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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535336


Introduction: The purpose of this article is to discuss in-office laryngeal procedures as an alternative to surgical intervention under general anesthesia. In-office procedures have become more common due to technological advancements. As a result, these approaches are less invasive and more patient-friendly, with increased pain tolerance and reduced procedure time and cost. Methods: We conducted a thematic analysis of published reports regarding the best known and performed in-office laryngeal interventions. Three questions guided our analysis: What laryngological procedures can be performed in the office setting? What are the advantages of in-office laryngology procedures compared to operating room surgical procedures? Why aren't more in-office procedures performed in some Latin American countries? Discussion: Despite being performed more frequently, there is still controversy whether in-office procedures should be performed as often due to the risk of complications. Furthermore, procedures that are done in the office setting are more popular in some countries than in others, even though their benefit has been well demonstrated. This article describes various in-office procedures, including biopsy, vocal fold injections, and laser surgery. We also discuss what factors might contribute to having office-procedures being performed more frequently in some countries than others. Conclusion: Awake interventions offer numerous benefits, including shorter procedure time, reduced costs, and lower patient morbidity. These advantages have significantly transformed the treatment of laryngeal diseases in modern laryngology practice in a global manner.

Introducción: El propósito de este artículo es discutir los procedimientos laríngeos en el consultorio como una alternativa a la intervención quirúrgica bajo anestesia general. Los procedimientos en consultorio se han vuelto más comunes debido a los avances tecnológicos. Como resultado, estos enfoques son menos invasivos y más amigables para el paciente, con mayor tolerancia al dolor y reducción del tiempo y costo del procedimiento. Métodos: Realizamos un análisis temático de los informes publicados sobre las intervenciones laríngeas más conocidas y realizadas. Tres preguntas guiaron nuestro análisis: ¿Qué procedimientos laringológicos se pueden realizar en el consultorio y cuales sin los más frecuentes?, ¿cuáles son las ventajas de los procedimientos laringológicos fuera del quirófano frente a los que se realizan bajo anestesia general?, ¿por qué no se realizan más procedimientos laringológicos en el consultorio en la mayoría de los países en Latinoamérica? Discusión: A pesar de que se realizan con mayor frecuencia, aún existe controversia sobre si los procedimientos en consultorio deben realizarse con tanta frecuencia debido al riesgo de complicaciones. Además, los procedimientos que se realizan en el consultorio son más populares en algunos países que en otros, aunque sus beneficios han sido bien demostrados. Este artículo describe varios procedimientos en el consultorio, incluida la biopsia, las inyecciones de cuerdas vocales y la cirugía con láser. También se discutieron los factores que podrían contribuir a que los procedimientos en el consultorio se realicen con más frecuencia en algunos países que en otros. Conclusión: Las intervenciones con pacientes despiertos ofrecen numerosos beneficios, incluido un tiempo de procedimiento más corto, costos reducidos y una menor morbilidad para el paciente. Estas ventajas han transformado significativamente el tratamiento de las enfermedades laríngeas en la práctica de la laringología moderna a nivel mundial.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021032


Objective To construct a canine model of vocal cord scar by low-termperature plasma ablation and screen the target genes closely related to the formation of vocal cord scar.Methods Four Chinese rural canines were treated with plasma ablation under the support of laryngoscope and endoscope,and the left vocal cords were injured to the muscle layer.The contralateral sides were left untreated.The gross morphology of vocal cord was observed before operation,immediately after operation,3 weeks after operation and 12 weeks after operation.The pathologi-cal structure of vocal cords was observed by HE stainning,and the ultrastructure of vocal cords was observed by transmission electron microscopy.In addition,high-throughput sequencing was used to analyze the differences in gene expression between the bilateral vocal cords,and the target genes with significantly different expression were screened out.Results In general morphology,the normal vocal cords were banded and well closed.At 3 weeks af-ter operation,the vocal cords were congested and swollen,with uneven edges and red granulation tissues were seen.At 12 weeks after operation,the vocal cord wound was localized contracture and depression,and scar was formed.HE staining showed obvious thickening of the squamous epithelium of the scarred vocal cords,thickening and disor-dered arrangement of the fiber layer,local clumping or bundle aggregation,and scattered fiber bundles were also seen in the muscle layer.Transmission electron microscopy showed interstitial thickening,uneven density,cell swelling,unclear intercellular boundary,proliferation of nuclei and mitochondria,and cells in an active state.High-throughput sequencing analysis revealed that many gene families were involved in the process of vocal cord scar re-pair,including IL family,CCL and CXCL family,MMPs family and its inhibitor TIMPs family,Wnt family,HSP family,MAPK family and TGF-β family.Conclusion We successfully constructed the canine model of vocal cord scar by low-temperature plasma ablation and screened out the target genes closely related to the formation of vocal cord scar by high-throughput sequencing,which provides certain reference value for exploring the mechanism of vo-cal cord scar.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021052


