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Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4789-4796, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970349


The rapid development of bioeconomy urgently needs the support of biotechnology talents. Establishing an innovative training mode of biotechnology talents can provide support for regional economic development and industrial upgrading. Closely revolved around the concepts of new engineering disciplines development, such as serving the national strategy, docking industry, leading the future development and student-centered, a new economy-oriented training system was developed in School of Bioengineering of Dalian University of Technology. These systems include interdisciplinary curriculum system reconstruction, project-based teaching mode reform, evaluation system implementation and other aspects. The reform and exploration of the first-class biotechnology major under the new economic situation, puts forward the theory of value guidance, deep foundation, strong sense of innovation, technical and non-technical core ability literacy. This reform meets the industry demand for talent diversification, personalization, and dynamic change, helps the merge of industry and education, which provides a way for fostering first-class biotechnology-majored undergraduates.

Humans , Biotechnology , Bioengineering , Biomedical Engineering , Students , Curriculum
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 25(3): 303-313, jul.-set. 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1339891


Objetiva-se analisar a relação entre escolaridade e inserção na Política de Formação Profissional (PFP) de jovens acolhidos institucionalmente. Pressupõe-se que a defasagem escolar constitui um dos principais motivos para não inclusão destes jovens na PFP, o que pode representar prejuízos para o desenvolvimento. Fundamenta-se nas categorias de atividades guias e de desenvolvimento da Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa e exploratória de campo, a partir da pesquisa documental e do Diário de Campo, com análise de conteúdo e descritiva. Dos 26 jovens caracterizados, 23 apresentavam distorção série-idade, o que representa um desafio à inserção na PFP e converge para a inserção em propostas formativas desvinculadas da aprendizagem profissional. Sugere-se a reconfiguração das políticas sociais para que atuem como ferramenta na resolução dos desafios que dificultam o desenvolvimento integral dos jovens.

The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between schooling and inclusion in the Vocational Training Policy (VTP) of young people who are institutionally fostered. It is assumed that the school discrepancy is one of the main reasons for not including these young people in the VTP, which can be detrimental to development. It is based on the categories of guides and development activities of Historical-Cultural Psychology. This is a qualitative and exploratory field research, based on documentary research and Field Diary, with content analysis and descriptive. Of the 26 young people characterized, 23 presented age-grade distortion, which represents a challenge to insertion in the VTP and converges to insertion in formative proposals disconnected from professional learning. It is suggested the reconfiguration of socials policies so that act as a tool to solve the challenges that hinder the integral development of young people.

Se objetiva analizar la relación entre escolaridad e inserción en la Política de Formación Profesional (PFP) de jóvenes acogidos institucionalmente. Se presuponen que el desfase escolar constituye una de las principales razones para la no inclusión de estos jóvenes en la PFP, lo que puede representar perjuicios para el desarrollo. Está fundamentado en las categorías de actividades direccionadas y de desarrollo de la Psicología Histórico-Cultural. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa y exploratoria de campo, desde la investigación documental y del Diario de Campo, con análisis de contenido y análisis descriptiva. De los 26 jóvenes caracterizados, 23 presentaron distorsión serie/edad, lo que representa un desafío para la inserción en la PFP y converge para la inserción en propuestas formativas desvinculadas del aprendizaje profesional. Se sugiere la reconfiguración de las políticas sociales para que actúen como herramientas en la resolución de los desafíos que dificultan el desarrollo integral de los jóvenes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Education, Professional , User Embracement , Institutionalization , Public Policy , Brazil , Qualitative Research , Educational Status
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-169670


PURPOSE: This study investigated the effects of father's occupational stress and rearing attitude on rearing participation. METHODS: The participants of this study were 201 fathers who are raising children in J region. The data were collected by self-report using questionnaires from August to September, 2015. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficient, Scheffe test, and stepwise multiple linear regression with the SPSS/WIN 21.0 program. RESULTS: The total mean scores of occupational stress on the subjects were 40.98(±8.36), rearing attitude were 68.54(±7.18), rearing participation were 73.16(±11.34). The study showed that occupational stress is negatively correlated with rearing participation and rearing attitude positively correlated with rearing participation. Working style and rearing attitude were identified of rearing participation. CONCLUSION: A father's rearing participation level was influenced by father's attitude of caring children above all. In addition, fathers' working styles were also a main factor. Therefore, it is necessary for fathers to learn rearing attitudes in a way that can develop a nursing intervention program to increase their rearing participation level.

