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Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 28(2): e2321101, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1439986


ABSTRACT Objective: The primary objective was to compare round multi-strand wire and Ortho-Flex-Tech™ rectangular wire retainers in terms of gingival health. The secondary objectives were to assess plaque/calculus accumulation, and to determine the effectiveness of these retainers in maintaining tooth alignment and their failure rate. Material and Methods: This single-center study was a two-arm parallel randomized clinical trial and was conducted at the Orthodontic clinics in Dental Teaching Center/Jordan University of Science and Technology. Sixty patients, with bonded retention for the mandibular anterior segment after fixed orthodontic treatment, were randomly selected. The sample comprised Caucasian patients with mild to moderate pretreatment crowding in the mandibular anterior region, Class I relationship, treated without extraction of mandibular anterior tooth. In addition, only patients presenting normal overjet and overbite after treatment were included. Intervention: One group received round multi-strand wire retainer (30 patients, average age: 19.7 ± 3.8 years), while the other group received Ortho-Flex-Tech™ retainer (30 patients; average age: 19.3 ± 3.2 years). In both groups, the retainers were bonded to all mandibular anterior teeth from canine to canine. All patients were recalled one year after bracket debonding. Randomization sequence was created using Excel 2010, with a 1:1 allocation, using random block size 4. The allocation sequence was concealed in sequentially numbered, opaque and sealed envelopes. Only participants were blinded to the type of bonded retainer used. The primary outcome was to compare the gingival condition between the two groups. The secondary outcomes were to assess plaque/calculus indices, irregularity index of the mandibular anterior teeth and retainers' failure rate. Comparisons were conducted using Mann-Whitney U test or chi-square test. Statistical significance was predetermined at the p≤ 0.05 level for all tests. Results: Complete data were collected for 46 patients (round multi-strand wire retainer group, n=24 patients; rectangular Ortho-Flex-Tech™ retainer group, n=22 patients). No significant differences were found in the gingival health parameters between the two groups (p>0.05). Ortho-Flex-Tech™ retainers maintained the alignment of mandibular anterior teeth more than multi-strand retainer (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in the failure rate between the two groups (p>0.05). Conclusions: Gingival health parameters and failure rate were not different in both groups. However, Ortho-Flex-Tech™ retainers were more efficient to retain the mandibular incisors than the multi-strand retainers; nevertheless, the difference was not clinically significant.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo principal desse estudo foi comparar a saúde gengival após o uso de dois tipos de contenção: uma feita com fio redondo multifilamentado e outra feita com fio retangular Ortho-Flex-Tech™. Os objetivos secundários foram avaliar o acúmulo de placa/cálculo, determinar a eficácia dessas contenções em manter o alinhamento dos dentes, bem como sua taxa de falha. Material e Métodos: Esse foi um estudo unicêntrico do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado paralelo de dois braços, conduzido nas clínicas ortodônticas do Centro de Ensino Odontológico da Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordânia). Foram selecionados aleatoriamente sessenta pacientes com contenção colada no segmento anterior inferior após tratamento ortodôntico fixo. A amostra foi composta por pacientes caucasianos com apinhamento pré-tratamento leve a moderado na região anterior inferior, relação de Classe I, tratados sem extração de dentes anteriores inferiores. Além disso, foram incluídos apenas os pacientes que apresentavam sobressaliência e sobremordida normais após o tratamento. Intervenção: Um grupo recebeu contenção com fio redondo multifilamentado (30 pacientes, idade média: 19,7 ± 3,8 anos), enquanto o outro grupo recebeu contenção com fio retangular Ortho-Flex-Tech™ (30 pacientes; idade média: 19,3 ± 3,2 anos). Em ambos os grupos, as contenções foram coladas em todos os dentes anteriores inferiores de canino a canino. Todos os pacientes retornaram um ano após a descolagem dos braquetes. A sequência de randomização foi criada no Excel 2010, com uma alocação de 1:1, usando tamanho de bloco aleatório 4. A sequência de alocação foi ocultada em envelopes numerados sequencialmente, opacos e lacrados. Apenas os participantes desconheciam o tipo de contenção usada. O resultado primário foi a comparação dos dois grupos quanto à condição gengival. Os resultados secundários foram a avaliação dos índices de placa/cálculo, índice de irregularidade dos dentes anteriores inferiores e taxa de falha das contenções. As comparações foram realizadas usando o teste U de Mann-Whitney ou o teste qui-quadrado. A significância estatística foi predeterminada ao nível de p≤ 0,05 para todos os testes. Resultados: Dados completos foram coletados para 46 pacientes (grupo de contenção com fio multifilamentado redondo, n=24 pacientes; grupo de contenção com fio retangular Ortho-Flex-Tech™, n=22 pacientes). Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada entre os dois grupos para os parâmetros de saúde gengival (p>0,05). As contenções Ortho-Flex-Tech™ mantiveram mais o alinhamento dos dentes anteriores inferiores do que as contenções com fio multifilamentado (p<0,05). Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada entre os dois grupos quanto à taxa de falha (p>0,05). Conclusões: Os parâmetros de saúde gengival e a taxa de falhas não foram diferentes entre os dois grupos. No entanto, as contenções Ortho-Flex-Tech™ foram mais eficientes em conter os incisivos inferiores do que as contenções com fio multifilamentado; no entanto, essa diferença não foi clinicamente significativa.

