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Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(1): 6-6, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396592


The negative impact of Rhipicephalus microplusinfestations on cattle farming is well-known. The main control method is the use of ixodicides, which have as side effects environmental contamination, the selection of resistant lineages, and toxicity. Their use is also prohibited in systems that produce organic and agroecological food. Such factors reinforce the importance of strengthening researchrelated to the application of homeopathic principles in animal production. Aim: In this setting, this work aimed at assessing the efficacy of the homeopathic therapy to control Rhipicephalus microplusticks in dairy cattle. Methodology: 63 crossbred and Girolando breed cows, 1 and 9 years of age, naturally infested by ticks and created under a semi-intensive system in three farms (1, 2,and 3) were assayed. The animals were divided into three control groups and three treated groups, using the drug product EndectoSigo® (Psorinum12 CH, Sulphur 12CH, Ledum palustre12 CH, Cina12 CH e Apis mell.7CH) at a dose of 10 g/animal/day added to mineral and/or food supplement. The visual counting of teleogines with the size equal to or higher than four millimeters indiameter was performed in the neck or udder area of the animal. Pluviometry and registration of ixodicide baths were performed as well.The means obtained were compared by using ANOVA test and Tukey's test. Results: The mean number of teleogines on farm 1was significantly lower (p<0.05) in the treatment group. As for farms 2 and 3, there was no statistical difference between the groups (treated and control); however, it was observed that two ixodicide baths were required in the control group (farm 2). Thepluviometry did not interfere with the manifestation. Conclusion: It was concluded that the homeopathic treatment has the efficacy required to control this tick in cattle and can be an alternative to the use of chemical ixodicides.

Pest Control , Rhipicephalus , Homeopathy
Rev. bras. psicanál ; 55(2): 27-38, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1288977


A autora examina o controverso relacionamento entre o conceito O de Bion e o misticismo. Acesso a O representa essencialmente um profundo nível de intuição que abarca tanto o território do sonhar quanto o do pensar, uma espécie de "sonho acordado". Controvérsias em torno dessas ideias refletem a crença de alguns analistas de que o misticismo é antitético à ciência, apesar de Bion afirmar claramente que "os Místicos aparecem em qualquer religião, ciência, tempo ou lugar". A autora faz uma clara distinção entre o significado religioso de "místico" e o do ponto de vista psicanalítico de Bion do místico, uma distinção evidente no seu uso do termo "místico" como sinônimo de "gênio" ou "pessoa excepcional". Tanto nas artes quanto nas ciências, essa intuições são estados de mente cultivados por disciplina, trabalho árduo e paixão pela verdade. Exemplos clínicos ilustram essas ideias.

The author examines the controversial relationship between Bion's concept of O and mysticism. Access to O essentially represents a profound level of intuition that straddles the realms of dreaming and thinking, a kind of "waking dream". Controversies surrounding these ideas reflect some analysts' belief that mysticism is antithetical to science, although as Bion clearly states, "Mystics appear in any religion, science, time, or place." The author distinguishes between the religious meaning of "mystic" and Bion's psychoanalytic view of the mystic, a distinction evident in his use of the term "mystic" as synonymous with 'genius" or "exceptional person." Whether in the Arts or Sciences, these intuitions are states of mind cultivated through discipline, hard work, and a passion for truth. Clinical examples illustrate these ideas.

La autora examina la polémica relación entre el concepto O de Bion y el misticismo. Acceso a O representa esencialmente un profundo nivel de intuición que abarca tanto el territorio del soñar como el del pensar, una especie de "sueño despierto". Controversias alrededor de esas ideas reflejan la creencia de algunos analistas de que el misticismo es una antítesis a la ciencia, a pesar de Bion afirmar claramente que "los Místicos aparecen en cualquier religión, ciencia, tiempo, o lugar". La autora distingue entre el significado religioso de "místico" y desde el punto de vista psicoanalítico de Bion de místico, una distinción evidente en su uso del término "místico" como sinónimo de "genio" o "persona excepcional". Tanto en las artes como en las ciencias, esas intuiciones son estados de mente cultivados a través de la disciplina, del trabajo duro, y de la pasión por la verdad. Ejemplos clínicos demuestran esas ideas.

