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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222803


Introduction: Vaccines have emerged as a ray of hope in our battle against Covid-19. That as the backdrop, this research was aimed at studying how the framing of messages impacts attitudes of Indians towards Covid- 19 vaccines. The hypothesis was that the perceived norms about taking the vaccine will influence participants’ reported intentions to take the Covid vaccine. That is, exposure to a message indicating how willing or unwilling other Indians are to get vaccinated for the Covid-19 disease, will bring about a change in the beliefs and behavioural intention of the participants which will be in line with the message. Methodology: A between-subjects design was used. Participants (N=125. M=56, F=69) were randomly assigned to either of the two levels - positive or negative. Participants were pro-vaccines in general and between 18 to 30 years. A seven-point Likert scale was used to measure participants' willingness to take the vaccine, once it is commercially available. Results: Data was found to be not normally distributed. Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test was used. The Median score was 6 and 5 for level 1 and level 2, respectively. The obtained difference between the two groups was insignificant. Descriptive data was found to be in line with the hypothesis. Conclusion: Statistical significance was not found in the impact of framing on the participants in this study. In qualitative responses, groups expressed concerns over vaccines. Respondents from the negative framing group, agreeing to take the vaccine, could have been due to the social desirability bias

Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 533-547, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929102


People as third-party observers, without direct self-interest, may punish norm violators to maintain social norms. However, third-party judgment and the follow-up punishment might be susceptible to the way we frame (i.e., verbally describe) a norm violation. We conducted a behavioral and a neuroimaging experiment to investigate the above phenomenon, which we call the "third-party framing effect". In these experiments, participants observed an anonymous perpetrator deciding whether to keep her/his economic benefit while exposing a victim to a risk of physical pain (described as "harming others" in one condition and "not helping others" in the other condition), then they had a chance to punish that perpetrator at their own cost. Our results showed that the participants were more willing to execute third-party punishment under the harm frame compared to the help frame, manifesting a framing effect. Self-reported anger toward perpetrators mediated the relationship between empathy toward victims and the framing effect. Meanwhile, activation of the insula mediated the relationship between mid-cingulate cortex activation and the framing effect; the functional connectivity between these regions significantly predicted the size of the framing effect. These findings shed light on the psychological and neural mechanisms of the third-party framing effect.

Female , Humans , Empathy , Gyrus Cinguli , Neuroimaging , Pain , Punishment/psychology
Acta colomb. psicol ; 22(2): 70-98, July-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019277


Abstract Resources are distributed unequally depending on the social status (SS) of people. Researchers have often used experiments to explain the role of SS in economic decisions. However, the diverse ways of inducing SS has produced contradictory results. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of SS on the distribution of monetary resources in students aged 18 to 25 years from Córdoba (Argentina). Three experiments using mixed factorial designs were conducted. Different ways of inducing SS and the effect on decisions in different games were examined. In Experiment 1, the effect of two SS induction techniques on the decisions of the Ultimatum Game (UG) and Dictator Game (DG) was compared. In Experiment 2, the effect of SS on the same games, including Social Value Orientation (SVO) and Subjective Social Status (SSS) as covariates was analyzed. In Experiment 3, the role of SS, SVO and SSS in the DG and the Dictator Game Taking (DGT) was examined. In the three experiments, it was not found that SS had any effect on the decisions of the games. However, more rejection and negative valence was observed (Exp. 1: p < .001, n 2 p =.72; Exp. 2: p < .001, n 2 p = .65) for unfair offers than for fair ones (Exp. 2: p < .001). Also, pro-social individuals made fairer offers in the DG (Exp. 2: p < .05) and participants offered more money in the DGT than in the DG (Exp. 3: p = .01). Those findings showed that the effect of SS on behavioral responses is not robust, which highlights the need to obtain new experimental evidence to investigate its role in those decisions.