Odovtos (En línea) ; 24(3)dic. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1406164


Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the gingival state and presence of red complex bacteria in saliva samples of 12-year-old schoolchildren. A calibrated periodontist evaluated biofilm index (BI) (Silness and Löe, 1964), presence of calculus, and gingival index (GI) (Silness and Löe, 1967) in sixty two 12-year-old students of Carmen Lyra School. Saliva samples were collected from each student. The DNA of each sample was extracted and amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, using specific primers. The BI was 1.18. Calculus was present in 40.40% of the schoolchildren examined; 19.4% was supragingival calculus and 21% both supragingival and subgingival calculus. The GI was 0.97, which according to Silness and Löe is mild gingivitis. Gingivitis was present in 96.8% of the children examined. Regarding the PCR tests: 18 of the samples (31.58%) did not present any of the bacteria analyzed and the remaining 39 samples (68.42%) were positive for at least the presence of red complex bacteria. Within the limitations of this study, it is concluded that the prevalence of gingivitis and calculus is high in the sample examined, and the gingival state observed in the study population, may be related to the presence of red complex bacteria.

Resumen El objetivo de este estudio era determinar el estado gingival y la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo en muestras de saliva de niños de 12 años de la Escuela Carmen Lyra. Una periodoncista calibrada evaluó en 62 estudiantes de 12 años de la Escuela Carmen Lyra, el índice de biofilme (IB) (Silness y Löe, 1964), la presencia de cálculo y el índice gingival (IG) (Silness y Löe, 1967). Se recolectaron muestras de saliva de cada estudiante. El ADN de cada muestra fue extraído y amplificado por medio de la prueba PCR, empleando primers específicos, para determinar la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo. El IB fue de 1.18. El cálculo estuvo presente en el 40.40% de la muestra, se encontró 19.4% de cálculo en supragingival y 21% tanto en supragingival como en subgingival. El IG fue de 0.97, que de acuerdo con Silness y Löe es una gingivitis leve. La gingivitis estuvo presente en el 96.8 % de los niños examinados. Con respecto a las pruebas PCR: 18 de las muestras (31.58 %) no presentaron ninguna de las bacterias analizadas y las 39 muestras restantes (68.42%) fueron positivas por lo menos a la presencia de las bacterias del complejo rojo. Dentro de las limitaciones de este estudio, se concluye que la prevalencia de gingivitis y cálculo es alta en la muestra examinada y el estado gingival observado puede estar relacionado con la presencia de bacterias del complejo rojo.

