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JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES ; (4): 63-76, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1032068


ObjectiveThis study aims to explore the association between different genotypes of WT1 gene variations and the phenotypes of Denys-Drash syndrome (DDS) and Frasier syndrome (FS).MethodsThrough searching and summarizing the case information of WT1 gene variations recorded in NCBI PubMed and CNKI databases from January 1, 1991 to October 31, 2023, we analyzed the association between variation types, occurrence locations, and phenotypes such as progressive renal function impairment, genitourinary developmental abnormalities, nephroblastoma, and gonadal tumors between DDS and FS.ResultsA total of 128 articles, including 304 subjects, were included in this study, and 86 pathogenic variations of the WT1 gene were detected.The distribution characteristics of these variations were as follows: the most common occurrence was in exon 9(24/86, 27.9%) and exon 8 (23/86, 26.7%); the most common variation type was missense mutation(51/86, 59.3%), followed by splice site mutation (13/86, 15.1%).The disease types caused by WT1 gene variations were as follows: DDS had the highest number of cases (174/304, 57.2%), followed by FS (83/304, 27.3%); DDS was mainly caused by missense mutations on exon 9 and exon 8 (143/174, 82.2%), while FS was mainly caused by splice site mutations on intron 9 (76/83, 91.6%).ConclusionsThe missense variants in exon 9 and exon 8 on the WT1 gene mainly resulted in DDS, while the splice variants in intron 9 mainly resulted in FS. Infants and children with progressive renal injury should undergo a comprehensive evaluation of the genitourinary system, and early genetic diagnosis should be established to improve prognosis.

JOURNAL OF RARE DISEASES ; (4): 63-76, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006919


ObjectiveThis study aims to explore the association between different genotypes of WT1 gene variations and the phenotypes of Denys-Drash syndrome (DDS) and Frasier syndrome (FS).MethodsThrough searching and summarizing the case information of WT1 gene variations recorded in NCBI PubMed and CNKI databases from January 1, 1991 to October 31, 2023, we analyzed the association between variation types, occurrence locations, and phenotypes such as progressive renal function impairment, genitourinary developmental abnormalities, nephroblastoma, and gonadal tumors between DDS and FS.ResultsA total of 128 articles, including 304 subjects, were included in this study, and 86 pathogenic variations of the WT1 gene were detected.The distribution characteristics of these variations were as follows: the most common occurrence was in exon 9(24/86, 27.9%) and exon 8 (23/86, 26.7%); the most common variation type was missense mutation(51/86, 59.3%), followed by splice site mutation (13/86, 15.1%).The disease types caused by WT1 gene variations were as follows: DDS had the highest number of cases (174/304, 57.2%), followed by FS (83/304, 27.3%); DDS was mainly caused by missense mutations on exon 9 and exon 8 (143/174, 82.2%), while FS was mainly caused by splice site mutations on intron 9 (76/83, 91.6%).ConclusionsThe missense variants in exon 9 and exon 8 on the WT1 gene mainly resulted in DDS, while the splice variants in intron 9 mainly resulted in FS. Infants and children with progressive renal injury should undergo a comprehensive evaluation of the genitourinary system, and early genetic diagnosis should be established to improve prognosis.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(1): 50-56, ene. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430451


Resumen INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome de Frasier es una enfermedad de herencia autosómica dominante con una prevalencia inferior a 1 caso por cada millón de recién nacidos vivos. Hasta la fecha se han descrito unos 150 casos. Este síndrome se caracteriza por pseudohermafroditismo masculino, disgenesia gonadal 46, XY y enfermedad glomerular, todo ello producido por una mutación del gen WT1. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 16 años que consultó por amenorrea primaria y ausencia de caracteres sexuales secundarios. Antecedentes: glomerulonefritis focal segmentaria corticorresistente desde la infancia. En la exploración física se objetivó un estadio Tanner 1. Las pruebas complementarias pusieron de manifiesto la ausencia de útero y anejos y un hipogonadismo hipergonadotrópico con cariotipo 46, XY. Ante los hallazgos se decidió la laparoscopia exploradora y salpingooforectomía bilateral. El informe anatomopatológico fue de disgerminoma de ovario derecho. La sospecha clínica se confirmó en el estudio genético, que reportó una mutación del gen WT1, diagnóstica de síndrome de Frasier. En la actualidad, la paciente recibe tratamiento inmunosupresor y hormonal sustitutivo, con una evolución favorable. CONCLUSIÓN: El diagnóstico temprano del síndrome de Frasier es fundamental en virtud del riesgo asociado de malignidad. La baja frecuencia de la enfermedad y la asociación común con retraso puberal en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas puede favorecer el retraso del diagnóstico. El reporte de los casos diagnosticados de este síndrome, y el tratamiento multidisciplinario son decisivos para mejorar el conocimiento de esta rara enfermedad.