Resumo Os recursos são normalmente distribuídos de maneira desigual em função do status social (SS) das pessoas, razão pela qual diversos pesquisadores utilizam experimentos para explicar o papel do SS nas decisões econômicas. No entanto, as diversas formas de induzir o SS geraram resultados contraditórios. No presente trabalho, investigou-se o efeito do SS na distribuição dos recursos monetários em estudantes de 18 a 25 anos da cidade de Córdoba, na Argentina, por meio de três experimentos com desenhos experimentais mistos. Especificamente, foram avaliadas diferentes técnicas para manipular o SS e seu efeito nas decisões econômicas: no Experimento 1 comparou-se o efeito de duas técnicas de manipulação do SS nas decisões do Jogo do Ultimato (JU) e do Ditador (JD); no Experimento 2 analisou-se o efeito do SS nos mesmos jogos, incluindo a orientação de valores sociais (SVO) e o status social subjetivo (SES) como covariáveis e, no Experimento 3, indagou-se o papel do SS, da SVO e do SES no JD e no Ditador de Tomar (do inglês, Dictator Taking Game). Nos três experimentos observou-se que o SS não teve efeito nas decisões dos jogos. Não obstante, evidenciou-se maior rejeição (Exp. 1: p < .001, n 2 p = .72; Exp. 2: p < .001, n 2 p = .65) e valência negativa para as ofertas injustas do que para as justas (Exp. 2: p < .001). Além disso, descobriu-se que quanto maior a pró-socialidade, maior a quantidade ofertada no JD (Exp. 2: p < .05) e que no JDT se oferece mais dinheiro do que no JD (Exp. 3: p = .01). Os resultados observados evidenciam que o efeito do SS nas respostas comportamentais não é robusto, por isso se destaca a importância de continuar investigando seu papel em tais decisões.

Resumen Los recursos son usualmente distribuidos de manera inequitativa en función del estatus social (ES) de las personas, razón por la cual diversos investigadores utilizan experimentos para explicar el rol del ES en las decisiones económicas; sin embargo, las diversas formas de inducir el ES han generado resultados contradictorios. En el presente trabajo se investigó el efecto del ES en la distribución de los recursos monetarios en estudiantes de 18 a 25 años de la ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina, por medio de tres experimentos con diseños experimentales mixtos. Específicamente, se evaluaron distintas técnicas para manipular el ES y su efecto en las decisiones económicas: en el Experimento 1 se comparó el efecto de dos técnicas de manipulación del ES en las decisiones del Juego del Ultimátum (JU) y del Dictador (JD); en el Experimento 2 se analizó el efecto del ES en los mismos juegos, incluyendo la orientación de valores sociales (SVO) y el estatus social subjetivo (SES) como covariables; y en el Experimento 3 se indagó el rol del ES, de la SVO y del ESS en el JD y en el Dictador de Tomar (JDT). En los tres experimentos se observó que el ES no tuvo efecto en las decisiones de los juegos. No obstante, se evidenció mayor rechazo (Exp. 1: p < .001, n 2 p = .72; Exp. 2: p < .001, n 2 p = .65) y valencia negativa para las ofertas injustas que para las justas (Exp. 2: p < .001). Además, se encontró que a mayor prosocialidad, mayor cantidad ofertada en el JD (Exp. 2: p < .05), y que en el JDT se ofrece más dinero que en el JD (Exp. 3: p = .01). Los resultados observados evidencian que el efecto del ES en las respuestas comportamentales no es robusto, por lo que se destaca la importancia de continuar investigando su rol en dichas decisiones.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Constitution and Bylaws , Games, Recreational , Hierarchy, Social
Psico (Porto Alegre) ; 48(2): 99-108, 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-968331


Efeito de configuração refere-se ao impacto que a forma de apresentar um tópico tem sobre a opinião. Esta pesquisa investigou o efeito de configuração no endosso ao reconhecimento legal das uniões de pessoas do mesmo sexo em uma população universitária brasileira composta por pessoas com diferentes níveis de preconceito. Foram usados três diferentes configurações: homoafetivo, homossexual e pessoas do mesmo sexo. Oito mil e oitenta e dois estudantes universitários do sul do Brasil responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico, escala de preconceito contra diversidade sexual e de gênero e randomicamente deram sua opinião sobre o tópico em questão. Não foram encontradas diferenças no nível de endosso às configurações. No entanto, grupos historicamente associados a menor apoio à diversidade sexual e de gênero e pessoas com atitudes mais negativas em relação à diversidade sexual e de gênero endossaram menos essas uniões. Portanto, a maneira como a questão é enquadrada não influencia o endosso à reivindicação da união de pessoas do mesmo sexo.

