuento final de grupos microbianos. Por otra parte, se identificaron taxonómicamente microorganismos de interés para su uso como cultivos iniciadores. Métodos: Mini-lotes consistieron en café despulpado (1950 g) puesto en recipientes de plástico abiertos y sumergidos en agua. Se aplicó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado de dos factores (proporción agua/ granos de café despulpado y tiempo) a tres niveles, para un total de nueve tratamientos con dos replicas. Durante las fermentaciones de café (1,950 g), el pH y los grados ºBrix, fueron monitoreados. Se realizaron los recuentos totales de los diferentes grupos microbianos: mesófilos, coliformes, bacterias ácido-lácticas, bacterias ácido-acéticas y levaduras. Se identificaron molecularmente diferentes aislados con potencial para ser usados como cultivos iniciadores (bacterias ácido-lácticas y levaduras). Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que no hubo diferencia estádisticamente significativa entre los tratamientos aplicados y el recuento final de microorganismos. Un total de 21 aislados de bacterias ácido-lácticas (BAL) y 22 levaduras lograron obtenerse a partir de los diferentes sistemas de fermentación en mini-lote. Las especies de bacterias ácido-lácticas con mayor porcentaje acorde a su identificación taxonómica, corresponden a Lactiplantibacillus plantarum (46%), Levilactobacillus brevis (31%). Las especies de levaduras con mayor porcentaje acorde a su identificación taxonómica corresponden a Pichia kluivery (39%) y Torulaspora delbrueckii (22%). Conclusión Los factores estudiados no afectaron el crecimiento de ninguno de los grupos microbianos presentes en la fermentacion del café. Las especies de microorganismos identificados tienen potencial para se usados como cultivos starter o en aplicaciones dentro de las ciencias de fermentación.

Humans , Fermentation , Yeasts , Microbiological Techniques , Coffea , Lactobacillales
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030524


Aims@#The aim of this study was to identify an isolate B, an exopolysaccharide (EPS)-producing lactic acid bacteria and determine the fermentation time effect on EPS production. @*Methodology and results@#Isolate B, an EPS producer, was isolated from peanut milk containing commercial sugar, which was fermented spontaneously for 24 h. Isolate B was identified biochemically using API 50 CH and molecularly based on 16S rDNA. The effect of fermentation time on EPS production by isolate B with variations of the fermentation time were 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 h. Isolate B was able to produce EPS qualitatively by producing mucoid colonies on solid media containing sucrose. The identification revealed that this isolate was Weissella confusa both biochemically using API 50 CH and molecularly based on 16S rDNA sequence homology-based method. The fermentation time significantly affected EPS production (P<0.05). Isolate B (W. confusa) produced the highest EPS (10.41 g/L) at 36 h with a cell viability of 6.5 × 108 CFU/mL. Furthermore, the FTIR results of EPS showed absorption bands characteristic of carbohydrates, including O-H, C-H, C=O, C-O-C and α-1,6 glycosidic groups. The EPS in this study was most likely a dextran type.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#The yield of EPS production was influenced by fermentation time. Results suggest that W. confusa isolated from peanut milk had a good ability for EPS production. Therefore, it can be considered further to apply this strain for the production of EPS. However, further research is required.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030530