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Frasier Syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited disease with a prevalence of less than 1 per million live births. To date, about 150 cases have been described. This syndrome is characterized by male pseudohermaphroditism, 46, XY gonadal dysgenesis, and glomerular disease, all caused by a mutation of the WT1 gene. It is essential to learn more about this disease, not only because of the high risk of ovarian neoplasia, but also because its early diagnosis will improve the prognosis. CLINICAL CASES: We report the case of a 16-year-old woman who consulted for primary amenorrhea and absence of secondary sexual characteristics. As medical history, she highlighted steroid-resistant focal segmental glomerulonephritis since childhood. The examination revealed Tanner stage 1. Complementary tests revealed the absence of the uterus and adnexa and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with a 46, XY karyotype. Given the findings, it was decided to perform an exploratory laparoscopy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. The anatomopathological result reported dysgerminoma of the right ovary. The clinical suspicion was confirmed by genetic study, which reported a mutation of the WT1 gene, diagnostic of Frasier Syndrome. Currently, the patient undergoes, along with immunosuppressive treatment, hormone replacement therapy, with a favorable evolution. CONCLUSION: Early diagnosis of Frasier Syndrome is essential given the associated risk of malignancy. The low frequency of the disease and the usual association of delayed puberty in patients with chronic diseases may lead to a diagnostic delay. Therefore, reporting the diagnosed cases of this syndrome, as well as its multidisciplinary management, is essential to improve knowledge about this rare disease.

Medisan ; 23(4)jul.-ago. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091120


Se describe el caso clínico de una adolescente de 16 años de edad, con aparente buen estado de salud, quien había sido atendida desde hacía 3 años aproximadamente en la consulta de Pediatría por presentar falta de desarrollo puberal, amenorrea primaria, así como aumento de volumen en miembros inferiores. Se le realizaron los exámenes complementarios pertinentes y dado el conjunto de elementos clínicos que presentaba, incluida una proteinuria significativa asociada a dismorfismos corporales e hipogenitalismo, se consultó el caso con un equipo multidisciplinario, integrado por nefrólogos, endocrinólogos, genetistas y psicólogos. Se le diagnosticó el síndrome de Frasier, como una asociación síndrome nefrótico-disgenesia gonadal.

The case report of a 16 years adolescent with apparent good health state who had been attended approximately for 3 years in the Pediatrics service to present lack of puberal changes, primary amenorrhoea, as well as increase of volume in lower members is described. The pertinent and complementary examinations were carried out and taking into account the group of clinical elements she presented, including a significant proteinuria associated with corporal dysmorfisms and hypogenitalism, the case was exposed to a multidisciplinary team, formed by nephrologists, Endocrinology specialists, geneticists and psychologists. Frasier syndrome was diagnosed, associated to nephrotic syndrome and gonadal dysgenesis.

Adolescent , Frasier Syndrome , Body Dysmorphic Disorders , Gonadal Dysgenesis , Proteinuria , Nephrotic Syndrome
Rev. méd. hered ; 30(1): 40-44, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LIPECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1014344


El síndrome de Frasier es una enfermedad rara producida por la mutación del gen WT1, caracterizado por pseudohermafroditismo masculino, disgenesia gonadal 46XY y enfermedad glomerular. Reportamos el caso de una mujer de 18 años, diagnosticada a los 12 años de síndrome nefrótico con desarrollo precoz de enfermedad renal crónica terminal y requerimiento de diálisis. A los 17 años se le detectó una tumoración abdominal. La laparotomía exploratoria reveló tumoración anexada a la trompa derecha que se extendía hasta la pared posterior del útero. Se le realizó histerectomía abdominal total con salpingo-ooforectomía bilateral. El diagnóstico anátomo-patológico fue disgerminoma. La paciente tenía amenorrea primaria y ausencia de caracteres sexuales secundarios. El estudio de corpúsculo de Barr de células de mucosa bucal fue negativo para cromatina sexual y el cariotipo fue 46, XY (Disgenesia Gonadal). El estudio genético reportó mutación heterocigótica en el intrón 9 del gen WT1. El cuadro es compatible con síndrome de Frasier, primer caso reportado en Perú. (AU)