L'auteure examine le rapport controversé entre le concept O de Bion et le mysticisme. L'accès à O représente essentiellement un niveau profond d'intuition qui renferme autant la compétence de rêver que celle de penser - un genre de « rêve éveillé ¼. La croyance de certains analystes qui considèrent que le mysticisme est antithétique à la science, met en évidence des controverses autour de ces idées, bien que Bion ait clairement affirmé que « les Mystiques apparaissent en tout(e) religion, science, temps ou lieux ¼. L'auteure fait une distinction claire entre le sens religieux de « mystique ¼ et le « mystique ¼ en tant que synonyme de « génie ¼ ou de « personne exceptionnelle ¼. Aussi bien chez les arts que chez les sciences, ces intuitions sont des états d'esprit cultivés par l'intermédiaire de la discipline, du travail ardu, et de la passion pour la vérité. Les idées présentées sont illustrées par des exemples cliniques.

Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 58(4): 363-371, dic. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388369


Resumen Desde su niñez Nietzsche padeció de variadas enfermedades y desde esa época intentó aprehender el significado de "¿Qué sentido tiene el enfermar"? 1] Durante sus últimos años desarrolló una demencia progresiva diagnosticada como parálisis progresiva atípica, pero los avances en la genética molecular han puesto en duda el concepto original. 2] Su historia médica consistió en numerosos problemas graves que incluyó cefaleas persistentes, alteraciones gástricas con fuerte impacto en su vida cotidiana, pérdida progresiva de la visión, reumatismo, alteraciones afectivas intermitentes. 3] Ser enfermo para Nietzsche es un proyecto de mundo, el modo y manera en el cual se tornan accesibles los entes para él, que resultó en un estrechamiento, constricción, expansión o modo creativo de ser-en-el-mundo

Nietzsche suffered from his chilhood of several diseases and ever since he tried to apprehend the meaning of the question "What means to be ill"? 1] During his last years a profound progressive dementia evolved diagnosed as atypical paralysis progressiva, but developments in molecular genetics have questioned the original concept. 2] Nietzsche's medical history consisted of several mayor problems including headaches persisting for several hours, gastric disturbances having a major impact on his daily life, a progressive loss of visual acuity, rheumatism, intermittent mood disorders. 3] To be ill for Nietzsche was a world-project, the mode and manner in which beings were accessible to him, that resulted in a narrowing, constricting, expanding or creative way of being-in-the-world.

Humans , Creativity , Dementia , Mental Disorders
J. psicanal ; 53(99): 43-58, jul.-dez. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1287056


As intuições originais de Freud se verticalizaram em aprofundamentos teórico-clínicos e se horizontalizaram tornando-se populares. Em ambos os sentidos, o movimento trouxe novos desafios para a comunicação, tanto em sentido alongado, com o grande público, como em sentido lateral, de diálogo entre pares. Apreensões que privilegiam disjunções, e não cesuras entre novos desenvolvimentos epistemológicos e teorias consagradas, podem contribuir para um sentimento de expansão dispersiva do universo de discurso em psicanálise. Por fim, analisa-se o desafio que representa a vulgarização de formulações geniais, passíveis de um processo de kitschização epistemológica, com subtração de seus aspectos subversivos.

Freud's original intuitions became vertical in theoretical-clinical depths and horizontalized becoming popular. In both directions, the movement brought new challenges for communication, both in an elongated sense, with the general public, and in a lateral sense, of dialogue between peers. Apprehensions that privilege disjunctions, and not caesuras between new epistemological developments and established theories can contribute to a feeling of dispersive expansion of the universe of discourse in psychoanalysis. Finally, we analyze the challenge that represents the vulgarization of brilliant formulations, subject to a process of epistemological kitschization and subtraction of its subversive aspects.