Child , Humans , Child Rearing , Fathers , Foster Home Care , Linear Models , Nursing
Trab. educ. saúde ; 13(supl.1): 23-43, 2015.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-753207


Resumo Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que analisou a vivência de profissionais na atividade de acolhimento em unidades básicas de saúde. O pressuposto foi o de que a lógica neoliberal está cada vez mais presente em diversos âmbitos sociais, incluindo os serviços públicos de saúde, influenciando as relações de trabalho e sua organização e, consequentemente, podendo dificultar a prática do acolhimento tal qual preconizado pelo Ministério da Saúde. Foram realizadas cinco entrevistas reflexivas com profissionais que praticam o acolhimento em unidades básicas de saúde, submetidas à análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam que a contratação formal, a exigência de flexibilidade e a falta de recursos são aspectos indicativos da precarização das condições de trabalho. Somadas à prevalência da concepção de atendimento médico-centrada e à medicalização excessiva, prejudicam a prática do acolhimento de acordo com o Ministério da Saúde. As entrevistadas demonstraram ter consciência dessas contradições presentes no cotidiano de trabalho, mas mostraram-se impotentes para mudar a situação. Tais aspectos configuram a situação de precariedade subjetiva a que esses profissionais estão submetidos e geram desgaste mental que pode resultar em sofrimento e adoecimento.

Abstract This article presents the results of a survey that examined the experiences of professionals working in providing foster care at basic health units. The assumption was that the neoliberal logic is increasingly present in various social fields, including public health services, influencing their labor relations and organization and, thus, possibly hindering the practice of fostering the Ministry of Health recommends. Five reflexive interviews were carried out among professionals working with fostering at basic health units. The interviews were submitted to content analysis. The results indicate that formal employment, the need for flexibility, and the lack of resources are indicative aspects of precarious working conditions. Coupled with the prevalence of the doctor-centered care concept and over-medicalization, this undermines the fostering practice the Ministry of Health recommends. The interviewees showed they are aware of these contradictions in their daily work, but are powerless to change the situation. These aspects make up the subjective precariousness that these professionals are submitted to and generate mental strain that can result in suffering and illness.

Resumen Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que analizó la vivencia de profesionales en la actividad de acogida en unidades básicas de salud. El supuesto fue el de que la lógica neoliberal está cada vez más presente en diversos ámbitos sociales, incluyendo los servicios públicos de salud, influyendo en las relaciones de trabajo y su organización y, en consecuencia, pudiendo dificultar la práctica de la acogida tal cual lo recomienda el Ministerio de la Salud. Se realizaron cinco entrevistas reflexivas con profesionales que llevan a cabo la acogida en unidades básicas de salud, sometidas al análisis de contenido. Los resultados indican que la contratación formal, la exigencia de flexibilidad y la falta de recursos son aspectos indicativos de la precariedad de las condiciones de trabajo. Aunadas a la prevalencia de la concepción centrada en la atención médica y a la excesiva medicalización, perjudican la práctica de la acogida, de acuerdo con el Ministerio de la Salud. Las entrevistadas mostraron tener conciencia de esas contradicciones presentes en el trabajo cotidiano, pero se mostraron impotentes para cambiar la situación. Tales aspectos configuran la situación de precariedad subjetiva a que están sometidos estos profesionales y generan un desgaste mental que puede resultar en sufrimiento y padecimiento.

