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Serv. soc. soc ; 147(2): e, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536881


Resumo: Este artigo problematiza o processo de mercantilização universitária na Espanha, relacionando-o às tendências globais, mediante realização de pesquisa bibliográfica. Destaca o papel crucial desempenhado pela Agência Nacional de Avaliação da Qualidade e Acreditação (ANECA) e a imposição progressiva de fatores de impacto em periódicos científicos como expressão do fortalecimento do denominado capitalismo acadêmico e do trabalho digital nas universidades, no âmbito das reformas universitárias dos anos 2000.

Abstract: This article problematizes the process of university commodification in Spain, relating it to global trends, through bibliographic research. It highlights the crucial role played by the National Agency for Quality Evaluation and Accreditation (ANECA) and the progressive imposition of impact factors in scientific journals as an expression of the strengthening of academic capitalism and digital work in universities, within the framework of the university reforms of the 2000s.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521070


El presente artículo se encuentra enmarcado en un periodo histórico donde se ha derrotado una vez más la posibilidad de mantener la paz. El espectro del conflicto llegó a su punto máximo una guerra fratricida que nadie esperaba y peor aun cuando amenaza con un desenlace de consecuencias catastróficas para la humanidad; por tanto nos volvemos a preguntar ¿por qué la guerra? A quien o a que atribuimos la ruptura de la paz, es difícil comprender las posiciones humanas desde el psicoanálisis, o desde la filosofía de la paz hasta la vieja concepción geopolítica de la guerra. Los Estados a pesar de entender la paz, son llevados a la defensa de sus intereses aunque signifique su propia destrucción, luego el conflicto en su ciclo de la paz a la guerra no puede ser controlado. Actualmente la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania no sólo promueve la preocupación y la reflexión, del por qué la guerra, sino que, debe llegar a posiciones consensuadas de la comunidad internacional que perpetúe la paz imperfecta.

This article is framed in a historical period where the possibility of maintaining peace has once again been defeated. The specter of conflict reached its peak with a fratricidal war that no one expected, and even worse when it threatens a catastrophic outcome for humanity; therefore we ask ourselves again, why war? It is difficult to understand human positions from psychoanalysis to the philosophy of peace to the old geopolitical conception of war, to whom or what we attribute the breakdown of peace. States, despite understanding peace, are led to defend their interests even if it means their own destruction, then the conflict in its cycle from peace to war cannot be controlled. Currently, the war between Russia and Ukraine not only promotes concern and reflection on the reasons for war, but it must also lead to agreed positions of the international community that perpetuate imperfect peace.

Este artigo está inserido em um período histórico em que a possibilidade de manter a paz foi mais uma vez derrotada. O espectro do conflito atingiu seu auge com uma guerra fratricida que ninguém esperava, e pior ainda quando ameaça um desfecho com consequências catastróficas para a humanidade; portanto, voltamos a perguntar: por que a guerra? É difícil entender as posições humanas do psicanálise à filosofia da paz à velha concepção geopolítica da guerra, a quem ou ao que atribuímos a ruptura da paz. Os Estados, apesar de entenderem a paz, são levados a defender seus interesses mesmo que isso signifique sua própria destruição, então o conflito em seu ciclo da paz à guerra não pode ser controlado. Atualmente, a guerra entre Rússia e Ucrânia não só promove a preocupação e a reflexão sobre as razões da guerra, mas também deve levar a posições consensuadas da comunidade internacional que perpetuem a paz imperfeita. politics.

Agora USB ; 19(1): 149-169, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038199


Resumen El eurocentrismo ha fundado su hegemonía como centro de pensamiento mundial en una relación jerárquica que ha gozado de pocos y débiles retadores. A pesar de los esfuerzos de decolonizar la creación del conocimiento no se evidencia aún un cambio significativo en las estructuras geopolíticas del conocimiento globales. Si bien China se presenta como un desafío, una de sus estrategias para lograr la aceptación en el mundo ha sido a su vez, su occidentalización.