This article summarized the general situation,impact and evaluation of voice disorders in children.According to the five models of clinical research in the field of speech therapy and audiology,the research on behav-ioral intervention of voice disorders in children was organized as follows:Model 1 involved studies on treatment se-lection and efficacy prediction.Model 2 focused on efficacy exploration and clinical trial preparation.Model 3 encom-passed studies on clinical implementation and efficacy verification.Model 4 involved comparative studies that explore different treatment methods.Model 5 focused on the analysis of social cost.These models could be used as a refer-ence for scientific research and clinical professionals.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030024


Objective:To evaluate the clinical effect of autologous fat graft in the correction of varying degrees of nasolabial fold drop.Methods:From September 2018 to September 2021, 96 patients mean age of 41 years, with range from 36 to 50 years with nasolabial fold drop admitted in our hospital were treated with autologous fat graft, the improvement of nasolabial fold drop was evaluated by the change of severity (wrinkle severity rating scale, WSRS) to observe the clinical effect and complications of autologous fat graft.Results:Among 96 patients, 75 cases were accepted once treatment, the other 21 cases were accepted twice treatment. The patients were followed up for 12 months, 58 cases (60.4%) of patients had significant improvement, 30 cases (31.3%) of patients had moderate improvement, and 8 cases (8.3%) of patients had slight improvement. There were no complications except mild bruising in early postoperative period in some patients.Conclusions:Autologous fat graft in the correction of varying degrees of nasolabial fold drop is safe and effective, which could be popularized in clinical practice.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535325


Introduction: Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) manifests with a constellation of common throat symptoms and inconclusive signs on laryngoscopic exam. It is a diagnosis, often made clinically, that can lead to prescriptions of proton pump inhibitors that are unnecessary and potentially harmful. Glottic insufficiency (GI) and the accompanying hyperfunctional laryngeal behaviors can also present with similar, common throat complaints that may or may not include a qualitative change to the voice. Methods: This is a reflection article. It is written to summarize, explain, and support with evidence the opinion of the author on the topic of how symptoms of voice disorders can easily be mistaken for symptoms of LPR. The offered reflection is based on his experience, research and the available literature. Reflection: This article intends to explore the similarities between GI and LPR, how to ultimately differentiate them and how to approach treatment with a broader differential diagnosis. Conclusion: LPR and GI can present with identical, vague throat, and voice symptoms. Empiric medication trials, behavioral interventions and objective laryngovideostroboscopy, impedance-based reflux, and esophageal motility testing may all be needed, sometimes in a trial and error fashion, to correctly diagnose and treat a patient's symptoms.

Introducción: El reflujo laríngeo-faríngeo (LPR, por sus siglas en inglés) se manifiesta con una serie de síntomas comunes en la garganta y signos no concluyentes en el examen larinoscópico. Es un diagnóstico que a menudo se realiza clínicamente y que puede llevar a la prescripción de inhibidores de la bomba de protones que son innecesarios y potencialmente perjudiciales. La insuficiencia glótica (IG) y los comportamientos laríngeos hiperfuncionales que la acompañan también pueden presentar síntomas de garganta comunes similares, que pueden o no incluir un cambio cualitativo en la voz. Métodos: Este es un artículo de reflexión. Está escrito para resumir, explicar y respaldar con evidencia la opinión del autor sobre cómo los síntomas de los trastornos de la voz pueden confundirse fácilmente con los síntomas del LPR. La reflexión ofrecida se basa en su experiencia, investigación y la literatura disponible. Reflexión: Este artículo tiene la intención de explorar las similitudes entre la IG y el LPR, cómo diferenciarlos finalmente y cómo abordar el tratamiento con un diagnóstico diferencial más amplio. Conclusión: El LPR y la IG pueden presentar síntomas idénticos y vagos en la garganta y la voz. Puede ser necesario realizar ensayos de medicación empírica, intervenciones conductuales y pruebas objetivas de laringovideostroboscopia, reflujo basado en impedancia y motilidad esofágica, a veces de manera experimental, para diagnosticar y tratar correctamente los síntomas de un paciente.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 134-140, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515471