Aims@#The microbiological qualities of fermented oil bean seeds depend on the indigenous microflora, personal and environmental hygiene of the handlers and the food environments. This study was aimed to evaluate the incidence of histamine-producing, multi-drug-resistant Enterococcus isolates from oil bean seeds during fermentation. @*Methodology and results@#Histamine extraction and analysis were performed on randomly sampled oil bean seeds. Histamine producing lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were isolated, from where Enterococcus species were further isolated. Strain-specific identification and antibiotic sensitivity tests were carried out on the identified Enterococcus isolates. Histamine was detected in fermented seeds. Enterococcus strains were identified among the histamine-producing fermenters. These include E. faecalis HA5, E. faecium VB976, E. faecium LMEM18, E. gallinarum M190262 and E. gilvus CR1. Enterococcus faecalis HA5, E. faecium VB976, E. faecium LMEM18, E. gallinarum M190262 and E. gallinarum were resistant to Ampiclox, Amoxicillin, Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin and Erythromycin. Enterococcus faecium VB976, E. faecium LMEM18 and E. gallinarum M190262 were resistant to Streptomycin and Gentamycin. Enterococcus faecalis HA5 was intermediately resistant to Streptomycin and Gentamycin but sensitive to Vancomycin, while E. gilvus was intermediately resistant to Ampiclox, Amoxicillin and Gentamycin but sensitive to Ceftriaxone, Vancomycin, Ciprofloxacin, Streptomycin and Erythromycin.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#The pathogenic and histamine-producing abilities of Enterococcus pose serious public health hazard. This is complicated by their resistance to a wide range of antibiotics. Therefore, improving the hygienic practices and regulating fermentation conditions is essential to curtailing histamine production and growth of fermenters with pathogenic potentials and ensuring the safety of the product.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039648


Fermentum Rubrum(FR) is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with dual-use functions of medicine and food, which has been used for more than 1 000 years. By referring to the ancient herbal classics and modern laws and regulations, the author sorted out the origin of FR, sorted out the development of processing, and analyzed the problems existing in the quality standard, aiming to provide a basis for further research and development of FR. There are many theories about the origin of FR. After summarizing and sorting out the relevant literature, three viewpoints are mainly drawn, including Han dynasty origin theory, Wei and Jin origin theory and Tang dynasty origin theory. After synthesizing the views of various schools, it is believed that the origin of FR should be no later than the Eastern Han dynasty. FR is made from rice by fermentation, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen, eliminating food, promoting blood circulation and removing stasis after fermentation. Although the natural fermentation in ancient times has been able to pay attention to the influence of temperature, humidity and strain on the quality of FR, due to the low level of science and technology, there are still problems such as complicated and cumbersome process, large workload and high labor cost. To the pure fermentation in modern times, the fermentation processing method of FR has been evolved, gradually improved and perfected. However, due to the lack of standardized research, there is no unified standard for the fermentation process of FR in various regions, and the quality standard lags behind seriously, which leads to the unstable product quality on the market. Among the 15 specifications for the preparation of FR, only 6 have been published in the past 5 years, and most of them have not been revised in a timely manner, and some of them have not been included in the updated version. Based on this, it is recommended to carry out a systematic study on processing technology of FR, and the best process is selected to accelerate the revision and improvement of its standardization, so as to improve the quality of FR sold in the market and promote its stable and sustainable development.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011459


ObjectiveTo discriminate the age of Arisaema Cum Bile, the combination of headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was applied to explore the differences of volatile components of unfermented, 1-year fermented, 2-year fermented, and 3-year fermented Arisaema Cum Bile. MethodSamples with different fermentation durations were collected and HS-SPME-GC-MS technology was employed to detect the volatile components of each sample. The relative contents of detected volatile components were processed and analyzed by chemometrics methods such as principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), and partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA). ResultThe results showed that 145 volatile components were identified. Among these volatile components, the relative contents of heterocyclic, alcohols, aldehydes and aromatics were high. PCA, HCA, and PLS-DA can effectively separate Arisaema Cum Bile with four different ages. Based on variable importance in projection (VIP) value > 1, 73 markers of differential volatile components were identified. The content of 2,6,11-trimethyldodecane and m-xylene in unfermented samples was the highest, and the content difference between them and those in fermented samples was significant (P<0.05). 2,3-butanediol was detected only in 1-year samples, octane was detected only in 2-year samples, and ethyl heptanoate was detected only in 3-year samples. These components can be used as odor markers for Arisaema Cum Bile with different fermentation years. ConclusionThe identification method of volatile components of Arisaema Cum Bile was established by HS-SPME-GC-MS technology, which can realize the rapid identification of unfermented, 1-year fermented, 2-year fermented, and 3-year fermented samples, and provide a scientific basis for the standardization of processing technology and quality standards of Arisaema Cum Bile.

Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 30(4)oct. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530342


El Pisco es el destilado del Perú, elaborado a partir de mostos recientemente fermentados con uvas criollas denominadas "pisqueras". Las levaduras son los microorganismos clave en la fermentación y el uso de cepas nativas seleccionadas presenta ventajas competitivas para la tipicidad del producto, así como también para la estandarización del producto y el control microbiológico del proceso. El objetivo fue identificar y seleccionar las cepas de levaduras nativas para la producción del Pisco de uva Quebranta aisladas de procesos productivos de Pisco en el valle de Ica. Para ello, se emplearon técnicas microbiológicas y moleculares mediante el análisis de ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 PCR-RFLP para la identidad taxonómica. La evaluación de las cepas para producir Pisco consistió en el análisis fisicoquímico y organoléptico del destilado obtenido con las cepas seleccionadas. Se evaluaron 3 aislados para la producción de Pisco identificados como Saccharomyces cerevisiae: UNA SC - 25, UNA SC - 49 y UNA SC - 54, de los cuales la cepa UNA SC-49 destacó por mostrar aptitudes enológicas diferentes a las otras cepas. Este trabajo constituye el primer registro de levaduras nativas del Perú para mostos procedentes de uva Quebranta.

El Pisco stands as Peru's distilled spirit, crafted from recently fermented musts derived from native grape varieties known as "pisqueras". Yeasts serve as decisive microorganisms in the fermentation process, and the utilization of selected native strains confers competitive advantages for product typicity, standardization, and microbiological control within the production process. The aim was to identify and select native yeast strains for Quebranta grape Pisco production, isolated from Pisco production processes in the Ica Valley. Microbiological and molecular techniques were employed, utilizing ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 PCR-RFLP analysis for taxonomic identification. The assessment of yeast strains for Pisco production involved the physicochemical and organoleptic analysis of the distilled product obtained using the selected strains. Three isolates were evaluated for Pisco production, identified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae: UNA SC - 25, UNA SC - 49, and UNA SC - 54. Among these, the UNA SC-49 strain stood out due to displaying oenological characteristics distinct from the other strains. This work is the first documentation of native yeasts in Peru for musts derived from Quebranta grapes.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217204


The Chechim nchabe is a traditional food widely consumed in Foumban, Foumbot, Koutaba, Massangam, Kouoptamo, Malentouen and Magba, 07 Departments of Noun (West region of Cameroon). It is obtained by fermenting cassava sticks cooked on the surface of river or spring water. Unfortunately, the bad hygienic quality of the environment during production promotes its contamination by pathogenic germs. The objective of this study is to carry out a second fermentation in order to reduce contamination of Chechim nchabe by pathogens germs during production. To achieve this objective, a survey on the socio-economic data, profile of the producers, production protocol and characteristics of product have been realized. After microbiological analysis of Chechim nchabe, a second fermentation was performed in the laboratory. From the results, it appears that all the producers are women, aged between 51 and 58 years and 87% of them not attending school. The water used for soaking the cassava revealed that 54% of women use river water and 46% spring water. The Chechim nchabe samples collected after traditional production in the 07 Departments of Noun, show average contamination of Enterobacteriaceae, moulds, staphylococci, Escherichia coli and lactic acid bacteria with respective concentrations of 4.7; 4.1; 4.4; 4.7 and 4.8 Log10ufc/mL. However, Chechim nchabe produced in urban areas such as Foumbot and Foumban recorded low contamination compared to that produced in rural areas like Massangam, which were heavily contaminated with Escherichia coli and Enterobacteriaceae. It was also noted that the Chechim nchabe produced in spring water is more contaminated than that produced in river water. The second fermentation for 10 hours of Chechim nchabe in a basin, after 12 hours of traditional fermentation, eliminated all of pathogenic germs from Chechim nchabe. This second fermentation of 10 hours could be a solution to guarantee the sanitary quality of Chechim nchabe before its consumption.