Humans , Child , Gingival Diseases , Gingivitis/diagnosis , Costa Rica
Odovtos (En línea) ; 22(2)ago. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386476


Abstract: Research on gingival health of 12-year-old schoolchildren in Costa Rica is scarce. Since nutrition is an integral component of oral health, this study aimed to determine gingival status of 12-year-olds at Carmen Lyra Public School, San José, Costa Rica, and correlate these variables with the frequency of intake of different types of food and body mass index (BMI (kg/m2)). Sixty-two 12-year-old schoolchildren were recruited. A periodontist assessed Plaque Index (Silness and Löe,1964), presence of calculus, and Gingival Index (Löe and Silness, 1967). Gingivitis was defined as the presence of bleeding on probing (BOP) on at least one site, and the extent was classified according to the percentage of teeth whose gingiva presented BOP limited: 25-49% of teeth tested; extensive >50% of teeth tested. A semi-quantified food consumption frequency questionnaire was administered. BMI was calculated for each participant. Overall Plaque Index was 1.18. Calculus was present on 40.40% of the sample, 19.4% had supragingival calculus and 21% had either supragingival/subgingival calculus or both. Presence of calculus was related with number of bleeding surfaces (p=0.030). Number of teeth with calculus was related to bleeding(p=0.029), and number of bleeding surfaces (p=0.009). Gingival Index was 0.97, mild gingivitis. Gingivitis was present on 96.8% of children examined. Limited gingivitis was present in 11.5% of children and extensive gingivitis in 88.5%. None of the variables measured differed by gender. No relationships were found between the consumption of starchy foods, animal and vegetable protein sources, fruit, vegetables, fast foods, sugar sweetened beverages and desserts with Plaque Index, calculus, Gingival Index, and BOP. Teeth calculus was related with being overweight (chi- square=0.038). BMI for males was 20.21 and females 20.11. BMI was not related to BOP or calculus. Within the limitations of this pilot study, we concluded the prevalence of gingivitis and calculus is high in the sample examined. A greater sample is needed to determine correlations between the frequency of foods evaluated and gingival health.

Resumen: La investigación sobre la salud gingival en escolares de 12 años en Costa Rica es escasa. Dado que la nutrición es un componente integral de la salud oral, este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el estado de salud gingival de los niños de 12 años de la escuela Carmen Lyra, San José, Costa Rica, y correlacionar estas variables con la frecuencia de ingesta de diferentes tipos de alimentos y el índice de masa corporal (IMC (kg/m2)). Sesenta y dos escolares de 12 años fueron reclutados. Una periodoncista calibrada, evaluó el índice de placa (Silness y Löe, 1964), la presencia de cálculo y el índice gingival (Löe y Silness, 1967). La gingivitis se definió como la presencia de sangrado al sondaje en al menos un sitio. La extensión se clasificó de acuerdo con el porcentaje de dientes que presentaba sangrado al sondaje. Entre un 25-49% de los dientes con sangrado al sondaje, gingivitis limitada y extensiva, si presentaba más del 50% de dientes con sangrado al sondaje. Se administró un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos. El IMC se calculó para cada participante. El índice de placa fue de 1,18. El cálculo estuvo presente en el 40.40% de la muestra, el 19.4% tenía cálculo supragingival y el 21% tenía cálculo supragingival / subgingival o ambos. La presencia de cálculo se relacionó con el número de superficies sangrantes (p=0.030). El número de dientes con cálculo, se relacionó con el sangrado (p=0.029) y el número de superficies sangrantes (p=0.009). El índice gingival fue de 0.97, gingivitis leve. La gingivitis estuvo presente en el 96,8% de los niños examinados. La gingivitis limitada estuvo presente en el 11.5% de los niños y la gingivitis extensa en el 88.5%. Ninguna de las variables evaluadas difirió por género. No se encontraron relaciones entre el consumo de harinas, fuentes de proteínas animales y vegetales, frutas, verduras, comidas rápidas, bebidas azucaradas y postres con el índice de placa, cálculo, índice gingival y sangrado al sondaje. El cálculo se relacionó con el sobrepeso (chi-cuadrado=0.038). El IMC para los hombres fue 20.21 y las mujeres 20.11. El IMC no estaba relacionado con el sangrado al sondaje o cálculo. Dentro de las limitaciones de este estudio piloto, concluimos que la prevalencia de gingivitis y cálculo es alta en la muestra examinada. Se necesita una muestra mayor para determinar las correlaciones entre la ingesta de los diferentes tipos de alimentos evaluados y la salud gingival.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Body Mass Index , Gingival Hemorrhage , Diet, Food, and Nutrition , Costa Rica
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-750830