Abstract Eurocentrism has founded its hegemony as the center of global thinking in a hierarchical relationship, which has had few and weak challengers. Despite the efforts of decolonizing the creation of knowledge, there is no any evident meaningful change in the geopolitical structures of global knowledge. While China is presented as a challenge, one of its strategies to gain acceptance in the world has been, in turn, its westernization.

Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 49-88, 2018.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-713918


The Korea Association of Health Promotion and Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP), and Taiwan's Chinese Foundation of Health all originated from parasite control organizations. Currently these organizations hold no apparent relations to parasite control activities. However, many of the senior leaderships of these organizations including presidents, have parasitology as their background. Kunii Chojiro (the founder of Japan Association of Parasite Control (JAPC) and JOICFP) explained it as “it all started from worms.” In 1949, Kunii Chojiro established JAPC after personally experienced intestinal parasite infection. The JAPC people conducted mass examination and mass chemotherapy focusing on school children, which allowed them to have sustainable income. In 1965, the Korea Association of Parasite Eradication (KAPE) requested JAPC to assist Korea's parasite control activity. In 1968, when Korea-Japan cooperation for parasite control activity established, Japan's operating procedures were directly absorbed by KAPE. With support from JAPC and official development aid through Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency in Japan (now Japan International Cooperation Agency), Korea successfully controlled parasite infection. Post-war and cold-war geopolitics had a significant impact on Korea-Japan cooperation. In 1960s the president of KAPE, Chong-Chin Lee and Kunii Chojiro were well known figures in population control network. They did understand the importance of population control, but did not agree with the approaches taken by western population control experts. From their point of view, it had to be self-initiated, economically self sustainable grass-root activities rather than top-down activities, as experienced in their parasite control in Japan and Korea. This lead to a new Asian model named “Integrated Program”. Together with their influence in population control network, Kunii and Lee manage to secure the fund from IPPF. Emergence of Integrated Program showed how collective experience of Asia, as well as overlap of networking formed ‘Asian Model’ of public health activities. Kunii and Lee shared the same agenda to enable people to have better life through public health measures. While they funneled money from global population control network, they were more interested in securing sustainability of the parasite control activities. This paper focuses on activities and experiences of Kunii Chojiro and Chong-Chin Lee to show interplay of Cold War geopolitics in Asia led to emergence of Asian network.

Child , Humans , Asia , Asian People , Communicable Disease Control , Drug Therapy , Family Planning Services , Financial Management , Health Promotion , International Cooperation , International Planned Parenthood Federation , Japan , Korea , Leadership , Parasites , Parasitology , Population Control , Public Health
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 24(4): 969-987, out.-dez. 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-892561


Resumo A partir de um estudo empírico sobre a modelagem climática no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, no Brasil, este artigo discute como a prática da modelagem constitui-se em pragmáticas de governo das mudanças climáticas. Discute como tais pragmáticas dirigem-se à atuação geopolítica do Estado no regime internacional de produção do conhecimento climático global. Indica que a modelagem produz formas de leitura dos fenômenos e futuros impactos das mudanças climáticas em escala local, desdobrando-se em racionalidades governamentais de caráter biopolítico. Discute como a tecnociência da modelagem climática é construída como tecnologia e racionalidade governamental do Estado (governamentalidade), processo aqui chamado de tecnopolítica das mudanças climáticas.

Abstract Based on an empirical study of climate modeling at Brazil's Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, the article explores how climate modeling represents a pragmatic government approach in the realm of climate change. The discussion begins with how this pragmatic approach serves the purposes of the geopolitical action of the State within the international framework of global climate knowledge production. It then shows how modeling engenders forms of interpretation of climate change phenomena and future impacts on the local scale and finds expression in governmental rationalities of a biopolitical nature. In short, the discussion is how the technoscience of climate modeling is constructed as a governmental technology and rationality (governmentality) of the State, a process I call the technopolitics of climate change.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Politics , Science , History, 20th Century
Agora USB ; 14(2): 437-450, jul.-dic. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-776802


El presente artículo, trata de confrontar los fundamentos e ideas fuerza que caracterizan la globalización como expresión hegemonizada del modelo de desarrollo capitalista en su fase actual, de corte financiero especulativo y con énfasis predominantemente extractivista, con uno de los factores característicos y determinares de la búsqueda y construcción de idearios e imaginarios de paz en Colombia.