Introducción: La parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción es la segunda causa de estridor congénito y genera una grave obstrucción de la vía aérea, debutando con estridor. La traqueotomía ha sido durante mucho tiempo el gold estándar para el tratamiento de esta afección, no exenta de complicaciones. Existen procedimientos que intentan evitar la traqueotomía, como el split cricoideo anterior posterior endoscópico (SCAPE). Objetivo: Presentar experiencia con SCAPE en pacientes pediátricos como tratamiento alternativo de parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción. Material y Método: Análisis retrospectivo de los resultados quirúrgicos obtenidos en pacientes con parálisis cordal bilateral en aducción tratados con SCAPE entre enero de 2016 y diciembre de 2019 en el Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente de Concepción, Chile. Resultados: Siete pacientes se sometieron a SCAPE. Todos los pacientes presentaban insuficiencia respiratoria severa, cinco requirieron asistencia ventilatoria mecánica. Seis pacientes tenían el diagnóstico de parálisis cordal bilateral (PCB) congénita y uno PCB secundaria a tumor de tronco cerebral. Cuatro pacientes presentaron comorbilidad de la vía aérea: dos pacientes presentaron estenosis subglótica grado I y dos pacientes presentaron laringomalacia que requirió manejo quirúrgico. Los días promedio de intubación fueron once días. Ningún paciente requirió soporte ventilatorio postoperatorio, sólo un paciente recibió oxigenoterapia nocturna debido a hipoventilación secundaria a lesión de tronco. Ningún paciente ha presentado descompensación respiratoria grave. Un 40% ha recuperado movilidad cordal bilateral. Conclusión: Split cricoideo anteroposterior endoscópico es una alternativa eficaz para tratar el PCB en pacientes pediátricos. Nuestro estudio evidencia que es una alternativa a la traqueotomía, con excelentes resultados y menor morbimortalidad.

Introduction: Bilateral vocal fold paralysis in adduction is the second cause of congenital stridor and generates a serious obstruction of the airway. Tracheostomy has long been the gold standard for the treatment of this condition, but it has inherent complications. There are procedures that try to avoid tracheotomy, such as the endoscopic anterior posterior cricoid split (EAPCS). Aim: Present our experience with EAPCS in pediatric patients as a treatment for bilateral vocal fold paralysis in adduction. Material and Method: Retrospective analysis of the surgical results obtained in patients with bilateral vocal cord paralysis in adduction treated with EAPCS between January 2016 and December 2019 at Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital in Concepción, Chile. Results: Seven patients underwent EAPCS. All patients had severe respiratory failure, five required mechanical ventilation assistance. Six patients were diagnosed with congenital bilateral cord palsy (BCP) and one BCP secondary to a brainstem tumor. Four patients had airway comorbidity: two patients had grade I subglottic stenosis and two patients had laryngomalacia that required surgical management. The average days of intubation were eleven days. No patient required post op invasive/non-invasive ventilation, only one patient received nocturnal oxygen therapy due to hypoventilation secondary to trunk injury. None of the patients has presented severe respiratory decompensation. Forty percent have recovered bilateral chordal mobility. Conclusion: SCAPE is a cutting-edge and effective alternative to treat PCB in pediatric patients. Our study shows that it is an alternative to tracheotomy, with excellent results and lower morbidity and mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Vocal Cord Paralysis/surgery , Cricoid Cartilage/surgery , Laryngoscopy/methods , Stents , Vocal Cord Paralysis/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 89(2): 271-278, March-Apr. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1439720


Abstract Objective: Bilateral Vocal Fold Paralysis (BVFP) is a rare but significant resource of respiratory distress in neonates and infants. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and functional outcomes of Endoscopic Percutaneous Suture Lateralization (EPSL) for the treatment of BVFP in neonates and infants. Methods: A case series study of nine patients undergoing EPSL for BVFP between January 2019 and June 2021 was conducted. All patients were candidates for tracheostomy prior to EPSL. Demographic features including gender, age at diagnosis and surgery, main symptoms, airway comorbidities, airway support, and etiology were collected preoperatively. Patients were evaluated for breathing, swallowing and phonation postoperatively. Surgical success was defined as the ability to avoid tracheostomy. Functional Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) was conducted to identify aspiration. Voice evaluation was based on clinical observation. Results: Nine patients underwent ten EPSL procedures (one in the left vocal fold, and nine in the right vocal fold). Eight patients (8/9) were able to successfully avoid tracheostomy and feed orally without aspiration after the procedure. One patient experienced clinical improvement in respiratory support requirements and underwent laparoscopic nissen and gastrostomy tube placement. At the last follow-up, two patients regained normal voice, two patients had mild dysphonia, and five patients had moderate dysphonia. Five patients showed partial return of the contralateral vocal fold function. Conclusion: EPSL is an effective and safe treatment for neonatal and infantal BVFP, which enables patients free from tracheostomy without significant impact on swallowing function or phonation. Level of evidence: Level 4.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011075