J. Health Sci. Inst ; 41(2): 85-88, apr-jun 2023. Tabelas
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531186


Objetivo ­ Realizar análises bromatológicas de umidade, proteínas, pH e cinzas em missôs artesanais. A fermentação é um processo biotecnológico que tem sido utilizado para modificar e produzir alimentos desde a antiguidade. Nas últimas duas décadas, o interesse nos efeitos benéficos dos fermentados na saúde humana aumentou e tornou essa categoria de alimentos cada vez mais popular principalmente no Oriente. No mercado há uma ampla variedade de pastas à base de soja fermentada por microorganismos sendo conhecido popularmente como missô. Métodos ­ As análises realizadas foram secagem direta em estufa a 105°C graus para determinação da umidade (%) e calcinação em mufla para cinzas (%), determinação de pH por meio do peagâmetro e análise de proteínas através do teste de Biureto. Resultados ­ No presente estudo as amostras obtiveram um teor de umidade entre 52,71% a 60,48%, teor de cinzas variando de 1,12% a 22,7%, pH entre 5,35 e 8,68, e um teor de proteínas variando de 11,1% a 13,2%. Discussão ­ Foi interpretado e comparado os resultados obtidos com as análises de outros estudos, além disso, apontado algumas questões do campo bromatológico das pesquisas dos estudos comparados e as limitações do presente trabalho. Conclusão ­ O processo fermentativo de alimentos com microorganismos resulta em um produto diferenciado que pode ser benéfico a saúde com diferentes características organolépticas. Nossos resultados foram parcialmente semelhantes com outras pesquisas sendo que

Humans , Glycine max , Fermentation , Food Analysis , Proteins
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-976119


@#ObjectiveTo screen a high alkaline xylanase-producing strain,subject to molecular identification and characterization of enzymatic property,and optimize its fermentation condition.MethodsThe farmland soil samples from Shanxi,Henan and Zhejiang Provinces were collected aseptically,from which the high xylanase-producing strains were screened by enrichment culture,isolation and identification of 16S r DNA,and determined for enzymatic properties.The carbon source(xylan,lactose,soluble starch,sucrose,bran and glucose),nitrogen source[ammonium oxalate,peptone,yeast powder,(NH_4)_2SO_4,NH_4Cl,Na NO_3,urea,beef extract,bean powder,KNO_3,(NH_4)_2HPO_4or random mixture of two of peptone,yeast powder,beef extract,(NH_4)_2HPO_4and bean powder],metal ion[CuCl_2,MgCl_2,ZnCl_2,Al_2(SO_4)_3,CoCl_2,MnCl_2,AgNO_3,NaCl,CaCl_2,FeCl_2,BaCl_2 and FeCl_3],pH value(3.0~10.0)in medium and the fermentation temperature(25,28,30,33,35,37 and 40℃)were optimized by single factor test,while the contents of components[xylan,(NH_4)_2HPO_4and bean powder]by response surface method.The high alkaline xylanase-producing strain was fermented by using the optimized medium under the optimized condition,and determined for xylanase activity,and the result was compared with that predicated in model.ResultsA high alkaline xylanase-producing strain named as SX6-18 was screened and identified as Paemibacillus based on 16s rDNA sequence analysis.The xylanase produced by the strain maintained more than 70%of relative activity at temperatures of 25~55℃and pH 6.0~10.0.Mg(2+)promoted while Fe(2+)promoted while Fe(3+),Mn(3+),Mn(2+)and Cu(2+)and Cu(2+)inhibited the activity of xylanase.The optimal carbon source,nitrogen source and metal ion of the medium were xylan,bean powder+(NH_4)_2HPO_4 and Fe(2+)inhibited the activity of xylanase.The optimal carbon source,nitrogen source and metal ion of the medium were xylan,bean powder+(NH_4)_2HPO_4 and Fe(3+),while the optimal p H value and temperature for fermentation were 8.0 and 30℃,respectively.However,the optimal component contents were 15.00 g/L xylan,3.03 g/L(NH_4)_2HPO_4and 3.28 g/L bean powder.The activity of xylanase cultured in optimized medium under opti-mized condition for fermentation reached 701.08 U/m L,which was closed to the expected value(693.96 U/m L).ConclusionA high alkaline xylanase-producing strain SX6-18 was successfully screened,which maintained relatively high enzyme activity in alkaline condition.This study laid a foundation of application of xylanase in papermaking and washing fields.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2375-2389, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981207