Humans , Stress, Psychological , Unified Health System , Occupational Health , Humanization of Assistance , User Embracement
Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 38(2)abr.-jun. 2014. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729060


A adolescência, considerada um período de transição para a maturidade e o elo entre a infância e a idade adulta, é composta por intensas transformações corporais e psicológicas. Em função dessas mudanças, o adolescente defronta-se com uma fase bastante conturbada e repleta de dúvidas em relação ao corpo e à sexualidade. Neste estudo, objetivou-se analisar, entre os adolescentes, o conhecimento do próprio corpo e dos eventos fisiológicos característicos da adolescência. Participaram do estudo 499 alunos do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio das escolas da rede pública de ensino de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Os dados foram processados pelo programa EpiInfo® versão 2000 e analisados por meio de frequência absoluta e relativa. Foram realizadas análises bivariadas, com o cruzamento segundo o sexo, considerando resultados estatisticamente significativos com p<0,05. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam o pouco conhecimento dos adolescentes sobre questões relacionadas à anatomia e fisiologia da reprodução. A implantação de debates sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva nas escolas, voltados para alunos, pais e professores, sobre as intensas mudanças vivenciadas na adolescência, constitui-se iniciativa imprescindível.

Adolescence, considered a transition period towards maturity and the nexus between childhood and adulthood, comprises intense corporeal and psychological transformations. Due to such representative changes, the adolescent faces a period of disturbances, full of doubts about the human body and the sexuality. This study aims at analyzing, among adolescents, the knowledge they own of their body and the physiological events that characterize adolescence. The study included 499 first-year students of the public schools at Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil. Data were processed in the EpiInfo®software, version 2000, and analyzed by absolute and relative frequencies. Bivariate analyses were accomplished, crossing data by gender, considering the results statistically significant if p<0.05. The findings show that the adolescents have little knowledge about issues related to the anatomy and physiology of reproduction. Thus, an indispensable initiative should be the creation of discussion groups at school on sexual and reproductive health, directing students, parents and teachers.

La adolescencia, considerada como un período de transición para la madurez y eslabón entre la infancia y la edad adulta, se caracteriza por intensas transformaciones corporales y psicológicas. En razón de esos cambios tan representativos el individuo adolescente enfrenta una fase bastante conturbada y repleta de dudas en relación al cuerpo y la sexualidad. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar entre los adolescentes, el conocimiento del cuerpo y de los eventos fisiológicos característicos de la adolescencia. En el estudio participaron 499 estudiantes de primer año de la escuela de las escuelas públicas la enseñanza de Cuiabá, Mato Grosso. Los datos se procesaron por el programa EpiInfo® versión 2000 y se analizaron teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia absoluta y relativa. Se realizaron análisis "bivariadas", con el cruzamiento según el sexo, considerando resultados estadísticamente significativos cuando p<0,05. Los resultados encontrados ponen en evidencia el escaso conocimiento de los adolescentes sobre los temas relacionados con la anatomía y fisiología de la reproducción. Por lo tanto, la realización de debates sobre salud sexual y reproductiva en las escuelas, dirigido a los alumnos, padres y profesores, sobre los intensos cambios vivenciados en la adolescencia, constituye una iniciativa imprescindible.

Humans , Adolescent , Adolescent , Adolescent Behavior , Sexuality , Adolescent Health , Health Promotion
Psicol. teor. prát ; 16(1): 181-190, abr. 2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-717679


A compreensão leitora é essencial para uma formação acadêmica de qualidade. O estudo objetivou avaliar o efeito de um programa dirigido a promover o desenvolvimento de estratégias cognitivas e metacognitivas de leitura em 11 alunos do curso de Psicologia, bolsistas do Programa de Educação Tutorial, os quais foram pré e pós-avaliados por meio da escala de estratégias metacognitivas de leitura – formato universitário. O programa envolveu 12 encontros semanais, num total de 24 horas, tendo como base a conjugação de três pilares de estratégias metacognitivas – AIM, K-W-L e K-W-L PLUS. Encontraram-se médias superiores na pós-avaliação, com resultados significativos para os três fatores que compõem a escala (global, suporte e solução de problemas), assim como para o escore geral. Os dados sugerem aprimoramento da utilização de estratégias cognitivas e metacognitivas de leitura após a intervenção, realçando a importância de estudos dessa natureza com universitários.