Las intuiciones originales de Freud se volvieron verticales en profundidades teórico-clínicas y se horizontalizaron volviéndose populares. En ambas direcciones, el movimiento trajo nuevos retos para la comunicación, tanto en sentido alargado, con el público en general, como en sentido lateral, de diálogo entre pares. Las aprehensiones que privilegian las disyunciones y las no vacilaciones entre los nuevos desarrollos epistemológicos y las teorías establecidas pueden contribuir a un sentimiento de expansión dispersiva del universo del discurso en psicoanálisis. Finalmente, analizamos el desafío que representa la vulgarización de formulaciones brillantes, sometidas a un proceso de kitschización epistemológica y sustracción de sus aspectos subversivos.

Les intuitions originales de Freud sont devenues verticales dans les profondeurs théorico-cliniques et horizontalisées devenant populaires. Dans les deux sens, le mouvement a apporté de nouveaux défis de communication, à la fois dans un sens allongé, avec le grand public, et dans un sens latéral, de dialogue entre pairs. Les appréhensions qui privilégient les disjonctions, et non les césures entre les nouveaux développements épistémologiques et les théories établies peuvent contribuer à un sentiment d'expansion dispersive de l'univers du discours en psychanalyse. Enfin, nous analysons le défi que représente la vulgarisation de formulations brillantes, soumises à un processus de kitschisation épistémologique et de soustraction de ses aspects subversifs.

Psychoanalysis , Knowledge
Ágora (Rio J. Online) ; 20(3): 714-724, set.-dez. 2017.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-904809


Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma leitura psicanalítica de alguns aspectos da vida e obra de Gustav Mahler, de forma a propor uma relação entre a genialidade e a neurose obsessiva que acometia o músico, e sua particular relação com a morte. Em torno de algumas das suas obras, como o ciclo Kindertotenlieder, a 3ª Sinfonia e a 10ª esta última inconclusa, tecemos principalmente a trama edípica em que a morte, fantasiada ou não, se apresenta como possível solução. Um destaque especial é dado ao célebre encontro do compositor com Freud e sua "única" sessão de análise.

This paper aims to make a psychoanalytic reading of Gustav Mahler's life and work, in order to propose a relationship between genius and the obsessional neurosis that affected the musician, and his special relationship with death. Around some Mahler's works, as the cycle Kindertotenlieder, the 3rd and 10th Symphony - these latter unfinished -, we wove primarily oedipal, complex in which death, costumed or not, is presented as a possible solution. Special emphasis is given to the famed meeting of the composer with Freud and his "unique" analysis session.

Music , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder , Psychoanalysis
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 79(1/2): 1-16, 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-788867


No Brasil, a primeira epidemia documentada clínica e laboratorialmente foi em 1981-1982 e desde então vem ocorrendo no Brasil de maneira continuada, intercalando-se com a ocorrência de epidemias, geralmente associadas com a introdução de novos sorotipos. Em Macaé, RJ, ocorreram epidemias em 2002, 2007 e 2010. A Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Macaé vem implementando mecanismos para o efetivo enfrentamento da dengue através de uma política de saúde baseada na intersetorialidade e a partir de 2007 se agregou ao plano de contingência a utilização de medicamento homeopático. No presente artigo são apresentados os resultados da aplicação profilática de medicamentos homeopáticos, assim como os critérios de escolha dos mesmos entre os anos 2007 e 2012. A utilização da homeopatia foi implantada facilmente, com um custo de financiamento condizente às condições socioeconômicas e culturais do país e contou com grande adesão da população...

The first documented dengue epidemic took place in Brazil in 1981-1982; from that time onwards dengue became endemic, with periodic epidemic outbreaks associated with the introduction of new serotypes. In Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, epidemic outbreaks occurred in 2002, 2007 and 2010. The Municipal Health Secretary consequently established an ongoing multi-sector policy for control of dengue, which began to include homeopathy starting 2007. The present article analyzes the results of prophylactic application of homeopathic medicines and the criteria to choose them from 2007 to 2012. Homeopathy was easily implemented, with low cost and was massively accepted by the local population...