Adipic acid is a high-value-added dicarboxylic acid which is primarily used in the production of nylon-66 for manufacturing polyurethane foam and polyester resins. At present, the biosynthesis of adipic acid is hampered by its low production efficiency. By introducing the key enzymes of adipic acid reverse degradation pathway into a succinic acid overproducing strain Escherichia coli FMME N-2, an engineered E. coli JL00 capable of producing 0.34 g/L adipic acid was constructed. Subsequently, the expression level of the rate-limiting enzyme was optimized and the adipic acid titer in shake-flask fermentation increased to 0.87 g/L. Moreover, the supply of precursors was balanced by a combinatorial strategy consisting of deletion of sucD, over-expression of acs, and mutation of lpd, and the adipic acid titer of the resulting E. coli JL12 increased to 1.51 g/L. Finally, the fermentation process was optimized in a 5 L fermenter. After 72 h fed-batch fermentation, adipic acid titer reached 22.3 g/L with a yield of 0.25 g/g and a productivity of 0.31 g/(L·h). This work may serve as a technical reference for the biosynthesis of various dicarboxylic acids.

Escherichia coli/metabolism , Metabolic Engineering , Bioreactors , Fermentation , Adipates/metabolism
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 2410-2429, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981209


The current linear economy model relies on fossil energy and increases CO2 emissions, which contributes to global warming and environmental pollution. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop and deploy technologies for carbon capture and utilization to establish a circular economy. The use of acetogens for C1-gas (CO and CO2) conversion is a promising technology due to high metabolic flexibility, product selectivity, and diversity of the products including chemicals and fuels. This review focuses on the physiological and metabolic mechanisms, genetic and metabolic engineering modifications, fermentation process optimization, and carbon atom economy in the process of C1-gas conversion by acetogens, with the aim to facilitate the industrial scale-up and carbon negative production through acetogen gas fermentation.

Fermentation , Gases/metabolism , Carbon Dioxide/metabolism , Metabolic Engineering , Carbon/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981307


Patchoulol is an important sesquiterpenoid in the volatile oil of Pogostemon cablin, and is also considered to be the main contributing component to the pharmacological efficacy and fragrance of P. cablin oil, which has antibacterial, antitumor, antioxidant, and other biological activities. Currently, patchoulol and its essential oil blends are in high demand worldwide, but the traditional plant extraction method has many problems such as wasting land and polluting the environment. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a new method to produce patchoulol efficiently and at low cost. To broaden the production method of patchouli and achieve the heterologous production of patchoulol in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the patchoulol synthase(PS) gene from P. cablin was codon optimized and placed under the inducible strong promoter GAL1 to transfer into the yeast platform strain YTT-T5, thereby obtaining strain PS00 with the production of(4.0±0.3) mg·L~(-1) patchoulol. To improve the conversion rate, this study used protein fusion method to fuse SmFPS gene from Salvia miltiorrhiza with PS gene, leading to increase the yield of patchoulol to(100.9±7.4) mg·L~(-1) by 25-folds. By further optimizing the copy number of the fusion gene, the yield of patchoulol was increased by 90% to(191.1±32.7) mg·L~(-1). By optimizing the fermentation process, the strain was able to achieve a patchouli yield of 2.1 g·L~(-1) in a high-density fermentation system, which was the highest yield so far. This study provides an important basis for the green production of patchoulol.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Sesquiterpenes/metabolism , Pogostemon , Oils, Volatile/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981346