Reading comprehension is essential for quality academic education. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a program aimed at promoting the development of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies in 11 students of the Psychology course, with scholarships on the Tutorial Education Program. These students were pre- and post-assessed by the metacognitive reading strategies scale (university format). The program involved 12 weekly meetings, totaling 24 hours based on a combination of three pillars of metacognitive strategies – AIM, K-W-L and K-W-L PLUS. Higher averages were found in the post-evaluation, with significant results for the three factors that make up the scale (global, support and problem solving), as well as for the overall score. The data suggests better use of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies after the intervention, highlighting the importance of such studies with university students.

La comprensión lectora es esencial para una formación académica de calidad. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto de un programa direccionado a promoción del desarrollo de estrategias cognitivas e meta-cognitivas de lectura en 11 estudiantes del curso de Psicología, becados del programa de Educación Tutorial, ellos que fueran pre y pos-evaluados por la escala de estrategias meta-cognitivas de lectura – formato universitario. El programa incluyó 12 sesiones por semanas, por un total de 24 horas basado en la conjugación de 3 columnas de estrategias meta-cognitivas – AIM, K-W-L e K-W-L PLUS. Fueron encontradas medias superiores en la post-evaluación, con resultados significativos para los tres factores que componen la escala (general, el apoyo y solución de problemas) así como para el escore general. Los datos sugieren mejora de la utilización de estrategias cognitivas e meta-cognitivas de lectura después a intervención, destacando la importancia del estudio de tal naturaleza con universitarios.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 66(2): 510-518, Jan.-Apr. 2014. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-709292


The aim of the study was to evaluate the behaviour, pre-weaning survival rate and growth performance of low birth weight (BW) piglets cross-fostered with piglets of higher weights. Piglets were transferred to 60 foster sows, and divided in three groups (G; n=20): G1- 12 low BW piglets (0.80 - 1.25kg); G2- six low BW piglets and six intermediate BW piglets (1.40 - 1.60kg), and G3- six low BW piglets and six high BW piglets (>1.70kg). For the analysis, groups G2 and G3 were subdivided in LG2 (six G2 light piglets); IG2 (six G2 intermediate piglets), LG3 (six G3 light piglets), and HG3 (six G3 heavy piglets). Behavioural observations were carried out on days 1, 2, 4 and 6 (visual direct observation) and on days 3 and 5 (video recording) after birth. The percentage of missed nursings was higher in LG3 piglets than in LG1, IG2 and HG3 piglets, on days 1 and 2. On day 4, light piglets (LG1, LG2 and LG3) missed more nursings than IG2 and HG3 piglets. On day 3, video recording showed a higher percentage of missed nursings in LG1, LG2, and LG3 piglets as compared to HG3 piglets. On day 1, the number of fights during nursing was higher in IG2 than in LG1 and LG3 piglets. Also on day 1, number of fights and percentage of piglets engaged in fights, during 15min after nursing, were higher in LG1, LG3 and HG3 than in LG2 piglets. More playful behaviours were observed on day 2 in IG2 and HG3 piglets compared to LG1, LG2 and LG3 piglets. Light piglets (LG1, LG2, and LG3) presented similar body weight on days 4, 8, 12 and 16 after birth, regardless of being mixed with piglets of higher weights or not; however, the survival rate until day 16 was most compromised in LG3 piglets compared to the other groups. Despite the lack of influence of littermates' weight on the growth of low BW piglets, their survival rate indicates that they should not be mixed with high BW piglets...