Objective:To evaluate the impact of vocal fold nodules on the quality of life of children, and to compare the efficacy between conservative management(voice hygiene education, etc.) and laryngeal microsurgery. Methods:A retrospective study was performed on 102 children with vocal fold nodules, who received treatment in Children's Hospital of Fudan University during the period from January 2020 to December 2022. According to the regime, the patients were divided into conservative management group and surgical treatment group; Cases are divided into pre-school age group (2-5 years old) and school-age group (6-12 years old) based on age. The pediatric voice-related quality of life (pVRQOL) was used to evaluate the impact of vocal fold nodules on the quality of life of children and differences in efficacy between two treatment regimens. Results:The pVRQOL scores of vocal fold nodule grades 1, 2, and 3 were 91.58±8.17, 78.87±12.49, 72.50±12.08, respectively. There were statistical differences between grade 1 and grade 2, and between grade 2 and grade 3. There were statistical differences between grade 1 grade 2, grade 2 and grade 3 (P<0.001), suggesting that the higher the rating of vocal cord nodules, the lower the pVRQOL score of patients was. The pVRQOL score of the school-age group was 69.83±11.11, which is lower than that of the preschool group(87.59±8.63), and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.042). Vocal fold nodules had a significant impact on the pVRQOL score of school-age children. In the conservative management group, the pVRQOL scores before and after treatment were 83.99±12.66 and 87.26±9.58, respectively, and there was significant difference between the two groups(P=0.046). Indirect voice therapy such as voice hygiene education could improve children's pVRQOL scores and was more effective for school-age children(P<0.001). The microsurgical treatment had a more significant improvement in the pVRQOL score of children. Conclusion:The higher the rating of vocal fold nodules, the greater the impact on the quality of life of patients. Vocal fold nodules had a greater impact on the quality of life of school-age children than that of preschool children. Voice hygiene education could improve the quality of life of children, which was more evident in the school-age group. Compared with voice hygiene therapy, laryngeal microsurgery had a more significant effect on improving the pVRQOL score of patients. It is recommended to undergo laryngeal microsurgery for the treatment of vocal fold nodules for the requirement of improving the quality of life related to voice. During the 6-month follow-up period after surgery in this study, the short-term efficacy of laryngeal microsurgery in treating vocal cord nodules in children is clear, but the long-term efficacy needs further research.

Child , Humans , Child, Preschool , Vocal Cords/pathology , Quality of Life , Retrospective Studies , Voice Quality , Laryngeal Diseases/surgery , Polyps/pathology
CoDAS ; 35(6): e20220173, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520724


RESUMO Objetivo Comparar a frequência da variação da abertura das pregas vocais, analisada pela videoquimografia digital, com a frequência fundamental da voz, obtida através da análise acústica, em indivíduos sem alteração laríngea. Método Trata-se de um estudo observacional analítico transversal. Participaram 48 mulheres e 38 homens, de 18 a 55 anos. A avaliação foi composta por análise acústica da voz, obtida pela emissão habitual da vogal /a/ durante 3 segundos, e os dias da semana, e pela videoquimografia digital (DKG), obtida pela emissão habitual das vogais /i/ e /ɛ/. As medidas analisadas foram a frequência fundamental acústica (f0), extraída pelo programa Computerized Speech Lab (CSL), e a frequência dominante da variação de abertura da prega vocal direita (D-freq) e esquerda (E-freq), obtidas através do programa de processamento de imagens KIPS. A montagem dos quimogramas constou na demarcação manual da região, compostas por linhas verticais que delimitaram largura da prega vocal e linhas horizontais que marcaram os terços posterior, médio e anterior da rima glótica. Na análise estatística, o teste Anderson-Darling foi utilizado para verificar a normalidade da amostra. Os testes ANOVA e Tukey foram realizados para a comparação das medidas entre os grupos. Para a comparação da idade entre os grupos, foi utilizado o teste Mann-Whitney. Resultados Não existem diferenças entre os valores da medida de frequência analisada pela videoquimografia digital, com a frequência fundamental acústica, em indivíduos sem alteração laríngea. Conclusão Os valores da frequência dominante da variação de abertura das pregas vocais, avaliada pela videoquimografia digital, e a frequência fundamental acústica da voz são similares, permitindo uma comparação entre estas medidas na avaliação multidimensional da voz, em indivíduos sem alteração laríngea.