On the basis of establishing the prescription of Xinjianqu and clarifying the increase of the lipid-lowering active ingredients of Xinjianqu by fermentation, this paper further compared the differences in the lipid-lowering effects of Xinjianqu before and after fermentation, and studied the mechanism of Xinjianqu in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. Seventy SD rats were randomly divided into seven groups, including normal group, model group, positive drug simvastatin group(0.02 g·kg~(-1)), and low-dose and high-dose Xinjianqu groups before and after fermentation(1.6 g·kg~(-1) and 8 g·kg~(-1)), with ten rats in each group. Rats in each group were given high-fat diet continuously for six weeks to establish the model of hyperlipidemia(HLP). After successful modeling, the rats were given high-fat diet and gavaged by the corresponding drugs for six weeks, once a day, to compare the effects of Xinjianqu on the body mass, liver coefficient, and small intestine propulsion rate of rats with HLP before and after fermentation. The effects of Xinjianqu before and after fermentation on total cholesterol(TC), triacylglyceride(TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-C), alanine aminotransferase(ALT), aspartate aminotransferase(AST), blood urea nitrogen(BUN), creatinine(Cr), motilin(MTL), gastrin(GAS), and the Na~+-K~+-ATPase levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The effects of Xinjianqu on liver morphology of rats with HLP were investigated by hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining and oil red O fat staining. The effects of Xinjianqu on the protein expression of adenosine 5'-monophosphate(AMP)-activated protein kinase(AMPK), phosphorylated AMPK(p-AMPK), liver kinase B1(LKB1), and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarate monoacyl coenzyme A reductase(HMGCR) in liver tissues were investigated by immunohistochemistry. The effects of Xinjianqu on the regulation of intestinal flora structure of rats with HLP were studied based on 16S rDNA high-throughput sequencing technology. The results showed that compared with those in the normal group, rats in the model group had significantly higher body mass and liver coefficient(P<0.01), significantly lower small intestine propulsion rate(P<0.01), significantly higher serum levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, ALT, AST, BUN, Cr, and AQP2(P<0.01), and significantly lower serum levels of HDL-C, MTL, GAS, Na~+-K~+-ATP levels(P<0.01). The protein expression of AMPK, p-AMPK, and LKB1 in the livers of rats in the model group was significantly decreased(P<0.01), and that of HMGCR was significantly increased(P<0.01). In addition, the observed_otus, Shannon, and Chao1 indices were significantly decreased(P<0.05 or P<0.01) in rat fecal flora in the model group. Besides, in the model group, the relative abundance of Firmicutes was reduced, while that of Verrucomicrobia and Proteobacteria was increased, and the relative abundance of beneficial genera such as Ligilactobacillus and Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group was reduced. Compared with the model group, all Xinjianqu groups regulated the body mass, liver coefficient, and small intestine index of rats with HLP(P<0.05 or P<0.01), reduced the serum levels of TC, TG, LDL-C, ALT, AST, BUN, Cr, and AQP2, increased the serum levels of HDL-C, MTL, GAS, and Na~+-K~+-ATP, improved the liver morphology, and increased the protein expression gray value of AMPK, p-AMPK, and LKB1 in the liver of rats with HLP and decreased that of LKB1. Xinjianqu groups could regulate the intestinal flora structure of rats with HLP, increased observed_otus, Shannon, Chao1 indices, and increased the relative abundance of Firmicutes, Ligilactobacillus(genus), Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group(genus). Besides, the high-dose Xinjianqu-fermented group had significant effects on body mass, liver coefficient, small intestine propulsion rate, and serum index levels of rats with HLP(P<0.01), and the effects were better than those of Xinjianqu groups before fermentation. The above results show that Xinjianqu can improve the blood lipid level, liver and kidney function, and gastrointestinal motility of rats with HLP, and the improvement effect of Xinjianqu on hyperlipidemia is significantly enhanced by fermentation. The mechanism may be related to AMPK, p-AMPK, LKB1, and HMGCR protein in the LKB1-AMPK pathway and the regulation of intestinal flora structure.