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar o comportamento, a taxa de sobrevivência pré-desmame e o desempenho de crescimento de leitões leves ao nascer uniformizados com leitões de maior peso ao nascer (PN). Os leitões foram transferidos para 60 fêmeas e divididos em três grupos (G; n=20): G1 - 12 leitões de baixo PN (0,80-1,25kg); G2 - seis leitões de baixo PN e seis com PN intermediário (1,40-1,60kg); e G3 - seis leitões de baixo PN e seis leitões pesados (>1,70kg). Para a análise, os grupos G2 e G3 foram subdivididos em LG2 (seis G2 leitões leves); IG2 (seis G2 leitões de peso intermediário); LG3 (seis G3 leitões leves) e HG3 (seis G3 leitões pesados). Observações de comportamento foram realizadas nos dias 1, 2, 4 e 6 (observações visuais diretas) e nos dias 3 e 5 (gravações) após o nascimento. A porcentagem de mamadas perdidas foi maior no grupo LG3 quando comparado aos grupos LG1, IG2 e HG3, nos dias 1 e 2. No dia 4, leitões leves (LG1, LG2 e LG3) perderam maior número de mamadas do que os grupos IG2 e HG3. No dia 3, a gravação mostrou maior porcentagem de perda de mamadas nos grupos LG1, LG2 e LG3 do que no grupo HG3. No dia 1, o número de brigas durante a mamada foi maior nos grupos IG2 do que nos grupos LG1 e LG3. Também no dia 1, o número de brigas e porcentagem de leitões envolvidos em brigas, durante 15 minutos após a mamada, foi maior nos grupos LG1, LG3 e HG3 do que no grupo LG2. Brincadeiras foram mais observadas no dia 2 nos grupos IG2 e HG3 quando comparado aos grupos LG1, LG2 e LG3. Leitões leves (LG1, LG2 e LG3) apresentaram peso semelhante nos dias 4, 8, 12 e 16 após o nascimento, independentemente de serem misturados ou não com leitões pesados. No entanto, a taxa de sobrevivência até o dia 16 foi mais comprometida nos leitões do grupo LG3 do que nos outros grupos. Apesar da falta de influência do peso das leitegadas no crescimento de leitões de baixo PN, a taxa de sobrevivência indicou que estes não devem ser misturados com leitões de maior PN...

Animals , Age Distribution , Litter Size , Survival Rate , Swine/growth & development , Weight by Age , Animal Population Groups , Body Weight
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624095


As an emerging discipline,the development of medicine verification with sanitary verification direction promotes the convergence of China's public health cause and the international’ s powerfully. Associated with our experience in teaching practice,we grope after the best way to foster students’innovative capability and promote this discipline’s development in the aspects of course content,curriculum system,experimental tuition,practical capability etc.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624458


The education,as well as the fostering environment,of the basic medical college postgraduates has its strong "local features".Our college exerts the subject advantages,empha-sizes on the feature-fostering mode,and implements level-management(That is: college—teaching office—scientific research office).Management is centered on the daily fostering of the depart-ment,teaching office and scientific research office.With the target management as the guidance,we strengthen process management of different stages including the study of basic knowledge,topic-selection,topic opening,experiment research and thesis-writing while attaching importance to the behavioral management,consciousness of teamwork,spirit of commitment and devotion,foster and improve the comprehensive quality of communication ability,pursuit of truth etc.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623853


Its'a principal task for the medical universities to foster advanced medical staff for the rural areas.Therefore,its’ a must for all the medical professionals to consider how to foster different kinds of qualified medical staff catering to the various needs from the rural areas.This article is to illustrate how to achieve this goal from the following aspects,such as forming new concept in fostering qualified medical talents,innovating the mode to foster the talents and establishing the base for fostering the medical talents.It will promote the level of the medical staff in the rural areas by means of the establishment of the clinical education base and the radiant influence from the base.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624803


Fostering students'scientific research ability not only needs the advanced theory,but also needs suitable indicating means. This paper systematicaly analyzed the thinking and behavior pattern of students before,after and during the whole course of research,and mainly summarized about teachers'important role in the fostering students'scientific research ability.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-521534


The paper first discusses the background and necessity of fostering the ability of MHA students with academic background in medicine. Then it sets forth the basic abilities that holders of MHA degrees should possess, including those in doing research, delivering lectures and speeches, establishing social contacts, solving problems, conducting effective thinking and analysis, mapping out strategic planning, doing pioneering work, making summaries and extracting experience, and exercising personal clout. The paper also mentions a number of ways of fostering and enhancing the ability of MHA students as well as some relevant theoretical studies and basic courses they should undertake .