ABSTRACT Purpose To compare the frequency of vocal fold opening variation, analyzed by digital kymography, with the fundamental voice frequency obtained by acoustic analysis, in individuals without laryngeal alteration. Methods Observational analytical cross-sectional study. The participants were forty-eight women and 38 men from 18 to 55 years of age. The evaluation was made by voice acoustic analysis, by the habitual emission of the vowel /a/ for 3 seconds, and days of the week, and digital kymography (DKG), by the habitual emission of the vowels /i/ and /ɛ/. The measurements analyzed were acoustic fundamental frequency (f0), extracted by the Computerized Speech Lab (CSL) program, and dominant frequency of the variation of right (R-freq) and left (L-freq) vocal fold opening, obtained through the KIPS image processing program. The mounting of the kymograms consisted in the manual demarcation of the region by vertical lines delimiting width and horizontal lines separating the posterior, middle and anterior thirds of the Rima glottidis. In the statistical analysis, the Anderson-Darling test was used to verify the normality of the sample. The ANOVA and Tukey tests were performed for the comparison of measurements between the groups. For the comparison of age between the groups, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results There are no differences between the values of the frequency measurement analyzed by digital kymography, with the acoustic fundamental frequency, in individuals without laryngeal alteration. Conclusion The values of the dominant frequency of the vocal folds opening variation, as assessed by digital kymography, and the acoustic fundamental frequency of the voice are similar, allowing comparison between these measurements in the multidimensional evaluation of the voice, in individuals without laryngeal alteration.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513617


Introducción: La profundización de los surcos nasolabiales es uno de los signos más tempranos del envejecimiento natural del ser humano y puede ser atenuado con el empleo de materiales de relleno, entre ellos el injerto de grasa autóloga. Objetivo: Describir los resultados de la infiltración de grasa autóloga en el surco nasolabial para el rejuvenecimiento facial. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte longitudinal y prospectivo, para describir la infiltración de grasa autóloga en el surco nasolabial para el rejuvenecimiento facial en 40 pacientes. Los pacientes se siguieron durante seis meses de forma trimestral (un mes, tres meses y seis meses) y se evaluaron las variables: tiempo de recuperación, aparición de complicaciones, grado de satisfacción de los pacientes y resultados estéticos. Resultados: La edad media fue de 47 años, con predominio del sexo femenino. El 92 % de los pacientes se recuperó en menos de 10 días, con la aparición de seis complicaciones. La disminución del defecto posterior al procedimiento fue significativa respecto al momento inicial; sin embargo, con el tiempo (tres a seis meses) el defecto en el surco nasolabial reapareció en algunos pacientes. El grado de satisfacción de los pacientes vario entre un 95 % (un mes) a un 90 % a los seis meses y los resultados estéticos catalogados como buenos disminuyeron de un 90 % (un mes) a un 65 % (seis meses). Conclusiones: Se demostró que el injerto de grasa autóloga en el surco nasolabial es un procedimiento con resultados estéticos buenos, sin embargo, este disminuye en los meses posteriores, lo que puede estar relacionado con la reabsorción del injerto graso.

Introduction: The deepening of the nasolabial folds is one of the earliest signs of natural aging in humans and can be mitigated with the use of filler materials, including autologous fat grafting. Objective: To describe the results of autologous fat infiltration in the nasolabial fold for facial rejuvenation. Methods: An observational, descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study to describe the infiltration of autologous fat in the nasolabial fold for facial rejuvenation was carried out in 40 patients. The patients were followed up for 6 months: one month (1M), three months (3M) and six months (6M) and the evaluated variables were: recovery time, appearance of complications, degree of patient satisfaction and aesthetic results. Results: The average age was 47 years, with a female prevalence. 92% of patients recovered in less than 10 days, with the only appearance of six complications. The decrease in the defect after the procedure was significant compared to the initial moment; however, over time (3-6M) the defect in the nasolabial fold reappeared in some patients. The degree of patient satisfaction varied between 95% (1M) to 90% at 6M and the aesthetic results classified as good decreased from 90% (1M) to 65% (6M). Conclusions: It was shown that autologous fat grafting in the nasolabial fold is a procedure with good aesthetic results, however it decreases in subsequent months, which may be related to the reabsorption of the fat graft.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222988


Nail fold is one of the most accessible sites for studying changes in the microcirculation in various microangiopathies. The characterization of changes in microvasculature can provide useful clues towards the diagnosis and prognosis of a disease. The diagnostic utility of nail fold capillaroscopy has improved and expanded over the past couple of decades. Beyond connective tissue diseases, it is now explored for its role in various systemic and dermatological diseases. Incorporation of nail-fold capillaroscopy in the diagnostic criteria of systemic sclerosis has generated interest among dermatologists. The current review is aimed at providing knowledge about nail-fold capillaroscopy to dermatologists. For the purpose of review, a PubMed search was done using the keywords “nail fold capillaries” and “nail fold capillaroscopy”. All the articles were retrieved and classified into reviews and clinical studies of various types. The final data were then analyzed and presented in a narrative fashion.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2022 Mar; 70(3): 1074
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224226