Frasier´s syndrome is a rare disease caused by a mutation in the WT1 gene and is characterized by male pseudo hermaphroditism, gonadal dysgenesis 46XY and glomerular disease. We report the case of an 18-year-old female patient diagnosed at the age of 12 years of age of nephrotic syndrome who rapidly progressed to chronic failure needing dialysis. At the age of 17-years of age she presented an abdominal tumor, a laparotomy revealed a tumor attached to the right fallopian tube. An hysterectomy with bilateral fallopian tube extirpation, pathological findings revealed a dysgerminoma. The patient had a history of primary amenorrhea and absence of secondary sexual features. The study of Barr´s corpuscle of the oral mucosa was negative for sexual chromatin and the karyotype was 46 XY (gonadal dysgenesis). The genetic study revealed heterozygous mutation in the 9 gene WT1. The clinical presentation is compatible with Frasier´s syndrome, fist time reported in Peru. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Dysgerminoma , Frasier Syndrome , Kidney Failure, Chronic
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 76(1): 67-71, mar. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-788165


Objetivo: Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente femenina de 27 años con enfermedad renal crónica estadio V a los 19 años, en condición pos trasplante renal quien es referida a la consulta de Endocrinología por amenorrea primaria. Presentación del caso: Al examen físico se evidencia: fenotipo femenino armónico, talla normal, vello púbico Tanner IV y axilar presente, mamas Tanner I, cardiopulmonar: sin alteraciones. Abdomen: lesión ocupante de espacio en fosa ilíaca derecha, no doloroso, compatible con riñón intrapélvico y lesión ocupante de espacio en canal inguinal derecho <1cm, no doloroso, móvil, sin hernias inguinales ni lesión ocupante de espacio en hipogastrio. Genitales externos: labios mayores de aspecto y configuración normal, Prader 1, no se palpan tumoraciones. Ecosonograma inguinal y pélvico: Riñón intrapélvico, no se observó útero ni gónadas. Cariotipo 46,XY. Estudio genético: Amplificación por PCR del ADN del gen WT1: sustitución de aminoácido C> T IVS9 + 4. Se realiza gonadectomía bilateral, cuya biopsia reportó: ovotestis bilateral sin gonadoblastoma. Conclusiones: La presencia de trastornos de la diferenciación sexual tipo ovotesticular sin gonadoblastoma, es el primer caso reportado en la literatura venezolana.

Objective: Case report of female patient 27 years old, with stage V chronic kidney disease, and received a living donor kidney transplant at 19 age, who is referred to Endocrine Unit for primary amenorrhea. Case report: Physical examination evidenced: Harmonic female phenotype, normal height, Tanner IV pubic hair and axillary hair present, breast Tanner I, cardiopulmonary: unchanged. Abdomen: Space-occupying lesion in the right iliac fossa, painless, compatible with intrapelvic kidney and space-occupying lesion in the right inguinal canal <1 cm, painless, mobile, without inguinal hernia or space-occupying lesion in lower abdomen. External genitalia: Majora labia with appearance and normal configuration, Prader 1, no palpable tumors. Inguinal and pelvic sonography: intrapelvic kidney, uterus and gonads were not observed. 46, XY karyotype. Genetic study: PCR Amplification DNA of WT1 gene: Amino acid substitution C> T + 4. IVS9. Bilateral gonadectomy was performed, the biopsy reported: Bilateral ovotestis without gonadoblastoma. Conclusion: The presence of disorder of sexual development and ovotestis without gonadoblastoma and germ cell tumor are unusual presentations of this syndrome, is the first case reported in literature.

Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 10(2)abr.-jun. 2011. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-615802


El Tumor de Wilms constituye el más frecuente de los cánceres renales pediátricos, aparece antes de los 5 años de edad y con igual frecuencia en ambos sexos. El gen causante de la enfermedad está localizado en 11p13, se extiende unas 50 kb con 10 exones y sus alteraciones pueden ser tanto genéticas como epigenéticas. Por diferentes mecanismos se originan al menos 24 productos con funciones diversas. Existen otras regiones cromosómicas, cuyas alteraciones pueden dar lugar a la aparición del tumor. En este sentido, el Tumor de Wilms es un ejemplo sobresaliente de heterogeneidad genética. El presente trabajo hace un análisis de los fundamentos moleculares de la enfermedad y presenta a modo de ilustración una breve reseña de los principales síndromes hereditarios con predisposición a presentar este tumor.

Wilm's tumor is the most frequent cancer of the kidney in childhood with onset before five year old. WT gene was mapped in 11p13 and span 50 kb with 10 exons. WT modifications would be either genetics or epigenetics. The gene code for at least 24 isoforms of protein products. Other chromosomes loci whose alterations may be cause of disease have been identified, so Wilm's tumor is a remarkable paradigm of genetic heterogeneity. In this paper an analysis of the molecular basis of the disease is presented and, also, a brief references on main hereditary syndromes which include Wilm's tumor.

Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 52(8): 1236-1243, Nov. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-503288


AIM: To present phenotypic variability of WT1-related disorders. METHODS: Description of clinical and genetic features of five 46,XY patients with WT1 anomalies. RESULTS: Patient 1: newborn with genital ambiguity; he developed Wilms tumor (WT) and chronic renal disease and died at the age of 10 months; the heterozygous 1186G>A mutation compatible with Denys-Drash syndrome was detected in this child. Patients 2 and 3: adolescents with chronic renal disease, primary amenorrhea and hypergonadotrophic hypogonadism; patient 2 had a gonadoblastoma. The heterozygous IVS9+4, C>T mutation, compatible with Frasier syndrome was detected. Patient 4: 9-year-old boy with aniridia, genital ambiguity, dysmorphisms and mental deficiency; a heterozygous 11p deletion, compatible with WAGR syndrome was detected. Patient 5: 2 months old, same diagnosis of patient 4; he developed WT at the age of 8 months. CONCLUSIONS: Constitutional abnormalities of WT1 cause gonadal and renal anomalies and predisposition to neoplasia and must be investigated in patients with ambiguous genitalia, chronic renal disease and(or) Wilms tumors; primary amenorrhea with chronic renal disease; and aniridia, genital ambiguity and dysmorphisms.

OBJETIVO: Descrever a variabilidade fenotípica das anomalias relacionadas ao WT1. MÉTODOS: Descrição das características clínicas e genéticas de cinco pacientes 46,XY com anomalias no WT1. RESULTADOS: Paciente 1: Recém-nascido com ambigüidade genital desenvolveu tumor de Wilms (TW) e insuficiência renal crônica (IRC), com óbito aos 10 meses. Detectada a mutação 1186G>A em heterozigose, compatível com síndrome de Denys-Drash. Pacientes 2 e 3: Adolescentes com IRC, amenorréia primária e hipogonadismo hipergonadotrófico; a paciente 2 apresentava gonadoblastoma. Ambas apresentavam mutação IVS9+4, C>T em heterozigose, característica da síndrome de Frasier. Paciente 4: Idade 9 anos, aniridia, ambigüidade genital, dismorfismos e deficiência mental; deleção 11p, compatível com síndrome WAGR foi encontrada em heterozigose. Paciente 5: Dois meses, mesmo diagnóstico do paciente 4, desenvolveu TW aos 8 meses. CONCLUSÕES: Alterações constitucionais do WT1 determinam anomalias gonadais, renais e predisposição a neoplasias; devem ser pesquisadas em casos de ambigüidade genital associada a IRC e(ou) TW; de amenorréia primária com IRC; e aniridia, ambigüidade genital e dismorfismos.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Frasier Syndrome , Genes, Wilms Tumor , Kidney Neoplasms , WT1 Proteins/genetics , Amenorrhea/diagnosis , Fatal Outcome , Frasier Syndrome/diagnosis , Frasier Syndrome/genetics , Genitalia/abnormalities , Genitalia/pathology , Heterozygote , Kidney Neoplasms/diagnosis , Kidney Neoplasms/genetics , Phenotype , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic/diagnosis