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Acta bioeth ; 20(2): 181-187, nov. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-728248


Este artículo plantea algunos dilemas importantes en torno a la fertilización in vitro (FIV) y la mujer gestante. En él se contrastan las dos posturas bioéticas predominantes: liberal y conservadora respecto de ambos fenómenos. Se llevó a cabo un análisis cualitativo respecto a las posturas teóricas dominantes y el estado del arte de las tecnologías reproductivas y la gestación subrogada. En conclusión,se propone una figura bioética innovadora en la práctica de la reproducción asistida: un consejero reproductivo que ayude en la toma de decisiones durante el proceso de reproducción artificial de la pareja o persona sola,y sea un interlocutor entre ellos y el especialista. Además, se proponen mínimos éticos para la selección de la mujer gestante.

This paper studies some important dilemmas around in vitro fertilization (IVF) and gestational woman. Two predominant bioethical views are contrasted: liberal and traditional with respect to both phenomena. Qualitative analyses were carried out with respect to dominant theoretical views and the state of the art of reproductive technologies and subrogate pregnancy. As conclusion, an innovative bioethical figure in the practice of assisted reproduction is proposed: a reproductive counselor that helps in decision making during the process of artificial reproduction of the couple or single person to be an interlocutor between the users and the specialist. Furthermore, an ethical minimum for the selection of gestational women is proposed.

Este artigo propõe alguns dilemas importantes em torno da fertilização in vitro (FIV) e a mulher gestante. Nele se contrastam as duas posturas bioéticas predominantes: liberal e conservadora, a respeito de ambos os fenômenos. Foi levada a cabo uma análise qualitativa a respeito das posturas teóricas dominantes e do estado da arte das tecnologias reprodutivas e da gestação substituta. Em conclusão, se propõe uma figura bioética inovadora na prática da reprodução assistida: um conselheiro reprodutivo que ajude na tomada de decisões durante o processo de reprodução artificial do casal ou de apenas uma pessoa, e seja um interlocutor entre eles e o especialista. Ademais, se propõem mínimos éticos para a seleção da mulher gestante.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Bioethics , Directive Counseling , Fertilization in Vitro , Patient Education as Topic , Surrogate Mothers , Reproductive Techniques, Assisted
China Pharmacy ; (12)2007.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-533007


OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the drug utilization and safe medication in gestational women in a hospital. METHODS: The drug utilization in 505 gestational women in a hospital from July 2007 to Jan. 2008 was investigated,with FDA's drug classification system during gestation as control. RESULTS & CONCLUSION: 35.84% of the patients received drugs during gestation;54.01% used drugs in the first 3 gestational months;56.15% used at least 2 kinds of drugs in combination;traditional Chinese medicine or Chinese patent medicines were the first choice for gestational women. The drug use for gestational women was prudent and basically in line with FDA's drug classification system during gestation;however,some drugs which pose risks for fetus were also used. There is as yet no guiding principle for safe medication of gestational women in China,thus it is imperative to establish safe drug use system for gestational women.