This article aims to compare the foundations and ideas, which characterize globalization as a hegemonic expression of the model of the capitalist development,in its current state, of a speculative and financial type and predominantly extractive, with one of the characteristic and determining factors for the search and the construction of ideologies and imaginaries of peace in Colombia.

Ethics Consultation/classification , Ethics Consultation/ethics , Ethics Consultation/economics , Ethics Consultation/history , Ethics Consultation/standards , Ethics Consultation/trends
Agora USB ; 13(1): 367-402, Ene.-Jun. 2013.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-704366


Este escrito de investigación, esboza los aspectos centrales que pueden ayudar a comprender la importancia geopolítica del territorio colombiano en la guerra mundial por los recursos, el punto de partida indispensable para entender las guerras de agresión contra los pueblos que hoy adelantan las potencias imperialistas, encabezadas por los Estados Unidos.

This research brief outlines the core aspects that can help understand the geopolitical importance of the Colombian territory in the world war for the natural resources, being the essential starting point to understand the wars of aggression against the peoples today, by the imperialist powers, led by the United States.

Humans , Lobbying , Social Control Policies , Politics , Public Policy/trends
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 29(2): 451-476, jul.-dez. 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-660875


Esse ensaio discute relações sociopolíticas e territoriais que recobrem a dinâmica demográfica, os recursos naturais e o exercício do poder em diferentes momentos históricos. A reflexão sobre a China contemporânea e seu desenvolvimento econômico fortemente consumidor de recursos naturais serve de parâmetro para estabelecer conexões com outros tempos históricos nos quais a combinação em tríade poder, recursos e população sempre esteve presente. Quatro tempos históricos são sublinhados: o da passagem do Pleistoceno para o Holoceno; o do florescimento da civilização grega; o da reestruturação europeia do século XVI; e o da arrancada industrializante a partir de fins do século XVIII, que introduziu um longo período de hegemonia econômica europeia. Formas de poder político, população e os recursos de subsistência e de proeminência são cruciais para o entendimento da tessitura de projetos de expansão protagonizados por países europeus e não europeus, especialmente a partir do século XIX, momento em que rivalidades e interesses geopolíticos tornam-se explosivos e estruturam divisões internacionais do trabalho que se reproduziram por muito tempo. As análises e os exemplos arrolados permitem indagar se o ideário expansionista não estaria assumindo hoje novas roupagens, ainda que não mais exclusivamente territorialista. Há fortes indícios de que uma memória coletiva grandiloquente realimenta antigos mitos fundadores que valorizam identidades nacionais em ambientes de pouca racionalidade, nos quais a perspectiva de maximização de lucros e oportunidades contagia a todos.

Este ensayo discute relaciones sociopolíticas y territoriales que recubren la dinámica demográfica, los recursos naturales y el ejercicio del poder en distintos momentos históricos. La reflexión sobre la China contemporánea y su desarrollo económico fuertemente consumidor de recursos naturales sirve como parámetro para establecer conexiones con otros tiempos históricos en los que la combinación en tríada poder, recursos y población siempre estuvo presente. Se subrayan cuatro tiempos históricos: el del paso del Pleistoceno al Holoceno; el del florecimiento de la civilización griega; el de la restructuración europea del siglo XVI; y el del impulso industrializador a partir de fines del siglo XVIII, que introdujo un largo período de hegemonía económica europea. Formas de poder político, población y los recursos de subsistencia y prominencia son cruciales para el entendimiento del tejido de proyectos de expansión protagonizados por países europeos y no europeos, especialmente desde el siglo XIX, momento en el que rivalidades e intereses geopolíticos se hacen explosivos y estructuran divisiones internacionales del trabajo que se reprodujeron durante mucho tiempo. Los análisis y ejemplos presentados permiten indagar si el ideario expansionista no asumiría en la actualidad nuevos ropajes, aunque ya no exclusivamente territorialista. Hay fuertes indicios de que una memoria colectiva grandilocuente realimenta antiguos mitos fundadores que valorizan identidades nacionales en ambientes de poca racionalidad, en los cuales la perspectiva de maximización de ganancia y oportunidades contagia a todos.