Background: Falciform folds are congenital tractional retinal folds due to strong contractile forces and hyperextensibility of retina resulting in temporal dragging of the macula and often associated with familial exudative vitreoretinopathy and retinal detachment (RD). Retinologists are reluctant to treat these entities in view of their poor visual recovery. Purpose: To describe a novel surgical technique to unfold the falciform folds. Synopsis: This video demonstrates innovative surgical techniques to remove both pre?retinal and sub?retinal adhesions and unfold these folds, managing its consequences and visual recovery. We describe cases of congenital falciform folds with poor visual acuity, where we did vitrectomy, membrane adhesion removal, peeling of the internal limiting membrane (ILM) the macula, mechanical stretching of the folded retina by Tanno scraper or Finesse flex loop, then sub?retinal injection of balanced salt solution (BSS) by 38 gauge sub?retinal needle o create multiple blebs around the folded retina and finally sulphur hexafluoride tamponade. Post? operative macular hole with RD can be a complication. When this falciform fold is complicated by RD, there is risk of intraoperative subretinal migration of infusion cannula and therefore the need for peripheral relaxing retinectomy for redundant retinal fold as well as silicone oil as endotamponade. Vision improved in all our patients after the surgery. Highlights: Both long?standing pre? retinal adhesions as well as sub?retinal adhesions are responsible for he tformation of congenital falciform folds. For pre?retinal adhesions, vitrectomy with removal of all the adhesions along with peeling of the sticky ILM and then mechanical stretching of folded retina by Tanno scraper or Finesse flex loop are necessary. To remove sub?retinal adhesions, sub?retinal injection of BSS is necessary to stretch the folded retina from behind, but it should be done away from the retina to avoid formation of macular hole.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223579


The WHO emergency use-listed (EUL) COVID-19 vaccines were developed against early strains of SARS-CoV-2. With the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) - Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron, it is necessary to assess the neutralizing activity of these vaccines against the VOCs. PubMed and preprint platforms were searched for literature on neutralizing activity of serum from WHO EUL vaccine recipients, against the VOCs, using appropriate search terms till November 30, 2021. Our search yielded 91 studies meeting the inclusion criteria. The analysis revealed a drop of 0-8.9-fold against Alpha variant, 0.3-42.4-fold against Beta variant, 0-13.8-fold against Gamma variant and 1.35-20-fold against Delta variant in neutralization titres of serum from the WHO EUL COVID-19 vaccine recipients, as compared to early SARS-CoV-2 isolates. The wide range of variability was due to differences in the choice of virus strains selected for neutralization assays (pseudovirus or live virus), timing of serum sample collection after the final dose of vaccine (day 0 to 8 months) and sample size (ranging from 5 to 470 vaccinees). The reasons for this variation have been discussed and the possible way forward to have uniformity across neutralization assays in different laboratories have been described, which will generate reliable data. Though in vitro neutralization studies are a valuable tool to estimate the performance of vaccines against the backdrop of emerging variants, the results must be interpreted with caution and corroborated with field-effectiveness studies.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955405


Objective:To explore the effect of nasolabial fold flap in the treatment of nasal ala subtotal defect nasal afte ala tumor operation.Methods:The clinical data of 7 nasal ala subtotal defect patients underwent nasal ala basal cell carcinoma operation in the First People′s Hospital of Lianyungang City from February 2018 to September 2020 were retrospectively analyzed.Results:Seven patients with nasal ala subtotal defect were successfully repaired with nasolabial fold flap. The patients were followed up for 19 to 52 months, the flaps survived, the color was good, the contour was not bloated, the nasal ventilation was not affected, and good results were achieved.Conclusions:The nasolabial fold flap repair of the nasal ala subtotal defect after nasal ala tumor operation has the advantages of simple method, rich materials, no need for vascular anastomosis, no need for secondary surgery, accurate effect and so on, which is suitable for clinical promotion in clinical.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958739


Objective:To explore the importance of managing retro-orbicularis oculi fat (ROOF) in double-fold eyelid operation for patients with swollen upper-eyelid.Methods:From January 2018 to December 2020, 76 cases of swollen upper-eyelid were treated with double-fold eyelid operation by PARK method. In operation, an oval shape ROOF was removed from the outside-to the inside, and then appropriate lateral intraorbital fat was also removed. If fleshy orbicularis oculi muscle and anterior tarsus fat affected appearance of double-fold eyelid, both of them might be removed properly.Results:All patients were followed up from seven days to two years, two cases presented with shallowed double-fold eyelid, 5 cases of lacrimal gland prolapse had good lacrimal gland reduction and no recurrence; 4 cases of ptosis had normal corneal exposure and natural appearance after correction; the swollen upper-eyelid was obviously improved in 74 cases, and restoration stage was short, the apperaence and radian of doule-fold eyelid were beautiful, local scar was slight, satisfactory operative effect was achieved.Conclusions:In double-fold eyelid operation by PARK method for patients with swollen upper-eyelid, an ideal effect would be achieved, if transconjunctival route and fleshy orbicularis oculi muscle are appropriately removed in turn according to the reasons to give rise to swollen upper-eyelid.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 87(3): 274-282, May-Jun. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285692