@#Dental caries and gingivitis are common oral health problems affecting schoolchildren worldwide. Effective tooth brushing in children is fundamental in preventing dental caries and gingivitis and maintaining good oral health. Children routinely present with unsatisfactory oral hygiene due to poor compliance and poor dexterity in tooth brushing. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a novel T-shaped toothbrush in plaque removal and gingival health among children and to obtain feedback regarding its use. Nineteen participants aged 8-10 years who fulfilled the criteria enrolled in this study. The children were taught the proper technique of using the new toothbrush and instructed to use it for a period of 2 weeks. The plaque scores and gingival scores were measured at baseline and after 2 weeks. They were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the use of the toothbrush after 2 weeks. Statistical analysis was performed using t-test. There was a statistically significant (p <0.05) reduction in mean (SD) plaque scores from baseline 1.96 (0.85) to 1.51 (0.75), after 2 weeks. Similarly, mean (SD) gingival scores reduced significantly from 0.20 (0.11) to 0.13 (0.08) over the two-week period. Overall, majority of participants (68% to 89%) gave positive feedback in all aspects regarding the use of T-shaped toothbrush, although 63.2% of them reported having difficulties to handle the T-shaped toothbrush initially. The T-shaped toothbrush can effectively improve oral hygiene in children with acceptable plaque removal and adequate gingival health in children.

Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-156691


Esthetics is of prime concern when replacing any anterior tooth. The prosthesis should resemble the adjacent natural tooth closely. Out of many types of pontic designs, ovate pontic may serve the purpose of providing good esthetics and phonetics. It will maintain interdental papilla and help to maintain good gingival health. In addition to it ovate pontic has an advantage of immediately replacing the missing anterior tooth.

Acta odontol. venez ; 52(3)2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-778005


Dentro de los diagnósticos de las patologías Periodontales, la clasificación número VIII según el último workshop de la Academia Americana de Periodoncia incluye a factores localizados y relacionados con un diente que predisponen a enfermedades gingivales inducidas por la biopelícula o la periodontitis; muchos de estos diagnósticos involucran directamente al espacio biológico. El espacio biológico es una zona variable, ya sea por la edad, el sexo, la pieza dentaria, la posición dentro de la arcada, etc. Sin embargo su función siempre es la misma, servir de soporte y de ser una zona fisiológicamente activa frente a la agresión bacteriana y mecánica. El presente artículo resume las múltiples fuentes de información de la literatura científica para abordar al detalle los aspectos a considerar al momento de diagnosticar las alteraciones del espacio biológico así como los protocolos para el tratamiento que permita su restauración...

Within the diagnoses of periodontal diseases, the classification number VIII according to the last workshop of the American Academy of Periodontology includes tooth localized factors and related that predisposing plaque-induced gingival diseases or Periodontitis, many of these diagnoses involve directly the biological width. Biological width is a variable area, either due to age, sex, the tooth, the position within the arcade, etc. However, its function is always the same, provide support and be a physiologically active zone against bacterial aggression and mechanics. This article summarizes the multiple sources of information in the scientific literature to address in detail the aspects to consider when diagnosing disorders of the biological width and the protocols for the treatment to its restoration or alteration...