The present analysis discusses the sociopolitical and territorial relations that cover the demographic dynamics, natural resources and exercising power at different historical moments. The reflections on contemporary China and its economic development as a strong consumer of natural resources is a parameter for establishing connections with other historical periods in which the combination of power, resources and population as a triad has always been present. Four historical periods are underscored: the passage from Pleistocene to Holocene; the flourishing of the Greek civilization; the 16th Century European restructuring; and the industrializing spurt as of the end of the 18th Century, which introduced a long period of European economic hegemony. Structures of political power, population, and of resources of survival and prominence are crucial in order to understand the organization of expansion projects led by European and non-European countries, especially beginning the 19th century, a moment in which rivalries and geopolitical interests became explosive and organized international labor divisions that reproduced themselves extensively. The analyses and examples described allow questioning if the expansionist ideary is not currently taking over new features, even if no longer exclusively territorialist. There is strong evidence that the grandiloquent collective memory rekindles ancient founding myths that value national identities in barely rational environments, in which the perspective of maximizing profits and opportunities is compelling.

Economic Development , Population Growth , Products Commerce
Korean Journal of Medical History ; : 151-170, 2005.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-115714


The objective of my article is to investigate how the West had strong interest in tropical diseases and developed tropical medicine and hygiene from the 1870s through the 1910s. Its focus is to identify the geopolitical conditions in which the West constructed 'tropical diseases'to extend its imperial interests into non-Western tropical regions. The article has several specific research tasks: first, I attempt to explore the way in which European people transformed their attitudes toward tropical diseases from the sixteenth century to the 1860s. A variety of writings by European physicians are discussed; the second part shows European change in its domestic sanitary situation in relation to its imperial interests in tropical regions. Sanitary hygiene in metropole and colonies are not separate, but interconnected; third, the paper illuminates how the West responded to the spread of 'Asiatic cholera' in the nineteenth century. Cholera provides a typical example for the West to perceive Asian origin of tropical diseases; finally, the article demonstrates that hygienic governance of tropical diseases is the key to imperial dominion over colonies by taking the Panama Canal as an example. Although several European countries such as Spain, Britain, Germany, and France had strong imperial interests in the Panama Canal that might facilitate trade between the Atlantic and the Pacific, they failed to occupy the canal because of their inability to control high prevalence of malaria and yellow fever. Taking advantage of 'tropical medicine, ' the United States succeeded in taking up the canal by eradicating tropical diseases in the canal. It was owing to the scientific development of tropical hygiene and medicine that the West transformed its pessimistic into optimistic position about the colonization of tropical regions. Tropical diseases became the geopolitical reference for Western conceptualization of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Pacific.

Humans , Tropical Medicine/history , Sanitation/history , Hygiene/history , History, 20th Century , History, 19th Century , Europe , Colonialism/history , Cholera/epidemiology , Attitude of Health Personnel
São Paulo perspect ; 16(1): 105-113, jan.-mar. 2002.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-464082


O artigo focaliza o processo de integração hemisférica com base na óptica da política externa dos EUA, procurando chamar a atenção para as relações entre os aspectos políticos e econômicos contidos na questão. Faz ainda algumas considerações sobre as tendências e perspectivas do atual governo Bush.

This article examines the process of hemispheric integration from the perspective of United States foreign policy, while highlighting the relationships between various political and economic aspects of the issue. Further, it offers some observations regarding trends of the current Bush administration.