Abstract Introduction Postoperative dysphonia is mostly caused by vocal fold scarring, and careful management of vocal fold surgery has been reported to reduce the risk of scar formation. However, depending on the vocal fold injury, treatment of postoperative dysphonia can be challenging. Objective The goal of the current study was to develop a novel prophylactic regenerative approach for the treatment of injured vocal folds after surgery, using biodegradable gelatin hydrogel microspheres as a drug delivery system for basic fibroblast growth factor. Methods Videoendoscopic laryngeal surgery was performed to create vocal fold injury in 14 rabbits. Immediately following this procedure, biodegradable gelatin hydrogel microspheres with basic fibroblast growth factor were injected in the vocal fold. Two weeks after injection, larynges were excised for evaluation of vocal fold histology and mucosal movement. Results The presence of poor vibratory function was confirmed in the injured vocal folds. Histology and digital image analysis demonstrated that the injured vocal folds injected with gelatin hydrogel microspheres with basic fibroblast growth factor showed less scar formation, compared to the injured vocal folds injected with gelatin hydrogel microspheres only, or those without any injection. Conclusion A prophylactic injection of basic fibroblast growth factor -containing biodegradable gelatin hydrogel microspheres demonstrates a regenerative potential for injured vocal folds in a rabbit model.

Resumo Introdução A disfonia pós-operatória é causada principalmente por cicatrizes nas pregas vocais. Tem sido relatado que o manejo cuidadoso da cirurgia das pregas vocais reduz o risco de formação de cicatriz. No entanto, a depender da lesão da prega vocal, o tratamento da disfonia pós-operatória pode ser desafiador. Objetivo Desenvolver uma nova abordagem regenerativa profilática para o tratamento de pregas vocais lesionadas após a cirurgia, com microesferas biodegradáveis de hidrogel de gelatina como sistema de administração de medicamentos para o Fator Básico de Crescimento de Fibroblastos (bFGF). Método A cirurgia laríngea videoendoscópica foi feita para criar lesão nas pregas vocais em 14 coelhos. Imediatamente após esse procedimento, microesferas biodegradáveis de hidrogel de gelatina com bFGF foram injetadas na prega vocal. Duas semanas após a injeção, as laringes foram excisadas para avaliação da histologia das pregas vocais e do movimento da mucosa. Resultados A presença de função vibratória deficiente foi confirmada nas pregas vocais lesionadas. A histologia e a análise de imagem digital demonstraram que as pregas vocais lesionadas injetadas com microesferas de hidrogel de gelatina com bFGF apresentaram menor formação de cicatriz, em comparação com as pregas vocais lesionadas injetadas apenas com microesferas de hidrogel de gelatina ou aquelas sem injeção. Conclusão Uma injeção profilática de microesferas biodegradáveis de hidrogel de gelatina com bFGF demonstra um potencial regenerativo para pregas vocais lesionadas em um modelo de coelho.

Animals , Vocal Cords/surgery , Gelatin , Rabbits , Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 , Hydrogels , Microspheres
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-934466


Objective:To investigate the clinical outcomes of personalized polyetheretherketone (PEEK) implant in the correction of nasolabial fold depression.Methods:A total of 30 patients with nasolabial fold depression (5 males, 25 females, aged 26 to 52 years, mean 36.3 years) admitted to the Affiliated Friendship Plastic Hospital of Nanjing Medical University who want to undergo nasolabial fold augmentation from January 2019 to January 2021. All patients underwent CBCT scan and three-dimensional simulation, the personalized PEEK implant was designed and produced with CAD/CAM technique, the personalized PEEK was implanted during the operation. The patients were followed up for 3-12 months, and the wrinkle score and satisfaction were compared before operation and 3 months and 6 months after operation.Results:The depressions of nasolabial fold were significantly improved in all patients, and there were no complications such as hematoma and infection after operation. During the follow-up, there was no implant displacement or exposure, and the effect was stable and lasting. The scores of wrinkles at 3 months after operation (2.30±0.47) and 6 months after operation (2.17±0.38) were significantly lower than those before operation (4.03±0.67), and the scores of satisfaction were significantly higher than those before operation ( P<0.05). The scores of satisfaction at 3 months after operation (3.97±0.56) and 6 months after operation (4.23±0.57) were significantly higher than those before operation (1.70±0.60). The difference was statistically significant ( P<0.05). Conclusions:3D printing personalized PEEK prosthesis is effective in correcting nasolabial fold depression, and it is safe and stable, so it is recommended for clinical application.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 44-47, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987566


