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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754121


Objective To explore composited multiple mediating effects of intolerance of uncertain-ty,generalized anxiety symptoms and obsessive-compulsive symptoms between neuroticism and insomnia. Methods In this study,405 university students were evaluated using several questionnaires,including Ath-ens Insomnia Scale,Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale,the Penn State Worry Questionnaire and Obsessive-com-pulsive. Inventory-Revised and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Scale for Chinese. Results The scores of Athens Insomnia Scale(4. 07±2. 57),Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale(72. 33±14. 42),The Penn State Worry Questionnaire(40. 57±10. 35),Compulsive Activity Checklist-Revised(1. 60±1. 45) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Scal(4. 86±3. 22) were positively correlated with each other(r=0. 18~0. 64,P<0. 01). Model fit indices in SEM were χ2/df=2. 15,P>0. 05;CFI=0. 99;GFI=0. 99;NFI=0. 99;NNFI(TLI)=0. 97;RMSEA=0. 05. The results indicated that neuroticism directly af-fected insomnia ( effect size 0. 125), neuroticism affects insomnia through generalized anxiety symptoms (effect size 0. 082) and obsessive-compulsive symptoms( effect size 0. 053) respectively. Thus,generalized anxiety symptoms and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were parallel mediators. Neuroticism affects general-ized anxiety symptoms through intolerance of uncertainty, and then affected the insomnia ( effect size 0. 022). And neuroticism affected obsessive-compulsive symptoms through intolerance of uncertainty, and then affected the insomnia ( effect size 0. 014). Conclusion The neuroticism personality of university students can influence insomnia through the multiple mediation model of intolerance of uncertainty,general-ized anxiety symptoms and obsessive-compulsive symptoms.