Framing effect refers to the impact that the presentation of a topic has on the opinions of individuals. The objective of this research was to evaluate the presence of the framing effect on the endorsement to legal recognition of same-sex unions in a Brazilian university population. It took into account three different frames: homosexual; homoaffective and same sex. Eight thousand and eighty-two college students from southern Brazil answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, a prejudice against sexual and gender diversity scale and randomly gave their opinion about homosexual; homoaffective; or, same sex marriage. There were no differences in the level of endorsement of the frames, however, groups historically associated with lower support to sexual and gender diversity, and those with more negative attitudes towards sexual and gender diversity endorsed least these unions. Therefore, the way the question is framed does not influence the endorsement to legal recognition of same-sex unions.

Efecto de configuración se refiere al impacto que la manera de presentar un tema tiene en la opinión. La investigación estudió el efecto de configuración en el respaldo del reconocimiento jurídico de las uniones entre personas del mismo sexo en una población universitaria brasileña formada por personas con diferentes niveles de prejuicio. Si utilizó distintos marcos: homoafectivo, homosexual y personas del mismo sexo. Ocho mil ochenta y dos estudiantes universitarios en el sur de Brasil respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, escala de prejuicio en contra de la diversidad sexual y de género y de forma aleatoria dieron sus opiniones sobre el tema. No hubo diferencias en el nivel de respaldo de los marcos. Sin embargo, grupos históricamente asociados con un menor apoyo a la diversidad sexual y de género y personas con actitudes más negativas hacia la diversidad sexual y de género respaldaron menos estas uniones. Por lo tanto, la forma en que la pregunta se enmarca no influye en el respaldo de la demanda por las uniones de personas del mismo sexo.

Psychology, Social , Marriage/psychology , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Interpersonal Relations
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-497860


Objective To discuss the influence of framing information and time window information upon risk decision making about thrombolysis therapy in patients with cerebral infarction or their relatives in the scenarios of thrombolytic therapy for acute cerebral infarction.Methods Inpatients and outpatients with cerebral infarction or their relatives(n=327) were randomly divided into positive framing group(n=187) and negative framing group(n=140).Every participant underwent risky messages about thrombolytic treatment in three different time windows:0-90 minutes,91-180 minutes and 181-270 minutes.Results In any thrombolytic time window condition,there was no significant difference in thrombolytic tendency of participants between the positive framing group and the negative framing group (0-90 min:x2=1.24,P> 0.05;91-180 minutes:x2 =0.35,P>0.05;181-270 minutes:x2 =0.07,P> 0.05).In a negative framework conditions,compared with the participants receiving thrombolytic information in 181-270 minutes time window,subjects receiving thrombolytic information in 0-90 minutes window were more tolerant of thrombolytic treatment (69.3 % vs 51.5 %,P< 0.0125).Conclusion There are mutual effects of time window and framing information upon participants' preferences for thrombolysis.Different thrombolytic information are presented according to their corresponding time windows.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-470594


Objective Influence of cover statement and clarity of the messages upon risk decision making about thrombolysis therapy in patients with cerebral infarction was discussed in the Scenarios of thrombolytic therapy for acute cerebral infarction.Methods Inpatients and outpatients with cerebral infarction were randomly divided into two groups:detailed / simple cover statement group.Every participant underwent obscure messages and clear messages with only one frame:positive or negative frame.Results In the simple cover statement group,both obscure messages subgroup and clear messages subgroup were not influenced by the framing effect with preference to the risk seeking.In the detailed cover statement group,participants in the clear messages group were not influenced by the framing effect(x 2 =0.19,P>0.05),while the subjects in the obscure messages group were actually affected by the framing effect,with the preference to risk seeking in the positive framework (x 2=7.90,P<0.01).Conclusion The risk decision making about thrombolysis therapy in patients with cerebral infarction is influenced by cover statements and clarity of the messages.To improve the rate of thrombolysis therapy,the patients should be exposed to the obscure messages in the positive framing information under the detailed cover statement.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-426973