Humans , Male , Female , Gingival Diseases/diagnosis , Gingival Diseases/etiology , Epithelial Attachment/anatomy & histology , Connective Tissue/anatomy & histology , Gingival Recession , Pathology, Oral , Periodontal Diseases
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-13589


OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine the effect of a Polycan-calcium gluconate complex on gingival health. METHODS: Forty-one subjects with mild periodontitis (> or =40 years) were divided into two groups: the placebo and test product (Polycan-calcium gluconate complex twice a day for 4 weeks) groups. Oral examination was performed and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) was collected from each subject at baseline and after 4 weeks. Interleukin (IL)-1beta level in the GCF was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Pocket depth and plaque index were significantly decreased in the test group at 4 weeks. The level of IL-1beta and plaque index of the treatment group was significantly lower than of the placebo group. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the above results, Polycan-calcium gluconate complex may inhibit plaque accumulation in the mouth and may have a negative correlation with the level of inflammatory biomarkers. Consequently, gingival health was significantly improved by polycan-calcium gluconate complex.

Biomarkers , Calcium Gluconate , Diagnosis, Oral , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Gingival Crevicular Fluid , Interleukins , Mouth , Periodontitis
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 6(2): 195-200, ago. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-657690


El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la condición periodontal en prótesis fijas singulares (PFS) realizadas en la clínica odontológica Integral del Adulto I y II de la Universidad Mayor de Temuco entre los años 2007 y 2009. Se evaluaron 73 PFS mediante un examen clínico, realizadas en 41 pacientes. Se analizaron las variables: edad, sexo, pieza dentaria, año de atención, año académico en que se realizaron las PFS, material de las prótesis fijas; los parámetros periodontales evaluados en este estudio fueron edema y eritema, sangramiento y recesión gingival. La frecuencia de edema y eritema fue de 81 por ciento, el sangramiento lo encontramos en un 77 por ciento y la recesión gingival en un 27 por ciento. Las mujeres presentaron mayores problemas de los tejidos periodontales con un 85 por ciento de edema y eritema y un 81 por ciento de sangramiento. Las PFS realizadas en el 4to año académico presentaron un 55 por ciento de recesión gingival y las realizadas en el 5to año mostraron un 17 por ciento. En relación al año de atención en el que se realizaron las rehabilitaciones, las PFS realizadas en el año 2007 presentaron un 100 por ciento de inflamación, mientras que en los otros años (2008 y 2009) las PFS presentaron menos daño a nivel gingival. Las piezas más afectadas según la ubicación en la boca, fueron las posteriores con un 84 por ciento de edema y eritema. Respecto al material, las PFS que presentaron más problemas de edema y eritema fueron las de metal cerámica con un 82 por ciento. Del total de los 41 pacientes observados, la mayoría estaban satisfechos con su rehabilitación. Finalmente se puede concluir que no existió evidencia estadísticamente significativa para concluir que existe una asociación entre las variables edad, sexo, año de atención y las variables edema y eritema, sangramiento y recesión gingival. En cambio, si se encontró evidencia estadísticamente significativa entre el cuarto y quinto año académico/ durante el tiempo/...