Rats , Animals , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Cholesterol, LDL , Fermentation , Aquaporin 2/metabolism , Lipid Metabolism , Liver , Lipids , Hyperlipidemias/genetics , Adenosine Triphosphate/pharmacology , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981373


Fermented Chinese medicine has long been used. Amid the advance for preservation of experience, the connotation of fermented Chinese medicine has been enriched and improved. However, fermented Chinese medicine prescriptions generally contain a lot of medicinals. The fermentation process is complicated and the conventional fermentation conditions fail to be strictly controlled. In addition, the judgment of the fermentation end point is highly subjective. As a result, quality of fermented Chinese medicine is of great difference among regions and unstable. At the moment, the quality standards of fermented Chinese medicine are generally outdated and different among regions, with simple quality control methods and lacking objective safe fermentation-specific evaluation indictors. It is difficult to comprehensively evaluate and control the quality of fermented medicine. These problems have aroused concern in the industry and also affected the clinical application of fermented Chinese medicine. This article summarized and analyzed the application, quality standards, and the modernization of fermentation technology and quality control methods of fermented Chinese medicine and proposed suggestions for improving the quality standards of the medicine, with a view to improving the overall quality of it.

Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Reference Standards , Quality Control , Fermentation
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1070-1082, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970423


The aim of this study was to develop a technical system for high-efficient production of fucoxanthin by photo-fermentation of Phaeodactylum tricornutum. In a 5 L photo-fermentation tank, the effects of initial light intensity, nitrogen source and concentration as well as light quality on biomass concentration and fucoxanthin accumulation in P. tricornutum were investigated systematically under mixotrophic condition. The results showed that the biomass concentration, fucoxanthin content and productivity reached the highest level of 3.80 g/L, 13.44 mg/g and 4.70 mg/(L·d) under the optimal conditions of initial light intensity of 100 μmol/(m2·s), 0.02 mol TN/L of tryptone: urea (1:1, N mol/N mol) as mixed nitrogen source, and a mixed red/blue (R: B=6:1) light, 1.41, 1.33 and 2.05-fold higher than that before optimization, respectively. This study developed a key technology for enhancing the production of fucoxanthin by photo-fermentation of P. tricornutum, facilitating the development of marine natural products.

Fermentation , Xanthophylls , Light , Diatoms , Nitrogen
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1083-1095, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970424


Biorefinery of chemicals from straw is an effective approach to alleviate the environmental pollution caused by straw burning. In this paper, we prepared gellan gum immobilized Lactobacillus bulgaricus T15 gel beads (LA-GAGR-T15 gel beads), characterized their properties, and established a continuous cell recycle fermentation process for D-lactate (D-LA) production using the LA-GAGR-T15 gel beads. The fracture stress of LA-GAGR-T15 gel beads was (91.68±0.11) kPa, which was 125.12% higher than that of the calcium alginate immobilized T15 gel beads (calcium alginate-T15 gel beads). This indicated that the strength of LA-GAGR-T15 gel beads was stronger, and the strain was less likely to leak out. The average D-LA production was (72.90±2.79) g/L after fermentation for ten recycles (720 h) using LA-GAGR-T15 gel beads as the starting strain and glucose as the substrate, which was 33.85% higher than that of calcium alginate-T15 gel beads and 37.70% higher than that of free T15. Subsequently, glucose was replaced by enzymatically hydrolyzed corn straw and fermented for ten recycles (240 h) using LA-GAGR-T15 gel beads. The yield of D-LA reached (1.74±0.79) g/(L·h), which was much higher than that of using free bacteria. The wear rate of gel beads was less than 5% after ten recycles, which indicated that LA-GAGR is a good carrier for cell immobilization and can be widely used in industrial fermentation. This study provides basic data for the industrial production of D-LA using cell-recycled fermentation, and provides a new way for the biorefinery of D-LA from corn straw.

Fermentation , Lactobacillus delbrueckii , Zea mays , Lactic Acid , Alginates/chemistry , Glucose
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-973697