ObjectiveTo verify whether the three different framing effects distinguished by Levin still exist in imitatively medical situation.MethodsEstablished medical decision making problems concerning doctor evaluation,medical compliance and treatment options selection.All these problem were described in the gain and loss frames.300 volunteers were randomly assigned to six groups.Every volunteer completed 2 decision making problems and evaluated their degrees of certainty.ResultsIf doctors were described in valid number,people tended to make more positive evaluations than described in invalid number( x2 =32.09,P < 0.01 ).If treatment options were described in survival rates,people tended to choose adventure option of long-term benefit,otherwise people tended to choose conservative option of short-term benefit( x2 =25.92 P < 0.01 ).If doctors' advices were respectively described in damaging or beneficial frames,the former one has better compliance (x2 =11.07,P <0.01 ).Parts of the deferences between the decision making confidence of choosing the adventure or conservative options were significant ( t attribute,positive =3.84,P < 0.01 ; t goal,negative =6.44,P < 0.01 ; t risky,positive =6.57,P <0.01 ).People were likely to be more confident with these options conforming to the framing effect.Conclusion-Framing effect exists in imitatively medical situation.

Psicol. reflex. crit ; 25(1): 174-181, 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-624435


O efeito de configuração de objetivos refere-se ao achado de que distintas formas de apresentação de um mesmo conteúdo de comunicação tendem a gerar diferentes graus de persuasão nos consumidores. Esse resultado parece um reflexo de respostas automáticas (intuitivas) dadas pelo consumidor frente a menores quantidades de informação. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de um experimento que investigou o impacto da quantidade de informações no efeito de configuração de objetivos. Participaram do experimento 296 estudantes universitários, designados a quatro grupos constituídos em função das variáveis configuração (ganhos e perdas) e quantidade de informações (expandidas e resumidas). Os resultados evidenciaram um efeito de configuração apenas entre as versões resumidas do texto, sendo a configuração de ganhos considerada a mais convincente.

Goal framing effect refers to the finding that different ways of presenting the same content of communication tend to generate different degrees of persuasion among consumers. It seems to be a reflex from automatic (intuitive) responses given by consumers regarding low amounts of information. This research shows the results of an experiment investigating the impact of the amount of information on goal framing effect. In a between-subject design experiment, 296 undergraduates were split in four conditions, being exposed to different text frames (gains and losses) and amounts of information (extended and abbreviated). The results have shown goal framing effect only for the abbreviated versions of the text, being gain frame the most persuasive.

Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Choice Behavior , Cognition , /analysis , Universities , Students/psychology
Saúde Soc ; 19(3): 685-697, jul.-set. 2010. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-566404


Este estudo realizou um teste experimental envolvendo o efeito framing. Segundo a Teoria dos Prospectos, o efeito framing é a possibilidade de influenciar a decisão de um indivíduo sem distorcer a informação ou suprimi-la por meio de mudanças sutis na estruturação do problema. Foi testada a hipótese de que um folheto enfatizando as consequências negativas de não se prevenir contra o estresse seria mais persuasivo do que um folheto que enfatizasse as consequências positivas de se prevenir. Estudos anteriores, que examinaram o efeito framing na estruturação de mensagens persuasivas, produziram resultados variados. Esta pesquisa explorou as explicações teóricas para os resultados obtidos em campanhas relacionadas à saúde. Estudantes brasileiros de programas de pós-graduação foram expostos a um folheto estruturado negativamente, a um folheto estruturado positivamente ou a um folheto simplesmente informativo sobre o estresse. Atitudes em relação às recomendações para prevenir-se contra estresse e as intenções de segui-las foram medidas. Os resultados obtidos indicam maior persuasão do framing negativo.

This study performed an experimental test involving the framing effect. According to the Prospect Theory, the framing effect is the possibility of influencing an individual's decision without distorting the information or suppressing it, but by means of subtle changes in the way the problem is presented. We tested the hypothesis that a brochure emphasizing the negative consequences of not protecting oneself against stress would be more persuasive than a brochure emphasizing the positive consequences of this attitude. Prior studies, which examined the framing effect in structuring persuasive messages, have produced varied results. This study explored the theoretical explanations for results obtained in health campaigns. Brazilian postgraduate students were exposed to a negatively structured brochure, a positively structured brochure or a brochure that merely informed about stress. Attitudes concerning recommendations to protect oneself from stress and the intentions of following them were measured. The results indicate that the negative framing is more persuasive.

Stress, Physiological , Product Labeling