The aim of this study was to determine the periodontal condition in fixed single prostheses made at Integral Adult Dental Clinic I and II of the Universidad Mayor in Temuco, between the years 2007 and 2009. Seventy-three fixed single prostheses were evaluated by clinical examination, made in 41 patients. Variables were analyzed: age, sex, tooth, year of care, year in which the fixed single prostheses were made, fixed single prostheses material; periodontal parameters evaluated in this study were edema and erythema, bleeding and gingival recession. Edema and erythema's frequency were 81 percent, bleeding in 77 percent and gingival recession in 27 percent. Women presented major problems in periodontal tissues with 85 percent of edema and erythema and 81 percent of bleeding. Fixed single prostheses made in 4th year showed 55 percent of gingival recession and the ones that were made in 5th year showed 17 percent. In relation to the year of care in which the rehabilitations were made, the fixed single prostheses made in 2007 showed 100 percent of inflammation, while in the other years (2008 and 2009) the fixed single prostheses showed less damage at gingival level. The most affected teeth according to the location in the mouth were the back ones with 84 percent of edema and erythema. Regarding material, the fixed single prostheses that showed more edema and erythema problems were the metal-ceramics with 82 percent. Of the total of the 41 patients observed, the majority was satisfied with their rehabilitation. Finally we can conclude that there was no statistically significant evidence to conclude that there is an association between the variables age, sex, year of care and the variables edema and erythema, bleeding and gingival recession. In contrast, if found statistically significant evidence between the 4th and 5th year/ during the time/ years in which the fixed single prostheses and the gingival recession were made.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Periodontal Index , Cross-Sectional Studies , Crowns , Denture, Partial, Fixed/adverse effects , Edema/etiology , Erythema/etiology , Gingival Hemorrhage , Metal Ceramic Alloys , Patient Satisfaction , Gingival Recession/etiology , Treatment Outcome
Rev. clín. pesq. odontol. (Impr.) ; 6(3): 239-247, set.-dez. 2010. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-617390


Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between malocclusion, lip competenceand gingival health among a sample of school children. Material and method: A multi stagesampling technique was used to randomly select 239 school children. Malocclusion was evaluated andgraded from the children’s dental casts using the Dental Aesthetics Index (DAI) and Littles’ IrregularityIndex (LII). The lips were examined for competence according to Jackson’s classifi cation. Gingival healthwas assessed using the Plaque Index and Index of gingival infl ammation. Results: A mean DAI scoreof 26.37 ± 6.67 was obtained while the mean score of the LII was 1.88 ± 1.68 mm. Majority of thechildren (97.1%) had competent lips. Results of correlation tests between DAI scores and the periodontalindices were low and not statistically signifi cant, while that of the LII score and periodontal indiceswere also low but statistically signifi cant (p < 0.05). Conclusion: A cause and effect relationship couldnot be established between malocclusion and gingivitis. A weak correlation exists between malocclusionassessed by the DAI and LII and periodontal indices used. This supports the opinion that prescribingorthodontic treatment solely for the purpose of maintaining periodontal health is not justified.

Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a relação entre má-oclusão, incompetência labial e saúde gengivalnuma amostra de crianças em idade escolar. Material e método: A técnica de amostragem em estágios múltiplos foiutilizada para selecionar aleatoriamente 239 crianças escolares. A má-oclusão foi avaliada e graduada por modelosdentários das crianças utilizando o índice dentário estético (DAI) e o índice de irregularidades de Little (LII). Oslábios foram examinados e classifi cados – quanto à competência – pela classifi cação de Jackson. A saúde gengival foideterminada pelo índice de placas e índice de infl amação gengival. Resultados: O escore médio DAI de 26,37 ± 6,67foi obtido, enquanto o escore médio LII foi 1,88 ± 1,68 mm. A maioria das crianças (97,1%) tinha lábios competentes.Os resultados dos testes de correção entre escores DAI e índices periodontais foram baixos e não estatisticamentesignifi cantes, enquanto o escore LII e os índices periodontais foram também baixos, mas estatisticamente signifi cantes(p < 0,05). Conclusão: Não foi possível estabelecer uma relação de causa e efeito entre má-oclusão e gengivite.Uma correlação fraca existe entre má-oclusão determinada por DAI e LII e os índices periodontais utilizados. Issosuporta a opinião de que prescrever tratamento ortodôntico apenas com a fi nalidade de manter a saúde periodontalnão se justifica.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dental Health Surveys/statistics & numerical data , Gingival Diseases/complications , Lip/physiopathology , Malocclusion/complications , Chi-Square Distribution , Nigeria , Oral Hygiene , Sex Factors