Objective To optimize the culture and fermentation conditions of the Penicillium aurantiocandidum Z12 strain, a fungal strain with molluscicidal actions against Oncomelania hupensis, so as to provide the basis for the research and development of molluscicidal active substances from the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain and its fermentation broth and large-scale fermentation. Methods The carbon source, nitrogen source and mineral salts were identified in the optimal culture medium for the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain with a single-factor experiment to determine the best fermentation condition for the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain. Factors that significantly affected the growth of the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain were identified using the Plackett-Burman design, and the best range of each factor was determined using the steepest climb test. Response surface analyses of temperature, pH value, seeding amount and liquid-filling quantity were performed using the Box-Behnken design to create a regression model for fermentation of the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain to identify the optimal culture medium. Results Single-factor experiment preliminarily identified the best culture medium and conditions for the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain as follows: sucrose as the carbon source at approximately 20 g/L, tryptone as the nitrogen source at approximately 5 g/L, K2HPO4 as the mineral salt at approximately 5 g/L, initial pH at approximately 8, temperature at approximately 28 °C, seeding amount at approximately 6%, and liquid-filling quantity at approximately 50 mL/100 mL. Plackett-Burman design showed that factors that significantly affected the growth of the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain included temperature (t = −5.28, P < 0.05), seeding amount (t = 5.22, P < 0.05), pH (t = −4.30, P < 0.05) and liquid-filling quantity (t = −4.39, P < 0.05). Steepest climb test showed the highest mycelial growth at pH of 7.5, seeding amount of 8%, and liquid-filling quantity of 40 mL/100 mL, and this condition was selected as the central point of response surface analysis for the subsequent optimization of fermentation conditions. Response surface analyses using the Box-Behnken design showed that the optimal conditions for fermentation of the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain included sucrose at 15 g/L, tryptone at 5 g/L, K2HPO4 at 5 g/L, temperature at 28.2 °C, pH at 7.5, seeding amount at 10%, and liquid-filling quantity at 35.8 mL/100.0 mL, resulting in 0.132 g yield of the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain. Conclusion The optimal culture condition for the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain has been identified, and the optimized culture medium and fermentation condition may effectively improve the fermentation yield of the P. aurantiocandidum Z12 strain.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030515


Aims@#Providing safe drinking water is an ongoing global concern. Coagulation is an essential process in water treatment. However, most of the coagulants are chemical in nature and have negative impacts on human health and the environment. This study investigated the production of myco-coagulant in solid-state fermentation using a fungal strain. @*Methodology and results@#A scale-up was performed using the tray method to investigate the influence of substrate thickness (from 2-30 mm) on myco-coagulant production. The results revealed that the turbidity removal efficiency of myco-coagulant in kaolin suspension was found to be increasing with the increase in thickness of the coco peat substrate. However, the myco-coagulant extracted from the media with a thickness of 30 mm was able to remove the highest turbidity by 96%. Three different subculturing methods for mycelium inoculation were evaluated. The surface inoculation approach produced better results than other inoculation processes. The effect of initial turbidity values (50-300 NTU) on turbidity removal was studied too. The myco-coagulant was found to be the most suitable for high-turbidity water (300 NTU) with turbidity removal of 52%. Subculturing of fungus from solid-state to solid-state was also studied, which showed that the strategy was just as effective as an inoculum-based subculture. @*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#Excellent bio-coagulation activity has been shown for the myco-coagulant that was isolated from the fungus strain. Subculturing using existing substrates will be more economical than subculturing using fresh inoculum. This strategy saves time, labour and cost of the coagulant production.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 3125-3142, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007949


C1 gases including CO, CO2 and CH4, are mainly derived from terrestrial biological activities, industrial waste gas and gasification syngas. Particularly, CO2 and CH4 are two of the most important greenhouse gases contributing to climate change. Bioconversion of C1 gases is not only a promising solution to addressing the problem of waste gases emission, but also a novel route to produce fuels or chemicals. In the past few years, C1-gas-utilizing microorganisms have drawn much attention and a variety of gene-editing technologies have been applied to improve their product yields or to expand product portfolios. This article reviewed the biological characteristics, aerobic or anaerobic metabolic pathways as well as the metabolic products of methanotrophs, autotrophic acetogens, and carboxydotrophic bacteria. In addition, gene-editing technologies (e.g. gene interruption technology using homologous recombination, group Ⅱ intron ClosTron technology, CRISPR/Cas gene editing and phage recombinase-mediated efficient integration of large DNA fragments) and their application in these C1-gas-utilizing microorganisms were also summarized.

Gene Editing , Gases , Carbon Dioxide , Genetic Engineering , Cloning, Molecular