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Br J Med Med Res ; 2016; 16(6): 1-11
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-183324


This study compared the levels of calories and macronutrients ingested by patients with type 1 diabetes and their relatives. This is a cross-sectional study that evaluated dietary intake (24-hour Food Record), nutritional status (Body Mass Index), as well as socioeconomic status of patients and their families. Glycemic control was assessed by glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c). There were positive correlations between dietary intake of patients and family members/accompanying persons regarding carbohydrates, proteins and lipids consumption. Dietary intake of patients and their family members was similar, but inadequate and discordant in relation to current recommendations. Longer time since diagnosis and in service as well as higher number of capillary blood tests was related to better HbA1c levels. Kinship relationship to HbA1c requires further study focusing on parental influence on the treatment of adult patients with type 1 diabetes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457977


BacKground:Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) infection is an important etioIogicaI factor of gastric uIcer. AIthough eradicating Hp can heIp gastric uIcer heaIing,there is stiII a high recurrence rate of gastric uIcer. Therefore,other factors pIaying a roIe in the pathogenesis of gastric uIcer shouId be in concern. Aims:To investigate the non-reinfectious recurrence factors of gastric uIcer after Hp eradication. Methods:A totaI of 164 newIy diagnosed gastric uIcer patients with Hp infection from January 2011 to June 2012 at Ren Ji HospitaI,SchooI of Medicine,Shanghai Jiao Tong University were enroIIed. AII patients were given Hp eradication therapy and treatment of gastric uIcer. Patients with successfuI Hp eradication and heaIing of gastric uIcer were foIIowed up at 3,6,12 months after uIcer heaIing. Suspected risk factors of gastric uIcer recurrence were coIIected,and their reIationships with recurrence were anaIyzed. Results:A totaI of 123 patients positive for Hp infection compIeted the 12 months foIIow-up,gastric uIcer recurred in 18(14. 6%)of them. Chi-square test reveaIed that age,gender,smoking/drinking,non-steroidaI anti-infIammatory drugs( NSAIDs ),negative emotions and unheaIthy eating habits were significantIy associated with the recurrence of gastric uIcer(P<0. 05). Of the unheaIthy eating habits, irreguIar eating, and preference of indigestibIe food and fast food/carbonated drinks were significantIy associated with recurrence of gastric uIcer( P <0. 05 ). Conclusions:Patients with gastric uIcer shouId change their unheaIthy Iiving habits,foIIow rationaI use of drugs,and keep heaIthy mentaI status and eating habits for avoiding the recurrence of gastric uIcer.