Humans , Male , Female , Disease Prevention , Dengue/therapy , Epidemic Gender/prevention & control , Homeopathy
Homeopatia Méx ; 84(697): 5-19, jul.-ago.2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-786723


Existen opiniones controversiales dentro de la Homeopatía en relación con la inmunizacióntradicional, las cuales señalan que ésta puede producir efectos adversos en algún porcentaje de la población que la recibe, e incluso agravar enfermedades crónicas, por lo que se ha propuesto una vacunación con preparados de elementos bacterianos llevados a dinamizaciones homeopáticas en un esquema de vacunación isoprofiláctica que podría sustituir a la vacunación tradicional. En esta publicación, el doctor Teixeira realiza un análisis de este tipo de propuestas, señalando las ventajas y desventajas de las mismas. Desde su propio enfoque analiza también las opiniones que tienen varios organismos internacionales al respecto, y afirma que nada se compara en protección y seguridad a una prescripción homeopática individualizada que siga las premisas epistemológicas de este método.Del mismo modo, el autor establece que, mientras no se tengan estudios clínicos de alta calidad metodológica que demuestren la seguridad y eficacia de una isoprofilaxis, ésta no podrá sustituir a los esquemas de vacunación tradicional...

There are controversial opinions within homeopathy regarding traditional immunization, which refer that this may cause side effects in some percentage of the population receiving it, and may even aggravate some chronic diseases, this has led to propose a vaccination with bacterial elements homeopathically prepared in an isprophylactic vaccination scheme that could replace the traditional vaccination.In this paper, Dr. Texeira performs an analysis of such proposals, showing their advantages and disadvantages. From his own approach he also analyzes the opinions of several international organizations, he says that nothing compares in safety and security as an individualized homeopathic prescription guided by the homeopathic epistemological premises. In the same way, the author states that as long as clinical studies of high methodological quality demonstrating the safety and effectiveness of a isoprofilaxis, don’t exist, this type of prophylaxis cannot replace the traditional vaccination schedules...

Humans , Disease Prevention , Epidemic Gender/prevention & control , Health Promotion , Vaccines/therapeutic use , Communicable Diseases
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175546


Background: Intelligence is the ability to see meaningful relationships between things that includes perceiving, knowing, reasoning and remembering. The study was done to know the duration of preparation, self study hours, academic performance and its association with IQ level of medical students, to state how to shorten the duration of completing MBBS degree. Methods: A cross sectional study done on 300 medical students using structured questionnaire derived from I Q Data collection and appropriate statistical test were applied considering p value ≤ 0.05 as significant. Results: Most of the medical students had near average intelligence (88.3%) , they undergone one to two years preparation for medical entrance exams and devoted much time (>6 hrs) in studies. 10% of the students had higher IQ, spare less time in their self study but were sincere in the classes. Conclusion: Students with near average IQ work hard in their studies and their academic performance was similar to students with higher IQ. So IQ can`t be made the basis for medical entrance; instead giving weight-age to secondary school results and limiting the number of attempts may shorten the time duration for entry and completion of MBBS degree.

Homeopatia Méx ; 84(696): 13-26, Mayo-jun. 2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-786712


La Homeopatía puede utilizarse para la prevención de enfermedades epidémicas (homeoprofilaxis) siempre que los medicamentos sean escogidos individualmente, de acuerdo al ‘principio de semejanza sintomática’ y a la totalidad de los síntomas característicos de una epidemia dada (remedio del ‘genio epidémico’), como demuestran un gran número de ejemplos en la literatura. El uso de nosodes para prevención de epidemias (isoprofilaxis), es decir, escogidos en función del ‘principio de identidad etiológica’, con total omisión de la individualización sintomática y los estudios patogenésicos, no tiene fundamento en el modelo epistemológico homeopático. Hasta que no se disponga de evidencias científicas confiables que atestigüen su eficacia y seguridad, no es posible indicar el remplazo de las vacunas tradicionales por una ‘inmunización isopática’, pues representaría una contravención de los principios bioéticos de ‘beneficencia’ y ‘no-maleficencia’. Aunque es cierto que muchos homeópatas indican sistemáticamente tal remplazo, éste es criticado por instituciones homeopáticas de todo el mundo. En este artículo, discuto más extensamente aspectos epistemológicos, éticos y científicos de estas modalidades de profilaxis que abordé someramente en una revisión anterior...