The purpose of this paper was to introduce the McNemar΄s χ2 test and SAS and R software implementation of four-fold table data collected from the matched pairs design. Firstly, it was proposed that there were three situations for the data of four-fold table of the paired design, namely ①the data of paired design four-fold table with the special "gold standard" was worthy of statistical analysis; ②the data of four-fold table of the paired design without the special "gold standard" was not worthy of statistical analysis; ③the data of four-fold table collected from the matched pairs design with implicit "gold standard" was worthy of statistical analysis. Secondly, taking the "problems and data" in the first case as the object of statistical analysis, SAS and R software were used to analyze the differences, the calculation results were given and explained, and the statistical and professional conclusions were also made.

Sichuan Mental Health ; (6): 48-52, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-987567


The purpose of this article was to introduce the χ2 test for the data of four-fold tables collected from the cross-sectional design and the realization of SAS and R software. Specifically, three methods were introduced, namely " Pearson΄s χ2 test", "corrected Pearson΄s χ2 test" and "likelihood ratio χ2 test". The contents involved the test hypotheses, calculation principles and formulas, prerequisites, implementation of SAS and R software, interpretation of results and statement of conclusions of the aforementioned three statistical analysis methods.

Cambios rev. méd ; 19(2): 83-88, 2020-12-29. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179435


INTRODUCCIÓN. La parálisis facial refractaria produce ectropión paralítico secundario, que predispone a la queratopatía por exposición y otras complicaciones oculares, que deben ser manejadas con cirugía. OBJETIVO. Describir el manejo quirúrgico oftalmoló-gico en parálisis facial refractaria mediante tira tarsal y suspensión del pliegue nasolabial. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo. Población y muestra conocida de 8 Historias Clínicas, en el Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, período enero 2016 a diciembre 2018. Criterios de inclusión: registros de parálisis facial y ectropión paralítico. Los datos fueron tomados del sistema AS400, y se analizaron en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Versión 25.0. RESULTADOS. La etiología tumoral fue 62,5% (5; 8), A los 6 me-ses postquirúrgicos se observó resolución de: lagoftalmos, lagrimeo, ardor ocular y quera-titis en el 87,5% (7; 8); el ectropión se resolvió en todos los casos y se obtuvo una mejoría en la ptosis. La agudeza visual mejoró en el 75,0% (6; 8). DISCUSIÓN: La literatura evi-denció que las técnicas quirúrgicas si bien no abordan el aspecto oftalmológico y estético a la vez, aún es incierto su manejo de manera conjunta dado que ha sido poco descrita pero ha adquirido importancia por los resultados en la Unidad de Oftalmología del hospital.CONCLUSIÓN. La descripción del manejo quirúrgico oftalmológico en parálisis facial re-fractaria mediante la técnica de tira tarsal y suspensión del pliegue nasolabial fue asertiva como experiencia local.

INTRODUCTION. Refractory facial paralysis produces secondary paralytic ectropion, which predisposes to exposure keratopathy and other ocular complications, which must be managed with surgery. OBJECTIVE. Describe the ophthalmic surgical management of refractory facial paralysis using tarsal strip and suspension of the nasolabial fold. MATE-RIALS AND METHODS. Observational, retrospective study. Population and known sam-ple of 8 Clinical Histories, at the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialty Hospital, period from january 2016 to december 2018. Inclusion criteria: records of facial paralysis and paralytic ectropion. The data were taken from the AS400 system, and analyzed in the statistical pro-gram International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Version 25.0. RESULTS. The tumor aetiology was 62,5% (5; 8). At 6 months after surgery, resolu-tion of: lagophthalmos, lacrimation, ocular burning and keratitis was observed in 87,5% (7; 8); ectropion resolved in all cases and ptosis improved. Visual acuity improved in 75,0% (6; 8). DISCUSSION: The literature showed that the surgical techniques, although they do not address the ophthalmological and aesthetic aspects at the same time, their joint mana-gement is still uncertain since it has been little described but has acquired importance due to the results in the Ophthalmology Unit of the hospital. CONCLUSION. The description of ophthalmic surgical management in refractory facial paralysis using the tarsal strip techni-que and suspension of the nasolabial fold was assertive as a local experience.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Blepharoptosis , Ectropion , Facial Nerve , Facial Paralysis , Nasolabial Fold , Keratitis , Ophthalmology , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures , Visual Acuity