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-212830


Family discord and social maladjustment is frequently noticed within the family of schizophrenics. Several decades ago this family dysfunction itself had been considered as a cause of schizophrenia. According to the concept of the "schizophrenogenic mother", schizophrenia results from an inadequate mother-child relationship. Although this concept is not the case today, the parental fostering attitudes to schizophrenic patients and their family environment have been thought to be one of the important factors in recurrence and prognosis of schizophrenia. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perceived parental fostering altitudes in schizophrenic patients. The author selected 52 schizophrenic patients diagnosed with the criteria of DSM-III -L 52 patient's siblings and 69 controls which consisted of randomly selected college students and laymen. The subjects were asked to fill out "The Parental fostering Attitude Scale" consisted of 43 items with a S-point rating score. In the parental fostering attitude scale, 8 subscales of affection, hostility, control, anxious emotion, consistent limitation, active participation, rational guidance and achievement were evaluated. The results were as follows. first of all, The perceived maternal attitudes was not significantly different between schizophrenic patients and the control poop except the achievement subscale. No significant differences of perceived paternal attitudes were found between the patient group and the control group. In short, the hypothesis of fromm-Leichmann that mothers of schizophrenic patient are aloof rejecting, overprotective and overtly hostile, is not consistent with our results. Secondly, perceived parental attitudes did not show any significant differences among groups by the educational level of the subjects. Thirdly, fathers in all groups were perceived as less affective, more hostile, not overprotective and controlling, not limiting consistently and guiding rationally on children's behavior, and less supportive on achievement than mothers. The paternal fostering attitudes were more problematic and further elaboration is needed.

Humans , Altitude , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Fathers , Foster Home Care , Hostility , Mother-Child Relations , Mothers , Parents , Prognosis , Recurrence , Schizophrenia , Siblings
Microbiology ; (12)1992.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-537562


"Microbiological Examination" is an important core course for medical examination technology major with a strong attribute of practicality and operability. A method of "Cooperation between school and hospital" is employed in the teaching of the course. It is based on the standards for medical professional education required by the hospitals, coupled with our teaching program. In the course of teaching, emphasis is laid on the philosophy of work-learn combination, using methods such as the analysis of individual cases to broaden students’ thinking and develop a sound scientific attitude. By way of "training-on-job learn-ing-interning", we can cultivate students’ ability of working with their own hands, as well as that for analyz-ing and solving problems. In this way, our school will be able to provide "talents with medical examination skill that can be put to practical use" for clinical application.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-584743


Objective To study congenital transmission of Trichinella spiralis in mice and observe the protection of anti-Trichinella antibodies from the infected dams to challenge infection. Methods According to the gestation (fertilization), the Kunming mice were divided into two groups: the infected group after gestation and the gestated group after infection. New-born mice were cut into small pieces to separate the larvae within 1 day after birth. One-day-old offspring born to normal dams were nursed by the infected dams, slaughtered after 21 days and examined for the larvae. Serum anti-Trichinella antibody level in offspring born to the infected dams was assayed by ELISA at different time after birth, and its immune protection against challenge infection was studied. Results Out of 6 offspring born to the dams infected at 7 days after fertilization, two were found to be infected. Among other female mice which were first infected with T. spiralis and then gestated, only the offspring born to the dams fertilized at 8 and 22 days after infection were found to be infected, the infection rate of offspring was 20% (2/10) and 25%(2/8) respectively. All larvae recovered from the young were non-encapsulated. The cross-fostering experiment showed that none of 30 offspring born to normal dams were found to be infected. The serum antibody positive rate in 27 offspring born to the infected dams at 1, 7, 24, and 40 days after birth was 100%, 100%, 77.8% and 14.8%, respectively. The worm reduction rate in the offspring 40 days after birth was 62.0% after challenge infection. The worm reduction rate in mice in which sera from the offspring born to the infected dams were passively transferred was 55.7%, there was a significant difference (P