Homeopathy might be employed for the prevention of epidemic diseases (homeoprophylaxis) provided remedies are selected on an individual basis in compliance with the ‘principle of symptom-based ilitude’ and according to the totality of symptoms peculiar to a given epidemic (remedy of the ‘epidemic genius’ or ‘genus epidemicus’), as countless examples in literature. The use of nosodes for the revention of epidemic diseases (isoprophylaxis), i.e., selected based on the ‘principle of etiological identity’ with full neglect of symptom-based individualization and pathogenetic trials, is not supported by the homeopathic epistemological model. As long as there are no reliable scientific evidences attesting to its efficacy and safety, ‘isopathic immunization’ might not be indicated as a regular placement of classical immunization, as it would mean a transgression of the bioethical principles of ‘beneficence’ and ‘non-maleficence’. Although many homeopathic practitioners systematically indicate that practice, it is condemned by homeopathic institutions worldwide. In this article, I elaborate on epistemological, ethical and scientific features of these disparate approaches to prophylaxis, which I had summarily addressed in a previous review...

Humans , Disease Prevention , Epidemic Gender/prevention & control , Health Promotion , Homeopathy , Isotherapy , /therapeutic use
Chinese Journal of Endemiology ; (12): 429-432, 2014.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-454139


Objective To analyze the prevalent feature and variant tendency of Scrub Typhus in Guangdong Province from 2006 to 2012, and provide a basis of strategy and measure on prevention and protection of Scrub Typhus. Methods Clinical information of all individual cases was gained from China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention. Cochran-Armitage trend χ2 test was used to describe the variance of Scrub Typhus incidence and the clinical cases of 2013 were predicted by autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model, while descriptive epidemiological analysis was adopted to describe the endemic distribution, seasonal characteristics and population distribution of Scrub Typhus. Results A total of 8 163 Scrub typhus cases were reported in Guangdong Province from 2006 to 2012. Annual mean incidence of the disease was 1.15/100 000 with the incidence showing an upward tendency (χ2 = 3 191.976, P < 0.01). There were 14 dead clinical cases reported with a fatality rate to be 1.72‰(14/8 163). Totally 3 166 people were predicted to infect Scrub Typhus in 2013 by ARIMA model. The disease was prevalent from the end of May to early October and the peak time was in late August (Z = 2 303.71, P < 0.01). The top five cities developed Scrub Typhus were Zhaoqing, Guangzhou, Yunfu, Shaoguan and Qingyuan. Male-female ratio was 1.00 ∶ 1.08 in all reported cases in which 52.78%(4 309/8 163) of them aged from 40 to 65 years old and 59.30%(4 841/8 163) of them were farmers. Conclusions The incidence of Scrub Typhus is rising in Guangdong Province, with the prevalent peak in summer and autumn, and rural populations are at high risk. The most effective preventions are strengthening health education , enhancing individual protection and protecting key populations in special districts.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-540177


By applying the principle of therapeutic similarity, homeopathy seeks to stimulate the organism to react against its own disturbs. For homeopathic medicines to awaken effective homeostasis responses they must be individualized, this means that they must be chosen according to their similarity to the set of characteristic symptoms in patients. In this way, by aiming at decreasing individual susceptibility predisposing to disease, homeopathic medicines have healing and preventive effects in many human illnesses. On the other hand, homeopathic medicines may have specific indications in the treatment and prevention of epidemic diseases provided they are also chosen according to the particular set of symptoms peculiar to a given epidemic, viz. the so-called ?epidemic genius?, as historical examples show. This update paper discusses the epistemological foundations of Hahnemann?s homeopathy as a preventive medical approach, the scientific evidences supporting its clinical application and the minimum requirements to employ it both therapeutically and preventively in epidemics.

Humans , Collective Diseases , Epidemic Gender , Homeopathy , Isotherapy , Disease Prevention , Health Promotion , Vaccination